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Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 19(1): 133-138, jun 17, 2020. tab, fig
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1358916


Introdução: perdas gestacionais esporádicas são comuns e estima-se que aproximadamente 30 a 50% de todas as concepções não terminem em um recém-nascido vivo. Patologia materna ou alteração genética de natureza cromossômica, em um dos progenitores, são fatores de risco favoráveis a esses acontecimentos. Outras situações que podem estar relacionadas às alterações cromossômicas são a infertilidade e a ocorrência de mola hidatiforme (neoplasia trofoblástica gestacional), caracterizada por interferência na formação e desenvolvimento do embrião. Embora haja um consenso sobre o caráter multifatorial das perdas gestacionais, incluindo componentes anatômicos, imunológicos, endócrinos, genéticos e ambientais, ainda assim, a causalidade pode permanecer desconhecida. Objetivos: analisar e quantificar achados de dificuldades reprodutivas relacionados a presença de alterações cromossômicas encontrados no serviço de genética realizado pelo programa Genética & Sociedade, do Instituto de Biologia da Universidade Federal da Bahia. Metodologia: estudo descritivo e analítico, realizado por meio de consulta a fichas de anamneses, preenchidas durante o atendimento de casais, que buscaram o serviço de genética comunitária para aconselhamento genético no período de vinte anos. Resultados: entre os 73 casais selecionados para estudo, 59 (80,8%) relataram abortos recorrentes, 9 (12,3%) tinham histórico de mola hidatiforme e 5 (6,8%) apresentaram infertilidade. Entre as alterações foram verificadas translocações, inversões, além de polimorfismos de regiões heterocromáticas. Conclusões: o presente estudo confirma a importância das alterações cromossômicas na etiologia das dificuldades reprodutivas, justificando a busca pelo aconselhamento genético. Em termos de saúde pública, traz contribuições para o entendimento das condições genéticas da comunidade beneficiada pelo programa Genética & Sociedade.

Introduction: sporadic gestational losses are common, it's estimated that approximately 30 to 50% of all conceptions don't end in a newborn alive. Maternal pathology or genetic alterations of chromosomal nature in one of the progenitors are risk factors favorable to these events. Other situations that may be related to chromosomal alterations are infertility and the occurrence of hydatidiform mole (gestational trophoblastic neoplasia), characterized by interference in the formation and development of the embryo. Although there is a consensus about the multifactorial nature of gestational losses, including anatomical, immunological, endocrine, genetic and environmental components, however, the causality may remain unknown. Objectives: analyze and quantify the findings of reproductive difficulties related to the presence of chromosomal alterations found in the genetics service performed by the Genética&Sociedade program of the Biology Institute of the Federal University of Bahia. Methodology: a descriptive and analytical study, carried out by consultation of anamnesis records, made during the care of couples, who sought the community genetic service for genetic counseling in the period of twenty years. Results: among the 73 couples selected, 59 (80.8%) reported recurrent abortions, 9 (12.3%) had a history of hydatidiform mole and 5 (6.8%) had infertility. Among all the alterations, were found translocations, inversions, and polymorphisms of heterochromatic regions. Conclusions: this study confirms the importance of chromosomal alterations in the etiology of reproductive difficulties, justifying the search for genetic counseling. In terms of public health, it contributes to the understanding of the genetic conditions in the community benefited by the Genética&Sociedade program.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Mola Hidatiforme , Aborto Espontâneo , Aberrações Cromossômicas , Infertilidade , Métodos de Análise Laboratorial e de Campo , Prontuários Médicos , Epidemiologia Descritiva
Indian J Public Health ; 2020 Mar; 64(1): 83-85
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-198187


Prenatal testing and diagnosis are gaining a strong foothold in a progressively developing country like India, and an estimated boom in the market of noninvasive prenatal testing is predicted by the year 2024. Having said this, every technique needs an adequate amount of supplementation to increase its worth and that is where genetic counseling proves to be indispensable. Postdiagnosis, the women classified as high-risk individuals likely to give birth to infants inflicted with congenital and structural anomalies are appropriately counseled regarding the clinical aspects of the disease, life expectancy associated with the same, and the consequences associated with the decision to go ahead and conceive the child. Genetic counseling is majorly done for Down syndrome as the other aneuploidies have a highly reduced life expectancy. Although there are a variety of techniques available for testing various chromosomal anomalies, information regarding the appropriate time of the test and emphasis on pre- and posttest counseling is usually not supplied to primary physicians. A considerable amount of confusion dominates the decision of which test should be employed for testing of which anomaly as an array of rather efficient techniques has been identified. Furthermore, there is no nation-wide consensus of the timing and nature of these screening protocols. Moreover, ambiguous guidelines along with an impending lacuna in terms of awareness have led to India being at the backseat of the era that has ushered in tons of technological advancement in this field.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-183672


Introduction: Aims: To identify the Anorectal malformations patients in North Indian region and then study the karyotype of these patients to evaluate cytogenetic aberrations and then correlate it with the maternal age. Subjects and Methods: Forty eight patients of anorectal malformation were selected from Department of Paediatric Surgery, KGMU, UP, Lucknow. Blood samples were collected and their cytogenetic study was done in the Department of Anatomy, KGMU-U.P, Lucknow. Karyotypes obtained were further analysed. Results: Out of 48 children enrolled in the study, karyogram could be obtained for 45 cases (93.75%). Maternal age at the time of birth of the child was <30 years in 91.1% cases. There were only 8.9% women who were >30 years of age at the time of birth of the child. However, proportion of those with anomalies was significantly higher in >30 years age group (75%) as compared to that in <30 years age group (2.4%). Conclusion: Although low maternal age was found most commonly, but number of cases with chromosomal anomalies was reported more in >30 years of age, which could be due to increased risk of congenital anomalies and malformations with advanced age.

Rev. peru. ginecol. obstet. (En línea) ; 64(3): 331-336, jul.-set. 2018. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014471


Background: Nuchal cystic hygroma is the most frequently identified marker of chromosomal anomalies during first trimester screening. Objective: To determine the association of the nuchal cystic hygroma with chromosomal anomalies diagnosed with karyotyping done between the first and second trimesters of pregnancy. Design: Retrospective study. Setting: Instituto Latinoamericano de Salud Reproductiva (ILSAR), Lima, Peru. Patients. Fetuses with nuchal cystic hygroma. Methods: The data were obtained from the ILSAR database between August 2007 and May 2018, the cases diagnosed by ultrasound from week 11 to 13.6. Nuchal cystic hygroma was defined as the presence of septated liquid content in the nuchal axial section with a thickness above the 95th percentile value for increased nuchal translucency value for the crown-rump length. The karyotype was obtained between the first and second trimesters from material collected by chorionic villus sampling (BVS) or amniocentesis (AMC). Main outcome measures: Karyotyping results were compared between cases with cystic hygroma alone and cases with cystic hygroma in addition to another marker. Results: Out of 459 invasive procedures performed in fetuses with high risk for chromosomal anomalies based on the Fetal test database of Spain, there were 162 cases of chromosomal anomalies (35.3%), and 104 cases of nuchal cystic hygroma (22.7%). Nuchal cystic hygroma was associated with a higher frequency of chromosomal abnormalities, compared to fetuses without cystic hygroma (52.9% vs. 30.1%; p<0.001). Out of 61 cases of hygroma alone, 42.3% had chromosomal anomalies, and when the hygroma was associated with other markers (fetal hydrops, abnormal ductus venosus, heart disease), 65.1% had chromosomal abnormalities. There was a statistically significant difference (p=0.003) for the presence of monosomy X between the group with cystic hygroma alone and the group with hygroma and fetal hydrops. There was no difference in hygroma thickness between the groups with and without chromosomal abnormalities. Conclusions: Nuchal cystic hygroma is a risk marker with high predictive value for chromosomal abnormalities, and its identification during prenatal screening may be considered an indication to a diagnostic test. When cystic hygroma is associated to flow abnormalities of the ductus venosus or fetal hydrops, chromosomal abnormalities significantly increase. The hygroma associated with hydrops was primarily linked to monosomy X, while the hygroma associated with abnormal flow velocity waveforms of the ductus venosus was linked to trisomy 21.

Antecedentes. El higroma quístico retronucal es el marcador de anomalías cromosómicas identificado con mayor frecuencia en el tamizaje del primer trimestre. Objetivo. Evaluar la asociación del higroma quístico retronucal y anomalías cromosómicas diagnosticadas con el cariotipo, entre el primer y segundo trimestre del embarazo. Diseño. Estudio retrospectivo. Institución. Instituto Latinoamericano de Salud Reproductiva (ILSAR), Lima, Perú. Pacientes. Fetos con higroma quístico retronucal. Método. Estudio de fetos con higroma quístico retronucal, obtenidos de la base de datos de ILSAR, entre agosto del 2007 y mayo del 2018, diagnosticados por ecografía entre las 11 y 13,6 semanas. El higroma quístico retronucal se definió como la presencia de contenido líquido tabicado en el corte axial retronucal con un grosor mayor al percentil 95 del valor de translucencia nucal aumentada para la longitud corona-nalga. Se obtuvo el cariotipo entre el primer y segundo trimestre en material obtenido por biopsia de vellosidades coriales (BVC) o amniocentesis (AMC). Principales medidas de resultados. Los resultados del cariotipo fueron comparados entre los casos de higroma quístico solo y los casos que tuvieron higroma y adicionalmente otro marcador. Resultados. De un total de 459 procedimientos invasivos realizados en fetos con alto riesgo para anomalías cromosómicas en base al Fetal test de España, hubieron 162 casos de anomalías cromosómicas (35,3%) y se identificó 104 casos de higroma quístico retronucal (22s7%). El hallazgo de higroma quístico retronucal se asoció con mayor presencia de anomalías cromosómicas, comparado con los fetos sin higroma quístico (52,9% vs. 30,1%; p<0,001). De 61 casos de higroma solo, 42,3% tenían anomalía cromosómica, y cuando el higroma estaba asociado a otros marcadores (hidrops fetal, ductus venoso anormal, cardiopatía, ausencia de hueso nasal), hubo 65,1% de anomalías cromosómicas. Hubo diferencia estadística significativa (p=0,003) para la presencia de monosomía X, entre el grupo con higroma solo y el de higroma + hidrops fetal. No hubo diferencia en el grosor del higroma entre el grupo con y sin anomalía cromosómica. Conclusiones. El higroma quístico retronucal es un marcador de riesgo con alto valor predictivo para anomalías cromosómicas. Su identificación en el tamizaje prenatal podría ser indicación para recomendar una prueba diagnóstica. Cuando se asocia a anormalidad del flujo del ductus venoso o hidrops fetal, aumentan significativamente las anomalías cromosómicas. El higroma asociado con hidrops se vinculó mayoritariamente a la monosomía X, mientras que el higroma asociado con onda de velocidad de flujo-OVF de ductus venoso anormal a la trisomía 21.

Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 40(7): 384-389, July 2018. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-959015


Abstract Objective The main objective of this study was to examine the diagnostic performance of the first-trimester combined test for aneuploidies in unselected pregnancies from Rio de Janeiro and compare it with the examples available in the literature. Methods We investigated 3,639 patients submitted to aneuploidy screening from February 2009 to September 2015. The examination is composed of the Fetal Medicine Foundation risk evaluation based on nuchal translucency evaluation, mother's age, presence of risk factors, presence of the nasal bone and Doppler of the ductus venous in addition to biochemical analysis of pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) and beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG) markers. The cut-off point for high risk for aneuploidies was defined as greater than 1:100, with intermediate risk defined between 1:100 and 1:1,000, and low risk defined as less than 1:1,000. The variable aneuploidy was considered as a result not only of trisomy of chromosome 21 but also trisomy of chromosomes 13 and 18. Results Excluding the losses, the results of 2,748 patients were analyzed. The firsttrimester combined test achieved 71.4% sensitivity with a 7.4% false-positive (FP) rate, specificity of 92.6%, positive predictive value (PPV) of 6.91% and negative predictive value (NPV) of 99.76%, when the cut-off point considered was greater than 1:1,000. Through a receiving operating characteristics (ROC) curve, the cut-off point that maximized the sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of aneuploidies was defined as 1:1,860. When we adjusted the false-positive (FP) rate to 5%, the detection rate for this analysis is 72.7%, with a cut-off point of 1:610. Conclusion The combined test of aneuploidy screening showed a detection rate inferior to those described in the literature for a higher FP rate.

Resumo Objetivo O objetivo principal deste estudo foi examinar o desempenho diagnóstico do rastreio combinado de aneuploidias do primeiro trimestre em gestações não selecionadas do Rio de Janeiro e compará-lo com os exemplos disponíveis na literatura. Métodos Investigamos 3.639 pacientes submetidas à triagem para aneuploidia, de fevereiro de 2009 a setembro de 2015. O exame é composto pela avaliação do risco da FetalMedicine Foundation combase na avaliação da translucência nucal, idade da mãe, presença de fatores de risco, presença de osso nasal e Doppler do ducto venoso, além da análise bioquímica dos marcadores proteína A plasmática associada à gravidez (PAPP-A) e gonadotrofina coriônica humana-beta (β-hCG). O ponto de corte para alto risco de aneuploidias foi definido como superior a 1:100, para risco intermediário foi definido entre 1: 100 e 1: 1.000 e para baixo risco foi definido como inferior a 1:1.000. A variável aneuploidia foi considerada não apenas como resultado da trissomia do cromossomo 21, mas também da trissomia dos cromossomos 13 e 18. Resultados Excluindo as perdas, foram analisados os resultados de 2.748 pacientes. O teste combinado do primeiro trimestre alcançou 71,4% de sensibilidade com uma taxa de falsos positivos (FPs) de 7,4%, especificidade de 92,6%, (valor preditivo positivo) VPP de 6,91% e (valor preditivo negativo) VPN de 99,76%, quando o ponto de corte considerado foi maior que 1:1.000. Através de uma curva de característica de operação do receptor (COR), o ponto de corte que maximizou a sensibilidade e especificidade para o diagnóstico de aneuploidias foi de 1:1.860. Quando corrigimos a taxa de FP para 5%, a taxa de detecção para esta análise é de 72,7%, com um ponto de corte de 1:610. Conclusão O rastreio combinado de aneuploidia mostrou uma taxa de detecção inferior à descrita na literatura para uma maior taxa de FP.

Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Diagnóstico Pré-Natal/métodos , Algoritmos , Aneuploidia , Primeiro Trimestre da Gravidez , Brasil , Risco , Valor Preditivo dos Testes , Sensibilidade e Especificidade , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol ; 76(5): 325-333, 2011. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-608802


Antecedentes: La posibilidad de que un recién nacido presente algún tipo de defecto congénito al nacimiento es de un 2-4 por ciento y la aplicación de métodos de cribado de cromosomopatías y de malformaciones estructurales puede reducir la prevalencia de estos defectos congénitos al nacimiento. Objetivos: Demostrar que es posible la implantación de un cribado de malformaciones congénitas de garantía (sensibilidad de diagnóstico para malformaciones estructurales mayores y para síndrome de Down del 80 por ciento) y universal (aplicado al 90 por ciento de gestantes). Proponemos que la implantación de este cribado supone una disminución de la tasa de los defectos congénitos no diagnosticados al nacimiento a menos del 0,5 por ciento de los recién nacidos. Método: Estudio prospectivo. Hemos valorado 12.478 gestantes (julio 2006-septiembre de 2009). Método de cribado de defecto congénitos: test combinado asociado a ecografía morfológica (18-22 semanas) Resultados: La prevalencia de defecto congénito fue de 2,26 por ciento [IC 95 por ciento: 1,9-2,5] (282/12478). Valoración ecográfica fue del 99,2 por ciento de las gestantes. Tasa de diagnóstico de malformaciones estructurales fue de 79,3 por ciento [IC 95 por ciento: 74,3-84,4] (196/247) y 95,6 por ciento [IC 95 por ciento: 91,8-99,3] (110/115) para las malformaciones mayores. Se ofertó un cribado de cromosomopatias al 95,1 por ciento de las gestantes con una tasa de diagnóstico del 88,5 por ciento [IC 95 por ciento: 79,9-99] (31/35). Conclusiones: Un cribado de defectos congénitos universal y de garantías logró disminuir la prevalencia de defectos congénitos al nacimiento sin diagnosticar a un 0,5 por ciento.

Background: The probability of a newborn presenting some kind of congenital defect at birth is 2-4 percent and the application of methods of screening for chromosomal and structural abnormalities can reduce the prevalence of these defects at birth. Objectives: The aim of this study is to prove that it is possible to implement a screening for congenital malformations that is standardised (diagnostic sensitivity [Sen]>80 percent for major structural deformations and Down's syndrome) and universal (90 percent of pregnant women). We also want to prove that this screening reduces the rate of undiagnosed congenital defects at birth. Methods: Prospective study. We assessed 12,478 pregnant women (July 2006- September 2009). A morphological ultrasound (18-22 weeks) and a combined test were carried out as the methods for screening for congenital defects. Results: The prevalence of congenital defects was 2.26 percent [95 percent CI: 1.9-2.5] (282/12478). The ultrasound scan was performed on 99.2 percent of the pregnant women. There was a Sen of 79.3 percent [95 percent CI: 74.3-84.4] (196/247) for structural malformation and 95.6 percent [95 percent CI: 91.8-99.3] (110/115) for major malformations). Screening for chromosomal anomalies was performed on 95.1 percent of pregnant women with a Sen of 88.5 percent [95 percent CI: 79.9-99] (31/35). Conclusions: A standardised and universal screening for congenital defects reduced the prevalence of undiagnosed congenital defects at birth to 0.5 percent.

Humanos , Adolescente , Adulto , Feminino , Gravidez , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Anormalidades Congênitas/diagnóstico , Diagnóstico Pré-Natal/métodos , Programas de Rastreamento , Anormalidades Congênitas/epidemiologia , Aberrações Cromossômicas , Reações Falso-Positivas , Biomarcadores , Estudos Prospectivos , Sensibilidade e Especificidade , Espanha , Síndrome de Down/diagnóstico , Ultrassonografia Pré-Natal
São Paulo; s.n; 2010. 103 p. ilus.
Tese em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-579185


O corpo caloso é a maior comissura cerebral, responsável pela conexão entre os hemisférios cerebrais. Anatomicamente está localizado na profundidade da fissura inter-hemisférica e é dividido em quatro regiões: esplênio, corpo, joelho e rostro, que se continua inferiormente na lamina rostralis. A malformação do corpo caloso (MCC) representa uma desorganização na arquitetura cerebral, resultante da impossibilidade parcial ou completa das fibras da comissura calosa atravessarem a linha média. Pode estar associada a outras malformações, tanto do sistema nervoso central quanto de outros órgãos. As causas de malformações do corpo caloso são múltiplas, podendo ser ambientais, vasculares ou genéticas. As malformações do corpo caloso são comuns, principalmente entre as crianças com distúrbio do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor ou retardo mental, mas podem também ser observada em indivíduos normais. Existem mais de 50 síndromes clínicas, autossômicas ou ligadas ao X, dominantes ou recessivas, associadas a MCC. A investigação de pacientes com malformação de corpo caloso por meio do cariótipo com bandas G identificou cerca de 20 regiões cromossômicas associadas a esta malformação. Nos últimos anos, novas técnicas de investigação cromossômica com alta resolução tornam-se disponíveis, como a hibridação comparativa do genoma em microarranjos (CGH-array). O CGH-array permite uma análise rápida de todo o genoma em alta resolução, possibilitando reconhecer variações no número de cópias de regiões genômicas com de 0,1 a 1 Mb, e desta forma detectar microdeleções ou microduplicações que não são passiveis de serem reconhecidas pelo cariótipo com bandas G, que é capaz de detectar alterações com no mínimo 4 Mb. Nesta investigação foram incluídos 21 sujeitos com MCC, associada ou não a outras malformações encefálicas ou de outros órgãos, e atraso do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor ou retardo mental, sem etiologia definida. Estes sujeitos foram investigados com o objetivo...

The corpus callosum is the largest cerebral commissure and is responsible for interconnection of cerebral hemispheres. It is located in the deepest part of the interhemispheral fissure and is divided in four regions: splenium, body, genum and rostrum, which is prolonged inferiorly as lamina rostralis. Corpus callosum malformation (CCM) is a cerebral architecture disorganization caused by complete or partial failure of callosum fibers to cross the midline. It may be associated to other malformations, both from central nervous system and other organs. Many factors can contribute do CCM, including environmental, vascular and genetics. CCM are particularly common among mentally retarded or developmentally delayed children but can also be observed in cognitively normal individuals. There are more than 50 clinical syndromes associated to CCM, occurring sporadically or inherited as an autosomal or X-linked, dominant or recessive trait. Karyotype with G-banding disclosed around to 20 chromosomal regions associated to CCM. In the last few years, new techniques for high resolution chromosomal investigation, as comparative genomic hybridization array (CGH-array), became available. CGH-array allows fast analysis in high resolution of the genome, allowing the determination of copy number variations (microduplications and microdeletions) of genomic regions, with minimum size of 0, 1 to 1 Mb. This resolution is much larger than of the conventional karyotype, which is able to detect abnormalities of at least 4 Mb. This investigation included 21 subjects with CCM without defined etiology, associated or not to additional brain or other internal organ malformation and with developmental delay or mental retardation. These individuals were investigated for numeric or structural chromosomal abnormalities with karyotype with G-banding and for genomic copy number variations, using CGH-array. Karyotype disclosed abnormalities in two individuals (9.5%): one patient had a derived...

Humanos , Cérebro/anatomia & histologia , Manifestações Neurocomportamentais , Hibridização de Ácido Nucleico , Telencéfalo
Invest. clín ; 50(2): 173-186, jun. 2009. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-564810


En Colombia el melanoma es la principal causa de muerte por enfermedades dermatológicas (40%) y representa el 1% del total de muertes por cáncer. El rápido incremento en la incidencia del melanoma hace necesaria la realización de estudios que permitan entender mejor los mecanismos implicados en su génesis y progresión. En este estudio se determinaron anomalías cromosómicas en sangre periférica de 30 pacientes con melanoma y en 23 individuos control mediante Citogenética Convencional (Bandeo G), observándose alta incidencia de anomalías numéricas y baja incidencia de rearreglos estructurales recurrentes, siendo las pérdidas cromosómicas las alteraciones prevalentes en todos los estadíos tumorales estudiados. El análisis citogenético de los pacientes mostró que, los cromosomas X, 9 y 17 fueron los más frecuentemente afectados. De las anomalías numéricas las monosomías de los cromosomas X y 17 y la trisomía formada por un cromosoma marcador fueron las más frecuentes, en estadíos tempranos y tardíos de la enfermedad. Deleciones y translocaciones se presentaron como anomalías únicas. En el grupo control ningún tipo de anomalía fue identificada, y se observó bajo porcentaje de fragilidades en comparación con el grupo de pacientes. En comparación con los controles se observó alta frecuencia de anomalías cromosómicas en los pacientes, lo que sugiere la existencia de heterogeneidad y predisposición genética en el desarrollo de la enfermedad, que con investigaciones adicionales deben ser analizadas y validadas como posibles fuentes de marcadores moleculares, útiles para el diagnóstico temprano, tratamiento y seguimiento de la enfermedad.

Among all the skin diseases, melanoma is the main cause of death in Colombia (40%) and it represents 1% of all deaths by cancer. Due to the fast increase in the incidence of melanoma, it is necessary to carry out research on the mechanisms involved in its genesis and progression. This study determined chromosomal anomalies from peripheral blood samples on 30 patients with melanoma and on 23 control subjects using conventional cytogenetics (G Banded), where a high incidence in numerical anomalies and a low incidence in recurrent structural rearrangements were observed. Chromosomic losses were prevalent in all the tumor stages studied. The analysis showed that the chromosomes X, 9 and 17 were mainly affected. Among the numerical anomalies, monosomies in X and 17 chromosomes, as well as trisomies formed by a marker chromosome, were the most common in both early and late stages of the disease. Deletions and chromosomal crossovers appeared to be as isolated anomalies. In the control group no anomaly was identified, and a low percentage of fragility was observed when compared with the patients group. A high frequency in chromosomal anomalies was observed in patients, in contrast with the control subjects. This suggests the existence of heterogeneity and genetic predisposition during the illness development. To further research, these must be analyzed and validated as possible sources of molecular markers, which could be of use for the early diagnosis, treatment and follow up of the disease.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Estruturas Cromossômicas , Citogenética/métodos , Melanoma/diagnóstico , Melanoma/tratamento farmacológico , Neoplasias Cutâneas/patologia , Oncologia
Artigo em Vietnamita | WPRIM | ID: wpr-6327


Fetal chromosomal anomalies can be of number or of structure, on autosomal or on sex chromosomes. Prevalence of anomalies was approximately 1/150 of live births. However, some chromosomal anomalies did not show abnormal phenotypes. Abnormality of chromosomes was a main cause of spontaneous abortion and stillbirth, especially early abortion. Most of anomalies happened during gametogenesis of parent having normal chromosomes. The others were inherited by abnormalities from parent who had abnormal genotype but normal phenotype. Chromosomal anomalies are diagnosed by recognizing abnormal chromosome. Diagnosis was recommended when abnormal ultrasound was detected or when there were abnormality in history of mother and family. Chromosomal anomalies increased also with maternal age

Gravidez , Transtornos Cromossômicos
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-52197


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relationship of single umbilical artery with congenital anomaly, chromosomal anomaly & pregnancy outcome. METHODS: From January 1993 to December 2000, 143 cases of single umbilical artery were observed among 72,194 total deliveries at Ilsin christian hospital. Pregnancy and perinatal outcome data were retrieved by review of the medical records. RESULTS: The incidence of single umbilical artery (SUA) was 0.2% (143 cases). Isolated SUA without any anomaly were 89 cases (62.2%), SUA with anomaly were 42 cases (29.4%) ; with multiple anomaly were 20 (14%) and stillbirth were 12 (8.4%). Cardiovascular & musculoskeletal system anomalies were common congenital anomalies, 35.7% respectively. Among the 86 cases (60.1%) of chromosomal studies, chromosomal anomalies were observed in 4 cases (2.8%) ; 2 cases were Trisomy 18, 2 cases were 45,XX,-13,-14,+t (13q:14q), 46,XY,t(1:9) (q11:q11). No chromosomal anomaly was observed in isolated SUA without any other anomaly. On 74cases with obstetric complication, intrauterine growth restriction (n=27, 20.6%), preterm birth (n=12, 10%), hydramnios (n=11, 8.4%), oligohydramnios (n=7, 5.3%), preeclampsia (n=6, 4.6%), maternal gestational DM (n=5, 3.8%) were observed. CONCLUSION: When a single umbilical artery is identified during antenatal care, careful search such as targeted ultrasonography & fetal echocardiography should be taken for associated anomaly, and chromosomal study should be considered in case of SUA with any anomaly.

Feminino , Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Gravidez , Ecocardiografia , Feto , Incidência , Prontuários Médicos , Sistema Musculoesquelético , Oligo-Hidrâmnio , Poli-Hidrâmnios , Pré-Eclâmpsia , Resultado da Gravidez , Nascimento Prematuro , Artéria Umbilical Única , Natimorto , Trissomia , Ultrassonografia