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Innovation ; : 32-36, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-686869


@#BACKGROUND: Assessing the customer’s satisfaction of the health care services, professional organizations suggest the special methods to study what they want and don’t want and how much can pay for the service. For this purpose, we conducted the study to determine the satisfaction of the customers of Darkhan-Uul province health care organizations in 2016, according to the international experience. The survey was conducted in the Darkhan-Uul province Health Department, in general hospitals, public and private medical institutions in 2015 and 2016 respectively. On the basis of a unified methodology according to the order of the Ministry of Health No. 13 of 2014, the survey was conducted on the basis of a special questionnaire prepared in accordance with articles 22 and 23 of the Minister of Health No. 448. The results of the consumer survey, customer satisfaction in Darhan-Uul province by 2016 were higher than in 2015, a good estimate of 1.4%, an average rating of 10.4% and below was a poor estimate of 11.8%. The survey shows the need to consider the issue of equality, which is a key issue in the field of human rights, the formulation of political environments and the regulation of their situation.

Journal of Surgery ; : 25-29, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975565


Introduction: We began treatment ofmulti drug resistant tuberculosis first from2003. At that time there was a 1960 cases andmost of the cases were from Ulaanbaatar,Darkhan, Selenge, Tuv, Dornod provinces.From all the cases only 62% or 1058 caseswere included in treatment. From that 336patient or 19% deceased, 296 patient or 18%didn’t get a treatment. We did this studybecause there were never done any researchor study of surgical treatment of multi drugresistant tuberculosis in Mongolia.Materials and Methods: We studiedcases of patients who undergone lobectomy,since 2007. There were 48 cases of 46patients, 2 patients surgery were done onboth sides. Respondents aged between 14-45, 25 male (52%), 23 female (48%), allpatients got a first - line anti-tuberculosistreatment, such as cat-1, cat-1+cat-2 and 10variants of these drugs. It was done basedon sputum culture test results of NCCDTB surveillance and research department’slaboratory.Results: From the all patients only77.08% had undergone surgery within thefirst 3 years. 92% patients were diagnosedwith multi drug resistance TB only with thesputum and sputum culture test results, andthe rest of the patients were diagnosedusing a tissue analyses on the above tests.It was revealed that HR resistant -91.66%,HR+(Z,E,S) -3 drugs resistant -18.78%,HR+(ZSE)-4 or 5 drugs resistant. In thepatients TB lesion locations was on the rightupper lobe 54%, left upper lobe 31%, ona both upper lobes 85%, cavernous fibrosistubercles 60%, combined TB lesions 77%,tubercles 21%.87.5% of total patientsreceived a multi - drug resistant TB treatmentbetween 7 - 24 months prior surgery.All 48 patients had a totally 69 surgeries.Surgeries included 9% pneumonectomy,28% lobectomy, 30% Wedge resection,23% pleurectomy decortication, 7% Wedgeresection on both sides, one bilobectomy.There were no complications during thesurgery but 5 of patients had an empyemaafter surgery. No fatal cases.Three patientsout of 5 who had a surgery due to pulmonaryhemorrhage developed an empyema aftersurgery. Drainage tubes were taken afterthe surgery within 2-3 months.Therewere nocomplication and escalations in the patientswho received a surgical treatment, after thesurgery from 6 months to 5 years.Conclusion: In study it shows that surgicaltreatment is effective to do after 6 monthsof anti-tuberculosis drug treatment in multi -drug resistant TB patients.Also it shows thatcombining of medical and surgical treatmentis healing up to 98% in the patients whowere rightly chosen according to surgicalindications.This research result shows that inour country multi - drug resistant TB surgicaltreatment complication is only 10.41%,which is below in the other countries whohave same anti-tuberculosis drug treatment.

Journal of Surgery ; : 25-29, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-631311


Introduction: We began treatment of multi drug resistant tuberculosis first from 2003. At that time there was a 1960 cases and most of the cases were from Ulaanbaatar, Darkhan, Selenge, Tuv, Dornod provinces. From all the cases only 62% or 1058 cases were included in treatment. From that 336 patient or 19% deceased, 296 patient or 18% didn’t get a treatment. We did this study because there were never done any research or study of surgical treatment of multi drug resistant tuberculosis in Mongolia. Materials and Methods: We studied cases of patients who undergone lobectomy, since 2007. There were 48 cases of 46 patients, 2 patients surgery were done on both sides. Respondents aged between 14- 45, 25 male (52%), 23 female (48%), all patients got a first - line anti-tuberculosis treatment, such as cat-1, cat-1+cat-2 and 10 variants of these drugs. It was done based on sputum culture test results of NCCD TB surveillance and research department’s laboratory. Results: From the all patients only 77.08% had undergone surgery within the first 3 years. 92% patients were diagnosed with multi drug resistance TB only with the sputum and sputum culture test results, and the rest of the patients were diagnosed using a tissue analyses on the above tests. It was revealed that HR resistant -91.66%, HR+(Z,E,S) -3 drugs resistant -18.78%, HR+(ZSE)-4 or 5 drugs resistant. In the patients TB lesion locations was on the right upper lobe 54%, left upper lobe 31%, on a both upper lobes 85%, cavernous fibrosis tubercles 60%, combined TB lesions 77%, tubercles 21%.87.5% of total patients received a multi - drug resistant TB treatment between 7 - 24 months prior surgery. All 48 patients had a totally 69 surgeries. Surgeries included 9% pneumonectomy, 28% lobectomy, 30% Wedge resection, 23% pleurectomy decortication, 7% Wedge resection on both sides, one bilobectomy. There were no complications during the surgery but 5 of patients had an empyema after surgery. No fatal cases.Three patients out of 5 who had a surgery due to pulmonary hemorrhage developed an empyema after surgery. Drainage tubes were taken after the surgery within 2-3 months.Therewere no complication and escalations in the patients who received a surgical treatment, after the surgery from 6 months to 5 years. Conclusion: In study it shows that surgical treatment is effective to do after 6 months of anti-tuberculosis drug treatment in multi -drug resistant TB patients.Also it shows that combining of medical and surgical treatment is healing up to 98% in the patients who were rightly chosen according to surgical indications.This research result shows that in our country multi - drug resistant TB surgical treatment complication is only 10.41%, which is below in the other countries who have same anti-tuberculosis drug treatment.