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Chinese Journal of Dermatology ; (12): 345-348, 2022.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-933553


Objective:To evaluate clinical efficacy and safety of calcium-based antimicrobial peptide compounds cooling gel (CAPCS cooling gel) in the treatment of atopic dermatitis (AD) .Methods:A randomized, double-blind, active-controlled clinical study was conducted. From July 2019 to May 2020, 80 adult patients with mild-to-moderate AD were enrolled from Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University, and randomly and equally divided into 2 groups: test group topically treated with CAPCS cooling gel, control group topically treated with hydrocortisone cream, and the treatment was performed thrice a day for 4 consecutive weeks. Before, 1, 2 and 4 weeks after the start of treatment, efficacy was evaluated according to the Eczema Area and Severity Index (EASI), Visual Analog Scale (VAS), and Investigator′s Global Assessment (IGA) scores, and adverse events were recorded. Efficacy and safety were compared by using repeated measures analysis of variance and chi-square test.Results:Of the 80 patients with AD, 43 were males and 37 were females, and the age was 52.71 ± 16.71 years. Before the treatment, there was no significant difference in gender, age, EASI, VAS or IGA scores between the two groups (all P > 0.05). After 1- and 2-week treatment, there was no significant difference in the response rate between the test group (10.00% [4/40], 57.50% [23/40], respectively) and control group (15.00% [6/40], 52.50% [21/40] respectively, both P > 0.05). After 4-week treatment, the response rate was significantly higher in the test group (82.50%, 33/40) than in the control group (57.50%, 23/40, P < 0.05). Compared with the control group, the test group showed significantly decreased VAS scores after 1-, 2- and 4-week treatment ( U = 1253.00, 1121.00, 1091.50, respectively, all P < 0.05). No drug-related adverse events were observed in either of the groups. Conclusion:CAPCS cooling gel is safe and effective in the treatment of mild-to-moderate AD in adults, and can be applied in clinic.

Chinese Journal of Dermatology ; (12): 1010-1014, 2021.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-911563


Objective:To evaluate short-term clinical efficacy and safety of a cooling gel containing calcium-based antimicrobial peptide compounds (CAPCS cooling gel) combined with desonide cream in the treatment of atopic dermatitis (AD) in children.Methods:From November 2019 to September 2020, a randomized, double-blind controlled clinical trial was conducted in 60 children with AD enrolled from Department of Dermatology and Venereology, West China Hospital, Sichuan University. The 60 patients were randomly and equally divided into 2 groups: test group treated with topical desonide cream in the morning and evening as well as topical CAPCS cooling gel at noon during the first 3 days of treatment, followed by topical CAPCS cooling gel in the morning, at midday and in the evening for 11 days; control group treated with topical desonide cream in the morning and evening as well as topical CAPCS-free placebo gel at noon during the first 3 days of treatment, followed by topical CAPCS-free placebo gel in the morning, at midday and in the evening for 11 days. The treatment lasted 2 weeks. Finally, 56 AD patients completed the follow-up, and 28 in each group were included into the following analysis. Clinical indices, such as eczema area and severity index (EASI) , visual analogue scale (VAS) , investigator′s global assessment (IGA) and dermatology life quality index (DLQI) , were recorded before, 7 ± 3 days and 14 ± 3 days after the treatment, so were adverse reactions.Results:After 1-week treatment, 1 patient in the test group and 1 in the control group showed response to the treatment, with the response rate being 3.57% in both groups; after 2-week treatment, 12 patients in the test group and 2 in the control group showed response to the treatment, with response rates being 42.86% and 7.14% respectively; there were significant differences in the treatment outcomes between the two groups after 1- and 2-week treatment ( Z = -4.318, -5.474, respectively, both P < 0.05) . There was no significant difference in the EASI, VAS, IGA or DLQI score between the two groups before treatment (all P > 0.05) ; nonparametric Friedman test showed a significant difference in the changing trend of the EASI score over time between the two groups ( χ2 = 45.720, P < 0.05) . Two-way repeated measurement analysis of variance showed a significant difference in the VAS score ( F = 10.738, P = 0.002) , but no significant difference in IGA or DLQI score between the test group and control group after 1-week treatment ( F = 0.066, 0.804, P = 0.135, 0.374, respectively) ; after 2-week treatment, there were significant differences in the VAS, IGA and DLQI score between the 2 groups ( F = 67.313, 38.949, 51.503, respectively, all P < 0.001) . During the clinical study period, 1 adverse event occurred in the test group and control group each, which manifested as tingling or irritating sensation at the topically treated sites, and there was no significant difference in the incidence rate of adverse events between the two groups ( P > 0.05) . Conclusion:Short-term topical application of CAPCS cooling gel combined with desonide cream is effective for the treatment of AD in children, and does not increase the incidence of adverse reactions compared with the placebo.

Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 20(4): 657-661, Oct-Dic. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1141316


Objetivo: Analizar el potencial de innovación en apósitos para tratar heridas crónicas en la Ciudad de Lima. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cualitativo mediante una encuesta y análisis de las entrevistas realizadas a expertos médicos y gestores de compras en insumos para el tratamiento de heridas de difícil resolución en 8 instituciones representativas de salud pública con categorías 1 ­ 4 dentro de las 54 existentes solo en Lima Metropolitana, Perú - 2018. Resultados: Se determinó que en las instituciones de salud pública son atendidos un promedio 17 pacientes mensualmente (60% provenientes de hospitalización y 40% de consultorio externo). Equivale decir que 11,016 pacientes presentan heridas crónicas de difícil resolución al año, los cuales requerirán de tratamiento especializado y una demanda anual promedio de 110,160 apósitos en stock. Los apósitos con mayor demanda corresponden a los Hidrogeles e Hidrocoloides, respectivamente que son utilizados por los resultados positivos que ofrecen en la curación de las heridas, aunque en ocasiones la limitante es el aspecto económico. En el mercado, el precio unitario oscila entre los 20 y 90 soles, esto representa una inversión económica de 1500 soles en promedio por paciente, produciendo en algunos casos complicaciones o abandono del tratamiento cuando los recursos son escasos. Conclusiones: La demanda de pacientes con heridas crónicas de difícil resolución en las instituciones de salud públicas de Lima metropolitana es alta. Es importante promover e incentivar la investigación de nuevas alternativas terapéuticas y/o dispositivos biomédicos que favorezcan su curación.

Objective: To analyze the potential for innovation in dressings to treat chronic wounds in the City of Lima. Methods: A qualitative study was carried out by means of interviews to medical experts and purchasing managers of medical supplies for the treatment of difficult-to-resolve wounds in 8 representative public health institutions with categories 1-4 within the only 54 of Lima, Peru - 2018. Results: It was determined that an average of 17 patients is treated in public health institutions on a monthly basis (60% from hospitalization and 40% from an outpatient office). It is equivalent to say that 11,016 patients present chronic wounds of difficult resolution each year, which will require specialized treatment and an average annual demand of 110,160 dressings in stock. The dressings with the highest demand correspond to the Hydrogels and Hydrocolloids, respectively; used because of the positive results they offer in wound healing, despite economic limitations. The market price per unit ranges between 20 and 90 soles (S/.), representing an economic investment of 1500 soles on average per patient, in some cases causing complications or abandonment of treatment when resources are scarce. Conclusions: There is a high demand for patients with chronic wounds of difficult resolution in the public health institutions of Lima. It is important to promote and incentivize the investigation of new therapeutic alternatives and / or biomedical devices that favor its treatment.

Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 33: eAPE20180307, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1100875


Resumo Objetivo Acompanhar o uso do curativo gel de clorexidina em cateter venoso central de crianças e adultos submetidos ao transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas para verificar a ocorrência de infecção da corrente sanguínea relacionada ao cateter e irritação cutânea na vigência deste curativo. Métodos Estudo observacional e prospectivo, com 25 pacientes com cateter venoso central inserido para realização do transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas. Diariamente avaliou-se as características do curativo, da pele, clínicas do paciente e relacionadas a infecção. Os pacientes foram acompanhados a partir do primeiro dia da inserção do CVC até a sua remoção, até o limite de 45 dias a partir da data de inserção do CVC. Resultados A infecção da corrente sanguínea relacionada ao cateter ocorreu em 28% dos pacientes, houve associação entre neutropenia febril e infecção (p<0,01). A irritação cutânea foi identificada em 24% dos pacientes. Não foi identificada associação entre infecção da corrente sanguínea relacionada ao cateter e a irritação cutânea (p=0,51). Houve associação significativa entre irritação cutânea e suspensão do uso do curativo (p=0,03). As trocas não programadas ocorreram em 50% das trocas identificadas e o principal motivo foi a presença de sangue no curativo (57,8%). Conclusão O uso do curativo gel de clorexidina em pacientes submetidos ao TCTH demonstrou ser uma medida eficaz na redução da ocorrência de infecções relacionadas ao cateter, quando comparado aos dados da literatura. Os casos de ICSRC encontrados foram associados, principalmente, à condição de neutropenia, muito comum nesta população. Os casos de irritação cutânea relacionados ao curativo identificados e a presença de sangue como principal motivo de troca não programada salientam a importância do conhecimento relacionado ao uso do curativo por parte dos enfermeiros assistenciais, a fim de criar protocolos que indiquem o uso e manejo do curativo com segurança.

Resumen Objetivo Hacer un seguimiento del uso del vendaje gel de clorhexidina en catéter venoso central (CVC) en niños y adultos sometidos al trasplante de células madre hematopoyéticas (TCMH) para verificar los casos de infección del flujo sanguíneo relacionados con el catéter (IFSRC) y la irritación cutánea durante la validez de este vendaje. Métodos Estudio observacional y prospectivo, con 25 pacientes con catéter venoso central insertado para realizar el trasplante de células madre hematopoyéticas. Diariamente se evaluaron las características del vendaje y de la piel, las características clínicas del paciente y las relacionadas con la infección. Los pacientes recibieron un seguimiento a partir del primer día de la inserción del CVC hasta su retirada, con un límite de 45 días a partir de la fecha de inserción del CVC. Resultados La infección del flujo sanguíneo relacionada con el catéter se presentó en el 28% de los pacientes, hubo relación entre neutropenia febril e infección (p<0,01). Se identificó irritación cutánea en el 24% de los pacientes. No se identificó relación entre la infección del flujo sanguíneo relacionada con el catéter y la irritación cutánea (p=0,51). Hubo relación significativa entre la irritación cutánea y la suspensión del uso del vendaje (p=0,03). Los cambios no programados sucedieron en el 50% de los cambios registrados, y el motivo principal fue la presencia de sangre en el vendaje (57,8%). Conclusión El uso del vendaje gel de clorhexidina en pacientes sometidos al TCMH demostró ser una medida eficaz para la reducción de casos de infecciones relacionadas con el catéter, en comparación con los datos de la literatura. Los casos de IFSRC encontrados se relacionaron principalmente con la condición de neutropenia, muy común en esta población. Los casos identificados de irritación cutánea relacionados con el vendaje y la presencia de sangre como principal motivo de cambio no programado resaltan la importancia del conocimiento del uso del vendaje por parte de los enfermeros asistenciales, a fin de crear protocolos que indiquen el uso y manejo seguro del vendaje.

Abstract Objective Monitor the use of chlorhexidine gel dressing in the central venous catheter of children and adults submitted to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) to check for catheter-related bloodstream infection and skin irritation while using this dressing. Methods This is a prospective observational study with 25 patients with central venous catheters (CVC) inserted for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Dressing characteristics, skin characteristics, clinical conditions of patients and infection-related characteristics were evaluated daily. Patients were monitored from the first day of CVC insertion until removal, up to 45 days from the CVC insertion date. Results Catheter-related bloodstream infection (CRBSI) occurred in 28% of all patients, with an association between febrile neutropenia and infection (p<0.01). Skin irritation was identified in 24% of patients. No association was found between catheter-related bloodstream infection and skin irritation (p=0.51). A significant association was observed between skin irritation and dressing removal (p=0.03). Unscheduled dressing changes corresponded to 50% of all dressing changes identified during the study, and the main reason was presence of blood in the dressing (57.8%). Conclusion Using chlorhexidine gel dressing in patients submitted to HSCT proved to be an effective measure to reduce the occurrence of catheter-related infections, when compared to literature data. The cases of CRBSI found in this study were mainly associated with the condition of neutropenia, which is very common in this population. The cases of dressing-related skin irritation and presence of blood as the main reason for unscheduled change highlight the importance of nurses having proper knowledge about how to use this dressing in order to create protocols for safe dressing use and handling.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Clorexidina/uso terapêutico , Transplante de Células-Tronco Hematopoéticas , Curativos Hidrocoloides , Infecções Relacionadas a Cateter/tratamento farmacológico , Cateteres Venosos Centrais , Anti-Infecciosos Locais/uso terapêutico , Estudos Prospectivos , Estudo Observacional
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-743690


Objective To investigate the effects of two intervention methods, hydroglue dressing and skin powder combined with skin protective film, in severe tumor patients with moderate and severe incontinence dermatitis. Methods A total of 68 patients with moderate and severe incontinence dermatitis were selected from ICU in Shanghai Oncology Hospital, and randomly divided into 2 groups by random digit table, each group included 34 cases, on the basis of the consistency of skin care, the experimental group used water adhesive dressing protection, every 1-3 days replacement, the control group used skin care powder joint skin protective film, three times a day, two groups of intervention for 10 days in a row. The healing effect, healing time, nursing time and nursing cost of IAD were observed. Results Of the 68 patients, 2 were transferred to the local hospital for treatment and 1 died. Finally, 65 patients were completed, 32 in the control group and 33 in the experimental group. In the average nursing time, the difference was statistically significant in the experimental group (1.83 ± 0.78) min and the control group (4.45 ± 0.52) min (t = 15.908, P<0.01). The experimental group took less time to care for IAD than the control group, which were (45.78 ± 25.45)min and (110.97 ± 27.22) min. The difference was statistically significant (t=9.967, P<0.01). The cost of care in the experimental group was lower than that in the control group, which was (164.06 ± 60.32)yuan and (280 ± 0.00)yuan. The difference was statistically significant (t=11.041, P<0.01). Conclusions The water glue dressing can be used for the nursing of moderate and severe incontinence dermatitis, and it can effectively reduce the nursing time of nursing staff and reduce the economic cost.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-743892


BACKGROUND: At present, there is no consensus on the effect of different dressings in the healing of donor site, and few studies have directly compared the healing effect of different dressings. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the healing effect of five different dressings on donor site wounds by network meta-analysis. METHODS: Randomized controlled trials about different dressings in the treatment of donor site wounds were retrieved by computer in PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane, Chinese Academic Journal Full Text Database, Chinese Biomedical Literature CD-ROM Database, WanFang Data Platform and Chinese Science and Technology Journal Database. The retrieval time limit was from inception until May 2018. Literature screening, quality evaluation and data extraction were conducted independently by two postgraduates. Winbugs 1.4.3 and Stata 13.0 softwares were used for data analysis. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: A total of 13 randomized controlled trials were included. In the observation group, foam dressing, hydrocolloid dressing, alginate dressing or silver dressing was used. In the control group, vaseline gauze was used. The results of network meta-analysis showed that the healing time of donor sites for alginate dressing, silver dressing, hydrocolloid dressing and foam dressing was significantly shorter than that of vaseline gauze (P < 0.05) , but there was no difference in wound healing time between foam dressing, hydrocolloid dressing, alginate dressing and silver dressing at the donor site (P> 0.05) . The healing effects of different dressings were ranked as follows (from good to bad) : alginate dressing, silver dressing, hydrocolloid dressing, foam dressing and vaseline gauze. Overall findings indicate that alginate dressing may be the best choice to shorten the healing time of donor site, and further investigations are warranted.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-798157


Objective@#To investigate the effects of two intervention methods, hydroglue dressing and skin powder combined with skin protective film, in severe tumor patients with moderate and severe incontinence dermatitis.@*Methods@#A total of 68 patients with moderate and severe incontinence dermatitis were selected from ICU in Shanghai Oncology Hospital, and randomly divided into 2 groups by random digit table, each group included 34 cases, on the basis of the consistency of skin care, the experimental group used water adhesive dressing protection, every 1-3 days replacement, the control group used skin care powder joint skin protective film, three times a day, two groups of intervention for 10 days in a row. The healing effect, healing time, nursing time and nursing cost of IAD were observed.@*Results@#Of the 68 patients, 2 were transferred to the local hospital for treatment and 1 died. Finally, 65 patients were completed, 32 in the control group and 33 in the experimental group. In the average nursing time, the difference was statistically significant in the experimental group (1.83 ± 0.78) min and the control group (4.45 ± 0.52) min (t= 15.908, P<0.01). The experimental group took less time to care for IAD than the control group, which were (45.78 ± 25.45)min and (110.97 ± 27.22) min. The difference was statistically significant (t= 9.967, P <0.01). The cost of care in the experimental group was lower than that in the control group, which was (164.06 ± 60.32)yuan and (280 ± 0.00)yuan. The difference was statistically significant (t= 11.041, P <0.01).@*Conclusions@#The water glue dressing can be used for the nursing of moderate and severe incontinence dermatitis, and it can effectively reduce the nursing time of nursing staff and reduce the economic cost.

Invest. educ. enferm ; 36(1): [E11], Feb 15 2018. Tab 1, Tab 2, Tab 3, Tab 4, Figura 1
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-883552


Objective. This work sought to evaluate the association between using preventive hydrocolloid dressings and the onset of pressure ulcers in hospitalized patients. Methods. Retrospective cohort study that included adult patients with high risk of pressure ulcers (PU) evaluated according to the Braden scale and who had been admitted with preventive purposes to a skin care program. The preventive care prescribed by the nursing staff included using hydrocolloid dressing plus conventional care (HD+CC) or only conventional care (CC), in a tier IV hospital in Bogotá, Colombia. Information was obtained from the clinical records of the demographic variables, health, and complications during hospitalization. Results. One-hundred seventy subjects were included in the study (23 in HD+CC and 147 in CC). In all, 30.4% of the patients in the HD+CC group and 17% in the CC group had PU during follow up (p=0.15). The ratio between the type of preventive treatment received and the development of PU obtained a raw Hazzard ratio (HR) of 1.35 (CI95%: 0.58-3.14; p=0.48) and HR adjusted for confounding variables of 1.06 (CI95%: 0.29-3.84 p=0.92). Conclusion. Our results showed no superiority of HD+CC against CC in preventing PU in adult patients with high risk according to the Braden scale. The cohort study did not reveal significant differences between both interventions. It is necessary to promote and develop clinical trials to evaluate the effectiveness of using dressings and other conventional care in high-risk patients for this type of event. (AU)

Objetivo. Evaluar la asociación entre el uso de apósitos hidrocoloides preventivos y la aparición de úlceras por presión en pacientes hospitalizados. Métodos. Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo que incluyó pacientes adultos con alto riesgo de úlceras por presión (UPP) evaluados según escala Braden y que habían sido admitidos con fines preventivos en un programa de cuidado de la piel, en un hospital de cuarto nivel de atención, en Bogotá, Colombia. Los cuidados preventivos prescritos por el personal de enfermería incluyeron el uso de apósito hidrocoloide más cuidado convencional (AH+CC) o solo cuidado convencional (CC). Se obtuvo información de las historias clínicas de las variables demográficas, de salud y complicaciones durante hospitalización. Resultados. Se incluyeron en el estudio un total de 170 pacientes (23 de AH+CC y 147de CC). El 30.4% en el grupo AH+CC y el 17% de CC presentó UPP durante el seguimiento (p=0.15). La relación entre el tipo de tratamiento preventivo recibido y el desarrollo de UPP obtuvo un HR crudo de 1.35 (IC95%: 0.58-3.14; p=0.48) y un HR ajustado por factores de confusión de 1.06 (IC95%: 0.29-3.84 p=0.92). Conclusión. Nuestros resultados mostraron no superioridad de AH+CC frente al CC enfermero en la prevención de UPP en pacientes adultos con alto riesgo según Braden. El estudio de la cohorte no reveló diferencias significativas entre las dos intervenciones. Se hace necesario la promoción y desarrollo de ensayos clínicos que evalúen la efectividad del uso de los apósitos y otros cuidados convencionales en pacientes de alto riesgo para este tipo de evento (AU)

Objetivo. Avaliar a associação entre o uso de curativos hidrocoloides preventivos e a aparição de úlceras por pressão em pacientes hospitalizados. Métodos. Estudo de coorte retrospectivo que incluiu pacientes adultos com alto risco de úlceras por pressão (UPP) avaliados segundo escala Braden e que haviam sido admitidos com fins preventivos num programa de cuidado da pele, num hospital de quarto nível de atenção, em Bogotá, Colômbia. Os cuidados preventivos prescritos pelo pessoal de enfermagem incluíram o uso de curativo hidrocoloide mais cuidado convencional (AH+CC) ou só cuidado convencional (CC). Se obteve informação das histórias clínicas das variáveis demográficas, de saúde e complicações durante hospitalização. Resultados. Um total de 170 pacientes foram incluídos no estudo (23 de AH+CC e 147de CC). 30.4% no grupo AH+CC e 17% de CC apresentaram UPP durante o seguimento (p=0.15). A relação entre o tipo de tratamento preventivo recebido e o desenvolvimento de UPP obteve um HR cru de 1.35 (IC95%: 0.58-3.14; p=0.48) e um HR ajustado por fatores de confusão de 1.06 (IC95%: 0.29-3.84 p=0.92). Conclusão. Nossos resultados mostraram não superioridade de AH+CC frente a CC enfermeiro na prevenção de UPP em pacientes adultos com alto risco segundo Braden. O estudo da coorte não revelou diferencias significativas entre as duas intervenções. Se faz necessário a promoção e desenvolvimento de ensaios clínicos que avaliem a efetividade do uso dos curativos e outros cuidados convencionais em pacientes de alto risco para este tipo de evento.(AU)

Humanos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Higiene da Pele , Adulto , Úlcera por Pressão , Curativos Hidrocoloides , Hospitalização
Chinese Journal of Nursing ; (12): 290-292, 2018.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-708735


Objective To explore the effects of hydrocolloid dressing on neonatal scleredema.Methods Forty patients with neonatal scleredema were enrolled from Department of Neonatology,Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University from February 2015 to February 2017.The patients were assigned to the experimental group and the control group by random number table with 20 cases in each group.The experimental group was treated with hydrocolloid dressing besides routine comprehensive treatment,and the hydrocolloid dressing was changed every 3~4 d until swelling disappeared.The control group was treated with routine comprehensive treatment.Body temperature,response and swelling of two groups were observed.Results For therapeutic effects between two groups,the total effective rate of the experiment group was 95%,and was significantly better than that of the control group which was 65%(P<0.05).The recovery time of body temperature and the time of swelling disappear in the experiment group were 38.25±17.33 h and 3.05±1.00 d;while those in the control group were 57.35±32.21 h and 4.65±1.57 d,and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion Applying hydrocolloid dressing at swelling site in premature infants can significantly shorten the time of skin swelling,promote body temperature recovery,and improve treatment effects.

Acta paul. enferm ; 28(5): 415-419, jul.-ago. 2015. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-766139


Objetivo: Analisar a relação custo-efetividade de dois tipos de curativos para a prevenção de úlcera por pressão na região sacral. Métodos : Pesquisa de análise secundária, comparativa, que incluiu 25 pacientes dos quais dez utilizaram a cobertura hidrocoloide e 15 o filme transparente, para prevenção de úlcera por pressão na região sacral. Foram contabilizados custos de aquisição com cada tipo de cobertura; verificados desfechos intermediário e final; e foi estimada a relação custo-efetividade. Resultados : A relação custo-efetividade do hidrocoloide para o desfecho intermediário foi de R$174,68 enquanto do filme transparente foi de R$45,74. Para o desfecho final, essa relação foi de respectivamente R$272,00 e R$28,97. Conclusão : O filme transparente foi mais custo-efetivo do que o hidrocoloide na prevenção de úlcera por pressão sacral.

Objective: To analyze the cost-effectiveness relationship of two types of dressing for prevention of sacral pressure ulcer. Methods : This secondary analysis and comparative study included 25 patients. Of these, 10 used a hydrocolloid dressing and 15 used a transparent film dressing for prevention of sacral pressure ulcer. We measured costs of each dressing type, verified intermediate and final results, and estimated the cost-effectiveness relationship. Results : The cost-effectiveness relationships for the intermediate results were R$174.68 for the hydrocolloid dressing and R$45.75 for the transparent film dressing. For the final result, the values were R$272.00 and R$28.97, respectively. Conclusion : For sacral pressure ulcers, transparent film dressing was cost-effective compared with hydrocolloid dressing.

Humanos , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Análise de Custo-Efetividade , Curativos Hidrocoloides/economia , Serviço Hospitalar de Enfermagem , Poliuretanos/economia , Úlcera por Pressão/economia , Úlcera por Pressão/prevenção & controle
Chinese Journal of Dermatology ; (12): 193-194, 2015.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-468755


Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of a collagen dressing for healing of wounds induced by fractional CO2 laser in patients with atrophic facial acne scars.Methods Seventy patients with atrophic facial acne scars were recruited to this study,and randomly divided into a treatment group and a control group.Both the two groups were treated by two sessions of fractional CO2 laser with an interval of one month.After each session of laser therapy,the treatment group were topically treated with a collagen dressing for 20 minutes once a day for 10 consecutive days,while the control group did not apply any collagen dressing.All the patients were followed for 6 months.Efficacy was evaluated by the degree of acute inflammatory reaction,time needed for crust shedding and patient comfort level.The length of downtime as well as incidence of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and other adverse reactions were also assessed.Results Compared with the control group,the treatment group showed a decrease in the score for acute inflammatory response (W =312,P < 0.01),time needed for crust shedding (t =2.08,P < 0.05),incidence rate of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (x2 =6.06,P < 0.05),length of downtime (t =3.14,P < 0.05),but an increase in self-reported comfort level (W =172,P < 0.01).No new scar formed in any of these patients.Conclusion The collagen dressing is effective in reducing incidence of adverse reactions and improving satisfaction degree of patients with atrophic facial acne scars after fractional CO2 laser therapy.

Rev. bras. enferm ; 66(5): 760-770, set.-out. 2013. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-690684


Hidrocolóide e alginato de cálcio são utilizados no tratamento de lesões cutâneas e muitos profissionais da saúde desconhecem as evidências que sustentam sua indicação na cicatrização. Objetivou-se nesse estudo identificar evidências da ação da placa de hidrocolóide e alginato de cálcio no tratamento de lesão cutânea. Utilizou-se o método de revisão integrativa da literatura. Fizeram parte da amostra 12 estudos com nível de evidências I, II, III e IV, formados por pacientes com lesão cutânea tratada durante qualquer período de tempo com hidrocolóide placa ou alginato de cálcio. Os desfechos avaliados foram redução da área, cicatrização da lesão, taxa de cicatrização, tempo e infecção. Os resultados permitiram estabelecer três recomendações para o uso de hidrocolóide e nenhuma para uso de alginato de cálcio no tratamento de lesão crônica.

Hydrocolloid and calcium alginate are used to treat cutaneous injuries and many health professionals do not know about its cicatrization effects. This study had the objective to identify the evidences of the action of the hydrocolloid and calcium alginate dressing in the treatment of cutaneous injuries. The method of integrative review was used. 12 studies with evidence levels I, II, III and IV were part of the sample; they were composed by patients with cutaneous injuries treated in any period of time with hydrocolloid dressing or calcium alginate. The evaluated outcomes had been reduction of the area, cicatrization of the injury, rate of cicatrization, time and infection. The results had allowed establishing three recommendations for the use of hydrocolloid and none for use of alginate of calcium in the treatment of chronic injury.

El hidrocoloide y el alginato de calcio se utilizan en el tratamiento de lesiones en la piel y muchos profesionales de la salud desconocen sus efectos sobre la cicatrización de heridas. Este estudio pretende identificar evidencia de acción de placas de alginato de calcio y de hidrocoloide para el tratamiento de la lesión cutánea. Se utilizó el método de revisión integradora. Fueran incluidos en la muestra 12 estudios con nivel de evidencia I, II, III y IV, formado por pacientes con lesión cutánea tratado durante cualquier período de tiempo con hidrocoloide placa o con alginato de calcio. Los resultados evaluados fueran reducción del área, cicatrización de lesión, tasa de cicatrización, tiempo e infección. Los resultados han permitido establecer tres recomendaciones para el uso del hidrocoloide y ninguna para el uso del alginato de calcio en el tratamiento de heridas.

Humanos , Alginatos/uso terapêutico , Pele/lesões , Coloides/uso terapêutico , Ácido Glucurônico/uso terapêutico , Ácidos Hexurônicos/uso terapêutico , Pele/efeitos dos fármacos , Cicatrização/efeitos dos fármacos , Ferimentos e Lesões/tratamento farmacológico