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Rev. enferm. UERJ ; 32: e74792, jan. -dez. 2024.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554732


Objetivo: analisar as características e os desfechos obstétricos adversos em gestantes/puérperas infectadas pelo SARS-CoV-2 em serviço de referência. Método: série de casos retrospectiva entre gestantes com Covid-19 em um hospital universitário em Minas Gerais, Brasil, atendidas no serviço de 2020 a 2021, coletados em abril de 2022, empregando-se estatística descritiva para análise dos dados através do Statistical Package for the Social Science. Resultados: incluídas 26 gestantes, em sua maioria brancas, que tiveram como principais desfechos obstétricos adversos a internação em UTI (43,5%), parto prematuro (34,6%), dado reestratificado de semanas para dias para investigar o encurtamento da gestação, onde constatou-se média de 38,6 dias potenciais de gravidez perdidos dos 280 dias ideais, e ainda 15,4% evoluíram para óbito materno. Conclusão: o estudo proporcionou evidenciar a necessidade de vigilância e atenção às gestantes com foco nos principais desfechos adversos, podendo-se intervir em tempo oportuno para diminuir adversidades.

Objective: to analyze the characteristics and adverse obstetric outcomes in pregnant/puerperal women infected by SARS-CoV-2 at a reference service. Method: a retrospective case series conducted among pregnant women with Covid-19 in a university hospital from Minas Gerais, Brazil, treated at the service from 2020 to 2021. The cases were collected in April 2022 employing descriptive statistics for data analysis in the Statistical Package for the Social Science. Results: a total of 26 pregnant women were included, mostly white-skinned, whose main adverse obstetric outcomes were admission to the ICU (43.5%), premature birth (34.6%) and data restratified from weeks to days to investigate shortening of pregnancy, where a mean of 38.6 potential days of pregnancy were lost out of the ideal 280 days, and 15.4% resulted in maternal death. Conclusion: the study provided evidence of the need for surveillance and care for pregnant women with a focus on the main adverse outcomes, enabling timely intervention to reduce adversities.

Objetivo: analizar las características y resultados obstétricos adversos en gestantes/puérperas infectadas por SARS-CoV-2 en un servicio de referencia. Método: serie de casos retrospectiva entre gestantes con Covid-19 en un hospital universitario de Minas Gerais, Brasil, atendidas en el servicio de 2020 a 2021. Los datos se recolectaron en abril de 2022, se utilizó estadística descriptiva para analizar los datos mediante el Statistical Package for the Social Science. Resultados: se incluyeron 26 gestantes, la mayoría de raza blanca, cuyos principales resultados obstétricos adversos fueron ingreso a UCI (43,5%), parto prematuro (34,6%), dato reestratificado de semanas a días para investigar el acortamiento de la gestación, que arrojó como resultado un promedio de 38,6. Se comprobó que se perdieron en promedio 38,6 días potenciales de embarazo de los 280 días ideales, y muerte materna (15,4%). Conclusión: la evidencia que proporcionó el estudio indica que es necesario vigilar y atender a las gestantes enfocándose en los principales resultados adversos, lo que permite intervenir de forma oportuna para reducir adversidades.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550687


Introducción: El cateterismo urinario es un procedimiento frecuente y en ocasiones es utilizado por fuera de las indicaciones aceptadas para el mismo. Esto aumenta el riesgo de complicaciones vinculadas a su uso, por lo que pueden ser prevenibles. El objetivo del estudio es conocer las características del uso de cateterismo urinario en pacientes ingresados en salas de cuidados moderados de un hospital universitario del tercer nivel de atención, determinar la frecuencia, duración e indicaciones más frecuentes, así como evaluar la presencia de complicaciones asociadas al mismo Metodología: Estudio de corte transversal, realizado en salas de cuidados moderados de un hospital terciario y universitario de Montevideo, Uruguay, el 21 de diciembre de 2022. Se incluyeron pacientes hospitalizados que presentaban o presentaron catéter vesical en la presente internación y se completó la recolección de variables mediante la revisión de la historia clínica. Resultados: De 155 pacientes ingresados en salas de cuidados moderados, a 26 (16,7%) les fue colocado un catéter urinario. La mediana de edad fue 61 años, 80% eran de sexo masculino. La mediana de internación fue de 22 días. En todos los pacientes se utilizó sonda vesical y el 54% fue colocado en el Departamento de Emergencia. En el 46% de los pacientes no se encontró indicación escrita de colocación en la historia clínica. En 50% de los casos no está especificado el motivo de indicación de sonda vesical, mientras que las indicaciones identificadas más frecuentes fueron el control de diuresis (27%) y la desobstrucción de vía urinaria baja (23%). La duración de cateterismo fue de una mediana de 13,5 días, mientras que el 27% de los pacientes la usaron más de 30 días. 35% de los pacientes presentaron complicaciones vinculadas a la sonda vesical, en su mayoría no infecciosas (27%) y 15% presentaron infección urinaria. Estos pacientes tuvieron una duración de cateterismo mayor a los que no presentaron complicaciones (23 vs 10 días, p=0,411). Conclusiones: El catéter vesical fue utilizado en un porcentaje no despreciable de pacientes ingresados en salas de cuidados moderados, de forma prolongada y frecuentemente sin indicación precisa, lo cual expone a un riesgo aumentado de complicaciones vinculadas.

Introduction: Urinary catheterization is a frequent procedure and is sometimes used outside of its accepted indications. This increases the risk of complications related to its use, so they may be preventable. The objective of this study is to know the characteristics of the use of urinary catheterization in patients admitted to moderate care wards of a tertiary care university hospital, to determine the frequency, duration and most frequent indications, as well as to evaluate the presence of associated complications. Methodology: Cross-sectional study, carried out in moderate care wards of a tertiary care and university hospital in Montevideo, Uruguay, on December 21, 2022. Hospitalized patients who present or presented a bladder catheter during the present hospitalization were included, and the collection of variables was completed by reviewing the medical history. Results: Of 155 patients admitted to moderate care wards, 26 (16.7%) had a urinary catheter placed. The median age was 61 years, 80% were male. The median hospitalization was 22 days. In all patients a bladder catheter was used and 54% were placed in the Emergency Department. In 46% of the patients, no written indication for placement was found in the clinical history. In 50% of cases, the reason for indicating the bladder catheter is not specified, while the most frequent indications identified were diuresis control (27%) and lower urinary tract obstruction (23%). The duration of catheterization was a median of 13.5 days, while 27% of the patients used it for more than 30 days. 35% of the patients presented complications related to the bladder catheter, mostly non-infectious (27%) and 15% presented urinary tract infection. These patients had a longer duration of catheterization than those without complications (23 vs 10 days, p=0,411). Conclusions: The bladder catheter was used in a non-negligible percentage of patients admitted to moderate care wards, for a long time and often without a precise indication, which exposes them to an increased risk of related complications.

Introdução: O cateterismo urinário é um procedimento frequente e às vezes é usado fora de suas indicações aceitas. Isso aumenta o risco de complicações relacionadas ao seu uso, portanto, podem ser evitáveis. O objetivo deste estudo é conhecer as características do uso do cateterismo urinário em pacientes internados em enfermarias de cuidados moderados de um hospital universitário terciário, determinar a frequência, duração e indicações mais frequentes, bem como avaliar a presença de complicações associadas ao mesmo. Metodologia: Estudo transversal, realizado em quartos de cuidados moderados de um hospital terciário e universitário em Montevidéu, Uruguai, em 21 de dezembro de 2022. Foram incluídos pacientes que apresentaram ou apresentaram sonda vesical durante a internação atual e a coleta de variáveis ​​foi concluída .revisando o histórico médico. Resultados: Dos 155 pacientes admitidos em enfermarias de cuidados moderados, 26 (16,7%) tiveram um cateter urinário colocado. A idade média foi de 61 anos, 80% eram do sexo masculino. A mediana de internação foi de 22 dias. Em todos os doentes foi utilizada sonda vesical e 54% foram internados no Serviço de Urgência. Em 46% dos pacientes, nenhuma indicação escrita para colocação foi encontrada na história clínica. Em 50% dos casos não é especificado o motivo da indicação da sonda vesical, enquanto as indicações mais frequentes identificadas foram controle da diurese (27%) e desobstrução do trato urinário inferior (23%). A duração do cateterismo foi em média de 13,5 dias, enquanto 27% dos pacientes o utilizaram por mais de 30 dias. 35% dos pacientes apresentaram complicações relacionadas ao cateter vesical, em sua maioria não infecciosas (27%) e 15% apresentaram infecção urinária. Esses pacientes tiveram uma duração mais longa de cateterismo do que aqueles sem complicações (23 vs 10 dias, p=0,411). Conclusões: A sonda vesical foi utilizada em percentual não desprezível de pacientes internados em quartos de cuidados moderados, por tempo prolongado e muitas vezes sem indicação precisa, o que os expõe a um risco aumentado de complicações associadas.

Enferm. actual Costa Rica (Online) ; (46): 58441, Jan.-Jun. 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BDENF, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1550242


Resumo Introdução: A gestação configura-se como um acontecimento único e memorável para a vida de uma mulher. A gravidez de alto risco é uma experiência estressante em razão dos riscos a que estão submetidos a mãe e o bebê e devido às mudanças que afetam negativamente o seu equilíbrio emocional. Objetivo: Identificar os sentimentos vivenciados pela gestante frente à gravidez de alto risco. Método: Descritivo e exploratório com abordagem qualitativa, com amostra por conveniência composta por mulheres com gestação de alto risco, selecionadas de acordo com a disponibilidade do serviço de internamento, até a saturação das entrevistas. A coleta dos dados foi realizada em um período de dois meses através de entrevistas guiadas por um roteiro. Os dados foram analisados por meio da técnica de análise de conteúdo segundo Minayo. Resultados: Fizeram parte 37 mulheres. Os resultados foram oeganizados nas categorias: Como se deu o diagnóstico de alto risco; Sentimentos ao descobrir que a gestação é/era de risco; Sentimentos em relação ao apoio familiar acerca da gestação de alto risco. Os sentimentos relatados pelas gestantes e puérperas que conviveram com a gravidez de alto risco, deixam evidentes os impactos que este evento traz não somente na saúde física sobretudo para a emocional, deixando as gestantes fragilizadas. Conclusão: Assim, o estudo nos permitiu perceber que os sentimentos vivenciados nesse processo podem interfir na vida dessas mulheres, e de forma negativa. Mas, que apesar dessa situação, estas expressam sentimentos ambíguos, pois mesmo com o risco gestacional, muitas mostram-se felizes pela dádiva de ser mãe.

Resumen Introducción: El embarazo se considera un evento único y memorable en la vida de una mujer. El embarazo de alto riesgo es una experiencia estresante debido a los riesgos a los que están expuestas tanto la madre como su bebé y a los cambios que afectan negativamente su equilibrio emocional. Objetivo: Identificar los sentimientos experimentados por las mujeres embarazadas frente a un embarazo de alto riesgo. Metodología: Descriptivo y exploratorio con enfoque cualitativo, con una muestra a conveniencia compuesta por mujeres con embarazos de alto riesgo, seleccionadas según la disponibilidad del servicio de hospitalización, hasta la saturación de las entrevistas. La recopilación de datos se llevó a cabo durante un período de dos meses a través de entrevistas guiadas. Los datos fueron analizados utilizando la técnica de análisis de contenido según Minayo. Resultados: Participaron 37 mujeres y los resultados se organizaron en las siguientes categorías: cómo se realizó el diagnóstico de alto riesgo; sentimientos al descubrir que el embarazo era de riesgo; sentimientos con respecto al apoyo familiar en relación con el embarazo de alto riesgo. Los sentimientos relatados por las mujeres embarazadas y posparto que vivieron un embarazo de alto riesgo evidencian los impactos que tiene este evento no solo en la salud física sino, especialmente, en el bienestar emocional, pues deja a las mujeres embarazadas en un estado de vulnerabilidad. Conclusión: El estudio nos permitió darnos cuenta de que los sentimientos experimentados en este proceso pueden interferir en la vida de estas mujeres de manera negativa. Sin embargo, a pesar de esta situación, muchas de ellas expresan sentimientos ambiguos, porque, incluso con el riesgo gestacional, están agradecidas por el regalo de la maternidad.

Abstract Introduction: Pregnancy is considered a unique and memorable event in a woman's life. High-risk pregnancy is a stressful experience due to the risks to which the mother and the baby are exposed, and due to the changes that negatively affect their emotional balance. Objective: To identify the feelings experienced by pregnant women facing high-risk pregnancy. Method: Descriptive and exploratory, employing a qualitative approach, the study featured a convenience sample of women with high-risk pregnancies, selected based on inpatient service availability, until interview saturation was achieved. Data collection was conducted over a two-month period through scripted interviews. Data analysis was performed utilizing Minayo's content analysis technique. Results: Thirty-seven women participated in the study. The results were categorized as follows: How the high-risk diagnosis was determined; Feelings upon discovering the pregnancy was high-risk; Feelings regarding family support regarding the high-risk pregnancy. The feelings reported by pregnant and postpartum women who experienced high-risk pregnancies clearly reveal the impacts this event has, not only on physical health, but especially on emotional well-being, leaving the pregnant women in a vulnerable state. Conclusion: The study allowed us to realize that the feelings experienced in this process can negatively interfere in the lives of these women. However, despite this situation, many of them express mixed feelings, because even with the gestational risk, they are grateful for the gift of motherhood.

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Cuidado Pré-Natal/psicologia , Saúde da Mulher , Gravidez de Alto Risco/psicologia
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(3): 421-429, 2024-04-24. tab, fig
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554113


Introducción. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los desenlaces a corto plazo de la gastrectomía laparoscópica en adultos vs. adultos mayores con cáncer gástrico localmente avanzado en una cohorte de un país occidental. Métodos. Estudio de cohorte prospectivo en pacientes sometidos a gastrectomía laparoscópica por cáncer gástrico localmente avanzado, en el Hospital Universitario Erasmo Meoz, de Cúcuta, Colombia, entre noviembre de 2014 y diciembre de 2018. Se realizó análisis descriptivo, de comparación de grupos y bivariado. Resultados. De un total de 116 pacientes, 51 pacientes (44 %) tenían 65 años o más y 63 pacientes (54 %) eran hombres. No se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa al comparar los pacientes menores de 65 años con los de 65 años o más. La mediana del tiempo operatorio fue de 240 minutos en ambos grupos (p>0,05), la mediana de los márgenes de resección macroscópica fue 6 cm vs. 5 cm (p>0,05), la mediana de los ganglios linfáticos disecados fue 25 vs. 19 (p>0,05), la mediana de ganglios linfáticos positivos fue 4 vs. 3 (p>0,05), la mediana de estancia fue de 7 días en ambos grupos (p>0,05). La tasa general de complicaciones posoperatorias no difirió significativamente entre adultos (7%) y adultos mayores (11 %) (p>0,05) y no se observaron diferencias significativas en las tasas de complicaciones menores (Clavien-Dindo grado II; 3-5 % vs. 6-12 %; p>0,05) y graves (Clavien-Dindo ≥ IIIa; 3-5 % vs. 4-8 %; p>0,05). Conclusiones. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los resultados a corto plazo entre los pacientes adultos y adultos mayores con cáncer gástrico localmente avanzado tratados con gastrectomía laparoscópica. Esta técnica es segura en ancianos.

Introduction. The objective of this study was to compare the short-term outcomes of laparoscopic gastrectomy in adults vs. older patients with locally advanced gastric cancer from a Western country cohort. Methods. Prospective cohort study in patients undergoing laparoscopic gastrectomy for locally advanced gastric cancer at the Hospital Universitario Erasmo Meoz, de Cúcuta, Colombia, between November 2014 and December 2018. Descriptive, group comparison and bivariate analysis was performed. Results. Of a total of 116 patients, 51 patients (44%) were 65 years or older and 63 patients (54%) were men. No statistically significant difference was found when comparing patients under 65 years of age with those 65 years of age or older. The median operating time was 240 minutes in both groups (p>0.05), the median macroscopic resection margins were 6 cm vs. 5 cm (p>0.05), the median number of lymph nodes dissected was 25 vs. 19 (p>0.05), the median number of positive lymph nodes was 4 vs. 3 (p>0.05), the median stay was 7 days in both groups (p>0.05). The overall rate of postoperative complications did not differ significantly between adults (7%) and older adults (11%) (p>0.05) and no significant differences were observed in the rates of minor (Clavien-Dindo grade II; 3-5% vs. 6-12%; p>0.05) and severe complications (Clavien-Dindo ≥ IIIa; 3-5% vs. 4-8%; p>0.05). Conclusions. No statistically differences were found in short-term outcomes between adult and older patients with locally advanced gastric cancer treated with laparoscopic gastrectomy. This technique is safe in the elderly.

Humanos , Neoplasias Gástricas , Idoso , Gastrectomia , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Laparoscopia , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos
An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 57(1): 19-25, 20240401.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553543


Introducción: El cáncer de laringe es la neoplasia maligna más común de las vías aerodigestivas superiores. La laringectomía total es el tratamiento de elección en casos avanzados, pero se asocia a una alta tasa de complicaciones. Objetivos: Conocer la prevalencia de las complicaciones posquirúrgicas de la laringectomía total y los factores asociados en pacientes con cáncer de laringe. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo, de corte transversal, revisando el comportamiento de la laringectomía total y sus principales complicaciones en la Cátedra y Servicio de Otorrinolaringología del Hospital de Clínicas de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay, de 2015 a 2022. Se incluyeron pacientes mayores de 18 años, de ambos sexos, postoperados de laringectomía total, con diagnóstico anatomopatológico de neoplasia de laringe. Se excluyeron pacientes no operados, con fichas incompletas o que abandonaron el tratamiento. Se analizaron variables demográficas, clínicas, quirúrgicas y anatomopatológicas. Resultados: Se incluyeron 10 pacientes, todos varones, con edad media de 56,3 ± 10,2 años. El 90% presentaba hábitos tóxicos. La complicación más frecuente fue la fístula faringocutánea (70%), seguida por infección del sitio quirúrgico (10%) y sangrado posoperatorio (10%). El 71,4% de las fístulas se resolvieron con medidas conservadoras. El 30% tenía afectación supraglótica y el 57,1% de los que presentaron complicaciones recibieron radioterapia previa. Conclusión: Las complicaciones de la laringectomía total son frecuentes, principalmente la fístula faringocutánea. La afectación supraglótica y la radioterapia previa se asociaron a mayor tasa de complicaciones. Se requieren estudios prospectivos con muestras más grandes para confirmar estos hallazgos.

Introduction: Laryngeal cancer is the most common malignant neoplasm of the upper aerodigestive tract. Total laryngectomy is the treatment of choice in advanced cases, but it is associated with a high rate of complications. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of postoperative complications of total laryngectomy and associated factors in patients with laryngeal cancer. Materials and methods: Observational, descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional study, reviewing the behavior of total laryngectomy and its main complications in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of the Hospital de Clínicas, Faculty of Medical Sciences, National University of Asunción, Paraguay, from 2015 to 2022. Patients over 18 years of age, of both sexes, who underwent total laryngectomy, with anatomopathological diagnosis of laryngeal neoplasm were included. Non-operated patients, those with incomplete records or who abandoned treatment were excluded. Demographic, clinical, surgical and anatomopathological variables were analyzed. Results: Ten patients were included, all male, with a mean age of 56.3 ± 10.2 years. Ninety percent had toxic habits. The most frequent complication was pharyngocutaneous fistula (70%), followed by surgical site infection (10%) and postoperative bleeding (10%). Conservative measures resolved 71.4% of the fistulas. Thirty percent had supraglottic involvement and 57.1% of those who presented complications received previous radiotherapy. Conclusion: Complications of total laryngectomy are frequent, mainly pharyngocutaneous fistula. Supraglottic involvement and previous radiotherapy were associated with a higher rate of complications. Prospective studies with larger samples are required to confirm these findings.

Neoplasias Laríngeas/patologia , Laringectomia , Testes Hematológicos
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(3): 407-420, 2024-04-24. fig, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553805


Introducción. El cáncer gástrico en Colombia es la segunda neoplasia más común en hombres y la cuarta en mujeres. En los últimos años se han descrito ampliamente los beneficios del abordaje laparoscópico en el cáncer gástrico frente a sangrado, recuperación postoperatoria y complicaciones, sin afectar los resultados oncológicos. Métodos. Estudio observacional retrospectivo de pacientes llevados a gastrectomía laparoscópica en la Clínica Universitaria Colombia durante un período de diez años, entre 2013 y 2023. Se describieron los resultados perioperatorios en cuanto a estancia hospitalaria, sangrado operatorio, duración del procedimiento, complicaciones, causas de reintervención y mortalidad en los primeros 30 días. Resultados. Se incluyeron 418 pacientes, 58,9 % hombres, con una edad promedio de 60,8 años. Se documentó un tiempo quirúrgico promedio de 228,7 minutos, con un sangrado de 150 ml. La media de ganglios linfáticos resecados fue de 26,1 ± 11,4. La estancia hospitalaria en promedio fue de 4 ± 4 días, y se registraron complicaciones en 104 sujetos, con una tasa promedio de 24 %, de las cuales 29 (27,4 %) obtuvieron una clasificación Clavien-Dindo IIIB. Conclusiones. La gastrectomía por laparoscopia en un centro de alto volumen y con cirujanos experimentados en Colombia, tiene resultados perioperatorios similares a lo reportado en la literatura mundial. Aún se requiere de estudios de mayor fuerza de asociación para establecer recomendaciones sobre el uso rutinario de este abordaje en patología maligna avanzada.

Introduction. Gastric cancer in Colombia is the second most common neoplasm in men and the fourth in women. In recent years, the benefits of the laparoscopic approach in gastric cancer against bleeding, postoperative recovery com and complications have been widely described, without affecting oncological results. Methods. Retrospective observational study of patients undergoing laparoscopic gastrectomy at the Clínica Universitaria Colombia over a period of ten years, between 2013 and 2023. Perioperative results were described in terms of hospital stay, operative bleeding, duration of the procedure, complications, causes of reintervention, and mortality in the first 30 days. Results. 418 patients were included, 58.9% men, with an average age of 60.88 years. An average surgical time of 228.7 minutes was documented, with a blood loss of 150 ml. The mean number of lymph nodes resected was 26.1 ± 11.4. The average hospital stay was 4 ± 4 days, and complications were recorded in 104 subjects, with an average rate of 24%, of which 29 (27.4%) obtained a Clavien-Dindo IIIB classification. Conclusions. Laparoscopic gastrectomy in a high-volume center and with experienced surgeons in Colombia has perioperative results similar to those reported in the world literature. Studies with greater strength of association are still required to establish recommendations on the routine use of this approach in advanced malignant pathology.

Humanos , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Laparoscopia , Gastrectomia , Neoplasias Gástricas , Mortalidade , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos
Med. infant ; 31(1): 31-36, Marzo 2024. Ilus, Tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1552833


Introducción: Se ha postulado que el uso de vasopresina tendría efectos beneficiosos en el postoperatorio de cirugía cardiovascular. Objetivo: Evaluar la respuesta a la vasopresina en el postoperatorio (POP) de cirugía de Fontan de nuestra población. Métodos: Estudio de casos y controles anidados en una cohorte retrospectiva. Se incluyeron pacientes con cirugía de Fontan entre 2014 y 2019. Se registraron variables demográficas, datos del cateterismo pre-Fontan, días de asistencia respiratoria mecánica (ARM), necesidad de inotrópicos, diuréticos, diálisis, dieta hipograsa, octreotide, sildenafil y nutrición parenteral total (NPT); balance de fluidos al primer y segundo día POP, necesidad de cateterismo en el POP, días de permanencia de tubo pleural, días de internación, necesidad de reinternación y mortalidad. Se compararon los grupos con y sin vasopresina utilizando la prueba de Mann- Whitney-Wilcoxon test. Se consideró significativa una p < 0.05. Resultados: Del total analizado, 35 pacientes recibieron vasopresina. En el grupo control fueron 58 pacientes con características similares de gravedad sin vasopresina. No se encontraron diferencias en la evolución postoperatoria entre ambos grupos. El grupo con vasopresina recibió en mayor proporción dieta hipograsa. Conclusiones: En nuestra serie el uso de vasopresina no marcó diferencias significativas en términos de morbimortalidad con relación al grupo control (AU)

Introduction: The use of vasopressin has been suggested to have beneficial effects in the postoperative period after cardiovascular surgery. Objective: To evaluate the response to vasopressin in the postoperative period (POP) of Fontan surgery in our population. Methods: Nested case-control study in a retrospective cohort. Patients who underwent Fontan surgery between 2014 and 2019 were included. Demographic variables, pre-Fontan catheterization data, days of mechanical ventilation (MRA), need for inotropics, diuretics, dialysis, low-fat diet, octreotide, sildenafil and total parenteral nutrition (TPN); fluid balance at first and second day POP, need for catheterization at POP, duration of chest tube drainage, days of hospitalization, need for readmission, and mortality were recorded. Groups with and without vasopressin were compared using the Mann-Whitney- Wilcoxon test. A p < 0.05 was considered significant. Results: Of all patients analyzed, 35 received vasopressin. The control group consisted of 58 patients with similar severity characteristics who did not receive vasopressin. No differences were found in the postoperative outcome between the two groups. The vasopressin group received a higher proportion of low-fat diet. Conclusions: In our series the use of vasopressin did not show significant differences in terms of morbidity and mortality compared to the control group (AU)

Humanos , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/tratamento farmacológico , Arginina Vasopressina/administração & dosagem , Arginina Vasopressina/uso terapêutico , Técnica de Fontan/efeitos adversos , Antidiuréticos/administração & dosagem , Antidiuréticos/uso terapêutico , Indicadores de Morbimortalidade , Estudos Retrospectivos , Resultado do Tratamento , Hemodinâmica
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(2): 260-267, 20240220. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532615


Introducción. La fístula pancreática postoperatoria es una de las complicaciones más importantes en la cirugía hepatobiliopancreática. Su diagnóstico se hace mediante la presencia de un nivel de amilasa en el líquido de drenaje al menos tres veces por encima del valor de la amilasa en suero a partir del tercer día postoperatorio. El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar los pacientes con fístula pancreática postoperatoria en nuestra institución, evaluando la importancia de la detección temprana y el establecimiento de un manejo oportuno. Métodos. Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, que incluyó los pacientes sometidos a pancreatoduodenectomía, con diagnóstico de fístula pancreática postoperatoria como complicación de cirugía hepatobiliopancreática, en el Hospital Internacional de Colombia, en Piedecuesta, entre enero del 2017 y diciembre de 2020. Se excluyeron los pacientes con otro tipo procedimiento quirúrgico y aquellos que decidieron no participar en el estudio. Resultados. Se evaluaron 69 pacientes, con un predominio del sexo femenino (n=38; 55,1 %) y mediana de la edad de 57 años. El 33,3 % (n=24) de los pacientes intervenidos desarrollaron fístula pancreática postoperatoria, siendo el 23,2 % fuga bioquímica, grado B 8,7 % y grado C 2,9 %, para quienes se indicaron manejo expectante, control ecográfico y reintervención, respectivamente. Fallecieron 5 pacientes (7,2 %). Conclusiones. La fístula pancreáticapostoperatoria es una complicación para tener en cuenta en todos los pacientes sometidos a pancreatoduodenectomía. Existen estrategias que pueden permitir disminuir la incidencia de esta complicación, con el fin de mejorar el desenlace, el pronóstico y la morbilidad posquirúrgica.

Introduction. Postoperative pancreatic fistula is one of the most important complications in hepatobiliopancreatic surgery. Its diagnosis is made by the presence of an amylase level in the drainage fluid at least three times above the serum amylase value from the third postoperative day. The objective of this study was to characterize patients with postoperative pancreatic fistula at our institution, evaluating the importance of early detection and to establish a timely management. Methods. Descriptive, retrospective study that included patients who underwent pancreatoduodenectomy with a diagnosis of postoperative pancreatic fistula as a complication of hepatobiliopancreatic surgery at the Hospital Internacional Colombia, between January 2017 and December 2020. Patients with another type of procedure performed by this specialty and those who did not decide to participate in the study were excluded. Results. A total of 69 patients were included, the median age was 57 years with a predominance of females (n=38; 55.1%). 33.3% (n=24) of the operated patients developed postoperative pancreatic fistula, with 23.2% having a biochemical leak, grade B in 8.7% and grade C in 2.9%, for whom expectant management, ultrasound control and reintervention were indicated, respectively. Five patients died (7.2%). Conclusions. Pancreatic fistula is a complication to take into account in all patients undergoing pancreatoduodenectomy. There are strategies that can reduce the incidence of this complication and thus improve not only the outcome but also the prognosis and postoperative morbidity.

Humanos , Pâncreas , Fístula Pancreática , Neoplasias Pancreáticas , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Pancreaticoduodenectomia
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e12939, fev.2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534070


Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between diabetes and cognitive performance in a nationally representative study in Brazil. We also aimed to investigate the interaction between frailty and diabetes on cognitive performance. A cross-sectional analysis of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging (ELSI-Brazil) baseline data that included adults aged 50 years and older was conducted. Linear regression models were used to study the association between diabetes and cognitive performance. A total of 8,149 participants were included, and a subgroup analysis was performed in 1,768 with hemoglobin A1c data. Diabetes and hemoglobin A1c levels were not associated with cognitive performance. Interaction of hemoglobin A1c levels with frailty status was found on global cognitive z-score (P-value for interaction=0.038). These results suggested an association between higher hemoglobin A1c levels and lower cognitive performance only in non-frail participants. Additionally, undiagnosed diabetes with higher hemoglobin A1c levels was associated with both poor global cognitive (β=-0.36; 95%CI: -0.62; -0.10, P=0.008) and semantic verbal fluency performance (β=-0.47; 95%CI: -0.73; -0.21, P=0.001). In conclusion, higher hemoglobin A1c levels were associated with lower cognitive performance among non-frail participants. Higher hemoglobin A1c levels without a previous diagnosis of diabetes were also related to poor cognitive performance. Future longitudinal analyses of the ELSI-Brazil study will provide further information on the role of frailty in the association of diabetes and glycemic control with cognitive decline.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; 121(1): e20230834, jan. 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533722
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(1): 85-93, 20240102. tab, fig
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526823


Introduction. Perforated peptic ulcer remains one of the critical abdominal conditions that requires early surgical intervention. Leakage after omental patch repair represents one of the devastating complications that increase morbidity and mortality. Our study aimed to assess risk factors and early predictors for incidence of leakage. Methods. Retrospective analysis of data of the patients who underwent omental patch repair for perforated peptic ulcer in the period between January 2019 and January 2022 in Mansoura University Hospital, Egypt. Pre, intra and postoperative variables were collected and statistically analyzed. Incriminated risk factors for leakage incidence were analyzed using univariate and multivariate analysis. Results. This study included 123 patients who met inclusion criteria. Leakage was detected in seven (5.7%) patients. Although associated comorbidities (p=0.01), postoperative intensive care unit admission (p=0.03), and postoperative hypotension (p=0.02) were significant risk factors in univariate analysis, septic shock (p=0.001), delayed intervention (p=0.04), preoperative hypoalbuminemia (p=0.017), and perforation size >5mm (p= 0.04) were found as independent risk factors for leakage upon multivariate analysis. Conclusion. Delayed presentation in septic shock, preoperative hypoalbuminemia, prolonged perforation, operation interval, and large perforation size > 5mm were detected as independent risk factors for leakage. Postoperative tachypnea and tachycardia with increased levels of C-reactive protein and total leucocytic count are alarming signs for incidence of leakage

Introducción. La úlcera péptica perforada es una de las afecciones abdominales críticas que requiere una intervención quirúrgica temprana. La fuga después de la reparación con parche de epiplón representa una de las complicaciones más devastadoras, que aumentan la morbilidad y la mortalidad. Nuestro estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar los factores de riesgo y los predictores tempranos de fugas. Métodos. Análisis retrospectivo de los datos de los pacientes sometidos a reparación con parche de epiplón por úlcera péptica perforada, en el período comprendido entre enero de 2019 y enero de 2022, en el Hospital Universitario de Mansoura, Egipto. Se recogieron y analizaron estadísticamente variables pre, intra y postoperatorias. Los factores de riesgo asociados a la incidencia de fugas se analizaron mediante análisis univariado y multivariado. Resultados. Este estudio incluyó 123 pacientes que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Se detectó fuga en siete (5,7 %) pacientes. Aunque las comorbilidades asociadas (p=0,01), el ingreso postoperatorio a la unidad de cuidados intensivos (p=0,03) y la hipotensión postoperatoria (p=0,02) fueron factores de riesgo en el análisis univariado, el shock séptico (p=0,001), el retraso en la intervención (p=0,04), la hipoalbuminemia preoperatoria (p=0,017) y el tamaño de la perforación mayor de 5 mm (p=0,04) se encontraron como factores de riesgo de fuga independientes en el análisis multivariado. Conclusión. Se detectaron como factores de riesgo independientes de fuga la presentación tardía en shock séptico, la hipoalbuminemia preoperatoria, la perforación prolongada, el intervalo operatorio y el tamaño de la perforación mayor de 5 mm. La taquipnea posoperatoria y la taquicardia con niveles elevados de proteína C reactiva y recuento leucocitario total son signos de alarma sobre la presencia de fuga.

Humanos , Úlcera Péptica Perfurada , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Omento , Fatores de Risco
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(1): 122-131, 20240102. fig, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526859


Introducción. La resección segmentaria del intestino y su derivación temporal o definitiva es un procedimiento frecuente en la práctica quirúrgica, que implica la construcción de un estoma. La enfermedad que lleva a la cirugía, las condiciones clínicas del paciente y los aspectos técnicos en la construcción de la ostomía son puntos claves en la evolución posoperatoria. Métodos. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura identificando las complicaciones asociadas a la construcción de estomas, con el objetivo de ofrecer herramientas de tratamiento y toma de decisiones al personal médico involucrado en la atención de estos pacientes. Resultados. La cirugía de urgencia, la inmunosupresión, la obesidad y la técnica en la apertura del orificio en la pared abdominal, favorecen la aparición de complicaciones tempranas que requieren manejo médico o reintervención quirúrgica. Conclusiones. Todo paciente con estoma debe ser valorado minuciosamente por el cirujano y la terapista enterostomal en las primeras 72 horas luego de la cirugía.

Introduction. Segmental resection of the intestine and its temporary or permanent bypass is a frequent procedure in surgical practice, which involves the construction of a stoma. The disease that leads to surgery, the clinical conditions of the patient and the technical aspects in the construction of the ostomy are key points in the postoperative evolution. Methods. A review of the literature was performed, identifying the complications associated with the construction of stomas, with the aim of offering treatment and decision-making tools to the medical personnel involved in the care of these patients. Results. Emergency surgery, immunosuppression, obesity, and the technique used to open the orifice in the abdominal wall favor the appearance of early complications that require medical management or surgical reintervention. Conclusions. Every patient with a stoma must be carefully evaluated by the surgeon and the enterostomal therapist in the first 72 hours after surgery.

Humanos , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Colostomia , Ileostomia , Diagnóstico Clínico
Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 391-395, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012910


To explore the prevention and treatment of perioperative complications of adult liver transplantation patients from the perspective of ethics, and carry out ethical thinking in order to provide theoretical support. Through a cross-sectional study, 189 patients selected by strict admission criteria who received liver transplantation in the department of hepatobiliary surgery of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University from January 2018 to May 2019, to explore the incidence and ethical problems of perioperative complications in adult liver transplantation. The results showed that 87 patients had complications among 189 patients, the incidence was 46.03%. Among them, 28 patients with pleural effusion, the incidence was 14.81%; 15 patients with biliary complications, the incidence was 7.94%; 14 patients with diabetes mellitus, the incidence was 7.41%. The incidence of complications after liver transplantation is high, mainly including pleural effusion, biliary complications and diabetes mellitus. Thus, the prevention and intervention from the perspective of nursing ethics is worth exploring.

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences ; : 92-99, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012671


@#Introduction: This prospective case-control study aimed to compare the incidence of fetomaternal complications between grand multiparous women under the age of 35 and pregnant women with low parity in the same age group. Methods: The study was conducted at Al-khansaa and Al-Batool Teaching Hospitals from October 1, 2020, to June 1, 2021. One hundred pregnant women with singleton pregnancies in all three trimesters, aged between 18 and 34 years, were selected from the outpatient clinic and the ward. The participants were divided into two groups: Group A consisted of 50 grand multiparous women (with five or more deliveries), and Group B comprised 50 pregnant women with low parity (2-4 pregnancies) in the same age group. Results: The study found that gestational diabetes, anemia, meconium-stained amniotic fluid, cesarean section rate, postpartum hemorrhage, and neonatal intensive care unit admissions were significantly higher in the grand multiparity group compared to the low parity group. The mean Apgar scores at 1 and 5 minutes were significantly lower in Group A compared to Group B. Conclusion: The findings suggest that grand multiparity among younger mothers poses additional risks to pregnancy outcomes, including increased rates of gestational diabetes, anemia, postpartum hemorrhage, cesarean section, and neonatal intensive care unit admissions, especially in cases with inadequate antenatal care. The findings of this study underscore the need for further research in this area. Understanding the underlying mechanisms and risk factors associated with grand multiparity among younger mothers can lead to more targeted interventions and improved outcomes.

Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 280-288, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006581


Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease characterized by chronic hyperglycemia caused by absolute or relative insufficiency of insulin secretion. As the disease progresses, patients begin to suffer from diabetic nephropathy, diabetic cardiomyopathy, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or other complications, which increase the burden on the patients. Moreover, the number of patients is increasing, which brings a heavy burden to the society. Ferroptosis is a new type of programmed cell death which has attracted wide attention in recent years. It refers to the cell death caused by the excessive accumulation of lipid peroxide under the overload of iron ions. Studies have discovered that ferroptosis exists in diabetes mellitus and its complications. Inhibiting ferroptosis can greatly slow down the occurrence and progression of diabetes mellitus and its complications. Chinese medicine, the unique medical treasure in China, acts in a multi-pathway, multi-target manner and is praised for the cheap price, low toxicity, and mild side effects. It has been widely used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus and its complications and has demonstrated definite therapeutic effects, bringing the good news for the majority of patients. The regulation of ferroptosis by Chinese medicine may be a new direction for the treatment of diabetes mellitus and its complications in the future. This paper briefly describes the mechanism of ferroptosis, explores the relationship of ferroptosis with diabetes mellitus and its complications, summarizes the research status of Chinese medicine interventions, and puts forward suggestions, aiming to provide a reference for further research on the treatment of diabetes mellitus and its complications with Chinese medicine.

Chinese Journal of Clinical Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery ; (12): 127-134, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006524


@#Objective    To investigate the optimal administration combination of β-aminopropionitrile (BAPN) and Angiotensin Ⅱ (Ang-Ⅱ) in the establishment of SD rat aortic dissection (AD) model and the related complications. Methods    Forty-two three-week-old male SD rats were randomly divided into 7 groups: a group A (0.25% BAPN), a group B (0.40% BAPN), a group C (0.80% BAPN), a group D [1 g/(kg·d) BAPN], a group E [1 g/(kg·d) BAPN+ 1 μg/(kg·min) saline], a group F [1 g/(kg·d) BAPN+1 μg/(kg·min) Ang-Ⅱ] and a group G (control group). There were 6 rats in each group. The intervention period was 4 weeks (groups E and F were 4 weeks+5 days). Rats were dissected immediately if they died during the experiment. After the intervention, the surviving rats were sacrificed by pentobarbital sodium, and the whole aorta was separated and retained. Hematoxylin-eosin staining was used to observe the changes of aorta from the pathological morphology. Results    There was no statistical difference in the survival rate among the groups after 4 weeks of BAPN intervention (P>0.05). After 5 days of mini-osmotic pumps implantation, the survival rate of rats was higher in the group E than that in the group F (P=0.008), and the incidence of AD in the group E was lower than that in the group F (P=0.001). BAPN could affect the food and water intake of rats. After BAPN intervention for 4 weeks, the body weight of rats in the group G was higher than those in the intervention groups (P<0.05). BAPN combined with Ang-Ⅱ could make the aortic intima thick, elastic fiber breakage, arrangement disorder, and inflammatory cell infiltration in rats, which conformed to the pathological and morphological changes of AD. BAPN could also affect mental state and gastrointestinal tract. Conclusion    The combination of BAPN [1 g/(kg·d)] and Ang-Ⅱ [1 μg/(kg·min)] can stably establish AD model in rats, which will provide a stable carrier for further study of the pathogenesis and therapeutic targets of AD. However, the complications in this process are an unstable factor. How to balance the influence of BAPN on other tissues and organs in the process of AD model establishment remains to be further studied.

Chinese Journal of Clinical Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery ; (12): 99-104, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006517


@#Objective     To investigate the relationship between preoperative mean daily step counts and pulmonary complications after thoracoscopic lobectomy in elderly patients. Methods     From 2018 to 2021, the elderly patients with pulmonary complications after thoracoscopic lobectomy were included. A 1∶1 propensity score matching was performed with patients without pulmonary complications. The clinical data were compared between the two groups. Results    Totally, 100 elderly patients with pulmonary complications were enrolled, including 78 males and 22 females, aged 66.4±4.5 years. And 100 patients without pulmonary complications were matched, including 71 males and 29 females aged 66.2±5.0 years. There was no significant difference in the preoperative data between the two groups (P>0.05). Compared to the patients with pulmonary complications, the ICU stay was shorter (8.1±4.4 h vs. 12.9±7.5 h, P<0.001), the first out-of-bed activity time was earlier (8.8±4.5 h vs. 11.2±6.1 h, P=0.002), and the tube incubation time was shorter (19.3±9.2 h vs. 22.5±9.4 h, P=0.015) in the patients wihout pulmonary complications. There was no statistical difference in other perioperative data between the two groups (P>0.05). The mean daily step counts in the pulmonary complications group were significantly less than that in the non-pulmonary complications group (4 745.5±2 190.9 steps vs. 6 821.1± 2 542.0 steps, P<0.001). The daily step counts showed an upward trend for three consecutive days in the two groups, but the difference was not significant. Conclusion     The decline of preoperative mean daily step counts is related to pulmonary complications after thoracoscopic lobectomy in elderly patients. Recording daily step counts can promote preoperative active exercise training for hospitalized patients.