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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018091


Gastric cancer is one of the major diseases threatening human health, with a high incidence and a low early diagnostic rate. There are many bottlenecks encountered during its treatment. Consequently, improving the early diagnostic rate and exploring new therapeutic targets are currently urgent challenges that need to be addressed. Telomerase is undetectable in normal tissues, but it exhibits high specificity and sensitivity in most cancers and has a definite correlation with prognosis. It may serve as a serum tumor marker and prognostic indicator. Human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) gene polymorphism can regulate the susceptibility of people to gastric cancer, and affect the occurrence, development, proliferation and apoptosis of gastric cancer through its target gene. Substances such as resistin, visfatin, G-quadruplex and methylenedioxyaniline can affect the occurrence and development of gastric cancer by regulating telomerase expression. The mechanism by which hTERT regulates tumor invasion and metastasis is currently unclear, so elucidating its mechanism is of great significance.This paper will review the research progress of this mechanism in recent years.

Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 29: e29047, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529040


El objetivo del estudio fue examinar la relación entre el apoyo/control docente a las relaciones sociales de los estudiantes y la implicación y las conductas disruptivas, y examinar el efecto mediador de la cohesión de clase. Participaron 718 estudiantes de Educación Física entre los 15 y 18 años (M = 15.65; DT = .70). Los resultados del estudio correlacional mostraron que el apoyo docente hacia las relaciones sociales se relacionó positivamente con la implicación y negativamente con las conductas disruptivas. En cambio, el control a las relaciones sociales se relacionó negativamente con la implicación y positivamente con las conductas disruptivas. Finalmente, los resultados mostraron que la cohesión de la clase medió entre el apoyo a las relaciones sociales y la implicación. En conclusión, el apoyo a las relaciones sociales y la cohesión de clase pueden producir un impacto significativo en la implicación y comportamientos disruptivos. (AU)

O objetivo do estudo foi examinar a relação entre o apoio/controle do professor nas relações sociais dos alunos e o envolvimento intraclasse e comportamentos disruptivos, além de examinar o efeito mediador da coesão de classe. Participaram 718 alunos de Educação Física entre 15 e 18 anos (M = 15.65; SD = .70). Os resultados do estudo correlacional mostraram que o apoio do professor às relações sociais foi positivamente relacionado ao envolvimento e negativamente relacionado aos comportamentos disruptivos. Em contraste, o controle das relações sociais foi negativamente relacionado ao envolvimento e positivamente relacionado aos comportamentos disruptivos. Por fim, os resultados mostraram que a coesão de classe mediava o apoio às relações sociais e o envolvimento. Em conclusão, o apoio às relações sociais e à coesão de classe pode ter um impacto significativo no envolvimento e nos comportamentos disruptivos. (AU)

The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between teacher support/control of students' social relations and class engagement and disruptive behaviors, as well as to examine the mediating effect of class cohesion. 718 Physical Education students between 15 and 18 years participated (M = 15.65; SD = .70) in this study. The results of the correlational study showed that teacher support for relatedness was positively related to engagement and negatively related to disruptive behaviors. In contrast, relatedness control was negatively related to engagement and positively related to disruptive behaviors. Finally, the results showed that class cohesion mediated relatedness support and engagement. In conclusion, relatedness support and class cohesion can significantly impact engagement and disruptive behaviors. (AU)

Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Comportamento e Mecanismos Comportamentais , Ensino
Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 472-475, 2022.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-923155


Abstract@#Allostatic load (AL) is related to stress. Adverse childhood experiences(ACEs), as a common stress in childhood, can make a serious and lasting impact on it. Allostatic load can reflect the wear and tear of an individual s physiological system. This article mainly reviews the functional changes of several systems of AL who have experienced ACEs, including neuroendocrine, metabolism, immune, and cardiovascular systems, as well as the different effects of the occurrence time and subtypes of ACES on AL, providing some theoretical basis for the development of early intervention plans in the future and reducing the occurrence and development of deleterious outcomes.

Texto & contexto enferm ; 30: e20190391, 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1252273


ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze gender-representative images on toy packaging for children over three years of age. Method: this is a photo ethnographic study developed in play sections of six department stores located in one of the municipalities in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro in August 2018. Image analysis was applied to 17 photographs of toy packages according to criteria repetition, content type and low cost to purchase, associated with content analysis. Results: the images partially reflect their content. The gender colors in the packaging and contents are traditional (pink and lilac) and unrealistic in the toys for girls. Those with images of boys have neutral and realistic colors (gray, olive green, navy blue). Miniaturized or life-size toys items "for girls" include those that encourage playing 'house' (dish rack and cups), personal care (makeup and clothing) and maternity (dolls). "For boys", they strengthen the social image of family protector (hero), home provider (tools, builder, and executive) and "male" professions (cook, fireman, policeman). Conclusion: these images reinforce binary conceptions of gender, stereotyped in society, rooting cultural constructions of the adult world in the development of children over three years old.

RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar imágenes representativas del género en los envases de juguetes para niños mayores de tres años. Método: estudio foto etnográfico, desarrollado en secciones de juguetes de seis grandes almacenes ubicados en uno de los municipios de la región metropolitana de Rio de Janeiro, en agosto de 2018. Se aplicó análisis de imagen a 17 fotografías de empaques de juguetes según criterio repetición, tipo de contenido y bajo costo de compra, asociado al análisis de contenido. Resultados: las imágenes reflejan parcialmente su contenido. Los colores de género en el empaque y el contenido son tradicionales (rosa y lila) y poco realistas en los juguetes para niñas. Aquellos con imágenes de niños tienen colores neutros y realistas (gris, verde oliva, azul marino). Los juguetes miniaturizados o de tamaño natural "para niñas" incluyen aquellos que fomentan el juego del "ama de casa" (escurreplatos y tazas), el cuidado personal (maquillaje y ropa) y la maternidad (muñecas). "Para los niños", fortalecer la imagen social de protector familiar (héroe), proveedor de hogar (herramientas, constructor y ejecutivo) y profesiones "masculinas" (cocinero, bombero, policía). Conclusión: estas imágenes refuerzan concepciones binarias de género, estereotipadas en la sociedad, enraizando construcciones culturales del mundo adulto en el desarrollo de niños mayores de tres años.

RESUMO Objetivo: analisar imagens representativas de gênero nas embalagens de brinquedos para crianças acima de três anos de idade. Método: estudo foto etnográfico, desenvolvido em seções de brinquedos de seis lojas de departamento localizadas em um dos municípios da região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, no mês de agosto de 2018. Aplicou-se a análise imagética em 17 fotografias de embalagens de brinquedos segundo critérios de repetição, tipo de conteúdo e baixo custo para aquisição, associado à análise de conteúdo. Resultados: as imagens refletem parcialmente seu conteúdo. As cores de gênero nas embalagens e conteúdos são tradicionais (rosa e lilás) e irrealistas nos brinquedos para meninas. Aqueles com imagens de meninos possuem cores neutras e realistas (cinza, verde oliva, azul marinho). Brinquedos miniaturizados ou em tamanho natural "para as meninas" incluem os que estimulam o brincar de 'dona-de-casa' (escorredor de louça e xícaras), cuidados pessoais (maquiagem e vestuário) e maternagem (bonecas). "Para meninos", fortalecem a imagem social de protetor da família (herói), provedor do lar (ferramentas, construtor e executivo) e profissões "masculinas" (cozinheiro, bombeiro, policial). Conclusão: essas imagens reforçam concepções binárias de gênero, estereotipadas na sociedade, enraizando construções culturais do mundo adulto no desenvolvimento de crianças nas idades acima de três anos.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Jogos e Brinquedos , Enfermagem em Saúde Pública , Comportamento e Mecanismos Comportamentais , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Jogos Recreativos , Identidade de Gênero
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1287495


ABSTRACT Objective: To provide an overview of the most relevant studies on non-pharmacological behaviour management techniques for contemporary children, the so-called alpha generation, who undergo dental treatment. Material and Methods: A systematic search was performed on the Medline/PubMed and Google Scholar (grey literature) databases. The articles were read and data collected by two reviewers on an independent basis. Two reviewers collected data from the studies selected in tables structured by using the Rayyan QCRI software. The following data were extracted: year of study, child's age, child's gender, technique used. Results: A total of 322 articles were found, remaining only 17 after duplicates were removed and inclusion and exclusion criteria applied. The studies were conducted between 2010 and 2019 in Saudi Arabia, Greece, India, Brazil, USA, Italy, and Switzerland. The samples ranged from 15 to 306 children aged between 3 and 10 years old. The children attended the dental office for different reasons, ranging from simple prevention to endodontic treatment under local anaesthesia. Several behaviour modification methods are known to be used before and during a dental consultation. Conclusion: After reading the articles, we concluded that alpha generation children are inserted in a daily environment of modernization and that conventional non-pharmacological techniques using technology, such as audio-visual glasses, are more interesting and make children distracted and relaxed during dental treatment, thus minimizing their stress, anxiety and fear.

Comportamento e Mecanismos Comportamentais , Comportamento Infantil , Ansiedade ao Tratamento Odontológico , Assistência Odontológica para Crianças , Manobra Psicológica , Brasil , Criança , Odontopediatria
Artigo em Inglês | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1135511


Abstract Objective: To assess the learning motivation level in Oral Medicine (OM) among Universitas Indonesia dental students. Material and Methods: This research used an analytic-descriptive study with a cross-sectional design by gathering data directly from total population of Universitas Indonesia dental students. Participants were divided into three groups based on curriculum: G1: pre-clinical who have not had OM, G2: pre-clinical who had taken OM, and G3: clinical years. Data gathering was using Science Motivation Questionnaire II (SMQ-II), which include five motivation components: intrinsic motivation, self-efficacy, self-determination, grade motivation and career motivation. Results: The response rate of this study was 96.6% (743 subjects). The Intraclass Correlation Coefficient of 0.941 indicated good internal consistency. In discriminant validity test, grade motivation and career motivation of pre-clinical groups showed no significant difference. Among three, G3 acquired the highest mean score for highly motivated groups (67.27), followed by G2 (65.89), ended by G1 (62.54). The highest mean score for overall motivation, acquired by G3. Conclusion: Clinical years group have the highest motivation level to learn in Oral Medicine.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Estudantes de Odontologia , Comportamento e Mecanismos Comportamentais , Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas/métodos , Medicina Bucal , Indonésia/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais/métodos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Interpretação Estatística de Dados , Motivação
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1101290


Abstract Objective: To evaluate child anxiety prior to dental care; to compare the results obtained by applying different anxiety tests and to assess whether anxiety is related to age or gender, and to identify which test children find to be more attractive and easier to understand. Material and Methods: The research was performed with 30 children of both genders and age group of 4-9 years distributed into Group 1 = children aged 4, 5 and 6 years and Group 2 = children aged 7, 8 and 9 years. Modified Venham Picture Test (VPT), RMS Pictorial Scale (RMS-PS) and Facial Image Scale (FIS) were the anxiety evaluation tests used. For statistical analysis, the Shapiro Wilk Normality test, Spearman correlation and the Independent Proportions test were used. Results: Modified VPT identified 70% anxiety-free children, RMS-PS 90%, and FIS 87%. RMS-PS and FIS scores had moderate correlation (51%). Regarding age groups, no significant difference was found between proportions of group 1 and group 2. According to gender, in 11 girls, the modified VPT test identified 3 (27%) with some anxiety degree; RMS-PS test identified 1 (9%) and FIS test 2 (18%). In 19 boys, modified VPT test identified 6 (32%) with some anxiety degree; RMS-PS test identified 2 (11%) and the FIS test 2 (11%). The test that was the easiest to understand was the modified VPT (54%) and regarding attractiveness, modified VPT and RMS-PS presented similar results, 40% each. Conclusion: All three tests were able to identify anxiety prior to dental care. The evaluation of results showed that the more the children could identify themselves with the test, the more they found it to be easy and attractive.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Criança , Comportamento Infantil/psicologia , Ansiedade ao Tratamento Odontológico/etiologia , Odontopediatria , Escala de Ansiedade Frente a Teste , Brasil/epidemiologia , Estatísticas não Paramétricas
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 19(1): 4074, 01 Fevereiro 2019. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-997985


Objective: To evaluate levels of anxiety in children and adolescents related to age and experience of visits to the dentist using the modified Venham Picture Test (VPTm). Material and Methods: This is a quantitative cross-sectional study with convenience sample. Children and adolescents of both sexes, subdivided into age groups of 6-9 years (A1 and A2) and 10-13 years (B1 and B2), in the waiting room of a Dental Clinic, were grouped according to the experience of visits to the dentist (have been to the dentist / have never been to the dentist). Descriptive statistics were mean, standard deviation and frequency of cases. The Kolmogorov- Smirnov (K-S) was used for normality analysis, with 95% significance level. Inferential statistics was performed using the Chi-Square and Mann-Whitney tests, with p<0.05. Results: In total, 60 children and 60 adolescents were evaluated, 65 (54.16%) males and 55 (45.83%) females. No differences were observed between genders in groups A1 and A2 (p = 0.30) and B1 and B2 (p = 0.94). The highest means of the VPTm scale were observed in groups A2 and B2 (2.87 ± 2.30 and 2.13 ± 1.29) and the lowest in groups A1 and B1 (1.13 ± 1.45 and 1.20 ± 1.29), respectively. Statistical differences were observed for the mean VPTm scores between age groups A1 and A2 (p = 0.004) and B1 and B2 (p = 0.018). Conclusion: The level of anxiety was inversely proportional to age, so younger children were more anxious; it was also observed that children and adolescents who had never been to the dentist tended to be more anxious.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Criança , Estudos Transversais/métodos , Adolescente , Ansiedade ao Tratamento Odontológico/etiologia , Comportamento e Mecanismos Comportamentais , Brasil
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 19(1): 4655, 01 Fevereiro 2019. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-998268


Objective: To know the influence of handling child anxiety with modeling and reinforcement technique on changes in pulse rate in dental and oral care. Material and Methods: The sample consisted of 53 children aged 6-12 years who first came to pedodontic clinic in dental and oral hospital education of Hasanuddin University. Anxiety level was measured using objective parameters, measurement of radial pulse. Measurement of anxiety level was done before and after modeling and reinforcement was given through three treatments: I: dental models; II: game and III: video modeling and reinforcement. Data analysis was done using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and Friedman test. Results: There was a decrease before and after modeling and reinforcement. Before intervention, the average pulse rates in treatment I, II and III were 90.79, 88.00 and 88.38, respectively. After intervention, the average decrease in pulse rate of five beats per minute seen in the first treatment (85.15), a decrease of seven beats per minute on the second treatment (81.98), while in treatment III the average decrease was eight beats per minute (80.19) (p<0.001). Conclusion: Modeling and reinforcement technique effectively reduces children's anxiety levels for dental and oral care.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Ansiedade/psicologia , Comportamento e Mecanismos Comportamentais , Ansiedade ao Tratamento Odontológico/psicologia , Assistência Odontológica para Crianças , Estatísticas não Paramétricas , Indonésia
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 64(10): 902-908, Oct. 2018. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-976784


SUMMARY INTRODUCTION: Knowledge about student motivation allows educators to broaden their understanding and to establish strategies that make it possible to enhance motivation. OBJECTIVES To investigate the levels of student motivation at different phases of medical education, comparing incoming students' motivation with that of those at the end of their studies, as well as during the different preclinical, clinical, and clerkship cycles. METHOD: Cross-sectional study including students from a Brazilian public university. The questionnaire included sociodemographic data and the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS). Student motivation was compared at different phases of the medical course. RESULTS: 710 students were included. Students in the preclinical phase (1st-2nd years) had higher levels of integrated regulation AMS (e.g.,"Education is a privilege."), introjected regulation AMS (e.g."I come because it is what is expected of me."), and intrinsic motivation AMS (e.g."School is a pleasure"). Students in the clinical phase (3rd-4th years) had higher levels of amotivation (e.g., "I'm wasting my time at school.") and external regulation AMS (e.g., "I'm coming to school to earn a degree"). AMS levels of external regulation, introjected relation, and integrated regulation were different for Clerkship students (5th-6th years) compared to preclinical students, but not for clinical students. Comparing only the first and last years, incoming students had higher levels of integrated regulation AMS and lower levels of amotivation AMS and external regulation AMS. CONCLUSION: Important motivational changes were found during different phases of medical school, with higher levels of motivation during the course's initial semesters. These findings can aid in developing educational strategies to stimulate self-determined education.

RESUMO INTRODUÇÃO: O conhecimento sobre a motivação dos estudantes possibilita aos educadores ampliar sua compreensão e estabelecer estratégias que possam potencializá-la. OBJETIVOS: Investigar a motivação do estudante em diferentes momentos da formação médica, comparando-se a motivação de alunos ingressantes e do final do curso, assim como nas diferentes fases pré-clínica, clínica e internato. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal incluindo estudantes de uma universidade pública brasileira. O questionário incluiu dados sociodemográficos e a Escala de Motivação Acadêmica (EMA). A motivação dos estudantes foi comparada nas diferentes fases do curso. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 710 estudantes de medicina. Houve diferenças significantes entre a motivação nas diferentes fases do curso de medicina. Estudantes nas fase pré-clínica (1o e 2o anos) possuíam maiores níveis de EMA regulação integrada (e.g. "Educação é um privilégio"), EMA regulação introjetada (e.g. "venho porque é isso que esperam de mim") e EMA motivação intrínseca (e.g. "universidade é um prazer"). já estudantes da fase clínica (3o e 4o anos) possuíam maiores níveis de EMA desmotivação (e.g. "estou perdendo meu tempo na universidade") e EMA regulação externa (e.g. "venho à universidade para conseguir o diploma"). Os estudantes do internato (5o e 6o anos) obtiveram resultados não significantes em relação ao período clínico, mas diferentes em relação ao pré-clínico na EMA regulação externa, EMA regulação introjetada e EMA regulação Integrada. Comparando-se apenas o primeiro com o último semestre do curso, os alunos ingressantes possuíam maiores níveis de EMA regulação integrada e menores níveis de EMA desmotivação e EMA regulação externa. CONCLUSÃO: Foram encontradas mudanças motivacionais importantes entre as diferentes fases da formação médica, tendo maiores níveis de motivação nos períodos iniciais do curso. Esses achados podem auxiliar o desenvolvimento de estratégias educacionais que estimulem a educação autodeterminada.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Estudantes de Medicina/psicologia , Motivação , Fatores de Tempo , Universidades , Brasil , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Setor Público , Educação Médica , Prazer
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 18(1): 4064, 15/01/2018. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-966883


Objective: To determine the prevalence of dental anxiety and associated factors among 5 to10 years old Indian children. Material and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the sample was composed by 462 children (240 male and 222 female). Questionnaires consisting of dental anxiety scales were distributed to mother-child pair participants. Children fear survey schedule-dental subscale was used to assess child dental anxiety and Corah's dental anxiety scale was used to measure maternal dental anxiety. Age, gender, religion were also recorded to check the correlation of these factors with the child dental anxiety. Data was analyzed using SPSS software. Fisher's exact test and Pearson correlation tests were applied. The level of significance was set at 5%. Results: The cut-off score for CFSS-DS was 36. The prevalence of dental anxiety was 24.5% among 5 to 10 year old children. Although a statistically significant association was found between maternal and child dental anxiety (p=0.000), no significant association existed between age, gender, culture (religion) and child dental anxiety (p>0.05). Conclusion: Prevalence of dental anxiety was high in the Indian child population. Maternal dental anxiety was found to significantly influence the child dental anxiety, as compared to age, gender or the religion.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Criança , Prevalência , Ansiedade ao Tratamento Odontológico/prevenção & controle , Índia , Inquéritos e Questionários
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 15(1): 345-360, 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-796380


To identify and discuss the evidence on the use of two psychological theories in preventive oral health behaviors: the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and the theory of Implementation Intentions (II).Material and Methods:We conducted a literature review from the keywords ætheory of planned behaviorÆ, æoral healthÆ and æimplementation intentionsÆ and their equivalents in Portuguese, referring to the databases Bireme (BVS), PubMed (Medline version) and Scielo, from January 1991 to July 2015. After the selection of studies, they were divided into three groups according to their use in the field of oral health: a) use of TPB, b) use of II and c) those which used an association of both theories.Results:We recovered 159 articles on the topic. After analysis, 25 articles met the inclusion criteria. Of these, 21 used the TPB in oral health, three the theory of Intent Implementation in oral health and one used the two together (TPB and II) in oral health. We found that the TPB and II showed promising results both in terms of prediction of preventive behaviors and in the promotion of changes in preventive oral health behaviors. Conclusion:The evidence raised in this study showed that the TPB and II are theories that can help researchers / health professionals to predict and to change preventive oral health behaviors. However, additional research is needed to test their effectiveness in other oral health behaviors, age groups and longer follow-up times...

Humanos , Adaptação Psicológica , Educação em Saúde , Higiene Bucal/educação , Promoção da Saúde , Saúde Bucal/educação , Brasil
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-395936


Survivin is closely related to biological behavior of multiple cancers. Significant research progresses have been made in determining Survivin's expression and functional mechanisms in tumor cells. Survivin has been used in identifying tumor markers, predicting prognosis, investigating malignant behaviors and other aspects of cancer research.

Investig. enferm ; 12(1): 7-24, ene.-jun. 2010. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-641146


Introducción: El cáncer de seno no sólo se caracteriza por sus elevadas cifras estadísticas, sino por las cargas emocionales que conlleva y que desempeñan un papel importante en la enfermedad, pues estas se equilibran a través del proceso de afrontamiento mediante dos estrategias: una activa (relacionada con enfrentar la enfermedad de manera directa) y una pasiva (que trata de evitar y negar el conflicto que vive la mujer). Objetivo: Establecer la confiabilidad del cuestionario Brief COPE Inventory (BCI) en versión en español para evaluar estrategias de afrontamiento en mujeres con cáncer de seno. Metodología: Estudio psicométrico con 140 aplicaciones del cuestionario a pacientes en una unidad oncológica de Bogotá. Para el análisis se utilizó el programa estadístico SPSS 16.0, que determinó la confiabilidad a través del modelo alfa de Cronbach. Resultados: El estudio determinó para el BCI un alfa de Cronbach total de 0,698. Para la dimensión afrontamientoactivo, el valor del alfa fue de 0,663, y para la dimensión afrontamiento pasivo, de 0,523. El cuestionario quedó conformado por 28 ítems que evalúan dos dimensiones:afrontamiento activo y afrontamiento pasivo, cada una con siete estrategias. Conclusión: El BCI en versión en español aplicado a mujeres con cáncer de seno no sufrió cambios significativos en su constructo teórico, lo que muestra que puede utilizarse en esta población, así como en las que ya fue validado; sin embargo, se recomienda continuar con el análisis psicométrico, aplicándolo a población colombiana para evaluar estrategias de afrontamiento con el fin de obtener indicadores de validez externa...

Introduction: Breast cancer is not only characterized by their high statistical figures but also by emotional burdens that play an important role in the disease which are balanced through the process of coping, which is carried out using various strategies, with two forms: An active form (associated with the disease face a direct), and a passive form (seeks to avoid conflict and deny the patient lives). Objective: To establish the reliability of the questionnaire Brief COPE Inventory (BCI) in Spanish to assess coping strategies in women with breast cancer. Methodology: A psychometric questionnaire applications with 140 patients in an oncology unit in Bogota was used to analyze the statistical program SPSS 16.0, determining the reliability by Cronbach’s alpha model. Results: Showed the BCI in a Spanish Cronbach alpha of 0.698. For the active coping dimension value was 0.663, and for passive coping dimension 0.523. The questionnaire was composed of 28 items that assess two dimensions: coping and stand, each with seven coping strategies. Conclusion: The BCI in Spanish applied to women with breast cancer did not suffer significant changes in his theoretical construct, which shows that can be used in this population as well as the already approved and recommended to continue with the analysis applied to psychometric Colombian population to assess coping strategies in order to obtain indicators of external validity...

Introdução: O câncer de mama não só está caracterizado por seu alto número de casos, senão também pela carga emocional, que desempenha um papel importante na doença, aspecto que é equilibrado através do processo de afrontamento realizado por os doentes, mediante duas estratégias que incluem: uma forma ativa (relacionada com o afrontamento da doença) e uma forma passiva (que tenta evitar e negar o conflito). Objetivo: Determinar a confiabilidade do questionário Brief COPE Inventory (BCI) em versão ao espanhol para avaliar as estratégias de afrontamento em mulheres com câncer de mama. Metodologia: Foi feito um estudo psicometrico com 140 aplicações do questionário em doentes de uma unidade de cuidado de oncologia de Bogotá. Para o analise dos dados foi utilizado o programa estatístico SPSS 16.0, e se estabeleceu a confiabilidade com o modelo de alfa de Cronbach. Resultados: O estudo encontrou para o BCI um alfa de Cronbach global de 0,698. A dimensão de afrontamento ativo teve um valor de alfa de 0,663, e para a dimensão de afrontamento passivo, de 0,523. O questionário finalmente esta composto por 28 itens que avaliam duas dimensões: ativa e passiva, cada uma com sete estratégias de afrontamento. Conclusão: A versão em espanhol do BCI aplicado a mulheres com câncer da mama não sofreu alterações significativas na sua construção teórica, o que mostra que pode ser usado nesta população e naqueles onde foi validado o questionário, mas recomenda-se a continuar o análise psicométrica, aplicando-o à população colombiana com características similares para determinar os indicadores de validade externa...

Adaptação a Desastres , Neoplasias da Mama/diagnóstico , Psicologia
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 8(1)jan.-mar. 2010. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-542624


Objective: To evaluate the behavior of children before and after a therapeutic play session. Methods: A quantitative and descriptive study was carried out in a major hospital of the city of Santos, State of São Paulo, involving 30 preschool children recently admitted to a pediatric ward. A behavior scale was applied before and after a therapeutic play session. This scale comprises six categories: moving, gazing, expressing feelings, talking, playing, and not responding to stimuli or requests. Each category is scored from 1 to 3, the lowest score representing the least interaction. Results: Before therapeutic play sessions, children showed no interest and were scored 1 and 2: moving parts of their bodies and expressing emotions, such as seriousness, and gazing rapidly to a place as if expecting something. After therapeutic play, the children progressed to level 3: changing position, moving with a purpose, observing attentively to what they saw, and expressing emotions such as joy. Conclusion: Children interact well with the toys, representing home and hospital situations, and expressing feelings of anger and love. We also observed that therapeutic play improved the interactions of children with this new situation, making it easier for them to accept treatment and perceiving hospitalization as less aggressive and painful.

Objetivo: Avaliar o comportamento da criança antes e depois da sessão de brinquedo terapêutico. Métodos: Este estudo é de natureza quantitativa e descritiva, e foi realizado em um hospital de porte extra no município de Santos, Estado de São Paulo. Foi desenvolvido com 30 crianças pré-escolares recém-admitidas na unidade pediátrica, às quais foi aplicada uma escala comportamental antes e depois da sessão de brinquedo terapêutico. Essa escala abrange seis categorias: movimentar, olhar, expressar emoções, verbalizar, brincar e a última, na qual a criança não responde ao estímulo ou à solicitação. Cada categoria apresenta três níveis (1, 2 e 3) e quanto menor o nível, pior a interação da criança nesse novo momento. Resultados: Antes da sessão de brinquedo terapêutico, as crianças não mostravam interesse, foram encaixadas dentro dos níveis 1 e 2: movimentar parte do corpo e expressar emoções, como seriedade, dirigir o olhar a um local rapidamente como se estivessem esperando algo. Depois da sessão de brinquedo terapêutico, as crianças migraram do nível 1 para o nível 3, no qual mudavam de posição, deslocavam-se com uma finalidade, observavam atentamente o que viam e expressavam emoções, como alegria. Conclusões: A criança interage bem com o brinquedo, dramatizando situações domésticas e hospitalares, manifestando sentimentos de raiva e amor. Observou-se também que a sessão de brinquedo terapêutico propicia melhor interação da criança com esse novo momento que está vivendo, aceitando mais facilmente o tratamento e enxergando de forma menos agressiva e dolorosa sua hospitalização.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-390540


Important developments have been obtained in research for gastric carcinoma with maturity of proteomics technology.The proteomics technology has been used to determine gastric carcinoma specimens such as cell lines,tumor tissues,serum,gastric juice,etc.Achievements have been gained in finding tumor marker and investigating biological behavior of gastric carcinoma as well as other aspects.

Rev. méd. Chile ; 135(6): 708-717, jun. 2007. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-459573


Background: Gender must be considered in the design and implementation of health policies to safeguard equity and accomplish sanitary objectives. Aim: To identify gender perspective in the curricula of five health care careers in the Universidad Austral de Chile. To identify the situation of women in the teaching profile of such curricula. Material and methods: An exploratory and descriptive study with a critical reading of the structure of the programs of 217 courses. Revision of official academic registries. Results: Gender is usually not included in the curricula of health care careers. The generic language conceals female academics and students. There was a scarce inclusion of cross sectional issues such as collaborative work, interpersonal and democratic relationship, equity and critical analysis. There were no differences in academic achievements between female and male students. The contractual profile of female academics reproduces the gender inequity ofthe work market. Conclusions: The inclusion of gender is a pending task in the training of health care professionals).

Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Currículo , Atenção à Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos , Educação de Graduação em Medicina , Docentes/estatística & dados numéricos , Fatores Sexuais , Ensino , Mobilidade Ocupacional , Chile , Emprego , Relações Interpessoais , Preconceito , Política Pública , Faculdades de Medicina/estatística & dados numéricos , Estudantes/estatística & dados numéricos , Saúde da Mulher , Direitos da Mulher