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Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(2)ago. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564924


Se reconoce que la danza afroecuatoriana es un lazo de conexión con los ancestros y la identidad, y aporta una educación del movimiento que facilita, a su vez, el desarrollo de valores educativos en torno al tratamiento del cuerpo; ello favorece la motivación hacia la práctica de la actividad física continuada. El objetivo de la investigación radica en proponer la danza afroecuatoriana como una alternativa metodológica para la inclusión de estudiantes con hiperactividad y se contextualiza en décimo año, con un total de 35 estudiantes, y una muestra de un estudiante con trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad, de la Básica Superior de la Unidad Educativa "José Otilio Ramírez Reina", provincia de Esmeraldas en Ecuador. El estudio, se sustentó en un enfoque cuantitativo-cualitativo y el método dialectico-materialista; se emplearon métodos del nivel teórico como el histórico-lógico y el análisis-síntesis y del nivel empírico el análisis documental, la observación y la encuesta, para interpretar las derivaciones obtenidas en cada etapa que transitó desde el nivel exploratorio, descriptivo, hasta llegar a una explicación del fenómeno investigado. Los resultados revelan el insuficiente reconocimiento de la danza afroecuatoriana para la inclusión de estudiantes con este trastorno, así como la escasa producción científica relacionada con la temática. Del estudio realizado se concluyó que la danza afroecuatoriana constituye una vía expedita para un mejor conocimiento, disfrute y preservación de la identidad, en estos estudiantes.

Reconhece-se que a dança afro-equatoriana é um vínculo de ligação com os ancestrais e a identidade, e proporciona uma educação em movimento que facilita, por sua vez, o desenvolvimento de valores educativos em torno do tratamento do corpo; Isso favorece a motivação para a prática de atividade física continuada. O objetivo da pesquisa consiste em propor a dança afro-equatoriana como alternativa metodológica para a inclusão de alunos com hiperatividade e está contextualizada no décimo ano, com um total de 35 alunos, e uma amostra de um aluno com transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade, da Escola Básica Superior da Unidade Educacional "José Otilio Ramírez Reina", província de Esmeraldas no Equador. O estudo baseou-se na abordagem quanti-qualitativa e no método dialético-materialista; Métodos do nível teórico como histórico-lógico e análise-síntese e do nível empírico, análise documental, observação e levantamento, foram utilizados para interpretar as derivações obtidas em cada etapa que passou do nível exploratório, descritivo, até chegar a uma explicação do fenômeno investigado. Os resultados revelam o insuficiente reconhecimento da dança afro-equatoriana para a inclusão de alunos com esse transtorno, bem como a limitada produção científica relacionada ao tema. Do estudo realizado concluiu-se que a dança afro-equatoriana constitui um caminho expedito para um melhor conhecimento, diversão e preservação da identidade destes alunos.

Afro-Ecuadorian dance is a bond of connection with ancestors and identity, and provides an education in movement that facilitates, in turn, the development of educational values around the treatment of the body; this favors motivation towards the practice of continued physical activity. The objective of the research lies in proposing Afro-Ecuadorian dance as a methodological alternative for the inclusion of students with hyperactivity and is contextualized in the tenth grade, with a total of 35 students, and a sample of a student with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, from the Higher Basic School "José Otilio Ramírez Reina" Educational Unit, province of Esmeraldas in Ecuador. The study was based on a quantitative-qualitative approach and the dialectical-materialist method; methods from the theoretical level such as historical-logical and analysis-synthesis and from the empirical level, documentary analysis, observation and survey, were used to interpret the derivations obtained in each stage that went from the exploratory, descriptive level, until reaching an explanation of the phenomenon investigated. The results reveal the insufficient recognition of Afro-Ecuadorian dance for the inclusion of students with this disorder, as well as the limited scientific production related to the topic. From the study carried out, it was concluded that Afro-Ecuadorian dance constitutes an expeditious route for better knowledge, enjoyment and preservation of identity in these students.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558172


Dentro de la carrera de Odontología de la Universidad de La Frontera surge la necesidad de pasar por un proceso de renovación curricular. Para esto, se deben considerar tres ejes: la Mención en Prevención con la que cuenta el plan de estudios de Odontología, la coherencia con la legislación chilena y el Modelo Educativo de la Universidad en la formación y gestión de la carrera, y las metodologías de formación actualizadas. La Mención en Prevención se debe fortalecer para entregar una formación integral a los estudiantes, con énfasis en la responsabilidad social. La legislación chilena actualmente exige una revisión sistemática al plan de estudios de Odontología para cumplir con los estándares de calidad, y paralelamente la Universidad propone un Modelo Educativo que entrega un sello de calidad al trabajo de la casa de estudios, con el cual la carrera también debe alinearse. Por otra parte, la constante actualización de conocimientos disciplinares y pedagógicos en Odontología deben ser considerados y estudiados para un óptimo resultado en el proceso de renovación curricular, como así también la inclusión de las nuevas herramientas tecnológicas que se han desarrollado. Estos son ejes esenciales a considerar para generar impacto en educación en Odontología.

Within the dentistry program of the University of La Frontera, there is a need to undergo a process of curricular renewal. For this, three axes must be considered: Mention in Prevention in the Dentistry curriculum, the coherence with the Chilean legislation and the Educational Model of the University in the training and management of the program, and the updated training methodologies. The Mention in Prevention should be strengthened to provide comprehensive training to students, with emphasis on social responsibility. Chilean legislation currently requires a systematic review of the dentistry curriculum to comply with quality standards, and at the same time the University proposes an Educational Model that provides a quality seal for the work of the university, with which the program must also be aligned. On the other hand, the constant updating of disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge in Dentistry must be considered and studied for an optimal result in the process of curricular renovation, as well as the inclusion of new technological tools that have been developed. These are essential axes to consider in order to generate impact on education in dentistry.

Curitiba; s.n; 20240326. 122 p. ilus, tab.
Tese em Português | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1561751


Resumo: Este projeto foi desenvolvido na linha de pesquisa Gerenciamento dos Serviços de Saúde e Enfermagem do Programa de Pós-graduação em Enfermagem. A abordagem da segurança do paciente na formação acadêmica desempenha papel importante na promoção de conceitos que possibilitam o desenvolvimento de atitudes e conhecimentos dos estudantes, colaborando na melhoria da qualidade da assistência. Objetivos: analisar na proposta curricular dos cursos de graduação em enfermagem a descrição de termos e requisitos de ensino da segurança do paciente e avaliar o grau de confiabilidade dos resultados obtidos com a busca dos tópicos recomendados pela OMS sobre o ensino da segurança do paciente. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo exploratório documental, com abordagem quanti-qualitativa, dos Projetos Pedagógicos de quatro Cursos de Graduação em Enfermagem de Universidades Federais. Foram verificados se os projetos descreviam os 11 tópicos do Guia Curricular de Segurança do Paciente, por meio da busca de 153 termos rastreadores contidos na lista de verificação. Resultados: Foram localizados somente 18 termos rastreadores da lista de verificação, os quais estavam distribuídos em oito tópicos do Guia Curricular. Os tópicos "O que é a segurança do paciente", "Ser um participante de uma equipe eficaz" e "Aprendendo com os erros para evitar danos" não foram citados nos documentos analisados. Observou-se moderada consistência interna nos termos rastreadores dos Projetos Pedagógicos (a=0.728) e nas matrizes curriculares (a=0.620). Conclusão: Os resultados identificados apontam lacuna na descrição dos conceitos fundamentais de segurança do paciente nos currículos das instituições analisadas, destacando a necessidade premente de uma revisão nos programas de ensino para garantir a conformidade com as recomendações nacionais e internacionais.

Abstract: This project was developed within the research line of Healthcare Services Management and Nursing of the Postgraduate Program in Nursing. The approach to patient safety in academic training plays an important role in promoting concepts that enable the development of students' attitudes and knowledge, contributing to the improvement of the quality of care. Objectives: To analyze in the curricular proposal of undergraduate nursing courses the description of terms and teaching requirements of patient safety and to evaluate the reliability of the results obtained by searching for topics recommended by the WHO on patient safety education. Methodology: This is an exploratory documentary study, with a quantitative-qualitative approach, of the Pedagogical Projects of four Undergraduate Nursing Courses at Federal Universities. It was verified whether the projects described the 11 topics of the Patient Safety Curriculum Guide, through the search for 153 tracer terms contained in the checklist. Results: Only 18 tracer terms from the checklist were located, which were distributed across eight topics of the Curriculum Guide. The topics "What is patient safety", "Being an effective team participant" and "Learning from mistakes to prevent harm" were not mentioned in the analyzed documents. Moderate internal consistency was observed in the tracer terms of the Pedagogical Projects (a=0.728) and in the curriculum matrices (a=0.620). Conclusion: The identified results point to a gap in the description of fundamental patient safety concepts in the curricula of the analyzed institutions, highlighting the urgent need for a review of teaching programs to ensure compliance with national and international recommendations.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente , Qualidade da Assistência à Saúde , Estudantes de Enfermagem , Segurança do Paciente , Educação Interprofissional
Horiz. med. (Impresa) ; 24(1): e2482, ene.-mar. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557945


RESUMEN Es fundamental la enseñanza de la parasitología humana para los estudiantes de las carreras de ciencias de la salud, especialmente la médica, por ser un importante problema de salud pública con distribución mundial, con alta frecuencia en países de bajos recursos económicos y por su presencia en aquellos países considerados desarrollados. En este sentido, se estima que existen en el mundo 2800 millones de individuos infectados con geohelmintos, 20 % a 30 % de infectados con Toxoplasma gondii, 300 a 500 millones de casos nuevos de malaria al año y aproximadamente 15 millones de latinoamericanos con enfermedad de Chagas, una enfermedad causada por el Trypanosoma cruzi. En este artículo de revisión narrativa se analiza información disponible en repositorios digitales sobre aspectos del programa pedagógico tradicional de la parasitología humana o médica, para lo cual se emplearon descriptores o palabras clave en estrecha relación con el tema. Los artículos que se revisaron principalmente fueron aquellos publicados en revistas científicas arbitradas, indexadas y de reconocido prestigio. Asimismo, se describen el programa tradicional de parasitología y la pedagogía prevalente empleada, con el propósito de fomentar el debate sobre los métodos que conducen a su aprendizaje. Por otro lado, si se consideran el carácter dinámico que posee este proceso y los constantes desafíos que deben afrontarse en este campo, esta información puede ayudar a explorar nuevas formas de enseñar la parasitología en respuesta a las exigencias del contexto. En conclusión, las enfermedades parasitarias han afectado a la humanidad a lo largo de la historia, y han causado enfermedades, discapacidad y la muerte de millones de personas. Por tanto, entre las medidas para combatir tan terrible flagelo se señala la capacitación de más y mejores profesionales en el área, por su papel preponderante en el diseño y ejecución de los programas de control, de lo que se desprende la necesidad de describir en detalle las características de la enseñanza tradicional de esta rama del conocimiento ―como se muestra en el contenido de este escrito― en virtud de la existencia de nuevos métodos de enseñanza humana: la enseñanza participativa, aprendizaje basado en problemas y aprendizaje asistido por internet.

ABSTRACT The teaching of human parasitology is essential for students of health sciences, especially medicine, because it is a major global public health problem―occurring with high frequency in low-income countries―and because of its presence in countries considered developed. In this sense, it is estimated that worldwide there are 2,800 million individuals infected with soil-transmitted helminths, 20 to 30% people infected with Toxoplasma gondii, 300 to 500 million new cases of malaria per year, and nearly 15 million Latin Americans with Chagas disease, an infection caused by Trypanosoma cruzi. This narrative review article analyzes information available in digital repositories on aspects of the traditional educational program of human or medical parasitology using descriptors or keywords closely related to the topic. The reviewed articles were mainly those published in peer-reviewed, indexed and prestigious scientific journals. Moreover, the traditional program of parasitology and the prevailing pedagogy are described with the purpose of encouraging discussion on the methods that lead to its learning. Also, given the dynamic nature of this process and the constant challenges that must be faced in this field, said information can help to explore new ways of teaching parasitology in answer to the demands of the context. In conclusion, parasitic diseases have affected humankind throughout history, causing illness, disability and death in millions of people. Therefore, among the measures to fight such a terrible scourge, the training of more and better professionals in the area is promoted due to their leading role in the design and execution of control programs. As a result, the need to describe in detail the characteristics of the traditional teaching of this branch of knowledge arises―as shown in this paper―in view of the new human teaching methods: participatory learning, problem-based learning and Internetassisted learning.

Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 24(1): 169-178, ene.-mar. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565144


RESUMEN Introducción: Con el panorama cambiante de la educación médica, es crucial examinar críticamente los enfoques y marcos existentes. La educación médica basada en competencias (EMBC) surge como un prometedor cambio de paradigma, que prioriza el desarrollo de habilidades, conocimientos y actitudes explícitas centrado en el alumno y orientado a los resultados. Objetivo: Identificar los ajustes estructurales y procedimentales esenciales necesarios para una implementación eficaz de la EMBC. Se subraya la importancia de reorganizar las instituciones educativas, adaptar las técnicas de instrucción y evaluación y fomentar la adopción de la EMBC en el aula. Resultados: Para impartir con eficacia la EMBC, es imperativo reestructurar las instituciones educativas para que se centren en planes de estudios basados en competencias y en la enseñanza personalizada. Asimismo, es necesario modificar las estrategias de enseñanza y evaluación para facilitar la evaluación continua y el aprendizaje activo. Conclusiones: Adoptar los principios de EMBC puede permitir que la educación médica produzca profesionales equipados con las habilidades necesarias para satisfacer las demandas dinámicas de la medicina moderna.

ABSTRACT Introduction: With the changing landscape of medical education, it is crucial to critically examine existing approaches and frameworks. competency-based medical education (CBME) emerges as a promising paradigm shift, which prioritizes learner-centered, outcome-oriented development of skills, knowledge, and attitudes. Objective: To identify the essential structural and procedural adjustments needed for effective implementation of CBME. It underscores the importance of reorganizing educational institutions, adapting instructional and assessment techniques, and fostering acceptance of CBME in the classroom. Results: To effectively deliver CBME, it is imperative to restructure educational institutions to focus on competency-based curricula and personalized instruction. Also, there is a need to modify teaching and assessment strategies to facilitate continuous assessment and active learning. Conclusions: Adopting CBME principles can enable medical education to produce professionals equipped with the skills necessary to meet the dynamic demands of modern medicine.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016924


ObjectiveTo improve the response capabilities to disasters and prevent major epidemics, it is of practical use to study the capability evaluation system of the national emergency medical rescue team that combines theoretical training and practical exercises, to enhance the overall quality of the teams. MethodsFirst, a capability assessment system for the national emergency medical rescue team was constructed based on the INSARAG External Classification (IEC) standards of the national emergency medical rescue team. Then, based on the outcome based education (OBE) concept, we conducted innovative research on the curriculum design and exercise programs for team building and member training. Finally, an empirical analysis was conducted on the effectiveness of the evaluation system and training exercises based on the statistical analysis of the comprehensive quality evaluation of the Shanghai national emergency medical rescue team from 2020 to 2023, as well as the empirical analysis of the rescue exercise on the Cruise of spectrum. ResultsBased on the linear regression analysis of each core competency indicators, the five core competencies in the evaluation system, including rescue skills, medical and health knowledge, disaster coping ability, team cooperation ability, and mental resilience training, were positively correlated with the cumulative number of trainings (r=0.71, r=0.76, r=0.81, r=0.84, r=0.96,all P<0.05), indicating that the training was effective and the course design was reasonable. Empirical cases showed that the three-dimensional rescue drill model had remarkable results in the actual combat application and ability improvement of team members. ConclusionThe training courses and drills designed based on the three-level assessment system are effective in improving the comprehensive capabilities of the national emergency medical rescue team.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 595-598, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016933


Abstract@#Brain Breaks is a physical activity program that combines cultural classroom based physical activity with modern technology while providing children with multi level guidance. As an intervention for intermittent sedentary activities, Brain Breaks can improve students physical activity level, thereby improving their physical fitness and positively affecting their motivation to participate in physical activities and positive learning behaviors. The paper understands this intervention from the connotation, implementation basis, and application effect of Brain Breaks, and then proposes practical application suggestions and future research directions.When Brain Breaks in the cultural classroom is promoted and practiced in China in the future, attention should be paid to the means of implementation by the teachers, the selection of representative target groups, and the precise implementation plan.At the research level, the effects of motor skills, special group interventions, gender differences, environmental changes, and physiological mechanisms of the Brain Breaks are to be explored.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023395


With the core of "molecules and cells", the integrated curriculum group of School of Basic Medical Sciences, Lanzhou University, focuses on the transfer of life molecules, reorganizes teaching content, and integrates Medical Cell Biology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and Medical Genetics to construct a new integrated course of Molecular Medicine. The curriculum group actively explores and practices the mode of medical integration through reconstruction of the curriculum system and optimization of the course content. On the basis of establishing the online course system, the group explores the diversified teaching methods and evaluation systems suitable for Molecular Medicine and discusses the problems in curriculum construction.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023418


Objective:To investigate the cognition and learning habits of different types of postgraduates and evaluate learning effect and its potential risk factors on clinical epidemiology in a medical college, so as to provide relevant data for improving the teaching method and learning effect of clinical research methods for postgraduates.Methods:A cross-sectional study design was conducted to enroll all the postgraduates of Grade 2020 in a military medical school. A self-filled questionnaire was adopted to collect data. The discrepancy of cognition and learning habits between different types of postgraduates was evaluated by univariate analysis. Discussion was conducted to clarify the potential risk factors of learning effect. t tests or Mann-Whitney U tests were conducted to test the differences between groups for continuous variables. Chi-squared tests or McNemar tests were applied to evaluate the difference between groups for categorical variables. Results:A total of 652 postgraduate students were enrolled for analysis, including 409 master students (62.7) and 243 doctoral students (37.3). The proportion of doctoral students who have heard of clinical epidemiology ( χ2=19.99, P<0.001), who have learned clinical epidemiology ( χ2=9.20, P=0.002), who are interested in ( χ2=11.41, P=0.001) and think the course is important ( χ2=10.71, P=0.001), who previewed before class( χ2=11.21, P=0.001), reviewed after class ( χ2=3.29, P=0.001) and actively discuss in class ( χ2=11.64, P=0.001) is significantly higher than that of master students, the difference was statistically significance. The average score of all the postgraduates was (5.50±1.62) points before teaching and (7.47±1.90) points after teaching, the difference was statistically significant ( t=-23.49, P<0.001). After teaching, the grades of full-time students improved more than that of part-time graduate students, there was statistical significance in the master group ( t=4.41, P<0.001), while not in the doctor group ( t=0.94, P=0.351). Conclusions:The mastery of key points on clinical epidemiology have significantly improved after teaching among the postgraduates of different types. Different teaching methods and processes should be adopted to the variety of postgraduates according to their knowledge foundations and shortcomings. Besides, standardizing their learning habits are of certain significance to improve the learning effect.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 291-296, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031337


By integrating the concept of narrative medicine and relevant models and tools into the Doctor-patient Communication course, this paper expounds the connotation of narrative medicine under the context of “new medicine” and “big health” and the practical significance of the shift to narrative in Doctor-patient Communication course in three aspects: academic frontier, social needs and practical needs. This paper analyzes the four dimensions of innovation that narrative medicine, as the frontier of the discipline, historical accumulation, educational philosophy and professional skills, provides for the Doctor-patient Communication course, and explores the effective path to realize the narrative transformation of the course. It is expected to achieve the purpose of forging students’ humanistic medical skills and literacy through teaching innovation, realizing the coordination of medical education and competency orientation, adapting to the psychological and social increase, the change of people and health, and promoting the reform of the supply side of medical talents.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 799-802, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036330


Objective@#To understand the current status of health education faculty in Yuzhong District of Chongqing, so as to explore the implementation path to improve the construction of health education faculty.@*Methods@#In August 2023, stratified random sampling was used to directly select a total of 555 teachers and school doctors from 17 schools in 11 streets of Yuzhong District, who were invited to conduct a questionnaire survey. A total of 409 fulltime or parttime health education teachers were included in the analysis of the results. Both χ2 test and Fisher exact probability method were analyzed for compare the differences in the frequency of conducting health education courses and specializing in specializing areas among different plant health education teachers in Yuzhong District.@*Results@#Health education course faculty were mainly female teachers, accounting for 81.66%. The proportions of physical education (PE) teachers, school doctors, head teachers and teachers from other disciplines were 14.67%, 8.31%, 62.84%, 14.18%, and the class teachers (81.33%) and school doctor (80.95%) were found of the highest proportion of providing health education courses, and the teaching section was mainly elementary school (first to third grade: 42.30%, fourth to sixth grade: 44.74%). Among the teachers, school doctors had the highest proportion (88.24%) of receiving training related to health education courses. And there was a significant stastical difference in the frequency of conducting health education classes among PE teachers, school doctor, head teachers and the teachers of other courses (χ2=54.46, P<0.01). The results of Fisher exact probability method showed that the differences in selfassessment of the most and least skilled areas among PE teachers, school doctor, head teachers and teachers of other courses were statistically significant (P<0.01).@*Conclusions@#Health education faculty in Yuzhong District is mainly composed of PE teachers, school doctor, head teachers and teachers of other courses. The standardized training and assessment of teaching for school doctor could promote the school nurse group developing into specialized health education faculty.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 624-629, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036477


The great spirit of combating the COVID⁃19 epidemic is condensed from the practice of the national people’s great spirit of combating the COVID⁃19 epidemic led by the Party and the country. It is consistent with the goals of medical ethics curriculums and has a close relationship with the content. It is a new era element of ideological and political construction in medical ethics curriculums, providing inevitability for its integration into medical ethics curriculums. Its spiritual connotations of the spirit of humanism, patriotism, dedication, and science, as well as moral responsibility, have profound significance in educating and guiding medical students to cultivate correct values, deepen a strong sense of family and country, strengthen ideals and beliefs, cultivate practical character, and solidify the moral foundation. Therefore, it’s necessary to adhere to the guidance of value and introduce the anti-epidemic spirit into the main channel of classroom teaching, strengthen the integration of knowledge and action and integrate the anti-epidemic spirit into the whole process of practical teaching, enrich educational carriers, apply modern information technology to carry out anti-epidemic spirit education, and promote the comprehensive and three-dimensional integration of anti-epidemic spirit into medical ethics teaching.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 104-108, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012858


The construction of "Curriculum Civics" in medical schools needs to go in the same direction as "Civics Curriculum" and "Liberal Studies Education" , and explore the realization path of shaping noble souls through positive ideological and political leadership and mutual collision of hearts and minds.The integration of Wuliande’s spirit into medical education is an all-round exploration from the perspectives of value connotation, contemporary meaning and path exploration, which has important contemporary significance and application value, and is also a practical requirement for inheriting and innovating Wuliande’s spirit and constructing a "Great Thought and Politics" work system under the pattern of "Great Health" in the new era. Based on the above background, this paper explored and interpreted how to fully follow the law of talent growth and the law of education to cultivate new-age medical and health talents who are red and professional, benevolent, health guardian and public health fighter from the perspective of collaborative education of medical ethics education and ideological and political education.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 117-122, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012860


The basic task of the integrated construction of ideological and political education through curriculum of medical colleges and universities is to establish morality and cultivate people. The integrated construction requires all medical colleges and universities, all medical specialties, all medical courses and all teaching links to be fully promoted and implemented, at the same time, the construction of ideological and political education through curriculum in medical colleges and universities should deal with such problems as the presentation of the connotation of the construction of ideological and political education through curriculum, the orientation of the ideological and political education through curriculum and the ideological and political curriculums, the professional and ideological and political construction of the curriculum, the integration of undergraduate and graduate students, etc.. From the organization and leadership guarantee, the evaluation mechanism system, key points of curriculum classification, the curriculum teaching actuality and the talented teacher team to improve and strengthen the integrated construction of ideological and political education through curriculum.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 159-163, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012868


The red doctor’s spirit was formed during the medical and health practice led by the Communist Party of China during the Soviet Area of the Communist Party of China. The red doctor’s spirit has distinct characteristics, which is consistent with the value orientation of medical humanities. At the same time, there are some problems in the ideological and political construction of red doctor’s spirit and medical humanities course. It is necessary to explore ways to better integrate red doctor’s spirit into the construction of medical humanities course, so as to promote the improvement and development of medical humanities course. Through the combination of red doctor’s spirit and medical humanities course, this paper developed the ideological and political elements in medical humanities course, expanded the breadth and depth of medical humanities education, so that the majority of medical students can be actively guided in medical humanities course, form firm ideals and beliefs, good moral quality, and achieve the good effect of curriculum ideological and political construction. Guide medical students’ thoughts to develop in the right direction and to lay a solid foundation for medical work in the future.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 811-816, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012984


As an important carrier of cultivating people with virtue, curriculum aesthetic education combines aesthetic education with professional courses and general courses, and brings it into the whole process of professional talent cultivation. As the core course of medical humanistic education, Medical Ethics not only has natural affinity with aesthetic education, but also has the functions of emotional aesthetic education, rational aesthetic education and human aesthetic education. Through the analysis of aesthetic education points in Medical Ethics, this paper put forward the implementation path to realize the function of the curriculum aesthetic education: exert aesthetic influence on medical students with the help of aesthetic media, guide medical students’ aesthetic attitude, and then make medical students learn to feel, appreciate beauty through practice and sharing ideas, before or after class, online or offline, so as to contribute to the cultivation of high-quality medical talents with lofty aesthetic pursuit and noble-personality cultivation.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 309-312, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013485


Abstract@#In the context of frequent public health events, effective school health education is an important measure to improve students health literacy and public health system of China. The study examined the National Health Education Standards in the U.S., based on a literature review and comparative analysis, to provide guidance for China. Using the method of liberature riview paper interprets the curriculum of National Health Education Standards in the U.S. and provides a mirror for China. Health Education standards in the U.S. are characterized by their academic quality, standardized framework, assessment program, equity principles, and other components. A mirror for China includes promoting the construction of the standards based health education curriculum, developing the skills based health education curriculum system, and constructing a performancebased comprehensive evaluation system.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013575


With the deepening reform of ideological and political education, Medical Parasitology teaching needs to update the teaching concept, change the teaching ideas, as well as keep trying to combine ideological and political education with the curriculum content closely. In addition to teaching students’ basic knowledge and practical skills, teachers are needed to cultivate their moral literacy and political awareness through course teaching, so as to provide the basis for students’ subsequent adaptations to social environments and jobs. Currently, the study of ideological and political education in Medical Parasitology teaching is still in the exploratory stage. Therefore, colleges and universities need to carry out effective construction of ideological and political education in Medical Parasitology teaching, in order to achieve good teaching outcomes and provide insights into ideological and political education in teaching.

Acta Medica Philippina ; : 118-124, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039873


@#<p style="text-align: justify;" data-mce-style="text-align: justify;">The COVID-19 pandemic, coupled with societal and technological changes around the globe, demanded adaptations to nursing education. This educational case report is an idiographic narrative of an institution’s experience of shifting to flexible learning in nursing education in the Philippines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Various subjects, involving foundation, intervention, and intensive nursing courses, were implemented in flexible learning modes during the Academic Year 2020 to 2021. This case report identified how curricular integration and curricular redesign were carried out to ensure the achievement of BSN Program Outcomes. Faculty development on flexible learning was implemented with training outcomes to include the application of key concepts and instructional design principles toward flexible learning. Training outcomes were evaluated through embedded activities on course package development by the faculty participants. This case report also identified various teaching-learning strategies, and how they addressed emerging issues, including differences in technological competence and accessibility. The report highlighted how the college transitioned to flexible learning through curriculum integration and course redesign which has been effective and efficient in the achievement of educational outcomes. Appropriate training and guidance of the faculty to enable them to integrate and redesign courses, and address emerging issues and challenges, could help in the transition to flexible learning. Flexible learning is an effective pedagogical approach to implementing nursing education. Timely implementation of measures must be taken to ensure relevant and appropriate curricular integration and redesign of courses, and consequently, the nursing program.<br></p>

Humanos , Educação em Enfermagem
Medical Education ; : 35-39, 2024.
Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1040141


The Professionalism subcommittee of Japan Society for Medical Education has been examining a diverse range of issues related to medical professionalism education for approximately the past 20 years. In July 2015, the committee formulated and presented a draft on “ The Attributes and Competencies of Physicians: An Exploration of Professionalism” Based on this, we have been conducting educational activities on professionalism education, but we had not documented this draft. We are now re-presenting the draft here with minor lexical corrections and additional notes. The professionalism of physicians is delineated in seven attributes and competencies :1. Sense of mission and responsibility towards society2. Practice of patient-centered health care3. Demonstration of integrity and justice4. Acceptance of diverse values and sharing of fundamental values5. Fulfilling roles as leaders/members in organizations and teams6. Pursuit of excellence and lifelong learning7. Self-management and career developmentThis document is presented with the expectation that it will contribute to future discussions on professionalism education.