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Biosci. j. (Online) ; 37: e37012, Jan.-Dec. 2021. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1358679


The objective was to evaluate weed phytosociology and similarities between crop management systems in the Chapadões region. The experiment was conducted at in agricultural area located in the municipality of Chapadão do Sul, MS, during the 2016/17 harvest. Three crop managements strategies were used: (1) cotton/soybean/Urochloa, (2) millet/soybean/millet and (3) millet/soybean/crotalaria. A phytosociological survey of weeds was carried out during soybean cultivation and cover crops growth, in succession. The evaluation area for each management strategy was 0.5 ha. Soybean surveys were carried out in October and January, while the cover crop surveys were performed in February and May. The relative frequency (RF), relative density (RD), relative abundance (AR), and relative importance (RI) of weeds, Venn diagram, and Jaccard and Sorenson similarity indices were evaluated. The management area represented by the cotton/soybean/Urochloa rotation had fewer weed species than others. The species Cenchrus echinatus, Digitaria insularis, Digitaria sanguinalis, Eleusine indica and Commelina benghalensis had the highest phytosociological indeces among the monocotyledons. Attention is required for managing the dicotyledons Amaranthus deflexus, Conyza canadensis and Senna obtusifolia despite their low indices because of herbicide resistant cases. The highest indeces of similarity were found between managements areas 2 and 3, which did not rely on cotton cultivation prior to soybeans.

Técnicas de Cultura , Plantas Daninhas/classificação
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 29(1): 59-64, jan./feb. 2013. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-914362


Quando herbicidas com o mesmo mecanismo de ação são utilizados repetidamente por vários anos, biótipos resistentes de plantas daninhas, de ocorrência natural, podem sobreviver ao tratamento, propagar e passar a dominar a área. Objetivou-se com este trabalho identificar e mapear as plantas de picão preto (Bidens pilosa) resistente aos herbicidas inibidores da ALS (acetolactatosintase) na região Sul Mato-Grossense. Foi utilizado o método de contorno das reboleiras, que se define pelo caminhamento ao redor das áreas de ocorrência da planta. Biótipos de picão preto foram avaliados em relação a sua resistência aos herbicidas inibidores de ALS pela utilização de dosagens crescentes de um herbicida em parcelas experimentais instaladas na área. A metodologia testada para o mapeamento de picão preto pelo contorno das reboleiras foi eficaz para as condições avaliadas. O mapa geoespacial da planta daninha foi obtido, possibilitando seu uso para a aplicação localizada de herbicidas. Houve regiões do talhão onde o picão preto não estava presente. A área em estudo estava infestada de biótipos de picão preto com alguma resistência ao herbicida utilizado, que não fora eficaz.

When herbicides with the same action mechanism are used repeatedly for several years, the herbicide resistant weeds can survive the treatment, propagate and dominate the area. The aim of this work was to identify and to map the patches of hairy beggarticks (Bidenspilosa) resistant to ALS inhibitors (acetolactate synthase) in the Mato Grosso do Sul region. Weed patch contour method was used to mapping, which is defined by walking around the weed patch. Hairy beggarticks biotypes were evaluated for their resistance to ALS inhibitors according to the increment on the doses of an herbicide on experimental field plot in the mapped area. The method used for hairy beggar ticks mapping by weed patch contour was considered effective under the evaluated conditions, and the geospatial weed map was obtained, allowing the patch spraying. There were areas of the field free of hairy beggar ticks. The studied field area was infested by hairy beggarticksbiotypes resistant to the applied herbicide, which was not efficient.

Produção Agrícola , Bidens , Plantas Daninhas , Herbicidas