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China Pharmacy ; (12): 18-22, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-507752


OBJECTIVE:To study the development and status quo of narcotics and psychotropic substances (NPS) in China since 1949,and to provide evidence for perfection of NPS control work in China. METHODS:The development and status quo of controlled substances control by China since 1949 were summarized and analyzed through retrieving and collecting literatures,re-ports and policies about NPS from domestic and foreign databases,news reports and related website. RESULTS & CONCLU-SIONS:Chinese narcotics and psychotropic substances control dated back to the release of Interim Regulations on Narcotics Con-trol in 1950 and Regulations on Narcotics Control,Drug Administration Law and other regulations have been issued. It had experi-enced the progress from no legal basis to having laws to follow and from executive-leading to legalization. Narcotics and psychotro-pic substances were gradually unified in systematic control,and the level of regulations rised from department rules to administra-tion regulation. At present,with Regulations on Narcotics and Psychotropic Drugs Control (2005) as regulatory basis and cata-logue of narcotics and psychotropic substances(2013)as object,China Food and Drug Administration are in charge of the national regulation,cooperating with health department,agricultural department,traffic department and other departments.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 14-18, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-507753


OBJECTIVE:To study the development and status quo of controlled drugs control in Britain,and to provide evi-dence for narcotics and psychotropic substances(NPS)control in China. METHODS:The development and status quo of NPS con-trol by Britain were summarized and studied through retrieving and collecting literatures,reports and policies about NPS from do-mestic and foreign databases,news reports and international website. RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS:British control for controlled drugs dated back to Pharmacy Act in 1868,and Britain was the first country to control drugs by legislations. A unique British sys-tem of narcotics control was established and improved after issued Rolleston Report and two pieces of Brain Report in Britain. Final-ly,the British system of narcotics control was established,which combined public health prevention with judicial redress. At pres-ent,controlled drugs are classified and controlled by Advisory Committee on Drug Abuse,Serious Organised Crime Agency and National Drug Abuse Treatment Agency subordinated to Ministry of Interior,based on Misuse of Drugs Act.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 10-14, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-507754


OBJECTIVE:To study the development and status quo of controlled substances control in the United States,and to provide evidence for narcotics and psychotropic substances (NPS) control in China. METHODS:The development and status quo of controlled substances control by the United States were summarized and studies through retrieving and collecting literatures,re-ports and policies about NPS from domestic and foreign databases,news reports and international website. RESULTS & CONCLU-SIONS:The United States'control for controlled substances dated back to Harrison Narcotics Tax Act in 1914,and the United States is the first nation to control narcotics addiction through the form of tax law after International Opium Convention is executed. Thereafter,the United States gradually extend the range by including cannabis,heroin and psychotropic substances into control range of Narcotics Drugs Import and Export Act,Heroin Act,Marijuana Tax Act,revising and developing comprehensive act Con-trolled Substances Act,and establishing comprehensive law enforcement agency Controlled Substances Enforcement Administration affiliated to Ministry of Justice by Nixon'sWar on Drugsplan.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 5-10, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-507755


OBJECTIVE:To study the development and status quo of international narcotics and psychotropic substances (NPS)control,and to provide evidence for NPS control in China. METHODS:The development and status quo of NPS control by international organization were summarized and studied through retrieving and collecting literatures,reports and policies about NPS from domestic and foreign databases,news reports and international website. RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS:International narcot-ics control dated back to opium trade with China in 19th century. International narcotics control system was established preliminarily by Shanghai conference and Haiya conference. The end of World War Ⅰ,the establishment of the League of Nations and the sign-ing of a number of international treaties promoted the development of internal control system. Through World War Ⅱ,the establish-ment of the United Nations and the change of international control organization,a number of international treaties were integrated into Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs in the early 1960s,which was used as the foundation of narcotics control system all round the world. In 1970s,the adoption of Convention on Psychotropic Substances meant psychotropic substances were included in the scope of internal control. In 1980s,the signing of United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psy-chotropic Substances marked the establishment of three conventions system of international NPS control. At present,internal NPS control is based on three conventions system and NPS list by Commission on Narcotic Drugs,International Narcotics Control Board and United Nations International Drug Control Program. The vast majority of countries are parties to that. International control orga-nizations and listed control have a great influence on NPS control all round the world.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 23-26, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-507844


OBJECTIVE:To make proposals to improve narcotics and psychotropic substances(NPS)control in China. METH-ODS:NPS control system of international organizations,the United States,Britain and China were compared in terms of concept, classification,regulatory basis and agency,etc. The suggestions and reference were put forward. RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS:NPS of international organizations,the United States,Britain and China are drug types included in relevant categories,besides ana-leptics,precursor chemicals and other drugs are included in control catalogue by the United States and Britain. NPS are divided in-toⅠ-Ⅳcategories by international organizations,Ⅰ-Ⅴcategories by the United States,A,B,C categories and temporary catego-ry by Britain,and narcotics,first and second class psychotropic substances by China. NPS control basis of the United States,Brit-ain and China are Controlled Substances Act,Misuse of Drugs Act and Regulations on Narcotics and Psychotropic Drugs Control, respectively;major regulation organizations are Controlled Substances Enforcement Administration,Advisory Committee on Drug Abuse subordinated to Ministry of Interior,Special Drug Section under China Food and Drug Administration,respectively;there al-so are differences in the functions of control organization and cooperative units. Considering about the problems of NPS control in China,it is suggested to improve laws and regulations system,establish independent system,extend abuse surveillance network and encourage chronic non-cancer pain therapy.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-503061


In this research paper , we intend to come up with making proposals to centralized drug procurement in each province in China .Document consultations about drug centralized procurement in each province in 2015 were used to collect information and this information was further summarized and comparatively analyzed .From the results , it's clear that each province has designed an implementation plan based on the No .7 and the No.70 documents. When carrying out the centralized procurement , the practice on organizational structure , procurement classification , procurement with quantity , drug distribution and payment collection in each province vary from one province to anoth-er.In view of the observed results , it is worthwhile that each province should centralize its tender and procurement system , explore new ways for involving health insurance department in centralized drug procurement , implement joint reformation for public health services , medical insurance and medical production-circulation , and oppose regional protection in any form to ensure the success and equity of centralized drug procurement .

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-497305


Objective:To improve the centralized bidding and procurement of drugs in China .Methods:By u-sing literature review , comparative analysis and field investigation , this study collected and analyzed implementation plans and regulations of the centralized bidding and procurement of drugs in 2015 .Results and Conclusions:Progress of centralized bidding procurement practice was mixed and there were differences in the scope of implementation , quality level classification , evaluation system of double envelope bidding , and other aspects among provinces .The government should give full play to the role of medical insurance department in drug procurement and group purcha -sing , develop a relatively comprehensive drug quality evaluation system , and speed up the evaluation of the consisten-cy of generic drugs .