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Rev. mex. ing. bioméd ; 44(2): 1338, May.-Aug. 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536651


ABSTRACT There is no specific age when the vault of the feet is completely formed. The objective of this study was to analyze the footprint morphology and obtain the Chippaux-Smirak Index in a Mexican population to identify the type of feet and its prevalence. A database of images of the soles of both feet was analyzed. The database contained images of 1,014 persons between 2 and 73 years old from Guanajuato state, Mexico. Moreover, a literature review was performed to identify the type of feet in the Mexican population. It was observed that less than 17 % of the population have cavus foot (p= 0.018). Furthermore, less than 25 % of the population between 17 and 73 years have flatfoot 3 (p= 0.0079) in the left foot. Also, only nine articles related to the type of foot in the Mexican population were found, but most of them were performed on young population. The formation of the medial arc could be beyond the first decade of life and the relatively high prevalence of flatfoot in adult life should be studied. Finally, the results found can be useful for orthopedists, physiotherapists, clinicians, and parents who are concerned about the foot health of their children.

RESUMEN No hay una edad específica en la que la bóveda de los pies esté completamente formada. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la morfología de la huella de los pies y obtener el Índice de Chippaux-Smirak en una población mexicana para identificar el tipo de pie y su prevalencia. Se analizó una base de datos de imágenes de las plantas de ambos pies. La base de datos contenía imágenes de 1,014 personas de entre 2 y 73 años del estado de Guanajuato, México. Además, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica para identificar el tipo de pie en la población mexicana. Se observó que menos del 17 % de la población tiene pie cavo (p= 0,018). Además, menos del 25 % de la población entre 17 y 73 años tiene pie plano 3 (p= 0,0079) en el pie izquierdo. Además, se encontraron 9 artículos relacionados con el tipo de pie en población mexicana, pero la mayoría de ellos fueron desarrollados en población joven. La formación del arco medial podría estar más allá de la primera década de vida. Se encontró una prevalencia relativamente alta de pie plano en la vida adulta que debe ser estudiada. Finalmente, los resultados encontrados pueden ser útiles para ortopedistas, fisioterapeutas, médicos y padres preocupados por la salud de los pies de sus hijos.

Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 27(1)mar. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440512


Introducción: Un apoyo plantar incorrecto puede considerarse un factor etiológico de asimetrías faciales y cráneo-mandibulares pues modifica, de forma instantánea, la relación entre el maxilar y la mandíbula. Por tanto, resulta vital identificar la etiología de estas asimetrías para establecer diagnósticos y tratamientos certeros. Objetivo: Determinar la influencia del apoyo plantar en la postura corporal, la simetría facial y cráneo-mandibular en adolescentes. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de enero a septiembre de 2019 con 180 adolescentes que asistieron al servicio de Ortodoncia de la Clínica Docente de Especialidades «Victoria de Santa Clara», los cuales cumplían con criterios de selección de la investigación. Se analizaron variables faciales, posturales y cefalométricas. Se determinó: la simetría facial mediante el análisis de líneas faciales, el apoyo plantar al calcular el índice cavitario, la postura corporal, según la prueba de Di Rocca, y la simetría mandibular con el método modificado de Kurt y Uysal. Se siguieron las normas éticas y fueron aplicadas la prueba de Fisher, la de McNemar, y la técnica de conglomerado. Resultados: Predominaron los adolescentes con apoyo plantar asimétrico y los pies varo. Del total de casos con asimetría facial, 72,53 % presentó apoyo plantar asimétrico, y 39,44 % planos biilíaco y biclavicular desequilibrados y divergentes. La asimetría mandibular se observó en el 56,11%, la mayoría con apoyo plantar asimétrico. Conclusiones: Se pudo constatar la influencia del apoyo plantar en la postura corporal, la simetría facial y cráneo-mandibular, pues se observó un alto grado de relación entre las variables estudiadas.

Introduction: an incorrect plantar support can be considered an etiological factor of facial, mandibular and cranial asymmetries since it instantly modifies the relationship between the maxilla and mandible. Therefore, it is vital to identify the etiology of these asymmetries to establish accurate diagnoses and treatments. Objective: to determine the influence of plantar support on body posture and on facial, mandibular and cranial symmetries in adolescents. Methods: a descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out from January to September 2019 with 180 adolescents who were seen in the Orthodontics service at "Victoria de Santa Clara" Specialty Teaching Dental Clinic, who met the research selection criteria. Facial, postural and cephalometric variables were analyzed. Facial symmetry was determined through the analysis of facial lines, plantar support by means of cavity index, body posture according to the Di Rocca test, and mandibular symmetry with the modified method of Kurt and Uysal. Ethical standards were followed and Fisher's and McNemar's tests as well as clustering technique were applied. Results: adolescents with asymmetric plantar support and varus feet predominated. The 72.53% had asymmetric plantar support from the total cases with facial asymmetry, and 39.44% had unbalanced and divergent biiliac and biclavicular planes. Mandibular asymmetry was observed in 56.11%, mostly with asymmetric plantar support. Conclusions: the influence of plantar support on body posture and on facial, mandibular and cranial symmetries was posible to verify since a high degree of relationship was observed among the variables studied.

Postura , Assimetria Facial , Pé Cavo , Má Oclusão
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-979525


@#Objective     To explore the effects of intravenous treprostinil in different doses on the hemodynamics and postoperative outcomes after high-risk total cavo-pulmonary connection (TCPC). Methods    From 2018 to 2021, among 189 patients who underwent TCPC in the Department of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery of Fuwai Hospital, 26 high-risk patients who received the intravenous treprostinil therapy were retrospectively analyzed. There were 12 males and 14 females, with an age of 4 (3, 6) years and a weight of 17.6±6.2 kg. The patients were divided into two groups: a high-dose group [15 patients, maintaining dose>10 ng/(kg·min)] and a low-dose group [11 patients, maintaining dose≤ 10 ng/(kg·min)]. The hemodynamics before treprostinil using and during the first 24 hours after reaching the maintaining dose of treprostinil, and postoperative outcomes of the two groups were investigated. Results    The incidence of heterotaxia was higher in the high-dose group (66.7% vs. 18.2%, P=0.021). During the observation period, the mean pulmonary artery pressure decreased from 11.9±3.6 mm Hg to 11.0±3.3 mm Hg in the low-dose group (P=0.013), and from 12.9±4.7 mm Hg to 10.2±3.4 mm Hg in the high-dose group (P=0.001). The decreasing effect in the high-dose group was better than that in the low-dose group (P=0.010). There was no statistical difference in the postoperative outcomes between the two groups (P>0.05). In terms of side effects, patients needed temporarily increased dosage of vasoactive drugs to maintain stable blood pressure during 6-12 h after treprostinil therapy in the high-dose group. Conclusion    In patients after high-risk TCPC, intravenous high-dose treprostinil has a better therapeutic effect on reducing pulmonary artery pressure. However, it should be noted that increased dosage of vasoactive agents may be required to maintain blood pressure stability in patients with high-dose treprostinil.

Acta ortop. bras ; 31(spe2): e259598, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439147


ABSTRACT Objective The extrinsic muscles, such as the posterior tibialis and long flexor of the hallux and the intrinsic of the foot, are part of the active subsystem of the central system of the foot and play an essential role in the control of the medial longitudinal arch resulting from difficulty in contracting the muscle, neuromuscular electrostimulation (NMES) becomes a resource combined with strengthening and recommended for rehabilitation. T this work aims to evaluate the effectiveness of NMES associated with exercise in deforming the medial longitudinal arch. Methods This is a randomized blind clinical trial. 60 asymptomatic participants were divided into three groups: NMES, exercise and control. The NMES and exercise group performed seven exercises for the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles twice a week for 6 weeks, and the NMES group used an NMES associated with five exercises. Navicular height and medial longitudinal arch angle were taken before and after the intervention period. Results No statistically significant differences existed between groups for navicular height and medial longitudinal arch angle. Conclusion NMES associated with exercise does not change the characteristics of the medial longitudinal arch in association with asymptomatic. Level of Evidence I; Randomized clinical trial.

RESUMO Objetivo Os músculos extrínsecos, como o tibial posterior e flexor longo do hálux e os intrínsecos do pé fazem parte do subsistema ativo do foot core system e exercem papel essencial no controle do arco longitudinal medial. Devido à dificuldade na contração desses músculos, a eletroestimulação neuromuscular (EENM) torna-se um recurso aliado ao fortalecimento e é recomendada para reabilitação. O objetivo desse trabalho é avaliar a eficácia da EENM associada ao exercício na deformação do arco longitudinal medial. Métodos Este é um ensaio clínico randomizado cego. 60 participantes assintomáticos foram divididos em três grupos: EENM, exercício e controle. O grupo EENM e exercício realizaram sete exercícios para os músculos intrínsecos e extrínsecos duas vezes por semana por seis semanas, sendo o grupo EENM utilizou a EENM associada a cinco exercícios. A altura do navicular e o ângulo do arco longitudinal medial foram medidos antes e após o período de intervenção. Resultados Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos para a altura do navicular e ângulo do arco longitudinal medial. Conclusão A EENM associada ao exercício não altera as características do arco longitudinal medial em indivíduos assintomáticos. Nível de Evidência I; Estudo Clínico Randomizado.

Coluna/Columna ; 22(3): e273380, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520790


ABSTRACT: Objective: To verify the correlation between the thoracic and lumbar Cobb angle and the type of foot, and the parameters of plantar support during gait in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis. Material and Methods: Sixty adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) were divided into three groups: normal foot (n=20), cavus foot (n=20), and flat foot (n=20). The Cobb angles of thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lordosis were evaluated by radiographic examination. The plantar arch was recorded the podoscope and calculated by the ratio between the midfoot and the total foot area. The adolescents performed the march on a 20-meter track, with their feet resting on the pressure platform, totaling an average of 12 steps of the foot (right and left). The variables evaluated were: contact area, peak pressure, and maximum force on the four regions of the feet: hindfoot (medial and lateral), midfoot, and forefoot. Results: There was a positive correlation between the Cobb angle of lumbar lordosis and the arch plantar cavus (r=0.40; p=0.048) and flat (0.25; p=0.004), with no significant correlations for the Cobb angle thoracic (p>0.005). The pressure peak strongly correlated with the cavus plantar arch (r=0.92, p=0.001) in the lateral hindfoot and forefoot region, while the flat foot with the midfoot region. Conclusion: The Cobb lumbar lordosis angle positively correlates with the plantar arch height and the plantar support pattern during gait in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis. Level of Evidence II; Observational and Cross-Sectional Study.

RESUMO: Objetivos: Verificar a correlação entre o ângulo de Cobb torácico e lombar e o tipo de pé e os parâmetros do apoio plantar durante a marcha de adolescentes com escoliose idiopática. Material e Métodos: Foram avaliados 60 adolescentes com escoliose idiopática (EIA), divididos em três grupos: pé normal (n= 20), pé cavo (n=20) e pé plano (n=20). Os ângulos de Cobb da cifose torácica e da lordose lombar foram avaliadas pelo exame radiográfico. O arco plantar foi registrado pelo podoscópio e calculado pela razão entre a área do mediopé e a área total do pé. Os adolescentes realizavam a marcha sobre uma pista de 20 metros, com o registo do apoio dos pés sobre a plataforma de pressão, totalizando em média 12 passos (direito e esquerdo). Foram avaliados: área de contato, pico de pressão e força máxima sobre 4 regiões dos pés: retropé (medial e lateral), mediopé e antepé. Resultados: Houve uma correlação positiva entre o ângulo de Cobb da lordose lombar e o arco plantar cavo (r=0,40; p=0,048) e plano (0,25; p=0,004), sem correlações significantes para o ângulo de Cobb torácico (p>0,005). O pico de pressão obteve uma correlação forte com o arco plantar cavo (r=0,92, p=0,001) em região de retropé lateral e antepé, enquanto que o pé plano com a região do mediopé. Conclusão: O ângulo de Cobb da lordose lombar tem correlação positiva com a altura do arco plantar e o padrão de apoio plantar durante a marcha de adolescentes com escoliose idiopática. Nível de Evidência II; Estudo Observacional e Transversal.

RESUMEN: Objetivos: Verificar la correlación entre el ángulo de Cobb torácico y lumbar y el tipo de pie y los parámetros de soporte plantar durante la marcha en adolescentes con escoliosis idiopática. Material y Métodos: Sesenta adolescentes con escoliosis idiopática (EIA) fueron divididos en tres grupos: pie normal (n=20), pie cavo (n=20) y pie plano (n=20). Los ángulos de Cobb de la cifosis torácica y la lordosis lumbar se evaluaron mediante examen radiográfico. El arco plantar fue registrado por el podoscopio y calculado por la relación entre el área del mediopié y el área total del pie. Los adolescentes realizaron la marcha sobre una pista de 20 metros, con los pies apoyados en la plataforma, totalizando un promedio de 12 pasos (derecho e izquierdo). Fueron evaluados área de contacto, pico de presión y fuerza máxima en las 4 regiones de los pies: retropié (medial y lateral), mediopié y antepié. Resultados: Hubo correlación positiva entre el ángulo de Cobb de la lordosis lumbar y el arco cavo plantar (r=0,40; p=0,048) y plano (0,25; p=0,004), no existiendo correlaciones significativas para el ángulo de Cobb torácico (p> 0,005). El pico de presión obtuvo una fuerte correlación con el arco plantar cavo (r=0,92, p=0,001) en la región lateral del retropié y antepié, mientras que el pie plano con la región del mediopié. Conclusión: El ángulo de Cobb de la lordosis lumbar tiene una correlación positiva con la altura del arco plantar y el patrón de apoyo plantar durante la marcha en adolescentes con escoliosis idiopática. Nivel de Evidencia II; Estudio Observacional y Transversal.

Humanos , Adolescente , Ortopedia , Adolescente
Acta ortop. bras ; 29(4): 177-180, Aug. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1339053


ABSTRACT Objective: The medial longitudinal arch is the main structure of load bearing and shock absorption of the foot. The evaluation of medial longitudinal arch, such as the navicular height, the medial longitudinal arch angle and the Feiss line should be performed with the subtalar joint in the neutral and relaxed position. Our study analyzed the correlation between the measurements of the subtalar joint in neutral and relaxed positions during the evaluation tests of the medial longitudinal arch. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study, in which 51 healthy volunteers (102 feet; 36 women; 28 ± 5 years, 1.66 ± 0.10 m; 24.5 ± 4.5 kg/m2) had their navicular height, medial longitudinal arch angle and Feiss line measured in the neutral and relaxed positions. The correlation between the measures was evaluated using Pearson's test. Results: A strong correlation of the 102 feet Feiss line measurements between neutral and relaxed positions (r = 0.81) was observed, and a moderate correlation between the medial longitudinal arch angle (r = 0.78) and between navicular height in neutral and relaxed positions (r = 0.76). Conclusion: The measurements of the longitudinal medial arch between the neutral and relaxed positions are strongly correlated. Therefore, it is not necessary to measure the medial longitudinal arch in both neutral and relaxed positions. Level of Evidence II, Diagnostic Studies - Investigating a diagnostic test.

RESUMO Objetivo: O arco longitudinal medial é a estrutura principal para suporte de carga e absorção de impacto no pé. Medidas para avaliação do arco longitudinal medial, como a altura navicular, o ângulo do arco longitudinal medial e a linha de Feiss devem ser realizadas com a articulação subtalar na posição neutra e relaxada. Este estudo analisou a correlação entre as medidas da articulação subtalar em posições neutra e relaxada durante os testes de avaliação do arco longitudinal medial. Métodos: Neste estudo transversal, 51 voluntários saudáveis (102 pés; 36 mulheres; 28 ± 5 anos, 1,66 ± 0,10 m; 24,5 ± 4,5 kg/m2) tiveram altura navicular, ângulo do arco longitudinal medial e linha de Feiss medida nas posições neutra e relaxada. A correlação entre eles foi avaliada pelo teste de Pearson. Resultados: Houve uma correlação muito forte das medidas de linha de Feiss de 102 pés entre a posição neutra e relaxada (r = 0,81) e uma correlação moderada entre o ângulo do arco longitudinal medial (r = 0,78) e altura navicular nas posições neutra e relaxada (r = 0,76). Conclusão: As medidas do arco medial longitudinal entre as posições neutra e relaxada estão fortemente correlacionadas. Não é necessário, portanto, medir o arco longitudinal medial nas posições neutra e relaxada. Nível de Evidência II, Estudos diagnósticos - Investigação de um exame para diagnóstico.

Acta ortop. mex ; 35(4): 317-321, jul.-ago. 2021. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374193


Resumen: Introducción: El pie cavo es una patología musculoesquelética con un aumento del arco medial del pie. La etiología del pie cavo aún es incomprensible, está relacionada con afecciones neurológicas, enfermedad de Charcot-Marie-Tooth, ataxia de Friedreich y parálisis cerebral. El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la distribución de la presión plantar en atletas jóvenes con pie cavo. Material y métodos: Se reclutaron 83 atletas jóvenes de entre nueve y 20 años de edad, que presentaban patología de pie cavo. La masa y el promedio de altura fueron 56.9 ± 12.36 kg y 1.61 ± 0.10 m, respectivamente. La distribución de la presión plantar de los pies se registró durante condiciones estáticas. Se compararon las presiones del antepié y el retropié. Resultados: La distribución de la presión plantar se categorizó en tres grupos. En el primer grupo los participantes presentaron mayor presión en la parte anterior del pie; en el segundo grupo los atletas mostraron una presión similar en la región posterior y anterior de los pies y en el último los sujetos revelaron una mayor presión en el retropié. Para ser considerado en uno de los tres grupos, la diferencia de presión entre la parte posterior y anterior del pie se estableció en 16%. Conclusión: Muchos trastornos musculoesqueléticos en el cuerpo humano son de origen biomecánico y están relacionados con la anatomía del pie. El pie cavo es una patología con alta prevalencia en atletas y está relacionada con las fuerzas mecánicas sobre los pies en condiciones dinámicas.

Abstract: Introduction: The cavus foot is a musculoskeletal pathology with an increase of the medial arch of the concavity of the foot. The etiology of the cavus foot is still enigmatic, it is related with neurologic conditions, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, Friedreich's ataxia, and cerebral palsy. The aim of this research was to analyze the plantar pressure distribution of the feet on young athletes with cavus foot. Material and methods: Eighty-three young athletes between nine and 20 years old, that presented cavus feet pathology were recruited. The mass and height average were 56.9 ± 12.36 kg and 1.61 ± 0.10 m respectively. Plantar pressure distribution of the feet was recorded during static conditions. The hindfoot and forefoot pressure were compared in each foot. Results: The plantar pressure distribution were categorized in three groups. In the first group the participants presented higher pressure in the hindfoot than forefoot, in the second group, the athletes showed similar pressure in the posterior and anterior region of the feet and in the last one, the subjects revealed higher pressure in the forefoot. To be considered in one of the three groups, the difference of pressure between the posterior and anterior part of the foot was established at 16%. Conclusion: Many musculoskeletal disorders in the human body are biomechanical in origin and related with foot anatomy. The cavus foot is a pathology with high prevalence in athletes and it is related with the mechanical forces over the feet during dynamic conditions.

Rev. Méd. Clín. Condes ; 32(3): 336-343, mayo-jun. 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1518575


Las alteraciones en los pies son una consulta frecuente en ortopedia pediátrica. La gran mayoría corresponde a condiciones que no constituyen patología y habitualmente no necesitan tratamiento, como el pie plano flexible. Por otro lado, existen deformidades patológicas que necesitarán un adecuado estudio y tratamiento. Según su morfología podemos clasificarlas en cavo-varo, plano-valgo y misceláneas. Su origen puede ser congénito o adquirido y de diversas etiologías, destacando el pie bot, metatarso varo, hallux valgus juvenil y aquellas secundarias a enfermedades neuromusculares, entre otras. Conocer la historia natural de cada deformidad nos permite decidir el momento más adecuado para cada tratamiento. Los antecedentes mórbidos y perinatales del paciente son muy importantes, así como el nivel de actividad física y/o deportiva. El examen físico debe incluir observar la marcha, extremidades inferiores, tobillo y pie. En el pie se debe analizar cada segmento por separado (antepié, mediopié y retropié) y las articulaciones respectivas. Es muy importante distinguir entre deformidades rígidas y flexibles. El tratamiento incluye la observación (condiciones benignas y autolimitadas), calzado adecuado, insertos plantares, órtesis, yesos correctores, cirugía de partes blandas y cirugía ósea; todo complementado por un adecuado programa de rehabilitación funcional y deportivo.

Foot disorders are a frequent cause of consultation in pediatric orthopaedics. The vast majority correspond to conditions that don't constitute pathology and usually don ́t need treatment, such as flexible flat foot. On the other hand, there are pathological deformities that will require a proper study and treatment. According to their morphology we can classify them in cavo-varus, plano-valgus and miscellaneous. Its origin can be congenital or acquired and due to various etiologies, highlighting clubfoot, metatarsus adductus, juvenile hallux valgus and those secondary to neuromuscular diseases, among others. Knowing the natural history of each deformity allows us to decide the most appropriate time for each treatment. Patient's morbility and perinatal history is very important, as well as their level of physical and/or sports activity. Physical exam should include gait obsevation, lower limbs, ankles and feet. In the foot, each segment should be analyzed separately (forefoot, midfoot and hindfoot) and their joints. It ́s very important to distinguish between rigid and flexible deformities. Treatments include observation (benign and self-limited conditions), adequate footwear, insoles, orthosis, corrective casting, soft tissue surgery and bone surgery; all complemented by an adequate functional and sports rehabilitation programs

Humanos , Criança , Deformidades do Pé/diagnóstico , Deformidades do Pé/terapia , Exame Físico , Deformidades do Pé/classificação , Deformidades do Pé/etiologia
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 114(5): 775-782, maio 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | SES-SP, LILACS | ID: biblio-1131230


Resumo Fundamento A ablação da fibrilação atrial (FA) e do flutter atrial dependente de istmo cavo-tricuspídeo (FLA-ICT) pode ser realizada simultaneamente quando as duas arritmias tenham sido registradas antes do procedimento. Entretanto, a melhor abordagem não é clara quando pacientes com FLA-ICT são encaminhados para ablação sem o registro prévio de FA. Objetivos Avaliar a prevalência e identificar os preditores de ocorrência do primeiro episódio de FA após ablação de FLA-ICT em pacientes sem o registro prévio de FA. Métodos Coorte retrospectiva de pacientes submetidos exclusivamente a ablação por cateter para FLA-ICT, sem registro prévio de FA. As características clínicas foram comparadas entre os grupos em que houve ocorrência de FA pós-ablação de FLA-ICT vs. sem ocorrência de FA. O nível de significância estatística adotado foi de 5%. Na análise de preditores, o desfecho primário avaliado foi ocorrência de FA após ablação de FLA-ICT. Resultados De um total de 227 pacientes submetidos a ablação de FLA-ICT (110 com registro de FA e 33 sem seguimento adequado), 84 pacientes foram incluídos, dos quais 45 (53,6%) apresentaram FA pós-ablação. Não houve variáveis preditoras de ocorrência de FA. Os escores HATCH e CHA2DS2-VASC foram semelhantes nos dois grupos. As taxas de recorrência de FLA-ICT e complicações após a ablação foram de 11,5% e 1,2%, respectivamente. Conclusões A ablação de FLA-ICT é eficaz e segura, mas 50% dos pacientes desenvolvem FA após ablação. Entretanto, ainda é incerto o papel da ablação combinada (FLA-ICT e FA) visando prevenção da ocorrência de FA. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2020; [online].ahead print, PP.0-0)

Abstract Background Simultaneous ablation of atrial fibrillation (AF) and cavotricuspid isthmus (CTI)-dependent atrial flutter can be performed when both arrythmias had been recorded before the procedure. However, the best approach has not been defined in case of patients referred for ablation with CTI-dependent atrial flutter, without history of AF. Objectives To assess the prevalence and to identify predictors of the first episode of AF after ablation of CTI-dependent atrial flutter in patients without history of AF. Methods Retrospective cohort of patients with CTI-dependent atrial flutter without history of AF undergoing catheter ablation. Clinical characteristics were compared between patients who developed AF and those who did not have AF after the procedure. Significance level was set at 5%. In the analysis of predicting factors, the primary outcome was occurrence of AF after CTI-dependent atrial flutter ablation. Results Of a total of 227 patients undergoing ablation of CTI-dependent atrial flutter (110 with history of AF and 33 without adequate follow-up), 84 were included, and 45 (53.6%) developed post-ablation AF. The HATCH and CHA2DS2-VASC scores were not different between the groups. Recurrence rate of CTI-dependent atrial flutter and complication rate were 11.5% and 1.2%, respectively, after ablation. Conclusions Although ablation of CTI-dependent atrial flutter is a safe and effective procedure, 50% of the patients developed AF after the procedure. However, the role of combined ablation (CTI-dependent atrial flutter plus AF) aiming at preventing AF is still uncertain. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2020; [online].ahead print, PP.0-0)

Humanos , Fibrilação Atrial/epidemiologia , Flutter Atrial/cirurgia , Ablação por Cateter/efeitos adversos , Recidiva , Fibrilação Atrial/etiologia , Fibrilação Atrial/prevenção & controle , Flutter Atrial/diagnóstico , Flutter Atrial/epidemiologia , Prevalência , Estudos Retrospectivos , Resultado do Tratamento , Ablação por Cateter/métodos
Acta ortop. mex ; 33(5): 289-291, sep.-oct. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1284958


Resumen: Introducción: Las alteraciones de la huella plantar en el niño es causa de preocupación en los padres de familia. Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de alteraciones de la huella plantar en escolares. Determinar si existe relación entre el sobrepeso y la obesidad con la presencia de alteraciones de la huella plantar. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional, transversal y prospectivo. Se evaluaron 959 escolares de seis a 13 años de edad. Se registró peso, talla, índice de masa corporal para la edad. La huella plantar se catalogó en pie plano y pie cavo utilizando el índice del arco. Para el análisis y comparación estadística se utilizó el programa SPSS versión 24 con las pruebas χ2 y ANOVA. Resultados: Se revisaron 530 niños (55.3%) y 429 niñas (44.7%). La media de edad fue de 8.97 años. Se observaron 182 niños (19%) con alteración de la huella plantar, 42.3% con pie plano y 57.7% con pie cavo. Ninguno mostró sintomatología del pie. Ciento treinta y un niños tenían sobrepeso y 52 obesidad, sin influir en la presencia de alguna alteración de la huella plantar (p = 0.20). La relación de pie plano fue mayor en los hombres (2.5:1) y de pie cavo fue mayor en las mujeres (1.3:1). Conclusiones: En nuestro grupo de estudio se encontró mayor prevalencia del pie cavo en comparación con el pie plano. El peso corporal no influyó en las alteraciones de la huella plantar.

Abstract: Introduction: Alterations in the plantar footprint in the child are a cause for concern in parents. Objective: Determine the frequency of plantar footprint alterations in school children. Determine if there is a relationship between overweight and obesity with the presence of alterations of the plantar footprint. Material and methods: Observational, transversal and prospective study. 959 schoolchildren aged six to 13 were evaluated. Weight, size, body mass index for age were recorded. The plantar footprint was cataloged on flat foot and cavus foot using the arch index. For statistical analysis and comparison, the SPSS version 24 program was used with the χ2 and ANOVA tests. Results: 530 children (55.3%) and 429 girls (44.7%). The median age was 8.97 years. 182 children were found (19%) with alteration of the plantar footprint, 42.3% with flat foot and 57.7% with cavus foot. None of them had foot symptoms. 131 children were overweight and 52 obese, without influencing the presence of any alteration of the plantar footprint (p = 0.20). The flat-foot ratio was higher in men (2.5:1) and standing cavus major in women (1.3:1). Conclusions: In our study group we find a higher prevalence of the cavus foot compared to the flat foot. Body weight did not influence plantar footprint alterations.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Peso Corporal , Pé Chato , Índice de Massa Corporal , Estudos Prospectivos , , México
Int. j. morphol ; 35(4): 1403-1408, Dec. 2017. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-893149


RESUMEN: Se sabe que hay gran variabilidad en la morfología de las zonas del pie entre sujetos. Esto es más evidente en deportistas, ya que la práctica de deportes somete a los pies a presiones y deformaciones anatómicas mayores que las que se ejercen en actividades de la vida diaria. Por lo anterior, se desprende que el conocimiento de la morfología del pie de la población objetivo es de alto interés para la confección de calzado apropiado a su forma y dimensiones. El objetivo de esta investigación es caracterizar variables morfológicas referidas a las dimensiones del pie de deportistas seleccionados universitarios chilenos. La muestra se conformó de 169 sujetos de ambos sexos de una población de deportistas universitarios de 23,27 años, 71 kilogramos, 1,71 metros de estatura e índice de masa corporal de 24,29. En las mediciones se utilizó un antropómetro y la clasificación del Arco Plantar Longitudinal Medial (APLM) se realizó mediante el Arch Index. Se demostró que la longitud del pie en hombres y mujeres se corresponde con el 15 % de la estatura del sujeto. La variable Ancho Antepie Normalizado (AAN) equivale al 39 % de la Longitud del Pie (LP), no registrándose diferencias entre sexos. El Ancho del Retropié por su parte, fue correspondiente con el 25 % de LP. El Ancho de Retropie (AR) equivale al 63 % del Ancho Antepie (AA). En cuanto al APLM, las mujeres presentan valores de normalidad ubicados entre 0,13 y 0,24 para pie izquierdo y 0,17 y 0,24 para pie derecho. Se aprecia que la prevalencia de pies planos fue mayor en hombres (25 % a 28 %) que en mujeres (4 % a 6 %) y la prevalencia de pies cavos fue mayor en mujeres (47 % a 53 %) respecto a hombres (27 % a 31 %).

SUMMARY: It is known that there is great variability in the morphology of feet areas among different subjects. This is more evident in athletes, since the practice of sports subjects their feet to greater pressures and anatomical deformations, other than those exerted during daily life activities. It is clear therefore, that knowledge of the target population foot morphology is of high interest for the production of appropriate footwear to its shapes and dimensions. The objective of this research is to characterize morphological variables related to the feet of selected Chilean university athletes. The sample consisted of 169 subjects of both sexes of university population athletes of an average age of 23.27 years, 71 kilograms, 1.71 meters height and body mass index of 24.29. An anthropometer was used for measurements and the classification of the Medial Longitudinal Plantar Arch (MLPA) was performed by the Arch Index. It was shown that foot length corresponds to 15 % of the subject's height. The Normal Forefoot Width (NFW) variable is equal to 39% of Foot Length (FL), with no differences between sexes. Posterior foot width corresponded to 25 % of LP; posterior foot Width is 63 % of the Forefoot Width (AA). Regarding the APLM, women presented values of normality located between 0.13 and 0.24 for left foot and 0.17 and 0.24 for right foot. The prevalence of flat foot was higher in men (25 % to 28%) than in women (4 % to 6 %) and the prevalence of cavus foot was higher in women (47 % to 53 %) than in men (27 % to 31 %).

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Esportes , Pé Chato/epidemiologia , Pé Cavo/epidemiologia , Pé/anatomia & histologia , Pé Chato/patologia , Chile , Antropometria , Prevalência , Estudos Transversais , Distribuição por Sexo , Pé Cavo/patologia
Med. crít. (Col. Mex. Med. Crít.) ; 31(3): 128-135, may.-jun. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040421


Resumen: Objetivos: Describir los parámetros gasométricos de la presión de dióxido de carbono, el déficit de base y saturación venosa central en los pacientes en choque séptico y observar si el cambio entre el valor inicial (T0) y a las 24 horas (T1) influye en su pronóstico. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional y retrospectivo desde marzo de 2014 a julio de 2016 en pacientes mayores de 18 años con diagnóstico de choque séptico. Se midieron SOFA y APACHE II al ingreso, así como las variables derivadas de las gasometrías venosa central y arterial al diagnóstico del choque séptico (T0) y a las 24 horas del manejo inicial (T1). Resultados: Se incluyeron 39 pacientes: sobrevivientes (n = 25) y no sobrevivientes (n = 14). Al ingreso (T0), hubo diferencias entre ambos grupos en la ΔPCO2 y ΔPCO2/Ca-vO2 (7.2 ± 2.4 versus 8.7 ± 2.0 mmHg, p = 0.05) y (1.7 ± 0.5 versus 2.1 ± 0.9 mmHg/mL, p = 0.05), respectivamente. A las 24 horas (T1), el déficit de base (DB) y la presión arterial media (PAM) mostraron diferencia entre los grupos (-4.5 ± 5.0 versus -9.5 ± 7.7 mEq/L, p = 0.02) y (81 ± 10 versus 70 ± 9 mmHg, p = 0.03). El cambio del déficit de base (ΔDB) entre los valores al ingreso (T0) y a las 24 horas (T1) fue significativo (-4.5 ± 4.1 versus 2.1 ± 6.3 mEq/L, p = 0.001); en la razón ΔPCO2/Ca-vO2 (ΔRatio) no hubo diferencia (-0.02 ± 1.2 versus 0.72 ± 1.7 mmHg/mL, p = 0.13) entre los grupos. Conclusión: Además de la ΔPCO2 y la razón ΔPCO2/Ca-vO2, en este estudio, el déficit de base puede ser una herramienta pronóstica en los pacientes con choque séptico.

Abstract: Objectives: To describe the carbon dioxide parameters, base deficit and central venous saturation in septic shock patients and observe if the change between the initial value (T0) and at 24 hours (T1) influences their prognosis. Material and methods: We performed a retrospective and observational study from March 2014 to July 2016. We included patients at least 18 years old with septic shock diagnosis. We assessed SOFA and APACHE II at admission and the derived gasometric parameters at diagnosis of septic shock and at 24 hours of treatment. Results: We included 39 patients. Survivors (n = 25) and non-survivors (n = 14). Upon admission (T0) there were differences between both groups in ΔPCO2 and ΔPCO2/Ca-vO2 (7.2 ± 2.4 versus 8.7 ± 2.0 mmHg, p = 0.05) and (1.7 ± 0.5 versus 2.1 ± 0.9 mmHg/mL, p = 0.05), respectively. At 24 hours (T1) base deficit (BD) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) showed significant differences (-4.5 ± 5.0 versus -9.5 ± 7.7 mEq/L, p = 0.02) and (81 ± 10 versus 70 ± 9 mmHg, p = 0.03). The change in BD (ΔBD) between (T0) and (T1) was significant (-4.5 ± 4.1 versus 2.1 ± 6.3 mEq/L, p = 0.001) and ΔPCO2/Ca-vO2 ratio (ΔRatio) showed no difference (-0.02 ± 1.2 versus 0.72 ± 1.7 mmHg/mL, p = 0.13) among the groups. Conclusions: Beside ΔPCO2 and ΔPCO2/Ca-vO2 ratio, base deficit can be a prognostic instrument in patients with septic shock.

Resumo: Objetivo: Descrever os parâmetros gasométricos da pressão do dióxido de carbono, o deficit de base e a saturação venosa central em pacientes com choque séptico e observar se a variação entre o valor inicial (T0) e às 24 horas (T1) influencia o prognóstico dos pacientes. Material e métodos: Estudo retrospectivo e observacional desde março de 2014 a julho de 2016 em pacientes com idade superior a 18 anos com diagnóstico de choque séptico. Foram medidos SOFA escore e APACHE II na admissão, bem como as variáveis derivadas a partir da gasometria venosa central e arterial ao diagnóstico de choque séptico (T0) e às 24 horas do tratamento inicial (T1). Resultados: Foram incluídos 39 pacientes: sobreviventes (n = 25) e não sobreviventes (n = 14). Na admissão (T0), existem diferenças entre sobreviventes contra os não sobreviventes na ΔPCO2 e ΔPCO2/Ca-vO2 (7.2 ± 2.4 vs 8.7 ± 2.0 mmHg, p = 0.05) e (1.7 ± 0.5 vs 2.1 ± 0.9 mmHg/mL, p = 0.05), respectivamente. Após 24 horas (T1) o défice de base (DB) e a PAM mostraram diferenças entre os grupos (-4.5 ± 5.0 vs -9.5 ± 7.7 mEq / L, p = 0.02) e (81 ± 10 vs 70 ± 9 mmHg, p = 0.03). O delta DB entre os valores de admissão (T0) e às 24 horas (T1) foi significativa (-4.5 ± 4.1 vs 2.1 ± 6.3 mEq/L, p = 0.001) e na razão ΔPCO2/Ca-vO2 (ΔRatio) não houve diferença entre os grupos (-0.02 ± 1.2 vs 0.72 ± 1.7 mmHg/mL, p = 0.13). Conclusão: Ademais da ΔPCO2 e a razão ΔPCO2/Ca-vO2, neste estudo, o deficit de base pode ser uma ferramenta prognóstica em pacientes com choque séptico.

Int. j. morphol ; 35(1): 85-91, Mar. 2017. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-840937


El arco plantar longitudinal medial del pie (APLM) es el componente más importante en estática y dinámica de la bóveda plantar. Su altura define pies normales, planos y cavos, estos últimos son factores predisponentes de lesiones. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir y relacionar en una población de estudiantes universitarios chilenos la prevalencia de pies normales, cavos y planos según índice de masa corporal (IMC), sexo y actividad física (AF) semanal y la distribución de asimetrías entre pies. Se estudió a 209 sujetos (128 hombres y 81 mujeres), estudiantes universitarios, cuya edad, estatura, peso e IMC fue de 20,4 años (±3,4); 1,68 m (±0,09); 67,6 Kg (±12,4) y 23,77 (±3,0) respectivamente. Por medio de cuestionario se determinó los hábitos de AF de la muestra. La impresión plantar se obtuvo mediante fotopodoscopía, la cual fue evaluada empleando el Arch Index (AI) de Cavanagh y Rodgers. Los hombres presentan mayor prevalencia de pie plano (31,3 % contra 11,1 %). Hay correlación positiva estadísticamente significativa entre AI e IMC en ambos sexos. Se obtuvo mayor correlación entre AI izquierdo y AF en hombres y mujeres con significancia estadística. El 31,25 % de los hombres y el 37,04 % de las mujeres presentaron asimetrías en APLM. Hombres con IMC normal tienen 64,20 % de pies asimétricos. Las mujeres que practican entre 6 y 10 horas de AF a la semana presentan 50,98 % de pies asimétricos. El IMC se relaciona con una disminución de la altura del APLM, se sugiere el control de esta variable en sujetos con diagnóstico de pie plano flexible y pie plano valgo. La práctica de AF se relaciona con aumento de la altura del APLM en hombres y mujeres y se sabe que también contribuye a disminuir el IMC, actuando en concordancia hacia estas dos variables.

The (MPLA) is the most important component in statics and dynamics of the vault plant. Its height defines normal, flat and cavus feet, which are predisposing factors for injuries. The objective of this research was to describe and relate in a population of Chilean university students the prevalence of normal, cavus and flat feet according to body-mass index (BMI), sex, and weekly physical activity (PA) and the distribution of asymmetries between feet. 209 subject were studied (128 men and 81 women), university students, whose age, height, weight and BMI was of 20.4 years (±3.4); 1,68 m (±0.09); 67.6 kg (±12.4) and 23.77 (±3.0) respectively. The PAs habits of the sample were determined by means of questionnaire. The footprint is obtained by photo-podoscopy, which was evaluated by the Arch Index (AI) of Cavanagh and Rodgers. Men have higher prevalence of flat foot (31.3 % against 11.1 %). There are both statistically significant positive correlations between AI and BMI in both sexes. Greater correlation between left AI and PA in both men and women was obtained with statistical significance. The 31.25 % of men and 37.04 % of women presented asymmetries in MPLA. Men with normal BMI have 64.20 % of asymmetric feet. Women that practice between 6 and 10 hours of PA a week presented 50.98 % of asymmetric feet. The BMI is related to a decrease of the height of MPLA, suggesting the control of this variable in subjects with flexible flat foot and valgus flat foot diagnosis. The practice of PA is related to the height of the MPLA increased in men and women and it is known that it also helps to reduce BMI, acting in accordance to these two variables.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pé Chato/epidemiologia , Pé/anatomia & histologia , Pé Cavo/epidemiologia , Índice de Massa Corporal , Chile/epidemiologia , Exercício Físico , Prevalência , Fatores de Risco , Distribuição por Sexo
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-666009


Objective To compare the effects of rhBNP on the discharge time and pleural effusion in children with total cavo-pulmonary connection, and to provide a more reasonable method for the clinical treatment of postoperative children. Meth-ods Retrospective analysis of Jan 2016 to Jan 2017 during the hospital 40 cases of complex congenital heart disease in children with total cavo-pulmonary connection clinical data, of which 5 cases due to postoperative thrombosis or postoperative venous pressure was too high and had a second Fontan surgery, the patients excluded from the inclusion criteria. 9 cases of children re-turned to the ward after surgery, such as cardiac, diuretic and other conventional treatment based on the application of unequal dose of rhBNP(3-11 days) for the rhBNP group, 26 cases of conventional treatment of children with conventional treatment group. By comparing the early postoperative survival rate, the number of days of hospital stay and the retention time of the tho-racic drainage between the two groups. Results There were no significant differences in the time of cardiopulmonary bypass, postoperative ventilator use time, ICU time and positive inotropic drug scores in all the two groups. All the patients underwent preoperative examination with total cavo-pulmonary connection were alive and healthy discharge. The median hospital stay was 18 days in the rhBNP group(11-33 days, mean 19. 2 days), and the median length of hospital stay was 28 days in the routine treatment group(9 to 95 days, mean 34. 4 days). The difference of hospitalization days between the two groups was statistically significant(P=0. 038). In the retention time of the thoracic drainage tube, the median thoracic drainage tube retention time was 14 days(9-27 days, mean 15. 6 days) in the rhBNP group and 23 days in the conventional treatment group(7-91 days, mean 30. 9(P=0. 046). All the patients had no adverse effects such as excessive fluid load, intractable hypotension and liver or kidney function injury. Conclusion RhBNP can be used safely in pediatric cardiac surgery. Compared with the convention-al treatment group, rhBNP has advantages in the early discharge time and the time of thoracic drainage tube removal in children with total cavo-pulmonary connection.

Fisioter. Bras ; 18(3): f:267-I: 275, 2017000.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-905444


Introduction: The classical ballet is a dance that most of the times uses extreme positions such as extern rotation of the hips and plantar flexion of ankles and feet. These last ones may suffer morpho structural alterations. Objective: The objective of this study was to analyze the plantar prints of classical dancers through plantigraphy parameters. Methods: It is an observational descriptive study carried out with a sample of 66 classical dancers of Teresina/PI, 17.0 ± 3.1 years old and with at least 2 years of practice. The evaluation instrument used was a PODO tech brand plantigraph and the classification followed Viladot criteria. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Pearson linear correlation test. Results: We observed the prevalence of cavus deformity (62.1%) followed by normal feet (36.4%) and flatfoot (1.5%). There was no correlation between the type of feet and the period of practice. However, it has been found a weak and moderate correlation between feet type and the points of overpressure and pain, respectively. Conclusion: The practice of classical ballet contributes to the formation of cavus deformity, requiring intervention against possible damage that may be associated to this fact. (AU)

Introdução: O ballet clássico é uma dança que na maioria das vezes utiliza posições extremas como rotação externa dos quadris e flexão plantar de tornozelos e pés. Podendo, estes últimos, sofrerem alterações morfo-estruturais. Objetivo: O objetivo do estudo foi analisar as impressões plantares de bailarinas clássicas através de parâmetros plantigráficos. Material e métodos: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo observacional que foi realizado numa amostra de 66 bailarinas clássicas da cidade de Teresina/PI, com média de idade de 17,0 ± 3,1 anos e no mínimo 2 anos de prática. O instrumento avaliativo utilizado foi um plantígrafo da marca PODO tech e a classificação seguiu os critérios definidos por Viladot. Os dados foram analisados por estatística descritiva e pelo teste de correlação linear de Pearson. Resultados: Verificou-se prevalência de pés cavos (62,1%), seguido por pés normais (36,4%) e pé plano (1,5%). Não houve correlação entre o tipo de pé e o tempo de prática. Contudo, encontrou-se correlação fraca e moderada entre o tipo de pé e os pontos de hiperpressões e as dores, respectivamente. Conclusão: A prática do ballet clássico contribui para a formação de um pé cavo, sendo necessária intervenção frente a possíveis danos que possam estar associados a este fato. (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Dança , Dermatoglifia , Pé Chato , Dor , Padrões de Referência , Pé Cavo
Rev. méd. hered ; 27(4): 216-222, oct.-dic. 2016. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-836255


Objetivos: Determinar si existe relación entre hiperlaxitud articular, dismetría de miembros inferiores y la estabilidad ocontrol postural en bipedestación con los trastornos posturales en adolescentes. Material y métodos: Estudio relacional transversal,realizado en el Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación “Dra. Adriana Rebaza Flores” Amistad Perú-Japón,Chorrillos-Perú. Participaron todos los estudiantes del 5º año de secundaria de un colegio privado de la ciudad deLima. La hiperlaxitud articular (HA) se evaluó con el score de Beighton; la dismetría de miembros inferiores (DMI),con medición en ortoradiografía; el control postural (CP) con posturografía estática usando una plataforma ISTFOOTWORK; el apoyo plantar (pie plano y pie cavo) con baro-podometría; la escoliosis e hiperlordosis lumbar conmedición radiográfica del ángulo de COBB y de lordosis...

Objectives: To determine an association between joint hypermobility, lower limb asymmetry and postural control withpostural abnormalities in adolescents. Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted at the National Rehabilitation Institute“Dra. Adriana Rebaza Flores” Amistad Perú-Japón, Chorrillos-Perú. All students of the 5th year of a private secondaryschool in Lima participated in the study. Joint hypermobility (JH) was assessed with the Beighton´score; lower limbasymmetry (LLA) was evaluated with X-ray; postural control (PC) was evaluated with static posturography using ISTFOOTWORK platform; plantar surface (flat foot and cavus foot) was evaluated with baro-podometry; scoliosis andlumbar hyperlordosis were measured with X-ray measuring the COBB angle...

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Feminino , Ataxia Cerebelar , Deformidades do Pé , Escoliose , Instabilidade Articular , Lordose , Pé Chato , Desigualdade de Membros Inferiores , Estudos Transversais , Postura
Rev. bras. neurol ; 52(3): 5-11, jul.-set. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-2605


OBJETIVO: Realizar uma revisão sobre o pé cavo, sua fisiopatologia, avaliação clínica, diagnósticos diferenciais com ênfase na doença de Charcot-Marie-Tooth e tratamento. MÉTODO: Revisão não sistemática de artigos abordando a fisiopatologia do pé cavo, avaliação clínica, diagnósticos diferenciais e tratamento. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: Foram utilizados 33 artigos de língua inglesa e 02 artigos em português para a confecção desta revisão. CONCLUSÃO: O pé cavo é geralmente secundário a doenças neurológicas, em especial a doença de Charcot-Marie-Tooth e raramente é originado por doenças não neurológicas. O diagnóstico etiológico do pé cavo permite um melhor tratamento, cirúrgico ou não, com adequada orientação ao paciente quanto ao prognóstico e eficácia da terapia.

OBJECTIVE: We realize a review about cavus foot, discussing pathophysiology, clinical evaluation, differential diagnosis with emphasis on Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease and treatment. METHOD: We perform a non-systematic review of articles about cavus foot pathophysiology, physical examination, etiology and treatment. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: We used 33 articles in english and 02 articles in portuguese for this review. CONCLUSION: The cavus foot is mostly a consequence of neurological etiologies, in particular Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and rarely is caused by non-neurological diseases. The correct diagnosis allows better treatment, conservative or surgical, with appropriate guidance to patients in terms of prognosis and therapy effectiveness.

Humanos , Doença de Charcot-Marie-Tooth/complicações , Pé Cavo/cirurgia , Pé Cavo/diagnóstico , Pé Cavo/fisiopatologia , Literatura de Revisão como Assunto , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Limitação da Mobilidade , Pé Cavo/etiologia
Acta ortop. mex ; 29(2): 97-102, mar.-abr. 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-771832


La neuropatía hereditaria motora y sensitiva presenta deformidad en los pies, como varo, cavo y dedos en garra. La enfermedad de Charcot-Marie-Tooth tiene descrita diversas técnicas quirúrgicas. Objetivo: Evaluar el resultado clínico y funcional de la osteotomía basal en "V" de los metatarsianos centrales con elevación del primer metatarsiano, osteotomía dorsal más osteotomía de cierre y elevación del quinto metatarsiano en los pacientes de Charcot-Marie-Tooth en un período de cinco años. Material y métodos: Es un estudio prospectivo, aleatorio, longitudinal, observacional y descriptivo en un período comprendido de cinco años. El total de pacientes que cumplieron los criterios de inclusión fueron 24, 16 del sexo masculino y 8 del sexo femenino. Con un total de 34 pies, a siete se les realizó el procedimiento quirúrgico en el pie derecho, a siete en el pie izquierdo y a 10 de manera bilateral, quedando un total de 34 pies tratados. Resultados: Se encontró un coeficiente de correlación de Pearson de -0.1 y una T de 1.71. Con ello se observó una diferencia estadística significativa entre las variables con lo que a los seis meses encontramos que el tratamiento quirúrgico tiene beneficios representativos. Conclusiones: El estudio realizado mostró un valor estadístico significativo tanto en la función, dolor y alineación en pacientes que se sometieron al tratamiento quirúrgico, comparado con el grado previo al evento quirúrgico, por lo que se recomienda continuar con esta técnica en todos los pacientes que sean portadores de pie cavo anterior.

Hereditary sensorimotor neuropathy involves foot deformities such as varus and cavus foot and claw toes. Several surgical techniques have been described to treat Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Objective: To assess the clinical and functional result of "V" basal osteotomy of the central metatarsals with elevation of the first metatarsal, dorsal osteotomy plus closing osteotomy, and elevation of the fifth metatarsal in Charcot-Marie-Tooth patients during a five-year period. Material and methods: Prospective, randomized, longitudinal, observational and descriptive study conducted during a five-year period. Twenty-four patients met the inclusion criteria: 16 males and 8 females. Seven underwent the surgical procedure in the right foot, seven in the left, and 10 in both feet, for a total of 34 feet treated. Results: The Pearson correlation coefficient was -0.1 and T = 1.71. A statistically significant difference was seen between the variables, which meant that, in the six-month follow-up, surgical treatment had representative benefits. Conclusions: The study found a statistically significant value for function, pain and alignment in patients who underwent surgical treatment, compared with their status prior to surgery. It is therefore recommended to continue using this technique in all patients presenting with anterior cavus foot.

Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Doença de Charcot-Marie-Tooth/complicações , Deformidades Adquiridas do Pé/cirurgia , Ossos do Metatarso/cirurgia , Osteotomia/métodos , Seguimentos , Deformidades Adquiridas do Pé/etiologia , Estudos Longitudinais , Ossos do Metatarso/patologia , Estudos Prospectivos , Resultado do Tratamento