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Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1518157


In Brazil, lamb producers face challenges raising their animals because of high anthelmintic resistance and loss of productivity due to parasites. It is well known that parasitic infections can reduce the performance of sheep. However, until the publication of this work, no research was found that quantified the effects that anemia reflected by FAMACHA© scores can exert on other zootechnical indicators in a lamb production system. The objective of this study was to use the FAMACHA© scores to quantify the impacts of anemia in ewes at breeding and lambing on the productive and reproductive performance of a meat sheep flock. The variables evaluated were i) FAMACHA© score of ewes at breeding and lambing, ii) body condition score of ewes at breeding and at lambing, iii) average daily gain of lambs until weaning, iv) ewe's age, v) birth weights per individual lamb and litter, vi) weaning weight, vii) ewe's weight, viii) litter size and ix) pre-weaning survival. The treatments evaluated corresponded to the FAMACHA© score of the ewes during breeding and lambing. Quantitative responses were submitted to analyses of variance and compared by Duncan's test. In contrast, qualitative or discrete responses were evaluated by the Kruskal & Wallis test and compared to Dunn's test. The Wilcoxon test was performed to compare the FAMACHA©scores of ewes at breeding and lambing. All statistical analyzes were performed using the R-Studio software version 4.2.0 at a 5% significance level. The FAMACHA© score of breeding ewes was related to the body condition score at breeding, ewe weight, pre-weaning survival, ewe age, litter size, and birth weight. Furthermore, the FAMACHA© score of ewes at lambing was related to the body condition score at lambing, ewe weight, pre-weaning survival, birth weight per lamb and litter, pre-weaning average daily gain, weaning weight, and age of the ewe. There was no significant difference between the test times of the FAMACHA© scores of the ewes, indicating that an ewe will present a similar score at both stages. It was concluded that ewes with FAMACHA© scores of 4 and 5 and their offspring showed the worst productive and reproductive performances. Conversely, the ewes with FAMACHA© 1 obtained the opposite result, demonstrating better technical performance.(AU)

No Brasil, produtores de cordeiros enfrentam desafios na criação de seus animais devido à alta resistência anti-helmíntica e perda de produtividade devido a parasitoses. Sabe-se que as infecções parasitárias podem reduzir o desempenho de matrizes ovinas, contudo, até a elaboração desse trabalho não foram encontradas pesquisas que mensuraram os efeitos que a anemia refletida pelos graus FAMACHA© podem exercer sobre outros indicadores zootécnicos em um sistema de produção de cordeiros. Sendo assim, o objetivo desse estudo foi quantificar os impactos das verminoses em matrizes ovinas, representadas pelo grau FAMACHA©, durante a estação de monta e a parição, no desempenho produtivo e reprodutivo de um rebanho ovino de corte. As variáveis avaliadas foram: i) grau FAMACHA© das matrizes à monta e ao parto, ii) escore de condição corporal das matrizes à monta e ao parto, iii) ganho médio diário até o desmame, iv) idade da matriz, v) pesos dos cordeiros ao nascer individual e por parto, vi) peso ao desmame, vii) peso da matriz, viii) prolificidade e ix) sobrevivência pré-desmame. Os tratamentos avaliados corresponderam ao grau FAMACHA© das matrizes durante a monta e parto. As respostas quantitativas foram submetidas à análise de variância e comparadas pelo teste de Duncan, já as respostas qualitativas ou discretas foram avaliadas pelo teste de Kruskal & Wallis e comparadas pelo teste de Dunn. Realizou-se o teste de Wilcoxon para comparar os graus FAMACHA© das matrizes nos momentos de monta e parto. Todas as análises estatísticas foram realizadas no software R-Studio versão 4.2.0 ao nível de 5% de significância. O grau FAMACHA© das matrizes à monta foi relativo ao escore de condição corporal à monta, peso da matriz, sobrevivência pré-desmame, idade da matriz, prolificidade e peso ao nascer coletivo por parto. Já o grau FAMACHA© das matrizes ao parto foi relativo ao escore de condição corporal ao parto, peso da matriz, sobrevivência pré-desmame, pesos ao nascer individual e coletivo por parto, ganho médio diário pré-desmame, peso ao desmame e idade da matriz. Não houve diferença significativa entre os momentos dos graus FAMACHA© das matrizes, indicando que uma ovelha manterá um grau FAMACHA© similar em ambas as fases. Conclui-se que ovelhas com graus FAMACHA© 4 e 5, assim como suas crias, apresentaram os piores desempenhos produtivos e reprodutivos. Em contrapartida, as matrizes com FAMACHA©1 obtiveram o resultado oposto, mostrando indicadores zootécnicos com valores mais eficientes ao sistema de produção.(AU)

Animais , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais , Ovinos/parasitologia , Terapia de Alvo Molecular/métodos , Anti-Helmínticos , Brasil
Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 34(4): 291-304, Oct.-Dec. 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1408030


Abstract Background: Variables associated with body tissue mobilization place dairy cows at greater risk of reproductive failure. Objective: To investigate the association between blood metabolites and body condition score (BCS) at the beginning of lactation and the reproductive efficiency and milk yield of Holstein cows in a hot environment. Methods: In total, 165 Holstein cows were selected for the study from which blood samples were taken to determine the concentration of various blood metabolites and their association with the reproductive efficiency and milk yield. Results: Cows with serum β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) ≤0.8 mmol/L one week postpartum were 3.3 times more likely to become pregnant at first service, and 2.2 times more likely to become pregnant before 80 d postpartum than cows with higher serum BHBA levels. The odds (OR 2.7; 95% CI 1.3-5.4; p<0.01) of a cow getting pregnant at first service were higher in cows with serum creatinine levels higher than 2.0 mg/dL one week postpartum than cows with lower blood levels of this metabolite. The BCS at 30 and 60 d postpartum that predicted pregnancy at first service and pregnancy to all services was 3.0. Blood urea nitrogen >15 mg/dL, creatinine <1.8 mg/dL, total protein ≤5.0 mg/dL one week postpartum, and >0.40 units of BCS loss during the first 30 d postpartum were critical threshold that predicted the likelihood of 305-d milk yield higher than 10,500 kg. Conclusions: Serum BHBA and creatinine one wk after calving as well as BCS 30 and 60 d post-calving provided reasonably accurate cut-off screening values to discriminate cows with better reproductive performance and higher 305-d milk yield.

Resumen Antecedentes: Las variables asociadas a mayor movilización de tejido corporal en vacas lecheras conducen a un mayor riesgo de falla reproductiva. Objetivo: Investigar la asociación entre los metabolitos sanguíneos y condición corporal (BCS) al comienzo de la lactancia y la eficiencia reproductiva y producción de leche de vacas Holstein en un ambiente caluroso. Métodos: En total, se seleccionaron 165 vacas Holstein de las cual se tomaron muestras de sangre para determinar la concentración de varios matabolitos sanguíneos, los cuales se asociaron con el desempeño reproductivo y producción de leche. Resultados: Las vacas con β-hidroxibutirato (BHBA) en suero ≤0,8 mmol/L una semana postparto tuvieron 3,3 veces más probabilidades de quedar preñadas en los primeros servicios, y 2,2 veces más probabilidades de quedar gestantes antes de los 80 días postparto que las vacas con mayores niveles séricos de BHBA. Las probabilidades (OR 2,7; IC 95% 1,3-5,4; p<0,01) de que una vaca se preñara en el primer servicio fueron mayores en vacas con niveles de creatinina en suero sanguíneo superiores a 2,0 mg/dL una semana postparto que las vacas con niveles más bajos de este metabolito en sangre. Una BCS de 3 a los 30 y 60 días postparto fue un buen predictor de la preñez al primer servicio y la gestación considerando todos los servicios. El nitrógeno ureico en sangre >15 mg/dL, la creatinina <1,8 mg/dL, la proteína total ≤5,0 mg/dL una semana después del parto y >0,40 unidades de pérdida de BCS durante los primeros 30 días postparto fueron los valores críticos para predecir una producción de leche a 305 días superior a 10.500 kg. Conclusiones: El BHBA y la creatinina en suero sanguíneo una semana postparto, así como la BCS 30 y 60 d después del parto, proporcionan valores razonablemente precisos para identificar las vacas que tendrán mejor desempeño reproductivo y mayor producción de leche a 305 días.

Resumo Antecedentes: A maior mobilização do tecido corporal das vacas leiteiras leva a um aumento do risco de falhas reprodutivas. Objetivo: Para investigar a relação entre os metabolitos sanguíneos e condição do corpo (BCS) para o início da lactação e eficiência reprodutiva e produção de leite de vacas Holstein num ambiente quente. Métodos: No total, foram selecionadas 165 vacas da raça Holandesa, das quais foram coletadas amostras de sangue para determinar a concentração de vários metabólitos sanguíneos, associados ao desempenho reprodutivo e à produção de leite das vacas. Resultados: As vacas com β-hidroxibutirato (BHBA) soro ≤0,8 mmol/L de uma semana após o nascimento foram 3,3 vezes mais probabilidade de engravidar nos primeiros serviços, e 2,2 vezes mais provável que seja grávida antes de 80 dias após o parto do que vacas com níveis séricos de BHBA mais elevados. As probabilidades (OR 2,7, IC de 95% 1,3-5,4, p<0,01) que uma vaca preñara primeiros serviços vacas foram maiores com níveis mais elevados de creatinina no soro do sangue >2,0 mg/dL, uma semana pós-parto do que vacas com níveis sanguíneos mais baixos deste metabolito. Um CC de 3 aos 30 e 60 dias pós-parto foi um bom predictor de gravidez no primeiro serviço e gestação, considerando todos os serviços. O azoto de ureia no sangue >15 mg/dL, creatinina <1,8 mg/dL e proteína total, ≤5,0 mg/dL uma semana após o parto e >0,40 unidades perda CC durante os primeiros 30 dias após o nascimento estavam valores críticos que previram produção de leite em 305 dias >10.500 kg. Conclusões: BHBA e creatinina sérica, uma semana após o parto, bem como CC 30 e 60 d após o parto, forneceram valores razoavelmente precisos para discriminar vacas com melhor desempenho reprodutivo e maior produção de leite em 305 dias.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-210956


The present investigation was carried out with the total of 18 Sahiwal cattle of 1st to 4th parity were selected for the study and distributed into three different groups based on their pre calving BCS (before 15 days of expected date of calving) namely G1 (2.50 - 3.00), G2 (3.25 - 3.75) and G3 (4.00 and above) with six animals in each group. The average fortnight milk yield increased up to 60th day and thereafter declined up to 90th day in G1, G2 and G3 group of animals, which was significant (p<0.05) up to 75th day. G3 group animals had highest average fortnightly cumulative Milk yield (Kg) in entire study period. Highest 305 days predicted lactation milk yield (2462.66 Kg /lactation) and average peak yield (16.50 Kg/ animal) was obtained in G3 group animals and the lowest predicted lactation milk yield (1870.68 Kg/lactation). The 305 days predicted lactation milk yield in G2 group animals was 2356.75 Kg /lactation and average peak yield was 14.90 Kg/ animal. The G3 group animals also attained their peak yield in 46 days compared to G2 and G1 group animals with 51 and 54 days, respectively. The persistency of milk production was highest in G2 group animals with 65.63 % followed by G3 and G1 group animals. The studied revealed that BCS had a significant (P<0.05) effect on post-partum estrus and service period in experimental animals

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-760344


We aimed to identify predictive markers of peri- and postpartum disorders in dairy cows. Data regarding peri- and postpartum disorders, serum metabolites, body condition score (BCS), and rectal temperature, were collected from 227 dairy cows, which were allocated to healthy (n = 57) and diseased (n = 170) groups. Serum non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentration was higher in diseased than healthy cows 4 weeks before (p < 0.01) and immediately after (p = 0.05) calving. Serum alanine aminotransferase (AST) activity was higher (p < 0.05) in diseased than healthy cows 1 and 2 weeks after calving, whereas total cholesterol (TCH) concentration was lower (p < 0.05–0.0001) in diseased cows 4 weeks before, and after calving. BCS was higher (p < 0.05) in diseased than healthy cows 4 weeks before calving, but lower (p < 0.01) in diseased cows 8 weeks after calving. Rectal temperature was higher (p < 0.05–0.01) in diseased than healthy cows between 2 and 14 days postpartum. In conclusion, high serum NEFA and AST concentrations and lower TCH concentration during the peripartum period, and high prepartum BCS and postpartum rectal temperature, could be used as biomarkers to predict the subsequent development of peri- and postpartum disorders.

Alanina Transaminase , Biomarcadores , Colesterol , Ácidos Graxos não Esterificados , Período Periparto , Período Pós-Parto
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 56(4): e158360, Dezembro 03, 2019. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1048071


This study investigated the existence of difference of fat deposition and lipid metabolism in horses with different races and skills that were used for the same kind of sport. 20 Purebred Arabian and 20 Thoroughbred horses trained for flat race were evaluated. The analyses performed were body condition score, weight and blood collected for determination of triglycerides, total cholesterol and non-esterified fatty acids. Ultrasonography of the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer was performed on the Longissimus dorsi muscle between the 17th and 18th rib, the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer on the Gluteus medius muscle using the acetabulum as reference, and the cross section of the same muscle. Race-trained Arabian horses showed greater fat layer deposition in the Gluteus medius and Longissimus dorsei muscles than Thoroughbred horses. These facts indicate that there is a metabolic difference, besides the phenotype, between the races. They also indicate the need to study specific physical conditioning programs for each kind of race.(AU)

Foi investigada a existência de diferença na deposição de gordura e no metabolismo lipídico em cavalos de duas raças distintas, com aptidões diferentes, porém, utilizadas para o mesmo esporte. Foram avaliados 20 cavalos Puro Sangue Árabe e 20 cavalos Puro Sangue Ingleses treinados para corrida. As avaliações foram escore de condição corporal, peso e colheita de sangue para determinação de triglicerídeos, colesterol total e ácidos graxos não esterificados. Foi realizada a ultrassonografia da espessura de camada de gordura subcutânea sobre o músculo Longissimus dorsi entre a 17º e 18º costela, a espessura de camada de gordura subcutânea sobre o músculo glúteo médio utilizando o acetábulo como referência e o corte transversal do mesmo músculo. Os cavalos Árabes de corrida apresentaram maior deposição de gordura na camada subcutânea dos músculos glúteo médio e Longissimus dorsei que os cavalos Puro Sangue Ingleses. Tais fatos indicam uma diferença racial que o treinamento, ainda que semelhante a todos, não foi capaz de igualar.(AU)

Animais , Triglicerídeos/análise , Composição Corporal/fisiologia , Cavalos/metabolismo , Metabolismo dos Lipídeos/fisiologia
Rev. MVZ Córdoba ; 23(2): 6649-6659, May-Aug. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-957360


Abstract Objective. To evaluate the uterine involution in Holstein cow, under the conditions of production of the bovine dairy cattle in the province El Carchi, Ecuador. Materials and Methods. Sixty cows were selected and the time for uterine involution was determined by the recto-vaginal examination, ultrasonography and the clinical score of the regression of the uterus. The statistical parameters for each variable were determined. The effect of parity and body condition (CC) on complete uterine involution was evaluated by multifactorial ANOVA and the LSD test to compare means. Results. The clinical involution of the uterus, without taking into account the clinical score occurred at 29.86±7.71 days but considering this notation was at 42 ± 0.39 days. The uterine involution took place earlier (p<0.05) in cows with BCS ≥ 3.5 at birth than in those with BCS <3.5. In second calving cows it was at 25.17±1.32 days and it was extended (p<0.05) for the third and fourth calving. The occurrence of the dominant follicle and ovulation occur at 16.63 ± 3.83 and 27.76±7.71 days, respectively. Conclusions. The clinical involution of the uterus occurred in less time when the recto-vaginal examination was considered, compared when it was evaluated taking into account the clinical score. The uterine involution process is influenced by parity and body condition at calving.

Resumen Objetivo. Evaluar la involución uterina en vacas Holstein, en las condiciones de producción de la ganadería bovina lechera en la provincia El Carchi, Ecuador. Materiales y métodos. Se seleccionaron 60 vacas y se determinó el tiempo para la involución uterina mediante la exploración recto-vaginal, ultrasonografía y la puntuación clínica de la regresión del útero. Se determinaron los estadígrafos descriptivos de cada variable. Se evaluó el efecto de la paridad y la condición corporal (CC) sobre la completa involución uterina mediante un ANOVA multifactorial y la prueba LSD para comparar las medias. Resultados. La involución del útero, sin tomar en cuenta la puntuación clínica ocurrió a los 29.86 ± 7.71 días pero considerando esta notación fue a los 42±0.39 días. La involución uterina ocurrió más temprano (p<0.05) en las vacas con CC al parto ≥ que 3.5 que en las que la tenían < de 3.5. En las vacas de segundo parto fue a los 25.17 ± 1.32 días y se prolongó (p<0.05) en el tercero y cuarto parto. La aparición del folículo dominante y la ovulación ocurrieron a los 16.63±3.83 y 27.76±7.71 días, respectivamente. Conclusiones. La involución clínica del útero considerando el examen recto-vaginal ocurrió en menor tiempo que cuando se evaluó considerando la puntuación clínica. El proceso de involución uterina está iinfluenciado por la paridad y la CC al parto.

Ovulação , Paridade , Período Pós-Parto
Rev. MVZ Córdoba ; 21(1): 5154-5162, Jan.-Apr. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-797429


Objective. Two body condition scoring systems were compared to those of interpretation of cow's body condition at a local farm located in Aydin region, Turkey. Materials and methods. A total of 50 head Holstein-Friesian cows at 1st-4rd parity (mid-lactation), raised at a private dairy farm located in Aydin, Turkey was constituted the animal material of the present study. Scores were obtained by use of the primary systems utilized within the US (1-5 scale with 0.25 intervals) and compared to those of Bayer Health Care Animal Health's BCS Cowdition Smartphone App. Results. The overall means of BCS were found as 3.37±0.068 and 3.45±0.060 for BCS Cowdition and USBCS, respectively. The positive correlation among BCS Cowdition and USBCS systems was found as 0.81 in evaluating body condition (p<0.01). The positive linear relationship (p<0.001) was found between BCS Cowdition and USBCS systems (R²=0.66). The linear relationship between the latter assessment methods demonstrated that both usual and digital systems tended to scare cows similarly. Conclusions. This comparison represented progress within the understanding of the relationship between these two systems. Moreover, it may be suggested that BCS Cowdition Smartphone App. may be a good alternative for interpretation of BCS.

Objetivo. Dos sistemas de puntuación de la condición corporal se compararon con (el) de la interpretación de la condición corporal de las vacas en una granja local ubicada en la región de Aydin, Turquía. Materiales y métodos. Un total de 50 vacas Holstein Friesian en (su) primera a cuarta parición (a mediados de la lactancia), explotadas en una granja lechera privada situada en Aydin, Turquía constituyó el material animal del presente estudio. Las puntuaciones se obtuvieron mediante el uso de los sistemas primarios utilizados dentro de los EE.UU. (1-5 escala con intervalos de 0.25) y se compararon con (el) de BCS Cowdition Smartphone App de Bayer Health Care Salud Animal. Resultados. Los promedios globales de BCS encontrados fueron de 3.37±0.08 y 3.45±0.060 para BCS Cowdition y USBCS, respectivamente. La correlación entre BCS sistemas Cowdition y USBCS (para la evaluación de la condición corporal fue de 0.81 (p<0.01) con un coeficiente de determinación de. Se encontró que la relación lineal positiva (p<0.001) entre BCS Cowdition y sistemas USBCS (R²=0.66). La relación lineal entre los métodos de evaluación demostró que tanto los sistemas usuales y digitales tienden a calificar a las vacas de manera similar. Conclusiones. Esta comparación constituye un avance en la comprensión de la relación entre estos dos sistemas. Por otra parte, se puede sugerir que a pesar de los cambiarlo por un término adecuado entre evaluadores visuales, BCS Cowdition Smartphone App. Puede ser una buena alternativa para la interpretación de BCS.

Turquia , Gado , Medicina Veterinária
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-215761


The aim of the present study is to investigate the potential influence of obesity as a factor in 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) concentration in myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD) dogs. Fifty-five client-owned dogs were enrolled in a randomized trial. Dogs were classified by echocardiography into healthy (control), mild, and moderate to severe MMVD groups. Each group was subclassified by using a 9-point body condition score (BCS); lean (BCS 5–6/9) and obese groups (BCS 7.5–9/9). Dogs with moderate to severe MMVD had lower serotonin (5-HT) concentrations than the control group (p = 0.03). Dogs with moderate to severe MMVD (p = 0.017) had lower serum 5-HT concentrations than the control group in the obese group (BCS 7.5–9/9). Significant difference was found between the lean and obese groups (p = 0.015) which are not consider severe in the MMVD group. These results suggested that 5-HT concentration was decreased with the increasing severity of MMVD, and obesity might be taken into consideration when interpreting the serotonin concentration in MMVD dogs.

Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 65(6): 1609-1615, Dec. 2013. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-696838


O objetivo deste estudo foi buscar associação entre a taxa de prenhez após inseminação e natalidade com marcadores moleculares ligados aos genes do receptor para IGF-1, LHβ, Leptina e receptores do FSH e LH. Utilizaram-se 249 vacas adultas Aberdeen Angus, das quais 199 foram submetidas a protocolos distintos para a IATF, seguida pelo repasse com touros, e 50 vacas formaram o grupo controle representado pelo acasalamento com touros. Foram avaliados o escore de condição corporal (ECC) e o escore de condição ovariana (ECO) ao início da estação reprodutiva. O ECC influenciou a taxa de natalidade, respectivamente de 55,6%, 75,8% e 82,4% (P<0,05) para os animais com ECC menor que 2,5, entre 2,5 a 2,9, e maior ou igual a 3,0, por ocasião da estação reprodutiva. Os marcadores relacionados ao gene do receptor para o IGF-1 (AFZ-1 e HEL5) mostraram associação com a taxa de natalidade. Vacas homozigóticas para o marcador AFZ-1 apresentaram 84,4% de natalidade em comparação às heterozigóticas, com 71,5% (P<0,05). A presença do alelo*161 para o marcador HEL5 foi negativa sobre a natalidade, respectivamente de 33,3% e 76,5% para vacas com e sem esse alelo (P<0,05). Esses resultados demonstram uma importante associação entre os marcadores envolvidos com o receptor para o IGF-1 e desempenho reprodutivo de vacas Angus.

The association between the reproductive performance, expressed by pregnancy rate at fixed timed artificial insemination and birth rate in the subsequent season in beef cows, and molecular markers linked to genes for IGF-1 receptor, LHβ, leptin, and FSH and LH receptors were evaluated. Data from 249 Aberdeen Angus adult cows were used in this study. One hundred and ninety-nine cows were subjected to four different protocols for FTAI, followed by clean-up bulls and 50 cows formed the control group, matted only with bulls for 90 days during the mating season. Body condition score (BCS) and ovarian condition score (OCE) were evaluated at the beginning of the breeding season. The birth rate in the following year was 75.5%, with no treatments influence. The BCS has influenced the birth rate, respectively 55.6%, 75.8% and 82.4% (P<0.05) for animals with BCS less than 2.5; 2.5 to 2.9; and greater than or equal to 3.0, at the beginning of the breeding season. The markers related to IGF-1 receptor gene (AFZ-1 and HEL5) were associated with the birth rate in beef cows. Cows homozygous for AFZ-1 marker showed 84.4% of birth rate, while heterozygous cows showed 71.5% (P <0.05). The presence of allele *161 to the HEL5 marker was negative on birth rate. Cows with this allele had only 33.3% of birth rate, while cows without this allele had 76.5% of birth rate (P <0.05). These results demonstrate a significant association between the markers involved with the IGF-1 receptor and reproductive performance of Aberdeen Angus beef cows.

Animais , Bovinos , Coeficiente de Natalidade , Fator de Crescimento Insulin-Like I/análise , Fertilidade/fisiologia , Bovinos
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 64(2): 295-304, abr. 2012. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-622480


Compararam-se efeitos de diferentes protocolos para a IATF com o acasalamento natural (Controle) sobre o desempenho reprodutivo de 249 vacas Aberdeen Angus, distribuídas em cinco grupos: Controle (n=50); Crestar 2º uso (n=64); OvSynch (n=65); Primer 1ºuso (n=35) e Primer 2º uso (n=35). A IATF dos animais dos grupos Crestar 2º uso, OvSynch, e Primer 1º uso foi realizada 27 dias após o início da estação do grupo controle e a IATF do grupo Primer 2º uso ocorreu 38 dias após o início da estação do grupo-controle. A partir de sete dias após a IATF, os animais foram submetidos ao repasse por touros até o término da estação de acasalamento, que foi de 91 dias para o grupo-controle, 64 dias para os grupos Crestar 2º uso, OvSynch e Primer 1º uso e de 53 dias para o grupo Primer 2º uso. A taxa de gestação ao final da estação de acasalamento não se diferenciou entre os grupos (P>0,05), sendo de 85,9%; 83,1%; 82,9%; 88,6% e 80,0%, respectivamente, para Crestar 2º uso; OvSynch; Primer 1º uso; Primer 2º uso e Controle. A taxa de parição resultante da IATF foi de 23,4%; 29,2%; 48,6% e 62,9% para os grupos Crestar 2º uso, OvSynch, Primer 1º uso, Primer 2º uso, respectivamente, com diferença significativa (P<0,05) entre Crestar e Primer 1º e 2º uso. OvSynch não se diferenciou de Crestar e Primer 1º uso. Primer 1º uso não se diferenciou de Primer 2º uso. A perda gestacional, do diagnóstico de gestação ao nascimento, foi de 10,5%. O intervalo de partos estimado (IEP) não apresentou diferenças, com média de 478 dias. O escore de condição corporal (ECC) de fêmeas gestantes ao final da estação reprodutiva foi diferente do de fêmeas não gestantes (controle), mas não dos demais grupos, possivelmente pela influência do tratamento em induzir a ciclicidade dos animais com ECC inferior. O atraso da realização da IATF após 27 ou 38 dias do início da estação de acasalamento não afetou a taxa de gestação final e o IEP dos animais, quando comparado ao acasalamento por touros.

The effects of different FTAI protocols were compared to the natural mating of bulls on the reproductive performance of 249 Aberdeen Angus cows. Five groups were formed: Control (n=50); Crestar 2nd use (n=64); OvSynch (n=65); Primer 1st use (n=35) and Primer 2nd use (n=35). The FTAI of the animals in the Crestar 2nd use, OvSynch and Primer 1st use groups was accomplished 27 days after the beginning of the mating season for the control group and the FTAI in the Primer 2nd use group happened 38 days after the beginning of the mating season of the control group. From seven days after the FTAI cows were exposed to bulls until the end of the mating season. The mating season was of 91 days for the control group, 64 days for the Crestar 2nd use, OvSynch and Primer 1st use groups and 53 days for the Primer 2nd use group. The pregnancy rate at the end of the mating season didn't differ among the groups (P>0.05), being 85.9; 83.1; 82.9; 88.6 and 80.0% respectively, for Crestar 2nd use, OvSynch, Primer 1st use, Primer 2nd use and Control. The birth rate resulting from FTAI was 23.4; 29.2; 48.6 and 62.9% for the Crestar 2nd use, OvSynch, Primer 1st use, Primer 2nd use groups, with significant difference (P<0.05) among Crestar and Primer 1st and 2nd use. OvSynch didn't differ in Crestar and Primer 1st use. Primer 1st use didn't differ from Primer 2nd use. The average reproductive losses between the gestation diagnosis and the birth were10.5%. The estimated calving interval (CI) didn't present differences among the animal groups, with an average of 478 days. The body condition score (BCS) of pregnant cows at the end of the reproductive station differed from BCS of empty cows in the control group, but it didn't differ in the other groups, possibly due to the hormonal treatment influence in inducing the oestrus and ovulation in animals with lower BCS. The delay of the accomplishment of FTAI after 27 or 38 days of the beginning of the mating season didn't affect the final pregnancy rate and CI of the cows, when compared to natural mating.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-160880


The body condition score (BCS) system is a subjective scoring method of evaluating the energy reserves of dairy animals to provide better understanding of biological relationships between body fat, milk production and reproduction. This method helps in adopting the optimum management practices to derive maximum production and maintain optimum health of the livestock. In this study, a new BCS system was developed for Murrah buffaloes. The skeletal check points were identified by studying the anatomical features and amount of fat reserves in slaughtered animals. The scores were assigned from 1 to 5 based on the amount of fat reserves in slaughtered animals. A score of 1 represents least and 5 represents most amount of fat. The skeletal check points identified were ordered based on the amount of carcass fat reserves and scores assigned to prepare a preliminary BCS chart on a 1 to 5 scale at 0.25 increments. The BCS chart was further modified by eliminating the skeletal check points at which the fat reserves were less evident on palpation in most of the buffaloes and a new BCS chart on a 1 to 5 scale at 0.5 increments examining eight skeletal check points was developed. The new BCS system developed was tested for precision in 10 buffaloes for each point of the 1-5 scale by ultrasonographic measurements of body fat reserves. Ultrasonographic measurements showed that as the BCS increased, the amount of fat reserves also increased (p < 0.01), indicating that the BCS adequately reflected the amount of actual fat reserves. BCS was significantly correlated (r = 0.860) with the carcass fat reserves as well as the ultrasonographic fat reserves (r = 0.854).

Animais , Feminino , Tecido Adiposo/fisiologia , Composição Corporal/fisiologia , Búfalos/fisiologia , Indústria de Laticínios
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 47(2): 111-117, 2010. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-559361


In this work the effects of pre-lamb shearing on the ewe body condition scores (BCS) and lamb birth weights and growth rates were examined. A flock of 64, three year old Border Leicester x Texel ewes (49-54 kg), exposed to rams in March were divided, on day 74 of pregnancy, into two groups each of 32 ewes. The ewes grazed together, on natural pampas grass, at a stoking rate of five ewes/ha and a pasture availability of approximately 800 kg DM/ha. One group was shorn (S), at day 74 of pregnancy (P74) and the other was left unshorn (US). The BCS of the S and US ewes were assessed at the beginning of the experiment (P74), P108 and P135, as well as at lactation (L) on days L15 and L24. The lamb birth weights, and weights at 2 and 3 weeks of life were also recorded. Both groups of ewes showed a marked reduction of BCS during gestation and lactation periods. The S group experienced a significantly (P < 0.05) more severe reduction of BCS. This dropped from 3.3 score units at P74 to 1.79 and 1.22 at P135 and L24. The BCS of the US group were 3.11, 2.19 and 1.21 score units respectively at these times. Shearing pre-lambing increased mean lamb birth weight by 0.71 kg and this was statistically significant (P < 0.05). There were no effects on the lamb weight gain measured at two and three weeks of life. The increase in lamb birth weight produced by shearing ewes during pregnancy, described in this paper, could reduce the lamb perinatal mortality, especially in years with a low forage supply, leading to a critical BCS during gestation. The results suggested also that close attention should be given to the BCS of the ewe flock during pregnancy, a practice that is not common in the southern areas of Brazil.

No presente trabalho, foi testado o efeito da esquila pré-parto na condição corporal (BCS), no peso de cordeiros ao nascer e no seu desenvolvimento. O grupo experimental foi constituído de 64 ovelhas com 3 anos, cruzas Border Leicester x Texel (49-54 kg), encarneiradas em março, foram divididas, aos 74 dias de gestação, em dois grupos de 32 cada. As ovelhas foram mantidas em campo nativo, 5 ovelhas/ha, com disponibilidade aproximada de 800 kg/ha. Aos 74 dias de gestação, um grupo foi esquilado (S) e o outro foi mantido não esquilado (US). A BCS dos dois grupos foi avaliada no início do experimento (P74), P108 e P135 dias de gestação e aos 15 e 24 dias da lactação. Foi também coletado o peso dos cordeiros ao nascer e a duas e três semanas da lactação. Observou-se uma redução na BCS média das ovelhas, de ambos os grupos, durante a gestação e lactação. O grupo S experimentou uma redução significativamente mais severa (P < 0,05) na BCS. A BCS média desse grupo decresceu de 3,3 no dia P74 para 1,79 e 1,22 nos dias P135 e L24. No mesmo período, os valores da BCS média do grupo US foram de 3,11, 2,19 e 1,21. Ao nascer, o peso dos cordeiros, de ovelhas S foi 0,71 kg maior (P < 0,05) do que o dos cordeiros de ovelhas do grupo US. Não houve diferença entre o ganho de peso dos cordeiros dos dois grupos medido a duas e três semanas de vida. O aumento no peso ao nascer dos cordeiros produzido pela esquila das ovelhas durante a gestação, descrito nesse trabalho, poderá reduzir a mortalidade perinatal de cordeiros, especialmente em anos com escassez de pastagem que pode resultar em uma BCS crítica durante a gestação. Os resultados sugerem também que atenção especial deverá ser dada a BCS das ovelhas durante a gestação, prática que não é comum no Sul do Brasil.

Animais , Feminino , Peso ao Nascer , Tamanho da Ninhada de Vivíparos , Gravidez , Ovinos
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-67600


The objective of this retrospective field study was to associate the type and smell of discharge, the size of the uterus, the ovarian and treatment status, and the time to diagnosis of animals with chronic clinical endometritis (CCE) with the incidence of ovarian cysts and with a marked loss in body condition in German Holstein Friesian cows. Two hundred and sixty-four cows diagnosed with CCE from day 14 to day 42 postpartum participated in this study. In addition, 100 days milk production and the parity of the animals were included in the analysis. With the use of logistic regression, a purulent vaginal discharge (>or = 50% pus), the decision not to treat the animals for CCE and a high 100 days milk production proved to be significant factors for the incidence of ovarian cysts. Additionally, the type of discharge showed interactions with the parity and the smell of the discharge, as more animals with fetid and purulent discharge and more animals in the first lactation with a purulent discharge developed ovarian cysts. A high milk production and the parity showed associations with an excessive body condition score loss. Additionally, more animals with a diagnosis of an oversized uterus in comparison to cows with an early involution experienced a considerable reduction in their nutritional condition.

Animais , Bovinos , Feminino , Gravidez , Doenças dos Bovinos/patologia , Doença Crônica , Endometrite/complicações , Lactação , Modelos Biológicos , Cistos Ovarianos/complicações , Paridade , Estudos Retrospectivos , Fatores de Risco
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 16(2): 62-67, 2009.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1491389


Avaliaram-se diferentes variávies biométricas de vacas mestiças F1 Holandês x Zebu de diferentes bases genéticas maternas, suplementadas com concentrado (T1) ou não (T2) durante o pré-parto, durante as estações chuvosa e seca. A suplementação no pré-parto, durante a estação chuvosa, aumentou o peso ao parto e os escores da condição corporal ao final do pré-parto e ao parto. Entretanto, não houve diferença entre as vacas suplementadas ou não no ganho de peso total ou diário durante o pré-parto. Durante a estação seca, apesar da suplementação não ter afetado o peso ao parto, ela aumentou o escore da condição corporal ao final do período pré-parto e ao parto. Durante a estação chuvosa, as vacas de base Guzerá apresentaram maior peso corporal final do pré-parto em relação às de base Gir ou Indubrasilada, enquanto que, na estação seca, as vacas de base Guzerá foram mais no início e ao final do pré-parto e também ao parto. A suplementação no pré-parto, em vacas mestiças, deve ser usada de forma estratégica, com o intuito de aumentar o escore da condição corporal ao parto, especialmente durante a estação chuvosa.

It was evaluated different biometric variables of crossbred F1 Holstein x Zebu cows supplemented or not with concentrate during the transition period, during the dry and the rainy season. The supplementation increased the weitgh and body condition score at the end of the transition period and at calving, although there was not difference in the total and daily weight gains. During the dry season the supplementation did not affect the weight at calving. In the other hand, the supplemented cows presented higher body condition scores at the end of the transition period and at calving. During the rainy season, Guzera based cows had higher weights at the end of the transition period and at calving than the Gir or Indubrasil based cows. The supplemetation of crossbred dairy cows during the transition period must be done strategically, specially during the rainy season.

Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/classificação , Parto , Técnicos em Manejo de Animais , Aumento de Peso/fisiologia , Estação Chuvosa , Estação Seca , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição do Lactente , Hibridização Genética/fisiologia
Ciênc. rural ; 38(8): 2293-2299, Nov. 2008. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-512013


Neste trabalho foram avaliados o desempenho de novilhas de corte e o retorno econômico da pastagem de milheto (Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke) manejada em duas massas de lâminas foliares (MLF). As MLF observadas foram de 642 e 1.024kg ha-1 de matéria seca (MS) e denominadas de '600' e '1.000'. Os valores de ganho de peso diário, carga animal, ganho de peso por área e escore de condição corporal foram semelhantes (P>0,05) nas massas de lâminas foliares avaliadas. A utilização de milheto, com massa de lâminas foliares com valores entre 600 e 1.000kg ha-1 MS, promove ganhos individuais satisfatórios em novilhas de corte, que permitem o seu adequado desenvolvimento para acasalamento aos 18-20 meses, e o retorno financeiro direto médio de R$2,9 para cada real investido.

A study was conducted to evaluate the influence of Pearl Millet pasture (Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke) leaf lamina mass (LLM) on beef heifers performance and financial return. The observed LLM were 642 and 1.024kg ha-1 of dry matter (DM) and identified as '600' and '1000'. Daily weight gain, stocking rate, gain per area and body condition score averages were not affected (P>0.05) by changes on LLM. Pearl millet pasture managed between 600 and 1000kg ha-1 of LLM promotes satisfactory beef heifers individuals gains, which allows their mating at 18/20 months of age and average direct financial return of 2.9 for each real invested.

Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 60(4): 786-793, ago. 2008. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-489817


No experimento I, foi avaliada a alteração da condição corporal (CC) pré e pós-parto em 155 novilhas inseminadas para parir de setembro a dezembro. A CC foi avaliada mensalmente no pré e pós-parto, de junho a fevereiro. No experimento II, 538 vacas primíparas foram sincronizadas com o protocolo de inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF) que usou estradiol junto ao dispositivo intravaginal de progesterona (CIDR®). As taxas de ciclicidade, sincronização e concepção foram avaliadas por ultra-som. No experimento I, os animais que pariram primeiro tiveram maior (P<0,001) redução na CC pós-parto. No experimento II, foi observado maior CC (P<0,0001) nos animais com menor número de dias pós-parto, maior (P<0,05) taxa de sincronização nas vacas de melhor CC e aumento (P<0,0001) na taxa de concepção proporcional ao aumento na CC (incremento médio na concepção de seis pontos percentuais para cada 0,25 ponto na CC). Não se deve antecipar a parição de novilhas de corte quando se pretende realizar IATF no início da estação de monta subseqüente.

In experiment I, it was evaluated the body condition score (BCS) change during pre and post-partum in 155 heifers, inseminated to calve from September to December. The BCS was monthly evaluated from June to February, during the pre and post-partum periods. In experiment II, 538 primiparous cows were synchronized with a timed artificial insemination (TAI) protocol which used estradiol associated with an intravaginal progesterone device (CIDR®). The cyclicity, synchronization, and conception rates were evaluated by ultrasound. In experiment I, the animals that calved earlier had higher (P<0.001) reduction on BCS. In experiment II, it was observed higher BCS (P<0.0001) in cows with lower days in post-partum, higher (P<0.05) synchronization rate in cows with a better BCS, and also an increase (P<0.0001) in conception rate as BCS got better (increase in six percentual points in conception for each increase of 0.25 in BCS). Beef heifers should not calve earlier when is planned to submitt these animals to TAI at the beginning of the next breeding season.

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Estradiol , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Parto , Periodicidade , Período Pós-Parto