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Estud. interdiscip. envelhec ; 26(2): 123-147, dez.2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1419116


A presente revisão sistemática tem por objetivo verificar quais as tarefas comumente utilizadas para elucidação da produção discursiva oral do adulto idoso e sua relação com escolaridade e hábitos de leitura e escrita. Para tanto, buscaram-se artigos publicados nas bases de dados Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, MEDLINE e LILACS. Os termos utilizados foram ("discourse production" OR "oral production" OR "narrative production") AND (aging OR elderly OR "older adults") AND (education OR schooling OR "reading habits" OR "writing habits"). Os critérios de seleção incluíram: (a) artigo original avaliado por pares; (b) com foco na produção discursiva oral no envelhecimento típico; (c) publicado entre 1990 e 2019. Foram encontrados, no total, 456 registros, dos quais 393 foram excluídos pelo título e 12 após leitura na íntegra, por não se relacionarem ao tema. De acordo com os critérios de seleção, 19 artigos foram selecionados. Verificou-se que grande parte das pesquisas utiliza tarefas baseadas em estímulos visuais, sobretudo em seu formato sequencial, enquanto uma pequena parte utiliza tarefas baseadas em eventos autobiográficos, conversações livres ou descrição de procedimentos. Algumas pesquisas compararam a produção discursiva oral da amostra em questão em diferentes tarefas. Poucos estudos incluíram a variável escolaridade em seus experimentos, enquanto nenhum estudo investigou o efeito dos hábitos de leitura e escrita. Devido à sua complexidade, estudos no nível do discurso precisam considerar a influência do tipo de tarefa para a elucidação do processamento, assim como fatores sociodemográficos e culturais dos seus participantes.(AU)

This systematic review aims at verifying which tasks have commonly been used to elucidate oral discourse produced by elderly adults and their relation with cultural aspects, such as schooling and reading and writing habits. Articles published on Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, MEDLINE and LILACS data bases were searched. The descriptors used were ("discourse production" OR "oral production" OR "narrative production") AND (aging OR elderly OR "older adults") AND (education OR schooling OR "reading habits" OR "writing habits"). The selection criteria were: (a) original peer-reviewed articles; (b) with a focus on oral discourse production in typical aging; (c) published between 1990 and 2019. A total of 456 registers were found, from which 393 were excluded by reading their title and 12 after reading them entirely, for not having relation with the topic. According to the selection criteria, 19 articles were selected. The analyses showed that the great majority of the studies utilize tasks based on visual stimuli, mainly on their sequential form, while a reduced number uses tasks based on autobiographical events, free conversations or description of procedures. Some studies compared the oral discourse production of this population in several tasks. Few studies included the variable of schooling in their experi ments, while no study investigated the effect of reading and writing habits. Due to their complexity, studies on discourse level should take into consideration the influence of task typology to elucidate processing, together with socio-demographic and cultural aspects of their participants.(AU)

Leitura , Fala , Envelhecimento , Escolaridade
Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 45(2): 261-269, abr.-jun. 2014. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-740800


Los déficits inhibitorios se observan en vários cuadros neurológicos y psiquiátricos, lo que puede aumentar la frecuencia de las respuestas perseverativas. No existe uma normalización de criterios para evaluar la perseveración. Lo Estudio 1 tiene por objetivo obtener datos preliminares de hasta cuantas casillas la repetición de un número debe ser considerada una perseveración en la tarea Generación Aleatoria de Números (GAN). El potencial de discriminación del puntaje de corte será examinado mediante la comparación de TDAH y saludables (Estudio 2). Se utilizaron los instrumentos: Cuestionario de datos socio-demográficos y de salud, Cuestionario abreviado de Conners, Matrices progresivas de Raven e lo GAN. Participaron niños de 6 a 12 años de edad (Estudio 1: n=60; Estudio 2: Trastornopor déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH), n=9 e controles, n=18). Los niños tuvieron una media de 4,97 (dp=1,78) casillas para repetir un número. El criterio que considera la perseveración como la repetición del número hasta cinco casillas después de su última evocación ha distinguido TDAH y controles. Por lo tanto, esto parece ser el criterio más sensible para evaluar la perseveración.

Observam-se déficits inibitórios em vários quadros neurológicos e psiquiátricos, podendo aumentar a frequência de respostas perseverativas. Não há uma padronização dos critérios para avaliar a perseveração. O estudo 1 visou a obter dados preliminares de até quantas casas a repetição de um número pode ser considerada uma perseveração na tarefa Geração Aleatória de Números (GAN). O potencial discriminativo dos pontos de corte foi investigado pela comparação entre TDAH e saudáveis (Estudo 2). Os instrumentos foram: questionário de dados sociodemográficos e de saúde, Questionário Abreviado de Conners, Matrizes Progressivas Coloridas de Raven e o GAN. Participaram crianças com idades de 6 a 12 anos (Estudo 1: n= 60; Estudo 2: transtorno de déficit de atenção/hiperatividade (TDAH), n=9 e controles, n=18). As crianças levaram em média 4,97 (dp=1,78) caselas para repetir um número. O critério que considera perseveração como a repetição de um número até cinco caselas após a sua última evocação diferenciou TDAH de controles. Portanto, esse parece ser o critério mais sensível para avaliar a perseveração.

Inhibitory deficits are observed in several neurological and psychiatric disorders, which may increase the frequency of perseverative responses. There are no standard criteria to assess perseveration. The first study aimed to obtain preliminary data on how many blanks until the repetition of a number can be considered a perseveration in Random Number Generation (RNG) task. The discriminative potential of cutoff points was investigated by comparing children with Attention Deficit Hiperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and healthy children (Study 2). The instruments were: sociodemographic and health questionnaire, Conners Abbreviated Rating Scale, Raven Coloured Progressive Matrices and RNG. The sample was composed of children aged 6 to 12 years (Study 1: n= 60; Study 2: ADHD, n=9 e Controls, n=18). The children took on average 4.97 (sd=1.78) blanks to repeat a number. The criteria that considers perseveration as the repetition of a number up to five blanks after their last recall discriminated ADHD from controls. Therefore, this seems to be the most sensitive criteria to assess perseveration.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Testes Neuropsicológicos , Neuropsicologia , Psicologia da Criança
Interdisciplinaria ; 30(1): 85-99, ene.-jul. 2013. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-708513


En lenguas con distintos sistemas ortográficos como el inglés, francés, finés e italiano se encontraron efectos de la presencia de morfemas en tareas que involucran el procesamiento de palabras escritas durante el desarrollo lector. Esta sensibilidad a la morfología se observa muy tempranamente en los lectores y también se ha descripto en niños con dificultades en la lectura. El objetivo del trabajo que se informa fue obtener evidencia acerca del rol de la morfología durante el proceso de aprendizaje de la lectura en español. Para ello se evaluaron tres grupos de niños de segundo a cuarto grado con tareas de decisión léxica y de lectura en voz alta, utilizando palabras y no palabras morfológicas, compuestas por dos morfemas en una combinación nueva y no palabras simples, sin componentes morfológicos. Los resultados mostraron, por un lado, un efecto de frecuencia para el procesamiento de palabras en ambas pruebas y, por otro, un efecto de interferencia de los morfemas en la tarea de decisión léxica y de facilitación en la lectura en voz alta para las no palabras compuestas por morfemas. Estos efectos se interpretan como el resultado del desarrollo temprano de un léxico ortográfico que incluye morfemas como unidades de representación utilizadas por los lectores iniciales para el reconocimiento y la lectura de estímulos nuevos. Esto se produce en detrimento de los procesos sublexicales que usualmente se utilizan para procesar estos estímulos nuevos y que son más lentos y laboriosos puesto que procesan unidades menores que el morfema o la palabra completa.

Several studies on literacy acquisition conducted in different orthographies such as English, French, Finnish and Italian have shown that morphemes play an early role in visual word processing such as reading and lexical decision. Also, the degree of consistency or transparency between orthography and phonology in a language seems to play a role in the size of the processing units used by young readers. In scripts with highly inconsistent grapheme - phoneme correspondences such as English or French units larger than the grapheme are early used due to the unpredictability of grapheme - phoneme finer grain size mappings. Thus morpheme -and whole word- based reading are early developed by children in these languages. Conversely, in highly consistent languages like Italian or Spanish the grapheme is a reliable unit for visual word processing since almost invariably a single grapheme maps onto a single phoneme. In the acquisition of such scripts whole word reading would be developed later on. This diminished morphological effect in normal development has been explained based on the influence of larger grain size units such as whole words as children master of literacy increases. For instance, Italian developing readers have been shown to be early affected by the morphological components of a stimulus but morphology continued to affect visual word processing only in older children with reading difficulties. Thus this morphological sensitivity seems to develop early in childhood even in transparent orthographies as Italian and it has been described to continue affecting processing only in individuals with reading difficulties. However and to the best of our knowledge very few studies on the influence of morphology in Spanish children have been conducted. None of them was on the influence of morphology in visual word processing tasks such as word reading and lexical decision. That is why the aim of the present study was to obtain evidence of the role of morphology in early literacy acquisition in Spanish. Three groups of children from 2nd to 4th year of primary school participated in the study. Participants were administered a lexical decision and a reading task with high and low frequency words and: (1) morphological non-words made up of morphemes combination (root and suffix); and (2) non-morphological simple non-words. The results showed an effect of frequency in the processing of words, i.e., better processing of highly frequent words as compared to low frequency ones. The influence of a lexical variable like frequency shows that the orthographic input lexicon is also early organized in children that learn the script of a transparent language. In lexical decision morphologically complex non-words were processed with more errors than morphologically simple non-words. In other words, morphology had an inhibitory effect in lexical decision because children had a tendency to accept morphologically complex non-words as real words. This inhibitory effect is compatible with the (at least partial) morphological organization of the orthographic input lexicon. Morphological complexity had the opposite effect during reading of non-words. Morphologically complex non-words were read with fewer errors than morphologically simple non-words. This facilitator effect of morphology for reading can be explained by the fact that for efficient reading children will rely more on larger grain size units like morphemes (as compared to the slower and less efficient grapheme-phoneme based reading processes). In sum, the results of the present study provide evidence of the early organization of an orthographic lexicon that includes morphemes as representation units in Spanish. These units are used by early readers during visual word processing of new stimuli. Such morphological processing proves more useful than sub lexical grapheme-phoneme conversion processing because it deals with larger-grain units than single graphemes and phonemes.

Psychol. neurosci. (Impr.) ; 2(2): 157-162, Dec. 2009. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-574093


The classification of aphasic patients' symptoms into a syndrome is a crucial procedure that favours and simplifies the communication among the clinicians involved in patient treatment and follow-up. Nevertheless, the aphasic population usually presents a very heterogeneous symptomatology; consequently, classical syndromes do not offer a good basis to plan their rehabilitation relying on their specific language impairments. Current rehabilitation strategies frequently require the identification of specific cognitive abilities affected. This is why it is common in clinical practice to assess aphasic patients with a syndromic protocol in order to classify them as well as a cognitive battery to plan their rehabilitation. The aim of the present article is to present a quick and reliable tool (i.e., a syndromic classification sheet) to help clinicians classify their clients' symptomatology in a syndrome by means of only one cognitive neuropsychological assessment. Two groups of speech therapists (5 experienced and 5 inexperienced) were asked to classify 5 aphasic patients from a syndromic classification sheet and their assessment protocols. Results indicate an acceptable inter-rater agreement for the experienced group but not for the inexperienced one. In conclusion, the classification sheet turned out to be a useful and reliable tool to classify aphasic patients in a given syndrome and by means of only some subtests from a cognitive assessment battery, provided that clinicians had some years of experience. In addition, this new instrument enables language clinicians to shorten the assessment of their aphasic clients.

Afasia/classificação , Cognição , Testes Neuropsicológicos
Investig. psicol ; 11(3): 127-143, nov. 2006.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-531937


La comprensión de oraciones y sus alteraciones han sido explicadas en términos de limitaciones de memoria de trabajo. Ahora bien, algunas posturas plantean la existencia de una memoria de trabajo específica para la comprensión sintáctica, en tanto que el enfoque opuesto sostiene que los procesos sintácticos se llevan a cabo merced a recursos generales de memoria de trabajo. La presente revisión tiene por objeto comparar estas dos posturas: la primera, que se sustenta en el supuesto de la modularidad de los procesos sintácticos (la Teoría de los Recursos Separados); y, la segunda, que se basa en una hipótesis general, no específica de dominio (Teoría de la Capacidad Restringida) . Se presentan ambos enfoques, se discuten críticamente sus alcances y limitaciones. Se concluye en la necesidad de contar con modelos explícitos de memoria de trabajo, así como también de estudios experimentales en otras lenguas distintas del inglés, como el español.

Humanos , Compreensão , Memória , Idioma