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Rev. neuro-psiquiatr. (Impr.) ; 82(4): 234-241, oct.-dic 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144846


Las variantes de los genes ABCB1 y ABCC2 han sido asociadas a mayor riesgo de epilepsia farmacorresistente pero tal proceso ha sido poco estudiado mediante comparaciones entre poblaciones. En Latinoamérica solo se han realizado 3 estudios. Objetivo: Evaluar la asociación entre las variantes C3435T del gen ABCB1 y -24C>T del gen ABCC2 con epilepsia farmacorresistente en pacientes peruanos atendidos en la Unidad de Epilepsia del Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins (HNERM). Material y Métodos: Se analizaron muestras sanguíneas de 22 pacientes con epilepsia farmacorresistente y ocho pacientes con epilepsia de respuesta favorable a tratamiento farmacológico, entre Mayo 2016 y Junio 2017. La identificación de la variante C3435T del gen ABCB1 se realizó mediante reacción de cadena de la polimerasa y posterior digestión enzimática; la variante -24C>T del gen ABCC2 se obtuvo por secuenciación. Resultados: Se obtuvo una frecuencia alélica de 0,717 para C en la variante C3435T del gen ABCB1 y 0,967 para C en la variante -24C>T del gen ABCC2. La comparación de las frecuencias alélicas y genotípicas entre pacientes farmacorresistentes y farmacorrespondedores no mostró diferencia significativa, de lo cual se infiere ausencia de asociación entre la epilepsia farmacorresistente y las variantes C3435T del gen ABCB1 y -24C>T del gen ABCC2 (p>0.05). Conclusiones: En una muestra de pacientes peruanos con epilepsia, no se encontró asociación entre epilepsia farmacorresistente y los polimorfismos C3435T del gen ABCB1 y -24C>T del gen ABCC2.

Variants of the genes ABCB1 and ABCC2 have been associated with an increased risk of drug-resistant epilepsy; this phenomenon, however, has been scarcely tested by means of comparisons between populations: In Latin America there have only been 3 studies. Objective: To evaluate the association between the variants C3435T of the gene ABCB1, and --24C> T of the gene ABCC2 with drug-resistant epilepsy in Peruvian patients treated at the Epilepsy Unit of a Peruvian Hospital. Material and Methods: Blood samples from 22 patients with drug-resistant epilepsy and eight patients with pharmaco-responsive epilepsy were analyzed between May 2016 and June 2017. The identification of the C3435T variant of the ABCB1 gene was performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and subsequent enzymatic digestion; the -24C>T variant of the ABCC2 gene was obtained by sequencing. Results: An allelic frequency of 0.717 was obtained for C in the C3435T variant of the gene ABCB1, and 0.967 for C in the-24C> T variant of the gene ABCC2. When genetic and allelic frequencies were compared between drug-resistant and drug-responsive patients no significant difference was observed, from which a lack of association between drug-resistant epilepsy and the C3435T variant of the gene ABCB1 and the -24C> T variant of the gene ABCC2 (p>0.05) was inferred. Conclusions: In a sample of Peruvian patients with epilepsy, no association was found between drug-resistant epilepsy and the C3435T and -24C>T polymorphisms of the genes ABCB1 and ABCC2, respectively.