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CienciaUAT ; 16(2): 40-58, ene.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374899


Resumen Los Tének son un pueblo originario de México que practica aún la medicina tradicional, reflejo de su interrelación con la naturaleza, su cosmovisión e identidad; sin embargo, este conocimiento se ha ido erosionado. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar las diferentes especies de plantas medicinales usadas por los Tének para tratar síntomas asociados a enfermedades y lesiones. Se aplicó una encuesta a 189 personas de 5 localidades de la Huasteca veracruzana, específicamente, del municipio de Tantoyuca, Veracruz, México. Además, se entrevistó a 19 médicos tradicionales. La información fue analizada a través de estadística descriptiva. Se detectaron 152 especies pertenecientes a 63 familias botánicas, de las cuales 10 concentran el 48 % de las especies identificadas. La forma biológica predominante fue la herbácea y 45 % de las especies eran silvestres. Las plantas medicinales mostraron tener una contribución importante en el sistema de salud de las localidades del área de estudio. Estas plantas son parte de su patrimonio biocultural, por lo que su germoplasma y su conocimiento tradicional asociado deben ser conservados ante condiciones como cambios del clima y del uso del suelo, la pobreza, y la migración de los más jóvenes; particularmente, porque este conocimiento tradicional ha sido heredado, básicamente, a través de la tradición oral.

Abstract The Tének culture is an indigenous group from Mexico that still performs traditional medicine practices which reflect their interaction and connection with nature, as well as their worldview, and identity. Nevertheless, this knowledge is being eroded. The present research aims to determine the different species of medicinal plants used by Tének to treat symptoms associated to illnesses and injuries. A survey was administered to 189 persons form 5 different rural localities in the Huasteca region from Veracrúz, specifically Tantoyuca municipality, Additionally, 19 indigenous, traditional medicine doctors were interviewed. The results were analyzed by descriptive statistics. As a result, 152 species were detected, which belong to 63 different botanical families. 48 % of the identified species belonged to 10 of these botanical species, the predominant biological form being herbaceous. Likewise, 45 % of the identified species are wild. Thus, medicinal plants play an important role in the healthcare system of the rural areas studied. These plants are part of their biocultural heritage, therefore their germplasm and associated traditional knowledge must be conserved in the face of conditions such as climate changes and land use, poverty, and the migration of the youngest; particularly because this traditional knowledge has basically been inherited through oral tradition.

Rev. Kairós ; 14(3): 51-66, set.2011.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-758637


Este artigo apresenta o conceito de cultura, especialmente mas não exclusivamente, para alunos de um Programa de Mestrado Interdisciplinar. A intenção é de familiarizar os interessados com um conceito básico da Antropologia que permita uma visão integradora do Humano. Dada a possibilidade da formação dos eventuais leitores ser bastante variada, algumas questões foram enfatizadas: a relação entre as dimensões biológica e cultural, as definições possíveis, a relação entre sociedade e cultura, simbolização, aprendizagem e mudança. O texto se move entre a necessidade de apresentar algumas questões-chave de maneira concisa e a exigência de evitar o excesso de simplificação. Sendo assim, este artigo é um passo inicial para o adensamento posterior do conceito e para a construção de um vocabulário comum...

This article presents the concept of culture, especially, though not exclusively, for students of an interdisciplinary Master’s Degree Program. The intention is to familiarize those interested with a basic concept of Anthropology that enables an integrating vision of the Human Being. Given that the potential readership is very varied, some questions were emphasized: the relationship between the biological and cultural dimensions, and possible definitions, the relationship between society and culture, symbolization, learning and change. The text shifts between the need to present some key questions in a concise way, and the need to avoid over-simplification. This article is therefore intended as an initial step, for subsequently strengthening the concept and constructing a common vocabulary...

Humanos , Cultura