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RECIIS (Online) ; 18(1)jan.-mar. 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1553227


Com base em uma experiência de atendimento psicológico on-line a mulheres negras quilombolas, no contexto da pandemia, pretendemos: 1) refletir sobre casa e rua na realidade da população negra, guiados pelas noções de "forma social escravista" e de "reterritorialização", ambas de Muniz Sodré, destacando, do interior dessas reflexões e a partir das elaborações teóricas de Carl Gustav Jung (no campo da psicologia analítica), e de Achille Mbembe e Muniz Sodré (no campo das relações étnico-raciais), dois conceitos em construção para a compreensão do sofrimento sociorracial: trauma racial e sombra branca; 2) refletir sobre o lugar da "partilha do comum" no cuidado à saúde mental da população negra de zonas rurais e urbanas. Do ponto de vista teórico-metodológico, trabalhamos ao modo de uma comunicação rapsódica, no sentido grego da palavra (raptein = coser): costurando história de caso e proposições conceituais.

Based on an online psychological care experience for black quilombola women in the context of the pandemic, we intend to: 1) reflect upon home and street in the reality of the black population, guided by the notions of "slavery social form" and "re-territorialization", both by Muniz Sodré, highlighting, from within these reflections and from the theoretical elaborations of Carl Gustav Jung (in the field of analytical psychology), and of Achille Mbembe and Muniz Sodré (in the field of ethnic-racial relations), two concepts under construction to understand socio-racial suffering: racial trauma and white shadow; 2) reflect on the place of "sharing of common things" in mental health care for the black population in rural and urban areas. From a theoretical-methodological point of view, we worked in the form of a rhapsodic communication, in the Greek sense of the word (raptein = to sew): weaving together case histories and conceptual propositions.

Con base en una experiencia de atención psicológica en línea con mujeres negras quilombolas en la pandemia, pretendemos: 1) reflexionar sobre hogar y calle en la realidad de la población negra, guiándonos por nociones de "forma social esclavista" y "reterritorialización", de Muniz Sodré, destacando, en de esas reflexiones y a partir de las elaboraciones teóricas de Carl Gustav Jung (en el campo de la psicología analítica), y de Achille Mbembe y Muniz Sodré (en el campo de las relaciones étnico-raciales), conceptos en construcción para comprender el sufrimiento socio-racial: trauma racial y sombra blanca; 2) reflexionar sobre el lugar de "vida compartida" en el cuidado de la salud mental de la población negra de zonas rurales y urbanas. Desde el punto de vista teórico-metodológico, trabajamos sobre la base de una comunicación rapsódica, en el sentido griego de la palabra (raptein = coser): tejiendo el relato del caso y proposiciones conceptuales.

Humanos , Feminino , Política Pública , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Racismo , Saúde Mental em Grupos Étnicos , COVID-19 , Isolamento Social , Mulheres , Opressão Social , Racismo Sistêmico
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 25(5): 1689-1698, 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1101004


Resumo As pesquisas sobre aborto provocado no Brasil têm apontado para a existência de uma dinâmica paradoxal sobre o fenômeno. Se, por um lado, trata-se de um assunto tabu e cercado de estigma, conformando um tecido de aparente invisibilidade social para a prática, por outro é evento comum na vida reprodutiva das mulheres de todas as classes sociais, raças e religiões, indicando uma cultura de amplo compartilhamento de conhecimento e prática sobre o tema. Este artigo versa sobre a personagem da "amiga que já abortou", que aparece em narrativas sobre a experiência com aborto induzido compartilhadas publicamente em uma plataforma "online", entendida aqui como uma comunidade virtual de troca sobre o assunto, mantida pela organização não governamental internacional "Women on Web". A partir de uma etnografia virtual, percebeu-se que esta personagem ganha destaque nas narrativas e no universo das redes sociais interpessoais mobilizadas pelas mulheres no seu itinerário abortivo. Relações que estimulam a reflexão sobre o lugar da solidariedade entre mulheres na coletivização de saberes e estratégias e na produção de uma resistência comum diante do contexto de clandestinidade e estigmatização que conforma o tema do aborto no país.

Abstract The Brazilian research on abortion has pointed to the existence of a paradoxical dynamic about the event. If, on the one hand, it is a taboo subject surrounded by stigma, evidencing an apparent social invisibility of this practice, on the other hand, it is a common event in the reproductive life of women of all social classes, races, and religions, showing a culture of broad sharing of knowledge and practice on the subject. This paper is about the character of the "friend who has already aborted", which appears in narratives about the abortion experience shared publicly on an online platform, understood here as a virtual exchange community on the subject, maintained by the international NGO Women on Web. A virtual ethnography revealed that this person gains prominence in the narratives and the universe of the interpersonal social networks mobilized by women in its abortive course, relationships that stimulate reflection on the place of solidarity among women in the collectivization of knowledge and strategies and the production of a common resistance in the context of clandestinity and stigmatization underpinning the theme of abortion in the country.

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Aborto Induzido , Amigos , Estereotipagem , Brasil , Estigma Social
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 35(2): 598-608, mar./apr. 2019. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1048613


Among the fungus that attack the common bean crop there is Fusarium solani f.sp. phaseoli (Fsp), causing major losses. Taking into account its importance, the objective of this work was to determine the secondary metabolites class and the potential fungicide of the Pouteria ramiflora leaves on Fsp. The ethanol extract was dissolved in methanol/water and partitioned successively with hexane, dichloromethane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and butanol, subjected to the chemical profile. The solutions were prepared in concentrations of 800, 1200, 1600, 2000 and 2400 µ g/mL and poured into Petri dishes; then, 0.5 cm disc of diameter with spores and mycelia of Fsp was deposited. These dishes were incubated in temperature of 25 ± 2 °C and the evaluations, performed by measuring the colonies diameter (five replications) until reaching the dishes border (three days) with a completely randomized experimental design. Through the Mycelial Index Growth Speed (MIGS) data, analysis of variance was performed and when significant, applied the regression analysis. The results indicated that all fractions and the extract have the phenolic compounds and/or derivatives as one of the major constituents except the hydroethanolic fraction. The extract and its fractions decreased the Fsp MIGS, in the same proportion in which concentrations were increased; the greatest reduction occurred in the butanol fraction at the concentration of 2400 µg/mL, with growth close to zero, indicating its potential use for the Fsp control, probably due to the presence of anthraquinones.

Entre os fungos que acometem a cultura do feijão está Fusarium solani f.sp. phaseoli, causando perdas na produtividade. Levando-se em consideração sua importância, o objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a classe de metabólitos secundários e o potencial fungicida das folhas de curriola (Pouteria ramiflora) sobre F. solani, em condições de laboratório. O extrato etanólico foi dissolvido em metanol/água e particionado sucessivamente com hexâno, diclorometano, clorofórmio, acetato de etila e butanol, submetidos ao perfil químico. As soluções foram preparadas nas concentrações de 800, 1200, 1600, 2000 e 2400 µ g/mL evertidas em placas de petri (10 mL); em seguida, foi depositado um disco de 0,5 cm de diâmetro com esporos e micélio de F. solani. As placas foram incubadas a temperatura de 25 ± 2 °C e as avaliações, realizadas por meio da medição do diâmetro das colônias (cinco repetições) até atingir a borda da placa (três dias), com delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado. Através dos dados do Índice de Velocidade de Crescimento Micelial (IVCM), foi realizada a análise de variância e quando significativa, aplicada a análise de regressão. Os resultados indicaram que todos as frações e o extrato possuem os compostos fenólicos e/ou derivados como um dos constituintes majoritários, exceto a fração hidrometanólica. O extrato e suas frações diminuíram o IVCM de F. solani, à medida que se aumentava as concentrações; a maior redução ocorreu na fração butanolica para a concentração de 2400 µ g/mL, com crescimento próximo a zero, indicando seu potencial de uso para controle de F. solani, provavelmente devido a presença de antraquinonas em sua composição.

Flavonoides , Phaseolus , Compostos Fitoquímicos , Fungos
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-513248


The information commons concept-based stereoscopic resources support system for academic library with brand-new connotations and its application were proposed according to the increasing development and expansion of informationization, networking and digitization in different social fields, the significant change in disseminating methods of information resources, and the need of readers for library service.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-605958


The change of library space is driven by various factors, such as technology innovation, users demand and the changing competitive environments. The evolution processes of library space were thus clarified by retrie-ving CNKI, namely from computer and IT to Internet and wide application of information and communication tech-nology, from physical space to virtual space, from space function to information commons, learning, pioneering work and social intercourse, which can eventually lead to the intelligent, individual and ubiquitous library space.

Saúde Soc ; 24(supl.1): 27-43, Apr-Jun/2015.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-749894


The aim of this work is to trace a potentially problematic field within the health field and be able to form new powers of invention. The basic assumption is that there is a problem with the commons which cannot be solved simply by dividing the politicallegal and economic systems of the world between the public and private sectors, leading to a problematic perspective that overcomes dichotomies considered insistent and limits the thought and actions within the health field (public-private, nature-culture, etc.). After recognition of the presence of the commons notion in European political and intellectual history, we seek to support the philosophical thought for a more consistent delineation of the problem, focusing on how this problem appears in the philosophy of Spinoza, Deleuze and Negri. This path makes it possible to explore other dimensions of the predicament of the commons, already specified as a problem of production. Since other dimensions are related, it explores mainly the so called ontological dimension. This multidimensional understanding of the production of the commons allows for the replacement of problems within the health field, which will be preliminarily explored in this essay around two main issues: health as a value-affect and health as a result of work (creative ontological human activity). We conclude with considerations about the production centrality of the commons within the work organization and in the production of wealth in contemporary capitalism and how urgent is the political task of forming the commons as a democratic public sphere, so that the "cooperative singularities," which produce and depend on the commons, could preserve their rights and control over it.

O objetivo deste trabalho é traçar um campo problemático potencialmente colocado para a saúde que seja capaz de constituir novas potências de invenção. Parte-se do pressuposto de que há um problema do comum que não se resolve simplesmente na divisão político-jurídica e econômica do mundo entre o público e o privado, buscando-se um recorte problemático que supere dicotomias consideradas insistentes e limitantes do pensamento e da ação no campo da saúde (público-privado, natureza-cultura etc.). Após breve reconhecimento da presença da noção de comum na história política e intelectual europeia, busca-se apoio no pensamento filosófico para um delineamento mais consistente do problema, concentrando-se no modo como este comparece na filosofia de Spinoza, Deleuze e Negri. Nesse caminho, adentra-se outras dimensões do problema do comum, já especificado como problema da produção do comum. Explora-se principalmente a chamada dimensão ontológica do problema, considerando que as outras dimensões lhe são correlatas. Essa compreensão multidimensional da produção do comum permite uma recolocação de problemas no campo da saúde, que serão preliminarmente explorados neste ensaio, em torno de duas questões principais: a saúde como um valor-afeto e como resultado do trabalho (atividade ontocriativa humana). Conclui-se com considerações sobre a centralidade da produção do comum na organização do trabalho e na produção de riquezas no capitalismo contemporâneo e sobre a urgente tarefa política de que o comum se constitua como esfera pública democrática, para que as "singularidades operantes", que produzem e dependem desse comum, preservem seus direitos e controle sobre ele.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Filosofia , Política , Saúde Pública , Seguridade Social , Setor Privado , Setor Público , Trabalho
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-601433


After the connotation and features of open information environment were briefly described , the challen-ges of open information environment to the central position of information resources and information service functions in academic library were pointed out with measures put forward for development of academic library.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-460372


The freshmen admission education in academic library is characterized by multiple contents and forms with gradual transformation of education position to network in information environment .The cases of freshmen ad-mission education in libraries of Beijing Normal University , Qinghua University , Shanghai Jiaotong University , and Jinan University were analyzed with its new techniques and new models summarized .The future direction of fresh-men admission education was forecasted , including establishment of standard freshmen education concept , use of more new techniques and more innovative methods .

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-463740


Libraries are faced with the crisis of being marginalized in the era of network.Medical academic library should thus adapt to the changing information behaviors of users in study , teaching and scientific research and pro-vide their service according to the user needs-orientedsubject librarian service model , mobile library service model, and sharing commons service model.The service provided in the top 18 medical academic libraries in China according to the 3 models was analyzed, which showed their low popularization rate, insufficient depth and repeti-tion.Measures that should be taken for the solution of such problems were put forward.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-464758


The contents, methods and commons of social information service in Markerere University Library were analyzed according to the social information service in domestic academic libraries and the enlightenments on extending social information service in domestic academic libraries were elaborated, such as active participating in study of social problems and attaching importance to librarians training .

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-573006


A scheme for constructing the information commons with characteristics of medical and pharmaceutical colleges and universities was put forward in term of its construction model, function layout and implementation steps in combination with the practical conditions in Library of Guangdong Pharmaceutical College according to the ques-tionnaire investigation and analysis of the suggestions proposed by the readers for the construction of information commons.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-454452


Three methods to become a member of PubMed Commons and the ways to add, reply and share reviews using PubMed Commons were described in order to help its users to master how to use it, and the significance of PubMed open reviews was pointed out.

Educ. med. super ; 24(3): 360-372, jul.-sep. 2010.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-584406


Con la aparición y masificación del uso de Internet surgieron los Recursos Educativos Abiertos (REA) como una forma ventajosa de utilizar las tecnologías de la información las comunicaciones en función de la docencia. En este escenario y como consecuencia del desarrollo social, surge el movimiento de recursos educativos abiertos. En este trabajo se exponen las principales características de los REA y la protección del derecho de autor con las licencias Creative Commons en los materiales creados para la docencia. Asimismo se argumentan las implicaciones que tiene para los docentes el uso de los diferentes términos de las licencias.

With the appearance and mass use of the Internet arised the Open Educational Recourses (OER) as an advantageous way of use of information and communications technologies depending the teaching. In present setting and as a consequence of the social development, raise the OERs. The aim of this paper is to expose the major features of the OERs and the copyrights protection with the Creative Commons permissions in the materials created for teaching. As well, the use of the different permissions terms and the implications for professors are alleged.

Acesso à Informação , Direitos Autorais , Tecnologia Educacional/organização & administração
China Pharmacy ; (12)1991.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-533367


OBJECTIVE:To explore the reason for the "tragedy of anti-commons" in biomedical patent and its effect on the development of biomedical industry.METHODS:The mathematical models of "commons" and "anti-commons" gambling were established based on the analysis on emergence of "patent bush" resulted from the abuse of biomedical patents,and the profit conflict of the patents power related to elementary researcher and applicant researcher was analyzed.RESULTS:The potential "tragedy of anti-commons" affects the enthusiasm of the biomedical researchers,hinders the rapid development of biomedical industry and the improvement of technological level.CONCLUSIONS:The corresponding measures should be taken from aspects such as system,research model,and patent applicant model to balance the possessiveness and exclusiveness,avoid the "tragedy of anti-commons" and facilitate the development of biomedical industry.