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Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 93(4): 417-421, Oct.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527718


Abstract Objective: The objective of this study was to describe the clinical and imaging characteristics and the evolution of heart transplantation patients due to anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy Methods: Patients with a diagnosis of ACM who received a heart transplantation in our institution in the period of November 2009-April 2021 were included. Clinical characteristics, pre-transplant studies, and clinical outcomes after transplantation were collected retrospectively from the electronic medical record. Results: A total of 11 patients were included in the study. The median age at the time of cancer diagnosis was 15 years (IQR 10-37 years), while the median age at the time of heart transplant was 56 years (IQR 39-62 years). Regarding post-transplant outcomes, three patients died in the post-operative period. One died 4 years after the intervention due to chronic rejection, while the other seven had a favorable evolution. No oncological relapse was observed with a median follow-up of 2.5 years (IQR 1.86-3.85 years). Conclusion: End-stage anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy can occur many years after chemotherapy treatment, so close cardiovascular follow-up is extremely important. Heart transplantation is a treatment option after an exhaustive multidisciplinary evaluation, to minimize the risk of oncological relapse.

Resumen Objetivo: Describir las características clínicas, imagenológicas y la evolución de los pacientes trasplantados cardiacos por cardiotoxicidad inducida por antraciclinas. Métodos: Serie de casos descriptiva de pacientes consecutivos trasplantados cardiacos debido a cardiotoxicidad mediada por antraciclinas en el periodo de Noviembre de 2009 a Abril de 2021.Las características clínicas, los estudios complementarios pretrasplante y la información sobre la evolución posterior al trasplante fue recolectada de la historia clínica electrónica de forma retrospectiva. Resultados: Se incluyeron un total de 11 pacientes. La mediana de edad al diagnóstico de la patología oncológica fue de 15 años (RIC 10-37 años), mientras que la mediana de edad en la que recibieron el trasplante cardiaco fue de 56 años (RIC 39-62 años). Con respecto a la evolución posterior al trasplante, 3 pacientes murieron en el periodo del post operatorio inmediato. 1 paciente falleció a los 4 años del trasplante y los otros 7 pacientes tuvieron una evolución favorable. No se observó recaída oncológica en ningún paciente durante una mediana de seguimiento o de 2,5 años (RIC 1.86-3.85 años). Conclusión: La etapa final de la miocardiopatía inducida por antraciclinas puede ocurrir muchos años después del tratamiento con quimioterapia, por lo que es extremadamente importante un seguimiento cardiológico estricto. El trasplante cardiaco es una opción en este grupo de pacientes luego de una exhaustiva evaluación multidisciplinaria, con el fin de minimizar el riesgo de recaída oncológica.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996991


@#As a global disease, heart failure affects at least 26 million people, and its prevalence is still rising. Besides, the mortality rate and readmission rate remain high. Advanced heart failure is the terminal stage of various heart diseases, and often requires some treatments other than drug intervention, such as heart transplantation which is the gold standard for treatment of heart failure. However, limited by the number of donors, the number of heart transplants in the world has reached a bottleneck. There is a huge gap between the number of patients who need heart transplants and patients who get hearts for survival successfully in reality. With the exploration and development of mechanical circulation support devices for more than half a century, they have become a wonderful treatment for patients with advanced heart failure. This article will introduce the latest progress of mechanical circulatory support devices at home and abroad from the aspects of temporary and long-term devices.

Gac. méd. Méx ; 158(2): 93-100, mar.-abr. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375534


Resumen Introducción: En México se realizan trasplantes de corazón (TC) desde 1988. Objetivo: Revisar la productividad mexicana en TC entre 2006 y 2019 y compararla con la de otros países americanos y de la península ibérica. Métodos: Se recabó la información mexicana de las listas de espera (LE) de TC y de los TC realizados anualmente en el periodo, que se expresaron como tasas por millón de pobladores (pmp); la información de 2019 se comparó con la reportada en América y la península ibérica. Resultados: En el periodo estudiado, los TC en México pasaron de 0.12 pmp en 2006 a 0.25 pmp en 2019 y representaron entre 1 y 2 % de todos los trasplantes de órganos sólidos. Entre 13 países, en 2019 México ocupó el 12° lugar en cuanto a la tasa de TC pmp y el 11° lugar en cuanto a la tasa del número de pacientes registrados por primera vez en la LE para un corazón (0.42 pmp). Entre 2016 y 2019, solo un centro mexicano autorizado alcanzó un volumen superior a 10 TC/año. Conclusiones: Debido a las bajas cifras en los principales indicadores relacionados con el TC, en México urge replantear las políticas de salud en insuficiencia cardiaca y TC.

Abstract Introduction: In Mexico, heart transplants (HTs) have been performed since 1988. Objective: To review Mexican productivity in terms of HT between 2006 and 2019 and compare it with that of American and Iberian Peninsula countries. Methods: Mexican information was collected from HT waiting lists (WL) and from the HTs carried out annually in the period, and was expressed as rates per million population (pmp); 2019 information was compared with that reported at the Pan American and Iberian levels. Results: In the studied period, the rate of HTs in Mexico went from 0.12 pmp in 2006 to 0.25 pmp in 2019, with HTs accounting for between 1 and 2% of all solid organ transplants. Among 13 countries, in 2019 Mexico ranked 12th in the HT rate pmp and 11th in the rate of patients registered for the first time in the WL for a heart (0.42 pmp). Between 2016 and 2019, only one authorized Mexican center reached a volume higher than 10 HT/year. Conclusions: Given the low figures in the main indicators related to HT in Mexico, it is urgent to rethink health policies in heart failure and HT.

Insuf. card ; 15(3): 64-69, oct. 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1143099


Introducción. Los pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca (IC) avanzada bajo tratamiento con inotrópicos tienden a la taquicardia sinusal, principalmente, por: 1) efecto compensador neuroendocrino, 2) efecto farmacológico, 3) imposibilidad del uso de beta bloqueantes por interferir en el efecto inotrópico. Objetivos. Evaluar mediante cateterismo pulmonar el efecto hemodinámico de la ivabradina en la taquicardia sinusal durante el tratamiento de la IC avanzada bajo contrapulsación aórtica. Material y métodos. Entre el 1° de Enero de 2014 y el 1° de Mayo de 2020, se incluyeron prospectivamente todos los pacientes admitidos al área de cardiología crítica por IC aguda de etiología isquémico-necrótica refractaria al tratamiento farmacológico vía oral e indicación de inotrópicos y contrapulsación intra-aórtica, en ritmo sinusal con más de 110 latidos por minuto (lpm) de frecuencia cardíaca. Resultados. El estudio incluyó a 55 pacientes (33 hombres) con edad promedio de 61,9 años. Post tratamiento con ivabradina, la frecuencia cardíaca bajó de 118±5 lpm a 93±8 lpm (p=0,0002), el volumen minuto cardíaco aumentó de 4637±610 ml a 5176±527 ml (p=0,03) y el volumen sistólico promedio se incrementó significativamente de 39,29±5,2 a 55,65±7,7 ml (p=0,002). No se observaron diferencias significativas pre y post tratamiento en los registros de las presiones de la aurícula derecha ni en las presiones capilar pulmonar, así como en los cálculos de resistencias vasculares sistémicas y pulmonares. No se observaron efectos adversos de las drogas hasta transcurridas cinco vidas medias luego de suspenderla. Conclusiones. La ivabradina mejora la efectividad de la contrapulsación aórtica evaluada mediante catéter de Swan Ganz en paciente con IC avanzada tratada con agentes inotrópicos.

Background. Patients with advanced heart failure (HF) under inotropic treatment tend to sinus tachycardia, mainly due to: 1) neuroendocrine compensatory effect, 2) pharmacological effect, 3) impossibility of using beta-blockers because they interfere with the inotropic effect. Objectives. To evaluate the hemodynamic effect of ivabradine on sinus tachycardia during the treatment of advanced HF under aortic balloon pump using pulmonary catheterization. Material and methods. Between January 1, 2014 and May 1, 2020, all patients admitted to the critical cardiology area for acute HF of ischemic-necrotic etiology refractory to oral pharmacological treatment and indication of inotropic drugs and aortic balloon pump were prospectively included, in sinus rhythm with more than 110 beats per minute (bpm) of heart rate. Results. The study included 55 patients (33 men) with a mean age of 61.9 years. Post-treatment with ivabradine, the heart rate decreased from 118±5 bpm to 93±8 bpm (p=0.0002), the cardiac minute volume increased from 4637±610 ml to 5176±527 ml (p=0.03) and mean stroke volume increased significantly from 39.29±5.2 to 55.65±7.7 ml (p=0.002). No significant differences were observed before and after treatment in the recordings of the pressures of the right atrium or in the pulmonary capillary pressures, as well as in the calculations of systemic and pulmonary vascular resistance. No adverse effects of the drugs were observed until five half-lives after stopping it. Conclusions. Ivabradine improves the effectiveness of aortic balloon pump evaluated by means of a Swan Ganz catheter in patients with advanced HF treated with inotropic agents.

Introdução. Pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca (IC) avançada em tratamento inotrópico tendem a apresentar taquicardia sinusal, principalmente devido a: 1) efeito compensatório neuroendócrino, 2) efeito farmacológico, 3) impossibilidade de uso de betabloqueadores por interferirem no efeito inotrópico. Objetivo. Avaliar o efeito hemodinâmico da ivabradina na taquicardia sinusal durante o tratamento da IC avançada sob contrapulsação aórtica por cateterismo pulmonar. Material e métodos. Entre 1º de Janeiro de 2014 e 1º de Maio de 2020, foram incluídos prospectivamente todos os pacientes admitidos na área de cardiologia crítica por IC aguda de etiologia isquêmico-necrótica refratária ao tratamento farmacológico oral e indicação de inotrópicos e de balão de contrapulsação intra-aórtico, em ritmo sinusal com mais de 110 batimentos por minuto (bpm) de frequência cardíaca. Resultados. O estudo incluiu 55 pacientes (33 homens) com idade média de 61,9 anos. Após o tratamento com ivabradina, a frequência cardíaca caiu de 118±5 bpm para 93±8 bpm (p=0,0002), o volume minuto cardíaco aumentou de 4637±610 ml para 5176±527 ml (p=0,03) e o volume sistólico médio aumentou significativamente de 39,29±5,2 para 55,65±7,7 ml (p=0,002). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas antes e após o tratamento nos registros das pressões do átrio direito ou nas pressões capilares pulmonares, bem como nos cálculos da resistência vascular sistêmica e pulmonar. Nenhum efeito adverso dos medicamentos foi observado até cinco meias-vidas após a descontinuação. Conclusões. A ivabradina melhora a eficácia da contrapulsação aórtica avaliada por meio de um cateter de Swan Ganz em pacientes com IC avançada tratados com agentes inotrópicos.

CorSalud ; 12(2): 198-208, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133610


RESUMEN Las opciones terapéuticas son limitadas para los pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca avanzada que se vuelven refractarios a las terapias farmacológicas convencionales. Conocer las alternativas no farmacológicas en el tratamiento de estos enfermos resulta imprescindible en su evaluación integral, y es la segunda opción terapéutica en este grupo de enfermos cada vez más prevalentes.

ABSTRACT Therapeutic options are limited for patients with advanced heart failure who become refractory to conventional drug therapies. Knowing the non-pharmacological alternatives in the management of these patients is essential in their comprehensive evaluation, and it is the second therapeutic option in this group of increasingly prevalent patients.

Terapêutica , Insuficiência Cardíaca
Indian Heart J ; 2019 May; 71(3): 277-283
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-191701


Background Bendopnea is a symptom mediated by increased ventricular filling pressure during bending forward. Presence of bendopnea in patients can be easily evaluated without additional maneuver in several countries whose norms, habits, culture, and occupation relates to a higher frequency of bending forward. This information may prove valuable in routine clinical practice. We aimed to analyze the latest evidence on bendopnea in order to further define the clinical significance of this symptom. Methods We performed a comprehensive search on bendopnea in heart failure from inception up until January 2019 through PubMed, EuropePMC, EBSCOhost, Cochrane Central Database, and Results There were 283 patients (31.76%) who have bendopnea, and a total of 891 patients from six studies were included. Bendopnea was associated with the presence of dyspnea [odds ratio (OR) 69.70 (17.35–280.07); <0.001], orthopnea [OR 3.02 (2.02–4.52); <0.001], paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea [OR 2.76 (1.76–4.32); <0.001], and abdominal fullness [OR 7.50 (4.15–13.58); <0.001]. Association with elevated jugular venous pressure was shown in two studies. New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class IV was more prevalent in patients with bendopnea [OR 7.58 (4.35–13.22); <0.001]. Bendopnea was also associated with increased mortality [OR 2.21 (1.34–3.66); 0.002]. Conclusion Bendopnea is associated with the presence of several signs and symptoms. This study also showed that bendopnea is one of the signs and symptoms of advanced heart failure associated with increased mortality. However, owing to the limited number of studies, further investigation is needed before drawing a definite conclusion.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-238390


Heart transplantation is considered the best treatment modality for advanced heart disease.While old age has conventionally been considered a contraindication for heart transplantation due to the reported adverse effect of advanced age,however donor hearts' shortage continues to stimulate the discussion about the recipient's upper age limit.Our study was based on a retrospective analysis for the results of 52 (18%) patients aged 60 years and older undergoing heart transplantation between May 2008 and December 2015,and these patients were compared with 236 (82%) adult recipients who were younger than 60 years at the time of transplantation and during the same period.In older group,71% were males with the mean age of 63.38+3.55 years,and in younger group,83.4% were males with a mean age of43.72±11.41 years (P=0.27).Dilated cardiomyopathy was the most common indication for transplantation among patients in both groups (P=0.147).In older group,the 3-month survival rate was higher than that in younger group (P=0.587),however the 6-month survival rate showed no significant difference (P=0.225).Although the 1-year survival rate was higher in older group (P=0.56),yet the 3-year survival rate between the two groups showed no statistically significant difference (P=0.48).According to our experience among older heart transplant candidates who were 60 years and older,we believe that advanced age should not be an excluding criterion to cardiac transplantation.