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Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 76(3)jun. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565474


La cirugía académica requiere de un compromiso mayor comparado a la práctica quirúrgica fuera de centros académicos. Es mucho mas demandante por la carga docente y de investigación que involucra aparte de la labor asistencial, lo cual provoca conflictos en la relación laboral, familiar y desarrollo profesional integral. Las futuras generaciones tienen aspiraciones y visiones diferentes de cómo enfrentar el trabajo diario sin descuidar la calidad de vida. En este articulo se analizan los diferentes factores que afectan este equilibrio y como se espera que se manejará el escenario laboral en los próximos años.

Academic surgery requires a greater commitment compared to surgical practice outside academic centers. It is much more demanding due to the teaching and research load that it involves apart from the care work, which causes conflicts in the work, family relationship and comprehensive professional development. Future generations have different aspirations and visions of how to face daily work without neglecting quality of life. This article analyzes the different factors that affect this balance and how the labor scenario is expected to be managed in the coming years.

Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10 (1) 2024;10(1): 34541, 2024 abr. 30.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553609


Introdução: O transtorno do espectro autista é uma condição neuropsiquiátrica que demanda atenção interdisciplinar e multiprofissional. A abordagem nutricional é necessária frente aos possíveis sintomas associados, como seletividade alimentar e alterações do hábito intestinal. Famílias residentes em locais de acesso limitado à serviços de saúde podem possuir dificuldades para o adequado acompanhamento. Objetivo: Relatar a experiência de atendimentos em nutrição realizados pela Liga Acadêmica de Nutrição e Saúde Coletiva a crianças com transtorno do espectro autista explorando as principais demandas identificadas e enfrentadas em uma região de acesso remoto. Metodologia: Abordagem descritiva, do tipo relato de experiência, de atendimentos realizados no município de Coari, interior do Amazonas. Os encontros foram realizados com vista a identificar demandas e refletir sobre a melhor maneira de auxiliar as crianças com essas comorbidades. Resultados: Foram atendidas 9 crianças, nem todas com o diagnóstico fechado. Seletividade alimentar, distúrbios gastrointestinais e excesso de peso foram desafios recorrentes. Nota-se a carência da percepção da importância do acompanhamento nutricional, em um cenário de relatos importantes sobre as dificuldades no acesso a medicações, por falta no município ou por ausência de recursos para aquisição, assim como terapias especializadas. Aspectos que se tornam ainda mais desafiadores frente à distância geográfica e carência de profissionais especializados e que realizem uma atenção multiprofissional. Conclusões: O acompanhamento nutricional adequado é essencial para atender às necessidades específicas e melhorar a qualidade de vida dessas crianças. Diante das limitações identificadas na região, são necessários esforços contínuos para desenvolver soluções que garantam uma assistência inclusiva e eficaz às crianças com transtorno do espectro autista no interior do Amazonas. A colaboração entre instituições, a conscientização da comunidade e o fortalecimento da rede de saúde local são cruciais para promover uma abordagem abrangente e de alta qualidade para essas crianças e suas famílias (AU).

Introduction: Autism spectrum disorder is a neuropsychiatric condition that demands interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary attention. Nutritional intervention is necessary in the face of possible associated symptoms, such as food selectivity and changes in bowel habits. Families living in places with limited access to health services may have difficulties in obtaining adequate support and follow-up.Objective: Reporting the experience of nutrition services provided by the Academic League of Nutrition and Public Health to children with autism spectrum disorder, exploring the main identified demands and challengesfaced in a remote access region. Methodology:Descriptive approach, experience of an report, of services provided in the municipality of Coari, in the interiorof Amazonas. The meetings were held with the aim identifying demands and reflecting on the best way to assistchildren with these comorbidities. Results: Ninechildren attended to, not all with a confirmed diagnosis. Food selectivity, gastrointestinal disorders and overweight were recurring challenges. There is a lack of perception of the importance of nutritional monitoring, in a scenario where there areimportant reportsofdifficulties in accessing medications, either due to lack of availability in the municipality or lack of resources for acquisition, as well as specialized therapies. Theseaspects become even more challenging given the geographical distance and scarcity of specialized professionals whocanprovide multidisciplinary care. Conclusions: Adequate nutritional monitoring is essential to meet the specific needs and improve the quality of life of these children. Given the limitations identified in the region, continuous efforts are needed to develop solutions that guarantee inclusive and effective assistance for children with autism spectrum disorder in the interior of Amazonas. Collaboration between institutions, community awareness, and strengthening the local health network are crucial to promoting a comprehensive, high-quality approach for these children and their families (AU).

Introducción: El trastorno del espectro autista es una condiciónneuropsiquiátrica que requiere atención interdisciplinaria y multidisciplinaria. El enfoque nutricionales frente a losposibles síntomas, como selectividad alimentaria y alteraciones delhábitosintestinales. Las familias que viven en lugares con accesolimitado a los servicios de salud pueden tener dificultades para recibir un seguimiento adecuado. Objetivo: Reportar la experiencia de los servicios de nutrición brindados por la Liga Académica de Nutrición y Salud Pública a niños con trastorno del espectro autista, explorando las principales demandas identificadas y enfrentadas en una región de acceso remoto.Metodología: Enfoque descriptivo, relato de experiencia, de los servicios prestados en Coari, en el interior de Amazonas. Los encuentros se realizaron con el objetivo de identificar demandas y reflexionar sobre la mejor manera de ayudar. Resultados:Se atendieron 9 niños, no todos con diagnóstico confirmado. Selectividad alimentaria, trastornos gastrointestinales y exceso de peso fueron desafíos recurrentes. Se observa una falta percepción de la importancia del seguimiento nutricional, en un escenario de informes importantes sobre las dificultades en el acceso a medicamentos, debido a lafaltade suministro en el municipio o a la falta de recursos para su adquisición, así como terapias especializadas. Estosaspectos que se vuelven aún más desafiantes dada la distancia geográfica y falta de profesionales especializados que brinden una atención multidisciplinaria.Conclusiones: Un adecuado seguimiento nutricional es fundamental para satisfacerlas necesidades específicas y mejorar la calidad de vida de estos niños. Antelas limitaciones identificadas, se necesitan esfuerzos continuos para desarrollar soluciones que garanticen una atención inclusiva y efectiva estosniños en el interior de Amazonas. Colaboración entre instituciones, concientización comunitaria y fortalecimiento de la red de salud local son cruciales para promover un enfoque integral y de alta calidad para estos niños com trastorno del espectro autista y sus familias (AU).

Humanos , Equipe de Assistência ao Paciente , Apoio Nutricional , Transtorno do Espectro Autista/psicologia , Práticas Interdisciplinares , Transtorno Autístico/psicologia , Seletividade Alimentar
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022481


After more than 20 years of development, pediatric liver transplantation has become a routine surgical practice in China, and currently ranks first in the world in terms of surgery quantity yearly. Further improving of liver transplantation technique and enhancing postoperative management to enable pediatric liver transplantation patients to return to normal social life are challenges for the academic community. The development of precision surgery, minimally invasive technology, big data information interconnection, and artificial intelli-gence has also brought new opportunities to researchers. The authors discuss the indications, surgical techniques, postoperative management system, immune suppression and tolerance, social humanities and ethics of pediatric liver transplantation in China, in order to promote the development of related fields of pediatric liver transplantation in China.

Acta Medica Philippina ; : 50-66, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031358


Background and Objectives@#Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global public health threat that results from misuse and overuse of antimicrobials. The Department of Health (DOH) institutionalized the Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) Program in hospitals, based on the core elements (1) Leadership, (2) Policies, Guidelines, and Pathways, (3) Surveillance Antimicrobial Use (AMU) & AMR, (4) Action, (5) Education, and (6) Performance Evaluation to ensure rational use of antimicrobials and improve patient outcomes. The program implementation will require the involvement of the AMS clinical pharmacist to positively influence the success of the program’s implementation. This study aims to identify the enablers and challenges as perceived by AMS clinical pharmacists in the implementation of an AMS program in a level 3 hospital in Manila.@*Methods@#A quantitative descriptive study design was employed by administering an online 50-item survey questionnaire to AMS pharmacists, who have at least six (6) months of experience as an AMS pharmacist in the hospital. The survey questionnaire was validated by an expert consultant and underwent pre-testing (Cronbach α = 0.983) for acceptable internal consistency. Responses were collated, coded, and analyzed using median values and frequency distributions for each questionnaire item per Department of Health (DOH) Core Element. Items garnering a median of >3.50 up to 5 were considered as perceived enablers, while those ≤3.50 were identified as perceived challenges.@*Results@#Some perceived enablers by the AMS pharmacists include presence of a leader and/or clinician in the AMS team, Information Technology (IT) resource availability, clear roles of AMS pharmacists, readily available hospital AMS guidelines, engagement in AMR and AMU surveillance activities, regular performance of AMS interventions (e.g., IV-to-PO conversion, dose optimization, de-escalation of broad spectrum), regular monitoring and evaluating of prescriptions and prescribing behavior, and continuous education on infection, prevention, and control (IPC) and hygiene. On the other hand, some perceived challenges include insufficient funding, inadequate knowledge in interpreting antibiograms, lack of adequate and specialized training sessions, lack of coordination with medical and nursing staff to ensure timely drug administration and automatic stop order, prescribing of non-Philippine National Formulary (PNF) antimicrobials, lack of time to perform AMS activities, lack of qualified personnel, and lack of hospital management and information technology (IT) support.@*Conclusion@#Empowering AMS clinical pharmacists is vital to addressing the perceived challenges and maximizing the perceived enablers to ensure the successful implementation of the AMS program in the hospital.

Gestão de Antimicrobianos
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 65-69, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031780


@#Awake craniotomy has been gaining popularity for the last decade. It allowed maximum tumor resection while avoiding neurological morbidity. However, this technique presents several challenges to both the neurosurgeon and anesthesiologist. In this case, we present a 33-year-old male who was diagnosed with low-grade glioma in the left parieto-occipital, which required surgical resection. Anatomically, the tumor was located in the language area. Hence, it was decided to perform an awake craniotomy excision of the tumor to allow intraoperative cortical mapping to preserve language functions. Intraoperative, a subdural hematoma was noted, and severe pain occurred. Eventually, this leads to an upward herniation of the brain parenchyma. The crisis was addressed promptly with maneuvers to decrease intracranial pressure. Awake craniotomy was abandoned, and the procedure was converted to general anesthesia without the benefit of intraoperative cortical mapping. It is important to note that complications may arise during the procedure, leading to significant harm and debilitation for the patient. Prompt crisis management is necessary to address these potential issues and ensure the highest level of care is provided.

Chinese Health Economics ; (12): 21-23, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025237


At present,China's multi-level Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)Medical Alliance has been gradually formed,the sinking effect of resource sharing is obvious.The level of medical services homogenization has been improved,the operation guarantee mechanism has been continuously improved,and the diagnosis and treatment capacity of each member unit has continued to improve.However,in the construction of various regions,there are still government departments'weak cognition and planning of TCM Medical Alliance,and the characteristics are insufficient.It is recommended to strengthen the functional positioning and connotation construction of TCM Medical Alliance,improve the operation and management mechanism,and give full play to the"baton"role of performance evaluation,so as to effectively promote the sinking and balanced distribution of TCM high-quality resources.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 764-768, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012975


Medical Artificial Intelligence (AI) makes the traditional doctor-patient relationship present a new pattern, but also highlights many ethical problems: inability to protect the rights and interests of patients, weakening the main responsibility of medical personnel, weakening the practical ability of medical personnel, and challenging the main status of medical personnel, etc.. It is necessary to improve relevant laws, regulations and regulatory system, adhere to the main status of medical personnel, improve the public awareness and acceptance of medical AI, and strengthen the construction of ethical system of AI, so as to deal with the ethical anomie caused by intelligent medical treatment and promote the harmonious development of doctor-patient relationship. It is expected that through the combination of AI and professional ethics principles, AI will be brought into daily clinical practice responsibly, to provide patients with better medical services.

Curationis ; 47(1): 1-8, 2024. tables
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1554038


Background: Globally, enrolled nurses (ENs) are embarking on an educational journey to become registered nurses (RNs) in order to enhance their knowledge and career opportunities. However, their aspiration is not without challenges. In Namibia, the experiences of these nurses have not been extensively researched. Objectives: This study aims to explore and describe the experiences and challenges of ENs undertaking a Bachelor of Nursing Science at the University of Namibia. Method: A qualitative, exploratory, descriptive and contextual research strategy was followed as the basis of conducting the study. A sample of 15 nursing students was purposively selected from the target population of 73 nursing students. This sample size was determined by the saturation of data as reflected in repeating themes. The collected data were analysed thematically using an inductive approach. Results: Three main themes subsequently emerged from the study: ENs' positive experiences advancing in the Bachelor of Nursing Science (BNSc) programme; nurses' negative experiences advancing in the BNSc programme; and recommendations to ensure effective advancement in the BNSc programme Conclusion: The findings of this study revealed that ENs positively experience becoming a RN when it comes to self-development; however, they have negative experiences such as not receiving exemptions for prior learning and having to learn a new curriculum. Contribution: These findings may be used by the Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Nursing and Public Health management in order to develop targeted interventions and ongoing strategies during their curriculum review cycles to ensure positive student experiences and success within the programme.

Ciências da Saúde
Afr. j. prim. health care fam. med. (Online) ; 16(1): 1-3, 2024. figures, tables
Artigo em Inglês | AIM | ID: biblio-1554855


Family medicine is a relatively new discipline in the Democratic of the Congo. It was developed under South­South and Churches Collaboration with the aim of responding in a cost-efficient manner to the crisis of health practitioners in mostly Christian and protestant hospitals based in rural areas in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Médicos de Família , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Doenças Transmissíveis , Custos e Análise de Custo , Atenção à Saúde , Doenças não Transmissíveis , Família , Tutoria
Rev. Bras. Odontol. Leg. RBOL ; 10(3): 65-76, 2023-12-30.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533009


Forensic Odontology deals with the presentation of dental evidence in a court of law. An academic exploration revealed instances of technical challenges within the field. This study endeavours to delve into the spheres where these challenges occur, with the core objective of enhancing the quality of practice. An integrative literature review was conducted using the online platforms SCOPUS and Web of Science. Based on the selection criteria, 29 pertinent papers dated 2000-2023 were included. Quantitative analysis of the categories of selected articles was performed using Microsoft Excel 2019 (Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA, USA). Technical concerns were reported in all facets of Forensic Odontology with the general role of expert witnesses being reported the most (n=8; 27.58%). Within the different facets of the field, age estimation was the most prominent area of concern (n=8; 27.58%) and child abuse and neglect (n=1; 3.57%) represented the least reported category. Findings indicate that there is a need to prioritize avenues to enhance the quality of practice in the general role of expert witnesses and the specific area of dental age estimation. To this end, increased support for researchers must be provided to help validate methodologies. It is advisable to institute mandatory formal training and proficiency testing within the field. Inadequate knowledge of dentists regarding child abuse and neglect has been noted, demonstrating the need for more dedicated quality training. Recommendations for Forensic Odontologists have been curated combining this study's results and the codes of ethics of various forensic organisations

A Odontologia Legal trata da apresentação de provas odontológicas em juízo. Uma exploração acadêmica revelou exemplos de desafios técnicos na área. Este estudo procura aprofundar as esferas onde estes desafios ocorrem, com o objetivo central de melhorar a qualidade da prática. Foi realizada uma revisão integrativa da literatura utilizando as plataformas online SCOPUS e Web of Science. Com base nos critérios de seleção, foram incluídos 29 artigos pertinentes datados de 2000-2023. A análise quantitativa das categorias dos artigos selecionados foi realizada no Microsoft Excel 2019 (Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA, EUA). Preocupações técnicas foram relatadas em todas as áreas da Odontologia Legal, sendo o papel geral dos peritos o mais relatado (n=8; 27,58%). Dentro das diferentes áreas de atuação, a estimativa da idade foi a área de preocupação mais proeminente (n=8; 27,58%), e o abuso infantil e a negligência (n=1; 3,57%) representaram a categoria menos relatada. Os resultados indicam que há uma necessidade de priorizar caminhos para melhorar a qualidade da prática no papel geral dos peritos e na área específica da estimativa da idade dental. Para este efeito, deve ser prestado maior apoio aos investigadores para ajudar a validar metodologias. É aconselhável instituir treinamento formal obrigatório e testes de proficiência na área. Foi observado um conhecimento inadequado dos dentistas sobre abuso e negligência infantil, demonstrando a necessidade de uma formação mais dedicada e de qualidade. As recomendações para Dentistas Forenses foram selecionadas combinando os resultados deste estudo e os códigos de ética de várias organizações forenses.

Rev. invest. clín ; 75(6): 348-358, Nov.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560120


ABSTRACT Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) is the main extracorporeal kidney support therapy used in critical ill patients in the intensive care unit (ICU). Since its conceptualization ~50 years ago, there have been major improvements in its technology and utilization. The last decade, and particularly since the COVID-19 pandemic, has been marked by a growing interest and demand of CRRT in worldwide ICUs. This has underpinned the need for improvements in nomenclature and process standardization, optimization of CRRT deliverables, and the development and validation of key performance indicators. Further, how to leverage digital health technologies to build clinical decision support for CRRT and improve personalized bedside decisions is a subject of intense investigation. Herein, we summarize notable advancements in the provision of CRRT and propose areas in need of further development.

Indian J Med Ethics ; 2023 Sep; 8(3): 195-202
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222709


Carrying out fieldwork in private infertility clinics poses its own specific set of challenges. Gaining access to these field sites not only obliges researchers to negotiate with gatekeepers but also to deal with structures of hierarchy and power. Based on my preliminary fieldwork in Lucknow city of Uttar Pradesh, I discuss the challenges of conducting fieldwork in infertility clinics and how methodological challenges push the researcher to question the academically established notions of the “field”, “fieldwork” and “research ethics”. The paper stresses the importance of discussing the challenges of doing fieldwork in private health setups and is an attempt to answer vital questions about the nature of fieldwork, how the fieldwork was conducted, and the need to include questions and dilemmas that anthropologists might face in the process of making decisions in the field.

Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 57(4): e20230008, jul.-ago. 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514881


Abstract How might we define local innovation challenges that are user-centered but also address strategic goals, such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? We propose a design process that introduces a relevant contribution to the practices of the Mission-oriented Innovation Policies (MIPs) field as it goes from Grand Societal Challenges (GSCs) to local innovation challenges, which are more relevant to local needs and capabilities of solution. The main goal of the design process is to go from a GSC, such as "access to health" and one of its missions, like "reducing chronic Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD)," to a more able-to-solve innovation challenge, passing by its mission, and different problems and aspects. Snowball sampling methods allow us to find and mobilize electable subjects and design thinking techniques to process problem mapping, election, and clustering, as well as create challenge statements. It was possible to translate GSC to the local reality while reducing contestation and complexity and producing a problem-grouped map with prioritization and three problem statements (challenges) with open phrasing and solution criteria to foster the users' desired outcomes.

Resumen ¿Cómo podemos definir desafíos locales de innovación local que estén centrados en el usuario pero que también aborden objetivos estratégicos, como los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS)? Proponemos un proceso de diseño que introduce una contribución relevante a las prácticas en el campo de las políticas de innovación orientadas por misión (en inglés, Mission-oriented Innovation Policies - MIPs), ya que va desde los grandes desafíos sociales (en inglés, Grand Societal Challenges - GSCs), comenzando con los ODS, hasta los desafíos locales de innovación, que son más relevantes para necesidades locales y capacidades de solución. El objetivo principal del proceso de diseño es ir desde un GSC, como "acceso a la salud" y una de sus misiones, como "reducir las Enfermedades Crónicas No Transmisibles (ECNT)", a un desafío de innovación más concreto, pasando por la misión, y por diferentes problemas y aspectos. Los métodos de muestreo de bola de nieve nos permiten encontrar y movilizar sujetos elegibles, y técnicas de design thinking, procesar el mapeo, la elección y la agrupación de problemas; y crear declaraciones de desafío. Fue posible traducir GSC a la realidad local, al mismo tiempo que se reducía la contestación y la complejidad, y se producía un plano agrupado de problemas con priorización, y tres declaraciones de problemas (desafíos) con redacción abierta y criterios de solución para promover los resultados deseados por los usuarios.

Resumo Como podemos definir os desafios locais de inovação que são centrados no usuário, mas também abordam objetivos estratégicos, como os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS)? Propomos um processo de design que apresenta uma contribuição relevante para as práticas no campo das políticas de inovação orientadas para a missão (em inglês, Mission-oriented Innovation Policies - MIPs), uma vez que vai dos grandes desafios societais (em inglês, Grand Societal Challenges - GSCs) aos desafios locais de inovação, que são mais relevantes para as necessidades locais e capacidades de solução. O principal objetivo do processo de desenho é passar de um GSC, como o "acesso à saúde" e uma de suas missões, como "reduzir as Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis (DCNT)", para um desafio de inovação mais capaz de resolver, passando pela sua missão, diferentes problemas e aspectos. Os métodos de amostragem bola de neve nos permitem encontrar e mobilizar assuntos elegíveis e técnicas de design thinking para processar o mapeamento de problemas, eleição e agrupamento; e criar declarações de desafio. Foi possível traduzir o GSC para a realidade local, reduzindo a contestação e a complexidade, e produzindo um mapa agrupado de problemas com priorização e três declarações de problemas (desafios) com formulação aberta e critérios de solução para promover os resultados desejados pelos usuários.

Indian J Physiol Pharmacol ; 2023 Jun; 67(2): 141-146
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223991


Objectives: This cross-sectional, anonymous and questionnaire-based study was undertaken to analyse online teaching experiences during COVID-19 lockdown in higher education from teachers’ perspectives. This was thought to help in improving long-distance education. Materials and Methods: An online survey was conducted to collect both quantitative and qualitative data from higher education teachers. Results: Benefits identified by online teachers indicate that distance education can cater to a large group and helps the students to access educational resources. Major challenges faced were internet connectivity (78.80%), increased workloads (68.80%) and lack of personal communication with students (84%). They believed that the online mode of teaching is the only alternative for students in such an extraordinary situation. It can be valuable for additional discussions but cannot replace traditional offline teaching. Conclusion: Suggestions pointed toward providing internet facilities and electronic databases to students and the necessity of faculty development programmes.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221443


The duty of all people supporting and ?nancing healthcare activities is to manage safely and sustainably biomedical waste (BMW), so that it does not adversely affect the environment and society. In order to maintain a healthy and clean environment, effective management of Biomedical Waste is very crucial. This study has made an extensive review on the recent Biomedical Waste Management Rules,2016, practical problems w.r.t effective implementation of rules and regulations with respect to Biomedical Waste (BMW), addressing major hindrances with respect to applying appropriate techniques and methods to be adopted for ejecting Biomedical Waste (BMW). The new rules and regulations are framed and structured in order to: 1. Improving the process of segregation, transportation, and disposal method. 2. Reducing level of environmental pollution and degradation thereby making dynamic change in the disposal of BMW and its process of treatment in India. Collaborative teamwork should be done with government support in order to develop from the perspective of: 1. Finance 2. Infrastructure 3. Providing facilities for healthcare workers for their safety 4. Continuous Monitoring of Biomedical Waste Disposal Practices

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217426


Introduction: The dynamic and flexible nature of qualitative studies is expected to impose new challenges upon the researchers in obtaining informed consent. The study objectives were to explore the challenges per-ceived by the researchers in obtaining informed consent in qualitative research and their suggestions to im-prove it. Material and Methods: It was a descriptive qualitative study in which In-depth interviews were conducted among ten qualitative researchers purposively selected from one medical college in Puducherry. Transcripts prepared from the audio recordings were thematically analyzed manually. Results: The challenges identified were inadequate knowledge of the researcher in designing qualitative con-sent form, reluctance to sign consent document by participant, ensuring confidentiality and risk benefit com-munication. The main suggestions provided by the participants were to use of multimedia tools to improve their understanding and creating a rapport to enhance their trust to participate in the study. Conclusions: Since most of the challenges were related to the reluctance of participants to provide consent due to various reasons and lack of adequate knowledge of the researcher, creating a good rapport with the participants and providing simple information through multimedia approaches and ethical training of qualita-tive researchers will aid us to overcome majority of these challenges.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221411


Digital India is a scheme launched by Government of India. The main objective of this scheme is to make India digitally empowered in technology. It is also ensure that government services are accessible by the citizens electronically. By improving online infrastructure as well as internet connectivity. The vision of digital India is the development in the field of including electronic services, products, manufacturing and Job oriented schemes etc. Digital technologies including mobile application and cloud computing is causes an important role in rapid development for economic growth and digitally empowered Indian citizens across the world. This paper overview the concept of Digital India and its challenges and opportunities.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220222


Research forms an integral part of present world development and interest. It is the primary source of speculation and outcome-based decision making. Medical research work proves to be a big challenge in low- and middle-income countries due to the constraint of resources and capacity building. The disparities in the distribution of resources, inadequate policy implementation, and lack of prioritization of research make the research challenging. There has been an increase in medical research in India but it is not adequate when compared to other countries or areas. Medical researchers face multiple issues, mainly funding and ethical approval and are stunted by the unacceptance in high-indexed journals. In this paper, we have compiled the options for funding and ethical options and ways available for researchers in India. This will help and encourage researchers pro-actively by providing some guidance on the issues related to finance and ethics required for conducting scientific research.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220134


Background: One of the most prevalent congenital malformations and the most frequent craniofacial defects in children is cleft lip and palate. The aim of the study was to investigate the anaesthetic procedures employed and to determine the challenges and postoperative complications associated with cleft lip and palate surgery. Material & Methods: A retrospective review of the anaesthetic procedures carried out from January 2022 to December 2022 at the Dhaka Dental College and Hospital. The hospital records were reviewed in order to learn about every occurrence of orofacial cleft surgery. In this study, a total number of 120 cases were reviewed. Results: Among 120 cases, 53 (44.2%) of the patients were female and 67 (55.8%) were male. The bulk of patients came after their first year of life. About 54(45%) of them were younger than five years old. 68(56.67%) underwent cleft lip surgery, 37(30.83%) for cleft palate surgery and rest 15(12.5%) patients under went for combined cleft lip and cleft palate surgeries. Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URTI) was reported as the most common pre-existing morbidity. Bronchospasm was the main intraoperative complications occurred in 8 (6.67%) of the cases with URTI. After surgey 6(5%) patients experienced bleeding, 3(2.5%) patients needed to be reintubated. In addition, 2 (1.67%) instances had trouble controlling their pain, only 1(0.83%) patient had trouble swallowing and 1(0.83%) recovered slowly. Conclusion: Anaesthesia for surgical repair of cleft lip or palate in children is challenging. After a thorough preoperative evaluation, a trained anaesthesiologist should administer anaesthesia under strict supervision to minimize postoperative complications.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 Mar; 71(3): 757-762
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224911


Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the illuminated chopper?assisted cataract surgery in terms of shortening the surgical time and reducing the use of pupil expansion devices in eyes with iris challenges. Methods: This was a retrospective case series of a university hospital. Four hundred forty?three eyes of 433 consecutive patients who underwent illuminated chopper?assisted cataract surgery were included in this study. Cases with preoperative or intraoperative miosis, iris prolapse, and intraoperative floppy iris syndrome were included in the iris challenge group. Use of tamsulosin, iris hooks, pupil size, surgical time, and improved visibility (100/surgical time × pupil size) were compared between eyes with and without iris challenges. Mann–Whitney U test, Pearson’s Chi?square test, and Fisher’s exact test were used for statistical analysis. Results: Of 443 eyes, 66 were included in the iris challenge group (14.9%). Tamsulosin use was more common in patients with iris challenges and iris hooks were used more frequently (9.1% vs. 0%, P < 0.001) in patients with iris challenges than in those without iris challenges. Pupil size was smaller in patients with iris challenges (6.01 vs. 7.64 mm, P < 0.001). However, surgical time was not different (16.9 vs. 16.5 min, P = 0.064) between the two groups. As a result, improved visibility was calculated to be higher in patients with iris challenges (1.05 vs. 0.81, P < 0.001). Conclusion: In terms of surgical time and improved visibility, using the illuminated chopper simplified cataract surgery involving iris challenges. The use of an illuminated chopper is expected to be a good solution for challenging cataract surgeries.