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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-201739


Background: Antenatal care (ANC) services are considered to be the crucial element in the primary health care delivery system of a country. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates suggested that almost all of the maternal deaths (99%) and child deaths (98%) occurred in developing countries. These maternal deaths could have been prevented if the pregnant women or adolescent girls had been able to access quality antenatal care. The objectives of the present study were conducted in rural parts of district Amroha, Uttar Pradesh for assessing the patterns of utilization of the ANC services and to ascertain the factors influencing utilization of ANC services.Methods: The present study was a cross sectional in nature. Recently delivered women were selected as study subject. A multi-stage stratified sampling design with random approaches had been used. Total 360 subjects included in the study.Results: Respondents age, education, occupation, socio economic status, family type and family size were the factors that influenced the utilization of the ANC services. With 100% ANC registration, sub centre was the most preferred place for registration. 76.9% of woman received more than 3 ANC visits. 315 (87.5%) and (71.9%) respondents received 2 doses to TT vaccine and more than 100 IFA tablets respectively.Conclusions: Utilization of ANC services are on rise in rural parts of Amroha, Uttar Pradesh. Still significant proportions of women are doesn’t return to health facility after the ANC registration. Intensification of efforts is needed to cater this left out group through improving community awareness and motivation.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203381


Background: Developing countries are riddled with poorhealth care infrastructure especially for pregnant women andchildren. Lack of access to quality health care was leading tohigh maternal mortality as well as maternal morbidity. Althoughsituation improved dramatically with the launch of conditionalcash transfer schemes. Prioritizing institutional deliveries overhome deliveries along with other added measures has helpedin changing scenario in short span of time.Objectives: Study was done for assessing the factors thatinfluence women’s decisions regarding their place of delivery,exploring the preferential place for delivery and Contribution ofskilled birth attendant in home deliveries.Methods: The present study was a cross sectional studyconducted in the rural area of Amroha district for a period ofone year from July 2015 to June 2016. Recently deliveredwomen (RDW) were selected as study subject. A multi-stagestratified sampling design with random approaches had beenused. Total 360 respondents participated in the study.Results: Respondents age, education, occupation, socioeconomic status, family type and family size were the factorsthat influenced the place of delivery. The institution was thepreferred place for delivery. Out of total 360 respondents,deliveries conducted in the institution and home were286(79.4%) & 74(20.6%) respectively. SBA attendance at thetime of delivery was impressively low. Just 1 (1.3%) deliverywas conducted by SBA.Conclusion: Institutional births are on rise in rural parts ofAmroha, Uttar Pradesh. Still Significant proportions of birthsare taking place at home despite the government led cashincentive and the other support provided by the healthcareproviders.