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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030102


With the increasing variety and quantity of energy consuming equipment in hospitals, the phenomenon of high energy consumption in hospitals is becoming increasingly prominent. In June 2021, this study established an energy consumption control strategy for hospitals based on the energy consumption characteristics of medical service units, targeting the current situation and shortcomings of hospital energy consumption management, and then conducted exploration of strategy application. The strategy was designed to deepen the analysis of the energy consumption hierarchy and energy consumption characteristics of medical service units in the hospital′s energy consumption system, extract personalized energy consumption control indexes, and optimize or build energy consumption control systems with the help of self-control and information technology, through collaboration among multiple departments. These measures above aimed to reduce ineffective energy consumption in the energy consumption terminal of medical service units, promote the deep integration of energy consumption system operation status and energy consumption demand characteristics of medical service units, and realize precise energy consumption control.In June 2021 and March 2022, two tertiary hospitals carried out energy consumption control practices based on the energy consumption characteristics of operating rooms and wards respectively. After practices, the energy-saving rates of operating rooms and wards were both>10.0%, achieving good application results. This strategy can provide references for hospitals in China to promote energy conservation and emission reduction.

Psychol. av. discip ; 4(2): 19-29, jul.-dic. 2010. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-669135


Este artículo tiene su sustento en la investigación "Consumo de Heroína en Medellín y Área Metropolitana. Estudio de casos", la cual se desarrolló con un enfoque mixto, donde se exploraron y midieron variables sociodemográficas; características de los consumidores (antecedentes personales y familiares del consumo de drogas, motivos de consumo, patrones de consumo, intentos por dejar de consumir, tratamientos recibidos), modos de consumo (patrones, vías, ritos, practicas) y problemas asociados al consumo (salud, legales, escolares, familiares, económicos). Este trabajo se centra en las variables socio demográficas y algunas características de los consumidores. Los investigadores consiguieron entrevistar a 42 consumidores de esta sustancia apenas emergente en el país, contactados en centros de tratamiento y a través de la técnica bola de nieve, y a los cuales se les aplico una entrevista semiestructurada, validada por expertos y prueba piloto, que fue procesada en Atlas ti, versión 5.5 para Windows. Entre los resultados encontrados sobresalen: que dichos consumidores son predominantemente hombres, de estado civil soltero, con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y los 23 años, sin hijos y muchos con estudios universitarios que aún no terminan, mayoritariamente se ubican en un estrato socioeconómico medio y tienen antecedentes familiares de consumo de sustancias psicoactivas, habiéndose iniciado en el consumo de drogas a edades tempranas, en promedio entre los 13 y los 15 años aproximadamente y todos presentan historia de poli consumo de sustancias psicoactivas.

This article is based on the research project "Heroin consumption in Medellin and its Metropolitan Area. A case study" carried out under a mixed approach to explore and measure socio-demographic variables; consumer characteristics, consumption practices and related problems. The researchers interviewed 42 heroin consumers, a substance consumption that is its earliest stages in the country, contacted through treatment centers and also using the snowball technique using a semi-structured interview which was validated by experts, piloted and processed with Atlasti, version 5.5 for Windows. The study has the following findings: that most of the consumers are 18 to 23 year-old, single, childless males, middle class college students, with a family background of psychoactive consumption, and they began using at the age of 13 to 15. All of them had a history of poly consumption of psychoactive substances.

Demografia , Heroína , Dependência de Heroína , Homens