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Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-118767


No abstract available.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133957


Objective     : To describe our preliminary experiences with cordocentesis at Srinagarind HospitalDesing       : A describtive studySetting  : Srinagarind HospitalPatients  : A total of 10 cases of cordocentesis performed from July 1991 to June 1992Measurements : Cordocentesis (Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling under sonographic guidance) for                        prenatal diagnosis was performed at 18 to 38 weeks of gestation on an outpatient basis    without medication. The most common indication was rapid karyotyping in late pregnancy    for fetuses at risk of chromosomal abnormalities.Results : Pure fetal blood was obtained 9 of 10 cases. The complications of the procedures were   minimal. The most common complications were bleeding at puncture site and transient   bradycardia. The laboratory results were reliable.Conclusion : This method would be useful in prenatal diagnosis and therapy of patients in the   northestern region of Thailand especially the fetus at risk of severe thalassemic diseases.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133904


 The objective of this project was to study the attitude and general knowledge of Medical students at Khon Kaen University (KKU), Thailand concerning cigarrette smoking.  The study examines the relationship between knowledge, attitude to smoking and smoking habits.  Certain socio-economic factors known to infulence smoking behaviour were controlled in this study. The population used in this research was the medical students studying in the first and fifth years in the faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Thailand during the academic year 1987-1988.  A total number of 145 responses were returned out of possible 192.  The questionnaires were analysed and the chisquared test was used to test the hypothesis. The study shows that most medical students are nonsmokers with less females smoking than males.  A relationship was found between knowledge of the effects of smoking and year of study.  Fifth year students have greater knowledge than the first years.  A relationship was also found between attitude and year of study; the first year medical students had a better attitude than the fifth years.  In addition, it was discovered that some specific combinations of attitude and opinion have a relationship with smoking habits (non-smokers, daily and occasionally smokers) at a significance level of P

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133812


 There were 423 consecutive pregnant women underwent intrapartum fetal heart rate monitoring at Srinagarind Hospital from January 1985 to December 1986 . Of these 423 tests during the study period 421 (99.5%) were available for study. There was no stillbirth in this series. The incidence of birth asphyxia was 9.1% while the perinatal death rate was 12 per 1000 livebirths. The accuracy of the test in predicing birth asphyxia was 87.4%. Those subjects with positive results had relative risks of 5.3 and 2.6 in developing birth asphyxia and perinatla death respectively. The results of intrapartum fetal heart rate monitoring at Srinagarind Hospital is valid. It can be used to select pregnant women at higher risk in developing fetal distress and birth asphyxia so that special care and appropriate intervention can be taken.

Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University; 2010-05-08.
em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133786


Two cases of FIGO stage IV , inoperable squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva were given primarily with two courses of chemotherapy. The tumor masses in both cases turned to be operable and radical vulvectomy with groin and pelvic nodes and lymph nodes were free of tumor in the first case while the other one had bilateral lymph nodes involved by the tumor and so radio therapy was given. Both patients were in good health and free of disease at the time of last follow-up

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133782


 There were 43 malignant GTD patients who were admitted to Srinagarind Hospital from March 1983 to October 1987. The incidence of the disease was 1 :329 patients (62.8%) had pathological diagnosis of  choriocarcinoma and of invasive mole in 22 cases (51.2%) and 5 cases (11.6%) respectively. 28 patients (65.1%) had metastatic disease. The majority of patients had chemotherapy alone. The remission rates of the patients in non-metastatic, low-risk metastatic and high-risk metastatic were 100 , 50 and 36.8% respectively.There were 16 deaths (37.2%) . Only 6 patients (20.7%) visited for follow up examination program completely. The major problems found in this study were the high mortality rate of the patients, the problem of urinary hCG level analysis and the large proportion of patients not attending the follow up program after treatment.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133697


Background : Thalassemia  is  a  hereditary  anemia  which  is  an  important  health  problem  of  Thailand. About 30-40% of  population  are  carriers  while  1%  of  them  are  diseases.  There  were 1,000 thalassemia   patients  who  received  medical care at  the out  patient  department of Srinagarind  hospital per year. Screening pregnant women for thalassemia  carriers or diseases and hemoglobinopathy is one method in controlling thalassemia.Objective : 1. To study the acceptance of screening for thalassemia in first trimester pregnant women.      2. To study the relation of demograpfic  factors, history  of  preterm  labor, family  history of  thalassemia, with screening acceptance and husbands’s acceptance of screenings and analytical.Design : Descriptive studySetting : Obstetric and Gynecology out patient department, Srinagarind Hospital.Subjects : The 299 first trimester pregnant women who had a first prenatal visit between 29 january and 31 July 1996 were chosen for the study.Measurements : Data was collected  by  questionnaires after the study group had received the information about thalassemia  from brochures. The percentage, mean values and Chi-square  or  Fisher exact  test were used for  data analysis.Results : The  first trimester pregnant  women  who  accepted screening  were 295 cases (98.7%). There were no factures that significantly affected  acceptance. Of  the 155 positive screening pregnant women, 124(80%) had  their  partner tested. The family income was the factor  that  affected  partners’ acceptance.Conclusions : These results  indicate  that the acceptance  of  screening for thalassemia in the first trimester pregnant women including the acceptane of  testing their partners when positive screening was high. This could be one of the effective methods in the thalassemia  prevention program.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133696


Background : Prevalence of births with neural tube defect varies geographically. There is no information about this  issue in Srinagarind  HospitalObjective : To determine  trends  in birth  prevalence of neural tube  defects at  Srinagarind  Hospital  during  19881996 and  clinical  characteristics  of  affected  pregnancies.Design : A  retrospective descriptive  study.Setting : Department  of  Obstetrics   and  Gynecology,  Faculty  of medicine,   Srinagarind  Hospital,  Khon  Kaen University.Subjects : All  44  births  affected  by  neural  tube   defects  from  45,350 total  in  1988-1996.Main outcome measures : birth  prevalence of  individual and all nural  tube defects.Results : Among 44 cases of  neural tube defects, there were 38 cases of anencephaly, 4 cases of cephalocele and 2 cases of spina bifida.  Birth prevalence of neural tube defects was 0.97/1,000 total births with no upward or down ward  trend. Birth prevalence of anencephaly, cephalocele and spina bifida were 0.84, 0.09 and 0.04/1,000 total births respectively. Mean gestatinal age at  delivery was 38 weeks and 22.7% of all  neural tube defects were undiagnosed prenatally.Conclusion : Birth  prevalence of neural tube defects at Srinagarind hospital remained relatively stable. To enhance the fall in birth prevalence, the prenatal screening program for neural tube defects such as routine second trimester ultrasonographic screening should be established in the future.Key words : neural tube defects, birth  prevalence

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133685


Background : Laparoscopically  surgery  has  become  more  and  more  popular  during  recent  years.  Srinagarind  hospital  has  been  offering  laparoscopic  hysterectomy  since  February 1996.Objective : To  study  patient  profiles  in  the  initial  10  cases  of  laparoscopically  assisted  vaginal  hysterectomy  (LAVH) at  Srinagarind  HospitalStudy  design : A  retrospective  descriptive  studySetting : Department  of  Obstetrics  and  Gynecology,  Faculty  of  Medicine,  Srinagarind  Hospital,  Khon  Kaen  UniversitySubjects : 10 cases  with  LAVH  between  February  1996  and  July  1996Main  outcome  measures : Operating  times,  techniques  for  LAVH, 8 cases  were  myoma  uteri,  2  cases  were  recurrent  DUB.  The  average  operating  time  was  2  hours  27  minutes  DUB.  The  average  operating  time  was  2 hours 27 minutes  per  case.  One  case had  torn  dome  of  urinary  bladder  during  surgery,  repaired  by  laparoscopic  suturing.Conclustion : LAVH  is  a  new  technique  for  gynecologic  surgery.  It  needs  gynecologists  with  more  training  and  requires  further  study  to  determine  the  effectiveness  of  the  procedureKey  words : LAVH

Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University; 2010-04-24.
em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133663


Background : The prenatal diagnosis of duodenal obstruction enables clinicians to plan proper obstetric management and early postnatal surgical correction.Objective: To present an case report.Results: We report the case of a 38-year-old woman obstetric ultrasound examination at 31 weeks’ gestation because of the large size of her uterus.  The examination revealed a single live fetus left whose size was consistent with 31 weeks’ gestation.  The fetus had polyhydramnios and the double-bubble sit in its abdomen. Cordocentesis was performed.  Chromosomal examination of the fetal blood revealed trisomy 21.  Preterm delivery occurred at 34 weeks’ gestation and a baby girl weighing 2,460 grams was delivered vaginally. Surgical correction of the duodenal obstruction was carried out.  The cause of the obstruction was an annular pancreas.  The baby died on the fifth postoperative day because of sepsis.Conclusion: Ultrasound was show to be a useful diagnostic toll for the prenatal diagnosis of duodenal obstruction.  It enabled further management to be properly planed. 

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133592


Background : Incidence of births with cleft lip and palate varies geographically. There is no information about this issue at Srinagarind Hospital.Objective : To determine trends in birth incidence of cleft lip and palate at Srinagarind Hospital during 1900-1999 and clinical characteristics of affected pregnancies.Design :  A retrospective descriptive study.Setting : Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen University.Subjects: All 56 births affected by cleft lip and palate from 51,386 live births during 1900-1999.Main outcome Measures: Birth incidence of cleft lip and palate.Results : Among 50 cases of cleft lip and palate, there were 28 cases of cleft lip with cleft palate, 20 cases of isolated cleft lip and 8 case of isolated cleft palate. Birth incidence of cleft lip and palate was 1.1/1,000 live births with no upward and downward trend. Birth incidence of cleft lip with cleft palate, isolated cleft lip and isolated cleft palate were 0.5,0.4,0.2/1,000 live births respectively. Associated malformations were 17.95% and only 1.8% could be prenatally diagnosed.Conclusion: Birth incidence of cleft lip and palate at Srinagarind Hospital remained relatively stable. The increase of effectiveness in prenatal diagnosis of cleft lip and palate by ultrasound would be useful in counseling, prenatal care and preparation for neonatal care of these congenital anomalies.Key words : Cleft lip and palate, birth incidence.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133524


no abstract

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133424


Objective:   To compare severity of pain and determine side effects from digital examination between using Aloe vera gel and K-Y gel as a lubricant.Material and Method: This study included 400 patients who required per vaginal examination from February 1,1999 to June 30, 1999. Aloe vera gel was used as a lubricant in 200 patients and K-Y gel was used in other 200 patients. Visual analogue scale was used to assess the level of pain during digital examination. Mailing questionnaire was used to evaluate side effects during the first week after examination.Results:     There were no significant differences in the level of pain and side effects between using Aloe vera gel and K-Y gel.Conclusion: The level of pain and side effects were not significantly different between using Aloe vera gel and K-Y gel. Therefore, Aloe vera gel should be promoted to be an alternative lubricant for digital examination due to its lower cost.Key words: K-Y gel, Aloe vera gel, lubricant, per vaginal examination

Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University; 2010-03-27.
em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133420


Background : Partial trisomy 14 is an excess long arm of chromosome 14. It is a rare chrmomosomal aberration but it is associated with several fetal abnormalities.  Moreover,  it  is frequently  noted  as  a  cause  of  havitual  abortion.  Prenatal  diagnosis  of  this  abnormality,  therefore,  is  necessary  for  proper  genetic  counseling  and  patient  management.Objective :  To  report  a  case  with  partial  trisomy  14.  Results : We  reported  a  case,  37  years  old,  with  a  past  history  of  3  consecutive  abortions.  This  4th  pregnant  was  prenatal  diagnosis  by   amniocentesis  at  19  weeks  of  gestation.  Giemsa  banding  and  husband  were  genetic  counseled   and  decide  to  terminate.  The  phenotypic  change of  fetus  at  autopsy  was  a  narrow  and  small  chin.  Other  organs  were  grossly  unremarkable.Conclusion : Prenatal  detection  of  fetal  chromosomal  of  fetal  chromosome  abnormality  is  useful  for  obstetrician  and  gynecologist  to  genetic  counsel  and  manage  patient  appropriately.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133333


abstract in pdf file

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133324


Objective   :   To  evaluate  the  prevalence  of  congenital  anomalies   at  Srinagarind  Hospital.      Design   :   Descriptive  study   by   prospective  data  collection.Setting   : Srinagarind  Hospital,   Khon  Kaen  University.Subjective   :   All   mothers  and  their  anomalous  infants   who   were  born   at  Srinagarind  Hospital   between  1st  April   1997  and  31st  March   1998 . Intervention   :   Data  collection  of  the  anomalous  infants  and  their  mothers.  Main  outcome  measures   :   Prevalence  of congenital  anomalies .Results   :   This study revealed a 2.2 percent prevalence of congenital anomalies at Srinagarind Hospital during the study period (120 cases out of  5,420 total births). Among anomalous newborn cases, the male to female ratio was 1.7:1.  Seventy  eight  percent  of the anomalous infants were  considered  malformation .   Syndrome, sequence,  dysplasia,    deformation , association  and  disruption  were  found  to  be 11.7, 5.8, 1.7, 0.8, 0.8 and 0.8  percent  respectively.  Major  and  minor  congenital  anomalies were  found  to  be  64.2  and  35.8  percent respectively.  Common  major  congenital  anomalies  were  the abnormalities of gastrointestinal  system,     cardiovascular  system , chromosomal  abnormality ,  musculoskeletal  system  and  central  nervous  system  respectively.   Conclusion   :   Prevalence  of  congenital  anomalies  was  not  uncommon.  To  avoid    congenital  anomalies  or  provide proper  obstetrical  management ,  prenatal  diagnosis  should  be  offered  in  all  pregnant  women  especially  in  high-risk  groups.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133322


Background : Anemia is the most common hematological disorder in pregnant woman. Early diagnosis and cause identificaion of anemia could be useful for correction  and treatment of this condition and subsequently reduction of maternal and neonatal complications.Objective : To assess the prevalence of anemia and risk factors in pregnant women having their first antenatal cares at Srinagarind Hospital. Design : A descriptive and analytical study.Setting : Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Medicine, Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen University.Subjects : The total of 464 pregnant women who had their first antenatal care at Srinagarind Hospital form November 1, 1995 to March 31, 1996. Main outcome measures : Hemoglobin level less than 11 g/dl in all gestational age.Results : The prevalence of anemia in pregnant women is 23.49% if the criteria was Hb

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-133258


Objective:  To determine the prevalence of chlamydial infection in the lower genital tract, patient demographics and reproductive health, among infertile women being treated at Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen University, Thailand.Design:  Descriptive studySetting:  Infertility Clinic, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Srinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen University, Thailand.Subjects:  Infertile women attending the Clinic between June 2000 and June 2001.Methods:  Screening for Chlamydial trachomatis was initiated at Srinagarind Hospital's Infertility Clinic in June 2000.  Specimens were taken by endocervical swabs at the first visit from 70 consecutive patients for PCR and GENPROBE testing. Demographic and reproductive health data were recorded.Outcome measurement:  The prevalence of chlamydial infection in the lower genital tract in infertile women being treated at the Hospital.Results:  The overall chlamydial infection rate was 1.43% (0.04-7.70 95% CI). The average of studied women was 29.6 years.  The proportion of primary and secondary infertility was 81.4 and 18.6 %, respectively.  The average length of infertility was 4.6 years.  Only 28.6% of the consecutive women had previously used contraception of which 85% was a combined contraceptive tablets.Conclusion:  The prevalence of chlamydial infection in the lower genital tract of infertile women at Srinagarind Hospital was 1.43%. Keywords:  Chlamydial infection; Infertile women