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Chinese Journal of Zoonoses ; (12): 216-221, 2015.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-460504


To identify novel transcripts and sRNA in genome of B .melitensis by transcriptome sequencing ,total RNA were extracted from B .melitensis culture and rRNA were removed .After the addition of adaptor ,RNA was reversely transcribed into cDNA ,which were then subjected to PCR amplification and sequencing .The generated reads were mapped to genome se‐quence of B .melitensis strain 16M .With the mapping results ,novel transcripts and sRNA were identified by bioinformatics methods .Sequencing results analysis showed that genome sequence was covered with the reads with good quality .A total of 773 genes were extended in their 5′and/or 3′ends of their original locations .Sixteen novel transcripts and 241 sRNAs candi‐dates were identified .RT‐PCR showed that some of the sRNAs were differentially expressed under stress conditions .In B . melitensis genome ,there is novel transcript which is not predicted .The sRNA does exist in B .melitensis and were expressed under different conditions .

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-381818


Objective To study the important virulence regulation genes of Brucella,and to understand their function.Methods Quantitative RT-PCR was used to quantify their relative transcription profiles under stress conditions and during macrophage cell infection.Results These genes were activated at different levels under these conditions and during cell infection,indicating their roles in pathogenesis at different srage of infection.Conclusion The transcription profiles of these genes have different effects about their functions.