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Respirar (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 16(3): 289-301, sept.2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1570678


La apnea obstructiva del sueño (AOS) es una condición común en adultos en edad laboral. Incluso, en la actualidad, vemos cómo la edad de retiro se ha ido prolongando de tal manera que adultos mayores, quienes tienen mayor prevalencia de AOS, continúan trabajando incluso en situaciones de alto riesgo de siniestralidad. Uno de los principales síntomas de la AOS es la somnolencia diurna que puede contri- buir de manera directa al riesgo de accidentabilidad, compromiso cognitivo y desem- peño laboral. También se ha demostrado cómo la reducción de la materia gris a nivel cerebral y cerebelar provoca alteraciones en coordinación y capacidad de conducción. El tratamiento con dispositivos de presión positiva mejora el desempeño laboral y redu- ce la incidencia de accidentes de tránsito, pero algunos déficits cognitivos pueden per- sistir incluso después de meses de tratamiento. La evaluación del riesgo de accidentabilidad en conductores es un desafío y los cues- tionarios actuales no son adecuados para el cribado. Los simuladores de conducción y las pruebas de alerta son más prometedores. El futuro de la investigación se centra en estandarizar los resultados de los simulado- res, determinar los mejores predictores de eventos reales y utilizar la inteligencia arti- ficial y los automóviles autónomos para reducir los riesgos relacionados con la somno - lencia al volante. Es necesario que la posición de los entes gubernamentales de nuestros países latinoa- mericanos sea proactiva y orientada a la protección de la salud y la seguridad de la po- blación.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common condition among working-age adults. In today's context, we observe that the retirement age has been extended, with older adults, who have a higher prevalence of OSA, continuing to work even in high-risk situations. One of the main symptoms of OSA is daytime sleepiness, which can directly contribu- te to the risk of accidents, cognitive impairment and reduced work performance. It has also been demonstrated that the reduction of gray matter in the brain, especially in the cerebellum, can lead to coordination and driving capacity impairments. Treatment with positive pressure devices improves work performance and reduces the incidence of traffic accidents, but some cognitive deficits may persist even after months of treatment. Assessing the risk of accidents in drivers is a challenge, and current questionnaires are not suitable for screening. Driving simulators and alertness tests show more promise. The future of research is focused on standardizing simulator outcomes, identifying the best predictors of real-world events, and utilizing artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicles to mitigate risks associated with driver drowsiness. It is imperative that the stance of government entities in our Latin American countries is proactive and aimed at safeguarding the health and safety of the population.

Humanos , Acidentes , Apneia Obstrutiva do Sono/complicações , Distúrbios do Sono por Sonolência Excessiva/complicações , Argentina , Revisão , Colômbia , Medição de Risco , Pressão Positiva Contínua nas Vias Aéreas , Disfunção Cognitiva , Treinamento por Simulação , México
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(3): e202303026, jun. 2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1554938


El maltrato infantil es definido por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) como "el abuso y la desatención que sufren los niños menores de 18 años. Incluye todo tipo de maltrato físico y/o emocional […] que resulte en un daño real o potencial para la salud, la supervivencia, el desarrollo o la dignidad del niño". Al examinar los rastros corporales del maltrato físico, siguiendo los mecanismos de lesión más frecuentemente implicados, es posible detectar patrones radiológicos típicos. La evaluación imagenológica del hueso en reparación permite inferir cronologías para correlacionar con los datos obtenidos en la anamnesis. Los profesionales de la salud deben detectar oportunamente lesiones radiológicas sospechosas y activar de forma temprana el resguardo del menor. Nuestro propósito es realizar una revisión sobre las publicaciones recientes referidas al estudio imagenológico en niños de quienes se sospeche que puedan ser víctimas de violencia física.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines child maltreatment as "the abuse and neglect that occurs to children under 18 years of age. It includes all types of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment [...], which results in actual or potential harm to the child's health, survival, development or dignity." By examining the bodily traces of physical abuse, following the most frequently involved mechanisms of injury, it is possible to identify typical radiological patterns. The imaging studies of the bone under repair allows inferring a timeline that may be correlated to the data obtained during history taking. Health care providers should detect suspicious radiological lesions in a timely manner and promptly activate the safeguarding of the child. Our objective was to review recent publications on the imaging studies of children suspected of being victims of physical violence.

Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Maus-Tratos Infantis/psicologia , Violência , Radiologistas
Acta bioeth ; 30(1)jun. 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556636


While the Internet has brought convenience and speed to human life, it has also led to frequent privacy violations. In the context of epidemiological investigations and information disclosure regarding confirmed Covid-19 patients, many individuals have utilized the Internet as a means to disseminate information and engage in cyber manhunts, resulting in breaches of privacy for those involved. This phenomenon is particularly prevalent within the realm of the Internet, where the boundaries of privacy invasion become blurred. Various types of privacy infringements, both active and passive negligence, are evident on social networking platforms. The juxtaposition of the virtual world of the Internet with real-life scenarios presents novel challenges in the realm of privacy violations. The Internet era, coupled with the widespread use and integration of big data, has diminished the absolute right to privacy on the Internet. This paper examines the challenge of safeguarding the identity information of infectious patients through the lens of two theoretical frameworks -Kantianism and Utilitarianism- in an effort to address this ethical dilemma.

Aunque Internet ha aportado comodidad y rapidez a la vida humana, también ha dado lugar a frecuentes violaciones de la intimidad. En el contexto de las investigaciones epidemiológicas y la divulgación de información relativa a pacientes confirmados de covid-19, muchas personas han utilizado Internet como medio para difundir información y participar en cibercacerías, lo que ha dado lugar a violaciones en la intimidad de los implicados. Este fenómeno prevalece en el ámbito de Internet, donde los límites de la invasión de la intimidad se vuelven vagos. En las redes sociales, se manifiestan diversos tipos de violaciones de la intimidad, tanto por negligencia activa como pasiva. La yuxtaposición entre el mundo virtual de Internet con escenarios de la vida real plantea nuevos retos en el ámbito de las violaciones de la intimidad. La era de Internet, junto con el uso generalizado y la integración del bigdata, han mermado el derecho absoluto a la privacidad. Este artículo examina el reto de salvaguardar la información sobre la identidad de los pacientes infecciosos a través de la lente de dos marcos teóricos -el kantianismo y el utilitarismo- en un esfuerzo por abordar este dilema ético.

Enquanto a Internet trouxe conveniência e velocidade à vida humana, ela também levou a frequentes violações da privacidade. No contexto de investigações epidemiológicas e divulgação de informações em relação a pacientes confirmados de Covid-19, muitos indivíduos utilizaram a Internet como um meio para disseminar informação e participar de uma caçada cibernética, resultando em violações da privacidade para aqueles envolvidos. Esse fenômeno é particularmente prevalente no âmbito da Internet, onde os limites de invasão da privacidade se tornaram borrados. Vários tipos de infrações da privacidade, tanto negligências ativa como passiva, são evidentes em plataformas de redes sociais. A justaposição do mundo virtual da Internet com cenários da vida real apresenta novos desafios no âmbito das violações da privacidade. A era da Internet, juntamente com o amplo uso e integração de megadados (big data), diminuiu o direito absoluto à privacidade na Internet. Esse artigo examina o desafio de proteger a informação de identidade de pacientes infectantes através das lentes de dois enquadres teóricos -Kantianismo e Utilitarismo- em um esforço para abordar esse dilema ético.

Rev. argent. mastología ; 42(154): 13-27, jun. 2024. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1568324


En la actualidad, más de la mitad de las pacientes con cáncer de mama receptor hormonal positivo recibe algún esquema de quimioterapia adyuvante. Sin embargo, sólo algunas de ellas obtendrían un beneficio real en términos de sobrevida. Las plataformas genómicas permiten un mejor entendimiento de la heterogeneidad tumoral entre carcinomas con receptores hormonales positivos, Her2 negativos, habiendo sido validadas como herramientas para identificar aquellas. pacientes que obtendrían un beneficio claro con el tratamiento quimioterápico. El objetivo de nuestro estudio es describir el uso de la plataforma genómica Oncotype Dx® y evaluar su impacto sobre la indicación del tratamiento adyuvante, evaluado principalmente a través del cambio de conducta en relación con la indicación final del tratamiento adyuvante. Material y método: Estudio multicéntrico observacional de cohorte llevado a cabo en distintas Unidades de Mastología de la República Argentina que utilizaran el Oncotype Dx* para esclarecer la indicación del tratamiento adyuvante en pacientes luminales Her2neu negativas en estadio inicial. Se registraron las decisiones relacionadas con el tratamiento antes y luego de realizar la prueba genómica. El objetivo secundario consistió en describir los eventos en aquellas pacientes en quiénes se solicitó dicho estudio. Resultados: Entre enero de 2013 y diciembre de 2018, 211 pacientes con carcinomas luminales A o B, Her2neu negativas realizaron el Oncotype Dx* y fueron incluidas en el estudio. Según nuestros registros, 40% de las pacientes experimentó un cambio en la indicación del tratamiento adyuvante luego de realizada la plataforma genómica. De aquellas pacientes que tenían indicación inicial de hormonoterapia según parámetros tradicionales clínico-patológicos, 24% recibió adicionalmente quimioterapia. En relación con las pacientes que tenían indicación inicial de quimio y hormonoterapia, 49% experimentó un cambio en la indicación de su adyuvancia pudiendo realizar únicamente hormonoterapia. En relación a los eventos descriptos en las pacientes participantes del trabajo, se registraron 4 muertes específicas por la enfermedad, una muerte por otra causa, 2 recaídas a distancia y un cáncer de mama contralateral. Conclusiones: En nuestra población de estudio el uso del Score de Recurrencia (RS) resultó clínicamente significativo en relación al cambio de conducta en la toma de decisión para adyuvancia. En consecuencia, para este grupo de investigadores, ha demostrado ser una herramienta de significativa importancia en la decisión del tratamiento adyuvante de pacientes con cáncer de mama temprano, luminal, Her2neu negativo(AU)

Objetive: Currently, over half of all patients diagnosed with hormone-receptor positive early stage breast cancer will receive some type of adjuvant chemotherapy (CHT), but only a few of them will actually benefit in terms of survival. Genomic platforms allow a better understanding of the heterogeneity among the different types of hormone receptor positive, her2 negative breast cancer, and have proven their validity as tools for identifying those patients who will obtain a clear benefit from CHT. The aim of our study was to analyze the use of the genomic platform Oncotype Dx® in our population and describe its impact on the decision of adjuvant treatment assessed through change in treatment decision. Material and method: this was a real world collaborative observational study, which was performed across several Breast Units in Argentina. Patients who underwent Oncotype Dx® testing to determine adjuvant treatment were included. Decisions regarding treatment were settled before and after the oncotype was performed by the tumor boards of each Breast Unit. Results: From January 2013 to December 2018, 211 patients with luminal A or B, her 2 negative breast cancer who underwent Oncotype Dx" testing were included. We found that treatment decisions were modified after Oncotype DX in approximately 40% of patients. In 24% percent of cases, chemotherapy was added to the initial treatment plan although endocrine therapy alone had initially been considered (potential subtreatment); and on the other hand, 49% of all patients were able to receive endocrine therapy only when, due to traditional prognostic factors, they would have received chemotherapy (potential overtreatment). Conclusions: In our population, we found that the use of the Recurrence Score was associated with a significant change in treatment recommendation We therefore consider it to be a very important tool and a decisive factor for the selection of adjuvant treatment in patients with hormone receptor positive, her2neu negative early breast cancer(AU)

Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 876-890, jun. 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564627


SUMMARY: Stroke is the leading cause of acquired physical disability in adults and second leading cause of mortality throughout the world. Treatment strategies to curb the effects of stroke would be of great benefit. Pongamia pinnata is a recent attraction in medicine, owing to its abundant medicinal benefits with minimal side effects. The present study aimed to examine acute and subacute effect of Pongamia pinnata leaf extract on transient cerebral hypoperfusion and reperfusion (tCHR) in Wistar rats. 24 adult Wistar rats (12 each for acute and subacute study) were divided in to four groups each viz normal control group, tCHR + NS group, tCHR + 200mg/kg bw and tCHR + 400mg/kg bw groups. Cerebral ischemia induction was carried out by bilateral common carotid artery occlusion and reperfusion. Ethanolic extract of Pongamia pinnata leaves were orally administered for 7 days and 21 days after the surgical procedure for acute and subacute study respectively. Behavioural analysis, histological assessment, and estimation of mRNA levels of HIF-1, GDNF, BDNF and NF-kB were performed. In both acute and subacute study, there was significant improvement in the beam walking assay, neuronal count, decreased neuronal damage in histological sections and higher mRNA expression of BDNF and GDNF in the treatment groups. There was no significant difference in the expression of HIF1 and NF-kB. Thus, Pongamia pinnata has excellent neurorestorative property reversing many of the effects of ischemic stroke induced by tCHR in rats with the underlying mechanism being an improvement in the expression of neurotrophic factors GDNF and BDNF.

El ataque cerebrovascular es la principal causa de discapacidad física adquirida en adultos y la segunda causa de mortalidad en todo el mundo. Las estrategias de tratamiento para frenar los efectos del ataque cerebrovascular serían de gran beneficio. Pongamia pinnata es una atracción reciente en la medicina, debido a sus abundantes beneficios medicinales con mínimos efectos secundarios. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo examinar el efecto agudo y subagudo del extracto de hoja de Pongamia pinnata sobre la hipoperfusión y reperfusión cerebral transitoria (tCHR) en ratas Wistar. Se dividieron 24 ratas Wistar adultas (12 cada una para el estudio agudo y subagudo) en cuatro grupos, el grupo control normal, el grupo tCHR + NS, los grupos tCHR + 200 mg/kg de peso corporal y tCHR + 400 mg/kg de peso corporal. La inducción de la isquemia cerebral se llevó a cabo mediante oclusión y reperfusión bilateral de la arteria carótida común. El extracto etanólico de hojas de Pongamia pinnata se administró por vía oral durante 7 días y 21 días después del procedimiento quirúrgico para estudio agudo y subagudo respectivamente. Se realizaron análisis de comportamiento, evaluación histológica y estimación de los niveles de ARNm de HIF-1, GDNF, BDNF y NF-kB. Tanto en el estudio agudo como en el subagudo, hubo una mejora significativa en el ensayo de desplazamiento del haz, el recuento neuronal, una disminución del daño neuronal en las secciones histológicas y una mayor expresión de ARNm de BDNF y GDNF en los grupos con tratamiento. No hubo diferencias significativas en la expresión de HIF1 y NF-kB. Por lo tanto, Pongamia pinnata tiene una excelente propiedad neurorestauradora que revierte muchos de los efectos del ataque cerebrovascular isquémico inducido por tCHR en ratas, siendo el mecanismo subyacente una mejora en la expresión de los factores neurotróficos GDNF y BDNF.

Animais , Ratos , Extratos Vegetais/administração & dosagem , Acidente Vascular Cerebral/tratamento farmacológico , Millettia/química , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Córtex Cerebral/efeitos dos fármacos , Isquemia Encefálica/tratamento farmacológico , Administração Oral , NF-kappa B , Ratos Wistar , Fator Neurotrófico Derivado do Encéfalo/genética , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Fator 1 Induzível por Hipóxia/genética , Fator Neurotrófico Derivado de Linhagem de Célula Glial/genética , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real , Fatores de Crescimento Neural/administração & dosagem
Conscientiae Saúde (Online) ; 23: e25515, 25 mar. 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553507


Introduction: The ACTN3 gene encodes the α-actinin-3 protein in the Z lines of the sarcomere, which anchors the actin protein in the contractile apparatus, present exclusively in type II muscle fibers, presenting greater glycolytic capacity, which is essential for sports with high-energy actions. intensity and short duration as is the case with Volleyball. Objective: To verify the frequency and distribution of the ACTN3 gene, RR and RX genotypes that express α-actinin-3 (EX α-actinin-3), and XX genotype that do not express α-actinin-3 (NE α-actinin-3) and its association with Brazilian volleyball athletes. Materials and Methods: Nine-seven (97) athletes from the women's volleyball super league took part in the study. Body mass, height and age were evaluated to characterize the sample. Salivary samples were analyzed using (PCR) in real time, to determine the genotypes, and, to verify the association of the genotype with the status of volleyball athlete in the three categories (National Teams, Brazilian National Team and Brazilian Olympic Team), the test was carried out Chi-square of independence (χ²). To obtain the odds ratio of the outcome, a log linear regression analysis was performed. All tests were carried out using the JAMOVI 2.4 (2023) statistical software. Results: Among the athletes in the sample competing in the National Teams competition, 91.8% have the EX-α-actinin-3 genotype. When we consider Brazilian National Team competitions, 93.7% have the EX-α-actinin-3 genotype. Athletes who play for the Brazilian Olimpic Team, 100% of the sample have the EX-α-actinin-3 genotype. Considering that in the world population, the frequency is 80%, it is possible to verify that as you approach the athletes who participate in the women's team there is a greater participation of athletes with the EX-α-actinin-3 genotype. Furthermore, there was an association between the genotypes that EX α-actinin-3 and the National category, with the status of elite athlete, where (χ²) obtained the p value (0.023) and the rate ratio (2.71) for the outcome of the genotypes (EX α-actinin-3) being elite athletes. Conclusion: The athlete's genetic characteristics, environment, nutrition, physical, technical and tactical preparation are some of the factors that contribute to sports performance. However, the results of the present study suggest that athletes with RR and RX genotypes that express α-actinin-3, present in type II muscle fibers, seem to confer an advantage when playing high-performance volleyball.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;121(3): e20230392, Mar.2024. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557029


Resumo Fundamento: Os ensaios clínicos demonstraram a segurança da Edoxabana, um anticoagulante oral não dependente de vitamina K (NOAC), e a sua eficácia na prevenção de acidente vascular cerebral e embolia sistémica em pacientes com fibrilação atrial não valvar (FANV) e também na prevenção e tratamento de tromboembolismo venoso. No entanto, pesquisas adicionais são necessárias para avaliar a segurança e a eficácia da Edoxabana em um cenário real na população brasileira. Objetivo: A fim de compreender os riscos e benefícios do uso da Edoxabana em cenários clínicos de rotina, o estudo EdoBRA está sendo conduzido para obter informações sobre a segurança e eficácia do uso da Edoxabana em pacientes não pré-selecionados com FANV no Brasil. Métodos: O estudo EdoBRA é um estudo multicêntrico, prospectivo e observacional, realizado em 36 centros no Brasil. São elegíveis para este estudo pacientes com FANV, ≥ 18 anos de idade, tratados com Edoxabana disponível comercialmente, que iniciaram o tratamento por pelo menos 14 dias e não mais do que 90 dias antes da data de inclusão no estudo, e que não estão participando de nenhum outro estudo de intervenção. Ao todo, 700 pacientes devem ser inscritos e acompanhados por um ano, com coletas de dados programadas para o período basal e 3, 6 e 12 meses após a inscrição no estudo. O objetivo primário de segurança é o sangramento clinicamente relevante (de acordo com critérios da Sociedade Internacional de Trombose e Hemostasia - ISTH), e o objetivo secundário de eficácia são desfechos cardiovasculares relevantes relacionados à FANV. Conclusão: O estudo observacional EdoBRA gerará informações adicionais relevantes sobre a Edoxabana enquanto NOAC em diversos aspectos do manejo de pacientes no atendimento clínico de rotina, como perfil de segurança e efetividade em pacientes com FANV no Brasil.

Abstract Background: Clinical trials showed the safety of Edoxaban, a non-vitamin K-dependent oral anticoagulant (NOAC), and its efficacy to prevent stroke and systemic embolism in non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) patients and also to prevent and treat venous thromboembolism. However, additional research is needed to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of Edoxaban in a real-world scenario in the Brazilian population. Objective: In order to understand the risks and benefits of Edoxaban use in routine clinical settings, the EdoBRA study is being conducted to gain insight into the safety and effectiveness of Edoxaban use in non-preselected patients with NVAF in Brazil. Methods: The EdoBRA study is a multicenter, prospective, observational study conducted in 36 sites in Brazil. NVAF patients ≥ 18 years treated with commercially available Edoxaban who initiated treatment for at least 14 days and no longer than 90 days prior to enrollment, and who are not simultaneously participating in any interventional study are eligible for this study. Seven hundred patients are planned to be enrolled and one-year of follow up, with data collections expected at baseline and 3, 6, and 12 months after the study enrollment. The primary safety objective is ISTH Clinically Relevant Bleeding, and the secondary effectiveness objective focuses on relevant cardiovascular outcomes related to NVAF. Conclusion: EdoBRA observational study will generate relevant additional information about NOAC Edoxaban on various aspects of patient management in routine care, such as its safety and effectiveness profile in patients with NVAF in Brazil.

Arq Asma Alerg Imunol ; 8(1): 14-20, jan.mar.2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562866


A dermatite atópica (DA) e o prurigo nodular (PN) são doenças inflamatórias da pele que cursam com lesões variadas, como eczemas, pápulas e nódulos, acompanhados de intenso prurido e, nos casos graves, de importante prejuízo da qualidade de vida para os pacientes e seus familiares. O dupilumabe está aprovado no Brasil para o manejo das duas condições: DA moderada/grave e PN que não responde aos tratamentos tópicos. A eficácia e segurança do dupilumabe foram amplamente estabelecidas para ambas as condições em ensaios clínicos e estudos de vida real. Este artigo tem como objetivo revisar os principais eventos adversos (EAD) associados ao uso do dupilumabe em DA e PN, e auxiliar no seu manejo. Desde o início do uso da medicação, há alguns anos, os principais EAD reportados foram: a reação no local da injeção, a doença da superfície ocular (conjuntivite não infecciosa, blefarite, olhos secos), a eosinofilia e o eritema de face/pescoço. Outras manifestações também foram observadas em pacientes com DA em uso de dupilumabe, mas sem associação comprovada: psoríase, artralgia e alopecia areata. Apesar de muito infrequentemente levarem à suspensão do dupilumabe, é fundamental que os médicos prescritores deste medicamento para estas condições, dermatologistas e imunoalergistas, saibam detectar e manejar seus possíveis eventos adversos.

Atopic dermatitis (AD) and prurigo nodularis (PN) are inflammatory skin diseases characterized by various lesions such as eczema, papules, and nodules, with marked pruritus and, in severe cases, significant impairment of quality of life for patients and their families. Dupilumab is approved in Brazil for the management of both moderate/severe AD and PN that does not respond to topical treatments. The efficacy and safety of dupilumab have been extensively established for both conditions in clinical trials and real-world studies.This article aims to review the main adverse events (AEs) associated with the use of dupilumab in AD and PN and assist in their management. Since the introduction of dupilumab a few years ago, the main reported AEs have been injection site reactions, ocular surface disease (non-infectious conjunctivitis, blepharitis, dry eyes), eosinophilia, and facial/neck erythema. Other manifestations have also been observed in patients with AD on dupilumab, but without proven association: psoriasis, arthralgia, and alopecia areata. Although AEs very infrequently lead to discontinuation of dupilumab, it is crucial that physicians prescribing it for these conditions, dermatologists, and immunologists know how to detect and manage its possible adverse effects.

Humanos , Anticorpos Monoclonais Humanizados
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e13392, fev.2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568974


Cyclosporine is an immunosuppressant used to prevent organ rejection in kidney, liver, and heart allogeneic transplants. This study aimed to assess the safety of cyclosporine through the analysis of adverse events (AEs) related to cyclosporine in the US Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS). To detect AEs associated with cyclosporine, a pharmacovigilance analysis was conducted using four algorithms on the FAERS database: reporting odds ratio (ROR), proportional reporting ratio (PRR), Bayesian confidence propagation neural network (BCPNN), and empirical Bayes geometric mean (EBGM). A statistical analysis was performed on data extracted from the FAERS database, covering 19,582 case reports spanning from 2013 to 2022. Among these cases, 3,911 AEs were identified, with 476 linked to cyclosporine as the primary suspected drug. Cyclosporin-induced AEs targeted 27 System Organ Classes (SOCs). Notably, the highest case at the SOC level included eye disorders, injury, poisoning, and procedural complications, as well as immune system disorders, all of which are listed on the cyclosporine label. Furthermore, we discovered novel potential AEs associated with hepatobiliary disorders, among others. Moreover, unexpected adverse drug reactions (ADRs), such as biliary anastomosis complication and spermatozoa progressive motility decrease, were identified. Importantly, these newly identified ADRs were not mentioned on the cyclosporine label, which were involved in injury, poisoning, and procedural complications, and investigations at the SOC level. The study used pharmacovigilance analysis of FAERS database to identify new and unexpected potential ADRs relating to cyclosporine, which can provide safety tips for the safe use of cyclosporine.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;121(1): e20230242, jan. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533726


Resumo Fundamento: As diretrizes da Sociedade Europeia de Cardiologia recomendam um nível de colesterol LDL (LDL-C) < 55 mg/dL para pacientes com doença cardiovascular estabelecida. Embora a fórmula de Friedewald ainda seja amplamente utilizada para estimar o LDL-C, a fórmula mais recente de Martin-Hopkins mostrou maior precisão. Objetivos: Nosso objetivo foi avaliar: A) a proporção de pacientes que atingiram a meta de LDL-C e as terapias utilizadas em um centro terciário; B) o impacto da utilização do método de Martin-Hopkins em vez do método de Friedewald na proporção de pacientes controlados. Métodos: Estudo transversal monocêntrico, incluindo pacientes consecutivos pós-infarto do miocárdio, acompanhados por 20 cardiologistas, em um hospital terciário. Os dados foram coletados retrospectivamente de consultas clínicas realizadas após abril de 2022. Para cada paciente, os níveis de LDL-C e o atingimento das metas foram estimados a partir de um perfil lipídico ambulatorial, utilizando as fórmulas de Friedewald e Martin-Hopkins. Um valor-p bicaudal < 0,05 foi considerado estatisticamente significativo para todos os testes. Resultados: Foram incluídos 400 pacientes (com 67 ± 13 anos, 77% do sexo masculino). Utilizando a fórmula de Friedewald, a mediana de LDL-C sob terapia foi de 64 (50-81) mg/dL, e 31% tinham LDL-C dentro da meta. Estatinas de alta intensidade foram usadas em 64% dos pacientes, 37% estavam em uso de ezetimiba e 0,5% estavam em uso de inibidores de PCSK9. A terapia combinada de estatina de alta intensidade + ezetimiba foi utilizada em 102 pacientes (26%). A aplicação do método de Martin-Hopkins reclassificaria um total de 31 pacientes (7,8%). Entre aqueles considerados controlados pela fórmula de Friedewald, 27 (21,6%) teriam LDL-C estimado por Martin-Hopkins acima da meta. Conclusões: Menos de um terço dos pacientes pós-infarto do miocárdio apresentaram LDL-C dentro da meta. A aplicação da fórmula de Martin-Hopkins reclassificaria um quinto dos pacientes presumivelmente controlados no grupo de pacientes não controlados.

Abstract Background: The European Society of Cardiology guidelines recommend an LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) < 55 mg/dL for patients with established cardiovascular disease. While the Friedewald equation to estimate LDL-C is still widely used, the newer Martin-Hopkins equation has shown greater accuracy. Objectives: We aimed to assess: A) the proportion of patients reaching LDL-C goal and the therapies used in a tertiary center; B) the impact of using the Martin-Hopkins method instead of Friedewald's on the proportion of controlled patients. Methods: A single-center cross-sectional study including consecutive post-myocardial infarction patients followed by 20 cardiologists in a tertiary hospital. Data was collected retrospectively from clinical appointments that took place after April 2022. For each patient, the LDL-C levels and attainment of goals were estimated from an ambulatory lipid profile using both Friedewald and Martin-Hopkins equations. A two-tailed p-value of < 0.05 was considered statistically significant for all tests. Results: Overall, 400 patients were included (aged 67 ± 13 years, 77% male). Using Friedewald's equation, the median LDL-C under therapy was 64 (50-81) mg/dL, and 31% had LDL-C within goals. High-intensity statins were used in 64% of patients, 37% were on ezetimibe, and 0.5% were under PCSK9 inhibitors. Combination therapy of high-intensity statin + ezetimibe was used in 102 patients (26%). Applying the Martin-Hopkins method would reclassify a total of 31 patients (7.8%). Among those deemed controlled by Friedewald's equation, 27 (21.6%) would have a Martin-Hopkins' LDL-C above goals. Conclusions: Less than one-third of post-myocardial infarction patients had LDL-C within the goal. Applying the Martin-Hopkins equation would reclassify one-fifth of presumably controlled patients into the non-controlled group.

An. bras. dermatol ; An. bras. dermatol;99(1): 34-42, Jan.-Feb. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527686


Abstract Background: Real-world, primary data on the treatment of psoriasis are scarce, especially concerning the role of soluble biomarkers as outcome predictors. Objective: The authors evaluated the utility of Th1/Th17 serum cytokines along with clinical characteristics as predictors of drug survival in the treatment of psoriasis. Methods: The authors consecutively included participants with moderate to severe psoriasis who were followed up for 6 years. Baseline interferon-α, tumor necrosis factor-α, and inter-leukin (IL)-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, and IL-17A were measured using a cytometric bead array; clinical data were assessed. The authors calculated hazard ratios (HRs) for drug survival using a Cox proportional hazards model. Results: The authors included 262 patients, most of whom used systemic immunosuppressants or biologics. In the multivariate model, poor quality of life measured by the Dermatology Life Quality Index (HR = 1.04; 95% CI 1.01-1.07; p = 0.012) and elevated baseline IL-6 (HR = 1.99; 95% CI 1.29-3.08; p = 0.002) were associated with treatment interruption. Study limitations: The main limitation of any cohort study is the presence of confounders that could not be detected in clinical evaluation. Conclusions: Poor quality of life and elevated baseline serum IL-6 level predicted treatment interruption in patients with moderate to severe psoriasis. Although IL-6 is not the most important mediator of the inflammatory pathway in the skin environment, it is an interesting biomarker candidate for predicting psoriasis treatment response.

Rev. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Quito) ; 49(1): 8-16, Ene 24, 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554703


Introducción: La enfermedad de Alzheimer es un trastorno neurodegenerativo de inicio insidioso y progresión lenta. Epidemiológicamente representa 60% a 70% de los casos de demencia.Objetivo: Determinar el grado de satisfacción y seguridad con la combinación fija de memantina-donepezilo durante 6 meses.Material y métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional, transversal y analítico con base a un diseño de Real World Evidence (RWE), para evaluar la satisfacción del tratamiento a través de preguntas con una escala de Likert para la valoración de la satisfacción de 31 pacientes que recibieron como parte de su tratamiento habitual la combinación fija de memantina + donepezilo una vez al día durante seis meses previos a la aplicación de la escala de satisfacción. La información se recopiló de febrero a noviembre del 2021. Resultados: 60% de los eventos adversos fueron leves, 40% moderados. La tolerabilidad luego de 3 meses fue percibida como muy buena o excelente por 81% de pacientes. A seis meses 87,1% calificó como muy bueno o excelente el tratamiento. Satisfacción con el tratamiento a 3 meses fue, "satisfecho en su mayoría" o "totalmente satisfecho" para el 87,1%. Discusión: Prevalencia en el género femenino de 77,4% mayor a la reportada para todo el país de 54,8%, comorbilidades reportadas similares a las descritas por la literatura. Tolerabilidad calificada como excelente en comparación con otros estudios que calificaron como buena tolerabilidad. Conclusión: La administración de la combinación fija de memantina 14 mg + donepezilo 10 mg o memantina 28 mg + donepezilo 10 mg, fue una opción segura y bien tolerada.

Introduction:Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder of insidious onset and slow progression. Epidemiologically it accounts for 60% to 70% of cases of dementia.Objective:Determine the degree of satisfaction and safety with the fixed combination of memantine-donepezil for 6 months.Materials and methods: A cross-sectional, observational, and analytical study was conducted based on a Real World Evidence (RWE) design to assess treatment satisfaction through Likert-scale questions of 31 patients who, as part of their regular treatment, received the fixed combination of memantine + donepezil once daily for six months before the administration of the satisfaction scale. Data collection took place from February to November 2021.Results: 60% of adverse events were mild, 40% moderate. Tolerability after 3 months was perceived as very good or excellent by 81% of patients. At six months 87,1% rated the treatment as very good or excellent. Satisfaction with treatment at 3 months was, "mostly satisfied" or "totally satisfied" for 87,1%. Discussion: Prevalence in the female gender of 77,4% higher than that reported for the whole country of 54,8%, reported comorbidities similar to those described in the literature. Tolerability rated as excellent compared to other studies which rated as good tolerability. Conclusions:Administration of the fixed combination of memantine 14 mg + donepezil 10 mg or memantine 28 mg + donepezil 10 mg was a safe and well-tolerated option.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006563


ObjectiveTo systematically review the studies about Yiqing Capsules in the treatment of pharyngitis, tonsillitis, gingivitis, and oral ulcers with heat-toxin syndrome and clarify the advantages and therapeutic characteristics of Yiqing capsules, thus providing reference for the decision-making by relevant departments and clues for the clinical and basic research. MethodThe multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) model and CSC v2.0 were employed to comprehensively evaluate Yiqing capsules from multiple aspects. ResultThe serious adverse reactions in the spontaneous reporting system (SRS) monitoring data of Yiqing capsules included pruritus, rash, an ddiarrhea, all of which were relieved or cured, without aggravation or interhospital transfer for treatment. Literature data showed that the main clinical adverse reactions were abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc. Both acute toxicity and long-term toxicity tests showed good safety, and thus the safety of Yiqing capsules was rated as grade B. The results of Meta-analysis showed that Yiqing capsules used alone or in combination with other medicines outperformed Niuhuang Jiedu capsules or Western medicine in the treatment of pharyngitis, tonsillitis, gingivitis, and oral ulcers with heat toxin in terms of symptom alleviation, disappearance rate of main symptoms, and recurrence rate of aphtha. Pharmacological and pharmacodynamic studies showed that Yiqing capsules had antimicrobial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory effects, with the effectiveness rated as grade B. The decision tree model was adopted to analyze the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. With the threshold of 1 fold per capita GDP and the disappearing rate of pain in gingivitis as the indicator, Yiqing capsules had an economic advantage in the treatment of gingivitis due to heat-toxin compared with Niuhuang Jiedu capsules, and the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was 0.39 yuan/%, which indicated acceptable cost, with the economy rated as grade B. Yiqing capsules can not only clear heat from Qi aspect but also purge blood fire, serving as the representative prescription of clearing and purging for heat-toxin syndrome. Considering the industrial service system and enterprise innovation, the comprehensive innovation of Yiqing capsules was rated as grade B. Generally, this product does not require personalized treatment plans and features convenient supply, storage, transportation, policy publicity, drug information standards, and easy operation for medical care and patients. The Chinese patent medicine information was complete and in line with national standards, and thus the suitability of Yiqing capsules was rated as grade A. With a low price and good availability and affordability, the accessibility of Yiqing capsules was rated as grade A. The Yiqing capsules prescription, Sanhuang Xiexin decoction, originated from ancient medical books, with rich real-world studies, and thus the traditional Chinese medicine characteristics of Yiqing capsules was rated as grade C. ConclusionThe clinical value of Yiqing capsules was rated as grade B from the "6+1" dimensions, suggesting that it could be conditionally converted into the relevant policy results of basic clinical drug management according to the procedure.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010297


OBJECTIVE@#To assess the outcomes after acupoint application in patients with pharyngeal pain in a real-world settings, and analyze the characteristics of effective population and prescription characteristics of acupoint application.@*METHODS@#Based on CHUNBO platform, patients with pharyngeal pain who were candidates for acupoint application on the basis of physician-evaluation, were enrolled in a nationwide, prospective, 69-week multicenter observational study from August 2020 to February 2022. Propensity score matching (PSM) was used to match the confounding factors and the association rules were used to analyze the characteristics of effective population and prescription characteristics of acupoint application. Outcome assessments included the disappearance rate of pharyngeal pain (within 3, 7, and 14 days), disappearance time of pharyngeal pain, as well as adverse events.@*RESULTS@#Of 7,699 enrolled participants, 6,693 (86.9%) received acupoint application and 1,450 (21.7%) with non-acupoint application. After PSM, there were 1,004 patients each in the application group (AG) and non-application group (NAG). The disappearance rate of pharyngeal pain in the AG at 3, 7, and 14 days were all higher than those in the NAG (P<0.05). The disappearance time of pharyngeal pain in the AG were shorter than that in the NAG (logrank P<0.001, hazard ratio=1.51, 95% confidence interval: 1.41-1.63). The median age of effective cases was 4 years, mainly 3-6 years old (40.21%). The disappearance rate of pharyngeal pain in the application group with tonsil diseases was 2.19 times higher than that in the NAG (P<0.05). The commonly used acupoints for the effective cases were Tiantu (RN 22), Shenque (RN 8) and Dazhui (DU 14). The commonly used herbs for the effective cases were Natrii sulfas, Radix et Rhizoma Rhei, and Herba Ephedrae. Among them, Natrii sulfas was applied to RN 8 most frequently (support 84.39%). A total of 1,324 (17.2%) patients experienced AEs, and mainly occurred in the AG, with significant difference in the incidence of AEs between goups (P<0.05). All AEs reported were the first grade, and the average regression days of AEs was 2.8 days.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Acupoint application in patients with pharyngeal pain resulted in improved effective rate and shortened duration, especially children aged 3-6 years old, and those with tonsil diseases. Acupoint of RN 22, RN 8 and DU 14, Natrii sulfas, Radix et Rhizoma Rhei, and Herba Ephedrae were the most commonly used herbs in the treatment of pharyngeal pain.

Criança , Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Pontos de Acupuntura , Medicina Tradicional Chinesa/métodos , Estudos Prospectivos , Dor
Herald of Medicine ; (12): 137-142, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023691


Objective To evaluate adverse events(AEs)of hematological toxicities in cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6(CDK4/6)inhibitors based on the FDA adverse event reporting system(FAERS)database,and to provide a reference for rational drug use in the clinic.Methods A total of 29 quarterly AEs were extracted from the FAERS database from January 2015 to March 2022.Reported odds ratio(ROR)and proportional reported ratio(PRR)were used for data mining of CDK4/6 inhibitor AEs.Results A total of 7 872 AEs related to CDK4/6 inhibitors were reported,and the proportion of hematological AEs of each inhibitor was palbociclib(80.31%),ribociclib(15.36%),and abemaciclib(4.33%).Neutropenia and anemia were common in hematological toxicities.Palbociclib(2 982/6 322,47.17%)and ribociclib(613/1 209,50.70%)caused more neutropenia than abemaciclib(117/341,34.31%).Hematological toxicities mainly occurred 60 days after drug initiation(1 630,61.86%).Palbociclib had the longest median onset time,and 32.9%of patients still had hematological toxicities after 90 days of treatment.The clinical features and intensity were different among CDK4/6 inhibitors.Conclusions Palbociclib,abemaciclib,and ribociclib all cause significant hematological toxicities,among which abemaciclib has fewest reports of hematological toxicities.Still,the risk of death after anemia caused by abemaciclib should be noted.Complete blood cell count should be closely monitored within the first two months after treatment to monitor the patient's neutrophils and hemoglobin.The occurrence of hematological AEs associated with CDK4/6 inhibitors should be noted in the clinic.

China Oncology ; (12): 268-277, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023813


Background and purpose:Follow-up data of 6 737 patients undergoing surgery for gastric cancer were collected based on hospital registration,and the 1-,3-and 5-years observed overall survival(OS)rates and disease-free survival(DFS)rates were analyzed to provide real-world research evidence for the prevention and control of gastric cancer and policy making in China.Methods:A total of 6 737 gastric cancer patients who underwent surgical treatment at Fudan University Shanghai Cancer center from 2015 to 2020 were included in this study.Clinical information and the follow-up endpoint data were collected through medical records review,telephone visits and death registry data linkage.The last follow-up date was November 30,2023.Kaplan-Meier method was applied in evaluating the 1-,3-and 5-year OS rate and DFS rate,and survival data were described by different subgroups including age group,gender,treatment period,tumor staging,and pathological characteristics.Results:With a median follow-up time of 50.99 months,the 5-year OS rate of surgically resected gastric cancer patients was 70.37%,and 5-year DFS rate in Ⅰ-Ⅲ stage cases was 69.46%.The 5-year OS rates of stage Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ and Ⅳ were 94.32%,82.56%,51.01%and 23.97%,respectively.The differences in survival among patients with different age,tumor location,gross classification,Borrmann classification and Laurence classification were significant.Conclusion:Staging is an important factor directly affecting the survival of gastric cancer patients.Screening and early diagnosis and treatment in large population,especially high-risk group,should be strengthened to further improve the patients'survival.

China Pharmacist ; (12): 85-92, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025923


Objective To search for the reports of adverse events of levofloxacin use in children using the FAERS database,and to mine and analyze the data to provide reference for safe clinical use.Methods The data reported of adverse events of levofloxacin use in children from January 1,2004 to June 30,2023 were retrieved through the OpenVigil 2.1 platform,and the relevant data were analyzed based on the reporting odds ratio(ROR)method.Results A total of 484 cases of adverse events of levofloxacin in children were retrieved,and 94 positive risk signals were found.The main systemic organs involved were various musculoskeletal and connective tissues,gastrointestinal system,systemic and administration sites,and the top five positive signals were Dimycodes infection(ROR=822.87),tendon pain(ROR=563.71),Mycobacterium ulcers infection(ROR=352.65),tendon rupture(ROR=341.91),and immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome-related tuberculosis(ROR=310.84).The top five positive signals not mentioned in the label were Mycobacterium ulcerans infection(ROR=352.65),immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome-associated tuberculosis(ROR=310.84),central nervous system tuberculoma(ROR=102.85),linear IgA disease(ROR=82.68),and increased intracranial pressure(ROR=32.46).Conclusion In addition to the known adverse events,levofloxacin is used in children,and the risk signal intensity of adverse reactions such as increased intracranial pressure and tuberculosis-related diseases is high,so it is recommended to carefully select and strengthen relevant safety monitoring.

China Pharmacist ; (12): 255-263, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025942


Objective To mine temozolomide-related adverse drug event(ADE)signals in the real world and to provide a reference for the safe clinical use of temozolomide.Methods The U.S.Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System(FAERS)was used to collect the ADE reporting data of temozolomide in the FAERS database from January 1,2004 to December 31,2022.The signal mining was performed using the report ratio method and Bayesian confidence interval progressive neural network method to analyze the occurrence of ADE.Results In the database,there were 24 725 ADE reports with temozolomide as the primary suspected drug,and a total of 300 ADE signals were identified,involving 23 system organ categories,and the top 5 were blood and lymphatic system diseases,systemic diseases and various reactions of administration sites,various examinations,various neurological diseases,various injuries,poisoning and procedural complications etc.the most frequently reported ADE signals included thrombocytopenia,low platelet count,neutral granulocytopenia,pancytopenia,convulsive attacks,and febrile neutropenia.42 new suspected adverse reactions were discovered,which were not recorded in the instructions,such as pseudomonas skin infection,herpetic meningoencephalitis,hypoglossal nerve paralysis,porokeratosis,etc.Conclusion The common adverse reactions of temozolomide in the real world are generally consistent with the instructions,but some new suspicious adverse reactions have been discovered.During clinical drug use,special attention should be paid to these new adverse reactions,and it is recommended to monitor patients'adverse reactions and take appropriate measures in a timely manner.

China Medical Equipment ; (12): 166-173, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026506


Objective:To explore the research hotspots and effective promotion paths of post market surveillance and supervise of medical consumables with non-active medical devices.Methods:Data mining methods were used to collect related journal literatures and documents from the websites of China regulatory institutions and the China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI),order sub item data of medical device adverse event reports,extract the MeSH element words of literatures and documents,perform bibliometric analysis and visual display.Results:The number of medical devices adverse event reports in China has been increasing year by year,reaching 694 866 in 2022,in the four statistical years from 2019 to 2022,the number of reports on non-active medical devices and IVD reagents also showed a parallel increasing trend,accounting for about 65.00% of the total number of adverse event reports on medical devices in the year.The bibliometric analysis of journal literature shows that research in this field has received varying degrees of participation from regulatory institutions,universities,medical institutions,and enterprises.Regulatory institutions have contributed 46 articles,accounting for 56.79% of the total number of articles,followed by 28 articles from universities.The co-occurrence analysis shows that hot topic is focused in 5 clusters:quality management,risk management,international experiences discussion and adverse event surveillance and re-evaluation and real-world research.China regulatory institutions attach great importance to post market surveillance and supervise,and have issued more than 20 relevant documents since 2006,focusing on specific topics and gradually deepening around safety and effectiveness.Conclusion:The post market surveillance and supervise of medical devices,especially medical consumables based on non-active medical devices,need to be promoted synchronously in three dimensions:regulatory institutions,medical institutions,and enterprises.Universities,research institutes,and industry organizations should work in coordinating to strengthen the collection,identification,and active surveillance of risk signals based on adverse event surveillance,safety evaluation based on risk management,and conducting real-world research,research and develop risk control and corrective and preventive measures.

Chinese Hospital Management ; (12): 18-22, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026645


Digital supervision of the medical insurance fund is the process of using digital information technology to map real-world medical scenarios and activities into the digital world,in which the medical insurance fund is super-vised and managed.The objectives of digital supervision include not only ensuring the safe and rational use of the medical insurance fund,but also promoting the quality of medical services,safeguarding the public's rights and interests,ensuring the long-term sustainability of the medical insurance system,and promoting social equity and stability at multiple levels.Based on the theory of Public Value theory,it interprets and explores the model and critical path of digital supervision of China's medical insurance fund from the three dimensions of Public Value Proposition,Autho-rizing Environment,and Operational Capacity,which concludes that the key to digital supervision of medical insurance funds lies in the search for consistency and balance between the three of real-world value objectives.Digital regulation should be oriented towards public value creation and return to value rationality;strengthen institutional design and build a pluralistic governance pattern for digital regulation;and strengthen core capacity building to make up for the shortcomings of digital regulatory capacity.The public value of digital supervision should be created from three as-pects:concept optimization,support and guarantee,and capacity improvement.The public value of digital supervision should be created from three aspects:concept optimization,support and guarantee,and capacity improvement.