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Int. j. cardiovasc. sci. (Impr.) ; 37: e20230069, 2024. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564589


Abstract Introduction Since more children with congenital heart disease (CHD) are surviving, policy changes are needed to improve their survival and quality of life. Global data and a literature review were systematically analyzed using The Global, Regional, and National Burden of CHDs, Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Study, published in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, which provided estimates of mortality from CHD. Objective To outline studies with CHDs and the concept of burden as a possible contributor to the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs) over time. Methods Bibliographic references and related authors (2005 to 2022) were researched and analyzed. Web of Science (WoS), Clarivate Analytics, was chosen as the source database to outline the results through bibliometric analysis, which is characterized by a quantitative and statistical technique to understand and measure new issues, as well as identify some trends in current research, regarding the issue of burden in CHDs. Results Sixty-five selected publications were found according to the bibliographic survey using the keywords "Burden CHDs." Afterwards, bibliometric analysis was performed, filtering the following results: years of publication; countries/regions; authors and number of citations; citation analysis; WoS index; types of documents; and research areas. The results are presented as figures. Conclusion The concept of burden addressing the issue of CHD has been used with great propriety for the development of goals for care of CHDs, mainly in the last decade, highlighting the year 2020.

Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449508


Introduction: Migration is a natural phenomenon that includes annual movements of many bird species in response to seasonal cycles. With approximately one third of all living bird species, South America has an important avifauna, and many migrants land in Brazil at stopping points and wintering sites. Objective: To identify associations between migrant birds and coastal vegetation, and environmental influence of on migration. Methods: At 10 points along the coast of Piauí State, Brazil, we made visual censuses and mist net captures, between April 2009 and February 2016. Results: We identified 82 migrant bird species (13 orders; 28 families) that represented 41 intracontinental migrating species, 26 northern visiting species, 14 nomad species and one vagrant species. The richness peaks were at the beginning and end of both dry and rainy seasons, matching insolation and atmospheric pressure. There were spatial pattern differences among vegetation complexes. Chrysolampis mosquitus is an indicator of caatinga vegetation, Numenius phaeopus of wetland, Charadrius collaris of non-flooding fields, Rostrhamus sociabilis of forest-grassland transition, and Columbina picui of orchards. Despite differences in number and species composition within vegetation types, the temporal pattern in species richness was similar among flooded fields, non-flooded fields, and transition grassland categories. Conclusions: Migrant birds occupy specific environments during their permanence along the coast of Piauí State, with richness matching insolation and atmospheric pressure.

Introducción: La migración es un fenómeno natural que incluye los movimientos anuales de muchas especies de aves en respuesta a los ciclos estacionales. Con aproximadamente un tercio de todas las especies de aves conocidas, América del Sur tiene una avifauna importante y muchas aves migratorias tienen puntos de parada e invernada en Brasil. Objetivo: Identificar asociaciones entre las aves migratorias y la vegetación costera, y la influencia del medio ambiente en la migración. Métodos: En 10 puntos a lo largo de la costa del Estado de Piauí, Brasil, realizamos censos visuales y capturas con redes de niebla, entre abril 2009 y febrero 2016. Resultados: Identificamos 82 especies de aves migratorias (13 órdenes; 28 familias) que representaron 41 especies migratorias intracontinentales, 26 especies visitantes del norte, 14 especies nómadas y una especie vagante. Los picos de riqueza se dieron al principio y al final de las estaciones seca y lluviosa, coincidiendo con la insolación y la presión atmosférica. Hubo diferencias en el patrón espacial entre los complejos de vegetación. Chrysolampis mosquitus es un indicador de vegetación de caatinga, Numenius phaeopus de humedales, Charadrius collaris de campos que no se inundan, Rostrhamus sociabilis de transición bosque-pastizales y Columbina picui de huertos. A pesar de las diferencias en el número y composición de especies dentro de los tipos de vegetación, el patrón temporal en la riqueza de especies fue similar entre las categorías de campos inundados, campos no inundados y pastizales de transición. Conclusiones: Las aves migratorias ocupan ambientes específicos durante su permanencia a lo largo de la costa del estado de Piauí, con una riqueza acorde con la insolación y la presión atmosférica.

Journal of Integrative Medicine ; (12): 96-103, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-929210


The term Jingluo, translated as meridian or channel, is a core component of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and has played a fundamental role in guiding the clinical practice of acupuncture for thousands of years. However, the essence of the meridian remains elusive and is a source of both confusion and debate for researchers. In this study, a "4D" systemic view on the essence of the meridian, namely substantial, functional, chronological, and cultural dimensions, was proposed based on a review of the ancient medical classics, recent research developments, and results from clinical practice. Previous studies have primarily focused on the substantial dimension of the meridian system, with scant interpretation about its functional domain. Neither systemic data nor evaluations have been adequately documented. Additionally, a limited but increasing number of studies have focused on the chronological and cultural dimensions. More investigations that embody the holistic concept of TCM and integrate the systemic modes and advanced techniques with dominant diseases of TCM need to be performed to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the essence of meridians. The goal of this study is to yield useful information in understanding the essence of meridians and provide a reference and perspective for further research.

Acupuntura , Pontos de Acupuntura , Terapia por Acupuntura , Medicina Tradicional Chinesa , Meridianos
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439282


Introducción: La erupción dentaria es un proceso fisiológico que puede ser alterado por múltiples causas congénitas o ambientales. Objetivo: Determinar la cronología de la erupción dentaria permanente y su relación con factores influyentes en adolescentes de 13 años del municipio Sancti Spíritus. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal en el municipio Sancti Spíritus entre septiembre 2017 y junio de 2019. La población estuvo constituida por 1 355 adolescentes de 13 años pertenecientes a todas las escuelas secundarias básicas urbanas de este municipio y por muestreo estratificado en dos etapas se seleccionó una muestra de 406 adolescentes. Se utilizaron métodos del nivel teórico, empírico y estadístico-matemático. Resultados: Se constató que el 22,9 % de los adolescentes presentaron la cronología de la erupción dentaria atrasada respecto a las medidas de Mayoral con predominio del sexo masculino (57 %) y el grupo étnico europoide (83,9 %). Los factores que más influyeron fueron la retención de dientes temporales con 72 %, el sexo con 57 % y los antecedentes hereditarios con 49,5 %, los tres con gran significación estadística. Conclusiones: Casi la cuarta parte de los adolescentes de 13 años estudiados del municipio Sancti Spíritus presentan atraso en la cronología de la erupción dentaria permanente respecto a los valores de Mayoral. Los del sexo masculino presentaron el doble de riesgo para una cronología atrasada y no existieron diferencias en cuanto al grupo étnico. Los factores que más influyeron fueron la herencia, el sexo y la retención de dientes temporales.

Introduction: Tooth eruption is a physiological process that can be altered by multiple congenital or environmental causes. Objective: To determine the chronology of permanent dental eruption and its relationship with influencing factors in 13-year-old adolescents from the Sancti Spíritus municipality. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out in the Sancti Spíritus municipality from September 2017 to June 2019. The population consisted of 1 355 13-year-old adolescents belonging to all the urban basic secondary schools of this municipality and by stratified sampling in two stages. A sample of 406 adolescents was selected. Theoretical, empirical and statistical-mathematical level methods were used. Results: It was found that 22.9% of the adolescents presented delayed dental eruption chronology with respect to the Mayoral measures, with a predominance of males (57%) and the Europoid ethnic group (83.9%). The factors that most influenced were the retention of temporary teeth with 72%, sex with 57% and hereditary history with 49.5%, the three variables with great statistical significance. Conclusions: Almost a quarter of the 13-year-old adolescents studied in the municipality of Sancti Spíritus presents a delay in the chronology of permanent dental eruption with respect to the Mayoral values. Those of the masculine sex presented double the risk for a delayed chronology and there were no differences regarding the ethnic group. The factors that most influenced were heredity, sex and retention of temporary teeth.

Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 30(4): 272-277, Oct-Dec 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1180927


RESUMEN Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de mineralización del tercer molar inferior de acuerdo a la edad cronológica mediante el método Demirjian en radiografías panorámicas digitales de pacientes andinos. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio correlacional analizando 706 radiografías panorámicas digitales en la Unidad Académica de Salud y Bienestar de la Universidad Católica de Cuenca Ecuador, en el período 2015-2016. Los pacientes tuvieron entre 6 y 22 años de edad. Se Evaluó un total de 1412 terceros molares (4.8 y 3.8). Resultados: Un primer análisis descriptivo mostró una correlación fuerte (Rho= 0,99) entre la edad cronológica y el nivel o grado de mineralización del tercer molar inferior. En ambas piezas estudiadas el inicio de la formación del tercer molar se dio en promedio a los 8,13 años y finalizaba a los 20,41 años. Los estadios que mostraron mayor coincidencia en ambos sexos y en ambas piezas fueron B, C, F, G y H y los estadios con menor coincidencia fueron los estadios A, D, E. Conclusiones: De acuerdo a los resultados podemos sugerir que el método Demirjian, es una herramienta útil para determinar la edad cronológica en base a la mineralización de los terceros molares, con un error de +/- 1.2 meses por lo que es posible ser usado para la estimación de la edad en evaluaciones forenses.

SUMMARY Objective: To determine the level of mineralization of the third lower molar according to chronological age using the Demirjian method in panoramic digital radiographies of Andean patients. Material and methods: A correlational study was carried out analyzing 706 digital panoramic radiographies in the Unidad Académica de Salud y Bienestar de la Universidad Católica de Cuenca Ecuador, in the period 2015-2016. The patients were between 6 and 22 years of age. A total of 1412 third molars (4.8 and 3.8) were evaluated. Results: A first descriptive analysis showed a strong correlation (Rho=0.99) between chronological age and the level or degree of mineralization of the lower third molar. In both studied pieces the beginning of the formation of the third molar was given in average at 8,13 years and finished at 20,41 years. The stages that showed greater coincidence in both sexes and in both pieces were B, C, F, G and H and the stages with less coincidence were the stages A, D, E. Conclusions: According to the results we can suggest that the Demirjian method is a useful tool to determine the chronological age based on the mineralization of the third molars, with an error of +/- 1.2 months so it is possible to be used for the estimation of the age in forensic evaluations.

Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 25(2): 553-568, abr.-jun. 2018.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-953863


Resumo O texto analisa a construção de uma linha científica pelo grupo dos geógrafos anarquistas ativos entre os séculos XIX e XX, cujos representantes mais célebres foram Elisée Reclus e Pëtr Kropotkin. Os membros dessa rede eram ao mesmo tempo intelectuais e militantes, e a originalidade da sua elaboração científica destaca-se em relação à ciência da época. Interessados também em disciplinas como a sociologia, a antropologia e a pedagogia, utilizavam as ferramentas científicas das maiores correntes intelectuais do momento, como o positivismo, e sobretudo o evolucionismo, tentando levá-las a conclusões diferentes, que não justificassem as desigualdades sociais, mas, ao contrário, fossem úteis para a construção de uma sociedade mais justa.

Abstract This text examines the construction of a line of scientific thinking by a group of anarchist geographers who were active in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, most famously represented by Elisée Reclus and Pëtr Kropotkin. The members of this network were simultaneously intellectuals and activists, and the originality of their scientific production stands out in comparison with the science of that time. They were also interested in disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, and pedagogy, and used the scientific tools from the leading intellectual trains of thought of that era (such as positivism and especially evolutionism) in an attempt to reach different conclusions that did not justify social inequalities, but rather could be used to construct a fairer society.

Humanos , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , Socialismo , Geografia , Antropologia
Rev. Soc. Odontol. La Plata ; 27(53): 9-14, mayo 2017. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-869515


La erupción dentaria es, indudablemente, un indicador de evolución biológica del organismo humano. Determinar la edad evolutiva del individuo puede tener particular valor, ya que no siempre la referencia a la cronología temporal es un recurso válido para interpretar el real estado de madurez de la persona. Son muchas las ramas de las ciencias médicas donde es muy importante lograr precisar la edad de una persona. La cronología de la erupción está condicionada por factores genéticos, como la raza y el sexo y a factores sociales y ambientales, como el estado nutricional, el tipo de alimentación y el clima. La población de la ciudad de La Plata y sus aledaños ha sufrido, en los últimos años, numerosos cambios, particularmente en su composición étnica y cultural. Biológicamente, la cruza de etnias puede haber incidido en la evolución de la cronología de la dentición, así como la modificación de determinadas costumbres alimentarias incorporadas. Existen tablas para evaluar el desarrollo del niño, basadas en parámetros clínicos unas y otras en parámetros radiográficos. Es importante conocer la concordancia o no entre las tablas basadas en los diferentes criterios de estudio. El objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar la edad cronológica y dentaria de una población infantil de la ciudad de La Plata, como base de datos para el tratamiento clínico. Se analizaron 199 radiografías panorámicas de niños entre 5 y 12 años. Las radiografías se agruparon según las etapas propuestas por Duterloo. En cada uno de los grupos se estableció, para cada radiografía, la edad dentaria del individuo, comparándola con la edad cronológica. Se establecieron las coincidencias y diferencias entre los valores obtenidos. Los resultados de los datos observados a partir de la población infantil estudiada permiten inferir que la edad dentaria difiere significativamente de la edad cronológica (p<0.05).

The dental eruption is undoubtedly an indicator of the biological evolution of the human organism. Determining the evolutionary age of the individual may have particular value, since not always the reference to the temporal chronology is a valid resource to interpret the real state of maturity of the person. There are many branches of the medical sciences where it is very important to achieve the age of a person. The chronology of the eruption is conditioned by genetic factors such as race and sex and social and environmental factors, such as nutritional status, type of diet and climate. The population of the city of La Plata and its surroundings has suffered, in recent years, many changes, particularly in its ethnic and cultural composition. Biologically, the ethnic cross may have influenced the evolution of the chronology of the dentition, as well as the modification of certain embodied food customs. There are tables to evaluate the development of the child, based on clinical parameters on radiographic parameters. It is important to know the concordance or not between the tables based on the different study criteria. The objective of this study was to compare the chronological and dental age of a child population in the city of La Plata, as a database for clinical treatment. We analyzed 199 panoramic radiographs of children between 5 and 12 years old. The radiographs were grouped according to the stages proposed by Duterloo. In each of the groups, the individual's dental age was established for each radiograph, comparing it with chronological age. The coincidences and differences between the obtained values ​​were established. The results of the data observed from the studied child population allow us to infer that tooth age differs significantly from chronological age (p <0.05).

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Determinação da Idade pelos Dentes , Dentição Permanente , Erupção Dentária/fisiologia , Fatores Etários , Argentina , Distribuição por Etnia , Radiografia Panorâmica , Distribuição por Sexo , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Interpretação Estatística de Dados
Arch. méd. Camaguey ; 21(1): 806-817, ene.-feb. 2017.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-838481


Fundamento: en el diagnóstico de apendicitis aguda la secuencia de Murphy es un elemento diagnóstico descrito. Objetivo: determinar el valor actual de la secuencia de Murphy en el diagnóstico de apendicitis aguda. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo de series de casos en 183 pacientes con diagnóstico clínico-preoperatorio de apendicitis aguda en el cuerpo de guardia del Hospital Universitario Celia Sánchez, Manzanillo, Granma en el último cuatrimestre del año 2015. Resultados: la secuencia de Murphy fue identificada en la mitad de los pacientes. Predominó el sexo masculino donde se representó dicha secuencia. La secuencia se presentó con una media de edad de 2,71 años menos que en los pacientes que no la presentaron, fue más frecuente en el grupo de 20 a 29 años. Los pacientes donde se presentó la secuencia acudieron 2,81 horas más tarde que en aquellos que no la presentaron, fue mayor en los pacientes con menos de 24 horas y mayores de 73. Los pacientes donde se presentó la secuencia no tuvieron un diagnóstico operatorio de apendicitis aguda. Los pacientes con apendicitis aguda flegmonosa y perforada la presentaron, y los pacientes con diagnóstico histopatológico positivo presentaron la secuencia. Conclusiones: la secuencia de Murphy es un elemento clínico útil en el diagnóstico de apendicitis aguda al presentarse en cerca de la mitad de los pacientes sospechosos.

Background: when diagnosing acute appendicitis the sequence of Murphy is a described diagnostic element. Objective: to determine the current value of the sequence of Murphy in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Methods: a descriptive study in 183 patients diagnosed with acute appendicitis in the emergency room at Celia Sánchez hospital, Manzanillo, Granma, during the last four months of 2015. Results: the sequence of Murphy was identified in half of the patients. Male sex prevailed and that sequence was represented. The sequence had an average age of 2,71 years less than in the patients who did not present it. The 20 to 29 age group was the most frequent. Patients who presented the sequence attended the institution 2,81 hours later that those who did not present it. It was higher in patients with less than 24 hours and over 73 years old. Patients who presented the sequence did not have a surgical diagnosis of phlegmonosa and perforated acute appendicitis, and those with histopathological diagnosis presented the sequence. Conclusions: The sequence of Murphy is a useful clinical element in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis when presented in near half of the suspicious patients.

Medisan ; 21(1)ene. 2017. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-841641


Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, longitudinal y prospectivo desde septiembre de 2013 hasta marzo de 2015, para describir la cronología y secuencia de erupción de los primeros molares permanentes en 219 niñas y niños de preescolar, con edades de 4-5 años, que cursaban estudios en las instituciones educacionales pertenecientes al área de salud de la Clínica Estomatológica Provincial Docente Mártires del Moncada de Santiago de Cuba. Para ese fin se practicó un examen clínico no invasivo en los centros estudiantiles, donde se registró la emergencia de los dientes a examinar y se siguió en el tiempo hasta su llegada al plano de oclusión. Se calcularon porcentajes, medias (a través de la prueba estadística t de Student, con 95 por ciento de confianza) y desviaciones estándares. Entre los principales hallazgos figuraron que la edad media de erupción para los primeros molares fue de 5,25 y 5,31 años, para niñas y niños, respectivamente; y la secuencia de erupción: de 46, 36, 16 y 26, pero los molares inferiores brotaron antes que los superiores, validado por un valor significativo. Se concluyó que los alumnos estudiados mostraron adelanto en relación con las tablas de Mayoral y Moyers, sobre todo las niñas y que la secuencia resultó ser la misma en ambos sexos

An observational, descriptive, longitudinal and prospective study was carried out from September, 2013 to March, 2015, to describe the chronology and sequence of the first permanent molars eruption in 219 preschool girls and boys, aged 4-5 years that studied in the educational institutions belonging to the health area of Mártires del Moncada Teaching Provincial Stomatological Clinic in Santiago de Cuba. A clinical non invasive exam was practiced in the schools, where the eruption of teeth in these children was registered and it was followed in time until their arrival to the occlusion plane. Percentages, means (through the statistical Student´s t test, with 95 percent of confidence) and standard deviations were calculated. Among the main findings were that the mean age of eruption for first molars was 5.25 and 5.31 years, for girls and boys, respectively; and the eruption sequence was 46, 36, 16 and 26, but lower molars erupted before the upper ones, validated by a significant value. It was concluded that the students showed advance in connection with Mayoral and Moyers charts, mainly the girls and that the sequence was the same in both sexes

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Erupção Dentária , Erupção Ectópica de Dente , Dentição Permanente , Cronologia , Oclusão Dentária , Dente Molar , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Prospectivos , Estudos Longitudinais , Estudo Observacional
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-186379


Introduction: Tooth eruption marks a milestone in a child’s development and is synchronous with growth and development of the craniofacial complex. Thus, the present study was carried to evaluate the timing and sequence of eruption of deciduous teeth among children of India. Materials and methods: The present study was carried out on 60 children (30 boys and 30 girls), aged between 5 till the emergence of II deciduous molar in the oral cavity, who were local residents, born and residing in that area and were visited regularly at monthly intervals at their homes. All the data were compiled and tabulated using the SPSS software package version 18. Comparison was made between the data obtained and the standard tooth eruption table. The Student t’ test was used to assess the significance of difference in the mean age of tooth eruption with p value of <0.005 as significant value. Results: Comparing the maxillary and mandibular arches, mandibular central incisor at 8.85 ± 1.05 was the first tooth to erupt and maxillary second molar was erupted at 28.12 ± 1.5 months were the last deciduous tooth to erupt in the oral cavity. Females showed delayed eruption compared to males in case of anterior teeth, and males showed delayed eruption in case of posterior deciduous teeth. Though the difference was not significant (p> 0.05), there was a systematic tendency for early eruption of left sided primary teeth, though the difference was not significant. K. Vinod, Singh R, Suryavanshi R, Ashok Kumar, Singh RK, Ranjan R. Eruption chronology of Primary Teeth in Garhwa district, Jharkhand, India. IAIM, 2016; 3(5): 81-84. Page 82 Conclusion: The present study found delay in eruption. Hence, studies conducted to evaluate time to time estimation of variation of eruption sequence among different populations is important for general dental practitioners, and pediatric dentists to contend with the anxiety of the parents.

Rev. ADM ; 72(4): 198-202, jul.-ago. 2015. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-775319


El desarrollo general del niño está asociado a la erupción dental. Los estudios epidemiológicos sobre la cronología de la erupción dental aportan información de las características de estas variaciones según la región o lugar donde se realice. La experiencia clínica ha demostrado que la población mexicana presenta patrones de erupción dental que no coinciden con los estándares establecidos. Objetivo:Estimar la prevalencia de variaciones cronológicas de la erupción de los incisivos centrales inferiores permanentes. Material y métodos: Estudio tipo observacional, transversal, descriptivo. Resultados: La muestra se conformó por 424 niños entre 5 y 9 años, siendo 203 (48 por ciento) hombres y 221 (52 por ciento) mujeres. Se observó un ligera ventaja de erupción dental en mujeres en comparación con hemiarcadas, no hubo cambios relevantes y en comparación con la tabla de Hurme se observó retraso en la edad de erupción dental. Conclusiones: El promedio de erupción dental está retrasado en nuestra población en comparación con la estudiada por Hurme. Para obtener resultados más generales y acordes con nuestra población es conveniente seguir realizando estudios más amplios en los que se considere: mayor población, ampliar el rango de edad y tomar en cuenta variables como estatura y peso. También es importante realizar tablas de cronología de erupción dental para niños mexicanos tomando como referencia los estudios realizados en otros países

There is a relation between children’s general development and tooth eruption. The information provided by epidemiological studies on the chronology of tooth eruption detail the characteristics of these variations according to the specific location or region where the study is conducted. Clinical experience has shown that Mexican population tooth eruption patterns do not match established standards. Objective:To estimate the prevalence of variations in the chronology of permanent lower-central incisor eruption. Material and methods: An observational, cross-sectional, descriptive study. results: The sample consisted of 424 children between 5 and 9 years old, 203 (48%) male and 221 (52%) female. The females observed a slightly more advanced eruption. No significant deviations were found in the comparison of hemi-arcades and a slight delay in eruption age compared to the Hurme table was observed. conclusions: Average tooth...

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Dentição Permanente , Erupção Dentária/fisiologia , Incisivo/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Distribuição por Idade e Sexo , Cronologia , Estudos Transversais , Epidemiologia Descritiva , México , Interpretação Estatística de Dados
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-796381


Assessing agreement between the eruption age of deciduous teeth eruption (DTE) in a children sample the City of Vitoria,Brazil, and the eruption age reported by classical authors.Material and Methods:The data derive from a cohort study with 86 newborns until their 36th month of age. Average DTE age of each child was calculated and testing was performed to comparing DTE age described by classic authors. Then, kappa test, McNemar and prevalence adjusted kappa were applied. Results:Average DTE ranged between 8 and 29 months of age in the lower arch, and 11 to 30 months in the upper arch. There was higher agreement proportion for DTE age of 71/81 (kappa= 0.82; IC95%= 0.72-0.93) and 52/62 (kappa= 0.88; IC95%= 0.78-0.99) between Minot (1873) and Shour and Massler (1941). Followed by deciduous teeth eruption age between the latter author and Logan and Kronfeld (1939) for 51/61 and 55/65 and between Lunt and Law (1974) for 53/63 and 73/83. High McNemar values were found for DTE age of 51/61 (McNemar= 54.0; p= 0.000), 72/82 and 75/85 between Logan and Kronfeld (1939) and Lunt and Law (1974) and for 51/61 between the latter author and Shour and Massler (1941). Conclusion:The sequence of DTE found here was similar to that reported in several studies, as well as average eruption age of deciduous upper and lower central incisors. However, average age was always later for the other teeth. Levels of agreement were higher for deciduous incisor and canine eruption than for deciduous molars...

Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Lactente , Dente Decíduo/anatomia & histologia , Erupção Dentária , Incisivo/anatomia & histologia , Odontopediatria , Brasil , Estudos Longitudinais
Arch. méd. Camaguey ; 18(6): 591-608, nov.-dic. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-728467


INTRODUCCIÓN: la revista Archivo Médico de Camagüey fundada en el año 1997, está próxima a cumplir en el año 2015, 18 años de fructífero trabajo. De sus publicaciones se han generado diversos artículos, pero ninguno recoge sus orígenes, logros y perspectivas a lo largo de tantos años. OBJETIVO: rescatar la historia de la revista Archivo Médico de Camagüey, con la intención de promover su conocimiento entre los profesionales y estudiantes de la salud. MÉTODO: se realizó una revisión documental en el Centro Provincial de Información de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey. Se utilizó el sub método cronológico para establecer el orden de los hechos que se describen. DESARROLLO: se exponen los antecedentes históricos de la revista Archivo Médico de Camagüey, se hace alusión a las publicaciones que la precedieron, la relación de sus logros en orden cronológico así como las perspectivas de desarrollo futuro. CONCLUSIONES: la Revista de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey y la Revista Referativa, constituyen los antecedentes históricos del surgimiento de la revista Archivo Médico de Camagüey; entre los logros se pueden mencionar el proceso de certificación por el CITMA, ingreso a la base de datos SciELO y adopción de la plataforma de trabajo Open Journal Systems.

INTRODUCTION: Archivo Médico de Camagüey journal, founded in 1997, is near to turn 18 years of profitable work in 2015. Articles that study the publication from different aspects have come out from its publications, but none of them have included its origin, perspectives, and achievements throughout these years. It could be added to this fact that some of the founders are retired or diseased. All this generated the need of presenting the historical evolution of the journal in this article. OBJECTIVE: to save the history of Archivo Médico de Camagüey journal, with the intention of promoting about it among health professionals and students. METHOD: a documentary review was made in the Provincial Information Center of the University of Medical Sciences. The chronological submethod was used to establish the order of the described facts. DEVELOPMENT: the historical record of the Archivo Médico de Camagüey journal is presented. The publications that preceded it, the relation of its achievements chronologically ordered, as well as the perspective for the future development are also referred. CONCLUSIONS: Revista de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey and Revista Referativa constitute the historical antecedents of the Archivo Médico de Camagüey journal. Among the achievements can be mentioned: the certification process by CITMA, the entry to SciELO data base, and the adoption of the Open Journal System work platform.

Humanos , Publicações/história , Publicações Científicas e Técnicas , Publicações de Divulgação Científica
Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 71(6): 352-357, sep.-dic. 2014. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-760399


Introducción: Ya que la erupción dental es el resultado de una serie de eventos fisiológicos, es importante conocer con precisión la edad promedio de exfoliación y erupción de cada órgano dentario, lo que resulta de utilidad para establecer criterios de diagnóstico, prevención y tratamiento. El objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar los métodos de estudio transversal y longitudinal en la estimación de la edad media de la erupción dental. Métodos: Se estudió una muestra de 524 individuos (273 niñas y 251 niños) de 5-9 años de edad en el Estado de México. Se observaron los dientes permanentes presentes: primer molar superior, incisivos central y lateral, y primer molar inferior. Para el método longitudinal, se realizó el seguimiento de los niños durante 3 años, hasta registrar el brote dental. Para el método transversal, se registró la observación de los dientes presentes durante el segundo año de seguimiento. Se utilizó abatelenguas, espejo dental y luz natural. Resultados: En ambos métodos, la erupción dental se presentó primero en el sexo femenino. La edad media de erupción dental entre los dos métodos no mostró diferencia estadística en el 88% de los dientes. Conclusiones: La medición de la edad de erupción dental a través del método transversal proporciona datos confiables con relación al método longitudinal.

Background: Because dental eruption is the result of a series of physiological events, it is important to acknowledge precisely the mean age of exfoliation and eruption of each dental organ. This is useful to establish diagnostic, preventive and treatment criteria. The aim of this study was to compare the cross-sectional and cohort methods toward estimating the average age of dental eruption. Methods: The study sample was comprised of 524 school-age children from the State of Mexico (273 females and 251 males). Only permanent teeth were surveyed: the first upper molar and central and lateral incisors and the first lower molar. The cohort was observed during a 3-year period until the tooth budded. Dental mirror, tongue depressor and day light were used. Cross-sectional method consisted of permanent teeth observed after the first year. Results: In both methods, teeth budded first in females. The average ages of dental eruption according to both methods did not show statistical difference in 88% of the teeth. Conclusions: Measurement of the age of dental eruption through cross-sectional method provides reliable data in relation to the cohort method.

Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 48(3): 208-218, jul.-set. 2011.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-615116


Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico descriptivo transversal en Santa Clara desde el año 2005 al año 2009, con el objetivo de determinar la cronología de emergencia de la dentición permanente en niños y niñas del municipio Santa Clara y establecer las diferencias con relación a los valores ofrecidos para otras poblaciones. El universo fue de 45 724 infantes de ambos sexos entre los 4 y los 14 años de edad, con una muestra de 1 769 individuos. Se obtuvieron los valores medios y se estableció la cronología a partir del 50 percentil. Se compararon los promedios de erupción obtenidos con los ofrecidos por otros autores. Se determinó la edad de emergencia de los dientes permanentes en la muestra estudiada. Hubo adelanto cronológico en: incisivos, caninos superiores, primeros molares inferiores y segundos bicúspides inferiores, retardo para segundos bicúspides superiores y caninos inferiores en relación con los autores seleccionados para la comparación. La cronología de emergencia obtenida difiere de los valores ofrecidos para otras poblaciones. La mayor coincidencia resultó con valores de Logan y Kronfeld. La cronología de emergencia difiere entre los sexos(AU)

A cross-sectional, descriptive and epidemiologic study was conducted of permanent dentition of children from Santa Clara municipality between 2005 and 2009. To determine the permanent dentition emergence chronology in children (boys and girls) from the Santa Clara municipality and to establish the differences in relation to values offered by other populations. The universe included 45 724 infants of both sexes aged between 4 and 14 with a sample of 1 769 subjects. Mean values were obtained establishing the chronology from the 50 percentile comparing the obtained eruption averages with that offered by other authors. The age of permanent teeth emergence was determined in study sample. There was a chronologic advance in: incisors, upper canines, first lower molars and second lower bicuspids, and retard for the second upper bicuspids and the canines in relation to authors selected for comparison. The emergence chronology achieved differs from the values offered by other populations. The great coincidence was in the case of Logan and Kronfeld values. The above chronology differs between sexes(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Arco Dental , Dentição Permanente , Erupção Dentária , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Transversais
RSBO (Impr.) ; 6(3): 237-242, set. 2009. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-524073


Introdução: O estudo da erupção dentária decídua deve ser considerado, pois a escassez de literatura sobre o assunto justifica a necessidade de ampliarmos a bibliografia, principalmente a brasileira. Objetivo: A proposta deste trabalho foi verificar a cronologia da erupção decídua do primeiro dente irrompido e se existe predominância de gênero e arco dentário, mediante a análise dos prontuários das crianças atendidas nas clínicas do curso de Odontologia da Univali. Material e métodos: Foram coletados dados de 836 prontuários clínicos. Para análise dos resultados os dados foram tabulados em 3 grupos formados pelos elementos dentais e seus contralaterais que irromperam primeiro. Esses 3 grupos foram divididos em subgrupos de acordo com o gênero, sendo relatados 402 dentes para o gênero masculino e 434 para o feminino. Cada grupo dentário (51/61, 52/62 e 81/71) subdividido em gênero foi organizado conforme a idade em meses em que ocorreu a erupção. As idades variaram de 2 a 20 meses. Por intermédio dos dados obtidos foi feita a leitura dos percentuais, e os resultados foram apresentados em forma de gráficos. Resultados: O primeiro dente a irromper na cavidade oral foi o incisivo central inferior. Conclusão: Os autores concluíram que não há diferença na cronologia de erupção dos dentes decíduos entre os gêneros masculino e feminino. A predominância da primeira erupção, em relação aos maxilares, é da mandíbula, para ambos os gêneros, e o elemento dental decíduo que primeiro irrompe na cavidade oral é o 81/71.

Introduction: The research of deciduous tooth eruption is an issue that should be considered, because the scarcity of literature on the matter justifies the need to enlarge the bibliography, mainly in Brazil. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the chronology of deciduous eruption of the first erupted tooth, as well as if there is any predominance in relation to sex and dental arch, through analysis of patient records of children attended in clinics of the Dentistry course of Univali. Material and methods: Data was collected from 836 clinical records. To analyze the results, data was tabulated in 3 groups comprising the dental elements and their contralaterals that first erupted. These 3 groups were divided into subgroups, according to sex (male and female), with 402 teeth from male children and 434 teeth from female children. Each dental group (51/61, 52/62 and 81/71) subdivided by sex was organized according to age, in months in which the eruption occurred. These ages varied from 2 to 20 months. Results: The first tooth to erupt in the oral cavity was the lower central incisor. Conclusion: It was possible to conclude that there is no difference in eruption chronology of the deciduous teeth between males and females. The predominance of the first eruption, in relation to the maxillary teeth, is in the jaw for both sexes, and the deciduous dental element that first erupted in the oral cavity is that of 81/71.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-10529


OBJECTIVE: The factors that influence the prognosis of patients with hemifacial spasm (HFS) treated by microvascular decompression (MVD) have not been definitely established. We report a prospective study evaluating the prognostic factors in patients undergoing MVD for HFS. METHODS: From January 2004 to September 2006, the authors prospectively studied a series of 293 patients who underwent MVD for HFS. We prospectively analyzed a number of variables in order to evaluate the predictive value of independent variables for the prognosis of patients undergoing MVD. The patients were followed-up at regular intervals and divided into as cured and unsatisfactory groups based on symptom relief. Uni- and multivariate analyses were performed using logistic regression models. RESULTS: A total 273 of 293 (94.2%) patients achieved symptom relief within one year after the operation. Intraoperatively, the indentation of the root exit zone was observed in 259 (88.5%) patients. Uni- and multivariate analyses revealed that the symptoms at postoperative 3 months (p<0.001) and indentation of the root exit zone (p=0.036) were associated with good outcomes. CONCLUSION: The intraoperative finding of root exit zone indentation will help physicians determine the prognosis in patients with HFS. To predict the prognosis of HFS, a regular follow-up period of at least 3 months following MVD should be required.

Humanos , Seguimentos , Espasmo Hemifacial , Modelos Logísticos , Cirurgia de Descompressão Microvascular , Análise Multivariada , Prognóstico , Estudos Prospectivos
Acta odontol. venez ; 44(1): 31-37, ene. 2006. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-629957


Se determina la cronología y secuencia de erupción de dientes permanentes, mediante estudio transversal sobre una muestra aleatoria de 512 niños de la etnia indígena wayúu, en edades entre 6 y 17 años, seleccionados entre los estudiantes de las escuelas de la parroquia Idelfonso Vásquez del Municipio Maracaibo (Estado Zulia - Venezuela). Para precisar la cronología, se utilizó el procedimiento empleado por Méndez en el estudio nacional de crecimiento y desarrollo humano de la República de Venezuela. La secuencia fue establecida de acuerdo con la sucesión cronológica de la edad mediana del grado de emergencia clínica inicial. Los resultados demuestran que la edad de erupción dentaria es más temprana en los niños wayúu que en los criollos, e igualmente que los dientes de la arcada inferior erupcionan más temprano que los de la arcada superior. La secuencia de erupción en los niños wayúu en la arcada superior es 26-16-, 11-21, 12-22, 14-24, 13-23, 15-25, 17-27 y en la arcada inferior [46-36, 31-41], 42-32, 34-44, 33-43,[ 45-35, 47-37]. Finalmente, se identificaron en el wayúu, “condiciones de beneficio” (bajo índice de extracciones prematuras, índice de exfoliación fisiológica, amamantamiento prolongado y consumo de alimentos sólidos a temprana edad), relacionados con sus prácticas culturales.

This study determines the chronology and sequence of permanent teeth eruption, using a cross-sectional in a random sample of 512 children of the wayúu ethnic group, ranging in age from 6 to 17 years old, selected between the students of the schools of the Idelfonso Vasquez parish in Maracaibo County (Zulia State, Venezuela). In order to establish chronological dental eruption, the Mendez procedure was used, this procedure was initially used in the national growth and development study of the Venezuelan Republic. The sequence was established in accordance with the chronological succession of the average age degree of initial clinical emergency. The results show that the age of dental eruption is earlier in wayúu children then in the “criollo”, being this process even more accelerated in the female gender then in the male, also it was found that just as in the criollo group teeth in the lower maxilla erupt earlier then in the upper maxilla. The eruption sequence in the wayúu children in the upper maxilla was 26-16, 11-21, 12-22, 14-24, 13-23, 15-25, 17-27 and in the lower maxilla 46-36, 31-41, 42-32, 34-44, 33-43, 45-35, 47-37. Finally, this study allows the identification of “beneficial conditions” in the wayúu children such as: low index of premature extractions, low index of prolonged retention of primary teeth and high index of physiological exfoliation.

Salud pública Méx ; 31(5): 688-695, sept.-oct. 1989. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-89396


El estudio surgió de la necesidad de tener parámetros de medición adecuados a la cronología de la erupción de dientes permanentes en la población escolar del municipio Los Reys la Paz, Estado de México. Se examinaron 484 niños de 5 a 15 años de edad -242 del sexo masculino y 242 del femenino- con un esquema de muestreo aleatorio estratificado por edad y sexo. Se realizaron exámenes bucales en los planteles escolares oficiales del municipio, empleando abatelenguas y/o espejos bucales y luz natural. Los datos registrados fueron: nombre, edad, sexo, escuela, grupo, grado escolar, fecha de examen y los dientes permanentes presentes en el momento del examen. Se determinó la edad media y rangos de erupción de dientes permanentes, integrándose las tablas correspondientes por edad y sexo. Se hizo una comparación de resultados entre el sexo diferencias estadísticamente significativas (P < 0.05) en el 86 por ciento del total de dientes examinados, presentándose en general una erupción más temprana en el sexo femenino. Se corroboró que los dientes del maxilar inferior brotan primero que los del superior y que el primer diente en hacer erupción es el primer molar inferior

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Erupção Dentária , Fatores Sexuais , Fatores Etários , México , Distribuição Aleatória