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Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 151-168, ago. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448487


Resumen Desde el surgimiento de la psicología cognitiva, las cogniciones han tomado gran relevancia para explicar una gran variedad de fenómenos psicológicos. Un constructo que ha sido empleado en el ámbito clínico y forense es el de las distorsiones cognitivas que tiene poder predictivo sobre la conducta violenta. Las distorsiones cognitivas se definen como cogniciones irracionales y negativas: pensamiento egocéntrico, culpar a los demás, minimización y asumir lo peor. Para evaluar las distorsiones cognitivas se ha empleado el cuestionario How I Think ("Cómo pienso"), que ha sido validado para población hispanoparlante, pero no contaba con una versión validada en Perú. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar las propiedades psicométricas de una prueba que evalúa las distorsiones cognitivas en una muestra de adolescentes de la ciudad de Arequipa, Perú. Se evaluó a 2803 estudiantes nivel secundario (48.9 % mujeres y 51.1 % varones) entre 13 y 19 años, a través del cuestionario How I Think de Barriga y Gibbs (1996). El procesamiento psicométrico implicó el análisis de la validez por medio del análisis factorial confirmatorio, la confiabilidad por el método de consistencia interna y la invarianza factorial según el sexo. Los resultados psicométricos indican que la prueba tiene validez de constructo con tres factores: culpar a los demás/asumir lo peor, la minimización y el egocentrismo. También tiene índices de confiabilidad adecuados y no presenta sesgos entre varones o mujeres. Se concluye que el cuestionario How I Think es un instrumento válido y confiable para evaluar a los adolescentes peruanos, aunque presenta variaciones con respecto a su estructura original.

Abstract Since the consolidation of the cognitive psychology and its diffusion around the world, the cognitions have taken a place of great relevance in order to explain a large variety of psychological events and phenomena. Nowadays the cognitive psychology is the dominant paradigm in the wide world of psychology, including obviously the Ibero-american countries. One construct that had been used in the field of clinical and forensic psychology is related to cognitive distortions, which have predictive power over the violent and aggressive behavior in children, adolescents, and adult people (Peña & Andreu, 2012). The cognitive distortions can be defined as a kind of negative and irrational cognitions (Ellis, 1999) that are used to explain or justify the aggressive behavior, and they are also linked to delinquent behavior (Roncero et al., 2016). Cognitive distortions can be classified in two types: self-serving and self-debasing cognitive distortions. In the first case, there are four types of self-serving cognitive distortions: Self-centered, Blaming others, Minimizing/Mislabeling, and Assuming the worst. In the second case, there are also four self-debasing cognitive distortions: Catastrophizing, Overgeneralizing, Personalizing, and Selective abstraction. Both types have great influence in people's beliefs, emotions, attitudes, and behaviors (Barriga et al., 2008). Several instruments have been applied to measure cognitive distortions. Some of them are orientated to measure the self-serving cognitive distortions and some others are orientated to measure the self-debasing type, such as The Cognitive Errors Questionnaire or The Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire. One of the most used tests to assess the self-serving cognitive distortions is the How I Think Questionnaire, that has been validated in Spanish-speaking population such as Spain, with adequate goodness of fit indexes and reliability; but there is not a validated version in Peru (Rojas et al., 2019). The present research pretends to analyze the psychometrical properties of the How I Think Questionnaire, a mental test that measures the cognitive distortions. Following that aim, this instrument was applied in a sample of adolescents from Arequipa (Peru), comprised of 2 803 middle and upper High School students (48.9 % female and 51.1 % male) between 13 and 19 years old. The version used of the How I Think Questionnaire was the one developed and validated by Barriga and Gibbs (1996), which has 54 items with five levels of Likert's scale response. The psychometrical process implies the analysis of validity by confirmatory factor analysis, reliability by the internal consistency method, and factorial invariance according to the sex of the adolescents that participated in the sample. The psychometrical results indicate that the How I Think Questionnaire possesses construct validity with three factors: Blaming others/Assuming the worst (which contains two factors from the original version), Minimizing and Self-Centered. It also has adequate reliability indexes, estimated by McDonald's Omega Test, and there are no trends to male or female scores according to the factorial invariance applied, taking sex as a comparison criterion. It is concluded that the How I Think Questionnaire is a valid and reliable instrument to assess Peruvian adolescents who live in Arequipa, although it presents some variations compared to its original structure. And the How I Think Questionnaire can be applied in male and female adolescents from Arequipa without the risk of biased scores. However, it is recommendable to perform new psychometric studies that include adolescent's samples from all of Peru to obtain a standardized version for the Peruvian population that could be used in several fields of psychological work. The version presented in this research is a useful instrument to assess cognitive distortions in educational, social, and forensic psychology, by mental health specialists in Arequipa Metropolitan City.

Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 45: e20210214, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1432489


Abstract Introduction The Cognitive Distortions Questionnaire (CD-Quest) is an instrument that identifies logical errors or cognitive distortions and is used in trial-based cognitive therapy (TBCT). However, it had previously only been available for adults. Objectives To develop and validate a version of the CD-Quest for teens (CD-Quest-T) aged 11 to 17 years and test its psychometric properties. Method A total of 299 schoolchildren participated in the investigation. After content validity was assessed, the language was adapted for the target age group, and the length of the instrument was reduced to eight items (from the initial 15). Five cognitive therapists analyzed the content and structure of the items. Finally, to investigate the construct validity of the CD-Quest-T, the instrument was divided into a full scale and two subscales, which measure the frequency of the distortions and the intensity attributed to them, respectively. Results The overall internal consistency of the scale was α = 0.77, whereas subscale indices were α = 0.75 for the frequency scale and α = 0.73 for the intensity scale. Results from exploratory factor analysis and concurrent validity analysis indicated that the CD-Quest-T items have good psychometric properties and generate scores reliably. Conclusion The psychometric properties of the CD-Quest-T demonstrate its adequacy for measurement of cognitive distortions in adolescents.

rev. psicogente ; 25(48): 24-44, jul.-dic. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424775


Abstract Introduction: Cognitive distortions of child sexual offenders have been researched because they might be the foundation for tort conduct. Objective: the aim of this study was to analyze cognitive distortions in individuals convicted for statutory rape against children and/or teenagers and verify connections with their family of origin, early maladaptive schema, self-esteem, and self-efficacy, as well as to assess the predictive power of these variables in the occurrence of cognitive distortions. Method: this was a descriptive, correlational and explanatory research performed with 49 men currently serving time without parole. The following instruments were administered: Family Background Questionnaire, Young Schema Questionnaire, General Self-Efficacy Scale, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, as well as a documentary review of the legal proceedings of the participants. Results: the study revealed connections between cognitive distortions and substance abuse by the father (r=0,417; p=0,034), as well as vulnerability to harm (r=0,416; p=0,008), defectiveness (r=0,405; p=0,013), and grandiosity (r=0,339; p=0,040) schema. The vulnerability to harm scheme was the only predictive variable for cognitive distortions, accounting for 73,4 % of the variance. Conclusion: importance of analyzing cognitive distortions in child sexual victimizers and the possibility of schema therapy as an alternative treatment.

Resumo Introdução: As distorções cognitivas de indivíduos que vitimizam sexualmente crianças e/ou adolescentes vêm sendo objeto de investigação, pois podem estar na base da conduta delitiva. Objetivo: analisar as distorções cognitivas de indivíduos presos pelo crime de estupro de vulnerável contra crianças e/ou adolescentes e verificar associações com experiências na família de origem, esquemas iniciais desadaptativos, autoestima e autoeficácia, bem como avaliar o poder preditivo dessas variáveis para a ocorrência de distorções cognitivas. Método: Tratase de uma pesquisa descritiva, correlacional e explicativa, realizada com 49 homens cumprindo pena em regime fechado. Foram aplicados os instrumentos Family Background Questionnaire, Young Schema Quetionnaire, General Self-Efficacy Scale, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale e foi feito um levantamento documental dos processos judiciais dos participantes. Resultados: O estudo revelou associações entre as distorções cognitivas e o abuso de substâncias paterno (r=0,417; p=0,034), assim como com os esquemas de vulnerabilidade ao dano (r=0,416; p=0,008), defectividade (r=0,405; p=0,013) e grandiosidade (r=0,339; p=0,040). O esquema de vulnerabilidade ao dano foi a única variável preditiva das distorções cognitivas, explicando 73,4 % da variância. Conclusão: importância da análise de distorções cognitivas em vitimizadores sexuais infantis e a possibilidade da terapia dos esquemas como alternativa de tratamento.

Resumen Introdución: Las distorsiones cognitivas de individuos que victimizan sexualmente a niños han sido objeto de investigación, pues pueden ser la base de un comportamiento criminal. Objetivo: Analizar las distorsiones cognitivas de personas encarceladas por el delito de violencia sexual contra niños y / o adolescentes y verificar las asociaciones con experiencias en la familia de origen, esquemas iniciales desadaptativos, autoestima y autoeficacia, así como evaluar el poder predictivo de estas variables en las distorsiones cognitivas. Método: Es una investigación descriptiva, correlacional y explicativa, llevada a cabo con 49 hombres encarcelados en régimen cerrado. Se aplicaron los instrumentos Family Background Questionnaire, Young Schema Quetionnaire, General Self-Efficacy Scale, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale y se realizó una encuesta documental de los procesos judiciales de los participantes. Resultados: El estudio reveló asociaciones entre las distorsiones cognitivas y el abuso de sustancias paterno (r = 0,417; p = 0,034), así como con los esquemas de vulnerabilidad a daños (r = 0,416; p = 0,008), defectos (r = 0,405; p = 0,013) y magnitud (r = 0,339; p = 0,040). El esquema de vulnerabilidad al daño fue la única variable predictiva para las distorsiones cognitivas, explicando el 73,4 % de la varianza. Conclusiones: importancia de analizar las distorsiones cognitivas en los abusadores sexuales infantiles y la posibilidad de la terapia de esquema como un tratamiento alternativo.

Rev. CES psicol ; 13(2): 46-60, maio-ago. 2020. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155344


Resumen El juego patológico se caracteriza por un patrón persistente y excesivo de juego, con interferencias en la vida personal, social, familiar y laboral. Objetivo: Examinar en estudiantes universitarios diferencias en impulsividad rasgo, distorsiones cognitivas y severidad en el involucramiento con los juegos de apuestas en función de los juegos de apuestas de preferencia (estratégicos y no estratégicos); y variaciones en impulsividad en función de los diferentes niveles de severidad en el involucramiento con los juegos de apuestas (sin riesgo, bajo riesgo, alto riesgo). Método: Participaron 295 estudiantes que completaron instrumentos para medir: 1-ocurrencia y preferencia de juegos de apuestas (cuestionario ad-hoc), 2-severidad en el involucramiento con los juegos de apuestas (versión en español del South Oaks Gambling Screen, 3-impulsividad rasgo (versión en español de UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scale), 4-distorsiones cognitivas (versión en español del Gamblers' Beliefs Questionnaire). Resultados: Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en impulsividad, distorsiones cognitivas y severidad en el involucramiento con los juegos de apuestas en función de la preferencia por determinados tipos de apuestas, y en impulsividad en función del nivel de severidad en el involucramiento con los juegos de apuestas. Conclusión: Los hallazgos describen características psicológicas asociadas a una mayor vulnerabilidad a exhibir modalidades problemáticas de involucramiento con los juegos de apuestas; y sugieren que quienes exhiben preferencias por juegos de apuestas categorizados como estratégicos, o por apuestas estratégicas y no estratégicas combinadas, son quienes parecen estar en mayor riesgo de presentar problemas con el juego de apuestas.

Abstract Pathological gambling is characterized by a persistent and excessive pattern of gambling, with interference in personal, social, family and work life. Objective: To examine, in college students, differences in impulsivity trait, cognitive distortions and severity in gambling involvement as a function gambling preference (strategic and non-strategic); and variations in impulsivity as a function of levels of severity in gambling involvement (no risk, low risk, risk). Method: 295 students completed a survey to measure: 1-occurrence and preference of gambling (ad-hoc questionnaire), 2-severity of gambling involvement (Spanish version of the South Oaks Gambling Screen), 3- impulsivity trait (Spanish version of the UPPS-P Impulsivity Behavior Scale), 4-cognitive distortions (Spanish version of the Gamblers' Beliefs Questionnaire). Results: Analysis of Variance revealed significant differences in impulsivity, cognitive distortions and gambling severity as a function of gambling preference; and significant differences in trait-like impulsivity as a function of gambling severity. Conclusion: These findings describe psychological characteristics associated with increased vulnerability to exhibit gambling problems. The findings also suggest that individuals with a preference for strategic gambling or strategic and no strategic gambling, seem to be at heightened risk for problematic gambling.

Bol. méd. postgrado ; 36(1): 38-42, jul.2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LIVECS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1119380


El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar los efectos de la técnica reestructuración cognitiva sobre las distorsiones cognitivas en los adolescentes frente al duelo por el fallecimiento de sus padres. Se realizó una investigación de tipo descriptiva, con diseño cuasi­experimental, de corte transversal, dirigida a una muestra intencional conformada por 10 estudiantes de bachillerato de instituciones públicas y privadas quienes perdieron a alguno de sus padres. Se diseñó un instrumento de preguntas cerradas con una confiabilidad de 0,94. El instrumento se aplicó a los adolescentes antes y después del abordaje con la técnica de reestructuración cognitiva para así explorar la valoración cognitiva elaborada en su respectivo proceso de duelo. Entre los resultados obtenidos se aprecia que 35% evidencian distorsiones cognitivas antes del estudio (razonamiento emocional, sobregeneralización, pensamiento dicotómico y personalización) mientras que después del abordaje sólo en 25% persistieron estas distorsiones. En cuanto a la dimensión estímulos, el 63% se afectaban por las conversaciones sobre sus padres fallecidos y sólo 25% lo hacían después del abordaje. Tristeza e ira fue detectada en 63% de los adolescentes previo abordaje y luego sólo en 48% de ellos. El análisis de los datos reveló la efectividad de la técnica en estudio para modificar las distorsiones cognitivas en este grupo de adolescentes(AU)

The goal of this study is to evaluate the effects of cognitive restructuring on cognitive distortions in adolescents in grief over their parent's death. A descriptive, cross-sectional, with quasi-experimental design was performed on 10 high school students of public and private institutions who lost one or both parents. An instrument of closed questions was designed with a reliability of 0.94. The results show that 35% of adolescents had cognitive distortions before the study (emotional reasoning, overgeneralization, dichotomous thinking and personalization); after therapy 25% persisted with these distortions. Regarding the dimension stimuli, 63% were affected by conversations about their deceased parents; after therapy, only 25% were still affected. Sadness and anger was detected in 63% of adolescents; after the application of the technique, these emotional expressions presented only in 48% of participants. The analysis of the data revealed the effectiveness of this technique to modify cognitive distortions in this group of adolescents(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adolescente , Morte , Angústia Psicológica , Pesar , Afeto , Tristeza
Pensam. psicol ; 17(2): 89-105, jul.-dic. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056818


Resumen Objetivo. EQUIPAR para Educadores (EpE; DiBiase et al., 2010) es un programa educativo cuyo objetivo es equipar a los jóvenes con habilidades y conocimientos para su vida diaria, a fin de prevenir conductas antisociales. El presente estudio se propone analizar los efectos de la aplicación del programa en las distorsiones cognitivas, el clima de aula y las actuaciones del alumnado en situaciones de acoso escolar. Método. Participaron 123 estudiantes de 3º y 4º de ESO. Se utilizó un diseño cuasi-experimental pretest/postest con un grupo control (128 estudiantes). Resultados. Se observaron cambios positivos en las actuaciones ante el acoso escolar, pero las distorsiones cognitivas y el clima de aula percibido no mostraron cambios después de la aplicación del programa. Conclusión. Una percepción muy positiva del clima de aula y el bajo nivel de distorsiones cognitivas antes de la intervención podrían explicar la falta de efectos, junto a aspectos relacionados con la implantación del programa EpE.

Abstract Objective. EQUIP for Educators (DiBiase et al., 2010) is an educational program, whose purpose is to equip young people with skills and knowledge for their daily life in order to prevent antisocial behavior. The present study aims at analyzing the effects of the program's application on cognitive distortions, class climate and students' behavior in bullying situations. Method. A total of 123 3rd and 4th grade students from secondary education participated. A quasi-experimental pretest/posttest design with a control group (128 students) was used. Results. Positive changes were observed in students' actions in bullying situations, however no changes in cognitive distortions and perceived class climate were found after the program's application. Conclusion. A very positive perception of the class climate and the low level of cognitive distortions before the intervention could explain the lack of effects, together with other aspects related to the implementation of the EQUIP for Educators program.

Resumo Escopo . Equipar para Educadores (EpE; Di Biase et al., 2010) é um programa educativo com o objetivo de equipar aos jovens com habilidades e conhecimentos para sua vida diária, com o fim de prever condutas antissociais. O presente estudo tem como proposto analisar os efeitos da aplicação do programa nas distorções cognitivas, o clima da aula e as atuações do alunado em situações de intimidação escolar. Metodologia . Participaram 123 estudantes de 3º e 4º de ESO. Foi utilizado um desenho quase experimental pretest/postest com um grupo de controle (128 estudantes). Resultados . Foram observadas mudanças positivas nas atuações ante a intimidação escolar, mas as distorções cognitivas e o clima da aula percebidos não mostraram mudanças depois da aplicação do programa. Conclusão . Uma percepção muito positiva do clima da aula e o baixo nível de distorções cognitivas antes da intervenção poderiam explicar a falta de efeitos, junto a aspetos relacionados com a implementação do EpE.

Comportamento Social , Bullying , Instituições Acadêmicas , Pensamento
Ciênc. cogn ; 24(1): 93-105, 15 nov. 2019. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1048027


As distorções cognitivas são de suma importância no momento de gerar pensamentos disfuncionais e negativos. Com isso, pode ocorrer maior agravamento no quadro clínico, demonstrando que é importante analisar e rastrear esses tipos de erros lógicos oriundos do adoecimento emocional. O presente estudo teve como objetivo inicial, buscar evidências de validade baseadas em variáveis externas para a Escala de Distorções Cognitivas Depressivas (EDICOD). Participaram da pesquisa 459 pessoas, divididos em dois grupos, sendo os não clínicos e clínicos (depressivos). Na coleta de dados, foram aplicadas a Escala Baptista de Depressão (EBADEP-A); Escala de Pensamentos Depressivos (EPD); Escala de Atitudes Disfuncionais (DAS); Escala de Autorregulação Emocional (EARE) e, por último, a EDICOD. Foram comparadas as médias de sintomas e pensamentos depressivos entre os dois grupos. Posteriormente, foi feita a relação dos instrumentos de distorções cognitivas (EDICOD) com os demais. Os principais resultados demonstraram que foram encontradas diferenças entre os grupos clínico e não clínico, tais como: sintomatologia depressiva mais presente no grupo clínico, que também obteve maiores médias de pontuação na EDICOD. E os instrumentos usados no estudo, se correlacionaram positivamente, demonstrando evidências de validade na qual o estudo foi proposto

Cognitive distortions are of paramount importance in generating dysfunctional and negative thoughts. As a result, the clinical condition may worsen further, demonstrating that it is important to analyze and track these types of logical errors resulting from emotional illness. The present study aimed to find evidence of validity based on external variables for the Depressive Cognitive Distortions Scale (EDICOD). 459 people participated in the research, divided into two groups, being non-clinical and clinical (depressive). For data collection, the Baptist Depression Scale (EBADEP-A) was applied; Depressive Thinking Scale (EPD); Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale (DAS); Emotional Self-Regulation Scale (EARE) and, lastly, EDICOD. Means of depressive symptoms and thoughts were compared between the two groups. Subsequently, the relationship between the cognitive distortion instruments (EDICOD) and the others was made. The main results showed that differences were found between the clinical and nonclinical groups, such as depressive symptoms more present in the clinical group, which also obtained higher EDICOD score means. And the instruments used in the study correlated positively, showing evidence of validity in which the study was proposed

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Depressão , Ajustamento Emocional
rev. psicogente ; 22(41): 200-221, ene.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1014782


Resumen Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre las distorsiones cognitivas y el riesgo de suicidio en una muestra de adolescentes chilenos y colombianos. Método: Este es un estudio descriptivo correlacional, de corte no experimental y transversal. El riesgo de suicidio se estableció con la Escala de Suicidalidad de Okasha y se identificaron las distorsiones cognitivas mediante el Inventario de Pensamientos Automáticos de Ruiz y Lujan. Ambas pruebas se realizaron en una muestra de adolescentes chilenos (n = 200; Colegio Alma Mater) y colombianos (n = 200; Institución Educativa Santa Librada) entre los 13 y 18 años de edad. Se seleccionó la muestra mediante un muestreo no probabilístico e intencional, y los participantes se separaron en grupo con riesgo de suicidio y grupo sin riesgo de suicidio (control). Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de la muestra, y una comparación de las distorsiones cognitivas entre los grupos. Finalmente, el análisis inferencial de los datos identificó la relación e intensidad entre distorsiones cognitivas y riesgo de suicidio. Resultados: Se encontró relación estadísticamente significativa entre las distorsiones cognitivas y riesgo de suicidio, y las siguientes distorsiones presentaron la mayor intensidad en chilenos y colombianos: Filtraje, Interpretación del Pensamiento, Pensamiento Polarizado y Sobregeneralización. La correlación entre los resultados de adolescentes chilenos y colombianos es positiva y alta. Conclusiones: Los resultados del presente estudio permitirán prevenir el riesgo de suicidio en adolescentes chilenos y colombianos mediante la evaluación de estas distorsiones cognitivas, las que también podrán guiar intervenciones psicoterapéuticas reduciendo significativamente la severidad y riesgo de cometer suicidio.

Abstract Objective: This paper aims to determine the relationship between cognitive distortions and risk for suicidal behaviors considering Chilean and Colombian adolescents as sample. Method: A descriptive-correlational, non-experimental and transversal study was conducted. The risk of suicide was assessed with screening scale of suicidality (scale of Okasha) and the cognitive distortions were determined through Automatic Thoughts Inventory by Ruiz and Lujan. Both of the tests were performed in Chilean (n = 200; from Alma Mater School) and Colombian adolescents as sample (n = 200; educational institution Santa Librada). These adolescents were between 13-18 years-old. This sample was selected through non-probabilistic intentional sample procedure, and the individuals were divided in two groups: one of them are at risk of suicide and the other without suicidal risk (control). A descriptive analysis of the sample, as well as a comparison of the cognitive distortions between groups was performed. Finally, inferential analysis of data is used to determine the relationship and the intensity between cognitive distortions and the risk for suicidal behaviors. Results: A significant relationship between the cognitive distortions and the suicide risk was found, and the following presented the highest intensity between Chilean and Colombian individuals: Filtration, Interpretation of Though, Polarized Though and Overgeneralization). Moreover, the relationship between the results in Chilean and Colombian adolescents was positive and strong. Conclusions: Results of this study will allow to prevent risk for suicidal behaviors in Chilean and Colombian adolescents, assessing these cognitive distortions, which make possible to conduct psychotherapeutic interventions significantly, reducing the risk for suicidal behaviors.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Suicídio , Pensamento , Comportamento , Risco , Instituições Acadêmicas , Chile , Programas de Rastreamento , Fatores de Risco , Colômbia , Equipamentos e Provisões
Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 35(2): 4-19, sep.-dic. 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-954927


Resumen El rechazo, discriminación y violencia que las personas homosexuales sufren en la sociedad actual costarricense merece que los ojos de los científicos tornen su mirada hacia el fenómeno y logren dilucidar elementos objetivos para luchar contra la homofobia. El presente trabajo estudia información recogida en un grupo focal de personas heterosexuales del sexo masculino, adultos jóvenes, analizada a la luz de la teoría del enfoque cognitivo conductual, para describir distorsiones cognitivas en torno a la homosexualidad masculina. Se ha obtenido como resultado, que muchas de las conductas y pensamientos homofóbicos radican de imperativos (deberías), razonamientos emocionales, entre otras distorsiones cognitivas, principalmente con respecto al género, religión, biología y expectativas sociales.

Abstract The rejection, discrimination and violence that homosexual people suffer in today´s Costa Rican society deserves the scientists to turn their attention towards this phenomenon and succeed in elucidating objective elements to fight against homophobia. The present article work studies information collected in a focus group of heterosexual people of male sex, young adults, analyzed in light of the theory of cognitive behavioral approach, to describe cognitive distortions around male homosexuality. It has been obtained as a result, that many of the behaviors and homophobic thoughts are based on imperatives (should), emotional reasoning, among other cognitive distortions, mainly related to gender, religion, biology and social expectations.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Percepção , Homossexualidade , Cognição , Costa Rica , Homofobia , Discriminação Social
Univ. psychol ; 16(3): 234-245, jul.-set. 2017. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-963291


Resumen Son escasos los estudios sobre instrumentos de evaluación de la ludopatía en población colombiana, así como sobre su prevalencia. El objetivo de este trabajo fue obtener las propiedades psicométricas del Cuestionario Breve de Juego Patológico (CBJP), así como determinar la prevalencia de probable juego patológico en una muestra no aleatoria (n= 5858) de estudiantes de formación superior de todas las ciudades capitales de Colombia. El CBJP mostró una fiabilidad interna (0.74) aceptable y validez convergente con una medida de distorsiones cognitivas sobre los juegos de azar -r(5618)= 0.462, p < 0.001-. La prevalencia de posibles problemas de adicción al juego fue similar a la encontrada con instrumentos más amplios en población análoga (19.2 %), y dicha prevalencia fue más alta en hombres, en personas más jóvenes y de nivel socioeconómico más bajo. De acuerdo con estos resultados, es necesario confirmar con otros instrumentos la prevalencia del juego patológico, impulsar medidas legales y sociosanitarias de prevención para los grupos en riesgo alto, y conocer la utilidad del CBJP en muestras clínicas colombianas.

Abstract There are few studies on pathological gambling (PG) tests and prevalence for Colombian population. The aim of this paper was to obtain both psychometric properties of the Pathological Gambling Short Questionnaire (PGSQ), as well as to calculate the prevalence of pathological gambling (PG) for a non-randomized sample of university and technical courses from all Colombian capital cities. Results showed a PGSQ good internal reliability (0.74) and convergent validity with a cognitive distortions indicator -r(5618)= 0.462, p < 0.001-. The prevalence of possible pathological gamblers was similar to other studies which have used broader measures of pathological gambling (19.2 %). Men, youngest people and members of low social class had higher scores in PG. According to these results, it should be confirmed PG prevalence with other measures, in order to boost legal and socio-health actions for prevention of PG in high risk groups and to know utility of PGSQ for Colombian clinical samples.

Transtornos Cognitivos , Classe Social , Identidade de Gênero
Rev. colomb. psicol ; 25(2): 203-219, jul.-dic. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-830354


Los objetivos de este trabajo son: (a) adaptar el Inventario de Pensamientos sobre el Juego (IPJ) a una muestra no aleatoria de estudiantes colombianos (N=4.300) de todas las regiones del país, (b) estudiar la prevalencia de las distorsiones cognitivas sobre los juegos de azar y (c) comparar los puntajes en el instrumento, de acuerdo al sexo, al nivel socioeconómico y a la edad. En los resultados, la escala mostró una buena fiabilidad interna y una estructura unidimensional. Alrededor del 50% de los sujetos presentaba de 2 a 7 distorsiones cognitivas, y los puntajes más altos en el IPJ se observaron en los hombres, en las personas de clases sociales bajas, en las más jóvenes y en quienes pensaban que, si les tocara mucha plata, se resolverían todos sus problemas.

The objectives of this study are: (a) adapt the Gambling Cognition Inventory (GCI) to a nonrandom sample of Colombian students (N=4.300) from all regions of the country, (b) study the prevalence of cognitive distortions on games of chance and (c) compare the scores in accordance with sex, socioeconomic level and age. In the results, the scale showed good internal reliability and a one-dimensional structure. Around 50% of the subjects showed 2 to 7 cognitive distortions, and the highest scores in the GCI were observed in men, in persons of lower social classes, in the youngest and in those who thought that if they won much money, all their problems would be solved.

Os objetivos deste trabalho são: (a) adaptar a Escala de Pensamentos sobre o Jogo (IPJ, em espanhol) a uma amostra não aleatória de estudantes colombianos (N=4.300) de todas as regiões do país; (b) estudar a prevalência das distorções cognitivas sobre os jogos de azar e (c) comparar as pontuações no instrumento de acordo com o sexo, o nível socioeconômico e a idade. Nos resultados, a escala mostrou uma boa confiabilidade interna e uma estrutura unidimensional. Ao redor de 50% dos sujeitos apresentavam de 2 a 7 distorções cognitivas, e as pontuações mais altas no IPJ foram observadas nos homens, nas pessoas de classes sociais baixas, nas mais jovens e nos quais pensavam que, se tivessem muito dinheiro, todos seus problemas seriam resolvidos.

Rev. Eugenio Espejo ; 10(2): 13-22, dic.-2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-980758


La ira se origina en la frustración de las expectativas y la decepción al no conseguir lo que se desea. Al respecto, se realizó una investigación de tipo correlacional, descriptiva; con el propósito de relacionar la tolerancia a la frustración con las distorsiones cognitivas en estudiantes que presentan problemas con el consumo de alcohol, matriculados en la unidad educativa "Pedro Vicente Maldonado", de la ciudad de Riobamba, durante el período febrero-julio de 2016. La población estuvo constituida por los 217 alumnos de segundo de bachillerato, de la cual se seleccionó una muestra compuesta por 44, a través de un muestreo intencional en base a criterios. Los datos fueron obtenidos mediante la aplicación de dos instrumentos internacionalmente validados. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron observar que el 77,27 % de los jóvenes evaluados se catalogaron con baja tolerancia a la frustración, así como que el que el 68,18 % presentó alguna distorsión cognitiva. Por lo que, los autores concluyeron que existió una correlación lineal directa y una determinación fuerte entre la variable de tolerancia a la frustración y la referida a las distorsiones cognitivas.

Anger originates in the frustration of expectations and disappointment at not getting what you want. In this regard, a correlational, descriptive research was carried out; With the purpose of relating frustration tolerance to cognitive distortions in students who present problems with alcohol consumption enrolled in the "Pedro Vicente Maldonado" educational unit in the city of Riobamba during the period of February to July 2016. The population consisted of the 217 students of second year of high school, from which a sample composed of 44 adolescents was selected, through an intentional sampling based on criteria. The data were obtained through the application of two internationally validated instruments. The results obtained showed that 77.27% of the evaluated young people were classified with low tolerance to frustration, and that 68.18% presented some cognitive distortion. Therefore, the authors concluded that there was a direct linear correlation and a strong determination between the frustration tolerance variable and that related to cognitive distortions.

Humanos , Adolescente , Permissividade , Disfunção Cognitiva , Consumo de Álcool por Menores
Chinese Mental Health Journal ; (12): 543-548, 2015.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-465092


Objective:To explore the relationship among lottery buying behaviors,risk attitudes and lottery re-lated cognitive distortions,in order to propose suggestions about the intervention of problem lottery players and the healthy development of the lottery.Methods:Totally 228 lottery players (120 males,108 females;150 unmarried,78 married)sampled from Jinan were asked to fill out the Questionnaire of Lottery Buying Behavior (LBB),Domain Specific Risk-Taking Scale (DOSPERT)and Lottery Related Cognitive Distortions Scale (LRCD).Correlation a-nalysis and path analysis were used to analyze the data.Results:The scores of irrational behavior of LBB were posi-tively correlated with the DOSPERT total scores and its factor scores of recreation and gambling,and positively cor-related with the LRCD total scores and its factor scores except optimistic (r=0.17 -0.34,Ps<0.01 ).While the scores of rational behavior of LBB were negatively correlated with DOSPERT total scores and factor scores of rec-reation and gambling,and negatively correlated with LRCD total scores and its factor scores of illusion of control, illusory correlation,over optimistic and gamblers'fallacy (r=-0.18 --0.37,Ps<0.01 ).Path analysis showed that lottery related cognitive distortions had complete mediating effect between risk attitudes and irrational behaviorsof buying lotteries.Lottery related cognitive distortions partially mediate the relationship between risk attitudes and rational behaviors of buying lotteries.Conclusion:It suggests that the higher risk attitudes the lottery players hold, the greater cognitive distortions they will have,which in turn the irrational behaviors of buying lotteries might easily to have.

Ter. psicol ; 32(1): 5-17, abr. 2014. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-706561


Las distorsiones cognitivas influyen en el desarrollo y mantenimiento de la violencia. En agresores de pareja, la negación del problema y la culpabilización de la víctima son especialmente prevalentes, promoviendo una menor asunción de responsabilidades. Este trabajo revisa las propiedades psicométricas de un inventario diseñado para la evaluación de pensamientos distorsionados sobre la mujer y la violencia. Se analiza su aplicación en 180 agresores en prisión, así como los resultados de 11 estudios previos, comparando dos formatos de corrección (verdadero/falso y likert/factorial). el análisis factorial permitió eliminar los ítems 7, 8, 19 y 28 y agrupar el contenido en 4 factores. El ítem 27 se eliminó por considerarlo erróneo. Se detectaron limitaciones de la herramienta, como una poca sensibilidad al cambio terapéutico y baja capacidad discriminativa entre distintas muestras. Se discuten las precauciones a tener en cuenta a la hora de utilizar la herramienta en el ámbito profesional.

Cognitive distortions are related to the development and maintenance of violent behavior. Among partner-violent men the denial of the problem, and victim blaming are especially prevalent, and reduce accountability. This paper reviews the psychometric properties of an inventory designed to assess distortions about women and violence justification. Its application in 180 offenders in prison is analyzed, as well as the results of 11 previous studies, comparing two correction options (true/false and Likert/factorial). Factor analysis allowed to remove items 7, 8, 19 and 28 due to their low statistical significance, and to group them in four factors. Item 27 was removed because is considered to be wrong. Some limitations were detected, as can be a low sensitivity to therapeutic change, and a low capacity to discriminate between different samples. Precautions to be taken when using the tool in the professional field are discussed.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Cognição , Distorção da Percepção , Maus-Tratos Conjugais , Prisioneiros/psicologia , Violência contra a Mulher , Inquéritos e Questionários , Psicometria
Salud ment ; 35(3): 189-194, may.-jun. 2012. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-667916


Background Psychological disturbances are common in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF). From the cognitive-behavioral theoretical perspective, they may be due largely to specific cognitive distortions (CD) that are likely to be modified by brief interventions. The aim of this study was to develop and validate an instrument for evaluation of specific CD among patients with CRF. Method A questionnaire with an encouraging phrase for each of five categories of CD (catastrophizing, dichotomous thinking, outside self-worth, negative self-labeling, and perfectionism) was developed. This was applied to 21 patients with CRF (11 women and 10 men). Based on the technique of natural semantic networks, a set of responses (defining words) with greater semantic weight to each sentence stimulus (core network) were identified and a pilot instrument was developed. This one was applied along with Beck's inventories of anxiety and depression among 255 patients with CRF (118 women, 137 men) attended in four different hospitals. Results The pilot questionnaire was composed of 46 items with greater semantic weight between 343 original defining words. Sixteen items were discarded for lack of ability to discriminate (1), low internal reliability (8) and duplicated in more than one factor (7). The final instrument of 30 items had an internal consistency of 0.93 for the total scale and more than 0.75 in all subscales. The five factors correlated positively and significantly with each other and with symptoms of anxiety and depression. Conclusions The instrument that is presented is a valid and reliable measure to assess five CD associated with depression and anxiety in Mexican patients with CRF. It is suggested as a useful tool for the design and evaluation of cognitive behavioral interventions for depression and anxiety among patients with CRF.

Antecedentes Las alteraciones psicológicas son frecuentes en los pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica terminal (IRC). Desde la perspectiva teórica cognitivo-conductual, éstas pueden deberse en gran medida a distorsiones cognitivas específicas (DC), que son susceptibles de ser modificadas mediante intervenciones breves. El objetivo del presente estudio fue desarrollar y validar un instrumento de evaluación de las DC de pacientes con IRC. Método Se integró un cuestionario con una frase estímulo para cada una de cinco categorías de DC: catastrofismo, pensamiento dicotómico, autovalorización externa, autoetiquetización negativa y perfeccionismo. Éste se aplicó a 21 pacientes con IRC (11 mujeres y 10 hombres). Con base en la técnica de redes semánticas naturales, se identificó el conjunto de respuestas (palabras definidoras) con mayor peso semántico para cada frase estímulo (núcleo de la red), con las que se construyó el instrumento piloto. Éste se aplicó junto con los Inventarios de Ansiedad y Depresión de Beck a 255 pacientes con IRC (118 mujeres, 137 hombres) de cuatro centros hospitalarios. Resultados El cuestionario piloto se integró con 46 reactivos con mayor peso semántico de entre 343 palabras definidoras originales. Se descartaron 16 reactivos por falta de capacidad de discriminación (1), baja confiabilidad interna (8) y duplicidad en más de un factor (7). El instrumento final de 30 reactivos tuvo una consistencia interna de 0.93 para el total y mayor a 0.75 en todas las subescalas. Los cinco factores se correlacionaron positiva y significativamente entre sí y con los síntomas de ansiedad y depresión. Conclusiones El instrumento que se presenta es una medida válida y confiable para evaluar cinco DC asociadas con depresión y ansiedad en pacientes mexicanos con IRC. La medida se sugiere útil para el diseño y valoración de intervenciones cognitivo-conductuales para la depresión y ansiedad de los pacientes con IRC.

J. bras. psiquiatr ; 59(1): 28-33, 2010. graf, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-547627


OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as principais distorções do pensamento (DP) em pacientes deprimidos, sua frequência, bem como se há relação delas com dados clínicos e sociodemográficos. Método: Estudo descritivo de corte transversal com 75 voluntários entre 18 e 65 anos, residentes na cidade de João Pessoa/PB. Aplicaram-se a escala SCID - I, apenas a parte dedicada ao diagnóstico de depressão, o Inventário de Beck para Depressão (IBD) e questionários para avaliação de dados clínicos e sociodemográficos. Foram pesquisadas as principais distorções do pensamento descritas na literatura. RESULTADOS: As distorções do pensamento mais prevalentes foram desesperança (69,3 por cento), hipocondria (62,7 por cento), ideias de fracasso (61,3 por cento) e desejo de morte (60,0 por cento). As DP ideias de culpa, desejo de morte e ideias suicidas foram as únicas a ocorrerem exclusivamente em pacientes com IBD > 10. Apenas 13,3 por cento dos pacientes não apresentaram no momento da entrevista nenhuma distorção do pensamento. Houve associação estatisticamente significativa entre várias DP e variáveis clínicas e sociodemográficas (p < 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que as distorções do pensamento são altamente prevalentes em indivíduos deprimidos, merecendo maior investigação por parte dos profissionais de saúde mental envolvidos no atendimento a pacientes deprimidos.

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to identify the main thought distortions (TD) in depressed patients, their frequency as well as if there is any relation of such distortions with the clinical and sociodemographical data. METHOD: Descriptive study of transversal cut involving 75 volunteers between 18 and 65 years old, dwellers of João Pessoa/PB. The SCID-I scale was used, but just the part devoted to depression diagnosis, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and questionnaires for evaluating the clinical and socio-demographical data. The main thought distortions, described in the literature, were researched. RESULTS: The most prevalent thought distortions were hopelessness (69,3 percent), hypochondria (62,7 percent), failure ideas (61,3 percent) and death desire (60,0 percent). The thought distortions (TD) referring to guilt ideas, death desire and suicidal ideas were the only ones which occurred in patients with IBD > 10. Only 13,3 percent of the patients did not present, at the moment of the interview, any thought distortion. There was a statistically meaningful association among several TDs and clinical and socio-demographical variables (p < 0,05). CONCLUSION: We conclude that thought distortions are highly prevalent in depressed individuals, deserving thus, a major investigation of these by the mental health professionals involved in taking care of depressed patients.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Idoso , Depressão/diagnóstico , Transtorno Depressivo Maior/diagnóstico , Brasil , Estudos Transversais , Escolaridade , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Suicídio/psicologia
Pensam. psicol ; 4(10): 149-166, ene.-jun. 2008.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-511380


Se comparan las distorsiones cognitivas referidas al azar en jugadores patológicos,antes del tratamiento, versus un grupo de no jugadores o jugadores sin problema.La muestra está compuesta por 160 varones, 80 jugadores patológicos (DSM-IVTR;A.P.A. ), cuya actividad principal de juego eran las máquinas recreativas, y 80varones sin problemas de juego. El objetivo es constatar si los sesgos cognitivos,respecto al juego, difieren en frecuencia e intensidad entre ambas muestras.Se evaluaron los sesgos cognitivos mediante: (a) observación sistemática enlaboratorio (método de pensar en voz alta durante el juego) y (b) autoinforme(escalas Likert de estimación de probabilidades de ganar y atribución de losresultados). Existen diferencias significativas entre los jugadores patológicosy los no jugadores en las medidas más relevantes: (a) porcentaje de frasesirracionales (30.31% versus. 8.28%); (b) tasa de irracionalidad en frases sobreestrategias (97 por ciento versus 82 por ciento), (c) estimación de posibilidades de ganar (38.46 por cientovs. 26.92 por ciento), y (d) el porcentaje de los resultados atribuido a la suerte (44.30 por cientovs. 19.74 por ciento). Los elevados valores de distorsiones cognitivas en los jugadoresparecen un factor etiológico destacado en el desarrollo de las conductas de juegopatológico. En consecuencia, al menos una parte del tratamiento debe dirigirse amodificar estas distorsiones.

Cognitive distortions presented in pathological gamblers before treatment, andthose of a group of non-players or players with no problems, are compared. Theparticipants are 160 men, 80 pathological gamblers according to DSM-IV-TRcriteria, whose main gambling activity was slot machines; and 80 men with nogambling problems. The objective is to establish whether there is a difference ingambling-related cognitive distortions between the two samples. The cognitivedistortions were evaluated by: (a) systematic observation in laboratory (the‘thinking aloud’ method while playing) and (b) self-statements (two Likertscales for the estimation of the probabilities of winning and the attribution ofthe results). Significant differences between the pathological gamblers and thenon problem gamblers, in the main related to gambling measures, are presented:(a) percentage of irrational phrases (30,31 per cent versus. 8.28 per cent); (b) percentage ofirrationality in phrases on gambling strategies (97 per cent versus 82 per cent), (c) estimationof winning possibilities (38,46 per cent versus. 26,92 per cent) and (d) the percentage of theresults attributed to luck (44,30 per cent versus. 19.74 per cent). The high score of cognitivedistortions in the players seems to be a strong etiological factor in the conductdevelopment of pathological gambling, consequently, at least a part of thetreatment should be focused on modifying these distortions.

Se analisam as distorções cognitivas referidas ao acaso em jogadores patológicos,antes do tratamento, versus um grupo de não-jogadores ou jogadores sem problema.A mostra está composta por 160 varões, 80 jogadores patológicos (DSM-IVTR),cuja atividade principal de jogo eram as máquinas recreativas e 80 varõessem problemas de jogo. O objetivo é constatar se os sesgos cognitivos respeito aojogo diferem em freqüência e intensidade entre ambas amostras. Se avaliaram ossesgos cognitivos mediante: (a) observação sistemática em laboratório (método depensar em voz alta durante o jogo) e (b) autoinforme (escala Likert de estimativade probabilidades de ganhar e atribuição dos resultados). Existem diferençassignificativas entre os jogadores patológicos e os não jogadores nas medidasmais relevantes: (a) porcentagem de frases irracionais (30.31 por cento versus. 8.28 por cento);(b) taxa de irracionalidade em frases sobre estratégias (97 por cento versus 82 por cento), (c)estimativa de possibilidades de ganhar (38.46 por cento vs. 26.92 por cento) e (d) a porcentagemdos resultados atribuído à sorte (44.30 por cento vs. 19.74 por cento). Os elevados valores dedistorções cognitivas nos jogadores parecem um fator etiológico destacado no desenvolvimento das condutas de jogo patológico. Em conseqüência, pelo menosuma parte do tratamento deve dirigirse a modificar estas distorções.

Jogo de Azar , Distorção da Percepção
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-548259


Objective:To develop an Online Game Cognitive Distortions Scale(OGCDS) and examine its applicability in Chinese adolescents.Methods:A pretest was given to 117 middle school students to determine a 17-item version of OGCDS.A sample of 495 middle school students were required to complete OGCDS,Internet Game Cognition Addiction Scale and Young's Internet Addiction Disorder scale.Reliability and validity of OGCDS were analyzed.Results:①The retest reliability,split-half and Cronbach's ? reliability coefficients of the total scale were 0.753,0.827 and 0.904,respectively.②Scores of the total scale and each subscale were both significantly correlated with scores of IGCAS and IAD scale at 0.01 levels (r=0.540~0.728;r=0.283~0.413).③Four factors were extracted by exploratory factor analysis,explaining 72.626% of the total variance;the load of each item varied from 0.490~0.886.④Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed that standard measurement model fit data well:?2=141.586,NFI=0.909,IFI=0.952,CFI=0.952,RMSEA=0.063.Conclusion:Reliability and validity of OGCDS is corresponded with psychometric standard.