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Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 21(1): 129-142, Jan. 2016. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-770650


Resumen En este artículo esbozamos algunas intersecciones entre los conceptos de infancia y [re]habilitación, los cuales han tenido desarrollos paralelos, especialmente desde el siglo XX. Esta compleja interacción está mediada y construida a partir de los discursos científicos consolidados en función de la infancia. Enfatizamos este análisis desde dos perspectivas: 1) posturas académicas que, desde profesiones como fisioterapia, fonoaudiología, y terapia ocupacional, abordan la [re] habilitación en la infancia y 2) las miradas desde las políticas públicas, que aportan a la constitución de lugares para el ejercicio profesional de la [re]habilitación. Una revisión documental orientada por la pregunta ¿qué significa [re]habilitar la infancia en Colombia?, emplazó cada apartado de este texto, históricamente delimitados por: 1) el surgimiento de estas profesiones [re]habilitadoras en Colombia, 2)la década del 90, marcada por grandes cambios desde las reformas políticas colombianas, 3)los desarrollos tecnológicos dados en el siglo XXI. Concluimos que la hegemonía médica sigue guiando los procesos de [re]habilitación desde un contexto que se ha transformado, que impone nuevos retos, que requiere nuevas comprensiones y grandes movilizaciones conceptuales y prácticas.

Abstract In this article, we outline some intersections between the concepts of childhood and [re] habilitation, which have undergone parallel development, especially since the 20th century. This complex interaction is mediated and constructed from scientific discourses that have consolidated around childhood. We emphasize this analysis from two perspectives: 1) academic positions that, from professions such as physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy, touch upon [re]habilitation in childhood and 2) public policy perspectives, which tend towards the creation of places to professionally practice [re]habilitation. A literature review driven by the question “What does it mean to [re]habilitate children in Colombia?” is cited in each section of this text, divided historically into 1) the rise of these [re]habilitative professions in Colombia, 2) the decade of the 1990s, marked by great changes through Colombian political reforms, and 3) the technological developments of the 21st century. We conclude that medical hegemony continues to guide the processes of [re]habilitation within a context that has changed and which imposes new challenges and requires new understanding and great conceptual and practical mobilization.

Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Política Pública , Reabilitação , Política , Fonoterapia , Terapia Ocupacional , Modalidades de Fisioterapia , Colômbia
Agora USB ; 15(1): 255-268, ene.-jun. 2015.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-776913


Esta es una investigación exploratoria cuyo objetivo es analizar las características psicológicasproyectadas en el dibujo de la figura humana en 45 niños y niñas en situación de desplazadosen Colombia. El estudio se ha realizó en el departamento del Quindío, a partir de la aplicación del Test del Dibujo de la Figura Humana de Karen Machover a niños y niñas en situación dedesplazamiento forzado. Muchos niños y niñas presentan problemas de ajuste a los nuevos entornos de socialización como efecto de las secuelas del conflicto armado evidentes en áreas conflictivas proyectadas en el dibujo tales como cabeza, expresiones faciales, extremidades, tronco y escases de movimiento. El conflicto persiste de formas simbólicas en los niños yniñas, lo cual dificulta sus habilidades sociales, la relación intrafamiliar y el aprendizaje, mostrando en muchos casos reacciones defensivas tales como, elevados niveles de ansiedad,depresión, ensimismamiento, al igual que impulsividad, agresión y aptitudes desafiantes.

This is an exploratory research that aims to analyze the psychological characteristics in analyzing the human figure in 45 displaced children in Colombia. The study was conductedin the State of Quindío, based on the application of the Karen Machover - Human Figure Drawing Test to children in a situation of forced displacement. Many children experience problems adjusting to new environments of socialization as a result of the aftermath of the armed conflict, which are made evident in conflict areas projected in the drawing, such as head, facial expressions, limbs, trunk and scarcity of movement. The conflict persists ofsymbolic forms in children, which hinders their social skills, family relationship and learning, showing in many cases defensive reactions such as high levels of anxiety, depression andself-absorption, as well as impulsivity, aggression, and challenging abilities.

Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Pré-Escolar/classificação , Pré-Escolar/educação , Violência , Violência/economia , Violência/ética , Violência/etnologia
Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 12(1): 159-170, ene.-jun. 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-709054


La investigación participativa con niños y niñas compone el objeto de análisis de este trabajo. Definiendo el conocimiento como una herramienta de transformación de la realidad, se avanza con un recorrido por diversas matrices teóricas de niñez, dando cuenta del proceso de invisibilización sufrido por niños y niñas en tanto sujetos de su propia historia, capaces de comprender su realidad y reflexionar sobre ella. En este punto propongo los enfoques co-participativos para recuperar las voces de los niños y niñas que han sido históricamente silenciadas. Esta hipótesis se pone en práctica en una experiencia llamada Aula Vereda, un espacio barrial de educación popular con niños y niñas de un barrio de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, donde se desarrolla una Investigación Participativa.

Participative research with children is the object of analysis of this work. Defining knowledge as a tool for transforming reality, progress is made along a tour of the different theoretical matrices on childhood, exposing the process of invisibilization children have been submitted to as subjects of their own history who are capable of understanding their reality and reflect about it. On this point, I expand on the co-participative approaches to regain the children’s voices, which have been silenced historically. This hypothesis is implemented in an experience called AulaVereda, a neighborhood space for popular education with children from a neighborhood in the City of Buenos Aires, where a Participative Research is being carried out.

Criança , Pesquisa Participativa Baseada na Comunidade
Hacia promoc. salud ; 15(2): 94-109, jul.-dic. 2010. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-613209


Objetivo: identificar los conocimientos y algunas prácticas relacionadas con la seguridad peatonal en los escolares de grado quinto de las instituciones educativas oficiales de la zona urbana de Manizales, matriculados en el año 2009. Material y método: investigación de enfoque cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo; marco muestral: 4.831 escolares de ambos sexos, de quinto grado, de 44 instituciones educativas oficiales de la zona urbana de Manizales. Muestreo probabilístico con una confiabilidad del 95%, margen de error del 5%, proporción estimada de 0,7 para una muestra de 336 estudiantes. Resultados: escolares entre los 10 y 14 años de ambos sexos, (DE=2,41, media de 10,10 años), de bajo estrato socioeconómico. El 89% de la población estudiada tenía seguridad social en el momento del estudio. Del total de participantes (n=336), el 84% conocían las señales de tránsito relacionadas con hombres trabajando, la señal de prohibido el paso a peatones (81%), ciclistas en la vía (77%); llama la atención que las señales de zona escolar sólo la conocían el 29% y la de paradero de buses, el 44%. Respecto a infraestructura vial, los escolares expresaron que cerca a sus casas y colegios son escasos los pasos y puentes peatonales. El profesor es el adulto significativo en procesos de aprendizaje de normas viales seguido de los padres. Consideraron los semáforos dañados o apagados como las situaciones más peligrosas al atravesar una calle, seguida de la falta de éstos; prefieren el juego en calles cercanas a sus casas ante la ausencia de parques. Conclusiones: por su condición de escolares, los participantes del estudio se exponen varias veces al día a situaciones de peligro al cruzar calles. Preocupa la falta de infraestructura vial suficiente, como pasos y puentes peatonales y la presencia de semáforos dañados o apagados. Las concepciones y lo que subyace en algunas prácticas peatonales de escolares de contextos urbanos, son una estrategia para incidir en políticas públicas incluyentes de formación en cultura ciudadana, desde la perspectiva de promoción de la salud, la seguridad humana, el respeto, las responsabilidades y los derechos como peatón.

Objective: To identify the knowledge and some practices related with pedestrian safety in fifth graders from public educational institutions registered in 2009 in the urban area of Manizales. Material and method: Quantitative, descriptive type research; target population: 4,831 fifth grade students, both male and female, from 44 public educational institutions in the urban area of Manizales. Probability sampling with a reliability margin of 95%, error margin of 5%, estimate percentage of 70%, for a 336 students sample using the statistics program Stast was found. Results: Students between 10 and 14 years of both sexes (DE=2,41, media 10,10 years) from low socioeconomic status. 89% of the population studied had social security at the time of the study. From the total participants (n = 336), 84% were aware of the traffic signs related to men working, the pedestrian walk away sign (81%), cyclists on the road (77%). What attracts the attention is that only 29% of the students knew the school zone signs and 44% knew the bus stop signs. As far as the road infrastructure is concerned, the students said that near their houses and schools there are few pedestrian crosses and pedestrian bridges. The teacher is the meaningful adult in the road safety learning after the parents. They considered damaged or turned off traffic lights as the most dangerous situations to cross a street, followed by the absence of traffic lights. They prefer to play on streets close to their houses because of the absence of parks where to play. Conclusions: because of their condition as students, the participants in the study expose themselves several times during the day to the danger of crossing streets. The lack of sufficient road infrastructure including pedestrian crossings and pedestrian bridges, as well as damaged or turned off traffic lights is worrying. The conceptions and what underlies in some urban contexts students pedestrian practices are a strategy to have a bearing on inclusive public policies for citizen education from the perspective of health promotion, human security, respect, responsibilities and rights of pedestrians.

Objetivo: identificar os conhecimentos e algumas práticas relacionadas com a segurança pedestre nos escolares de grau quinto das instituições educativas oficiais da zona urbana de Manizales, matriculados no ano 2009...

Criança , Acidentes de Trânsito , Conhecimento , Instituições Acadêmicas , Segurança
Japanese Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine ; : 64-76, 1988.
Artigo em Japonês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-371435


The purpose of the present study was to determine the effect of isometric strength training in prepubescent boys and girls on muscle strength and cross-sectional area of upper arm muscle. Subjects were ninety-nine healthy elementary school children from the 1 st, 3 rd and 5th grades and who were assigned to either training (TG, n=52) or control (CG, n=47) groups. The TG participated in a strength training program for 12 weeks which consisted of three maximaly sustained isometric contractions of elbow flexion for ten sec, twice a day, three days per week, whereas the CG did not participate in a special training program during this period. The cross-sectional areas of whole tissue, muscle, fat, and bone of the upper arm were measured by ultrasonic methods. Maximum isometric and isokinetic muscle strength of elbow flexion and extension were measured by means of a Cybex II. The hand-wrist X-ray photograph was used to estimate the skeletal age (TW 2 method) . Means (SDs) of skeletal age (yrs) were 6.27 (0.98), 8.48 (0.89), and 10.77 (1.22) for 1 st, 3 rd, and 5 th graders, respectively. After the 12-week training period, the cross-sectional area of the whole tissue increased significantly in both TG (8.9%, 2.52 cm<SUP>2</SUP>) and CG (7.3%, 2.11 cm<SUP>2</SUP>) . This interment in the TG was due to the significant increases in both muscle and bone areas, while that in CG was due to the significant increase only in fat area. Mean increase in muscle area in the TG was 10.3% (1.29 cm<SUP>2</SUP>) with this increase notable in 5th graders (12.5% for males and 12.7% for females) . The increment in cross-sectional area of muscle with training significantly correlated with the skeletal age (r=0.36, p<0.01) . Maximum isometric strength in the TG increased by 5.7% (0.3kg) in flexion and 17.5% (1.2 kg) in extension and in the CG, -0.3 kg (-1.0%) in flexion and 5.7% (0.3 kg) in extension. The increases in the strength of elbow extension were statistically significant in 1st (p<0.01), 3rd (p<0.05), and 5th (p<0.05) grade males. On the other hand, maximum isokinetic strength did not change with training. Muscle strength per cross-sectional area did not show a significant increase except in the training group of 5th grade boys. It was suggested that the effects of strength training on muscle area and strength for prepubescents were similar in its direction to but different in its magnitude from those found in adults.