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Military Medical Sciences ; (12): 917-922, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-694281


According to the topics of general interest during the Eighth Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention,including the implementation of the convention,dual use research,bioterrorism and bio-technology misuse,we can become informed of the current situation of international bio-safety.In line with the reality of China's current bio-safety strategy,corresponding recommendations are made arms control,regarding implementation of the convention,legal systems,and institutional mechanism.

Military Medical Sciences ; (12): 81-85, 2015.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-460198


Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) are the two important international conventions in the disarmament field ,aimed to eliminate chemical and biological weapons by prohibiting the development, production, acquisition, stockpiling and use of these weapons .Recently, research and development of sci-ence and technology continue to advance rapidly .A key feature is convergence of science disciplines .This has become a new force to speed up development of science and economy .In particular , the convergence of chemistry and biology , together with the rapid advances in life sciences , has been evident in its remarkable contribution to the developments of pharmaceutics, health care, green chemistry and environmental protection .On the other hand, the convergence of chemistry and biology also has significant implications for the implementation of CWC and BWC .In this article, we summarize the new trends in the convergence of chemistry and biology and its impact on the conventions .

Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-99035


The Laboratories engaging with microorganisms have some potential risks, depending on handling of pathogens. The safety management system to extend recognition of biosafety and biosecurity needs to be established and practiced in order to prevent hazard possibility and secure safety of researchers who deal with pathogen. As the importance and regulation of global biosafety and biosecurity tended to be intensified, various laws and institutions for the security of biosafety were established when the Act on implementation of Living Modified Organisms, an implantation act of Cartagena was enforced in Korea in 2008. In particular, the system of permission report for Living Modified Organism (LMO), Highly Dangerous Pathogens (HDPs) and Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), in order to prevent intended or non-intended leakage and occurrence of biohazard derived from pathogen and infectious substance and safely use them. The bioterrorism can be controlled and autonomous management of biosafety by agencies that handle pathogens can be also secured by practicing the various laws and institutions.

Armas Biológicas , Bioterrorismo , Jurisprudência , Coreia (Geográfico) , Gestão da Segurança
Rev. Inst. Nac. Hig ; 38(1): 34-38, jun. 2007.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-631730


La viruela ha desempeñado un papel sin paralelo en la historia de la humanidad y sigue siendo una amenaza potencial a la salud pública. A pesar de la significación histórica, aún es muy poco lo que sabemos de ella. Resulta difícil precisar el alcance de un brote de infección por el virus de la viruela como consecuencia de una liberación accidental o deliberada, pero mientras existan reservas del virus, el riesgo de liberación accidental no puede reducirse a cero. De abrirse la caja de Pandora, la humanidad estaría condenada a repetir la historia de ese flagelo, del cual no sabríamos predecir el comportamiento que tendría, ni su evolución. Deberíamos acelerar el momento en el que pongamos la viruela en los libros de historia, y no en el laboratorio.

The smallpox has played a part without parallel in the humanity’s history and it continues being a potential threat to the public health. In spite of the historical significance, it is still very little what we know about her. It is difficult to specify the reach of an outbreak of the smallpox, like consequence of an accidental or deliberate liberation, but while reservations of the virus exist, the risk of accidental liberation cannot decrease to zero. Of opening up the pandora box, the humanity would be condemned to repeat the history of diseases, of which we would not know how to predict the behavior that would have, neither her evolution. We should accelerate the moment in which put the smallpox in the Books of History, and not in the Laboratory.

Rev. Inst. Nac. Hig ; 38(1): 39-47, jun. 2007. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-631731


Terrorismo se define como la utilización de la violencia o de elementos de violencia con el objeto de inducir caos, pánico y terror en la colectividad, debilitando de esta manera a la sociedad y al Estado. Por su parte, se conoce como arma biológica (la vida contra la vida) a todo aquel arsenal con fines militares o terrorista que involucra, en su concepción y construcción, a todo agente, material y/o producto de naturaleza biológica, que al ser utilizados inducen efectos patogénicos en el hombre, animales y/o plantas. Sin embargo, si el blanco es el hombre, el impacto pudiese ser de carácter físico y/o psicológico; bien sobre el individuo o el colectivo. Desde la Antigüedad se han utilizado, con fines bélicoterroristas, elementos de naturaleza biológica (microorganismos, animales, plantas y hasta seres humanos) con potencial de generar enfermedad, dolor, caos o terror, con el objeto de cambiar la historia individual y/o colectiva del hombre. Hoy por hoy, se hace necesaria una investigación histórica que permita enmarcar en su real contexto la evolución de la idea del terrorismo biológico.

Terrorism has been defined as the recourse to violence or to the elements of violence in order to induce chaos, panic and terror in human community, to weaken society and political State. In addition, biological weapons (Life against life) are a military arsenal used in war and in terroristic attacks. In the conception and construction of biological weapons is the intentional use of agents, materials and/or products of biological nature. These elements can be used to produce pathogenic effects in plants, animals or human beings. In humans, these effects can cause physical and/or psychological alterations, both individual and human community. The use of biological elements (micro-organisms, animals, plants and human beings) in order to change the human history has been known for a long time. Today, the historical research about terrorism and biological warfare needs to be evaluated in a real context.

Rev. invest. clín ; 57(5): 695-705, sep.-oct. 2005. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-632451


The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the USA demonstrated our vulnerability to terrorist raids. Furthermore, in the same year inhalational anthrax cases in humans caused by the international release of Bacillus anthracis spores via the USA postal system inflicted a lot of panic and terror over the civilian population. The succeeding terrorist events scattered in several other countries are continous reminders of our failness and of the risk that terrorists attempts in the future may be implemented by means of deliberate evil release of biological agents. These events may be perpetrated by either the release of an infectious agent or any of its products in order to spread death or sickness in humans, animals, or plants with the obnoxius purpose of scaring governments and societies for the profit of particular ideological causes. In the current article, we present a review of the main bioterrorism agents, as well as a historical and clinical aspects and their significance for public health preparedness and response.

Los eventos terroristas del 11 de septiembre del 2001 en Estados Unidos de América (EUA) cambiaron para siempre nuestra percepción de la vulnerabilidad a los ataques terroristas. Aunado a esto, los primeros casos de ántrax en humanos ocasionados por la liberación intencional de esporas de Bacillus anthracis a través del sistema postal de EUA infligieron pánico y terror en la población general. Los subsecuentes eventos de terrorismo ocurridos en diversos países son recordatorios continuos de nuestra fragilidad y del riesgo que futuros ataques terroristas pudieran organizarse a través de liberación intencional de agentes biológicos. El bioterrorismo consiste en el uso intencional o amenaza de utilizar agentes biológicos; ya sea el propio agente infeccioso o sus productos para causar la muerte o enfermedad en humanos, animales o plantas con el objetivo de intimidar a gobiernos y sociedades en beneficio de causas ideológicas particulares. En el presente artículo se hace una revisión de los principales agentes del bioterrorismo, aspectos históricos, clínicos y terapéuticos, así como su prevención e importancia para la salud pública mundial.

Humanos , Bioterrorismo , Bioterrorismo/prevenção & controle