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STOMATOLOGY ; (12): 62-69, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965143


Objective@# Using computer-assisted navigation technology to guide the resection and reconstruction of mandibular ameloblastoma, evaluating its treatment effect.@*Methods @# Twelve patients were selected from the Affiliated Stomatological Hospital of Nanjing University from January 2017 to May 2022. All 12 patients accepted same surgery which included resection of mandibular ameloblastoma and reconstruction by fibula musculocutaneous flap. Among them, 6 cases were included in the navigation group; 6 cases were in the non-navigation group. Advantages and disadvantages of computer-assisted navigation technology in this operation were evaluated with these cases. @*Results@# The 12 operations were performed by the same operator. The average time for fixing the navigation bracket and performing navigation in the navigation group was about 15 minutes. Compared with the non-navigation group, the average operation time in the navigation group was shortened by about 10 minutes. In the navigation group, the mandible resection range matched the fibula musculocutaneous flap well, and the occlusal relationship recovered well. @*Conclusion @#Using the mandibular reference frame, under the guidance of computer-assisted navigation technology, the resection and reconstruction of mandibular ameloblastoma can be performed quickly and accurately.

Rev. Rede cuid. saúde ; 12(1): 42-54, 15 jul. 2018.
Artigo em Português | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-998961


O mixoma pertence ao grupo de tumores odontogênicos que são lesões complexas, apresentam diversos comportamentos e tipos histopatológicos. Essas lesões podem se apresentar como neoplasias verdadeiras e raramente tem comportamento maligno. As neoplasias são derivadas de tecidos epiteliais com ou sem a participação do ectomesenquima que dão origem aos elementos dentários e mistos. O mixoma odontogênico é uma lesão incomum, muitas vezes diagnosticado quando atinge grandes proporções, com prevalência maior em jovens adultos com idade média de 20 a 30 anos, quanto aos seus aspectos clínico possui um crescimento lento mais acometido em região de mandíbula e um grande potencial de invasão nos tecidos adjacentes levando a considerável taxa de recidivas. O tratamento para a maioria desses tumores consiste na ressecção óssea, no entanto sendo possível em alguns casos utilizar de métodos adicionais para uma menor taxa de recidiva. O objetivo foi relatar um caso clínico de um paciente do gênero masculino, leucoderma de 41 anos que compareceu ao Hospital Municipal Lourenço Jorge, no serviço da Cirurgia Bucomaxilofacial (CBMF), que após a biópsia foi diagnosticado com mixoma odontogênico e descrição do mixoma odontogênico abordando seus aspectos clínicos, imaginológicos, histológicos e as suas formas de tratamento.

Myxoma belongs to the group of odontogenic tumors that are complex lesions, present different behaviors and histopathological types. These lesions may present as true neoplasms and rarely have malignant behavior. This tumouris derived from epithelial tissues with or without the participation of ectomesenchima that give origin to dental and mixed elements. Odontogenic myxoma is an uncommon lesion, often diagnosed when it reaches large proportions, with a higher prevalence in young adults with a mean age of 20 to 30 years old, regarding its clinical aspects has a slower growth more affected in the region of mandibula and a high potential of invasion in the adjacent tissues leading to the considerable rate of relapses. The treatment for most of these tumors consists of bone resection, however it is possible in some cases to use additional methods for a lower recidivation rate. The objective of this study was to report a case of a male patient, caucasian, 41 years old, who attended the Lourenço Jorge Hospital, in the CBMF service, who diagnosed the odontogenic myxoma and described the odontogenic myxoma. Clinical, radiographic, histological aspects and their forms of treatment.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Tumores Odontogênicos , Mixoma , Neoplasias