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Mongolian Pharmacy and Pharmacology ; : 55-2013.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-976008


Introduction: In recent times, human tend use natural drugs which have low toxicity effect. We found out many drugs used in Mongolian and Tibetan traditional medicine.The genus Polygala (Polygalaceae) is represented in Mongolia by only three species (P.tenuifolia Willd, P.sibirica L, P.hybrida DC). These are well- known traditional Mongolian herbs, especially Tibetan medicine and modern medicine used for treatment of many diseases, such as prevent dementia and brain protection effects, antitumor activity and influenza, pneumonia, pharyngitis, heart disease and dysentery, and used as an antiphlogistic and for detoxification, expectoration. Some researchers have reported [4] phenols and triterpenes from this plant.In Mongolia, P.tenuifolia Willd, P.sibirica L, P.hybrida DC are distributed widely in various areas such as khangai, khentii, khubsgul at al.These plants are substituted by Tibetan lanceta (Lancea tibetica Thoms. Scrophulariaceae. The Tibetan medicinal plant used for many disease in oriental medicine such as Tibetan, Chinese and Mongolian.Furthermore, this plant grows only in Tibetan autonomic region of China and Mongolia.The flowers, leaves and fruit are used in Tibetan and Mongolian medicine, they are said to have a sweet and bitter taste with a cooling potency. They are used in the treatment of pulmonary disorders. The fruit is used to treat heart disorders and retention of the menses, whilst the leaves are used for healing wounds.General Description of Lancea tibetica; Herbs, 3-10 cm tall, glabrous except for petioles. Rhizomes to 10 cm long, with a pair of membranous scales on each node. Leaves 6-10, rosulate; leaf blade obovate, obovate- ob-long, or spatulate, 2-8 cm long, subleathery, base tapering, margin entire or obscurely and sparsely toothed, apex obtuse and usually apiculate. Flowers in fascicles of 3-5 or in a raceme; bracts subulate- lanceolate. Calyx, leathery; lobes subulate-triangular. Corolla dark blue to purple, 1.5-2.5 cm long, tube 1-1.3 cm long; throat yellowish and/or with purple dots; lower lip middle lobe entire; upper lip erect, deeply 2-lobed. Stamens inserted near middle of tube; filaments glabrous. Fruit red to dark purple, ovoid, included in persistent calyx. Seeds numerous, brownish yellow, oblong.Future our experimental purpose is comparative study in chemical and biological activities these two plants, Polygala Hybrida DC & Lancea tibetica Thoms which are grow in Mongolia.