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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-885969


Objective:To summarize the current policies and measures in curbing health corruption in China, and to evaluate the implementation results of these policies and measures.Methods:We made a systematic review to search and screen the literatures, with related thematic information extracted, compared and classified to form an integrated view by the data integration method of thematic synthesis.Results:A total of 147 literatures were included, covering such health policies and measures as the basic drug system, the centralized bidding and purchasing and centralized drug purchasing, the " two-invoice system" , hospital information disclosure system, adverse records of commercial bribery, doctor′s virtue evaluation system and no bribery agreement. These five policies and measures prove effective in curbing the corruption, but some types of corruption tend to evade such restrictions.Conclusions:The five types of policy measures summarized in the study have effectively curbed the high risk exposure of corruptions found in drugs, medical consumables and medical devices, and also guided and restrained the profit-oriented behaviors of the behavior subjects. Stronger measures should be integrated into a broader reform of the healthcare system, in combination with institutional compensation and operational mechanism reform, medical personnel compensation and incentive system, and modern pluralistic governance reform. Meanwhile, studies in the field of corruption need to focus on the direct and indirect effects of multi-level medical reform policies on corruption governance from an integrated perspective, while attention needs to cover more types of corruption behaviors, and to diversify research methods, so as to provide more practical policy support.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 2561-2566, 2020.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-829588


OBJECTIVE:To put forward policy suggestions for the adjustment and reform of centralized drug procurement mode in China. METHODS :The evolution process of centralized drug procurement mode in China was reviewed ,and problems were found through literature research and expert interview. Combined with the experience of drug procurement platform construction,GPO procurement and medical insurance payment control fee management in the United States and Singapore ,the reform suggestions were put forward for basic model assumption of bidding procurement based on cost control target and drug bidding procurement policy. RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS :China’s drug bidding procurement system has gone through the stages of unified purchase and marketing ,decentralized procurement ,centralized procurement start-up and adjustment ,comprehensive implementation of online centralized drug procurement ,exploration of the integration of “two bidding ”(bidding for essential medicine and bidding for non-essential medicine )and joint procurement ,and pilot stage of national drug bidding and procurement. At the present stage ,there are many problems in centralized drug procurement ,such as the diversified subordination relationship of the platform ,the possible monopoly of enterprise selection under the policy of “two invoice system ”,price reduction becoming the core performance index of bidding procurement ,and the suspected monopoly operation of GPO procurement exploration. The model analysis based on the goal of cost control shows that drug cost is a function of efficiency ,drug quantity and price. High price leads to high cost ,while low efficiency leads to high cost. In the future ,the goal of drug bidding and procurement should not only foucs on price control ,but also on efficiency. The function of bidding and procurement will return to the essential function of “price for quantity ”. It is suggested that a relatively independent and unified platform should be established for drug bidding and procurement in China ,and the grouped procurement mode should be gradually standardized ,the expenditure control function of medical insurance payment audit should be exerted instead of simple price reduction ,and absolute unified lowest price procurement should be avoided.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 865-869, 2019.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-817003


OBJECTIVE: To provide reference for promoting the implementation of “two-invoice system” for drug purchase in medical institutions. METHODS: The function of confirmation, enquiry, statistics for “two-invoice system” of drug purchase order were added into relevant module of SPD (supply processing distribution) system to realize the management of “two-invoice system” data by means of information technology. By analyzing the data of the “two-invoice system” of Shanxi dayi hospital (our hospital) from Aug. 2017 to Jun. 2018, the effects of SPD system on “two-invoice system” of drug purchase in our hospital were introduced after the application of SPD system. The effects of SPD system were evaluated in respects of work efficiency, accuracy rate and resource saving, etc. RESULTS: SPD system was used for the management of “two-invoice system” to realize the information management of invoices. The time for checking “two-invoice system” information was shortened from 1.5 min/sheet to 0.1 min/sheet; the accuracy rate was increased from 95% to 100%, and about 40 000 sheets of paper were saved each year. CONCLUSIONS: The application of SPD system in “two-invoice system” of drug purchase can improve the work efficiency, reduce the labor cost and reduce the waste of resources, it effectively improves the level of management in our hospital.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 577-579, 2018.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-704630


OBJECTIVE: To provide suggestions for the development of drug circulation enterprises under "two invoice system".METHODS: By analyzing the negative effects of "multi invoice system" on drug circulation enterprises and positive effects of "two invoice system" on drug circulation enterprises, the development direction of drug circulation enterprises was investigated under "two invoice system".RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS: The "multi invoice system" formulates the high drug price, causes high drug circulation cost and is difficult to check drug quality. The "two invoice system" standardizes the order of drug circulation field, saves medical drug source, reduce drug price and kept capital chain stable. Under "two invoice system", drug circulation enterprises should actively adapt to the transformation of medical and pharmaceutical market, and reconstruct the chain of drug circulation. The integration of medical circulation network should be established between the relevant departments and various subjects. Drug circulation subjects should promote the check of ticket, account and goods, standardize the date of back account, implement reform stably.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 1009-1014, 2018.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-704725


OBJECTIVE:To provide policy suggestion for the effective implementation of"two-invoice system"policy in the field of pharmaceutical distribution in China. METHODS:By analyzing current mode and problems of pharmaceutical distribution in China,the implementation background of"two-invoice system"was understood.At the same time,main points of"two-invoice system"policy were reviewed and summarized;the effect of the policy promotion and the potential risks could be inferred,and the corresponding policy suggestions were put forward. RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS:At present,there are many problems in the field of pharmaceutical distribution in China,such as low concentration of industry,confusion of circulation order,numerous relevant parties of interest chain and endless violations. The implementation of"two-invoice system"has realized the consistency of invoice flow,logistics and cash flow,through clearly defining production enterprises,strengthening invoice management of circulation enterprises and public medical institutions,guaranteeing drug supply in remote areas, constructing information platform,compressing circulation link,integrating circulation enterprises,implementing"point to an area"completely. It is conducive to effectively improve regulatory efficiency of government departments and the concentration of pharmaceutical distribution industry,and is expected to reduce the virtual high drug price through linkage with other policies. The"two-invoice system"policy framework of provinces(regions,cities)is adjusted according to practical situation of different districts based on the national policy,corresponding practice and exploration have been carried out. The"two-invoice system"has its own adaptability in the implementation process,which may cause drug shortages,local protectionism and new interest chain. The author puts forward the countermeasures,such as timely assessment of the implementation of the"two-invoice system",taking various measures to ensure the supply of drugs,setting up appropriate policy transition period,and strengthening coordination and cooperation among relevant departments so as to response to potential risks during the implementation of the"two-invoice system"policy.

São Paulo; s.n; 2006. 111 p.
Tese em Português | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1096366


Todos os países, independente do modelo de assistência à saúde adotado, têm compartilhado de um problema comum, os custos explosivos frente a recursos ou orçamentos limitados. Assim, custos crescentes e elevados dos serviços de saúde têm afetado todos os prestadores de serviços, sejam públicos ou privados. Na atual realidade financeira da saúde os hospitais terão que adotar um sistema para se ter um melhor controle dos processos de trabalho e informações precisas que possibilitem avaliar os resultados financeiros do hospital. As enfermeiras administradoras estão cada vez mais sendo envolvidas em decisões financeiras, no planejamento orçamentário de suas instituições, tendo que gerir recursos (humanos, materiais e financeiros) muitas vezes escassos. Diante destas considerações, constata-se a importância da enfermeira enquanto geradora de receita por ações prescritas ao paciente e como gestora das atividades realizadas na sua unidade, demandadas por outro profissional, principalmente em um hospital privado, onde as maiores fontes pagadoras são os convênios. Assim os objetivos desse estudo foram: calcular o faturamento gerado pelos procedimentos de enfermagem em uma unidade de terapia intensiva e calcular a porcentagem do faturamento gerado pela enfermagem em relação ao faturamento total da UTI. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, descritiva, documental, com abordagem quantitativa. Foi realizado em uma UTI geral, de um hospital geral, privado, degrande porte, com 407 leitos, na cidade de São Paulo. A amostra foi de 159 pacientes. As fontes para obtenção dos dados foram as prescrições de enfermagem, as prescrições médicas, a fatura do paciente, o guia para apontamento em planilhas e procedimentos da qualidade. Foram elaborados dois instrumentos para coleta de dados. Concluiu-se que os procedimentos da prescrição de enfermagem, que mais contribuíram, foram: verificar débito cardíaco, instalar VAMP, colocar ) trackcare, trocar filtro umidificador, verificar pressão capilar pulmonar e fazer curativos e os procedimentos de enfermagem, da prescrição médica, que mais contribuíram foram: dieta enteral, dieta parenteral (NPP) e diálise. Em média, o faturamento recebido de cada paciente foi de R$8.918,30; o faturamento dos procedimentos de enfermagem, oriundos da prescrição de enfermagem foi de R$1.230,33 e os da prescrição médica foi de R$508,57. Em média o faturamento da prescrição de enfermagem foi de 11,3%, ou seja, o faturamento da prescrição de enfermagem foi maior que o da prescrição médica; sendo 5,4% com mão-de-obra e 5,9% foram com materiais e em média, 3,8% do faturamento obtido de cada paciente, foi da prescrição médica; desses, 1,4% foi com mão-de-obra e 2,4% foi com materiais. Obteve-se, então, que os procedimentos de enfermagem foram responsáveis por 15,1% do faturamento total da UTI. A abordagem do tema representou um grande desafio pela falta de literatura específica a respeito,além de ser uma realidade, praticamente, nova para a enfermeira que, hoje, é considerada gestora de sua unidade de negócio.

Every country, no matter the health assistance model adopted, has been sharing a common problem: high costs facing limited resources and budgets. Thus, growing and high costs of health services have been affecting all public or private service providers. In the current financial health reality, hospitals will have to adopt a system to get a better control of work processes and precise information to make possible to evaluate the Hospital's financial results. Nurse managers are even more involved in financial decisions, and budget institution planning and have to manager human, material and financial resources which sometimes are rare. Facing those considerations, the importance of the nurses is proven as income generator by actions prescribed to patients and as managers of activities held at their units, demanded by another professional, mainly at a private hospital, where major payer sources are medical health care. Thus, this study objects were: calculating incoming generated by nursing procedures at a intensive care unit and calculating percentage of incoming generated by nursing facing the total IUC incoming. It was an exploratory, descriptive, documental and quantitative approach research. It was held at a general ICU at a general private big hospital with 407 beds in the city of São Paulo. 159 patients were enrolled for the sample. Data sources were nursing prescriptions, medical prescriptions, patient's invoice, permit to note in spreadsheet and qualityprocedures. Two data collection instruments were elaborated. We concluded nursing prescription procedures that contributed most were: verifying heart debt, installing VAMP, placing trackcare, changing humidifier filters, verifying pulmonary capillary pressure and plastering and nursing medical prescription procedures that contributed most were: enteral diet, parenteral diet (NPP) and dialysis. As an average, incoming received from each patient was R$8.918,30; nursing procedure incoming, from nursing prescription was R$1.230,33 and those from medical prescription was R$508,57. Nursing prescription incoming was 11,3%, that means, nursing prescription incoming was higher than the medical prescription one; nursing prescription turnover was higher than medical prescription turnover; it was 5,4% with workforce and 5,9% with materials, and 3,8% of each patient turnover was from medical prescription; of these, 1,4% was with workforce and 2,4% with materials. We concluded that nursing procedures were responsible for 15,1% of total ICU incoming. This approach represented a great challenge due to the lack of specific literature, and it is an almost new reality for nurses considered managers of their business unit today.

Unidades de Terapia Intensiva , Cuidados de Enfermagem