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J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 10(1): 1-6, 01/jan./2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1411593


Objetivo: realizar análises parasitológicas em amostras de solo provenientes da represa da Bica situada no município de Catalão-GO. Métodos: a área do entorno da represa foi dividida em cinco parcelas, sendo realizadas coletas em dois pontos de cada parcela, superior e inferior. Foram realizadas quatro coletas em dias alternados, totalizando 40 amostras de, aproximadamente, 50g da camada superficial do solo, com profundidade máxima de cinco centímetros. As amostras foram processadas no Setor de Diagnóstico Parasitológico do Laboratório de Biologia Molecular da Universidade Federal de Catalão (UFCAT). Para as análises parasitológicas, foram utilizados cinco métodos encontrados na literatura, Rugai, Willis, Sedimentação espontânea, Ritchie e Ritchie modificado. Resultados: pelo método de Rugai, foi possível detectar larvas rabditoides do gênero Ancylostoma e Strongyloides. Utilizando o método de Ritchie modificado, foram encontrados ovos de Ascaris lumbricoidese Ancylostoma sp. Conclusão: a presença de formas evolutivas no solo da represa indica contaminação por dejetos animais e humanos, favorecendo o estabelecimento de ciclos biológicos das espécies encontradas e de outras diferentes zoonoses. Os dados obtidos demonstram a importância de sensibilizar a população de medidas de promoção da saúde, além de ações preventivas e programas de educação em saúde.

Objective: to conduct parasitological analyses in soil samples from the Bica reservoir located in the municipality of Catalão-GO. Methods: the area around the dam was divided into five plots, and samples were collected from two points in each plot, upper and lower. Four samples were collected on alternate days, totaling 40 samples of approximately 50g of topsoil, with a maximum depth of five centimeters. The samples were processed in the Parasitological Diagnostic Sector of the Molecular Biology Laboratory of the Federal University of Catalão (UFCAT). For the parasitological analyses, we used five methods found in the literature, Rugai, Willis, spontaneous sedimentation, Ritchie, and modified Ritchie. Results: by the Rugai method, it was possible to detect rhabditoid larvae of the genus Ancylostoma and Strongyloides. Using the modified Ritchie method, eggs of Ascaris lumbricoidesand Ancylostoma sp were found. Conclusion: the presence of evolutive forms in the soil of the reservoir indicates contamination by animal and human waste, favoring the establishment of biological cycles of the species found and of other different zoonoses. The data obtained demonstrated the importance of raising the population's awareness of health promotion measures besides preventive actions and health education programs.

Solo/parasitologia , Barragens , Amostras de Água , Nematoides/parasitologia , Ascaris/parasitologia , Brasil , Análise do Solo , Poluição Ambiental/prevenção & controle , Ancylostoma/parasitologia , Larva/parasitologia
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 41(4): 756-772, oct.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355748


Resumen | Introducción. Los endoparásitos y ectoparásitos en perros son de distribución mundial. La estrecha relación entre los perros y el hombre implica un riesgo de transmisión de parasitosis zoonóticas, por lo cual es necesario conocer las especies que parasitan a los perros de esta zona y determinar los factores asociados. Objetivos. Estimar la prevalencia de endoparásitos y ectoparásitos, identificarlos en perros domiciliados de la zona metropolitana de Toluca, México, y determinar la prevalencia de Dipyilidium caninum en pulgas del género Ctenocephalides spp. Materiales y métodos. Se recolectaron muestras de 402 perros que fueron llevados a consulta en cuatro hospitales de referencia de Toluca. En el diagnóstico de endoparásitos, se utilizaron las técnicas coproparasitoscópicas de frotis directo, flotación y sedimentación; además, se recolectaron ectoparásitos para su identificación taxonómica. Por último, la detección de D. caninum en pulgas se hizo mediante la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR). Resultados. El 37,2 % de los perros resultó positivo para endoparásitos. Los géneros o especies identificados fueron Toxocara spp., Giardia spp., Ancylostoma spp., Cystoisospora spp., D. caninum, Taenia spp. y Trichuris vulpis. Se determinó una prevalencia de ectoparásitos de 13,13 %. Se identificaron pulgas de las especies Ctenocephalides felis y C. canis, en tanto que solo un animal presentó parasitosis por Rhipicephalus sanguineus y otro por Trichodectes canis. La prevalencia de D. caninum en pulgas fue del 9,5 %. Conclusión. La prevalencia de endoparásitos fue de 37,2 % y, la de ectoparásitos, de 13,1 %. Por primera vez en México se hizo un análisis de endoparásitos y ectoparásitos en una misma población de perros, así como el diagnóstico molecular de D. caninum.

Abstract | Introduction: Endoparasites and ectoparasites in dogs are of global distribution. The close relationship between dogs and man implies a risk for the transmission of zoonotic parasites. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the parasites hosted by dogs in specific areas and the factors associated with their presence. Objectives: To identify and to estimate the prevalence of endoparasites and ectoparasites in domiciled dogs in the Metropolitan area of Toluca, México, and the prevalence of D. caninum in fleas of the genus Ctenocephalides spp. Materials and methods: We collected samples from 402 domiciled dogs in four reference hospitals in the area in Toluca. We diagnosed endoparasites using direct smear, flotation, and sedimentation techniques and we performed the taxonomic identification of ectoparasites. Finally, the molecular diagnosis of D. caninum in fleas was made using the polymerase chain reaction technique (PCR). Results: A total of 37.2% of dogs were positive for endoparasites; the genera or species identified were Toxocara spp., Giardia spp., Ancylostoma spp., Cystoisospora spp., D. caninum, Taenia spp., and Trichuris vulpis; the prevalence of ectoparasites was 13.13%. We identified fleas of the species Ctenocephalides felis, Ctenocephalides canis; only one animal was parasitized with Rhipicephalus sanguineus and another one with Trichodectes canis; the prevalence of D. caninum in fleas was 9.5%. Conclusion: The prevalence of endoparasites was 37.2% while that of ectoparasites was 13.1%; this is the first analysis of endoparasites and ectoparasites conducted in the same population of dogs in México together with the molecular diagnosis of D. caninum in fleas.

Zoonoses/epidemiologia , México , Toxocara canis , Ctenocephalides , Giardia , Ancylostoma
Braz. j. biol ; 80(4): 839-843, Oct.-Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1142538


Abstract This study aimed at examining the prevalence of eggs and larvae of parasites - that may cause diseases to humans and other animals - in the soil of public squares located on the shore of Laranjal beaches, in the Laguna dos Patos, in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. Four fieldwork trips - one per season - were taken to collect samples on six squares built on the shore of these beaches. Five samples of soil were collected on every square on every fieldwork trip. The material was processed by Caldwell & Caldwell's technique. Four squares (66.7%) were positive for helminth eggs and sample positivity was 8.3% (10). Toxocara spp. and Ancylostoma spp. were the main genera found in these places. Even though prevalence was lower than the one observed by other studies which were carried out in the area, helminths with zoonotic potential were found in the soil of the squares. It should be highlighted that measures to control dogs in these areas must be implemented and public policies must be put forth to make pets' owners and beach goers aware of the need to mitigate environmental contamination.

Resumo Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a prevalência de ovos e larvas de parasitos - que podem causar doenças em humanos e outros animais - no solo de praças públicas localizadas na orla das praias do Laranjal, na Laguna dos Patos, em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Quatro viagens de campo - uma por estação - foram realizadas em seis praças construídas na orla dessas praias. Cinco amostras de solo foram coletadas por praça em cada saída de campo. O material foi processado pela técnica de Caldwell e Caldwell. Quatro praças (66,7%) foram positivas para ovos de helmintos e a positividade da amostra foi de 8,3% (10). Toxocara spp. e Ancylostoma spp. foram os principais gêneros encontrados nesses locais. Embora a prevalência tenha sido menor que a observada por outros estudos realizados na área, helmintos com potencial zoonótico foram encontrados no solo das praças. Deve-se ressaltar que medidas para o controle de cães nessas áreas devem ser implementadas e políticas públicas devem ser concretizadas para tornar os donos de animais de estimação e frequentadores destas praias, conscientes da necessidade de mitigar a contaminação ambiental.

Humanos , Animais , Cães , Solo , Toxocara , Contagem de Ovos de Parasitas , Brasil , Fezes , Ancylostoma
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 23(2, cont.): e2305, jul-dez. 2020. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1129400


O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a ocorrência de parasitos gastrointestinais em 20 amostras fecais de gatos domésticos recebidas no Laboratório de Parasitologia Veterinária da Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz. As amostras foram recebidas no período de 19 de abril de 2018 a 09 de agosto de 2019, sendo de animais de diferentes raças e ambos os sexos. Dessas amostras (15/20) foram negativas e (5/20) foram positivas, onde o foram encontrados com maior frequência ovos de Ancylostoma spp. (4/20) além de uma amostra positiva para oocistos de Cystisospora spp (1/20). Os animais com amostras positivas eram animais com idade inferior a um ano e nunca tinham passado por acompanhamento veterinário. Enquanto o alto número de amostras negativas pode ser justificado por serem animais cuidados por membros da comunidade acadêmica e que já tinham passado por atendimento no Hospital Veterinário, realizando de tratamentos antiparasitários.(AU)

The objective of this work is to evaluate the occurrence of gastrointestinal parasites in 20 fecal samples from domestic cats received in the Laboratory of Veterinary Parasitology at the State University of Santa Cruz. The samples were received from April 19, 2018 to August 9, 2019 and were from animals of different breeds and both genders. From these samples, (15/20) were negative and (5/20) were positive. Eggs of Ancylostoma spp. were found more frequently, in 4 of the samples, and one (1) sample tested positive for oocysts of Cystisospora spp (1/20). The animals with positive samples were animals aged less than one year old and had never been through veterinary follow-up. The high number of negative samples can be justified because they were animals cared for by members of the academic community and that had already been seen by the staff at the Veterinary Hospital, performing antiparasitic treatments.(AU)

El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la presencia de parásitos gastrointestinales en 20 muestras fecales de gatos domésticos recibidas en el Laboratorio de Parasitología Veterinaria de la Universidad Estatal de Santa Cruz. Las muestras se recibieron desde el 19 de abril de 2018 hasta el 9 de agosto de 2019, y procedían de animales de diferentes razas y ambos sexos. De esas muestras (15/20) fueron negativas y (5/20) fueron positivas, donde los óvulos de Ancylostoma spp. se encontraron con más frecuencia. (4/20) y una muestra positiva para ooquistes de Cystisospora spp (1/20). Los animales con muestras positivas eran animales de menos de un año de edad y nunca habían sido acompañados por un veterinario. Si bien el elevado número de muestras negativas puede justificarse por tratarse de animales cuidados por miembros de la comunidad académica y que ya habían pasado por la asistencia en el Hospital Veterinario, realizando tratamientos antiparasitarios.(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Gatos/parasitologia , Isosporíase/diagnóstico , Ancylostoma/parasitologia , Universidades , Hospitais Veterinários
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 29(3): e004920, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138093


Abstract Soil samples collected near municipal schools (public/EMEI and private/EPEI schools), clubs (CLB), public squares (PS) and residential condominiums (CND) and samples of animal faeces from the Zoonosis Control Centre (CCZ) of the municipality of Votuporanga/SP were analysed using the Baermann method for the detection of zoonotic helminth larvae. The prevalence rates of the nematode genera identified were determined, and the results were compared using Fisher's exact and chi-square frequency tests. Information about cases of larvae migrans in the population were collected from the Family Health Units and the private health plans. All sites were positive for Ancylostoma spp. and, with the exception of EPEIs and dog faeces, for Strongyloides spp. The prevalence of Ancylostoma spp. was 87.5% for CND samples, 74.29% for EMIEs, 63.64% for CLB, 61.76% for PS and 64.29% for dog's and 42.86% for cats at CCZ. The prevalence of Strongyloides spp. ranged from 14.29% (cats/CCZ) to 41.18% (PS). Cases of cutaneous larva migrans were reported during interviews. Thus, from the public health perspective, the risk of individuals that frequent recreational areas in the municipality, especially children, to be infected by helminth larvae is noteworthy, indicating the need to develop policies aimed at controlling this important zoonosis.

Resumo Amostras de solo colhidas em escolas municipais (ensino público/EMEI e privado/EPEI), clubes (CLB), praças públicas (PP), condomínios residenciais (CND) e de fezes de animais do Centro de Controle de Zoonoses (CCZ) do município de Votuporanga/SP, foram submetidas ao método Baermann para detecção de larvas de helmintos zoonóticos. Foram determinadas as taxas de prevalência dos nematódeos identificados, e os resultados confrontados pelos testes Exato de Fisher e Qui-quadrado. Atendimentos de casos de larvas migrans na população foram levantados em entrevistas realizadas em Unidades de Saúde da Família e em planos de saúde privados. Todos os locais apresentaram positividade para Ancylostoma spp. e, com exceção de EPEIs e de fezes caninas, para Strongyloides spp. Prevalência de Ancylostoma spp. foi verificada em amostras de CNDs (87,50%), EMEIs (74,29%), CLBs (63,64%), PPs (61,76%) e em fezes de cães e gatos do CCZ (64,29% e 42,86%, respectivamente). As prevalências de Strongyloides spp. variaram de 14,29% (gatos/CCZ) a 41,18% (PP). Atendimentos de casos de larva migrans cutânea foram relatados nas entrevistas. Portanto, ressalta-se o risco de frequentadores de áreas de lazer do município, especialmente crianças, de adquirirem infecção por larvas de helmintos, indicando a necessidade da elaboração de propostas de políticas voltadas ao controle dessa importante zoonose.

Humanos , Animais , Gatos , Cães , Solo/parasitologia , Larva Migrans/diagnóstico , Doenças do Gato/parasitologia , Doenças do Gato/epidemiologia , Doenças do Cão/parasitologia , Doenças do Cão/epidemiologia , Ancylostoma/fisiologia , Brasil/epidemiologia , Larva Migrans/epidemiologia , Fezes/parasitologia
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203413


Background: Worm infestation is a major Health problem inchildren of developing countries, its effective prevention andcontrol requires identification of local risk factors particularlyamong high risk groups. The present study was conducted tostudy t various factors like age, sex, religion and helminthicinfection among children aged between 5 to 13 years.Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study on 352children at Govt. Primary school, Rajapur was conducted fromJanuary 2007 to June 2008. Children were interviewed usingpre-tested proformas to identify the risk factors and prevalenceof Helminthic infestation. Stool examination was done by usingthe formal ether concentration technique in microbiologylaboratory at M. R. Medical College. Statistical analysis wasdone by using the percentage, chi-square, SPSS statisticalsoftware.Results: Out of 352 children 162 tested positive for variousintestinal helminth’s in the age group 5 to 13 years. The overallprevalence of Helminthic infestation was 46.02% thepredominant parasites were Ascaris Lumbricoides 48.77%followed by Hymenolepsis Nana 27.16% Ancylostomaduodenale 11.73%, Trichuris Trichiura 9.88% & Enterobiusvermicularis 2.46%. 4.94% cases were of mixed infection.Helminthic infestation among males was 48.33% and females43.60%. Religion, Sex, Type of family were not significantlyassociated with Helminthic infestation (p>0.05). Theassociation between prevalence of Helminthic Infestation andKAP of children was also found to be Significant.Conclusion: This study concluded that the prevalence ofHelminthic infestation among primary school children were highand need to be addressed.

Clin. biomed. res ; 39(1): 9-14, 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1026040


Introdução: A contaminação de praças ou ambientes de recreação por ovos de geohelmintos constitui um problema de saúde pública. O solo, com relação aos helmintos parasitas se comporta como um hospedeiro intermediário. Recebe fezes ou água contaminada por parasitas em estágios não infectantes, oferecendo-lhes condições para o desenvolvimento e protege os parasitas em estágios infectantes durante certo tempo para, posteriormente, transmiti-lo ao homem. O objetivo é verificar a ocorrência e a contaminação ambiental por parasitas com potencial zoonótico no solo de escolas infantis em dois municípios do Rio Grande do Sul. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo delineamento transversal, observacional e descritivo. A coleta foi através de amostras de areia em dez escolas de dois municípios, as coletas do material foram de cinco pontos diferentes, tanto da profundidade quanto da superfície, totalizando-se 100 amostras analisadas. As amostras de areia foram processadas em laboratório através dos métodos de Rugai e Hoffman, Pons e Janer. Resultados: Análise total (N=100) dos dois municípios, totalizando 50 amostras de cada. A contaminação das areias, por ovos de Ancylostoma spp., foi de 54% (n=27) no município I, sendo encontrados 56% (n=28) na cidade II. Conclusão: A ocorrência de ovos de Ancylostoma spp. no ambiente de recreação enfatiza a importância da adoção de medidas restritivas rígidas que impeçam a entrada de animais, como cães e gatos em locais de lazer. Além desses parasitas serem capazes de comprometer a saúde de humanos e infectar outros animais. (AU)

Introduction: Contamination of squares or recreational environments with geohelminth eggs is a public health problem. The soil serves as an intermediate host to helminths. It receives feces or water contaminated with parasites in non-infective stages, providing them with conditions for development, and protects parasites in infective stages for some time and then transmits them to humans. The aim was to investigate the occurrence of environmental contamination with parasites with zoonotic potential in the soil of nursery schools in two municipalities of Rio Grande do Sul state. Methods: A cross-sectional, observational and descriptive study was conducted. Soil samples were collected at ten schools in two municipalities, from five different school sites in terms of both depth and surface. Soil samples were processed at a laboratory using the methods of Rugai and Hoffman, Pons and Janer. Results: In total, 100 samples from the two municipalities were analyzed, 50 samples each. Soil contamination with Ancylostoma spp. eggs was 54% (n=27) in city I and 56% (n=28) in city II. Conclusions: The occurrence of Ancylostoma spp. eggs in recreational environments shows the importance of adopting strict restrictive measures to prevent animals, such as dogs and cats, from entering leisure areas. Also, these parasites may compromise human health and infect other animals. (AU)

Humanos , Animais , Helmintíase/prevenção & controle , Helmintíase/epidemiologia , Larva Migrans/epidemiologia , Creches , Educação Infantil , Ancylostoma/patogenicidade
Rev. argent. dermatol ; 99(4): 72-77, dic. 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-985206


RESUMEN: La larva migrans cutánea es una parasitosis endémica, observada en regiones cálidas, húmedas, tropicales y subtropicales, caracterizada por lesiones cutáneas serpiginosas y pruriginosas, causada frecuentemente por Ancylostomabraziliense. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de sexo femenino, de 18 años de edad, sin antecedentes epidemiológicos de viaje a zona endémica, con clínica característica asociada a manifestación bullosa atípica, que presentó remisión completa con el tratamientoinstaurado.

SUMMARY: Cutaneous larva migrans is an endemic parasitosis most commonly found in warm-humid areas, tipically of tropical and subtropical climates. Characterized by serpiginous and pruritic skin lesions, it is usually caused by Ancylostomabraziliense. We present the case of an 18 year-old female patient with no history of endemic exposure and atypical bullous clinical lesions. Full recovery is achieved after the treatment.

Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-738950


A 20-year-old Cambodian male living in Korea for 2 years as a foreign worker visited our gastroenterology outpatient clinic. He had a small farm in Cambodia. He complained of postprandial upper abdominal pain with nausea and vomiting for 2 years. Gastroduodenoscopy showed hyperemic mucosa near the major papilla in the duodenum and two small and slender reddish worms. These were removed with endoscopic biopsy forceps. Under microscopy, these were identified as Ancylostoma duodenale by the characteristic morphology of 2 pairs of cutting teeth in the buccal cavity and 3 lobes in the copulatory bursa. After removal of two worms, his symptom improved. Soil-transmitted helminths (STH) present a global health problem. In the Republic of Korea, STH, including hookworms, were highly prevalent until the 1970s. With mass fecal examination followed by selective mass chemotherapy with anthelmintics from 1969 to 1995, the prevalence of STH has rapidly decreased since the 1980s. Since 2004, no hookworms have been found in nationwide surveys on the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection. Therefore, we report a case of in vivo endoscopic removal of A. duodenale in a patient with abdominal pain.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto Jovem , Dor Abdominal , Agricultura , Instituições de Assistência Ambulatorial , Ancylostoma , Ancylostomatoidea , Anti-Helmínticos , Povo Asiático , Biópsia , Camboja , Tratamento Farmacológico , Duodeno , Endoscopia , Gastroenterologia , Saúde Global , Helmintos , Coreia (Geográfico) , Microscopia , Mucosa , Náusea , Doenças Parasitárias , Prevalência , República da Coreia , Instrumentos Cirúrgicos , Dente , Vômito
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-704295


The morphological differentiation of the infective larvae between human Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator ameri-canus is of great significance for the epidemiological survey of hookworm diseases and human parasitology teaching.Understand-ing of features of the oral spear and transverse lines on the tunica vaginalis is able to accurately differentiate the infective larvae between these two human hookworms.

Rev. chil. infectol ; 34(5): 499-501, oct. 2017. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-899749


Resumen Durante 11 años un varón de 38 años de edad, residente en una región subtropical de Ecuador, había sido diagnosticado de anemia crónica y tratado con transfusiones de sangre en un hospital de la provincia de Cotopaxi, Ecuador. Fue transferido a Quito por una anemia grave, con hemoglobina de 4 g/dL. Se realizó una duodenoscopia en que se observaron nemátodos adultos, identificados posteriormente como Ancylostoma duodenale. El paciente fue tratado exitosamente con albendazol durante cinco días consecutivos y transfusiones de sangre. En el seguimiento a los ocho meses, no se encontró anemia ni huevos de anquilostomas en el examen de heces.

For 11 years, a 38-year-old male residing in a subtropical region of Ecuador, was repeatedly diagnosed with chronic anemia, and treated with blood transfusions in a hospital of province of Cotopaxi, Ecuador. He was transferred to Quito for severe anemia, having hemoglobin of 4 g/dL. Duodenoscopy was performed and adult nematodes, identified later as Ancylostoma duodenale, were observed. The patient was successfully treated with albendazole for five consecutive days and given blood transfusions. In the control visit at eight months, without anemia and no hookworm ova in the stool examined were found.

Humanos , Animais , Masculino , Adulto , Duodenopatias/parasitologia , Ancylostoma , Ancilostomíase/complicações , Anemia/parasitologia , Enteropatias Parasitárias/parasitologia , Biópsia , Doença Crônica , Duodenoscopia/métodos , Equador , Ancilostomíase/diagnóstico , Mucosa Intestinal/parasitologia , Mucosa Intestinal/patologia
Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 37(1): 82-86, ene.-mar. 2017. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-991229


Se presenta un caso de hemorragia digestiva por uncinariasis en una recién nacida de 27 días, procedente de la comunidad de Tangoshiri ubicada en la provincia de La Convención, en el departamento de Cuzco, quien ingresa al servicio de neonatología del Hospital Nacional Docente San Bartolomé de la ciudad de Lima, por anemia severa descompensada. Presentó, desde los 4 días de nacida, melena que se incrementa a la tercera semana de vida, con hematocrito de 12% por lo que se hospitaliza, recibiendo transfusión sanguínea y al persistir la hemorragia digestiva, se le realiza endoscopia digestiva alta evidenciándose múltiples larvas de Ancylostoma duodenal. Se le dio tratamiento con mebendazol a ella y a la madre con negativización de los exámenes de heces para la presencia del parásito.

We present the case of gastrointestinal bleeding uncinariasis in a newborn baby of 27 days old from anindigenous town of Tangoshiri, located in the province of La Convencion, department of Cuzco, who enters to the service of neonatology National Teaching Hospital San Bartolome in Lima, Peru, with decompensated severe anemia. The baby has melena since the fourth day of his birth, which increased in the third week of life, with hematocrit of 12%. She was hospitalized, receiving blood transfusion and she continue with gastrointestinal bleeding, so she underwent an upper endoscopy that showed multiple larvae Ancylostoma duodenale. She and her mother were treated with mebendazole. Afterwords they had stool examinations without the presence of the parasite.

Feminino , Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Hemorragia Gastrointestinal/parasitologia , Ancilostomíase/diagnóstico , Ancilostomíase/complicações
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-203196


Hookworm infections are rare causes of acute gastrointestinal bleeding. We report a middle aged man with primary nephrotic syndrome and pulmonary embolism. During the treatment with steroids and anticoagulants, the patient presented acute massive hemorrhage of the gastrointestinal tract. The results of gastroscopy showed red worms in the duodenum. Colonoscopy and CT angiogram of abdomen were unremarkable. Capsule endoscopy revealed fresh blood and multiple hookworms in the jejunum and ileum. Hookworms caused the acute intestinal bleeding. The patient responded well to albendazole. Hematochezia was markedly ameliorated after eliminating the parasites. Hence, hookworm infection should be considered in the differential diagnosis of a patient with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding. Capsule endoscopy may offer a better means of diagnosis for intestinal hookworm infections.

Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Abdome , Albendazol , Ancylostoma , Ancylostomatoidea , Anticoagulantes , Endoscopia por Cápsula , Colonoscopia , Diagnóstico , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Duodeno , Hemorragia Gastrointestinal , Trato Gastrointestinal , Gastroscopia , Hemorragia , Infecções por Uncinaria , Íleo , Jejuno , Necator americanus , Síndrome Nefrótica , Parasitos , Embolia Pulmonar , Esteroides
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-203199


Hookworm infections are widely prevalent in tropical and subtropical areas, especially in low income regions. In the body, hookworms parasitize the proximal small intestine, leading to chronic intestinal hemorrhage and iron deficiency anemia. Occasionally, hookworms can cause overt gastrointestinal bleeding, but this is often ignored in heavily burdened individuals from endemic infectious areas. A total of 424 patients with overt obscure gastrointestinal bleeding were diagnosed by numerous blood tests or stool examinations as well as esophagogastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy, capsule endoscopy or double-balloon enteroscopy. All of the patients lived in hookworm endemic areas and were not screened for hookworm infection using sensitive tests before the final diagnosis. The patients recovered after albendazole treatment, blood transfusion, and iron replacement, and none of the patients experienced recurrent bleeding in the follow-up. All the 31 patients were diagnosed with hookworm infections without other concomitant bleeding lesions, a rate of 7.3% (31/424). Seventeen out of 227 patients were diagnosed with hookworm infections in the capsule endoscopy (CE), and 14 out of 197 patients were diagnosed with hookworm infections in the double balloon enteroscopy (DBE). Hookworm infections can cause overt gastrointestinal bleeding and should be screened in patients with overt obscure gastrointestinal bleeding (OGIB) in endemic infectious areas with sensitive methods. Specifically, the examination of stool specimens is clinically warranted for most patients, and the proper examination for stool eggs relies on staff's communication.

Humanos , Albendazol , Ancylostoma , Ancylostomatoidea , Anemia Ferropriva , Transfusão de Sangue , Endoscopia por Cápsula , Colonoscopia , Diagnóstico , Enteroscopia de Duplo Balão , Ovos , Endoscopia do Sistema Digestório , Seguimentos , Testes Hematológicos , Hemorragia , Infecções por Uncinaria , Intestino Delgado , Ferro , Necator americanus , Óvulo
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467379


Abstract This study aimed at examining the prevalence of eggs and larvae of parasites that may cause diseases to humans and other animals in the soil of public squares located on the shore of Laranjal beaches, in the Laguna dos Patos, in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. Four fieldwork trips one per season were taken to collect samples on six squares built on the shore of these beaches. Five samples of soil were collected on every square on every fieldwork trip. The material was processed by Caldwell & Caldwells technique. Four squares (66.7%) were positive for helminth eggs and sample positivity was 8.3% (10). Toxocara spp. and Ancylostoma spp. were the main genera found in these places. Even though prevalence was lower than the one observed by other studies which were carried out in the area, helminths with zoonotic potential were found in the soil of the squares. It should be highlighted that measures to control dogs in these areas must be implemented and public policies must be put forth to make pets owners and beach goers aware of the need to mitigate environmental contamination.

Resumo Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a prevalência de ovos e larvas de parasitos - que podem causar doenças em humanos e outros animais - no solo de praças públicas localizadas na orla das praias do Laranjal, na Laguna dos Patos, em Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Quatro viagens de campo - uma por estação - foram realizadas em seis praças construídas na orla dessas praias. Cinco amostras de solo foram coletadas por praça em cada saída de campo. O material foi processado pela técnica de Caldwell e Caldwell. Quatro praças (66,7%) foram positivas para ovos de helmintos e a positividade da amostra foi de 8,3% (10). Toxocara spp. e Ancylostoma spp. foram os principais gêneros encontrados nesses locais. Embora a prevalência tenha sido menor que a observada por outros estudos realizados na área, helmintos com potencial zoonótico foram encontrados no solo das praças. Deve-se ressaltar que medidas para o controle de cães nessas áreas devem ser implementadas e políticas públicas devem ser concretizadas para tornar os donos de animais de estimação e frequentadores destas praias, conscientes da necessidade de mitigar a contaminação ambiental.

Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 25(3): 374-377, July-Sept. 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-795070


Abstract Parasitic diseases reflect the health and balance of ecosystems, affecting not only individuals but also entire populations or communities. The aim of this study was to report on the diversity of parasitic helminths detected in the feces of a wild feline in southern Brazil. Parasites were obtained from fecal samples, and four techniques were used for parasitological examination: direct examination, centrifugal flotation with zinc sulfate (Faust technique), simple sedimentation (Hoffman technique) and Baermann-Moraes. The parasites were identified through micrometry and morphology, as follows: Ancylostoma sp., Toxocara sp., Trichuridae, Aelurostrongylus abstrusus, Alaria sp., and Spirometra sp. We recorded the genus Ancylostoma parasitizing L. colocolo for the first time.

Resumo Doenças parasitárias refletem a saúde e o equilíbrio dos ecossistemas, influenciando não só um indivíduo e sim uma população ou comunidade. Este trabalho teve por objetivo relatar a diversidade de helmintos encontradas nas fezes de um felino silvestre na região Sul do Brasil. Os parasitos foram obtidos a partir de amostras fecais, sendo utilizadas quatro técnicas para os exames parasitológicos: exame direto, centrífugo-flutuação com sulfato de zinco (Técnica de Faust), sedimentação simples (Técnica de Hoffman) e Baermann-Moraes. Os parasitos foram identificados através de micrometria e morfologia, sendo esses: Ancylostoma sp., Toxocara sp., Trichuridae, Aelurostrongylus abstrusus, Alaria sp. e Spirometra sp. Estudos da fauna parasitária de animais silvestres são relevantes, tanto para o equilíbrio e saúde desses animais, como para o controle e prevenção de doenças transmitidas ao homem. Ancylostoma spp. foi identificado pela primeira vez em L. colocolo.

Animais , Felidae/parasitologia , Fezes/parasitologia , Helmintos/isolamento & purificação , Spirometra/isolamento & purificação , Toxocara/isolamento & purificação , Trichuroidea/isolamento & purificação , Brasil , Estrongilídios/isolamento & purificação , Ancylostoma/isolamento & purificação
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 25(2): 231-234, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-785154


Abstract Here we report the occurrence of Ancylostoma (Ancylostoma) buckleyi (Le Roux and Biocca, 1957) (Nematoda: Ancylostomatidae) in the small intestine of Pampas foxes (Lycalopex gymnocercus) (Mammalia: Canidae). This fox is the most abundant native carnivore in southern South America, where it inhabits grasslands, open woodlands and areas highly modified by extensive ranching and agricultural activities. Material from 80 foxes in rural areas of southern Buenos Aires province, Argentina was examined. The intestinal tracts were carefully removed from each carcass and subsequently isolated by ligatures (pylorus and rectum). Examination of the intestinal content was performed using the sedimentation and counting technique. Four foxes (5%) were found to be parasitized with adult specimens of A. buckleyi. This is the first report of Ancylostoma (A.) buckleyi in Argentina and adds L. gymnocercus as new host of this nematode species.

Resumo O presente estudo relata a ocorrência de Ancylostoma (Ancylostoma) buckleyi (Le Roux and Biocca, 1957) (Nematoda: Ancylostomatidae) no intestino delgado do Graxaim do campo (Lycalopex gymnocercus) (Mammalia: Canidae). Essa raposa é o carnívoro nativo mais abundante no sul da América do Sul, onde habita nas pastagens, florestas abertas e áreas altamente modificadas pelas atividades pecuária extensiva e agrícola. Material de 80 raposas, em áreas rurais do sul da província de Buenos Aires, Argentina, foi examinado. Os tratos intestinais foram cuidadosamente removidos de cada carcaça e, posteriormente, isolados por ligaduras (piloro e reto). O exame do conteúdo intestinal foi realizado, utilizando-se a técnica de sedimentação e contagem. Quatro raposas (5%) foram encontradas parasitadas com espécimes adultos de A. buckleyi. O estudo registra, pela primeira vez, a ocorrência de Ancylostoma (A.) buckleyi na Argentina e adiciona L. gymnocercus como novo hospedeiro dessa espécie de nematoides.

Animais , Raposas/parasitologia , Ancylostoma/isolamento & purificação , Intestinos/parasitologia , Argentina , Ancylostoma/classificação
Br J Med Med Res ; 2016; 14(3): 1-11
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-182767


The haemoassessment of dogs with single Trypanosoma congolense (T. congolense) and conjunct T. congolense /A. caninum was determined in this study. Twelve mongrels of both sexes weighing between 4 to 8 kg were grouped into 3 of 4 members each. The group i (GPI) was the uninfected (control), group ii (GPII) was infected with T. congolense and group iii (GPIII) was conjunct infection of T. congolense/A. caninum. Post acclimatization GPIII was infected with 200 infective L3 of A. caninum, 2 weeks later both GPII and GPIII were given 2.5x106 trypanosomes intraperitoneally. Three weeks post trypanosome infection, treatment was done with 100 mg of mebendazole twice daily for 3 days and 7 mg/kg of diminazene aceturate. Result showed a significant decrease (p<0.05) in PCV, Hb and Rbc of both GPII and GPIII. The decrease in GPIII was more compared to that in GPII. There was significant decrease (p<0.05) in neutrophil, monocyte, lymphocyte and eosinophil counts of both GPII and GPIII except in basophil count which showed no significant difference (p<0.05) from GPI (control) throughout the experiment. Treatment with both diminazene aceturate and mebendazole cause significant haematological improvement.

Br J Med Med Res ; 2016; 14(3): 1-13
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-182759


The present study was designed to ascertain the level of haematological alterations in single Trypanosoma brucei (T. brucei), Ancylostoma caninum (A. caninum) and conjunct infections of both parasites in dogs and effect of treatment with diminazene aceturate and mebendazole on haematology. Sixteen dogs grouped into 4 of 4 members each were used in the study. Group 1 (GPI) was uninfected (control), GPII was infected with A. caninum, GPIII was infected with T. brucei and GPIV was infected with conjunct infections of T. brucei / A. caninum. Post acclimatization, GPII and GPIV were infected with A. caninum, 2 weeks after GPIII and GPIV were infected with T. brucei. By week 6 post infection, GPII and GPIV were treated with 100 mg of mebendazole given twice daily for 3 days and a repeat given 2 weeks later. GPIII and GPIV were also treated with diminazene aceturate at 7 mg/kg once. Treatment was repeated at week 8 and 9 of the experiment. There was a significant (p < 0.05) decreases in pack cell volume (PCV), haemoglobin concentration (Hb), red blood cell count (RBC) in all the experimental groups (GPII, GPIII and GPIV). The decreases were more in the conjunct group (GPIV) compared to the others. A significant (p < 0.05) decrease in white blood cell (WBC) count was recorded in all the experimental groups (GPII, GPIII and GPIV). It was reflected in significant (p <0.05) decreases in lymphocytes, neutrophil, monocyte, basophil counts in T. brucei infected group. Conversely there were significant (p <0.05) increases in neutrophil, eosinophil, monocyte and basophil count but a decrease in lymphocyte count in A. caninum group. The haematological alterations were more in T. brucie group compared to the A. caninum group. Similarly the effect was more in the conjunct T. brucei /A. caninum group compared to the single T. brucei. Treatment with 7 mg/kg diminazene aceturate and 100 mg mebendazole given once daily for 3 days caused some improvement in haematology. These findings would enhance clinicians’ knowledge of the effect of single and mixed infections of T. brucei and A. caninum in dogs.