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Rev. Psicol., Divers. Saúde ; 13(1)abr. 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551269


INTRODUÇÃO: A percepção e satisfação corporal têm sido amplamente estudadas em diversos públicos, principalmente em estudantes universitários; porém, existem poucas investigações com vegetarianos, sendo assim, torna-se necessário avaliar se o padrão alimentar vegetariano está relacionado com os fenômenos inerentes à imagem corporal. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a percepção e a satisfação corporal entre estudantes universitários vegetarianos. MÉTODO: Trata-se de um estudo transversal com 123 participantes, no qual foram aplicados o Questionário de Imagem Corporal - BSQ (Body Shape Questionnaire) e a Escala de Silhuetas de Stunkard. RESULTADOS: Os dados mostraram que 86,2% dos participantes eram eutróficos (IMC=22,4±3,3), sendo o score obtido no BSQ foi de 84,6 pontos (±36,0) correspondente à leve insatisfação com a imagem corporal. Cerca de 82,1% dos estudantes se mostravam insatisfeitos com a silhueta, dentre estes, 61,4% desejavam diminuí-la. CONCLUSÃO: O padrão alimentar (ovolactovegetariano, lactovegetariano, vegetariano estrito e vegano) não se relacionou com a insatisfação corporal, mas sim o desejo de ter silhuetas magras que são valorizadas pelo padrão de beleza vigente.

INTRODUCTION: For Body perception and satisfaction have been widely studied among different publics, especially among college students; however, there are few investigations with vegetarians. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate whether the vegetarian eating pattern is related to the phenomena inherent to body image. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate body perception and body satisfaction among vegetarian college students. METHOD: This is a cross-sectional study with 123 participants, in which the Body Image Questionnaire (BSQ) and the Stunkard Silhouette Scale were applied. RESULTS: The data showed that 86.2% of the participants were eutrophic (BMI=22.4±3.3), and the score obtained in the BSQ was 84.6 points (±36.0) corresponding to a mild dissatisfaction with body image. About 82.1% of the students were dissatisfied with their silhouette, and 61.4% of them wanted to reduce it. CONCLUSION: Dietary patterns (ovolactovegetarian, lactovegetarian, strict vegetarian, and vegan) were not related to body dissatisfaction, but rather the desire to have thin silhouettes that are valued by the prevailing beauty standard.

INTRODUCCIÓN: La percepción y satisfacción corporal han sido ampliamente estudiadas entre diferentes públicos, especialmente entre estudiantes universitarios; sin embargo, existen pocos estudios sobre vegetarianos, por lo que es necesario evaluar si el patrón alimentario vegetariano está relacionado con los fenómenos inherentes a la imagen corporal. OBJETIVO: Evaluar la percepción corporal y la satisfacción corporal entre estudiantes universitarios vegetarianos. MÉTODO: Se trata de un estudio transversal con 123 participantes, en el que se aplicaron el Cuestionario de Imagen Corporal - BSQ (Body Shape Questionnaire) y la Escala de Siluetas de Stunkard. RESULTADOS: Los datos mostraron que el 86,2% de los participantes eran eutróficos (IMC=22,4±3,3), y la puntuación obtenida en el BSQ fue de 84,6 puntos (±36,0) correspondiente a una insatisfacción leve con la imagen corporal. Alrededor del 82,1% de los estudiantes estaban insatisfechos con su silueta, entre ellos, el 61,4% deseaba reducirla. CONCLUSIÓN: El patrón alimentario (ovolactovegetariano, lactovegetariano, vegetariano estricto y vegano) no estaba relacionado con la insatisfacción corporal, sino con el deseo de tener siluetas delgadas que son valoradas por el estándar de belleza vigente.

Imagem Corporal , Estudantes , Vegetarianos
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(2): e19792022, 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528365


Resumo Este estudo objetivou identificar padrões alimentares e avaliar a associação entre percepção da imagem corporal e esses padrões em escolares. Um estudo transversal foi conduzido em 385 escolares (ambos os sexos, 10-17 anos de idade) de 4 escolas públicas de Salvador, Brasil. Dois recordatórios alimentares de 24h não consecutivos foram aplicados e o padrão alimentar foi determinado por Análise Fatorial Exploratória, após ajuste dos dados dietéticos pelo Multiple Source Method. Para avaliar percepção da imagem corporal, nós usamos uma escala brasileira de silhuetas. Avaliamos as associações entre percepção da imagem corporal e padrões alimentares usando o modelo de regressão logística politômica ajustado para covariáveis. Três padrões alimentares foram obtidos: "padrão ocidental", "padrão saudável" e "comidas típicas/junk food". Após ajuste, adolescentes que desejavam uma silhueta menor (2,48 [IC95%: 1,04-6,11], 3,49 [IC95%: 1,35-9,05] e 2,87 [IC95%: 1,13-7,26]) tinham mais chances de aderir aos quintis de menor consumo do padrão ocidental, comparados àqueles satisfeitos com sua imagem corporal. Nenhuma associação foi identificada nos outros dois padrões alimentares. Adolescentes insatisfeitos com seus corpos tendem a aderir menos a padrões alimentares não saudáveis.

Abstract This study aimed to identify dietary patterns and to evaluate the association between body image perception and these patterns among schoolchildren. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 385 schoolchildren (both sexes, 10-17 years old) from four public schools in Salvador, Brazil. Two non-consecutive 24-hour dietary recalls were applied, and the dietary pattern was determined by Exploratory Factor Analysis after adjustment of dietary data using the Multiple Source Method. To evaluate body image perception, the Brazilian body shape silhouette was used. The associations between body image perception and dietary patterns using the polytomous logistic regression model adjusted for covariables was assessed. Three dietary patterns were obtained: "Western standard," unhealthy, "healthy pattern" and "typical dishes/ junk food." After adjustment, adolescents who wished for a slimmer silhouette (2.48 [95%CI: 1.04-6.11], 3.49 [95%CI: 1.35-9.05] and 2.87 [95%CI: 1.13-7.26]) were more likely to adhere to the quintiles with the lowest consumption of the Western standard, compared to those satisfied with their body image. No associations were identified in the other two dietary patterns. Adolescents dissatisfied with their bodies tend to adhere less to unhealthy dietary patterns.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 40(2): e00107823, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534126


Distorção da imagem corporal é uma alteração da percepção do corpo que pode repercutir na saúde. Este estudo visa estimar, entre mulheres participantes do Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde do Adulto (ELSA-Brasil) residentes na Bahia, Brasil, a prevalência de acurácia e distorção da imagem corporal e investigar associações com características socioeconômicas, estilo de vida e procura de cuidados ginecológicos. Participaram 609 mulheres de 50-69 anos de idade que responderam, entre 2012-2014, questionários aplicados face a face. Foi utilizada a escala de silhuetas de Stunkard para investigar a percepção acurada ou distorcida para mais ou menos peso. A razão de risco relativo (RR) foi calculada por meio de regressão logística multinomial por meio do Stata 13. A maioria das participantes tem perspectiva acurada do próprio corpo (53,7%). Entre aquelas com percepção distorcida, há uma tendência à distorção para menos peso (38,1%). Na análise de regressão multinomial, permaneceram associadas à distorção para menos peso as variáveis raça/cor e escolaridade, sendo que a primeira foi positivamente associada à distorção para menos peso entre as pardas (RR = 1,89; IC95%: 1,13-3,16) e pretas (RR = 2,10; IC95%: 1,25-3,55), enquanto a segunda entre aquelas com escolaridade até o Ensino Médio (RR = 1,65; IC95%: 1,18-2,33). Não houve associações quanto às demais variáveis, nem com distorção para mais peso. Os resultados contribuem para a explicação das relações entre percepção da imagem corporal e fatores socioeconômicos, revelando que mulheres de raça/cor diferentes e variados níveis de escolaridade são influenciadas de formas distintas pelos discursos sociais, o que impacta a percepção da sua imagem corporal.

Body image distortion is an alteration in the perception of the body that can have repercussions on health. This study aims to estimate the prevalence of body image accuracy and distortion among women participating in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) living in Bahia State, Brazil, and to investigate associations with socioeconomic characteristics, lifestyle, and gynecological care seeking. A total of 609 women aged 50 to 69 years participated in the study, who answered face-to-face questionnaires from 2012 to 2014. The Stunkard silhouette scale was used to investigate accurate or distorted perception for more or less weight. The relative risk ratio (RR) was calculated by multinomial logistic regression using Stata 13. Most participants have an accurate perception of their own bodies (53.7%). Among those with distorted perception, there is a tendency to distort towards less weight (38.1%). In the multinomial regression analysis, the variables race/skin color and education remained associated with the distortion towards underweight. The race/skin color variable was positively associated with the distortion towards underweight among Mixed-race women (RR = 1.89; 95%CI: 1.13-3.16) and black (RR = 2.10; 95%CI: 1.25-3.55), while the education variable among those with up to high school education (RR = 1.65; 95%CI: 1.18-2.33). There were no associations with the other variables or with distortion for more weight. The results contribute to explaining the relationships between body image perception and socioeconomic factors, revealing that women of different races/skin colors and varying educational levels are influenced in different ways by social discourses, impacting the perception of their body image.

La distorsión de la imagen corporal es una alteración en la percepción del cuerpo que puede repercutir en la salud. Este estudio busca estimar, entre las mujeres participantes del Estudio Longitudinal de Salud del Adulto (ELSA-Brasil) que viven en Bahía, Brasil, la prevalencia de precisión y distorsión de la imagen corporal e investigar asociaciones con las características socioeconómicas, el estilo de vida y la busca de atención ginecológica. Participaron 609 mujeres que tenían entre 50 y 69 años que contestaron los cuestionarios aplicados cara a cara entre 2012 y 2014. Se utilizó la escala de siluetas de Stunkard para investigar la percepción precisa o distorsionada para más o menos peso. El cociente de riesgo relativo (RR) se calculó a través de regresión logística multinomial utilizando el Stata 13. La mayoría de los participantes tiene una perspectiva precisa del propio cuerpo (53,7%). Entre las personas con percepción distorsionada hay una tendencia a la distorsión para menos peso (38,1%). En el análisis de regresión multinomial, las variables raza/color y escolaridad permanecieron asociadas con la distorsión para menos peso, siendo la primera positivamente asociada con la distorsión para menos peso entre las mujeres pardas (RR = 1,89; IC95%: 1,13-3,16) y negras (RR = 2,10; IC95%: 1,25-3,55), mientras la segunda entre las mujeres que estudiaron hasta la enseñanza secundaria (RR = 1,65; IC95%: 1,18-2,33). No hubo asociaciones con las otras variables ni con la distorsión para más peso. Los resultados contribuyen para explicar las relaciones entre la percepción de la imagen corporal y los factores socioeconómicos, demostrando que mujeres de diferentes razas/colores y diferentes niveles de educación se influyen de distintas formas a través de discursos sociales, lo que impacta en la percepción de su imagen corporal.

CienciaUAT ; 18(1): 95-106, jul.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513973


RESUMEN La imagen corporal varía a lo largo de la vida. Los cambios físicos que conlleva la adolescencia, pueden influir en el desarrollo de conductas de riesgo para trastornos alimentarios. Aunque los factores sociales y culturales afectan la imagen corporal, las formas de interacción modernas, mediante el uso de tecnología, en particular las redes sociales, permiten controlar la autopresentación de la imagen corporal en las fotografías que son publicadas, lo que podría servir como indicador de conductas de riesgo alimentarias. El objetivo de este trabajo fue establecer la asociación de conductas alimentarias de riesgo con el control de la imagen corporal en fotografías, para analizar su invarianza factorial por sexo y proponer puntos de corte en población mexicana. La muestra estuvo conformada por 1 155 adolescentes (51.3 % hombres y 48.7 % mujeres), con una media de edad de 15.18 años. Se utilizó el cuestionario en español sobre el control de la imagen corporal en fotografías denominado BICP-S, además del cuestionario de conductas alimentarias de riesgo (CAR). Los resultados evidenciaron una relación entre las conductas alimentarias de riesgo y el control de la imagen en fotografías. La estructura factorial del BICP-S varía en función del sexo, por lo que se proponen diferentes puntos de corte del cuestionario, en donde aquellas ubicadas en el percentil 85 indican riesgo acerca de las preocupaciones por la imagen corporal en mujeres, mientras que en hombres se establece en el percentil 92, con una alta confiabilidad en el control de la imagen en ambos sexos (α > 0.90). El cuestionario tiene utilidad clínica para la detección de jóvenes con serias preocupaciones en torno a la imagen corporal que, de continuar, pueden constituirse en un factor de riesgo para trastornos de la conducta alimentaria.

ABSTRACT Body varies throughout life. Physical changes that take place during teenage years may influence the development of risky behaviors related to eating disorders. Although social and cultural factors affect body image, modern forms of interaction with technology, particularly social networks, allow controlling the self-presentation of body image in the photographs that are published, which could serve as an indicator of risky eating behaviors. The aim of this study was to establish the association of risky eating behaviors with the body image control in photographies, to analyze the factorial invariance by sex and to propose cut-off points in the Mexican population. The sample consisted of 1 155 adolescents (51.3 % males and 48.7 % females), with a mean age of 15.18 years. The BICP-S was used, in addition to the risky eating behaviors questionnaire (CAR). The results showed a relationship between risky eating behaviors and image control in photographs. The factorial structure of the BICP-S varies according to sex, so different cut-off points of the questionnaire are proposed, where those located at the 85th percentile indicate risk about body image concerns in women, while in men it is established at the 92nd percentile, with a high reliability in image control in both groups (α > 0.90). It is concluded that the questionnaire has clinical utility for the detection of at-risk youth who may have serious body image concerns, which if continued can be a risk factor for eating disorders.

Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 13(2): 119-133, jul.-dic. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530223


Resumen: Objetivo: Explorar el impacto del uso cotidiano de plataformas de videollamadas en las cogniciones, emociones y comportamientos relacionados con la autoimagen en pacientes con Trastornos del Comportamiento Alimentario (TCA) y personas de la población general, durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Métodos: Sesenta y ocho pacientes con TCA en tratamiento y 106 personas de la población general respondieron a un cuestionario diseñado para el estudio a través de Lime Survey; (98.5 y 79.2% respectivamente eran mujeres), con edad promedio de 17.6 (DE:3.47) y 33.5 (DE:9.35) respectivamente. Las pacientes discutieron y explicaron sus respuestas en cinco sesiones de terapia grupal presenciales dirigidas por un psiquiatra. Posteriormente, se realizó un análisis temático reflexivo con un enfoque inductivo para determinar las categorías. Resultados: Los pacientes reportaron una mayor incomodidad frente a la cámara, preocupación con la apariencia física, miedo a la crítica, vergüenza y sentimientos de vulnerabilidad, comparados con las personas de la población general. Predominaron los pensamientos negativos sobre la forma y el tamaño del rostro y otras partes del cuerpo y las conductas de chequeo y/o evitación de la imagen corporal, que interfirieron con la concentración y el rendimiento. Conclusión: además del impacto negativo de la pandemia de COVID-19 en la salud mental, la nueva virtualidad desafía a los clínicos a enfrentar dificultades adicionales con la imagen corporal en pacientes con TCA y alerta a la detección de nuevas preocupaciones dismórficas también en la población general.

Abstract: Objective: To explore the impact of video call platforms on physical appearance concerns (cognitions, emotions and behaviors) in Eating Disorders (ED) patients and in general population, during COVID 19 pandemic. Methods: Sixty-eight patients attending a treatment program for ED, and 106 people from the general population responded to a questionnaire designed for the study through Lime Survey; (98.5 and 79.2% respectively were women), with a mean age of 17.6 (SD:3.47) and 33.5 (SD:9.35) respectively. Patients discussed and explained their answers in five in vivo group therapy sessions directed by a psychiatrist. Then, a reflective thematic analysis with an inductive approach to determine the categories was performed. Results: Patients reported a higher discomfort in front of the camera, preoccupation with physical appearance, fear of criticism, embarrassment, and feelings of vulnerability, compared with general population. Negative thoughts about the shape and size of the face and other body parts predominated, as well as body image checking/avoidance behaviors that interfered with concentration and performance. Conclusion: In addition to the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health, the new virtuality challenges clinicians to face additional body image difficulties in ED patients and alerts on the detection of dysmorphic concerns in the general population as well.

Saude e pesqui. (Impr.) ; 16(3): 11192, jul./set. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1518306


Trata-se de uma pesquisa realizada a partir de uma perspectiva psicossocial, que buscou relacionar a satisfação corporal de jovens adultos com suas práticas corporais e o uso que fazem de redes sociais virtuais. Participaram do estudo 207 jovens, que responderam um questionário online autoaplicado, cujas respostas foram tratadas com estatística descritiva e inferencial. Os resultados indicaram que a satisfação corporal é mais presente entre os praticantes de atividades físicas, e, em contrapartida, observou-se menor satisfação corporal entre os participantes mais aderentes a dietas e cirurgias plásticas estéticas. Algumas práticas corporais encontraram associação estatística significativa com o uso das redes sociais virtuais: praticantes de atividade física as acessam por menor tempo diário e visualizam conteúdos alusivos à saúde; dietas e cirurgias plásticas estão associadas ao maior acesso a conteúdos de influenciadores digitais. Assim, a satisfação corporal e a forma como jovens utilizam redes sociais virtuais podem ter influência sobre suas práticas corporais.

This was a study conducted from a psychosocial perspective, which sought to relate the body satisfaction of young adults with their body practices and the use they make of virtual social networks. Participants were 207 young people who answered a self-administered online questionnaire, whose responses were treated using descriptive and inferential statistics. Body satisfaction was more present among practitioners of physical activities, and, on the other hand, low body satisfaction was observed among participants more adherent to diets and aesthetic plastic surgeries. Some bodily practices were significantly associated with the use of virtual social networks: practitioners of physical activity access them for less time daily and view content alluding to health; diets and plastic surgery are associated with greater access to content from digital influencers. Thus, body satisfaction and the way young people use virtual social networks can influence their body practices.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 38(3): 1-7, jul.set.2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512606


Introdução: A procura pela cirurgia de contorno corporal após a cirurgia bariátrica se deve em grande parte a uma insatisfação com a imagem corporal prejudicada pela flacidez e excesso de pele decorrente da grande perda ponderal. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade de vida e a imagem corporal de pacientes submetidos a cirurgia bariátrica e posteriormente a cirurgia de contorno corporal em uma clínica privada. Método: Este estudo transversal comparou 4 grupos distintos de 21 pacientes cada, pareados por índice de massa corporal e idade antes de realizarem a cirurgia bariátrica. Foram divididos nos tempos antes/depois da cirurgia bariátrica e antes/depois da cirurgia de contorno corporal, formando assim os grupos A, B, C e D, respectivamente. Foi utilizado o questionário SF-36 para avaliação da qualidade de vida e a Escala de Silhuetas proposta por Kakeshita para avaliação da imagem corporal. Para o nível de significância, foi escolhido p<0,05. Resultados: Houve melhora em todos os domínios do SF-36 após a cirurgia bariátrica. Os pacientes que procuraram a cirurgia de contorno corporal apresentaram o menor valor do componente de saúde mental, com pouca alteração após a cirurgia de contorno corporal. Quase todos os grupos superestimaram a sua silhueta, exceto para o grupo de 6 meses após a cirurgia bariátrica, que se viu menor. Conclusão: Pacientes bariátricos que procuram a cirurgia de contorno corporal apresentam escores inferiores de qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde mental e que permanecem menores após a cirurgia de contorno corporal. A distorção da imagem corporal e expectativas irreais podem justificar esse achado.

Introduction: The demand for body contouring surgery after bariatric surgery is largely due to dissatisfaction with body image impaired by sagging and excess skin resulting from massive weight loss. This study aimed to evaluate the quality of life and body image of patients undergoing bariatric surgery and body contouring surgery in a private clinic. Method: This cross-sectional study compared 4 groups of 21 patients, matched by body mass index and age before undergoing bariatric surgery. They were divided into times before/after bariatric surgery and before/after body contouring surgery, thus forming groups A, B, C, and D, respectively. The SF-36 questionnaire assessed the quality of life, and the Silhouette Scale proposed by Kakeshita to assess body image. For the significance level, p<0.05 was chosen. Results: There was an improvement in all SF-36 domains after bariatric surgery. Patients who sought body contouring surgery had the lowest mental health component value, with little change after body contouring surgery. Almost all groups overestimated their silhouette, except for the group of 6 months after bariatric surgery, which saw itself as smaller. Conclusion: Bariatric patients seeking body contouring surgery have lower mental health-related quality of life scores that remain lower after body contouring surgery.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 18(2)ago. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448890


En la actualidad, para los adolescentes y jóvenes, el aspecto corporal se considera importante para ser aceptados en los grupos sociales. En correspondencia, se trazó como objetivo de la investigación determinar la correlación entre la satisfacción de la imagen corporal con la práctica del ejercicio físico, en adolescentes de 12 a 18 años de la Unidad Educativa "Leonardo Maldonado Pérez", en el año lectivo 2020-2021. El estudio fue cuantitativo correlacional de tipo no experimental transversal, lo que permitió medir la correlación entre las variables imagen corporal y la práctica del ejercicio físico. Para la recolección de datos se aplicaron dos instrumentos el Body Shape Questionnaire, para explorar nivel de satisfacción corporal y la identificación de la insatisfacción sobre el peso y el Autoinforme del Estadio de Cambio para el Ejercicio Físico, para evaluar la intención de practicar ejercicio físico. El muestreo fue estratificado proporcional y aleatorio simple de 400 estudiantes distribuido en seis grupos. El resultado fue una correlación negativa alta significativa entre el nivel de insatisfacción con la imagen corporal y la práctica del ejercicio físico. Se determinó que los estudiantes buscan la satisfacción de su imagen corporal mediante la práctica del ejercicio físico, pues tener una mejor imagen motiva la responsabilidad de mantenerse saludable, a través de la práctica moderada de ejercicios en diferentes espacios, de forma que lo ubican como meta personal.

Atualmente, para adolescentes e jovens, a aparência corporal é considerada importante para serem aceitos em grupos sociais. Nesse sentido, o objetivo da pesquisa foi determinar a correlação entre a satisfação com a imagem corporal e a prática de exercícios físicos em adolescentes de 12 a 18 anos da Unidade Educacional "Leonardo Maldonado Pérez", no ano letivo de 2020-2021. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo correlacional não experimental de corte transversal, que nos permitiu medir a correlação entre as variáveis imagem corporal e prática de exercício físico. Para a coleta de dados, foram aplicados dois instrumentos: o Body Shape Questionnaire, para explorar o nível de satisfação corporal e a identificação de insatisfação com o peso, e o Self-Report of the Stage of Change for Physical Exercise, para avaliar a intenção de praticar exercícios físicos. A amostragem foi estratificada, proporcional e aleatória simples de 400 alunos distribuídos em seis grupos. O resultado foi uma correlação negativa alta e significativa entre o nível de insatisfação com a imagem corporal e o exercício físico. Foi determinado que os alunos buscam a satisfação com sua imagem corporal por meio da prática de exercícios físicos, pois ter uma imagem melhor motiva a responsabilidade de se manter saudável, por meio da prática moderada de exercícios em diferentes espaços, de modo que eles a colocam como uma meta pessoal.

Currently, for adolescents and young people, body appearance is considered important to be accepted in social groups. Correspondingly, the objective of the research was to determine the correlation between the satisfaction of body image with the practice of physical exercise, in adolescents from 12 to 18 years of age of the Educational Unit "Leonardo Maldonado Pérez", in the school year 2020- 2021. The study was quantitative correlational of a non-experimental cross-sectional type, which made it possible to measure the correlation between the body image variables and the practice of physical exercise. For data collection, two instruments were applied: the Body shape Questionnaire, to explore the level of body satisfaction and the identification of dissatisfaction about weight and the Self-report of the Stage of Change for Physical Exercise, to assess the intention to practice physical exercise. The sampling was stratified proportional and simple random of 400 students divided into six groups. The result was a significant high negative correlation between the level of dissatisfaction with body image and the practice of physical exercise. It was determined that the students seek the satisfaction of their body image through the practice of physical exercise, since having a better image motivates the responsibility of staying healthy, through the moderate practice of exercises in different spaces, so that they place it as a personal goal.

Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 23(2): 766-785, julho 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1532762


Este artigo objetivou compreender o processo terapêutico proporcionado por uma prática interventiva de curta-duração centrada em pessoas com problemas de autoimagem corporal e autoestima. Seguindo um delineamento metodológico qualitativo, a pesquisa e as intervenções terapêuticas aconteceram sob a influência do desenho de pesquisa-ação. Trabalhou-se com as seguintes etapas: planejamento do processo terapêutico à luz das condições necessárias e suficientes para mudança de personalidade e as fases do processo terapêutico; desenvolvimento da prática de ajuda; monitoramento da ação a partir da supervisão, revisão dos atendimentos e entrevistas semiestruturadas com os participantes; análise fenomenológica empírica dos impactos afetivos da terapia a partir da perspectiva dos clientes atendidos; entendimento disso a partir do referencial rogeriano. Foram elaborados e discutidos os seguintes eixos temáticos relacionados ao processo terapêutico: fatores que levaram à busca por ajuda psicológica e constituíram a atmosfera terapêutica; significação negativa da experiência corporal; significação real da experiência de autoestima em relação ao corpo; mudanças de atitudes em relação à percepção de si e ao autocuidado. Concluiu-se que a terapia centrada na pessoa produziu impactos afetivos significativos que ajudaram esses clientes a lidar com suas experiências de imagem corporal e autoestima.

This article aimed to understand the therapeutic process provided by a short-term interventional practice centered on people with body self-esteem and self-image problems. Following a qualitative methodological design, the research and therapeutic interventions took place under the influence of the action research design. The following stages were used: planning the therapeutic process in light of the necessary and sufficient conditions for personality change and the therapeutic process phases; development of aid practice; action monitoring based on supervision, service review and semi-structured interviews with the participants; empirical phenomenological analysis of the affective impacts of therapy from the perspective of the clients assisted; understanding of this from the Rogerian framework. The following thematic axes related to the therapeutic process were elaborated and discussed: factors that led to the search for psychological help and constituted the therapeutic atmosphere; negative meaning of bodily experience; real meaning of the self-esteem experience in relation to the body; changes in attitudes towards self-perception and self-care. It was concluded that person-centered therapy produces significant affective impacts that helped these clients to deal with their body image and self-esteem experiences.

Este articulo tuvo como objetivo comprender el proceso terapéutico proporcionado por una práctica intervencionista de corta duración centrada en personas con problemas de autoimagen corporal y autoestima. Siguiendo un diseño metodológico cualitativo, la investigación y las intervenciones terapéuticas se desarrollaron bajo la investigación-acción. Se trabajó con los siguientes pasos: planificación del proceso terapéutico a la luz de las condiciones necesarias y suficientes para el cambio de personalidad y las fases del proceso terapéutico; desarrollo de prácticas de ayuda; seguimiento de la acción basado en la supervisión, revisión del servicio y entrevistas semiestructuradas con los participantes; análisis fenomenológico empírico de los impactos afectivos de la terapia desde la perspectiva de los clientes atendidos; comprensión de esto desde el referencial rogeriano. Fueron elaborados los siguientes ejes: factores que llevaron a búsqueda de ayuda psicológica y constituyen una atmósfera terapéutica; significado negativo de la experiencia corporal; significación real de la experiencia de la autoestima en relación con el cuerpo; cambios en las actitudes en relación con la autopercepción y autocuidado. Se concluyó que la terapia centrada en la persona produjo impactos afectivos significativos que ayudaron a estos clientes a lidiar con sus experiencias de imagen corporal y autoestima.

Humanos , Autoimagem , Imagem Corporal , Insatisfação Corporal , Psicoterapia Centrada na Pessoa
Rev. mex. trastor. aliment ; 13(1): 58-70, ene.-jun. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530218


Resumen Con la finalidad de evaluar la presencia de insatisfacción corporal en jóvenes varones, resulta importante contar con instrumentos adecuados que midan esta insatisfacción y que garanticen resultados válidos. En el Perú y en diversos países, no se cuenta con gran variedad de herramientas apropiadas que midan la insatisfacción de la imagen corporal en varones, por lo que el propósito de la investigación fue adaptar lingüística y psicométricamente el BSQ en un grupo de jóvenes varones universitarios (n=320) de Lima Metropolitana con un rango de edad de 18 a 30 años. Se obtuvo una explicación del 50.72% sobre la variabilidad del instrumento y los resultados mostraron una excelente consistencia interna en ambos factores: 1) Malestar Corporal Normativo (α= .88) y 2) Malestar Corporal Patológico (α= .87). Respecto a la validez convergente y divergente, el BSQ demostró una buena capacidad para determinar la presencia de insatisfacción de la imagen corporal denotando una convergencia positiva y significativa entre ambos factores del BSQ con el Afecto Negativo del SPANAS, explicando como todos estos sentimientos negativos se encuentran presentes e influyen con la aparición de esta incomodidad. Se discuten las limitaciones y recomendaciones del estudio, y la dirección de futuras investigaciones.

Abstract In order to evaluate the presence of corporal dissatisfaction in young men, it is important to have adequate instruments to measure this dissatisfaction and guarantee valid results. However, in Peru and several countries, there is not a great variety of appropriate tools to assess body image dissatisfaction. The present research aimed to adapt the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) to a group of young male university students (N = 320) from Metropolitan Lima with an age range of 18 to 30 years. Results showed a 2-factor structure that explained 50.72% of the total variance. An excellent internal consistency was obtained in both factors: 1) Normative Body Uncomfort (α = .88) and 2) Pathological Body Uncomfort (α = .87). Regarding convergent and divergent validity, the BSQ showed good ability to determine the presence of body image dissatisfaction, denoting a positive and significant convergence between both BSQ factors with the PANAS Negative Affect, explaining how all these negative feelings are present and influence with this discomfort. Finally, the limitations and recommendations of the study, as well as the direction of future research are discussed.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217423


Background: In the context of the rising trend of overweight and obesity, young people are more concerned about their weight. This study investigates the association between measured Body Mass Index (BMI), self-perception of body weight and weight change behavior among university students. Methods: This cross-sectional study assessed a sample of 415 university students aged 18-23 years residing in urban areas of Anand. Measures included weight, height, BMI, body weight perception and weight change behavior. The data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, the student’s t-test and Chi-square test. Results: About 36.1% of the participants misclassified their weight category. More women than men felt overweight in relation to their actual body shape. Among normal-weight or underweight BMI participants, 44.4% of females and 31.8% of males were inappropriately trying to lose weight. Conclusions: The study showed a higher prevalence of weight perception and inappropriate weight change behaviour. It also observed that the correct perception of body weight influences the willingness to lose or gain weight. It is important to consider these issues while designing a public health campaign targeting obesi-ty and healthy lifestyles.

J. bras. psiquiatr ; 72(2): 118-126, ab.-jun. 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506601


RESUMO Objetivos Avaliar preditores de dismorfia muscular em homens brasileiros de minoria sexual e de gênero e descrever normas comunitárias para o Muscle Dysmorphic Disorder Inventory (MDDI), instrumento de avaliação de sinais e sintomas de dismorfia muscular. Métodos Trata-se de estudo transversal realizado com 1.444 homens brasileiros de minoria sexual e de gênero, com idade entre 18 e 50 anos. Por meio de uma pesquisa on-line , os participantes responderam a um questionário sociodemográfico, assim como medidas para avaliação dos sintomas de dismorfia muscular, busca pela muscularidade, internalização da aparência ideal e auto-objetificação. Foram realizadas análises descritivas e de correlação ( rho de Spearman) entre as variáveis do estudo, bem como uma análise de regressão linear múltipla ( stepwise forward ) para avaliar preditores de dismorfia muscular. Resultados Associação positiva e significante, de grande magnitude, foi observada entre os sintomas de dismorfia muscular, busca pela muscularidade, internalização da aparência ideal e auto-objetificação. Regressão linear múltipla demonstrou que todas essas variáveis são preditoras dos sintomas de dismorfia muscular em homens brasileiros de minoria sexual e de gênero. Conclusões Homens brasileiros de minoria sexual e de gênero apresentaram elevado risco para dismorfia muscular. Sintomas de dismorfia muscular estiveram associados com a busca pela muscularidade, internalização da aparência ideal e auto-objetificação, demonstrando que elas são preditoras de dismorfia muscular. Intervenções devem ser direcionadas a essa população, considerando a necessidade de criar estratégias de redução de sintomas de dismorfia muscular, da busca pela muscularidade, da internalização da aparência ideal e da auto-objetificação.

ABSTRACT Objectives To evaluate predictors of muscle dysmorphia in sexual and gender minority Brazilian men and to describe community norms for the Muscle Dysmorphic Disorder Inventory (MDDI), an instrument for assessing muscle dysmorphia symptoms. Methods This cross-sectional study was carried out with 1.444 sexual and gender minority Brazilian men, with ages between 18 and 50 years. By means of an on-line survey the participants answered a sociodemographic questionnaire, as well as muscle dysmorphia symptoms, drive for muscularity, appearance-ideal internalization, and self-objectification measures. Descriptive and correlation (Spearman's rho ) analysis were performed among the study variables, in addition to a multiple linear regression analysis (stepwise forward) to evaluate predictors of muscle dysmorphia. Results A positive and significant association of large magnitude was observed among muscle dysmorphia symptoms, drive for muscularity, appearance-ideal internalization, and self-objectification. Multiple linear regression showed that all these variables are predictors of muscle dysmorphia symptoms in sexual and gender minority Brazilian men. Conclusions Sexual and gender minority Brazilian men present high risk for muscle dysmorphia. Muscle dysmorphia symptoms were associated with drive for muscularity, appearance-ideal internalization, and self-objectification, showing that they are predictors of muscle dysmorphia. Interventions should target this population, considering the need to create strategies to reduce muscle dysmorphia symptoms, the drive for muscularity, appearance-ideal internalization, and self-objectification.

Salud UNINORTE ; 39(1)abr. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536836


Objetivo: Determinar la autopercepción del estado nutricional y el riesgo cardiovascular (RCV) de los grupos étnicos de La Guajira colombiana. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo-transversal en 233 individuos adultos de zonas urbanas en tres municipios de La Guajira. Se evaluó la autopercepción del estado nutricional, la intención de realizar actividad física (AF), estado nutricional, calculando el índice de masa corporal (IMC) y el riesgo cardiovascular a través del índice cintura-cadera [Ci/Ca]), estas se relacionaron con el grupo étnico (afrocolombiano, indígena y no étnico) y el estrato socioeconómico (1, 2 y >3). Se calcularon Odd Ratios (OR) para determinar la relación entre el RCV y el resto de las variables. Resultados: El 56,7 % de la muestra fueron mujeres, un 38,2 % afrocolombianos, un 32,2 % conformado por población indígena. El 65,2 % no contemplaba realizar AF y el 58,4 % presentó una autopercepción de su estado nutricional normal. Se encontró además que solo un 39,5 % presentó un IMC normal; un 48,5 % presentó un alto RCV. Se observó un alto RCV en mujeres afro-colombianas (OR= 3,22; IC 95 % 1,3-7,8) e indígenas (OR= 4,35; IC 95 % 1,7-10,9) en comparación con mujeres no étnicas (OR= 1, condición de referencia); así mismo, un mayor RCV en mujeres y hombres con sobrepeso y obesidad (p < 0,05). Conclusiones: Existe una alta prevalencia de RCV en la población de La Guajira, especialmente en las mujeres afrocolombianas e indígenas, siendo el IMC un indicador asociado al RCV en ellas.

Objective: To determine the self-perception of nutritional status and cardiovascular risk (CVR) of ethnic groups in La Guajira, Colombia. Materials and methods: Descriptive-cross-sectional study in 233 adult individuals from urban areas in three municipalities of La Guajira. Self-perception of nutritional status, intention to engage in physical activity (PA), nutritional status, calculating body mass index (BMI) and cardiovascular risk through waist-hip index [Ci/Ca]) were evaluated, these were related to ethnic group (Afro-Colombian, indigenous and non-ethnic) and socioeconomic stratum (1, 2 and >3). Odd Ratios (OR) were calculated to determine the relationship between CVR and the rest of the variables. Results: 56.7% of the sample were women, 38.2% were Afro-Colombian, 32.2% were indigenous population. 65.2 % did not consider doing PA and 58.4 % presented a self-perception of their nutritional status as normal. It was also found that only 39.5 % had a normal BMI; 48.5 % had a high CVR. A high CVR was observed in Afro-Colombian (OR= 3.22; 95 % CI 1.3-7.8) and indigenous women (OR= 4.35; 95 % CI 1.7-10.9) compared to non-ethnic women (OR= 1, reference condition); likewise, a higher CVR in overweight and obese women and men (p < 0.05). Conclusions: there is a high prevalence of CVR in the population of La Guajira, especially in Afro-Colombian and indigenous women, with BMI being an indicator associated with CVR in them.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219012


Introduction: Body image is the percep?on and a?tude one holds toward one’s own body, especially, but not exclusively, one’s physical appearance. The promo?on of posi?ve body image improves people’s quality of life and behaviors related to health. Social factors, sociocultural influences, media pressure, and the pursuit of an ideal body, associated with accomplishments and happiness are among the causes of changes in the percep?on of body image, leading to dissa?sfac?on. There is very less literature on these topics among males and also medical students. Objec?ves: To assess body image percep?on and the influence of sociocultural factors on it and self-esteem among undergraduate students of a medical college. Methods: A cross-sec?onal study was carried out among 192 undergraduate medical students of a medical college from June 2021 to September 2021 using a predesigned pretested self-administered ques?onnaire in English. Results: Out of 200 students included in the study the mean age of study subjects was 19.78 ± 1.39 years, of which,107(56%) were males and 85(44%) were females. The 192 students were classified as Underweight (27(14%)), Normal weight (78(41%)), Overweight (43(22%)) and Obese I (44(23%)) according to Asian WHO BMI classifica?on. BISS scores (which measure body image sa?sfac?on) were the median of the six items a?er reversescoring the three posi?ve-to-nega?ve items which were found to be 5.5(4-7) and 53% of students showed body image dissa?sfac?on. 33% (63 students) of students have thin/low body fat internaliza?on and about 77(40%) have muscular/athle?c internaliza?on.54(28%) students mostly agree about family pressure to a?ain the ideal appearance, 53(28%) feel pressure from peers and 75(39%) mostly agree with influence of media to a?ain ideal appearance. Out of the 192 students,124(64%) showed normal self-esteem, 63(33%) with low self-esteem, and 5(3%) with high selfesteem as per Rosenberg’s self-esteem score. A sta?s?cally significant associa?on was found between BMI and body image percep?on and also between Body image percep?on with sociocultural a?tudes toward the appearance and self-esteem of students. Conclusion: Body image dissa?sfac?on affects young students. In this study, about 53% of the students showed body image dissa?sfac?on. This percep?on of self has mainly been influenced by media (39%), family pressure (28%), and peer pressure (28%). Also, 33% of the students have low esteem with a significant associa?on between Body image percep?on and self-esteem.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(1): 71-82, jan. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421131


Resumo A imagem corporal é um constructo da representação multifacetada da identidade corporal, envolve autopercepção, crenças e atitudes sobre o próprio corpo, podendo ser influenciada por diversos fatores. Este estudo avaliou a associação da imagem corporal com indicadores antropométricos e do estilo de vida em adolescentes. Constituíram a amostra 465 adolescentes de 10 a 17 anos de escolas públicas da cidade de Salvador, na Bahia. A imagem corporal foi avaliada pela Escala de Silhuetas. Os dados antropométricos (índice de massa corporal e a circunferência da cintura), de estilo de vida (Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents e o tempo de televisão), econômicos e demográficos foram avaliados. Regressão logística politômica avaliou as associações de interesse. Os dados foram analisados pelo software STATA, versão 16.0. O sobrepeso/obesidade (OR: 9,7; IC95%: 5,4-17,5) e a obesidade abdominal (OR: 14,0; IC95%: 5,0-39,3) se mostraram positivamente associados à insatisfação corporal, mas não foi observada associação com as variáveis de estilo de vida (atividade física: OR: 1,7; IC95%: 0,9-2,9; e tempo de TV: OR: 1,2; IC95%: 0,8-1,9). Conclui-se que o estado antropométrico é um importante indicador dos desfechos negativos da imagem corporal em adolescentes.

Abstract Body image is a construct of the multifaceted representation of body identity that involves self-perception, beliefs, attitudes about the body itself, which can be influenced by several factors. This study evaluated the association of body image with anthropometric and lifestyle indicators among adolescents. The sample comprised 465 adolescents aged 10 to 17 years from public schools in the city of Salvador-Bahia. The Silhouettes Scale assessed the body image. The anthropometric data (body mass index and waist circumference), the lifestyle (Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents and television time), economic and demographic data were evaluated. Polytomous logistic regression assessed associations of interest by STATA, version 16.0. Overweight (OR:9,7; CI95%:5,4-17,5) and abdominal obesity (OR:14,0; CI95%: 5,0-39,3) were positively associated with body dissatisfaction. However, there was no association with lifestyle variables (physical activity: OR: 1,7, CI: 0,9-2,9, and TV time: OR:1,2; CI:0,8-1,9). The conclusion reached is that anthropometric status is an essential indicator of adverse body image outcomes in adolescents.

Estud. interdiscip. envelhec ; v. 27(n. 1 (2022)): 199-213, jan.2023. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1426847


A sexualidade é uma necessidade básica que permanece com o envelhecimento e está relacionada com a função sexual bem como com as percepções de imagem corporal e genital. Este estudo tem como objetivo verificar a associação entre função sexual e imagem corporal e autoimagem genital de idosas fisicamente ativas. Estudo de natureza quantitativa explicativa e retrospectiva com 132 idosas de um núcleo de atividade física. Utilizou-se uma ficha de avaliação adaptada, Índice de Função Sexual Feminina (FSFI), Body Appreciation Scale (BAS) e o Female Genital Self-Image Scale (FGSIS). A amostra apresentou indicativos de disfunção sexual (FSFI=18,8±12,7) bem como uma boa imagem corporal (BAS=4,8±0,4) e autoimagem genital (FGSIS=25,4±3). A função sexual esteve correlacionada com a autoimagem genital (r=0,231, p=0,008), e com a imagem corporal (r=0,978, p=0,000) e entre a autoimagem genital e a imagem corporal (r=0,389, p=0,000). Ao separar os domínios da função sexual, todos apresentaram correlação com a imagem corporal. Com a autoimagem genital, apenas a satisfação não apresentou correlação (r=0,131 e p=0,132). É relevante investigar os aspectos relacionados a sexualidade dos idosos pois podem interferir na qualidade de vida e bem-estar físico, psicológico e social.(AU)

Sexuality is a basic need that remains with aging and is related to sexual function as well as perceptions of the body and genital image. This study aims to verify the association between sexual function and body image and genital self-image of physically active elderly women. Quantitative, explanatory, and retrospective study with 132 elderly women from a physical activity center. An adapted evalua- tion form, Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), Body Appreciation Scale (BAS), and the Female Genital Self-Image Scale (FGSIS) were used. The sample showed signs of sexual dysfunction (FSFI = 18.8 ± 12.7) as well as a good body image (BAS = 4.8 ± 0.4) and genital self-image (FGSIS = 25.4 ± 3). Sexual function was correlated with genital self-image (r = 0.231, p = 0.008), and with body image (r = 0.978, p = 0.000) and between genital self-image and body image (r = 0.389, p = 0.000). When separating the domains of sexual function, all showed a correlation with body image. With genital self- image, satisfaction was not correlated (r = 0.131 and p = 0.132). It is relevant to investigate aspects related to the sexuality of the elderly as they can interfere with the quality of life and physical, psychological, and social well-being.(AU)

Feminino , Idoso , Imagem Corporal , Idoso , Sexualidade , Genitália , Atividade Motora
Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 1622-1625, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-998788


Objective@#To analyze the effectiveness of body image education curriculum on grade 4-6 students of early adolescence in primary schools, so as to provide teaching pructice research eridence for promoting positive body image during adolescence.@*Methods@#A primary school in Chengdu was selected as an experimental school, who offered 6 projects, each project 1 class hour, each chass hour 40 minutes, an average of 1.5 weeks body image education curriculum (body changes during adolescent, values, physical appearance, gender diverity expression and aesthetic diversity). The other school had the same school district conditions, school size and nature, teachers and teaching environment, and had no body image education courses. A pre-test and post-test survey was conducted in April and May 2023 on students in grades 4 to 6 in both schools through the Body Image State Scale adopting cluster sampling.@*Results@#The pre-test scores of body image in experimental school and control school were (34.99±8.72) and (35.74±8.57) respectively, with no significantly statistical difference ( t=-1.29, P >0.05). The post-test scores of body image in experimental school and control school were (37.09±10.40) and (35.70±8.78) respectivily. There was a significant difference in body image between pre-test and post-test scores in experimental school ( t=-5.70, P <0.01), while no significant difference in control school ( t=0.13, P >0.05). There were significant differences in body image between pre-test and post-test scores among students of different BMI groups in experimental and control schools ( F =16.01, 7.19, 9.64, 5.30, P <0.01).@*Conclusions@#Body image education curriculum in early adolescence is beneficial for improving students body satisfaction. To help students develop a positive body image in early adolescence, it is necessary to implement relevant curriculum education in schools as early as possible.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 486-491, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990207


Objective:To investigate the current situation of body image and stigma of drug-resistant tuberculosis patients treated with Clofazimine, and analyze the correlation between them.Methods:A cross-sectional study was conducted using convenience sampling method to investigate 150 patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis treated with Clofazimine in tuberculosis ward of Chengdu Public Health Clinical Medical Center from October 2020 to October 2021. The general questionnaire, Body Image Scale (BIS) and Tuberculosis Related Stigma Scale were used to conduct a questionnaire survey.Results:A total of 130 questionnaires were effectively collected. The body image score of 130 patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis treated with Clofazimine was (20.51 ± 6.80) points; the score of stigma was (17.78 ± 6.92) points. There was a positive correlation between the total score of disease shame and the total score of body image ( r=0.544, P<0.05). Conclusions:Patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis treated with Clofazimine have body image disorder and stigma, and the two are positively correlated. Caregivers should carry out psychological assessment and intervention at an early stage to improve the patient′s mental health level.

Chinese Journal of School Health ; (12): 379-383, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965864


Objective@#To explore the relationship between body image and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in adolescents.@*Methods@#A total of 1 701 adolescents in grade 6-8 in three middle schools in Shanghai were selected by stratified cluster sampling, and were investigated anonymously using computer assisted self interview approach. Information including demographic characteristics, body image satisfaction, and ACEs were collected. The Chi square test and multivariate Logistic regression were used to explore the relationship between adolescent body image satisfaction and types of ACEs.@*Results@#About 60.73% of the respondents were satisfied with their body image, with higher satisfaction among boys(66.16%) than among girls(55.13%)( χ 2= 21.70 , P <0.01). About 79.19% of the respondents had experienced at least one ACE, and respectively 61.61%, 65.14% and 21.58 % of them had experienced abuse, neglect and family dysfunction. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis indicated that experiencing at least one ACE, abuse, neglect and family dysfunction were all related with low body image satisfaction among girls( OR =0.33- 0.57 , P <0.01), while among boys neglect,having 3 or more than 4 ACEs were found to be associated with body image satisfaction ( OR =0.54-0.64, P <0.05). The cumulative effects of ACEs on adolescent body image were observed.@*Conclusion@#Different types of ACEs are associated with body image in adolescents, ACEs have cumulative effects on adolescent body image, which shows gender differences.Screen of ACEs and improvement of family nurturing environment should be highlighted among adolescents, especially among girls.

Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 283-288, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986754


BackgroundPsychological problems such as depression and anxiety are common in pregnant women, and many studies have found that body image disturbance is closely related to depression and anxiety symptoms. Still, there is large variability in previous findings. ObjectiveTo review the researches on the relation of body image disturbance to depression and anxiety in pregnant women, and to provide a reference for interventions targeting maternal body image disturbance and depression and anxiety symptoms. MethodsOn January 10, 2023, well qualified literature focusing on the relationship between body image disturbance and depression and anxiety symptoms in pregnant women were searched in PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, Web of Science, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), VIP databases, Wanfang Data Database and China Biology Medicine disc (CBMdisc) from inception to January 1, 2023. The research content, factors influencing body image disturbance and relevant findings were extracted and summarized for analysis. ResultsA total of 14 articles were included in this review. The body image disturbance in pregnant women was manifested predominantly by an excessive concern about body weight and shape, and was affected by demographic characteristics, sociocultural factors, obstetric factors and other factors. Furthermore, body image disturbance significantly predicted the occurrence of depression, and proved a close relationship with anxiety symptoms. ConclusionBody image disturbance seriously affects the physical functioning and psychological status of pregnant women and may further exacerbate the symptoms of depression and anxiety.