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Chinese Mental Health Journal ; (12): 254-259, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025520


Objective:This study is to investigate the relationship of parental anger expression and symptoms in children with oppositional defiant disorder(ODD).Methods:Forty-six children with ODD and 46 age-gender-matched normal children participated.The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,Fifth Edition(DSM-5),guided the diagnoses.Parental anger expression and children's anger management were assessed using the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2 and Children Emotion Management Scales.Results:ODD symptoms were directly predicted by maternal anger index(AI)(β=0.13,P<0.05)and anger expression-out(AX-O)(β=0.25,P<0.05).Children's anger cope(AC)played a mediating function to maternal AI through ODD symptoms,occupying 13%of the total effect;their AC and anger dysregulation(AD)played a mediating function to maternal AX-Othrough ODD symptoms,accounting for 29%and 18%of the total effect,respectively.Conclusion:It sug-gests that anger cope and anger dysregulation in children with oppositional defiant disordermay may play a media-ting role between maternal anger expression and oppositional defiant disorder symptoms.

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 70(1): e20230592, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529362


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: Isotretinoin is the only medication against all the factors involved in acne vulgaris pathogenesis. The aim of our study was to verify whether patients with acne vulgaris receiving isotretinoin therapy exhibit elevated anger levels and to observe the correlation between age, temperament traits, and anger. METHODS: The study group comprised a sum of 100 cases, involving 50 individuals with acne vulgaris-required high-dose retinol therapy and 50 controls who did not start any medication. RESULTS: Our study showed that anger levels increased with drug use. A positive correlation between cyclothymic temperament, the anxiety-related behavior subdimension, and the introvert and passive-aggressive subdimension of interpersonal anger reactions has been recognized. In addition, a positive one was observed between hyperthymic temperament and the introvert subdimension, which is one of the anger-related thoughts and interpersonal anger reactions. CONCLUSION: This study elucidates anger dimensions such as anger-related thoughts, behaviors, and reactions in individuals who received retinol treatment for acne vulgaris. In addition to anger and its dimensions, temperament was also investigated. Although several studies have investigated the relationship between acne vulgaris and psychiatric symptoms, to the best of our knowledge, no research has been reported in the English-language literature regarding the relationship between anger dimensions and temperament after retinol treatment that might make our study an original and valuable contribution to the literature.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1569367


Abstract In Brazil, reflective practice groups and groups for the liability of men who commit violence against women represent a public policy with good results in reducing violence between intimate partners. This study aimed to assess the contributions of a reflective practice group on feelings such as empathy, aggressiveness and anger in men who commit violent crimes against women. Using the Empathy Scale - ACME, the Aggression Tendency Assessment Scale - EATA, the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory 2 - STAXI 2 and a sociodemographic questionnaire, a quantitative study was carried out with 80 men divided into a reflective practice group and a control group. It was found that the members of the reflective group showed a decrease in mean aggressiveness and an increase in mean empathy compared with the control group. It is suggested that empathy, aggressiveness and anger be integrated into interventions using active methodologies.

Resumo No Brasil, os grupos reflexivos e de responsabilização para homens autores de violência contra a mulher representam uma política pública com bons resultados na redução da violência entre parceiros íntimos. Este estudo objetivou avaliar as contribuições de um grupo reflexivo na empatia, agressividade e raiva em homens autores de violência contra a mulher. Utilizando a Escala de empatia - ACME, a Escala para Avaliação de Tendência à Agressividade - EATA, O Inventário de Expressão de Raiva como Estado de Traço - STAXI 2 e um Questionário sociodemográfico foi realizado um estudo quantitativo com 80 homens, divididos em grupo reflexivo e grupo controle. Verificou-se que os integrantes do grupo reflexivo apresentaram diminuição nas médias de agressividade e aumento nas médias de empatia quando comparados com o grupo controle. Sugere-se integrar empatia, agressividade e raiva nas intervenções do grupo reflexivo por meio de metodologias ativas.

Resumen En Brasil, los grupos de reflexión y responsabilización para hombres perpetradores de violencia contra la mujer son una política pública con buenos resultados en la reducción de la violencia entre parejas. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar las contribuciones de un grupo de reflexión sobre la empatía, la agresividad y la ira a hombres perpetradores de violencia contra la mujer. Utilizando la Escala de Empatía - ACME -, la Escala de Evaluación de Tendencias Agresivas - EATA -, el Inventario de Expresión de Ira como Estado Rasgo - STAXI 2 - y un cuestionario sociodemográfico, se realizó un estudio cuantitativo con 80 hombres, divididos en grupo de reflexión y de control. Se encontró que los integrantes del grupo tuvieron reducción en los promedios de agresividad y aumento en los promedios de empatía en comparación con el grupo de control. Se sugiere integrar empatía, agresión e ira en las intervenciones mediante metodologías activas.

Psychol. av. discip ; 17(1)jun. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535037


El trastorno de conducta grave es un notable problema social y de salud mental en población infantil y adolescente. Aquí se presentan los resultados de una investigación cuantitativa de nivel descriptivo, que tuvo como objetivo general realizar una caracterización de la agresividad en un grupo de adolescentes con este tipo de trastorno. El estudio se desarrolló con jóvenes de un centro de internamiento preventivo que se encontraban en proceso de judicialización, aún no sancionados, pero privados de la libertad. Se seleccionaron por conveniencia 115 hombres, a los que se les aplicaron cinco instrumentos de medición: el Inventario de Motivos para la Agresión, el Inventario de Situaciones y Comportamientos Agresivos, el Cuestionario de Agresión de Buss-Perry, el Cuestionario de Agresividad Proactiva y Reactiva, y la Escala de Agresividad Apetitiva. El principal motivo para la agresión era conseguir algo que querían, eran agresivos sin que hubiese algún motivo, expresaban frecuentemente su ira, amenazaban a personas conocidas, se enojaban cuando tenían desacuerdos, creían que los demás se burlaban de ellos a sus espaldas, se sentían bien después de agredir física o verbalmente a alguien, portaban armas para usarlas en peleas y consideraban que pelear era lo único que querían hacer en la vida.

Severe conduct disorder is a notable social and mental health problem in child and adolescent population. Here we present the results of a descriptive quantitative research with the general objective of characterizing aggressiveness in a group of adolescents with this type of disorder. The study was carried out with young people from a preventive detention center who were in the process of judicialization, not yet sanctioned, but deprived of their liberty. A total of 115 males were selected by convenience and five measurement instruments were applied: the Motives for Aggression Inventory, the Aggressive Situations and Behavior Inventory, the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire, the Proactive and Reactive Aggressiveness Questionnaire, and the Appetitive Aggressiveness Scale. The main motive for aggression was to get something they wanted, they were aggressive for no reason, they frequently expressed anger, threatened people they knew, got angry when they had disagreements, believed that others made fun of them behind their backs, felt good after physically or verbally assaulting someone, carried weapons to use in fights, and considered that fighting was the only thing they wanted to do in life.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992142


Objective:To explore the chain mediating effects of hostile cognition and anger between dark triad and college students' cyberbullying.Methods:From May to July 2022, a total of 1 316 college students from four universities completed a cross-section questionnaire survey including the dirty dozen (DD), the cyberbullying subscale of the revised cyber bullying inventory (RCBI), the hostility cognition and anger subquestionnaires of the aggression questionnaire (AQ). SPSS 26.0 and SPSS PROCESS macro program were used for descriptive analysis, Pearson correlation analysis and mediating effect test.Results:The prevalence of cyberbullying among college students in the past six months was 20.29%(267/1 316). Dark triad (34.80±12.11), hostile cognition (21.65±7.25), anger (17.58±5.44) and cyberbullying (15.19±3.98) were all significantly positively correlated with each other ( r=0.16-0.59, all P<0.01). The results of mediating effect test showed the indirect effect of dark triad on college students' cyberbullying through two pathways, one was the separate mediating effect of anger, and the effect value was 0.029 (95% CI=0.017-0.044), the other was the chain mediating effect of hostile cognition and anger, and the effect value was 0.037(95% CI=0.023-0.055). Conclusion:Dark triad can not only directly affect college students' cyberbullying, but also indirectly affect cyberbullying through the mediating role of anger and the chain mediating role of hostile cognition and anger.

Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 29: e29052, 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529038


Se plantearon dos objetivos: a) conocer cómo evolucionó la emoción de ira fundamentalmente y otros sentimientos y emociones, que el alumnado experimentó en la clase de Expresión Corporal, tras incluir prácticas orientales propias de las artes marciales; b) señalar prácticas físicas y estrategias utilizadas en la intervención que puedan disminuir la emoción de ira. 70 alumnos/as universitarios que cursan la asignatura de Expresión Corporal en el Grado de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte participaron en el estudio. Se implementó una intervención de ocho sesiones, durante ocho semanas. Se recogió información a través de grupos de discusión y el diario de seguimiento del profesor. El análisis produjo tres categorías/temas: emociones, prácticas físicas y prácticas orientales y estrategias para disminución de la ira. Tras la intervención el alumnado experimentó más emociones positivas que negativas, aunque las negativas predominaron antes del comienzo de las sesiones. Se señala la música, los movimientos lentos, el silencio, el trabajo de respiración y la meditación como estrategias válidas para la disminución de la ira. (AU)

Foram traçados dois objetivos: a) conhecer como evolui fundamentalmente a emoção da raiva e outros sentimentos e emoções que os alunos vivenciaram na aula de Expressão Corporal após a inclusão de práticas orientais típicas das artes marciais; b) apontar práticas físicas e estratégias utilizadas na intervenção que podem reduzir a emoção da raiva. Participaram no estudo setenta estudantes universitários que frequentam a disciplina de Expressão Corporal na Licenciatura em Ciências da Atividade Física e do Desporto. Foi implementada uma intervenção de oito sessões, durante oito semanas. As informações foram coletadas por meio de grupos focais e diário do professor. A análise produziu três categorias/temas: emoções, atividades físicas e estratégias de redução da raiva. Após a intervenção, os alunos vivenciaram mais emoções positivas do que negativas, embora as negativas predominassem antes do início das sessões. Música, movimentos lentos, silêncio, respiração e meditação são apontados como estratégias válidas para reduzir a raiva. (AU)

Two objectives were set: a) know how the emotion of anger fundamentally evolves and other feelings and emotions that the students experienced in Body Expression class after including oriental practices typical of martial arts; b) point out physical practices and strategies used in the intervention that can reduce the emotion of anger. Seventy university students who are studying Body Expression in the Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences participated in the study. An intervention of eight sessions was implemented, for eight weeks. Information was collected through focus groups and teache'rs diary. The analysis produced three categories/themes: emotions, physical activities, and anger reduction strategies. After the intervention, the students experienced more positive than negative emotions, although the negative ones predominated before the beginning of the sessions. Music, slow movements, silence, breath work, and meditation are pointed out as valid strategies for reducing anger. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto Jovem
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 22(1): 292-307, abr. 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1435491


Introdução: Dentre as inúmeras possibilidades que um indivíduo possui de experienciar e expressar a raiva ou a ira, não é raro que o sentimento fuja do controle e termine em hostilidade e agressões, podendo gerar consequências importantes na vida de uma pessoa e de outros ao seu redor. Diante disso, torna-se fundamental a aplicação de técnicas comprovadamente eficazes, objetivando uma maior qualidade de vida ao indivíduo e às pessoas que com ele convivem. Objetivos: Identificar as principais técnicas no manejo da raiva em adultos. Método: Revisão sistemática de artigos científicos de estudos clínicos. Resultados: Nove estudos clínicos randomizados com utilização de técnicas psicológicas para o manejo da ira foram utilizados na análise. A Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental mostrou-se predominante nas intervenções analisadas e provou-se eficaz para o controle da ira. Conclusão: Técnicas cognitivo-comportamentais, em especial a psicoeducação e a reestruturação cognitiva, são as ferramentas mais frequentemente usadas para o manejo da raiva em distintos grupos clínicos de pacientes, com resultados positivos na regulação emocional.

Introduction: Among the innumerable possibilities that an individual has to experience and express anger, it is not rare that the feeling gets out of control and ends up in hostility and aggressions, which can lead to important consequences in a person's life and others around. Given this, it is fundamental to apply techniques which are proven effective, aiming at a higher quality of life for the individual and for people who live with them. Objectives: To identify the main techniques for anger management in adults. Method: Systematic review of scientific papers from clinical trials. Results: Nine randomized clinical trials using psychological techniques for anger management were used in the present analysis. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy was shown to be predominant in the analyzed interventions and proved to be effective in controlling anger. Conclusion: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, especially psychoeducation and cognitive restructuring, are the most frequently used techniques for anger management in several clinical groups of patients, with positive results in emotional regulation.

Introducción: Entre las innumerables posibilidades que un individuo tiene de experimentar y expresar rabia o ira, no es raro que el sentimiento huya del control y termine en hostilidad y agresiones, pudiendo generar consecuencias graves en la vida de una persona y de otros a su alrededor. Por eso, es fundamental la aplicación de técnicas comprobadamente eficaces, objetivando una mayor calidad de vida al individuo y a las personas que con él conviven. Objetivos: Identificar las principales técnicas para el manejo de la rabia en adultos. Método: Revisión Sistemática de artículos científicos de estudios clínicos. Resultados: Se utilizaron nueve estudios clínicos aleatorizados con utilización de técnicas psicológicas para el manejo de la ira en el análisis. Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual demostró ser predominante en las intervenciones analizadas y eficaz para controlar la ira. Conclusión: La Terapia Cognitivo-Conductual, en especial la psicoeducación y la reestructuración cognitiva, son las técnicas más frecuentemente usadas para el manejo de la rabia en varios grupos clínicos de pacientes, con resultados positivos en regulación emocional.

Terapia de Controle da Ira , Regulação Emocional , Manobra Psicológica , Ira
Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; 44(1): 103-110, Jan.-Feb. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360178


Objective: Conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate levels of anger among substance users compared to non-user controls and to analyze the possible association between anger and psychoactive substance use (PSU). Methods: The procedures of this review followed the Meta-Analyzes of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE) and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Four electronic databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, BIREME, PsycINFO) were searched. Results: Twelve studies were included in the meta-analysis; 10 used the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI) anger trait subscale and two used the Buss-Perry-Aggression Questionnaire (BPAQ) anger subscale. The sample included 2,294 users of psychoactive substances and 2,143 non-users, all male. The mean difference in anger scale scores between users and non-users was 2.151 (95%CI 1.166-3.134, p ≤ 0.00, inconsistency index [I2] = 98.83) standard deviations. Age and abstinence duration did not moderate the difference in anger between substance users and non-users. Conclusion: Users of psychoactive substances had elevated anger scores compared to non-users, which represents a high risk of relapse. It is suggested that PSU treatment programs include intensive anger management modules, focusing on factors such as dealing with daily stressors, family conflicts, frustrations, and problems.

Psocial (Ciudad AutoÌün. B. Aires) ; 8(1): 10-10, ene. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406451


Resumen El objetivo de este estudio es analizar, en el contexto de Octubre-19 en Chile, el rol mediador de la eficacia grupal sobre las acciones del movimiento social y la rabia dirigida hacia la desigualdad en Chile en la relación entre identificación social con movimientos sociales y participación en acciones colectivas. La muestra se compone por 315 jóvenes chilenos, con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 29 años. Nuestros resultados indican que existe un efecto indirecto de la identidad social con el movimiento social en la participación en acciones colectivas mediado completamente por la rabia hacia la desigualdad en Chile y las percepciones de eficacia en las acciones del movimiento social.

Abstract This study aims to analyze, in the context of October-19 in Chile, the mediating role of group efficacy on social movement actions and anger directed towards inequality in Chile in the relationship between social identification with social movements and participation in collective actions. The sample consists of 315 young Chileans, aged between 18 and 29. Our results indicate that there is an indirect effect of social identity with the social movement on participation in collective action mediated entirely by anger towards inequality in Chile and perceptions of efficacy in social movement actions.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928960


OBJECTIVE@#To analyze the available data on the anti-anger effects of herbal medicines (HMs) as well as their underlying mechanisms in rat models.@*METHODS@#From 6 electronic databases [PubMed, EMBASE, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Wanfang, Oriental Medicine Advanced Searching Integrated System (OASIS), and Research Information Sharing Service (RISS)], relevant animal experiments were searched by using "anger," "rats," and "animal" as search keywords. The last search was conducted on November 22, 2019, and all experiments involving rat models of anger and treatment using HMs published until the date of the search were considered.@*RESULTS@#A total of 24 studies with 16 kinds of HMs were included. Most studies have used the "tail irritating method" and "social isolation and resident intruder" method to establish anger models. According to the included studies, the therapeutic mechanisms of HMs for anger regulation and important herbs by their frequency and/or preclinical evidence mainly incladed regulation of hemorheology (Bupleuri Radix, Paeoniae Radix Alba, and Glycyrrhizae Radix), regulation of sex hormones (Bupleuri Radix, Cyperi Rhizoma, and Paeoniae Radix Alba), regulation of neurotransmitters (Cyperi Rhizoma), regulation of anger-related genes (Bupleuri Radix, Glycyrrhizae Radix, and Paeoniae Radix Alba), and other effects. Overall, Liver (Gan) qi-smoothing herbs including Bupleuri Radix and Cyperi Rhizoma were the most frequently used.@*CONCLUSIONS@#This review found the frequent methods to establish an anger model, and major mechanisms of anti-anger effects of HMs. Interestingly, some Liver qi-smoothing herbs have been frequently used to investigate the anti-anger effects of HM. These findings provide insight into the role and relevance of HMs in the field of anger management.

Animais , Ratos , Ira , Medicamentos de Ervas Chinesas/uso terapêutico , Medicina Herbária , Medicina Tradicional Chinesa , Paeonia/química
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-956137


Objective:To explore the mediating role of alexithymia in the relationship between trait anger and aggressive behavior among male violent prisoners.Methods:A sample of 268 male violent prisoners completed self-report measures of the trait anger scale (TAS), Toronto alexithymia scale-20 (TAS-20) and the Chinese college students' version of Buss-Perry aggression questionnaire. SPSS 23.0 software and Mplus 8.0 software were used to test the mediating effect.Results:The total scores of trait anger, aggressive behavior and alexithymia were (17.75±4.93), (52.15±10.61)and (70.90±19.40), respectively. Pearson correlation analysis showed that trait anger was both significantly positively correlated with aggressive behavior ( r=0.67, P<0.01) and alexithymia ( r=0.40, P<0.01), and there was also a significantly positive correlation between alexithymia and aggressive behavior ( r=0.55, P<0.01). Multivariate hierarchical regression analysis showed that trait anger directly predicted aggressive behavior ( β=0.67, P<0.01) after controlling the influence of alcohol addiction. Emotional recognition disorder played a partially mediating role in the relationship between trait anger and aggressive behavior ( β=0.18, 95% CI=0.11-0.27). Conclusion:Trait anger not only directly affects male violent prisoners aggressive behavior, but also indirectly affects male violent prisoners aggressive behavior through emotional recognition disorder.

Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1353232


Background: Mental health manifestations such as depression and anxiety disorders became more marked during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic as frontline healthcare workers struggled to maintain high-quality intrapartum care and essential health services. Aim: This study aimed to identify maternity healthcare providers' self-perceptions of changes in their feelings of mental well-being. Setting: Ten midwife obstetric units and the labour wards of four district hospitals in Tshwane Health District, South Africa. Methods: We conducted an anonymous, cross-sectional survey amongst a convenience sample of 114 maternity healthcare workers to gauge the changes in healthcare workers' experience and perceptions of well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. Four items measured the perceived changes on a scale of 0­10 for the periods before and during COVID-19, respectively, namely feelings of fear or anxiety, stress, depression and anger. Results: The majority of participants were professional nurses (37%) and advanced midwives (47%). They reported a significant change in well-being from before the pandemic to during the pandemic with regard to all four items (p < 0.0001). The biggest 'before-during' difference was in perceptions of fear or anxiety and the smallest difference was in perceptions of anger. A framework was constructed from the open-ended responses to explain healthcare workers' understanding and perceptions of increased negative feelings regarding their mental well-being. Conclusion: The observed trends in the changes in healthcare workers' self-perceptions of their mental well-being highlight the need for further planning to build resilient frontline healthcare workers and provide them with ongoing mental health support and improved communication pathways.

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Cuidado Pré-Natal , Saúde Mental , Pessoal de Saúde , COVID-19 , Percepção , Qualidade da Assistência à Saúde
Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 17(2): 4-19, jul.-dic. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1384699


Resumen La inseguridad vial es un tema de interés para la sociedad, por sus implicaciones y consecuencias en cuanto al costo social, económico y en la salud pública. El objetivo del presente estudio fue conocer el nivel de actitudes protectoras hacia la seguridad vial en conductores de la ciudad colombiana de Villavicencio. Para esto se empleó un instrumento de 18 ítems sobre conductas de riesgo, conductas de prevención y emociones en la conducción. La muestra conformada por 1018 conductores fue de disponibilidad. Los resultados muestran una fiabilidad interna alta del instrumento y una estructura factorial de cuatro dimensiones. Además, los hombres, los conductores de taxis y de camionetas, las personas con menor nivel educativo o con estado civil de unión libre, mostraron los niveles más altos de conductas de riesgo y de velocidad excesiva. El nivel de ira al manejar fue mayor en las personas separadas. Si bien condiciones como la edad, el sexo, el estado civil, el nivel de escolaridad y factores como el tipo de vehículo, las fallas técnicas del vehículo, el ambiente y el diseño de las vías públicas influyen, de algún modo, en el comportamiento de los conductores, es, en últimas, el elemento subjetivo en la conducción la variable clave en la explicación de la accidentalidad vial. No obstante, los comportamientos desfavorables hacia la seguridad vial pueden modificarse mediante un programa formativo que se fundamente en un modelo de cambio de actitudes.

Abstract Road insecurity is a topic of interest for society, due to its implications and consequences in terms of social, economic, and public health costs. This paper aimed to determine the level of protective attitudes towards road safety in drivers from Villavicencio, Colombia. For this purpose, an 18-item instrument was used, measuring risk behaviors, preventive behaviors, and emotions while driving. The sample was non-randomized, with 1018 car, bus, motorcycle, taxi, van, or truck drivers. Results showed high internal reliability of the instrument and a factorial structure with four dimensions. Also, male, taxi, and van/truck drivers, people with low educational levels, or with a marital status of free union showed the highest levels of risk behaviors and excessive speed. The anger level while driving was higher for divorced people. Although conditions such as age, sex, marital status, level of education, and factors such as vehicle type, vehicle technical issues, and environment and road design have some influence on drivers' behaviors, it is ultimately the subjective element in driving the key variable explaining road accidents. However, unfavorable road safety behaviors can be modified through a training program based on an attitude change model.

Rev. bras. psicanál ; 55(1): 41-52, jan.-mar. 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1288966


Em nenhum outro momento a persistência do infantil é mais evidente do que no processo do término. Freud foi incaracteristicamente sincero ao dizer que questionava se uma verdadeira transformação era alcançada no término. Ele observou: "Às vezes bem se pode duvidar que os dragões dos primordios estejam realmente extintos". A intensidade e a onipresença do infantil em nosso trabalho serão mais bem vislumbradas pelo estudo da defesa contra o infantil.

The persistence of the infantile is nowhere more apparent than in the termination process. Freud was uncharacteristically candid in saying that he questioned whether a true transformation was achieved at termination. He noted: "One feels inclined to doubt sometimes whether the dragons of primeval days are really extinct". The intensity and pervasiveness of the infantile in our work may best be glimpsed by studying the defense against the infantile.

En ningún otro momento la persistencia de lo infantil es tan evidente como en el proceso de la terminación. Freud fue inusualmente sincero al decir que se preguntaba si una verdadera transformación era alcanzada en la terminación. Él observó: "Una persona se siente inclinada, a veces, a dudar si los dragones del principio realmente fueron extinguidos". La intensidad y la omnipresencia de lo infantil en nuestro trabajo se pueden vislumbrar mejor por medio del estudio de la defensa contra lo infantil.

Nulle part la persistance de l'infantile n'est plus apparente que dans le processus de terminaison. Freud était étrangement sincère lorsqu'il mettait en question si une vraie transformation était atteinte dans la terminaison. Il a remarqué : « Parfois, on se sent incliné à douter que les dragons des jours primitifs seraient vraiment disparus ¼. L'intensité et la diffusion de l'infantile dans notre travail peuvent être mieux aperçues, lorsque l'on étudie la défense contre l'infantile.

Prevenção Primária/métodos , Psicanálise/métodos , Comportamento Infantil/psicologia , Tristeza , Ira
Dolor ; 31(73): 16-25, ene. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362744


El objetivo principal del presente trabajo es construir un instrumento que permita el screening afectivo en la experiencia dolorosa, útil para todo profesional de la salud que trabaje con pacientes con dolor, quedando la invitación a usarlo en la clínica para evaluar su eficacia. Basado en el Cuestionario de Impacto Emocional en Dolor Neuropático (CIE-6), recomendado por la ACHED-CP, de la autoría del psicólogo Eduardo Muñoz. Se realizó una revisión teórica y desde la evidencia de los factores afectivos que participan en la experiencia dolorosa. A partir de lo anterior, se propone un rediseño del CIE-6. Consiste, primero en la eliminación de tres ítems de insomnio, cansancio y limitación del original, ya que apuntan a costos sanitarios y discapacidad, siendo reemplazados por estados afectivos como ansiedad, desesperanza, injusticia e incontrolabilidad.

The main objective of this work is to build an instrument that allows the affective screening in the painful experience, and be useful for every health care professional working with patients with pain, encouranging profesionals to use it in the clinic to evaluate its effectiveness. It ́s based on the Questionnaire of Emotional Impact on Neuropathic Pain recommended by the ACHED-CP of the authorship of the psychologist Eduardo Muñoz. A theoric review was conducted and from the evidence of the affective factors involved in the painful experience. As it was mentioned before, a redesign of the CIE-6 was proposed. It consists, first of all, of the elimination of three items of insomnia, tiredness and limitation from the original, since they point out to health costs and disability, being replaced by affective states such as anxiety, hopelessness, injustice and uncontrollability.

Humanos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Emoções , Dor Crônica/psicologia
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-909496


Objective:To explore the chain mediating effect of emotion dysregulation and trait anger between childhood trauma and aggressive behavior in adolescents.Methods:A sample of 1 333 undergraduates were recruited to complete the questionnaires about childhood trauma, aggressive behavior, emotion dysregulation, trait anger.The SPSS 23. 0 and Mplus 8.3 software were used to analysis data and test intermediate effect.Results:The scores of childhood trauma, aggressive behavior, difficulties in emotion regulation and trait anger were (33.624±8.211), (53.995±12.307), (91.781±17.518), (23.352±5.477), respectively. Correlation analysis showed that childhood trauma, aggressive behavior, emotion dysregulation and trait anger were positively correlated with each other( r=0.209-0.614; all P<0.01). Mediation modeling analysis showed that childhood trauma had a significant direct effect on aggressive behavior. The direct effect value was 0.121, accounting for 35.8% of the total effect. The total indirect effect of childhood trauma on aggressive behavior was 0.217, accounting for 64.2% of the total effect. The mediating effect of emotion dysregulation as mediator between childhood trauma and aggressive behavior was 0.035, accounting for 10.4% of the total effect. The mediating effect of trait anger as mediator between childhood trauma and aggressive behavior was 0.108, accounting for 31.9% of the total effect. The chain mediating effect of emotion dysregulation and trait anger was 0.074, accounting for 21.9% of the total effect. Conclusion:Emotion dysregulation and trait anger exert a multiple mediating effect on the relationship between childhood trauma and aggressive behavior.

Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online) ; 37: e373512, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1155127


Resumo Tratou-se de um estudo correlacional com 108 líderes e 176 liderados de quatro empresas públicas ou de economia mista em que se testou o efeito da percepção de raiva e de poder do líder no desempenho do liderado, moderado por dois traços pessoais dos liderados (conscienciosidade e agradabilidade). A base teórica foi o modelo EASI (Emotion as Social Information). Os liderados responderam três instrumentos: a) traços pessoais de agradabilidade e conscienciosidade; b) Medida de Poder Social Global do líder; e c) Escala de Percepção da Expressão Emocional de raiva do líder. Os líderes responderam à Medida de Desempenho de Tarefa de seus liderados. Os resultados indicaram que apenas a conscienciosidade moderou a relação entre a percepção de raiva do líder e o desempenho do liderado.

Abstract It was a correlational study with 108 leaders and 176 subordinates from four public and mixed-economy companies, in which the effect of anger perception and leader's power on subordinate´s performance has been tested, moderated by two subordinates' personal traits (conscientiousness and agreeableness). The theoretical basis was the EASI (Emotion as Social Information) model. The subordinates answered three instruments: a) personal traits of agreeableness and conscientiousness; b) Leader's Global Social Power Measure; and c) Leader's Emotional Expression Perception Scale. Leaders responded to the subordinates Task Performance Measure. The results indicated that only conscientiousness moderated the relationship between the leader anger perception and the subordinate´s performance.

Rev. méd. Hosp. José Carrasco Arteaga ; 12(3): 166-171, 30-11-2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1255255


INTRODUCCIÓN: El problema relacionado con la agresión entre escolares se ha exacerbado en los últimos años, afectando al bienestar de los involucrados, tanto en el contexto educativo, como social y cultural. De esta manera, se ha constituido como una variable de estudio en las Ciencias Sociales; misma que puede ser abordada desde diversos enfoques. La intensidad de este problema, impacta negativamente a niños, niñas y adolescentes. Numerosos estudios reportan que los eventos de violencia y/o agresión en las escuelas, pueden generar en los escolares daños físicos y emocionales, dificultad en el aprendizaje por trastorno de estrés postraumático, desmotivación, ausentismo y deserción escolar. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo establecer el nivel de agresión en estudiantes de quinto año de secundaria de instituciones educativas en Lima, Perú. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio exploratorio descriptivo, de corte transversal, cuantitativo. Se utilizó el Cuestionario de Agresión de Buss y Perry, adaptado al contexto. La evidencia de validez de contenido se obtuvo con el coeficiente V de Aiken (0.80) por cada ítem y dimensión. Para el análisis de datos se utilizó la prueba de normalidad de Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Los datos se presentan en tablas, mediante frecuencias y porcentajes. RESULTADOS: El estudio se aplicó en una muestra de 274 adolescentes de 15 a 18 años. Entre los participantes, se encontraron altos niveles de agresión (54.8%; Nivel alto: 38.6%, Nivel muy alto: 16.2%), con un predominio en el sexo masculino equivalente al 43%, frente a un 34% en las mujeres. En las dimensiones estudiadas, se encontró que los estudiantes alcanzaron puntuaciones altas, en la agresión verbal (40%), seguido de la agresión física y la hostilidad (38%) y finalmente en la ira (37%). CONCLUSIÓN: Luego del procesamiento de datos, se encontraron niveles altos de agresión en los estudiantes de quinto año de secundaria de las zonas periféricas de Lima. Con respecto al género, se halló un predominio de la agresión de nivel alto en los varones frente a las mujeres. En cuanto a las dimensiones estudiadas de la variable agresión, se encontró una preponderancia en la agresión verbal, seguida de la agresión física y la hostilidad y finalmente la ira.

BACKGROUND: Aggression among schoolchildren is a growing problem, affecting their educational, social and cultural well-being. In this context, aggression has become an aim of study for Social Sciences, from various approaches. The intensity of this problem negatively impacts on children and adolescents lives. Numerous studies report that events of violence and/or aggression in schools can generate physical and emotional damage to schoolchildren, learning difficulties due to post-traumatic stress disorder, demotivation, absenteeism and school dropout. The aim of this study was to establish the level of aggression in fifth-year high school students from high schools in Lima, Peru. METHODS: Descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative exploratory study. The Buss and Perry, Aggression Questionnaire was applied and adapted to the context. The content validity was obtained with Aiken's V coefficient (0.80) for each item and dimension. The Kolmogorov- Smirnov normality test was used for data analysis. Data is presented in charts, with frequencies and percentages. RESULTS: The study was applied to a sample of 274 adolescents, aged 15 to 18 years. High levels of aggression were found in the students (54.8%; High aggression level: 38.6%, very high aggression level: 16.2%), with a predominance in the male group (43%), compared to 34% in women. Regarding the aggression dimensions, we found high levels, in verbal aggression (40%), followed by physical aggression and hostility (38%) and finally anger (37%). CONCLUSION: After data processing, high levels of aggression were found among fifth-year high schools students from peripheral areas of Lima. Regarding gender, a predominance of high-level aggression was found in males over females. About aggression dimensions, we found a high level of verbal aggression, followed by physical aggression and hostility, finally by anger.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Evasão Escolar , Violência , Comportamento , Agressão , Absenteísmo , Hostilidade , Ira , Aprendizagem , Instituições Acadêmicas , Ciências Sociais , Métodos
Acta colomb. psicol ; 23(1): 205-215, Jan.-June 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1098010


Abstract Research on the relationship between hypertension and variables linked to negative affectivity has given rise to divergent findings and differing interpretations. The main objective of this paper was therefore to shed light on the issue by analyzing measures of depression, anxiety and anger in adults suffering from hypertension (HTN). Based on a case-control design, a group of individuals suffering from HTN (n=50) was compared with a control group of the same number of cases, age and sex. In general, the HTN Group showed higher levels of depression in its somatic dimension and of trait anger in its temperament dimension. Individuals with HTN presented symptoms of irritability and loss of energy (depressive-somatic symptoms) and propensity to anger easily (temperament anger symptoms). It has been demonstrated in preceding researches that addressing these comorbid psychological factors is of importance in increase adherence to medical treatment in patients who have been diagnosed with hypertension or similar pathologies.

Resumen En la literatura científica se encuentra un gran número de controversias y resultados dispares a la hora de explicar la relación entre la hipertensión arterial y algunas variables vinculadas a la afectividad negativa, como la depresión, la ansiedad y la ira. Teniendo esto en cuenta, en la presente investigación se planteó como objetivo principal analizar medidas de ansiedad, depresión e ira en personas adultas que padecen de hipertensión arterial (HTA). A partir de un diseño de caso-control, se contrastaron dos grupos, uno conformado por personas con HTA (n = 50) y otro de control equiparado en número de casos, edad y sexo. A nivel general, el grupo de HTA mostró mayores niveles de depresión -en su dimensión somática- y de ira-rasgo -en su dimensión de temperamento-. Asimismo, las personas con HTA presentaron síntomas de irritabilidad y pérdida de energía -síntomas depresivo-somáticos-, además de que tendían a enojarse con facilidad o rápidamente -síntomas de temperamento de ira-. El abordaje de estos factores psicológicos comórbidos resulta de relevancia dado que en estudios precedentes ha demostrado aumentar la adherencia al tratamiento médico en pacientes que han sido diagnosticados con hipertensión o patologías similares.

rev. psicogente ; 23(43): 64-82, ene.-jun. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361199


Resumen Objetivo: Validar la Escala de Pensamientos de Enojo para Adolescentes, la cual incluye tres factores: venganza (4 ítems, por ej., "Haré sufrir a la otra persona"), pensamientos de insulto o peyorativos (5 ítems, por ej., "Es un estúpido") y pensamientos de control (10 ítems, por ej., "Tendré paciencia"). Método: La muestra fue de 522 adolescentes mexicanos de escuela pública (M de edad = 15,92, DE =0,90); 213 hombres y 309 mujeres seleccionados de forma no aleatoria. Los instrumentos fueron: la Escala de Pensamientos de Enojo para Adolescentes, el Inventario Multicultural de Expresión de la Cólera y la Hostilidad (ML-STAXI) para Adolescentes Mexicanos y la Escala de Expresión del Enojo con Agresión Física. El diseño del estudio fue instrumental. Resultados: Se encontró, por medio de análisis factorial confirmatorio que el modelo de tres factores tuvo buen ajuste (CFI = .912, SRMR = .046, RMSEA = .076). La confiabilidad (Alfa de Cronbach) fue aceptable: .78, .86 y .92, respectivamente. La validez de constructo fue satisfactoria, dado que la escala fue útil para diferenciar a personas de alto y bajo puntaje en variables de enojo, control del enojo, expresión del enojo y agresión física hacia las personas y hacia los objetos. Hubo leve diferencia por sexo en una de las tres escalas, donde las mujeres tuvieron más pensamientos peyorativos que los hombres. Conclusión: La Escala de Pensamientos de Enojo para Adolescentes es una opción confiable y con validez de constructo. Representa un punto de partida para la investigación, evaluación y tratamiento de adolescentes con problemas en el control del enojo.

Abstract Objective: The goal of the study was to validate an Angry Thoughts Scale for Adolescents, which has three factors: revenge (4 items, e.g., "I will make the other person suffer"), insulting or pejorative thoughts (5 items, e.g., "S/he is stupid"), and thoughts of control (10 items, e.g., "I will be patient"). Method: The sample had 522 adolescents (M age = 15.92, SD = 0.90); 213 men, and 309 women from a public school; they were recruited through intentional non-random sampling. The participants answered three instruments: The Angry Thoughts Scale for Adolescents, The Multicultural Inventory of Anger and Hostility (ML-STAXI) for Mexican Adolescents, and the Scale of Anger Expression with Physical Aggression. The design of the study is instrumental. Results: It was found, through confirmatory factor analysis and modification indexes, that the 3-factor model showed good fit (CFI = .912, SRMR = .046, RMSEA = .076). The reliability (Cronbach's Alpha) was acceptable: .78, .86, and .92, respectively. Construct validity was satisfactory, since the scale was useful to distinguish between individuals with high and low scores in variables of anger, anger control, anger expression, and physical aggression toward people and toward objects. A gender difference was found in one of the three scales; women had more pejorative thoughts than men. Conclusion: The Angry Thoughts Scale for Adolescents is a reliable option with construct validity. It represents a starting point for research, assessment, and treatment of adolescents with anger problems.