Se llevó a cabo la adaptación de la Batería para la Evaluación de la Memoria Semántica en Demencia de tipo Alzheimer (Peraita, González Labra, Sánchez Bernardos & Galeote Moreno, 2000)¹ para su aplicación en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (República Argentina). Esta batería permite evaluar mediante pruebas de modalidad visual, verbal y auditiva, el deterioro del conocimiento de seis categorías semánticas de seres vivientes y no vivientes. Ha sido desarrollada para población de habla hispana con la finalidad de evaluar el deterioro semántico en la Demencia de tipo Alzheimer. Su valor radica en que complementa la evaluación neuropsicológica, donde los aspectos de la memoria semántica por lo general están poco representados, otorgándole valor predictivo al posibilitar la detección temprana de determinadas patologías en las que se encuentra afectado ese sistema de la memoria. Se administró la batería a 30 sujetos sin deterioro cognitivo que tenían entre 61 y 88 años de edad y un promedio de 12 años de escolaridad. Los participantes fueron cuidadosamente seleccionados y se excluyeron a quienes pudieran presentar indicadores de deterioro cognitivo. La evaluación de los ítemes se realizó en base a la frecuencia de las respuestas correctas. Se tomó este criterio considerando que se trata de variables categóricas y el tamaño de la muestra. Se estimó la proporción de respuestas correctas en las seis categorías y dominios de seres vivientes y seres no vivientes. Los nuevos ítemes fueron seleccionados respetando la estructura de la batería y considerando su correlación entre las distintas pruebas.
In this work some items of the Evaluation Battery for Semantic Memory Deterioration in Alzheimer's Disease, were adapted to be used in the population of Buenos Aires city - República Argentina (EMSDA -in Spanish-, Peraita, González Labra, Sánchez Bernardos, & Galeote Moreno, 2000). The original battery presents a series of tasks, elaborated with the aim of assessing semantic deterioration and/or conceptual memory in patients with Alzheimer's disease. It allows specifically, assessing some features of the semantic visual and verbal knowledge of six categories concerning to living / animated beings and inanimate objects as well as the attributes that organize them. The evaluation of attributes belonging to the categories assessed by the EMSDA is implemented following a conceptual representation model, according to which attributes can be grouped in at least nine common conceptual components for the living things and inanimate objects categories. This conceptual representation model was constructed on the basis of an empirical approximation to the study of formation and representation of natural categories and objects representation (Peraita, Elosúa, & Linares, 1992). The various conceptual components vary in their frequency, according to the level of generality of the categories (superordinate, basic, or subordinate), category type, age, and education level, verifying this tendency in samples of patients with dementia of the Alzheimer´s type (DAT). The purpose of this paper is to present the items adjustment of some tasks of the EMSDA to the population of Buenos Aires city. The battery was administered to 30 healthy elderly between 61 and 88 years and 12 years average of education. The participants were carefully selected to be included in the sample. To rule out cognitive deterioration we did not include participants whose performance in the Mini Mental State Examination and the Wechsler Memory Scale Revised were one standard deviation bellow the expected scoring for age and educational level. To study the items we evaluated the frequency of answers, considering them more suitable when 75% or more participants gave the expected target. This criterion was chosen considering the variables were categorical, and the sample was formed with healthy elderly participants, i.e. without cognitive deterioration. To this preliminary analysis, it was estimated the proportion of correct answers to the six categories belonging to domains of living beings and in animate objects with the original and new items. We observed that some of them did not reach the 75% of agreement, and consistently, we determined to change the following tasks: Picture Naming, Spoken Word / Picture Matching, Sentence Verification, and Semantic Analogies. We selected new items taking into account the structure of the original version of the battery, and their correlations between the tasks. This new items were administered to 28 participants of the original sample. The means of each task were analyzed by Students distribution obtaining higher scorings with the adapted items (p < .0001). It is important to note that the proportion of expected answers to the living / animate and non living / inanimate objects were similar. The same results were observed to the supra ordinate and basic level of the category. However, to study the reliability of these results it would be necessary to explore the items in a larger sample. These preliminary results indicate that the new items can be considered an appropriate adjustment to our social culture context and to determine semantics impairments. This is considered a useful tool for the neuropsychological assessment to investigate the category specific deficits and other cognitive processes.
Entre las teorías sobre el funcionamiento del lenguaje, se cuenta el Modelo de Situación de Kintsch y van Dijk, referido al proceso y a la estructura resultante de la comprensión del discurso textual; también, la teoría de las Categorías Semánticas Innatas, defendida por Chomsky y por los teóricos de la Nueva Síntesis, referida a estructuras conceptuales que guían la adquisición, comprensión y uso de las formas lingüísticas. De existir, tales categorías innatas de significados habrían de influenciar la forma en que es representado el conocimiento en la mente, y por lo tanto, la estructura resultante de la comprensión del discurso. Una aproximación teórica a este fenómeno es la propuesta en este escrito.
Among the theories of language performance, the Situation Model by Kintsch and Van Dijk refers to the process and the resultant structure of textual discourse comprehension. The Innate Semantic Categories by Chomsky and the New Synthesis theorists refer to conceptual structures that guide the acquisition, comprehension and use of linguistics forms. If those innate meaning categories exist, they should influence the way of representing the knowledge in the mind, and therefore, they should influence the resultant structure of discourse comprehension. A theoretical approximation to this phenomenon is the proposal of this article.