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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024128


Objective To explore the diagnosis and clinical characteristics of atypical severe pneumonia caused by Chlamydia abortus(C.abortus).Methods Clinical data of 4 patients diagnosed with atypical severe pneumonia caused by C.abortus in a hospital from January 2021 to November 2022 were collected.Clinical characteristics,dia-gnosis and treatment,and precautions of the disease were comprehensively analyzed.Results All 4 patients were male,aged 63-73 years old,with acute onset,high fever,cough and expectoration.Three patients had a history of contact with poultry,one patient had a history of contact with abortion goat.The interval between the emerging of clinical symptoms and the onset of acute respiratory failure in 4 patients was 1-6 days,and the oxygenation index(PaO2/FiO2)at admission was less than 200 mmHg,which gradually decreased with the progression of the disease,active support with a ventilator was necessary.Two patients had an increase in white blood cell count,4 had an in-crease in neutrophil percentage,3 had a mild decrease in platelet count.Among 4 patients,2,2,3 and 4 patients showed elevated levels of aspartate aminotransferase,alanine aminotransferase,creatine kinase,and serum creati-nine respectively,2 patients had mild hyponatremia,4 patients showed significant increase in C-reactive protein,procalcitonin,and interleukin-6 levels.Four patients'chest CT findings showed main involvement of single or mul-tiple lung lobes,with exudation and consolidation,and later involvement of multiple lobes of lung.The metageno-mic next-generation sequencing of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid detected the DNA sequence of C.abortus.Based on the clinical manifestations,contact history,chest CT,and metagenomic next-generation sequencing results of 4 pa-tients,the diagnosis was C.abortus.atypical severe pneumonia.After timely adjustment of the treatment of anti-in-fection regimen based on doxycycline,the patients'condition improved and were discharged.Conclusion C.abor-tus may also cause human pneumonia,which can lead to serious clinical outcome after infection.Patient had a histo-ry of animal contact should be alert to such diseases.Metagenomic next-generation sequencing can detect C.abortus.

Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 35(3)sept. 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535794


Background: The main transmission route of Chlamydia abortus is by ingesting the microorganism that has been eliminated in vaginal secretions, placental membranes or abortions that contaminate the environment and, possibly, through milk and colostrum. Elimination through vaginal secretions is well documented. However, there are no reports about isolation and identification of C. abortus in the colostrum or milk of infected sheep, so it is important to determine whether or not C. abortus may be present in these secretions, which are the only food of lambs. Objective: To detect C. abortus in colostrum, milk, and vaginal secretions of sheep with a history of reproductive disorders. Methods: Colostrum, milk, and vaginal exudates were collected from 66 sheep. The samples were inoculated in mouse fibroblast cell cultures and the presence of C. abortus determined by direct immunofluorescence. Results: 19 out of 66 colostrum samples (28.7%), 14 out of 66 milk samples (21.2%) and 17 out of 66 vaginal swabs (25.7%) were positive for C. abortus. The 50 samples positive for isolation and detected by immunofluorescence, together with 42 negative samples were subjected to qPCR to amplify a fragment of the ompA gene from C. abortus. Thirty-eight of the 92 samples processed by this technique were positive for C. abortus. Conclusion: The results demonstrated the presence of C. abortus in a high proportion in colostrum, milk and vaginal secretions of infected sheep. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first field study confirming the presence of C. abortus in colostrum, which shows that excretion of Chlamydia by lactogenesis could occur in the first hours after birth.

Antecedentes: La principal vía de transmisión de C. abortus es la ingestión del microorganismo que ha sido eliminado en las secreciones vaginales, membranas placentarias, abortos y, posiblemente, a través de la leche y el calostro. La eliminación a través de secreciones vaginales está bien documentada. Sin embargo, no existen reportes del aislamiento e identificación de C. abortus en el calostro o la leche de ovejas infectadas, por lo que es importante determinar si la bacteria puede o no estar presente en estas secreciones, que son el único alimento de los corderos. Objetivo: Detectar la presencia de C. abortus in calostro, leche y secreciones vaginales de ovejas con antecedentes de problemas reproductivos. Método: Con el propósito de aislar e identificar C. abortus en estas secreciones, se recolectó calostro, leche y exudado vaginal de 66 ovejas. Las muestras fueron inoculadas en cultivos celulares de fibroblastos de ratón y se determinó la presencia de la bacteria por inmunofluorescencia directa. Resultados: Fueron positivas 19 de 66 muestras de calostro (28,7%), 14 de 66 muestras de leche (21,2%) y 17 de 66 hisopos vaginales (25,7%). Las 50 muestras positivas al aislamiento y detectadas por inmunofluorescencia, junto con 42 negativas se sometieron a qPCR para amplificar un fragmento del gen ompA de C. abortus; 38 de las 92 muestras procesadas por esta técnica fueron positivas para C. abortus. Conclusión: Los resultados del presente estudio demostraron la presencia de C. abortus en una alta proporción en el calostro, la leche y las secreciones vaginales de ovejas infectadas. Este es el primer estudio de campo que confirma la presencia de C. abortus en calostro, lo que demuestra que la excreción de clamidia por lactogénesis podría ocurrir en las primeras horas después del nacimiento.

Antecedentes: A principal via de transmissão da Chlamydia abortus é a ingestão do microrganismo que foi eliminado nas secreções vaginais, membranas placentárias ou abortos que contaminam o meio ambiente e, possivelmente, através do leite e colostro. A eliminação pelas secreções vaginais está bem documentada. No entanto, não há relatos de isolamento e identificação de C. Abortus no colostro ou leite de ovelhas infectadas, por isso é importante verificar se a bactéria pode estar ou não presente nessas secreções, único alimento dos cordeiros. Objetivo: Detectar a presença de C. Abortus no colostro, leite e secreções vaginais de ovelhas com histórico de distúrbios reprodutivos Métodos: Para isolar e identificar C. Abortus nessas secreções, foram coletados colostro, leite e exsudato vaginal de 66 ovelhas. As amostras foram inoculadas em cultura de células de fibroblastos de camundongo e a presença da bactéria determinada por imunofluorescência direta. Resultados: 19 de 66 amostras de colostro (28,7%), 14 de 66 amostras de leite (21,2%) e 17 de 66 esfregaços vaginais (25,7%) sendo positivos. As 50 amostras positivas para isolamento e detectadas por imunofluorescência, juntamente com as 42 negativas, foram submetidas a qPCR para amplificar um fragmento do gene ompA de C. Abortus. Trinta e oito das 92 amostras processadas por esta técnica foram positivas para C. Abortus. Conclusão: Os resultados do presente estudo demonstraram a presença de C. Abortus em alta proporção no colostro, leite e secreções vaginais de ovelhas infectadas. Este trabalho é o primeiro estudo de campo na literatura científica confirmando a presença de C. Abortus no colostro, o que mostra que a excreção da clamídia por lactogênese pode ocorrer nas primeiras horas após o nascimento.

Rev. med. vet. (Bogota) ; (44): 61-69, Jan.-June 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377008


Resumen El aborto enzootico ovino es una enfermedad causada por Chlamydia abortus. Es considerada una zoonosis y una de las principales causas de pérdidas económicas en estas explotaciones. Este trabajo se enfocó en utilizar el cultivo de leucocitos de animales sin signos de abortos y la detección de anticuerpos para determinar la posible presencia de C. abortus en explotaciones de traspatio. Se obtuvieron 42 muestras de sangre periférica de ovejas de diferentes poblaciones. La detección de Chlamydia abortus se realizó mediante la tinción de Giemsa y la técnica de PCR. La detección de anticuerpos anti-C. abortus se dio mediante una técnica de ELISA comercial. Los resultados mostraron 21 muestras positivas mediante la técnica de PCR, de las cuales solo 10 fueron positivas mediante la técnica de Giemsa, mientras que 22 sueros mostraron anticuerpos anti-C. abortus. En este estudio el 38,1 % de las muestras fueron positivas a la infección por C. abortus, como se confirmó mediante PCR y serología. En conclusión, los leucocitos de sangre periférica pueden ser útiles para detectar una infección por Chlamydia spp. en explotaciones sin historial de abortos, con lo que se puede conocer la prevalencia real del aborto enzootico ovino en México.

Abstract The Ewes Enzootic Abortion is a disease caused byChlamydia abortus. It is deemed a zoonosis and one of the leading causes of financial losses in this type of business. This article focuses on using the culture of leukocytes from animals without any abortion symptoms and antibody detection to determine the potential presence ofC. abortusin backyard exploitations. Forty-two samples of peripheral blood were obtained from ewes in different populations. The detection ofChlamydia abortuswas carried out by using the Giemsa dye and PCR technique. Anti-C. Abortusantibody detection was performed through a commercial ELISA technique. Results showed 21 positive samples using the PCR, and only ten were positive according to the Giemsa dye, while 22 serum samples showed anti-C. abortusantibody. In this study, 38.1% of the samples were positive for theC. abortusinfection, as verified with the PCR and serology. In conclusion, peripheral blood leukocytes can be helpful to detect an infection caused byChlamydiaspp. Animal exploitation without any previous abortion allows knowing the real prevalence of ewes' enzootic abortion in Mexico.

Rev. argent. microbiol ; 51(2): 130-135, jun. 2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013361


In order to determine the presence and genetic diversity of Chlamydia spp. in the north-eastern area of Buenos Aires province, Argentina, conjunctival, oropharyngeal, cloacal swab and tissues were collected from a total of 90 psittacine pet birds of different age and clinical manifestations. Through molecular methods, Chlamydiaceae was detected in 30% (27/90) of the samples, out of which 70.3% (19/27) were positive for Chlamydia psittaci and 14.9% (4/27) for Chlamydia abortus. Nine C. psittaci positive samples were genotyped by ompA gene sequences, 8 clustered within genotype A and 1 within genotype B. A significant association was observed between the presence of Chlamydia spp. and the manifestation of clinical signs compatible with chlamydiosis, as well as with the age of the birds (younger than one year old). This report contributes to the improvement of our understanding of chlamydial agents in our country.

Con el objetivo de determinar la presencia de Chlamydia spp. en psitácidos del área noreste de la provincia de Buenos Aires y conocer su diversidad genética, se recolectaron y analizaron mediante métodos moleculares hisopados conjuntivales, orofaríngeos, cloacales y tejidos de un total de 90 psitácidos de diferentes edades y con diversas manifestaciones clínicas. El 30% (27/90) de las muestras procesadas fueron positivas para Chlamydiaceae; el 70,3% (19/27) de estas resultaron positivas para Chlamydia psittaci y el 14,9% (4/27) para Chlamydia abortus. Nueve muestras positivas para C. psittaci fueron genotipificadas por secuenciación del gen ompA: 8 correspondieron al genotipo Ay una al genotipo B. Se observó una asociación significativa entre la presencia de Chlamydia spp. y la manifestación de signos clínicos compatibles con clamidiosis, como así también con la edad de las aves (menores de un ano). Este informe contribuye a mejorar nuestro conocimiento de los agentes clamidiales en nuestro país.

Chlamydophila psittaci/isolamento & purificação , Chlamydiaceae/patogenicidade , Variação Genética , Aves/microbiologia , Chlamydia/classificação , Genótipo
Rev. argent. microbiol ; 50(3): 269-274, set. 2018. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-977242


Las pérdidas reproductivas constituyen una causa importante de pérdida económica en el ganado bovino, aunque en más del 50% de los casos la etiología es desconocida. Las especies de la familia Chlamydiaceae han sido asociadas con abortos en bovinos y otras espeChlamydia abortus; cies animales, pero no existen datos al respecto en la República Argentina. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la presencia de Chlamydia spp. y de Chlamydia abortus en pérdidas reproductivas de ganado bovino en La Pampa, Argentina. Se estudiaron 251 muestras provenientes de abortos y mortinatos. Se realizó PCR en tiempo real para la detección de la familia Chlamydiaceae y ArrayTube para la identificación de las especies presentes. Se detectó ADN de la familia Chlamydiaceae en 12 muestras (4,78%); el 83,33% (10/12) correspondió a abortos y el 16,66% (2/12) a mortinatos. El análisis por ArrayTube detectó C. abortus en 5 muestras (1,99% del total, 41,67% de las muestras con detección de Chlamydiaceae). Este trabajo presenta la primera confirmación de la presencia de ADN de diversas especies de Chlamydiaceae (incluida C. abortus) en muestras de pérdidas reproductivas de ganado bovino en Argentina. El valor de prevalencia hallado (4,78%) debe ser tomado como un valor basal, debido al tipo de muestras estudiadas. Se halló material genético de Chlamydiaceae que no coincidió con ninguna de las especies conocidas; esto podría deberse a variantes intraespecie o a especies autóctonas aún no descriptas. Es necesario avanzar en el estudio de la infección por estas bacterias en el ganado bovino de Argentina para conocer su dimensión y analizar su impacto económico y zoonótico, y también para planear medidas de prevención y control.

Reproductive losses linked to an infectious etiology in bovine cattle are a major economic concern worldwide. In Argentina, more than 50% of abortion cases have unknown causes. Species belonging to Chlamydiaceae family are frequent etiologic agents of abortion around the world; however, there is yet no information on their prevalence in Argentina. The objective of this work was to identify Chlamydia spp., and particularly C. abortus in reproductive losses from bovine cattle in La Pampa, Argentina. Real time PCR targeting Chlamydiaceae-specific DNA fragments was performed on 251 samples obtained from bovine abortions and stillborns, and ArrayTube was used for species identification on positive samples. Chlamydiaceae DNA was detected in 12 samples of aborted fetuses (4.78%), 83.33% (10/12) accounting for abortions and 16.66% (2/12) for stillborns. C. abortus was detected by ArrayTube in 5 cases (1.99% of all samples, and 41.67% of Chlamydiaceae positive samples). This study shows the first detection of Chlamydiaceae and C. abortus DNA on reproductive losses of bovine cattle in Argentina, and the described prevalence value (4.78%) should be taken as baseline value due to the type of samples analyzed. Detection of genetic material from Chlamydiaceae not matching any of the studied species could be due to intraspecies variants or local species not yet described. Further research on Chlamydia infections in bovine cattle in Argentina is imperative to describe their range, to analyze their economic and zoonotic implications and to make recommendations about prevention and control measures.

Animais , Bovinos , Feminino , Gravidez , Infecções por Chlamydia , Doenças dos Bovinos , Chlamydia , Argentina , Reprodução , Infecções por Chlamydia/diagnóstico , Infecções por Chlamydia/veterinária , Doenças dos Bovinos/diagnóstico , Chlamydia/isolamento & purificação