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Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 31(1): e26729, Jan.-Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565774


Abstract Beak deformity have a frequency of 0.5% in wild bird populations. In addition to being rare, beak deformities are also poorly reported in the Brazilian scientific literature. Here we report beak deformities in the species: Dendrocincla merula, Amazona ochrocephala and Pheugopedius genibarbis, all of which occurred in southwestern Brazilian Amazon. Dendrocolaptids make intensive use of their beaks in the search for insects and small vertebrates, where they explore in cracks in wood with lateral blows. In the case presented here, this behaviour may have been the cause of the breakage of the tip of this individual's maxilla. In Brazilian territory, few species of parrots were recorded with deformity in the beak and in the individual in this work, everything indicates that Amazona ochrocephala was a captive animal, as it was excessively thin and its diet probably had a low content of vitamins and calcium, where their deficiency even when the animal was a puppy may have contributed to the deformity of the maxilla. Cases of beak deformities in species of the Troglodytidae family are rare, but the individual in this work presented an unusual curvature in the maxilla not observed in other individuals in museum collections. Only with more reports will we be able to better understand the occurrence and causes of these beak deformities in wild birds.

Resumen La deformidad del pico es una característica rara y tiene una frecuencia baja, con 0.5% de casos en poblaciones de aves silvestres. Además de ser raras, las deformidades del pico también son escasamente reportadas en la literatura científica brasileña. Reportamos aquí deformidades en los picos de aves de las especies: Dendrocincla merula, Amazona ochrocephala y Pheugopedius genibarbis, en los cuales todos los registros ocurrieron en el sudoeste de la Amazonia brasileña. Los dendrocoláptidos hacen uso intensivo del pico en la búsqueda de insectos y pequeños vertebrados, explorando en grietas de la madera con golpes laterales. En el caso aquí presentado, este comportamiento de exploración pudo haber sido la causa de la rotura de la punta del maxilar de este individuo. En el territorio brasileño, pocas especies de loros fueron registradas con deformidad en el pico y en el individuo de este trabajo, todo indica que Amazona ochrocephala era un animal de cautiverio, ya que estaba excesivamente delgado y su dieta probablemente tenía un bajo contenido de vitaminas y calcio, donde su deficiencia incluso cuando el animal era un joven puede haber contribuido a la deformidad del maxilar. Los casos de deformidades del pico en especies de la familia Troglodytidae son raros, pero el individuo de este trabajo presentaba una curvatura inusual en el maxilar no observada en otros individuos de esta especie depositados en la colección científica. Sólo con más informes podremos entender mejor la ocurrencia y las causas de estas deformidades del pico en aves silvestres.

Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469245


Abstract The northwestern portion of the Upper Paraná Atlantic Forest ecoregion is one of the most disturbed and fragmented areas in the Atlantic Forest, and little is known about the local avifauna. In this study, we have described the composition and diversity of the aquatic avifauna of this region and analyzed the patterns of similarity with respect to the seasonal as well as spatial distribution. We used the line transect sampling technique in six distinct humid areas (including lentic and lotic water bodies) during the dry and rainy seasons of 2012 and 2013. A total of 52 species of waterfowl were recorded. The species richness of the studied areas was surprisingly distinct; only seven waterfowl species, namely Cairina moschata (Linnaeus, 1758), Tigrisoma lineatum (Boddaert, 1783), Rosthramus sociabilis (Vieillot, 1817), Aramus guarauna (Linnaeus, 1766), Vanellus chilensis (Molina, 1782), Jacana jacana (Linnaeus, 1766), and Arundinicola leucocephala (Linnaeus, 1764), were common to these six studied areas. This indicated that the other bird species that were observed might be habitat selective. Moreover, the analysis of the composition of birds in the two seasons (dry and rainy) combined with their spatial distributions showed significant dissimilarities between the areas with lotic (river and constructed wetland) and lentic (lagoons) characteristics. Nevertheless, despite the small extent and low total richness of the entire study area, it was found to be home to 1/3 of all freshwater aquatic birds documented in the state of São Paulo, with the record of 5 migratory species and 11 new species added to the northwest of the state. The heterogeneity of local aquatic environments, habitat selection combined with seasonality, and the absence of other humid locations in the surroundings can explain the diversity and distribution of these birds in the water bodies of this uninvestigated Atlantic Forest ecoregion.

Resumo A porção noroeste da ecorregião Floresta Atlântica do Alto Paraná é uma das mais alteradas e fragmentadas da Mata Atlântica, da qual pouco se sabe sobre a avifauna local. Nosso objetivo foi descrever a diversidade e composição da avifauna aquática, bem como analisar os padrões de similaridade quanto a distribuição temporal e espacial destas aves nesta ecorregião. Utilizamos a transecção linear para amostragem em seis áreas úmidas (corpos dágua lênticos e lóticos), nos períodos de seca e chuva entre 2012 e 2013. Registramos 52 espécies de aves aquáticas e as riquezas das áreas mostraram-se distintas, pois apenas Cairina moschata (Linnaeus, 1758), Tigrisoma lineatum (Boddaert, 1783), Rosthramus sociabilis (Vieillot, 1817), Aramus guarauna (Linnaeus, 1766), Vanellus chilensis (Molina, 1782), Jacana jacana (Linnaeus, 1766), and Arundinicola leucocephala (Linnaeus, 1764) foram comuns às seis áreas, o que indica seleção de habitat. Quando analisada a composição das aves nos dois períodos aliada à distribuição espacial, encontramos dissimilaridades temporais acentuadas entre os ambientes com características lóticas (rio e aterro) e lênticas (lagoas). Isto mostra que, além das diferentes épocas sazonais, é necessário analisar separadamente os diferentes tipos de áreas úmidas. Por fim, apesar da extensão pequena e baixa riqueza total, a área amostrada abrigou 1/3 das aves aquáticas de água doce para o estado de São Paulo, cinco espécies migratórias e 11 novas espécies para o noroeste do estado. A heterogeneidade de ambientes aquáticos locais, forte seleção de habitat aliada à sazonalidade e ausência de outros locais úmidos em seu entorno, explicam a diversidade e distribuição destas aves estreitamente relacionadas aos corpos dágua desta desconhecida ecorregião da Mata Atlântica.

Braz. j. biol ; 84: e251438, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345560


Abstract The northwestern portion of the Upper Paraná Atlantic Forest ecoregion is one of the most disturbed and fragmented areas in the Atlantic Forest, and little is known about the local avifauna. In this study, we have described the composition and diversity of the aquatic avifauna of this region and analyzed the patterns of similarity with respect to the seasonal as well as spatial distribution. We used the line transect sampling technique in six distinct humid areas (including lentic and lotic water bodies) during the dry and rainy seasons of 2012 and 2013. A total of 52 species of waterfowl were recorded. The species richness of the studied areas was surprisingly distinct; only seven waterfowl species, namely Cairina moschata (Linnaeus, 1758), Tigrisoma lineatum (Boddaert, 1783), Rosthramus sociabilis (Vieillot, 1817), Aramus guarauna (Linnaeus, 1766), Vanellus chilensis (Molina, 1782), Jacana jacana (Linnaeus, 1766), and Arundinicola leucocephala (Linnaeus, 1764), were common to these six studied areas. This indicated that the other bird species that were observed might be habitat selective. Moreover, the analysis of the composition of birds in the two seasons (dry and rainy) combined with their spatial distributions showed significant dissimilarities between the areas with lotic (river and constructed wetland) and lentic (lagoons) characteristics. Nevertheless, despite the small extent and low total richness of the entire study area, it was found to be home to 1/3 of all freshwater aquatic birds documented in the state of São Paulo, with the record of 5 migratory species and 11 new species added to the northwest of the state. The heterogeneity of local aquatic environments, habitat selection combined with seasonality, and the absence of other humid locations in the surroundings can explain the diversity and distribution of these birds in the water bodies of this uninvestigated Atlantic Forest ecoregion.

Resumo A porção noroeste da ecorregião Floresta Atlântica do Alto Paraná é uma das mais alteradas e fragmentadas da Mata Atlântica, da qual pouco se sabe sobre a avifauna local. Nosso objetivo foi descrever a diversidade e composição da avifauna aquática, bem como analisar os padrões de similaridade quanto a distribuição temporal e espacial destas aves nesta ecorregião. Utilizamos a transecção linear para amostragem em seis áreas úmidas (corpos d'água lênticos e lóticos), nos períodos de seca e chuva entre 2012 e 2013. Registramos 52 espécies de aves aquáticas e as riquezas das áreas mostraram-se distintas, pois apenas Cairina moschata (Linnaeus, 1758), Tigrisoma lineatum (Boddaert, 1783), Rosthramus sociabilis (Vieillot, 1817), Aramus guarauna (Linnaeus, 1766), Vanellus chilensis (Molina, 1782), Jacana jacana (Linnaeus, 1766), and Arundinicola leucocephala (Linnaeus, 1764) foram comuns às seis áreas, o que indica seleção de habitat. Quando analisada a composição das aves nos dois períodos aliada à distribuição espacial, encontramos dissimilaridades temporais acentuadas entre os ambientes com características lóticas (rio e aterro) e lênticas (lagoas). Isto mostra que, além das diferentes épocas sazonais, é necessário analisar separadamente os diferentes tipos de áreas úmidas. Por fim, apesar da extensão pequena e baixa riqueza total, a área amostrada abrigou 1/3 das aves aquáticas de água doce para o estado de São Paulo, cinco espécies migratórias e 11 novas espécies para o noroeste do estado. A heterogeneidade de ambientes aquáticos locais, forte seleção de habitat aliada à sazonalidade e ausência de outros locais úmidos em seu entorno, explicam a diversidade e distribuição destas aves estreitamente relacionadas aos corpos d'água desta desconhecida ecorregião da Mata Atlântica.

Animais , Aves , Biodiversidade , Estações do Ano , Brasil , Florestas , Ecossistema
Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 24(2): e20231605, 2024. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557175


Abstract Wildlife roadkill surveys in Brazil often focus on birds, as they are one of the main groups affected by road accidents. In addition roadkill, anthropogenic litter also contributes to a significant number of bird fatalities every year. The present study aimed to investigate the stomach contents and possible contamination by inorganic material of birds killed on a federal highway that crosses the Serra de Itabaiana National Park in the state of Sergipe, Brazil. Monitoring and data collection were carried out from January to June 2022, with a motorcycle at an average speed of 60 km/h. The collected animals were transported to the Institute of Technology and Research, located at the Tiradentes University, Sergipe, Brazil, and a plastic material was identified. The plastic material found was subjected to Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), which showed a similar wavenumber to a polymer in the polypropylene chain, very common in plastic packaging. The presence of plastics and metals in the intestinal contents of Caracara plancus and Crotophaga ani is noteworthy, as they have a greater tendency to ingest plastics due to their generalist diet. Plastic contamination in Progne chalybea and Nyctidromus albicollis probably occurred through bioaccumulation, from the consumption of insects contaminated by microplastics.

Resumo As pesquisas sobre atropelamentos de animais silvestres no Brasil geralmente se concentram nas aves, pois elas são um dos principais grupos afetados por acidentes rodoviários. Além dos atropelamentos, o lixo antropogênico também contribui para um número significativo de mortes de aves todos os anos. O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar o conteúdo estomacal e possível contaminação por material inorgânico de aves atropeladas em uma rodovia federal que atravessa o Parque Nacional da Serra de Itabaiana, no estado de Sergipe, Brasil. O monitoramento e a coleta de dados foram realizados no período de janeiro a junho de 2022, com uma motocicleta a uma velocidade média de 60 km/h. Os animais coletados foram transportados para o Instituto de Tecnologia e Pesquisa situado na Universidade Tiradentes, Sergipe, Brasil, onde foi identificado um material plástico. O material plástico encontrado foi submetido à espectroscopia no infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR), que mostrou número de onda semelhante a um polímero da cadeia do polipropileno, muito comum em embalagens plásticas. Chama a atenção a presença de plásticos e metais no conteúdo intestinal de Caracara plancus e Crotophaga ani, pois apresentam maior tendência à ingestão de plásticos devido à dieta generalista. A contaminação plástica em Progne chalybea e Nyctidromus albicollis provavelmente ocorreu por bioacumulação, a partir do consumo de insetos contaminados por microplásticos.

CienciaUAT ; 18(1): 6-24, jul.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513968


RESUMEN El Bosque Mesófilo de Montaña (BMM) del centro de Veracruz, México, representa un paisaje alterado por actividades antrópicas, por lo que es necesario evaluar el potencial evolutivo y adaptativo de las aves refugiadas en el sitio, las cuales se enfrentan a un paisaje con un gradiente heterogéneo. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la diversidad de aves en fragmentos de BMM y vegetación secundaria (VS), en el predio Finca La Pastoría, Huatusco, Veracruz, así como, asociar su presencia y/o alimentación a cada hábitat evaluado. Se identificaron las especies y número de individuos en 14 sitios de observación de aves, con el método de muestreo basado en conteo por puntos con radio fijo de 30 m. Se registraron 100 especies pertenecientes a 33 familias y 15 órdenes. En el BMM se identificaron 916 individuos, correspondientes a 89 especies, y en VS 331 individuos de 54 especies, encontrando diferencias significativas de diversidad de aves entre coberturas de muestreo. Destacan los registros de Dendrortyx barbatus, Leptotila verreauxi y Vireo griseus, por ser endémicas. La primera está clasificada en peligro de extinción, mientras que la segunda se encuentra sujeta a protección especial y la tercera amenazada. También se registraron Pionus senilis, especie amenazada; Falco peregrinus, Micrastur semitorquatus, Passerina ciris, Psarocolius montezuma, Myadestes occidentalis y Amazona albifrons, sujetas a protección especial. Este estudio brinda información sobre cómo la avifauna hace uso diferencial de dos coberturas de vegetación, la cual puede servir para generar estrategias sustentables para el manejo y conservación del bosque.

ABSTRACT The Cloud Forest (CF) in central Veracruz, Mexico, represents a landscape that has been altered by anthropic activities. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the evolutionary and adaptive potential of the birds sheltered in the site, which face a landscape with a heterogeneous gradient. The objective of the study was to describe the diversity of birds in fragments of CF and secondary vegetation (VS), in the property "Finca La Pastoría", Huatusco, Veracruz. The species and number of individuals in 14 bird watching sites were identified, with the sampling method based on counting points with a fixed radius of 30 m. 100 species from 33 families and 15 orders were recorded. In the CF, 916 individuals were identified, corresponding to 89 species, and in VS 331 individuals of 54 species, finding significant differences in bird diversity between sampling coverages. The records of Dendrortyx barbatus, Leptotila verreauxi and Vireo griseus stand out for being endemic and classified as endangered and threatened, respectively. Furthermore, Pionus senilis, a threatened species, as well as Falco peregrinus, Micrastur semitorquatus, Passerina ciris, Psarocolius montezuma, Myadestes occidentalis and Amazona albifrons, subject to special protection, were also recorded. This study provides information on how the birds make differential use of two vegetation covers, which can be used to generate sustainable strategies for forest management and conservation.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981092


OBJECTIVE@#To improve the understanding of the virome and bacterial microbiome in the wildlife rescue station of Poyang Lake, China.@*METHODS@#Ten smear samples were collected in March 2019. Metagenomic sequencing was performed to delineate bacterial and viral diversity. Taxonomic analysis was performed using the Kraken2 and Bracken methods. A maximum-likelihood tree was constructed based on the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) region of picornavirus.@*RESULTS@#We identified 363 bacterial and 6 viral families. A significant difference in microbial and viral abundance was found between samples S01-S09 and S10. In S01-S09, members of Flavobacteriia and Gammaproteobacteria were the most prevalent, while in S10, the most prevalent bacteria class was Actinomycetia. Among S01-S09, members of Myoviridae and Herelleviridae were the most prevalent, while the dominant virus family of S10 was Picornaviridae. The full genome of the pigeon mesivirus-like virus (NC-BM-233) was recovered from S10 and contained an open reading frame of 8,124 nt. It showed the best hit to the pigeon mesivirus 2 polyprotein, with 84.10% amino acid identity. Phylogenetic analysis showed that RdRp clustered into Megrivirus B.@*CONCLUSION@#This study provides an initial assessment of the bacteria and viruses in the cage-smeared samples, broadens our knowledge of viral and bacterial diversity, and is a way to discover potential pathogens in wild birds.

Animais , Animais Selvagens/genética , Lagos , Filogenia , Picornaviridae/genética , Vírus/genética , China , Metagenômica , Genoma Viral
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 47-52, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003633


Objective@#To describe the treatment outcomes of patients with chest wall tumors undergoing resection and Birdcage chest wall reconstruction in the local setting. @*Methods@#Data were obtained from 13 patients who underwent chest wall resection and Bird-cage (methylmethacrylate neo-rib, mesh, soft tissue, and skin) reconstruction in the Philippine General Hospital from January 2008 to September 2019. Demographics, operative procedures, 30-day operative morbidity, and mortality were evaluated using means and frequencies.@*Results@#We included 13 (77% female) patients with a mean age of 44.5 years. The most common indication for chest wall resection was recurrent neoplasm (5/13, 38.46%). The most extensive chest wall defect was 600 cm2. The average length of ICU stay was 5.15 days, and two patients had prolonged intubation (>3 days). The graft infection rate was 38%, pneumonia 23%, and the operative mortality rate was zero.@*Conclusion@#Bird-cage reconstruction is a safe, reliable, and cheap method of providing rigid chest wall reconstruction for chest wall tumor resection.

China Tropical Medicine ; (12): 1063-2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016698


@#Abstract: Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of the migratory bird population with hypertension in Hainan and to provide a basis for the health management of the migratory bird population. Methods One hundred and eighty migratory birds with hypertension who had lived in in the Mangrove Bay community of Chengmai, Hainan for 3 months or more were selected as the study population. Demographic data, including gender, age, ethnicity, occupation, medication use, family history of hypertension, hometown living environment, Hainan living environment (presence of water area and greenbelt around the residence, type of water area and greenbelt), smoking and alcohol consumption, and height and weight were collected by questionnaire and physical examination to investigate the epidemiological characteristics of the study subjects, and unconditional dichotomous logistic regression analysis was used to identify factors affecting the reduction of blood pressure among the hypertensive migratory bird population before and after taking medication in Hainan. Results A total of 180 study subjects were included, including 77 (42.8%) males and 103 (57.2%) females, with 78 (43.3%) subjects aged ≤65. The hypertension levels were: 87 (48.3%) had normal high blood pressure, 56 (31.1%) had grade 1 hypertension and 37 (20.6%) had grade 2 hypertension. The higher the blood pressure classification, the lower the percentage of migratory individuals whose blood pressure dropped during their stay in Hainan. Age, hypertension classification, dietary habits, living environment, body mass index (BMI), and alcohol consumption were associated with a decrease in blood pressure during Hainan among the study participants who took hypertension medication regularly. Salty diet (OR=2.778, 95%CI:1.070-7.213, P=0.036) and alcohol consumption (OR=2.686, 95%CI:1.042-6.925, P=0.041) were unfavorable factors for lower diastolic blood pressure before taking medication; overweight (OR=3.487, 95%CI:1.306-9.310, P=0.013) was an unfavorable factor in the reduction of diastolic blood pressure after taking medication. Conclusion The blood pressure reduction is more significant in migratory individuals in migratory individuals under 65 years old, with a light diet, no alcohol consumption and normal BMI. Environmental factors, age, dietary habits and lifestyle are the main causes of blood pressure, which can provide a reference basis for the health management of the migratory birds with hypertension in Hainan.

Chinese Herbal Medicines ; (4): 383-390, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982509


Edible bird's nest (EBN) is a kind of natural invigorant with a long history of consumption in Asia, especially in China. EBN is formed by mixing the saliva of swiftlets (Aerodramus) with feathers and other components during the breeding season. Proteins are the most important nutrient in EBN. By studying proteins in EBN, we can not only elucidate their components at the molecular level, but also study their bioactivities. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the proteins in EBN. Previous research on the proteins in EBN was preliminary and cursory, and no one has summarized and analyzed the proteins in EBN and correlated the bioactivities of these proteins with the biological functions of EBN. This article focused on the proteins in EBN, listed the proteins identified in different proteomic studies, and introduced the sources, structures and bioactivities of the most frequently identified proteins, including acidic mammalian chitinase, lysyl oxidase homolog 3, mucin-5AC, ovoinhibitor, nucleobindin-2, calcium-binding protein (MW: 4.5 × 104) and glucose-regulated protein (MW: 7.8 × 104). The properties of these proteins are closely related to the bioactivities of EBN. Therefore, this article can provide inspiration for further research on the efficacy of EBN.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024039


Objective The mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene PCR sequencing method was applied to identify the bird species involved in the case of bird remains.Methods Using frozen muscle tissue samples from 15 unknown bird remains,the PCR amplification of the 16S rRNA DNA barcode fragment was performed.Results Through sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis,it was determined that the 15 samples were associated with six bird species,including four Streptopelia chinensis,one Turdus eunomus,five Passer montanus,two Chloris sinica,two Fringilla montifringilla,and one Phoenicurus auroreus.These species belong to 2 orders,6 families,and 6 genera,all of which are protected as listed species under the wildlife conservation regulations.Conclusion The 16S rRNA gene segment can be regarded as a reliable approach for accurately identifying bird species from remains,providing a dependable basis for qualitative and sentencing determinations in judicial cases.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1518132


The present study aimed at assessing the effects of combining 20 mg/kg S(+) ketamine with 25 µg/kg dexmedetomidine and 0.4 mg/kg butorphanol on the physiological parameters and anesthetic recovery time and score of eight captive scarlet macaw (Ara macao) specimens. These specimens were captured at the Marabá Zoobotanic Foundation (Fundação Zoobotânica de Marabá), Pará, using butterfly and mist nets, and subsequently subjected to the proposed protocol. The following physiological parameters were evaluated: heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), saturation of peripheral oxygen (SpO2), body temperature (BT), and non-invasive blood pressure 5 min after drug administration (M0) and every 10 min thereafter (M1‒M5), with a total of 55 min of analysis of anesthetic effects. Glycemia was measured 5 min after drug administration and every 30 min thereafter. Anesthetic induction and recovery times were also determined. Among the parameters evaluated in this study, both HR and BT significantly decreased throughout the anesthetic period, with the lowest levels at 55 min after drug administration (M5). In contrast, RR did not significantly differ, and all animals remained stable, maintaining an RR close to a mean of 20 ± 8 cpm. Throughout the anesthetic period, SpO2was 92 ± 5%, with no significant difference. The birds remained under spontaneous ventilation and without oxygen supplementation. Systolic, diastolic, and mean blood pressures remained stable, with no significant differences in any of these measurements. At M0 and M3, the glycemia decreased slightly, albeit with no significant difference justifying an adverse effect or even hypoglycemia. The anesthetic induction time, from M0 to decubitus, was 2.4 ± 0.7 min. The anesthetic recovery time, from M0 to effortless bipedal position and adequate phalangeal flexion, was 99.3 ± 32.4 min. The sedation was assessed as intense, and the anesthetic recovery was rated excellent in 62.5% and good in 37.5% of the animals.(AU)

O presente estudo objetivou avaliar os efeitos do uso da cetamina S(+) 20 mg/kg associada à dexmedetomidina 25 µg/kg e butorfanol 0,4 mg/kg sobre os parâmetros fisiológicos, tempo e qualidade da recuperação anestésica de araracangas (Ara macao). Foram utilizados oito espécimes de Ara macao cativas da Fundação Zoobotânica de Marabá, Pará. A captura foi realizada com o uso de puçá e rede de contenção e em seguida as aves foram submetidas ao protocolo proposto. Foram avaliados: frequência cardíaca, frequência respiratória, saturação parcial da oxihemoglobina (SpO2), temperatura corporal e pressão arterial não-invasiva a partir de 5 minutos após a aplicação dos fármacos (M0) e a cada 10 minutos seguintes (M1, M2, M3, M4 e M5), totalizando 55 minutos de contemplação dos efeitos anestésicos. A glicemia foi avaliada aos 5 minutos da aplicação dos fármacos e repetida após 30 minutos. Também foi determinado o tempo de indução e de recuperação. Dentre os parâmetros avaliados, a frequência cardíaca e a temperatura demonstraram queda estatisticamente significativa ao longo do período anestésico, ambas com os menores valores registrados aos 55 minutos após a aplicação dos fármacos (M5). A frequência respiratória não apresentou diferença estatística e todos os animais se mantiveram estáveis e com a frequência próxima a média de 20±8mpm. A saturação da oxihemoblobina (SpO2) ao longo do período anestésico foi de 92±5%, não houve diferença estatisticamente relevante, as aves permaneceram sob ventilação espontânea e sem suplementação de oxigênio. As pressões arteriais sistólica, diastólica e média, mantiveram-se estáveis e não houve diferença estatística para nenhuma dessas medidas. A glicemia, mensurada em M0 e M3 demonstrou queda discreta, sem diferença significativa capaz de justificar um efeito adverso ou mesmo hipoglicemia. O tempo de indução, desde aplicação dos anestésicos até o decúbito, foi de 2,4±0,7 minutos. O tempo de recuperação, compreendido desde a aplicação dos fármacos (M0) até a constatação da posição bipedal sem esforço e adequada flexão das falanges, foi de 99,3±32,4 minutos. A qualidade de sedação foi considerada intensa e a recuperação anestésica foi classificada como ótima para 62,5% e boa para 37,5% dos animais.(AU)

Animais , Papagaios/fisiologia , Butorfanol/química , Dexmedetomidina/química , Fenômenos Fisiológicos/efeitos dos fármacos , Ketamina/química , Período de Recuperação da Anestesia , Brasil
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 25(2): e8154, jul-dez. 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1399602


O abutre real (Sarcoramphus papa) é um pássaro compacto de cor extraordinária, cabeça nua, possui carúnculas e papilas carnudas vermelhas e alaranjadas em torno do bico, a íris é branca com um anel orbital vermelho. Em cativeiro, o estresse é uma condição bastante observada, o que pode levar a automutilação, podendo evoluir para lesões graves na pele e músculos. O objetivo do presente relato é descrever os procedimentos adotados em um caso de automutilação em Sarcoramphus papa, mantido em cativeiro, e a importância do manejo adequado para essa espécie em cativeiro. Foi atendido em um Hospital Veterinário Universitário, um urubu-rei apresentando ferimento contaminado, com exposição óssea na asa direita. Após tratamento o animal foi encaminhado para uma reserva conservacionista para que fosse condicionada a voltar para seu habitat natural.(AU)

The real vulture is a compact bird of extraordinary color (in adult plumage). Its bare head, as the scientific name suggests, has caricatures and fleshy red papillae applied around the beak, and an iris of the eye is white with a red orbital ring. In captivity, stress is a widely observed condition, which can lead to self-mutilation, which can progress to severe skin and muscle injuries. The purpose of this report is to describe the procedures adopted in the case of automation in Sarcoramphus papa, kept in captivity and with an importance of the appropriate manual for this species in captivity. He was seen at a University Veterinary Hospital, a king vulture showed a contaminated wound, with bone exposure on the right. After treatment or animal was sent to a conservation reserve to be conditioned and return to its natural habitat.(AU)

buitre real (Sarcoramphus papa) es un ave compacta de extraordinario color, cabeza desnuda, tiene carúnculas y papilas rojas y anaranjadas alrededor del pico, el iris es blanco con un anillo orbital rojo. En cautiverio, el estrés es una condición ampliamente observada, que puede llevar a la automutilación, posiblemente evolucionando en lesiones graves de la piel y los músculos. El objetivo del presente informe es describir los procedimientos adoptados en un caso de automutilación en Sarcoramphus papa, mantenido en cautividad, y la importancia del manejo adecuado para esta especie en cautividad. Un buitre real que presentaba una lesión contaminada con exposición ósea en el ala derecha fue tratado en un Hospital Universitario Veterinario. Tras el tratamiento, el animal fue enviado a una reserva de conservación para que pudiera ser acondicionado para volver a su hábitat natural.(AU)

Animais , Automutilação , Comportamento Animal , Aves Predatórias/fisiologia , Estresse Fisiológico/fisiologia
Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 29(3): e22533, July-Set. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409970


Resumen El ibis de la puna Plegadis ridgwayi, es una especie de Threskiornithidae que habita humedales andinos y realiza migraciones altitudinales hacia la costa. Datos propios, de GBIF, información bibliográfica y del Censo Neotropical de Aves Acuáticas (1992 a 2015) muestran que el ibis de la puna Plegadis ridgwayi se distribuye en Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia, Argentina y Chile, con las mayores densidades poblacionales en Perú y Bolivia en siete y tres localidades respectivamente, que acumulan más del 1% de la población biogeográfica. Se encuentran de 0 a 5000 m de altitud, con las mayores densidades entre 3000 a 4500 m y 0 a 500 m. La mayor incidencia de registros ocurre al sur y centro del Perú, así como costa del centro y norte del Perú. La ampliación de la distribución hacia el norte y costa peruana puede deberse a la disponibilidad ambiental y al deterioro de su hábitat andino. En cuatro humedales costeros del centro del Perú se registraron hasta 818 ibis en 2006, la gran mayoría en Pantanos de Villa y Paraíso. El número de migrantes costeros parece relacionado a la intensidad de sequías en la sierra del Perú central. La abundancia de ibis en el lago altoandino de Junín muestra una disminución histórica, con énfasis después de la sequía de 2004-2005. La expansión distribucional requiere investigar la posible hibridación con las otras especies del género antes alopátridas.

Abstract The Puna ibis Plegadis ridgwayi, is a species of Threskiornithidae that inhabits Andean wetlands and makes altitudinal migrations to the coast. Data from us, GBIF, bibliographic information and the Neotropical Waterbird Census (1992 to 2015) show that this species occurs in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, and Chile, with a core area in Peru and Bolivia. It is most abundant in the latter two countries, with seven and three localities with more than 1% of the biogeographic population, respectively. They are found from 0 to 5000 m altitude (with peaks at 3000 to 4500 m and 0 to 500 m). The highest incidence of records is in southern and central Peru. There are high values of environmental availability in part of the high Andean zone from Ecuador to northern Chile and northwestern Argentina, as well as the coast of central and northern Peru. The expansion of the distribution towards the Peruvian north and coast may be due to environmental availability and the deterioration of its Andean habitat. In four coastal wetlands in central Peru, up to 818 ibises were recorded in 2006, the vast majority in Pantanos de Villa and Paraíso. The number of coastal migrants seems to be related to the intensity of droughts in the highlands of central Peru. The abundance of ibis in the high Andean Lake of Junín shows a historical decline, with emphasis after the 2004-2005 drought. This distributional expansion requires investigation of possible hybridisation with the other formerly allopatric species of the genus.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221127


The Nagi Dam Bird Sanctuary situated in the Jamui district of Bihar lies between latitude N 24.49' and longitude E86.23' & E86. 24' is spread over an area of 2.0957 square kilometres constructed by Bihar government. The Nagi Dam and Nakti Dam both are sanctuaries so close to each other. Nagi Bird sanctuary is approximately 19 km from Sono and 10 km from Jhajha within the district of Jamui, Bihar. Nakti bird sanctuary is approx 3 Km from Nagi, occupying similar habitat of flora and fauna. Both Nagi and Nakti bird sanctuaries are belted by rocky hillocks. In Nagi Dam there are total 14 waterfowl avifauna were recorded - Lesser Whistling-Duck, Bar-headed Goose, Ruddy Shelduck, Cotton pygmy Goose, Tufted Duck, Common Pochard, Ferruginous Duck, Eurasian Wigeon, Gadwall, Mallard, Northern Pintail, Red-crested Pochard, Ruddy Shelduck and Greylag Goose, Great crested Grebe.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-987609


Background@#One of the eight Ramsar sites in the Philippines is the Las Piňas – Parañaque Critical Habitat and Ecotourism Area(LPPCHEA), and it plays a significant role in the East Asian-Australian Flyway as a stopover site. The migratory birds coming from the north of Asia and Alaska feed on the molluscs in this area. However, there is paucity of literature on the species composition of molluscs found in this critical habitat. Baseline information on these organisms is essential as they are subject to the effects of anthropogenic activities close to and in the wetland, which in turn can have an impact on the ecosystem, particularly the birds foraging in this location. @*Methodology@#The Natural Geography of in-Shore areas (NaGISA) protocol was used for the study. Transects were laid in three sampling sites in Freedom Island and Long Island. The sampling sites were GPS-referenced. A cylinder corer was used to collect mudflat soil, with the corer pushed into the sediment. Soil samples were sieved using a 0.5mm stainless mesh sieve pan, leaving shells and larger sand grains. The molluscs were sorted and identified through taxonomic keys. Sampling was done once for each site in November 2012. @*Results and Discussion@#A total of 61 molluscan species belonging to two classes, 14 orders, and 33 molluscan families were identified and recorded. There were 34 species under the Class Gastropoda that belong to 5 orders and 18 families. For Class Bivalvia, there were 27 species belonging to 8 orders and 15 families. Among the molluscs recorded, 10 species were identified as non-indigenous. It is important to monitor molluscan species as anthropogenic activities may affect these organisms, and in turn, affect the wetland's function for migratory birds. The presence of non-indigenous species may be a potential threat to the ecosystem.@*Conclusion@#Baseline information of the molluscan community in the LPPCHEA was provided by the study. These species provide diet to the endemic and migratory birds in the area. There is a need to monitor these molluscs due to the effects of the man-caused activities close to the area. Also, the non-indigenous species should be studied for their potential to be invasive.

Dermatol. argent ; 27(4): 164-166, oct. - dic. 2021. il
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1382112


El prurigo agudo es una patología sumamente frecuente y con múltiples etiologías, entre las cuales se encuentran los ácaros de las aves. La incidencia de esta dermatosis ha aumentado en el último tiempo. Existen diferentes parásitos que colonizan las aves y que, al tener contacto con el ser humano, generan lesiones papulosas de tipo prurigo. El agente causal más involucrado es Dermanyssus gallinae, no siempre hallado en el momento del examen físico. Se presenta el caso de una mujer con lesiones papulosas en el tronco y las extremidades, iniciadas luego del contacto con detritos de palomas.

Acute prurigo is an extremely frequent dermatosis with multiple etiologies, including bird mites. Recently, there has been an increase in the reported cases of human infestation cases caused by bird acarus. Many parasites colonize birds and the infestation to humans produces papular lesions. Dermanyssus gallinae is the most common acarus involved. We report a woman with papular lesions in trunk and extremities after contact with a bird nest.

Humanos , Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Columbidae , Dermatopatias/diagnóstico , Ácaros/patogenicidade , Doenças Parasitárias/diagnóstico , Prurigo/tratamento farmacológico , Prurido , Ectoparasitoses
Acta biol. colomb ; 26(3): 470-474, sep.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360042


RESUMEN Reportamos los primeros registros confirmados de la garza colorada (Agamia agamí) en el departamento de Vichada. Se observaron un total de diez individuos (siete adultos y tres juveniles) en cuatro localidades asociadas a bosque denso de galería circundantes a cuerpos de agua, los cuales validan la ocurrencia de la especie hacia la parte más oriental de la Orinoquia colombiana y el departamento. Estas observaciones evidencian la necesidad de documentar la avifauna a nivel local y regional, para complementar el conocimiento de este taxón en esta región del país, dado su periodo migratorio y movimientos estacionales desconocidos; además de verificar la importancia de las localidades mencionadas como posibles sitios de refugio, alimentación, reproducción y anidación, esenciales para la conservación de esta especie.

ABSTRACT We report the first confirmed records of the red heron (Agamí agamí) in the Vichada department. Ten individuals (seven adults and three juveniles) were observed in four locations associated with dense gallery forest surrounded by water bodies, which validate the occurrence of the species towards the easternmost part of the Colombian Orinoquia and within the department. These observations demonstrate the need to document birdlife in a local and regional scale, in order to complement the taxon knowledge in this region of the country, given it is migratory period and unknown seasonal movements; in addition, this will help to verify the importance of the sightings localities as possible areas of refuge, foraging, reproduction and nesting that are essential for the conservation of this species.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 28(3)jul. 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1508866


Our study provides information on the breeding and biometrics of Rusty-Margined Flycatcher Myiozetetes cayanensis in southwest Brazilian Amazonia. M. cayanensis is distributed from Central America until north of South America. We made observations on reproduction and captures of this species in a terra firme forest fragment in the state of Acre, between 1999 and 2020 and we evaluated the breeding season in Brazil through citizen science data. We monitored nine nests between 2012 and 2020, built at a mean height of 1.8 m above ground. Clutch size was two, three or four eggs, incubated for 15 days. We monitored the development of six nestlings: minimum hatch weight was 2 g and young fledged with a mean mass of ca. 25.5 g. The constant growth rate (K) of nestlings was 0.18 with a growth asymptote of 22.8 g. Daily survival rate was 90% and 100% during the incubation and nestling periods, respectively. The Mayfield success in the incubation and nestling periods was 20 and 100%, respectively. Apparent nesting success in the incubation and nestling periods was 46 and 100%, respectively. We recorded a minimum longevity of 2 years, nine months and 26 days. The subspecies M. c. cayanensis start to nest mainly between the dry and rainy season in Brazil, overlapping with the molt period in southwest Amazonia.

Nuestro estudio proporciona información sobre la reproducción y la biometría del bienteveo alicastaño Myiozetetes cayanensis en el suroeste de la Amazonia brasileña. M. cayanensis se distribuye desde América Central hasta el norte de América del Sur. Realizamos observaciones sobre la reproducción y captura de esta especie en un fragmento de bosque de tierra firme en el estado de Acre, entre 1999 y 2020 y evaluamos la época de reproducción en Brasil mediante datos de ciencia ciudadana. Monitoreamos nueve nidos entre 2012 y 2020, construidos a una altura promedio de 1.8 m sobre el suelo. El tamaño de la puesta fue de dos, tres o cuatro huevos, incubados durante 15 días. Monitoreamos el desarrollo de seis polluelos: el peso mínimo al nacer fue de 2 g y los polluelos con una masa media de ca. 25.5 g. La tasa de crecimiento constante (K) de los polluelos fue de 0.18 con una asíntota de crecimiento de 22.8 g. La tasa de supervivencia diaria fue del 90% y 100% durante los períodos de incubación y cría, respectivamente. El éxito de Mayfield en los períodos de incubación y cría fue de 20 y 100%, respectivamente. El éxito aparente de anidación en los períodos de incubación y polluelo fue de 46 y 100%, respectivamente. Registramos una longevidad mínima de 2 años, nueve meses y 26 días. La subespecie M. c. cayanensis comienzan a anidar principalmente entre la estación seca y lluviosa en Brasil, superponiéndose con el período de muda en el suroeste de la Amazonia.

Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 24(1, cont.): e2402, jan-jun. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1222351


O abutre real (Sarcoramphus papa) é um pássaro compacto de cor extraordinária, cabeça nua, possui carúnculas e papilas carnudas vermelhas e alaranjadas em torno do bico, a íris é branca com um anel orbital vermelho. Em cativeiro, o estresse é uma condição bastante observada, o que pode levar a automutilação, podendo evoluir para lesões graves na pele e músculos. O objetivo do presente relato é descrever os procedimentos adotados em um caso de automutilação em Sarcoramphus papa, mantido em cativeiro, e a importância do manejo adequado para essa espécie em cativeiro. Foi atendido em um Hospital Veterinário Universitário, um urubu-rei apresentando ferimento contaminado, com exposição óssea na asa direita. Após tratamento o animal foi encaminhado para uma reserva conservacionista para que fosse condicionada a voltar para seu habitat natural.(AU)

The king vulture (Sarcoramphus papa) is a large bird with extraordinary color, bold head, presenting red and orange fleshy papules and papillae around its beak, with white iris and a red orbital ring. In captivity, stress is a condition that is widely observed, which can lead to self-mutilation. Such mutilation, in turn, can progress to severe skin and muscle injuries. The purpose of this report is to describe the procedures adopted in a case of self-mutilation in Sarcoramphus papa, kept in captivity, and the importance of proper management for this species in captivity. The king vulture presenting a contaminated wound with bone exposure on the right wing was treated at a University Veterinary Hospital. After treatment, the bird was sent to a conservation reserve to be conditioned to return to its natural habitat.(AU)

El buitre real (Sarcoramphus papa) es un ave compacta de extraordinario color, cabeza descubierta, tiene carúnculas y papilas carnosas rojas y anaranjadas alrededor del pico, el iris es blanco con un anillo orbital rojo. En cautiverio, el estrés es una condición ampliamente observada, que puede conducir a la automutilación, pudiendo progresar lesiones graves en la piel y músculos. El propósito de este informe es describir los procedimientos adoptados en un caso de automutilación en Sarcoramphus papa, mantenida en cautiverio, y la importancia del manejo adecuado de esta especie en cautiverio. Se atendió en un Hospital Veterinario Universitario, un buitre real presentando una herida contaminada, con exposición ósea en el ala derecha. Luego después del tratamiento, se envió el animal a una reserva de conservación para que fuera condicionado a volver a su hábitat natural.(AU)

Animais , Automutilação , Ferimentos e Lesões , Aves/lesões , Bem-Estar do Animal
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(2): 445-450, Mar.-Apr. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1248936


Ascaridiasis by Ascaridia hermaphrodita is a common parasitic disease in blue-fronted Amazon parrots (Amazona aestiva) and the contamination occurs by ingestion of eggs. Illegal trade of wild birds can increase the frequency of visceral erratic migration by this parasite. Hence, this report describes the erratic migration of A. hermaphrodita and associated lesions in a blue-fronted Amazon parrot. This is a retrospective study, which originated from several apprehension of illegal birds in the state of Paraíba, Brazil. Necropsy revealed intense intestinal ascarid infestation. Hepatic lesions were also observed associated with the parasite migration. Stereoscopy allowed the identification of the morphology of the parasites. Summarizing, this condition in wild birds is not fully understood and may be associated with illegal trade.(AU)

Ascaridíase por Ascaridia hermaphrodita é uma doença parasitária comum em papagaios-verdadeiros. Sua contaminação ocorre pela ingestão de ovos. O tráfico de aves silvestres pode facilitar a migração errática visceral desse parasita. Este relato descreve a migração errática de A. hermaphrodita e lesões associadas em papagaio-verdadeiro. Trata-se de um relato retrospectivo, analisado a partir de uma série de apreensões de aves no estado da Paraíba, Brasil. A necropsia revelou intensa infestação ascarídea intestinal. Também foram observadas lesões hepáticas em uma ave, associadas à migração do parasita. A estereoscopia permitiu distinguir a morfologia dos parasitas. Resumidamente, essa condição em aves silvestres é pouco conhecida e pode ser considerada, inclusive, associada à comercialização ilegal.(AU)

Animais , Ascaridia/isolamento & purificação , Amazona/parasitologia , Helmintíase Animal/diagnóstico , Brasil , Crime , Animais Selvagens/parasitologia