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Homeopatia Méx ; 84(696): 13-26, Mayo-jun. 2015.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-786712


La Homeopatía puede utilizarse para la prevención de enfermedades epidémicas (homeoprofilaxis) siempre que los medicamentos sean escogidos individualmente, de acuerdo al ‘principio de semejanza sintomática’ y a la totalidad de los síntomas característicos de una epidemia dada (remedio del ‘genio epidémico’), como demuestran un gran número de ejemplos en la literatura. El uso de nosodes para prevención de epidemias (isoprofilaxis), es decir, escogidos en función del ‘principio de identidad etiológica’, con total omisión de la individualización sintomática y los estudios patogenésicos, no tiene fundamento en el modelo epistemológico homeopático. Hasta que no se disponga de evidencias científicas confiables que atestigüen su eficacia y seguridad, no es posible indicar el remplazo de las vacunas tradicionales por una ‘inmunización isopática’, pues representaría una contravención de los principios bioéticos de ‘beneficencia’ y ‘no-maleficencia’. Aunque es cierto que muchos homeópatas indican sistemáticamente tal remplazo, éste es criticado por instituciones homeopáticas de todo el mundo. En este artículo, discuto más extensamente aspectos epistemológicos, éticos y científicos de estas modalidades de profilaxis que abordé someramente en una revisión anterior...

Homeopathy might be employed for the prevention of epidemic diseases (homeoprophylaxis) provided remedies are selected on an individual basis in compliance with the ‘principle of symptom-based ilitude’ and according to the totality of symptoms peculiar to a given epidemic (remedy of the ‘epidemic genius’ or ‘genus epidemicus’), as countless examples in literature. The use of nosodes for the revention of epidemic diseases (isoprophylaxis), i.e., selected based on the ‘principle of etiological identity’ with full neglect of symptom-based individualization and pathogenetic trials, is not supported by the homeopathic epistemological model. As long as there are no reliable scientific evidences attesting to its efficacy and safety, ‘isopathic immunization’ might not be indicated as a regular placement of classical immunization, as it would mean a transgression of the bioethical principles of ‘beneficence’ and ‘non-maleficence’. Although many homeopathic practitioners systematically indicate that practice, it is condemned by homeopathic institutions worldwide. In this article, I elaborate on epistemological, ethical and scientific features of these disparate approaches to prophylaxis, which I had summarily addressed in a previous review...

Humanos , Prevenção de Doenças , Gênero Epidêmico/prevenção & controle , Promoção da Saúde , Homeopatia , Isoterapia , /uso terapêutico
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-540177


By applying the principle of therapeutic similarity, homeopathy seeks to stimulate the organism to react against its own disturbs. For homeopathic medicines to awaken effective homeostasis responses they must be individualized, this means that they must be chosen according to their similarity to the set of characteristic symptoms in patients. In this way, by aiming at decreasing individual susceptibility predisposing to disease, homeopathic medicines have healing and preventive effects in many human illnesses. On the other hand, homeopathic medicines may have specific indications in the treatment and prevention of epidemic diseases provided they are also chosen according to the particular set of symptoms peculiar to a given epidemic, viz. the so-called ?epidemic genius?, as historical examples show. This update paper discusses the epistemological foundations of Hahnemann?s homeopathy as a preventive medical approach, the scientific evidences supporting its clinical application and the minimum requirements to employ it both therapeutically and preventively in epidemics.

Humanos , Doenças Coletivas , Gênero Epidêmico , Homeopatia , Isoterapia , Prevenção de Doenças , Promoção da Saúde , Vacinação