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Rev. Fac. Odontol. Univ. Antioq ; 35(1): 25-35, jun. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535289


Introduction: the in vitro study compared the dynamic cyclic fatigue resistance of 3 reciprocating NiTi files with heat treatment. Methods: we distributed 30 new endodontic files in three groups. The endodontic files selected for this experiment were: AF Blue R3 25/06 (AFB) (Fanta Dental, Shanghai, China), X1 Blue File 25/06 (X1B) (MK Life, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil), and Reciproc Blue 08/25 (RB) (VDW, Munich, Germany. We measured the time to file fractureand the length of the fractured fragment. ANOVA analysis was used, followed by the Tukey test for multiple comparisons, with a significance level of 5% (P < 0,05). Results: the mean time in seconds until the file fractured was 170.7 ±15,1 for AFB files, 110,4 ±26,8 for X1B, and 163,3 ±22,9 for RB files. This difference was statistically significant when comparing X1B to AFB (p: 0,000) and X1B to RB (p: 0,000). However, there are no statistically significant differences between RB and AFB (p:0,739). Conclussions: this study found that RB and AFB files exhibit similar resistance to cyclic fatigue.

Introducción: el estudio in vitro comparó la resistencia a la fatiga cíclica dinámica de 3 limas NiTi recíprocas con tratamiento térmico. Métodos: distribuimos 30 limas endodónticas nuevas en tres grupos. Las limas endodónticas seleccionadas para este experimento fueron: AF Blue R3 25/06 (AFB) (Fanta Dental, Shanghai, China), X1 Blue File 25/06 (X1B) (MK Life, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil), y Reciproc Blue 08/25 (RB) (VDW, Munich, Alemania. Se midió el tiempo transcurrido hasta la fractura de la lima y la longitud del fragmento fracturado. Se utilizó el análisis ANOVA, seguido de la prueba de Tukey para comparaciones múltiples, con un nivel de significación del 5% (P < 0.05). Resultados: el tiempo medio en segundos hasta la fractura de la lima fue de 170.7 ±15.1 para las limas AFB, 110.4 ±26.8 para las X1B y 163.3 ±22.9 para las RB. Esta diferencia fue estadísticamente significativa al comparar X1B con AFB (p: 0.000) y X1B con RB (p: 0.000). Sin embargo, no hay diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre RB y AFB (p:0.739). Conclusiones: en este estudio se ha comprobado que las limas RB y AFB presentan una resistencia similar a la fatiga cíclica.

Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 60(1)mar. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1521909


Introducción: La fijación de las restauraciones indirectas es uno de los pasos más importantes, para conseguir una adecuada retención y sellado de la interfase entre el material restaurador y el diente. Objetivo: Evaluar la resistencia de unión al cizallamiento de diferentes agentes de fijación a dos aleaciones metálicas utilizadas en odontología. Métodos: Estudio experimental in vitro. Cien especímenes de aleaciones de metales base, 50 de níquel-cromo y 50 de níquel-cromo-titanio fueron preparados y divididos de manera aleatoria en 5 grupos. Esta división se realizó acorde con el agente de fijación utilizado: sistema autograbante de dos pasos (Clearfil SE Bond; CSB), sistema adhesivo universal (Single Bond Universal; SBU), cemento resinoso autoadhesivo (Maxcem Elite; ME), ionómero de vidrio (IV) y fosfato de zinc (ZnPO). Posteriormente a la aplicación de cada agente de fijación, los especímenes tratados fueron almacenados en agua destilada por 24 h a 37 ºC y sometidos a un ensayo de resistencia de unión al cizallamiento. Resultados: La resistencia de unión al cizallamiento fue influenciada significativamente por el tipo de agente de fijación (p = 0,002) y el tipo de aleación utilizada (p < 0,001). La resistencia de unión al cizallamiento fue mayor, al utilizar el sistema Clearfil SE Bond, seguida de Single Bond Universal; las diferencias entre Maxcem Elite y el Fosfato de zinc no fueron significativas. Finalmente, el IV no mostró adhesión a ninguna de las aleaciones metálicas utilizadas. Conclusiones: El uso de Clearfil SE Bond aumentó la resistencia de unión de los cementos resinosos a las aleaciones metálicas(AU)

Introduction: The bonding of indirect restorations is one of the most important steps, in order to achieve adequate retention and sealing of the interface between the restorative material and the tooth. Objective: To evaluate the shear bond strength of different bonding agents to two metal alloys used in dentistry. Methods: In vitro experimental study. One hundred specimens of base metal alloys, 50 nickel-chromium and 50 nickel-chromium-titanium were prepared and randomly divided into 5 groups. This division was made according to the bonding agent used: two-step self-etching system (Clearfil SE Bond; CSB), universal adhesive system (Single Bond Universal; SBU), self-adhesive resin cement (Maxcem Elite; ME), glass ionomer (IV) and zinc phosphate (ZnPO). After the application of each bonding agent, the treated specimens were stored in distilled water for 24 hr at 37 ºC and subjected to a shear bond strength test. Results: Shear bond strength was significantly influenced by the type of bonding agent (p = 0.002) and the type of alloy used (p < 0.001). Shear bond strength was highest when using the Clearfil SE Bond system, followed by Single Bond Universal; the differences between Maxcem Elite and Zinc Phosphate were not significant. Finally, IV did not show adhesion to any of the metal alloys used. Conclusions: The use of Clearfil SE Bond increased the bond strength of resinous cements to metallic alloys(AU)

Humanos , Colagem Dentária/métodos , Cemento Dentário
Belo Horizonte; s.n; 2023. 64 p. ilus, graf, tab.
Tese em Português | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1509346


A introdução da liga NiTi na endodontia proporcionou a fabricação de instrumentos com excelentes propriedades mecânicas, e uma das principais características é a possibilidade de alteração das temperaturas de transformação da liga, o qual pode possibilitar a presença de martensita em temperatura ambiente e consequentemente um efeito memória de forma. Entretanto, alguns dos sistemas comercializados atualmente possuem pouca ou nenhuma informação científica relatando suas propriedades mecânicas, características de design e métodos de fabricação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar características geométricas, metalúrgicas e propriedades mecânicas (resistência à torção e flexão) de instrumentos Reciproc Blue (VDW, Munique, Alemanha), e quatro sistemas reciprocantes réplicas. Um total de 39 instrumentos de cada um dos sistemas reciprocantes, Reciproc Blue (RB), Prodesign R (PDR), V File (VF), V+ File (V+) e Univy One (UO) foram utilizados na pesquisa. O programa de Image J foi utilizado para mensuração dos diâmetros a cada milímetro da parte ativa e da área da seção transversal a 3 mm da ponta dos instrumentos. Imagens de MEV da parte ativa foram realizados para avaliar o acabamento superficial dos instrumentos. A composição atômica, fases presentes e temperaturas de transformação foram verificadas através de EDS, DRX e DSC, respectivamente. A flexibilidade foi aferida através de ensaios de dobramento até 45º conforme a especificação ISO 3630-1, e os ensaios de resistência à torção foram realizados de acordo com a especificação Nº28 ANSI/ADA. Todos os instrumentos apresentaram uma quantidade aproximadamente equiatômica de níquel e titânio. A análise qualitativa das fases cristalinas realizada através de ensaios de DRX, demonstrou a predominância de Fase R em todos os grupos, com exceção do grupo UO que apresenta uma mistura de fase R e martensita B19'. Na avaliação da área da seção, o instrumento RB obteve valores intermediários, os instrumentos PDR e V+ possuem menores valores e os instrumentos VF e UO possuem maiores valores. Observou-se grande impacto da geometria sobre as propriedades mecânicas, sendo que aqueles sistemas que apresentavam menor área que RB (PDR, V+) mostraram-se mais flexíveis e menos resistentes à torção (p<0.05), e o instrumento VF que teve maior área apresentou, como esperado, menos flexibilidade (p<0.05) e resistência torcional semelhante (p>0.05). A única exceção se deu com o sistema UO, que embora apresentasse uma maior área de seção, mostrou-se mais flexível e menos resistente à torção, provavelmente por influência da maior quantidade de martensita presente à temperatura ambiente. Nenhum dos instrumentos réplicas avaliados apresentaram características e comportamento mecânico iguais ao sistema padrão RB. Sugere-se que mais estudos devem ser realizados para a comparação do comportamento clínico destes instrumentos.

The introduction of NiTi alloy in endodontics has allowed the manufacturing of instruments with excellent mechanical properties, and one of the main characteristics is the ability to change alloy's transformation temperature, which can enable the presence of martensite at room temperature and consequently favor a shape memory effect. However, some of the currently marketed systems have limited or no scientific information regarding their mechanical properties, design characteristics, and manufacturing methods. The aim of this study was to compare the geometric characteristics, metallurgical aspects, and mechanical properties (torsional and flexural strength) of Reciproc Blue instruments (VDW, Munich, Germany) with four replica-like reciprocating systems. A total amount of 39 instruments from each reciprocating system, namely Reciproc Blue (RB), Prodesign R (PDR), V File (VF), V+ File (V+), and Univy One (UO), were used in the study. The Image J program was used to measure the diameters at every millimeter along the instruments active portion and the cross-sectional area at 3 mm from the instrument tip. SEM images of the active portion were obtained to evaluate the surface finishing of the instruments. Atomic composition, phases present, and transformation temperatures were determined through EDS, XRD, and DSC analyses, respectively. Flexibility was assessed by bending tests up to 45° according to ISO 3630-1 specifications, and torsional strength tests were performed according with ANSI/ADA Specification No. 28. All instruments exhibited an approximately equiatomic composition of nickel and titanium. Qualitative analysis of the crystalline phases using XRD tests demonstrated the predominance of the R-phase in all groups, except for the UO group, which exhibited a mixture of Rphase and B19' martensite. In terms of diameter and cross-sectional area evaluation, the RB instrument obtained intermediate values, while the PDR and V+ instruments had smaller values, and the VF and UO instruments had larger values. A significant impact of geometry on mechanical properties was observed, with systems exhibiting a smaller area than RB (PDR, V+) being more flexible and less torsion-resistant (p<0.05), and the VF instrument with a larger area showed, as expected, less flexibility (p<0.05) and similar torsional resistance (p>0.05). The only exception was the UO system, which, despite having a larger geometric configuration, exhibited greater flexibility and less torsional resistance, likely due to the higher amount of martensite present at room temperature. None of the replica-like instruments evaluated showed identical characteristics and mechanical behavior to the standard RB system. Further studies are suggested to compare the clinical performance of these instruments.

Varredura Diferencial de Calorimetria , Endodontia , Torção Mecânica , Ligas de Memória da Forma , Testes Mecânicos
Braz. j. oral sci ; 21: e225136, jan.-dez. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1354771


Aim: To evaluate the influence of cobalt-chromium (Co-Cr) coping fabrication methods and ceramic application on the marginal and internal fit of metal-ceramic crowns. Methods: Co-Cr copings for metal-ceramic crowns were prepared by lost wax casting or CAD-CAM machining of sintered blocks. The fit was analyzed using the silicone replica technique at four assessment points: marginal gap (MG), axial wall (AW), axio-occlusal (AO) angle, and central occlusal (CO) wall. After the initial analysis, the copings were ceramic-veneered with the layering technique, and the fit was again determined. Data were statistically analyzed by paired and unpaired Student's-t test (α=0.05). Results: Marginal and internal fit before ceramic application according to the coping manufacturing method showed significant differences only at CO (p < 0.001), with milled copings (137.98±16.71 µm) showing higher gap values than cast copings (112.86±8.57 µm). For cast copings, there were significant differences at MG (before 109.13±8.79 µm; after 102.78±7.18 µm) and CO (before 112.86±8.57 µm; after 104.07±10.63 µm) when comparing the fit before and after ceramic firing. For milled copings, there was significant difference only at AO (before 116.39±9.64 µm; after 108.54±9.26 µm). Conclusion: This study demonstrated that the coping fabrication method influenced the internal fit. Ceramic firing maintained or improved the fit of the metal-ceramic crowns. The marginal discrepancy of all restorations, before and after ceramic firing, can be considered clinically acceptable

Cerâmica , Ligas Metalo-Cerâmicas , Adaptação Marginal Dentária , Coroas
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(5): 1-12, nov. 23, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435341


In Purpose: The fabrication technique can influence the mechanical properties of Cobalt-Chromium (Co-Cr) dental alloys. Hence, the present study aims to determine the corrosion resistance and thermal expansion of alloys manufactured using three contemporary techniques. Material and Methods: A total of nine specimens of Co-Cr alloy were prepared according to ISO 22674 by each one of the three manufacturing processes (three in each process); conventional casting, direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) and milling (MIL). All these specimens were tested for coefficient of thermal expansion and corrosion resistance. The data was tabulated and analyzed statistically. Results: The difference in the thermal expansion of alloys fabricated using three techniques was non-significant at almost all the temperatures from 50 ºC to 950 ºC (p>0.05), except 450 ºC and 600 °C. The polarization resistance of specimens manufactured using the conventional method was more compared to DMLS and MIL at pH 5 (Conventional>MIL>DMLS) (p<0.001). Conclusion: The thermal expansion behavior of alloys manufactured using the three selected techniques were similar, whereas, at acidic pH, the corrosion resistance of conventional and MIL were better than the DMLS.

Antecedentes: La técnica de fabricación puede influir en las propiedades mecánicas de las aleaciones dentales de cobalto-cromo (Co-Cr). Por lo tanto, el presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la resistencia a la corrosión y la expansión térmica de aleaciones fabricadas con tres técnicas contemporáneas. Material y Métodos: Se prepararon un total de nueve probetas de aleación de Co-Cr según ISO 22674 por cada uno de los tres procesos de fabricación (tres en cada proceso); fundición convencional, sinterización directa de metal por láser (DMLS) y fresado (MIL). Todos estos especímenes fueron probados para determinar el coeficiente de expansión térmica y la resistencia a la corrosión. Los datos fueron tabulados y analizados estadísticamente. Resultados: La diferencia en la dilatación térmica de las aleaciones fabricadas con las tres técnicas no fue significativa en casi todas las temperaturas desde 50ºC hasta 950ºC (p>0,05), excepto 450ºC y 600ºC. La resistencia a la polarización de las muestras fabricadas con el método convencional fue mayor en comparación con DMLS y MIL a pH 5 (Convencional>MIL>DMLS) (p<0, 0 01). Conclusión: El comportamiento de expansión térmica de las aleaciones fabricadas con las tres técnicas seleccionadas fue similar, mientras que, a pH ácido, la resistencia a la corrosión de la convencional y la MIL fue mejor que la de la DMLS.

Humanos , Temperatura , Ligas de Cromo , Corrosão , Ligas Dentárias , Propriedades de Superfície , Técnicas In Vitro , Cromo/química , Cobalto/química , Lasers
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 22: e210120, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1422283


Abstract Objective: To examine the cyclic fatigue resistance and surface topography of TruNatomy and ProTaper Gold nickel-titanium rotary files and evaluate the presence of alterations to surface topography following instrumentation in simulated curved canals. Material and Methods: Twenty-four nickel-titanium instruments, twelve each of TN and PTG file systems, were evaluated for cyclic fatigue resistance. The rotary files were rotated in a simulated root canal with standardized diameter, angle of curvature, and radius of curvature in a custom-made cyclic fatigue testing device until the instrument fracture occurred. The time to fracture for each instrument was recorded with a stopwatch; in seconds in each group. Fractured instruments were subjected to atomic force microscopy analysis measuring the average roughness and the root mean square values to investigate surface features of endodontic files. Mean values and standard deviation were calculated. Data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U test. Results: Time to fracture was marginally higher in PTG instruments than in the TN file systems. PTG files exhibited higher surface roughness when compared with TN files (p<0.05). Conclusion: TN file system had a higher cyclic fatigue resistance than PTG. Cyclic fatigue causing file breakage did affect the surface topography of the files. PTG files showed a higher surface porosity value than the TN files (AU).

Titânio/química , Microscopia de Força Atômica/instrumentação , Ligas Dentárias , Instrumentos Odontológicos , Endodontia , Propriedades de Superfície , Estatísticas não Paramétricas , Cavidade Pulpar , Testes de Dureza , Níquel/química
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385842


ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of overtorque on integrity, strength and stress on external hexagonal implants (EH), with two different grades (N=10): conventional (C), grade 4; and modified (M), grade 4 with thermal treatment. The dimensions of EH were 3.75 x 13 mm; the specimens were fixed and submitted to SEM analysis and image acquisition. The abutment was then retained with 70 N/cm, re-analyzed by SEM, and a second image was obtained. The images were analyzed by Image J software (1.44o- NIH, USA) for dimensional variations measurement on surface of the hexagonal area. The finite element method was applied with a similar compliance to calculate the resultant stress (MPa) during the torque. Results were statistically analyzed with t-student test (5 %). The dimensional accuracy of M (0.22 mm2) was statistically significant (p<0.05). Minimum principal stress and von-Mises stress of C (-19.95 MPa, -19.94 MPa), were lower than M values (-55.83 MPa, -55.96 MPa), respectively. However, the M group showed lower deformation than C group. Therefore, more rigid titanium alloy is a promising alternative to avoid plastic deformation of prosthetic connec tions even concentrating higher stress magnitude on its structure.

RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la influencia del sobrepar en la integridad, la fuerza y la tensión en los implantes hexagonales externos (EH), con dos grados diferentes (N = 10): convencional (C), grado 4; y modificado (M), grado 4 con tratamiento térmico. Las dimensiones de EH eran 3,75 de diámetro x 13 mm de longitud; las muestras se fijaron y se sometieron a análisis SEM y adquisición de imágenes. A continuación, el pilar se retuvo con 70 N / cm, se volvió a analizar por SEM y se obtuvo una segunda imagen. Las imágenes se analizaron con el software Image J (1.44o-NIH, EE. UU.) Para medir las variaciones dimensionales en la superficie superior del área hexagonal, que fue causada por un par excesivo. El método de los elementos finitos se aplicó con un cumplimiento similar para calcular la tensión resultante (MPa) durante el par. Los resultados se analizaron estadísticamente con la prueba t-student (5 %). La precisión dimensional de M (0,22 mm2) fue estadísticamente significativa (p <0,05). La tensión principal mínima y la tensión de von-Mises de C (-19,95 MPa, -19,94 MPa), fueron inferiores a los valores de M (-55,83 MPa, -55,96 MPa), respectivamente. Sin embargo, el hexágono del grupo M mostró menor deformación que el grupo C. Por lo tanto, la aleación de titanio más rígida es una alternativa prometedora para evitar la deformación plástica de las conexiones protésicas incluso concentrando una mayor magnitud de tensión en su estructura.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385780


ABSTRACT: The present study aims to describe through a literature review, the main types of noble and non-noble alloys in dentistry looking to identify the adhesion mechanisms, compositions and mechanical properties, and its applicability as a rehabilitation resource nowadays. A bibliographic search was conducted in the main health databases PUBMED ( and Scholar Google (, in which studies published from 1971 to 2021 were collected. Laboratory studies, case reports, systematic and literature reviews, which were developed in living individuals. Articles that did not deal with metal alloys and its use in dentistry were excluded. Through the review, it was possible to ver ify that all works presented the metal alloys and their main properties, indicating that they are divided into three main types: hi gh noble alloys, noble alloys and base metal alloys differing in their levels of constituent noble metals. Several alloys and meta ls are available for the dental market each presenting advantages and disadvantages, mainly based on its specific composition.Continuous research and development are resulting in the production of new technologies and products, giving dental surgeons even more options in the design and manufacture of restorations using metal alloys and understanding that these resources will still be viable alternatives in oral rehabilitations. However, further studies on metal alloys are needed to better understand this subject.

RESUMEN: El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo describir a través de una revisión de la literatura, los principales tipos de aleaciones nobles y no nobles utilizados en odontología buscando identificar los mecanismos de adhesión, composiciones y propiedades mecánicas, así como reflejar su aplicabilidad como recurso rehabilitador en la actualidad. Realizamos una búsqueda bibliográfica em las principales bases de datos de salud PUBMED ( y Scholar Google (, en la que se recopilaron estudios publicados desde 1971 hasta 2021. Estudios de laboratorio, informes de casos, revisiones sistemáticas y bibliográficas, que se desarrollaron en individuos vivos. Sin embargo, se excluyeron los artículos que no trataban sobre aleaciones metálicas y su uso en odontología. Se pudo observar que todos los trabajos presentaban las aleaciones metálicas y sus principales propiedades indicando que se estas dividen en tres tipos principales: aleaciones altamente nobles, aleaciones nobles y aleaciones de metales base que difierenen sus niveles de metales nobles constituyentes. Hay varias aleaciones y metales disponibles para el mercado dental, cada uno presenta ventajas y desventajas, principalmente en función de su composición específica. La investigación y el desarrollo continuo están dando como resultado la producción de nuevas tecnologías y productos, brindando a los cirujanos dentistas aún más opciones en el diseño y fabricación de las restauraciones, utilizando aleaciones metálicas y, permite concluir que estos recursos seguirán siendo alternativas viables en los tratamientos de rehabilitación. Sin embargo, se necesitan más estudios sobre el tema abordado en el trabajo, para una comprensión más profunda del tema.

Dent. press endod ; 11(1): 40-45, Jan-Apr2021. Tab, Ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1348171


Objetivo: Testar a hipótese nula de que a orientação das ranhuras superficiais não influencia na vida em fadiga de fios de níquel-titânio (NiTi). Material e Métodos: Segmentos de fio de NiTi (Moreli, Sorocaba/SP, Brasil) medindo 30mm e com diâmetro de 0,40mm foram utilizados. As ranhuras foram criadas em relação à direção longitudinal, em 45 e 90 graus. O fio foi analisado sob microscopia eletrônica de varredura e a rugosidade, quantificada por interferometria. O número de ciclos para a fratura (NCF) foi determinado pelo teste de flexão rotativa. Resultados: A rugosidade entre os grupos de 45 e 90 graus apresentou diferenças estatisticamente significativas (p<0,05). O grupo sem ranhuras apresentou o maior NCF (p<0,05). O grupo com ranhuras em 45 graus apresentou maior NCF, em comparação ao grupo com 90 graus (p<0,05). Conclusões: A direção das ranhuras possui influência na vida em fadiga dos fios de NiTi. O NCF aumenta com a redução do ângulo das ranhuras em relação ao longo eixo do fio, independentemente da profundidade das ranhuras (AU).

Objective: this study tested the null hypothesis that the surface grooves orientation does not influence the NiTi wire cyclic fatigue. Material and methods: Segments of NiTi wire (Moreli, Sorocaba, Brazil) measuring 30mm and with a 0.40mm of diameter were used. Grooves were created in the longitudinal direction, at 45 degrees and 90 degrees. The wire was analyzed with SEM and the roughness was quantified by interferometry. The number of cycles until fracture (NCF) was determined by the cyclic fatigue test. Results: the roughness between 45 and 90 degrees groups presented differences (p<0.05). The group without grooves presented the highest NCF (p<0.05). The group with 45 degrees grooves presented better NCF in comparison to the group with 90 degrees (p<0.05). Conclusions: the direction of the grooves influences the fatigue life. The NCF increases with the reduction of the angle of the grooves in relation to the long axis, regardless of the depth of the grooves (AU).

Humanos , Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura , Ligas Dentárias , Fadiga , Interferometria
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1155014


ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the effect of sprue design on the marginal accuracy of the casting. Material and Methods: It was an experimental in-vitro study. There are forty-four crowns of single sprue group with a forty-four double sprue group that was compared in 6 different locations of the margin. The sections were inspected under a microscope at 50X magnification and took a micrograph. The radius from an actual casting edge to a possibly excellent margin was then documented as marginal discrepancy (d), in µm. The marginal discrepancy was documented for each of the six sections per casting. Thus 264 sections were measured for each group. Data were analysed using (ANOVA) for analysis of variance. For bivariate analyses, Chi-square and Student t test were used. The significance level was set at < 0.05. Results: The marginal discrepancy was greater in the single sprue group of cast crown (43.1 ± 4.74 µm) and in double sprue group of cast crown was less (25.7 ± 4.25 µm). This difference is statistically significant (p<0.05). The correlation between single sprue group of casting with a double sprue group of casting by student's t-test where determination height was 95%. Conclusion: Double sprue design produces a higher accurate margin than single sprue design in the nickel-chromium alloy cast crown.

Ligas de Cromo , Coroas , Ligas Dentárias , Revestimento para Fundição Odontológica , Materiais Dentários , Técnicas In Vitro/métodos , Distribuição de Qui-Quadrado , Análise de Variância , Níquel
CES odontol ; 33(2): 72-85, jul.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285752


Resumen Introducción y objetivo: La fricción en la ortodoncia se produce por contacto directo entre el bracket, el alambre y la ligadura. La fricción reduce la eficiencia en los tratamientos de ortodoncia. Esta investigación comparó la resistencia a la fricción entre los brackets cerámicos convencionales y los brackets cerámicos de autoligado pasivos utilizando un método de elementos finitos (MEF). Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un total de 810 deslizamientos, combinando brackets cerámicos convencionales y autoligados, y alambres de ortodoncia de acero inoxidable, níquel-titanio y de la aleación β-titanio de 0.016 pulgadas, 0.017x0.025 pulgadas y 0.019 x0.025 pulgadas. La media máxima de resistencia a la fricción estática (MRF) se comparó entre las diferentes combinaciones de brackets, alambre, ligadura y angulación del bracket de 0 °, 7 ° y 13 °. Resultados: Las variables con el comportamiento de fricción más alto fueron 13 °, aleación β titanio, 0.017x0.025 pulgadas, y brackets cerámicos convencionales con ligaduras elásticas. Conclusión: MEF es una alternativa adecuada para la predicción de la MRF en varias combinaciones de brackets, alambres, ligaduras y angulaciones. El método permitió definir una menor resistencia a la fricción para los brackets de autoligado, así como una relación directa entre el aumento del ángulo y el área de contacto entre el bracket y el alambre, con valores más altos de resistencia al deslizamiento. Se estableció que un alambre de mayor calibre no implica un área de mayor contacto con el bracket.

Abstract Introduction and objective: Friction in orthodontics is produced by direct contact between the bracket, the wire, and the ligature. Friction reduces efficiency in orthodontic treatments. This research aims to compare the frictional resistance between conventional ceramic brackets and passive self-ligating ceramic brackets using a finite element method (FEM). Materials and methods: A total of 810 slidings were performed, combining conventional and self-ligating ceramic brackets, and stainless steel, nickel-titanium, and b-titanium alloy orthodontic wires of 0.016inch, 0.017x0.025inch, and 0.019x0.025inch. The maximum static frictional resistance (MSFR) mean was compared between the different brackets, wire, ligature, and bracket angulation combinations of 0°, 7°, and 13°. Results: The variables with the highest frictional behavior were 13°, b-titanium alloy, 0.017x0.025inch, and conventional ceramic brackets with an elastic ligatures. Conclusion: FEM is an adequate alternative for the prediction of MSRF in a various brackets, wire, ligating, and angulation combinations. The method allowed defining lower frictional resistance for self-ligating brackets, as well as a direct relationship between the increase in the angle and contact area between bracket and wire, with higher values of sliding resistance. It was established that a larger wire size does not imply a higher area of contact with the bracket.

Resumo Introdução e objetivo: O atrito na ortodontia é produzido pelo contato direto entre braquetes, fios e ligaduras. O atrito reduz a eficiência em tratamentos ortodônticos. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo comparar a resistência ao atrito entre braquetes cerâmicos convencionais e braquetes cerâmicos autoligáveis paacero inoxidableivos usando um método de elementos finitos (MEF). Materiais e métodos: Foram realizados 810 deslizamentos de terra, combinando braquetes de cerâmica convencionais e autoligáveis e fios ortodônticos de aço inoxidável, liga de níquel-titânio e β-titânio em 0,016 polegadas, 0,017 x 0,025 polegadas e 0,019 0,025 polegadas. A máxima resistência média ao atrito estático (MRF) foi comparada entre as diferentes combinações de braquetes, fios, ligaduras e angulações de braquetes de 0 °, 7 ° e 13 °. Resultados: As variáveis com maior comportamento de atrito foram 13 °, liga β-titânio, 0,017x0,025 polegadas e braquetes cerâmicos convencionales com ligadura elástica. Conclusão: MEF é uma alternativa adequada para previsão de MRF em várias combinações de braquetes, fios, ligaduras e angulações. O método permitiu definir uma menor resistência ao atrito para braquetes autoligáveis, bem como uma relação direta entre o aumento do ângulo e a área de contato entre os braquetes e o fio, com maiores valores de resistência ao escorregamento. Foi estabelecido que um tamanho de cabo maior não implica uma área de contato mais alta com o suporte.

Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 25(4): 44-50, July-Aug. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1133679


ABSTRACT Objective: To perform a numerical simulation using FEM to study the von Mises stresses on Mushroom archwires. Methods: Mushroom archwires made of titanium-molybdenum alloy with 0.017 x 0.025-in cross-section were used in this study. A YS of 1240 MPa and a Young's modulus of 69 GPa were adopted. The archwire was modeled in Autodesk Inventor software and its behavior was simulated using the finite element code Ansys Workbench (Swanson Analysis Systems, Houston, Pennsylvania, USA). A large displacement simulation was used for non-linear analysis. The archwires were deformed in their extremities with 0° and 45°, and activated by their vertical extremities separated at 4.0 or 5.0 mm. Results: Tensions revealed a maximum of 1158 MPa at the whole part of the loop at 5.0mm of activation, except in a very small area situated at the top of the loop, in which a maximum of 1324 Mpa was found. Conclusions: Mushroom loops are capable to produce tension levels in an elastic range and could be safely activated up to 5.0mm.

RESUMO Objetivo: Realizar uma simulação numérica, por meio do Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF), para obter as tensões de von Mises em arcos Mushroom. Métodos: Foram usados arcos com geometria Mushroom de titânio-molibdênio, com secção transversal 0,017" x 0,025". Adotou-se valores de tensão de escoamento (σesc) de 1.240 MPa e módulo de elasticidade (E) de 69 GPa. O arco foi modelado por meio do software Autodesk Inventor, e seu desempenho foi simulado utilizando-se o software de elementos finitos Ansys Workbench (Swanson Analysis System, Houston, Pennsylvania, EUA). Para a simulação, foi considerada a análise para grandes deslocamentos. O arco foi conformado em suas extremidades considerando-se planos de 0° e 45°, pré-ativado em 2,5mm e ativado por meio de suas extremidades verticais, separadas 4,0 mm ou 5,0 mm. Resultados: As tensões revelaram um valor máximo de 1.158 MPa na maior parte da alça, aos 5,0 mm de ativação, com exceção de uma área muito pequena, com valor de 1.324 MPa, situada no topo da alça. Conclusões: Os arcos Mushroom são capazes de produzir níveis de tensão situados dentro da região elástica e poderiam ser ativados com segurança até os 5,0 mm de ativação.

Titânio , Análise de Elementos Finitos , Molibdênio , Dinâmica não Linear
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1135548


Abstract Objective: To evaluate the difference in torsional resistance, angular deflection and fragment length between two new rotary instruments: AF Blue S4 and S-One. These files share all features except cross-sectional design. Material and Methods: A total of 40 new Nickel-Titanium instruments of 25 mm in length were tested in this study and divided in two groups: 20 AF Blue S4, tip 25 and constant 6% taper and 20 AF-Blue S4 tip 25 and constant 6% taper. The torsional test was performed by the use of a torque recording endodontic motor (KaVo, Biberac, Germany). Torque to Fracture (TtF), Angular Deflection (AD) and Fragment Length (FL) was recorded for each instrument. To ensure an immovable block at 3mm of the instrument tip, an auto-polymerizing resin (DuraLay; Reliance Dental Mfg Co, Worth, IL) was used. Each file was rotated clockwise at a speed of 300 rpm until fracture occurred. Results: Group A (AF Blue S4) showed higher TtF and AD than Group B (S-One), and statistical analysis found significant differences between the two instruments (p<0.05). The mean values for FL showed no significant differences (p>0.05) between the two instruments. Conclusion: The AF Blue S4 seems to have a higher resistance to torsional stress in vitro. Clinically, the use of AF Blue S4 could be safer in narrow canals.

Resistência à Tração , Técnicas In Vitro , Torque , Ligas Dentárias , Torção Mecânica , Titânio , Interpretação Estatística de Dados , Instrumentos Odontológicos , Endodontia/instrumentação , Itália/epidemiologia , Níquel
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1135560


Abstract Objective: To compare the amount of mercury in new and old dental amalgam restorations. Material and Methods: This study analyzed twenty samples of dental amalgam restorations, dividing into two groups. Group 1 consisted of samples of new dental amalgam restoration (n=10) and group 2 consisted of samples of old dental amalgam restoration (5-years old) (n=10). In each group, the mercury involved in the dental amalgam restoration was calculated using the cloud point extraction (CPE) method. The new dental amalgam restorations are taken from the patients' mouth after condensation and analyzed directly after setting. The old dental amalgam restorations are removed from the patients' mouth, after 5 years of use by the patients, and then they are analyzed. The independent-samples t-test was used to analyze the differences (p<0.05). Results: For new amalgam restorations, the mean of mercury was 0.1281 µg/mL, while for old restorations it was 0.1029 µg/mL. There was a significant difference between the new and old amalgam restorations in the amount of mercury available (p<0.001). Conclusion: There is a significant loss of mercury over a five years period in the patient mouth.

Humanos , Ligas Dentárias/química , Amálgama Dentário , Materiais Dentários , Mercúrio , Iraque
Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 29(2): 115-127, abr. 2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058490


Las técnicas de cera perdida colado por centrifugación convencional, son técnicas vigentes para obtener cofias de Cobalto-Cromo (Co-Cr) para coronas metalcerámica. Objetivo: Evaluar in vitro, la adaptación marginal e interna de cofias unitarias de aleación Co-Cr, realizadas sobre dos líneas de terminación: chamfer y bisel, fabricadas con las técnicas de cera perdida colada por centrifugación convencional (CPCC) y por inducción (CPCI). Materiales y métodos: Se evaluó la adaptación marginal e interna de 13 cofias unitarias de aleacion Co-Cr para cada tecnica y línea de terminación, usando la técnica de replica de silicona. Las muestras fueron divididas en sentido vestíbulo-palatino y en sentido mesio-distal, observadas en un estéreomicroscopio a un aumento de 40X y se evaluó la zona cervical, axial y oclusal. Resultados: Los analisis estadisticos incluyeron la prueba t de Student y U Mann-Whitney, previamente se evaluo los supuestos de normalidad con la prueba de Shapiro-Wilk para analizar diferencias estadisticamente significativas entre los grupos (p<0.05). La discrepancia marginal fue menor a 120 µm y la discrepancia interna menor a 350µm para ambas líneas de terminación y técnica de colado. Conclusiones: Los resultados en la adaptación marginal e interna de cofias con líneas de terminación chamfer y bisel fabricadas con las técnicas de cera perdida colada por centrifugación convencional e inducción, los valores descriptivos no fueron concluyentes, ya que en la mayoría de los puntos evaluados no existió diferencia estadísticamente significativa. Además en las dos líneas de terminación chamfer y bisel se encontraron rangos clínicamente aceptables.

The techniques of lost wax cast by conventional centrifugation are current techniques to obtain Cobalt-Chrome (Co-Cr) copings for metalceramic crowns. Objective: Evaluate in vitro, the marginal and internal adaptation in unitary Co-Cr alloy copes, made on two termination lines: chamfer and bevel, manufactured with the techniques of lost wax cast by conventional centrifugation (CPCC) and by induction (CPCI), according to type of cut, area and measurement points. Materials and methods: The marginal and internal adaptation of 13 co-units of Co-Cr alloy for each technique and termination line was evaluated. The silicone replication technique was used. The samples were divided in the vestibulo-palatal direction and in the mesio-distal direction, observed in a stereomicroscope at a 40X magnification and the cervical, axial and occlusal areas were evaluated. Results: Statistical analyzes included the Student’s t-test and U Mann-Whitney, previously the assumptions of normality were evaluated with the Shapiro-Wilk test to analyze statistically significant differences between the groups (p <0.05). The marginal discrepancy was less than 120 µm and the internal discrepancy less than 350µm. Conclusion: The results in the marginal and internal adaptation of copings with chamfer termination lines and bevel fabricated with the techniques of lost wax cast by conventional centrifugation and induction were not conclusive to determine which technique is the best since in most of the points evaluated there was not a statistically significant difference. Also in the two lines of termination cnamfer and bevel, there were found clinical acceptable ranges.

Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 29(1): 39-48, ene.-mar. 2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014044


Nuevas técnicas nos están permitiendo migrar de la técnica de cera perdida colado por centrifugado convencional (CPCC) a técnicas como la cera perdida colado por inducción (CPCI). Objetivos: Comparar la discrepancia marginal e interna de cofias unitarias de aleación Cobalto-Cromo (Co-Cr) sobre una línea de terminación chamfer, confeccionadas con dos técnicas: CPCC y CPCI, determinando cual técnica tuvo mejor adaptación marginal e interna. Material y Métodos: Se fabricaron13 cofias metálicas unitarias de aleación Co-Cr para cada técnica a evaluar. Se utilizó la réplica de silicona para evaluar las discrepancias marginales e internas, cada muestra fue seccionada en cruz en sentido vestíbulo-palatino y en sentido mesio-distal, luego con un estéreomicroscopio se evaluó la zona cervical, axial y oclusal. Resultados: Se evaluó los supuestos de normalidad con la prueba de Shapiro-Wilk. Los análisis estadísticos fueron la prueba t de Student y U Mann-Whitney. La CPCI obtuvo una menor discrepancia marginal e interna en comparación con la CPC pero no se encontró diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p>0,05) entre ambas técnicas. Conclusiones: Aunque en la mayoría de los puntos de evaluación las cofias realizadas mediante la CPCI presento mejores valores de adaptación marginal e interna en comparación con la CPCC estos resultados sólo son valores descriptivos que no fueron concluyentes, ya que en la mayoría de los puntos evaluados no existió diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p>0,05). Observamos que la mayoría de los valores de ambas técnicas se encuentran dentro del rango clínicamente aceptable.

New techniques are allowing us to migrate from the technique of lost wax cast by conventional centrifugation (CPCC) to techniques such as lost wax cast by induction (CPCI). Objectives: To compare the marginal and internal discrepancy of cobalt-chromium (Co-Cr) alloy unit copes on a chamfer termination line, made with two techniques: CPCC and CPCI, determining which technique had better marginal and internal adaptation. Material and Methods: 13 Co-Cr alloy unit copings were fabricated for each technique to be evaluated. Silicon replication was used to evaluate the marginal and internal discrepancies. Each sample was cross-sectioned in the vestibular-palatine and mesio-distal directions, then the cervical, axial and occlusal zones were evaluated with a stereomicroscope. Results: 13 unitary Co-Cr alloy metal cops were manufactured for each technique to be evaluated. The silicone replica was used to evaluate the marginal and internal discrepancies, each sample was cross-sectioned in the vestibulo-palatal direction and in the mesio-distal sense, then with a stereomicroscope, the cervical, axial and occlusal areas were evaluated. Conclusions: The assumptions of normality were evaluated with the Shapiro-Wilk test. The statistical analyzes were Student s t test and U Mann-Whitney test. The CPCI obtained a lower marginal and internal discrepancy compared to the CPC, but no statistically significant differences were found (p >0.05) between both techniques. Conclusions: Although in most of the evaluation points the copings made by the CPCI presented better values of marginal and internal adaptation compared to the CPCC, these results are only descriptive values that were not conclusive, since in most of the evaluated points there was no statistically significant difference (p >0.05). We observed that most of the values of both techniques are within the clinically acceptable range.

Chinese Journal of Stomatology ; (12): 118-123, 2019.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-804699


Objective@#To investigate the effects of hydrophilic treatment on the surface morphology and surface properties of pure titanium and titanium-zirconium alloy implants, and to provide reference for the studies of implant surface modification.@*Methods@#The pure titanium group, the hydrophilic pure titanium group, the titanium zirconium alloy group and the hydrophilic titanium-zirconium alloy group were prepared by sandblasting and acid-etching or hydrophilic sandblasting and acid-etching, (11 specimens in each group). The surface morphology and surface properties of four types of titanium specimens were analyzed by surface contact angle meter, scanning electron microscope (SEM), optical profilometer, atomic force microscope (AFM) and Raman spectrometer.@*Results@#The surface contact angles of hydrophilic pure titanium and hydrophilic titanium-zirconium alloy were 1.6°±0.3° and 1.5°±0.2°, and the surface contact angles of pure titanium and titanium-zirconium alloy were 101.4°±4.6° and 96.2°±3.0°, respectively. SEM showed that the nano-protrusions on the surface of pure titanium and titanium-zirconium alloys were less or even absent, while the nano-protrusions on the surface of hydrophilic pure titanium and hydrophilic titanium-zirconium alloys were relatively more; the nano-protrusions on the surface of hydrophilic pure titanium surface were small and dense relatively, but the nano-protrusions of the hydrophilic titanium-zirconium alloy had large diameters and were dispersed relatively. The optical profiler and AFM showed that the surface roughness of hydrophilic pure titanium and hydrophilic titanium-zirconium alloy was significantly higher than that of pure titanium and titanium-zirconium alloy (P<0.05). Raman spectroscopy showed that only the amorphous TiO2 was present on the surface of the pure titanium group, while the rutile TiO2 characteristic peak was observed in the other three groups, but the lateral inhomogeneity was observed. After Raman shift 610 cm-1, the Raman spectra of four groups were similar.@*Conclusions@#Hydrophilic sandblasting and acid-etching treatment can improve the surface hydrophilicity and surface roughness of pure titanium and titanium zirconium alloy, and improve the surface properties of pure titanium and titanium zirconium alloy implants.

Braz. j. oral sci ; 18: e190285, jan.-dez. 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1088042


Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of heat treatment (tempering) on the sliding mechanics of stainless steel Chrome Nickel (CrNi) orthodontic wires. Methods: A universal testing machine EMIC DL 2000 was used at a speed of 10 mm/minute for reading-out the sliding strength and friction between brackets and wires, by simulating the sliding mechanics in a fixed orthodontic appliance. The results were submitted to ANOVA variance test for statistical analysis at the level of 5% (p<0.05). Results: The results indicated that depending on the type of bracket, wire and type of treatment, the groups without heat treatment showed higher mean static friction values, except for groups with CrNi GAC wire and conventional brackets, which showed no significant difference with and without heat treatment; and the group with self-ligated brackets and CrNi GAC wires that showed the lowest mean static friction values with heat treatment. Conclusion: The heat treatment reduced the static friction values on CrNi Morelli wires for any combination of brackets (conventional and self-ligated types) and commercial brands. For the CrNi GAC wires, there was a reduction in friction values only in the combination with In-Ovation R/GAC self-ligated brackets

Fios Ortodônticos , Ligas de Cromo , Braquetes Ortodônticos
Braz. j. oral sci ; 18: e191406, jan.-dez. 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1094951


Aim: To evaluate the bond strength (BS) and failure mode of orthodontic tubes treated with different alloy primers at the interface among enamel, resin and orthodontic tubes. Methods: Orthodontic tubes were bonded to the enamel of 80 bovine incisors with the orthodontic resin (Transbond XT, 3M Unitek). Prior to bonding, the tubes were chemically treated with (n=20) Metal/Zirconia Primer (MZ, Ivoclar), Scothbond Universal (SB, 3M Espe); Orthoprimer (OP, Morelli) or left untreated (Control - C). Specimens were submitted to 5,000 thermal cycles (5 and 55o C) to age the bonded interface. A shear BS test and failure modes were conducted, and the results were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance and Fisher's exact test, respectively. Results: No differences were observed among groups regardless of the type of alloy primer used (p = 0.254). However, no differences were observed among the failure modes of the groups tested (p=0.694). The adhesive failure mode between the resin and enamel was the most prevalent failure (45%) for groups OP and C, whereas cohesive failure in the orthodontic resin was the most prevalent failure (40%) for groups SB and MZ. Conclusion: Alloy primers were unable to increase the BS of the orthodontic tubes to enamel

Animais , Bovinos , Ortodontia , Teste de Materiais , Colagem Dentária , Resistência ao Cisalhamento
RFO UPF ; 24(3): 422-428, 2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1357690


Objetivo: rizogênese incompleta refere-se a dentes permanentes em que não houve a formação completa do ápice radicular, ocasionando perda da vitalidade pulpar e, consequentemente, incapacidade da bainha epitelial de Hertwig para induzir a formação completa da raiz. Devido ao traumatismo e escurecimento dental, se faz necessário em certos casos a confecção de coroas em porcelana pura para reabilitar a paciente em estética e função. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo demonstrar um caso de reabilitação estética e funcional em dente com rizogênese incompleta, onde se consideraram as perdas estruturais e alteração de cor, para que seja possível estabelecer o tratamento mais adequado. Relato de caso: paciente de 16 anos, gênero feminino, atendida na Clínica de Odontologia de uma instituição privada, insatisfeita com a estética do seu dente devido ao escurecimento do elemento 21, pois quando tinha 5 anos o dente foi traumatizado juntamente com o elemento 11. O plano de tratamento adotado para ambos os elementos foi a confecção de peças protéticas em porcelana e cimentação. Considerações finais: esse caso demonstrou que a confecção de coroas estéticas em porcelana é considerada uma boa conduta na rotina clínica em casos de escurecimento dental, devolvendo estética e função para o paciente.(AU)

Objective: incomplete rhizogenesis refers to permanent teeth with incomplete formation of the root apex, causing loss of pulp vitality and the consequent inability of the Hertwig epithelial sheath to induce complete root formation. Due to dental trauma and darkening, some cases require the production of pure porcelain crowns to rehabilitate the aesthetics and function of patients. The present study aims to show a case of aesthetic and functional rehabilitation in a tooth with incomplete rhizogenesis, in which structural losses and color change were considered to establish the most appropriate treatment. Case report: a 16-year-old female patient treated at the Dental Clinic of a private institution. The patient was not satisfied with the aesthetics of her tooth due to the darkening of element 21, because at 5 years old the tooth was traumatized along with element 11. The treatment used for both elements was the production of prosthetic porcelain crowns and cementation. Final considerations: this case showed that the production of aesthetic porcelain crowns is considered a good conduct in the clinical routine in cases of tooth darkening, returning aesthetics and function to the patient.(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Anormalidades Dentárias/terapia , Prótese Dentária/métodos , Traumatismos Dentários/terapia , Coroas , Resultado do Tratamento , Preparo Prostodôntico do Dente/métodos , Estética Dentária