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Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 12(3): 71-85, sep.-dic. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447047


Resumen Dentro de las relaciones de pareja, los miembros muestran su cultura, pensamientos y creencias (PHSC), las cuales predicen las conductas aceptables, los roles que se deben de cumplir, y cómo se debe de llevar a cabo la relación. Sin embargo, la cultura tiende a modificarse con el paso del tiempo, y cambiar el comportamiento. El propósito de esta investigación fue explorar las PHSC de la pareja en sus diferentes etapas (inicio, mantenimiento y disolución) y analizar su evolución en comparación con los estudios previos. Participaron 180 adolescentes estudiantes de secundaria y 150 adultos mayores con una escolaridad no mayor a secundaria. Se aplicaron tres cuestionarios abiertos, uno para cada etapa de la relación sobre que se debe de sentir, hacer, pesar dentro de la relación. Para la exploración de los datos se realizó un análisis de contenido. Los resultados demuestran que la mayoría de las PHSC no fueron modificadas, como la fidelidad, el respeto y la confianza dentro de la relación, principalmente en las mujeres. Lo que demuestra que a pesar del tiempo existen normas y creencias que son constantes, estas premisas permanecen debido al que el ambiente las satisface, no obstante, aparecieron nuevas normas y creencias como son el pensar en unos mismos y en su bienestar como consecuencia de comportamiento exitoso para la adaptación de la especie.

Abstract Within couple relationships, members show their culture, thoughts and beliefs (PHSC), which predict acceptable behaviors, the roles that must be fulfilled, and how the relationship should be carried out. However, culture tends to change over time, and behavior changes. The purpose of this research was to explore the PHSC of the couple in their different stages (beginning, maintenance, and dissolution) and to analyze their evolution in comparison with previous studies. 180 adolescent high school students and 150 older adults with no more than secondary schooling participated. Three open questionnaires were applied, one for each stage of the relationship about what should be felt, done, and weighed within the relationship. To explore the data, a content analysis was performed. At the beginning of the relationship, norms and beliefs were found such as that the couple should live together, communicate, be affectionate, should not feel insecure, angry, be unfaithful and attack, while in maintenance they should give love, have trust, be happy, love, be faithful and honest as well as respect your partner, while you should not feel ashamed, sad and envious and again be unfaithful or aggressive. Finally, in the dissolution, the PHSC found were to feel melancholy, disappointment, but at the same time happiness, think about the reasons for separation and problems, resign themselves, and should not feel anger and hatred, think that it is the end of the world and have destructive reactions towards the former partner or themselves. The results show that most of the PHSC were not modified, such as fidelity, respect, and trust within the relationship, mainly in women. Which shows that despite time there are norms and beliefs that are constant, these premises remain because the environment satisfies them, however, new norms and beliefs appeared such as they are thinking about oneself and their well-being as a consequence of successful behavior for the adaptation of the species.

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 117(6): 405-: I-410, III, dic. 2019. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1046453


Los juegos tradicionales se han modificado con el desarrollo de la tecnología. Se analizaron los juegos de destreza en general y la payana en particular que practicaban los niños y sus padres. Se realizó una encuesta a niños de 5 a 12 años y a sus familias. Se completaron 109 encuestas; el 91,7 % de los padres refirió haber jugado payana y el 4,6 % de sus hijos jugaba también (p < 0,00001). Las niñas jugaban menos que sus madres al elástico y a la ronda, pero más al fútbol. Los niños jugaban menos a la ronda que sus padres. El 28,4 % de los padres no solía jugar ningún juego de destreza con sus hijos.En conclusión, la payana, el elástico y la ronda han disminuido y las niñas juegan más al fútbol que sus madres. Los padres suelen jugar pocos juegos de destreza con sus hijos.

Traditional games have changed with the development of technology. We analyzed dexterity games played by children and their parents in general, and jacks in particular. A survey was administered to children aged 5-12 years and their families. A total of 109 surveys were completed; 91.7 % of parents referred that they had played jacks and that 4.6 % of their children also played it (p < 0.00001). Girls played Chinese jump rope and ring-a ring-a roses less often than their mothers, but football more often. Boys played ring-a ring-a roses less often than their fathers. Besides, 28.4 % of parents did not play any dexterity game with their children.To conclude, jacks, Chinese jump rope, and ring-a ring-a roses are now less common; and girls play football more often than their mothers. Parents do not usually play dexterity games with their children.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Jogos Recreativos , Família , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Intervalo entre Gerações
Interdisciplinaria ; 31(1): 39-55, jun. 2014. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-734348


En la actualidad las modalidades lúdicas de los niños se han ido modificando. En las últimas décadas, en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires se han producido cambios en los espacios lúdicos, que llevan a los niños a realizar cada vez más actividades en espacios privados o semipúblicos, haciendo variar su manera de jugar. El objetivo del estudio que se informa fue describir y analizar las transformaciones lúdicas, a partir de los juegos de los niños, los espacios y la percepción, y el recuerdo de personas pertenecientes a distintas generaciones. Participaron 516 sujetos de estrato social medio, agrupados en cuatro franjas de edad: niños, adolescentes, jóvenes y adultos y se les administró el Cuestionario Semiestructurado sobre Juegos (Stefani, Andrés & Oanes, 2010). Los datos obtenidos fueron clasificados de acuerdo a los diferentes tipos de juegos y espacios lúdicos, a fin de describir semejanzas y diferencias entre las respuestas dadas por los diferentes grupos de la muestra. Además se calcularon frecuencias y porcentajes de los juegos y de los espacios predominantes por edad. A fin de evaluar la asociación entre las variables tipo de juegos y tipo de espacios con las distintas franjas de edad, se aplicó la prueba de independencia de atributos chi-cuadrado. Los resultados permiten observar que los juegos se fueron transformando junto con los espacios donde se desarrollan, llevando a los niños a realizar sus prácticas cada vez más puertas adentro.

Nowadays, children’s play culture has changed. Over the last few decades, in Buenos Aires City, there have been many changes in play settings, which lead children to carry out activities in private or semi-public environments, modifying the way in which they play. Children’s play, understood as a space where children formerly trained their different skills, is being increasingly influenced by new technologies. At the same time, these new environments allow children to have new experiences. Children’s play has been changing as time goes by; some games have been passed down, such as traditional games; some others have been modified, for example role-playing, and others have disappeared or tend to do so. Digital options for children, which offer play and interactivity, are fully in line with the logic of consumption and they vary according to social economical level. New generations incorporate these tools since their childhood, modifying childlike habits which held good for decades. We find that some decades ago, children used to play group games outdoors, on the streets around their neighborhood, at parks or at sport centers. Games such as elastics, hide and seek, skipping the rope, etc. were played on a daily basis while an adult was looking after the children. Nowadays, due to insecurity in the streets, children play indoors, in closed environments, or in private or institutional settings, and they play individually. The objective in conducting this study was to describe and analyze the changes in play habits which have been taking place, from information taken from research on children’s play, play settings, and perception and recollection from subjects belonging to different generations. In this study, 516 participants belonging to the middle class in Buenos Aires City (Argentina), who were grouped in four age ranges: young children, adolescents, young adults and adults, were given a semi-structured questionnaire (Stefani, Andrés & Oanes, 2010). About play formats N and A which has been devised to build up knowledge about different types of play and play settings across generations. The constant comparison method was used to classify the obtained data into different types of play and play settings, in order to describe similarities and differences among the answers given by each study group. Furthermore, frequencies, averages, mean, median, and standard deviation prevailing in each age group were drawnfromthat. Statistically significant proof tests were per -ormed: analysis of factor variance for the variable Type of play, and Chi-square Attribute Independence Test for the variable Type of setting. The results allow us to observe that play habits have been changing together with the places where they are developed, leading children to carry out their playful activities primarily indoors. Traditional games are shared by all generations, with slight variations, but without altering their essence, many of them consist of physical play like chase (chasing games), and hide and seek. Pretend / role-play has changed, as children use technology to play, increasingly incorporating electronic devices that grown-ups use for their work and social activities. In this way it is observed that play reflects and reproduces society. We are in a moment of transition, changes in play habits and settings will make an impact on the way new generations build emotional and social skills. This leads us to think that this moment of transition, or experience crisis, comprises new possibilities, but at the same time, new risks such as individualism, isolation, negation of the other as a fellow human being, as the use of technology is basically an individual activity. A new virtual agora has been incorporated, with a new social order in which children are just one click away from socializing and opening the door to go out to play.