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Medicina (Guayaquil) ; 13(3): 232-240, jun. 2008.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-617690


Las neurofibromatosis, son trastornos de origen genético del sistema nervioso, que afectan al desarrollo y crecimiento de los tejidos de las células neurales; estos trastornos ocasionan tumores que crecen en los nervios y producen otras anormalidades tales como cambios en la piel y deformidades en los huesos, entre otros. Esta patología ocurre en ambos sexos, en todas las razas y grupos étnicos; se las ha clasificado en tipo I y II, aunque existen otros tipos o variantes, pero no están claramente definidas. Presentamos el caso de un paciente sexo masculino, 44 años, que acude para un examen médico preocupacional, y presenta tumoraciones diseminadas, de aspecto nodular, además de manchas color “marrón claro” igualmente diseminadas y deformidad en la columna vertebral; luego del examen físico y placas de rayos X de región dorso-lumbo-sacra, con más de dos criterios a favor, se diagnostica clínicamente Neurofibromatosis tipo 1.

Neurofibromatosis is genetic disorders of the nervous system affecting the development and growth of the neural cells tissues. These disorders produce tumors growing in the nerves and other abnormalities such as changes in the skin and deformities in the bones among others. This pathology, happens in both sexes, in all races and ethnic groups; it has been classified in types I and II, though there are other types and variants, but they are not clearly defined. We present the case of a male patient, 44 years old that comes for a medical exam before being admitted in a new job. He presented disseminated tumors with nodular appearance and “light brown” spots also disseminated and backbone deformity. After physical examination and X-ray of dorsal, lumbar and sacral regions of the spine, with more than two criteria met we make the clinical diagnosis: Nuerofibromatosis Type I.

Masculino , Adulto , Anormalidades Congênitas , Neurofibromatose 1 , Nervo Coclear , Genes da Neurofibromatose 1 , Neurilemoma , Neurofibroma
Salud ment ; 29(4): 30-39, Jul.-Aug. 2006.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-985964


resumen está disponible en el texto completo

Abstract: The work of Charles Bradley done in 1937, which reports the effects of Benzedrine in 30 pediatric patients that had behaviour problems, is a classic document considered by many as the beginning of child psychopharmacotherapy. In spite of a coordinated effort made by the National Institute of Mental Health in the United States carried out by a panel, called "Conferences on Infantile Research in Psychopharmacology", for many years this practice kept being inarticulate. Psychopharmacotherapy in adults with psychiatric diseases has had a different development. During the decade of 1950 substances such as chlorpromazine and tricycle antidepressives started to be used in clinical practice and between 1980 and 1990 new products were developed for treating schizophrenia, depression and mania. Even if there is no such as the "ideal drug", the new psychopharmacological developments have allowed patients to have a better quality of life. In pediatric population the difficulty to conduct controlled clinical tests has been a constant; for this reason the practice of child psychopharmacotherapy keeps facing challenges; also, in the United States several very strict norms have been dictated in order to endorse the security and efficacy of a product for infantile use. Other problems faced today in clinical practice are the excesive use of medications for minors prescribed by people without enough practice and academic information, and also the deficient therapeutic results provoked by wrong prescriptions. But the worst of all are the false promises made to relatives and patients, on the usage of products or substances that have not been tested by a rigorous scientific scrutiny, specially concerning diffused clinical problems such as the Attention Deficit Hyperac-tivity Disorder (ADHD) or Autism. These facts, most of all, determine the rejection and fear for medications and become an adverse variable that we must face continuously. The main objective of this work is to make a review about the general principles that are suggested for a good psychopharmaco-therapy on children and teen-agers, a practice that must always be part of a planned multimode treatment that follows an adequate paidopsychiatric evaluation. A right diagnose will always be important for the appropriate selection of the medication. The development of taxonomies such as those described in the Mental Disorders Statistics and Diagnostic Manual of the American Psychiatric Association or by the International Classification of Diseases of the World Health Organization, have allowed the existence of an order in the ela-boration of paidopsychiatric diagnosis, that even if being mainly descriptive, allow to make a more structured clinical work. The parameters for the psychiatric evaluation of children and teen-agers recommended by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) in 1997 is an example of the importance that proves the attention on minors, its objective is to give a guide without pretending to make it a golden standard. The selection of a medication must be based on two premises: a diagnose of the disorder itself, and on the other hand, the recognition of target symptoms. Considering this interrelation will allow a more acceptable evaluation on the risks and benefits of a phar-macological prescription for children and teenagers. Thus pediatric psychopharmacotherapy must be based on the correlation between the actions and effects of drugs and the biochemical and evolving aspects of the disorder, but it will also be necessary that the professional be aware of the changes that inevitably will take place in the dynamic of absorption, distribution and elimination of the medications according to the stage of the biological child's development. When someone deals with very small children, it is almost impossible for the child psychiatrist to get direct information as it is for children to understand the information that the expert would pretend to give them. This constrains to consider the cognitive and verbal realities proper of each stage of the development, so the direct evaluation of the small patient must be complemented with reports of a multi-informers system. It will be fundamental to consider also that small children have little differentiated emotions and that it must not be ignored that for them concepts such as time and space are difficult to understand. Clinical exploration through recreational activities will be a primordial tool in the daily work with children. It will also be recommendable that the plan of the treatment be organized jointly with the parents of the minor in order to inform them completely about the goals and objectives of the prescription of a drug; the participation of the small patient must be included too. It must not be forgotten that the pharmacological treatment is part of a more integral attention program in which other experts must participate, such as pedagogues, clinical psychologists or language therapists, a fact that will be more common than irregular. The therapeutic adherence is a variable that must be constantly checked. If it is carried out irregularly or the wrong dose of the recommended drug is taken, the presence of symptoms as a result of the abrupt interruption of the medication could be confused with the adverse collateral effects, which would make worse the clinical condition. Pediatric patients must have a complete medical history complemented by a physical and neurological evaluation, which must be included in the registry of vital constants as well as size and weight of the minor; other registers could be more convenient if they are considered to be needed. The support on laboratory surveys plays an important roll and at the present time the recommendation for making an electro-cardiography evaluation previous to the administration of some drugs is more accepted; in this sense it is undoubtedly important to consider the recommendations proposed by the American Association of Cardiology for monitoring the cardiovascular function of children and teen-agers who receive medications after prolonged periods of time. Polypharmacy is a common practice; due to this fact, the interaction between drug/ drug must be carefully valued. The child psychiatric evaluation must be made with the support of structured or semistructured interviews for the clinical diagnosis and with evaluation scales for measuring the severity of the specific symptoms or global clinical conditions. The strategy for choosing a plan of pharmacological treatment for the pediatric patient must be made individually; in this sense, the development of algorithms for the administration of medications on children and teenagers has been the result of many efforts in order to make prescriptions more rational and neat. The revision of controlled clinical tests on the efficacy and security of these agents in the pediatric population is fundamental for the election of a prescription. The responsibility of the professional that prescribes a medication devolves on structuring a plan of formal treatment and an individualized monitoring according to the stages of the treatment (beginning, maintenance and interruption ). As it is expected, the expert must reach the maximum therapeutic benefit in a child or an adolescent with the minimum of collateral effects, evaluating always the risk and the benefits. Some authors recommend the prescription of drugs on children and teen-agers only for short periods of time as the nondesirable effects in long terms are not quite well known. There are no specific times for stopping the administration of a drug. However, it is recommended that during the stages of the treatment, clinical changes in minors be watched and registered rigorously, in order to be able to reduce or stop the dose in the appropriate moment, even in cases of clinical conditions such as schizophrenia, depression or development generalized disorders. The main objective of this clinical work will be that the quality of life of the minor becomes optimum.

Salud ment ; 28(5): 1-10, sep.-oct. 2005.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-985910


resumen está disponible en el texto completo

Summary The diagnostic criteria for the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) have been changing according to international classifications. It is currently included in the ICD-10 as an hyperkinetic disorder and in the DSM-IV as a disorder having its onset during childhood and adolescence. The reported prevalence for ADHD is between 3% and 6%; up to 60% of the patients remain symptomatic through adolescence and adulthood. Population-based surveys of physicians who treat children and adolescents reveal that the rate and the proportion of office visits associated with ADHD are high and have increased over the past decade. This fact points to the need of elaborating clinical guidelines for the treatment of this disorder. Evidence from controlled clinical trials confirms the superiority of medication management for ADHD over behavioral therapy and the combination of medication and behavioral treatment. Stimulants are the most studied drugs for ADHD and constitute the first treatment of choice. Methylphenidate (MPH) is the only stimulant available in Mexico. Its mechanism of action is based on the blocking of the dopamine reuptake, which increases the availability of this neurotransmitter in the synaptic cleft. Based on the dopaminergic theories of ADHD, dopamine genes have been the initial candidates for molecular studies regarding response to MPH. Variations of the dopamine D4 receptor gene (DRD4) and the dopamine transporter gene (DAT1) have been related with the response to MPH. The short half life of this drug (less than three hours) supports the shift from once-a-day to twice-a-day or thrice-a-day dosing. The Osmotic Release Oral System (OROS) of MPH allows to maintain therapeutic plasmatic doses with once-a-day dose. Its efficacy and tolerability have been shown in clinical trials. Regarding the long-term effects of MPH, this drug has demonstrated efficacy in a two-year follow-up controlled study. In addition, animal models have shown that the chronic exposure to MPH during developmental periods produces changes in the function of brain dopaminergic cells, as well as changes in behavior. The association between MPH and substance abuse has also been explored. The pharmacokinetic and pharmacodinamic differences between MPH and cocaine, which also acts by blocking the dopamine transporter, were examined: When administered intravenously, MPH, like cocaine, has a reinforcing effects at doses that exceed a 60% dopamine transporter blockade threshold. When administered orally at clinical doses, the pharmacological effects of MPH also exceed this threshold, but reinforcing effects rarely occur. So, the pharmacokinetic properties of MPH in brain differ for oral and intravenous routes of administration, suggesting that the oral administration of MPH mimics the tonic dopamine cell firing, which may be a critical factor associated with clinical effects. In addition, therapeutic doses of MPH do not act at the nucleus accumbens, a brain structure highly associated with reinforcing. These data suggest that oral administration of MPH does not lead to abuse. Follow-up studies have also shown that stimulant therapy is not associated with increased risk of substance abuse. Since 30% of the patients do not respond to stimulant treatment, the efficacy and safety of other drugs have been evaluated. Among them, tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) are considered a good choice for the management of ADHD and conduct disorders. Their half life is longer than that of MPH, which allows a once-a-day or twice-a-day dosing. It has also been described that TCAs are effective for the treatment of comorbid tics. The main disadvantage of these drugs is their effect on cardiac conduction, which has been associated with sudden death. Bupropion is another antidepressant having an effect on dopamine activity. It has shown efficacy for the treatment of ADHD in children, adolescents, and adults, particularly in patients with nicotine dependence, patients with comorbid conduct disorder, or depression. Bupropion is available in a extended-release, once-daily formulation (XL). The main side effects of this antidepressant are the increased risk of seizure development, rash and mild elevation of blood pressure. This drug is not recommended for the treatment of patients with comorbid eating disorders. Venlafaxine (a serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor) and reboxetine (a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor) are recently introduced antidepressants which have shown efficacy in open label trials on patients with and without comorbid depressive disorder. Atomoxetine is another non-stimulant medication; its main mechanism of action is the inhibition or the reuptake of norepinephrine. Several clinical trials have shown its efficacy for the treatment of ADHD in children, adolescents and adults. This drug can also be administered in a single dose; in addition, it has a low potential for cardiotoxicity and a reduction of tic frequency and severity has been reported with its use. It is also recommended for the ADHD comorbid with anxiety or depression. Nausea and decreased appetite are the most common side effects of atomoxetine. Modafinil is another non-stimulant drug which was initially described for the treatment of narcolepsy. This drug increases the dopamine and norepinephrine activity through its direct effect on glutamate and GABA, among other neuromodulators. Some clinical trials have shown its superiority over placebo on ADHD symptoms. The main side effects of modafinil are gastrointestinal distress and insomnia. Clonidine and risperidone are drugs considered as second treatment of choice or adjunctive treatments for patients with comorbidity. Although medication is the first treatment of choice, patients often get benefits from psychosocial interventions, particularly parent training in contingency management methods and classroom applications of contingency management techniques. The value of these measurements lies in the temporary reduction of symptom levels and/or in the reduction of related behavioral and emotional difficulties, such as defiance and conduct problems, depression, low self-esteem, or academic underachievement. Parents' training focus on general contingency management tactics, such as contingent application of reinforcement or punishment following appropriate/inappropriate behaviors. Reinforcement procedures have typically relied on praise or tokens, while punishment methods have usually been the loss of tokens or time-out from reinforcement. The classroom management include a continuous communication with teachers, in order to maintain them informed about the illness and its treatment, as well as training on contingency management tactics. The aforementioned information was used in the elaboration of clinical guidelines for the treatment of youngsters with ADHD, either alone or comorbid with internalizing or externalizing disorders. Another guideline for the management of preschool children with ADHD is included. Psychoeducation follows the assessment of the children in each case. The pharmacological treatment recommendations give priority to monotherapy. Stimulants are the first treatment of choice in each guideline. The use of non-stimulant medications as second choice will depend on the age and comorbidity of patients.

Medicina (Guayaquil) ; 10(3): 199-202, jul. 2005.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-652432


En el área de Emergencia del hospital del IESS, Milagro, la atención a los afiliados del Seguro Social Campesino correspondió al 7.60% del total de las consultas realizadas en esta área durante el año 2003, de los cuales el 8.01% ameritó ingreso hospitalario y el 3.2% fue referido al hospital “Dr. Teodoro Maldonado Carbo”, por tratarse de patologías que requerían tratamiento especializado por su complejidad. Entre las patologías encontradas tenemos que en un 25% correspondió a infecciones del tracto respiratorio superior. (Amigdalitis, síndrome gripal), el 56.7% son de sexo femenino y el grupo etáreo mas atendido es el comprendido entre los 15 a 40 años.

In the emergency room of the IESS hospital, Milagro the attention to members of the Rural Public Health corresponded to 8.56%, of which 8.01% required hospital admission and 3.2% a transfer to the Dr. Theodore Maldonado Carbo hospital, due to more complex pathologies that required specialized treatment. Among the pathologies found, 25% corresponded to high respiratory tract infections. (Tonsillitis, Flu syndrome), 56.7% were female, and the more frequently assisted age group was among 15 to 40 years.

Masculino , Adolescente , Adulto , Feminino , Criança , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Abdome Agudo , Hemorragia Cerebral , Infarto Cerebral , Traumatismo Múltiplo , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Infecções Respiratórias , Saúde da População Rural
Arch. chil. oftalmol ; 59(1): 39-43, 2002. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-362737


Las oftalmomiasis externas son producidas por larvas biontófagas, es decir, que requieren huéspedes vivos para su desarrollo, corresponden a las miasis primarias u obligatorias. Oestrus ovis es la responsable de la mayoría de la miasis conjuntivales. Oestrus ovis es una mosca de distribución universal. La mosca adulta que es vivípara coloca las larvas en las fosas nasales de ovejas y cabras de donde migran a las cavidades sinusales. Ahí se alimentan y crecen, en la primavera migrando a las fosas nasales desde donde caen al suelo. Posteriormente se desarrollan las pulpas y al cabo de 3 a 6 semanas emergen los ejemplares adultos. Mientras ovejas y cabras son los huéspedes naturales de las larvas de oestrus ovis el hombre es un huésped accidental y las larvas se desarrollan en el suelo hasta el primer estadio. Dos pacientes de 22 y 33 años después de haber permanecido en áreas rurales presentaron la sensación de cuerpo extraño, ardor, dolor ocular, fotofobia, edema palpebral, congestión y secreción conjuntival que fueron identificadas como larvas de Oestrus ovis. La oftalmomiasis externa es una miasis importante que debe ser considerada en pacientes de zonas rurales especialmente donde existe crianza de ovejas y cabras

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Olho , Infecções Oculares Parasitárias , Miíase , Zona Rural
Bol. Hosp. San Juan de Dios ; 32(5): 348-52, sept.-oct. 1985. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-29223


En la comuna de Carahue, Novena Región de la Araucaína, se realiza, en 1984, un estudio comparativo del hábito de ingesta etílica en una población de 1.440 adolescentes escolares mapuches y no mapuches, a través de una encuesta autoadministrada. En general, no se observaron diferencias significativas entre ambos grupos étnicos. Encontramos un 89,1% de mapuches y un 92,4% de no mapuches que reconocen haber ingerido algún tipo de alcohol. La edad de inicio del hábito en general fue precoz. La ingesta fue frecuentemente inducida por los padres. Se destaca que un 3,4% de mapuches y un 5,1% de no mapuches son bebedores problema y constituyen el grupo de adolescentes escolares potencialmente alcohólicos. La bebida alcohólica más consumida fue la chicha de manzana. Los autores proponen reforzar los programas de prevención de alcoholismo que ya existen en los Centros Educacionales locales, procurando hacerlos extensivos éstos al grupo familiar

Adolescente , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Consumo de Bebidas Alcoólicas/epidemiologia , Chile , População Rural
Bol. Hosp. San Juan de Dios ; 32(4): 269-73, jul.-ago. 1985. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-30446


En la comuna de Carahue, ubicada en la Novena Región de la Araucanía, ocurrieron 100 partos sin atención profesional en 1984, cifra que corresponde al 16,4% del total de partos de la comuna. De éstos se lograron estudiar 88 casos. La información se obtuvo mediante una encuesta aplicada por los autores, lográndose establecer que el grupo de mayor riesgo está constituido por las multíparas con antecedentes de partos sin atención profesional previos. Se destacó como principal causa de ocurrencia del problema, la falta de interés de las embarazadas para concurrir a la maternidad. Son generalmente las suegras o los esposos los que atienden en gran medida los partos sin atención profesional. Se encontró en los partos sin atención profesional una tasa de mortalidad neonatal de 50 por 1.000 nacidos vivos, cifra que es casi diez veces superior a la registrada en los partos con atención profesional (5,9 por 1.000). Finalmente los autores proponen un sistema de trabajo conducente a disminuir el número de partos sin atención profesional y sus complicaciones

Gravidez , Humanos , Feminino , Parto Domiciliar , População Rural , Chile