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Rev. Kairós ; 16(16,n.esp): 171-204, ago. 2013.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-768720


El presente artículo busca reflejar el trabajo de investigación y los resultados obtenidos a partir del análisis de entrevistas sobre emociones percibidas realizadas a mujeres y varones cuyas edades oscilan entre los 80 y 90 años, residentes de las ciudades de Mar del Plata y Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Para ello analizamos el material obtenido de un grupo etario a través de cuatro dimensiones integradas: selección, control cognitivo, simulación y búsqueda de sensaciones. Esto permitió analizar el discurso de las personas entrevistadas con mayor profundidad y obtener un conocimiento más amplio de su realidad emocional.Palabras clave: Emociones percibidas; Adultos mayores; Selección; Control cognitivo;Simulación; Búsqueda de sensaciones.

This paper seeks to reflect the research and the results obtained from the analysis of perceived emotions interviews conducted with women and men aged between 80 and 90 years, residents of the cities of Mar del Plata and Buenos Aires. We analyzed the material obtained from an age group through four integrated dimensions: selection, cognitive control, simulation and sensation seeking. This allowed analyzing the speech of the people interviewed in more depth and get a broader understanding of their emotional reality.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Idoso , Idoso , Cognição , Emoções
Rev. Kairós ; 16(16,n.esp): 119-142, ago. 2013.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-768722


Las respuestas obtenidas permitieron dilucidar tanto las diversas situaciones en que las personas intentan controlar cognitivamente sus emociones, así como las estrategias que utilizan para lograr dicho fin. A partir de un análisis de contenido centrado en las respuestas, surgieron dos sistemas clasificatorios: el primero hace referencia a los motivos que hacen que una persona controle cognitivamente sus emociones y contiene las siguientes dimensiones: según valencia de emoción, intensidad de la emoción, según tipo de relación, según situación o contexto y según grado de simetría. El segundo sistema clasificatorio mencionado, refiere a los mecanismos de control que las personas entrevistadas utilizan. Esta clasificación consta de 4 dimensiones: distracción, evitación reflexión y supresión emocional. Los resultados indican tanto similitudes como diferencias entre los grupos. Respecto a estas últimas, las más relevantes se encontraron entre el grupo de personas de 20 a 30 años y las de 80 a 90. Se ha encontrado que con el correr de los años, las personas empiezan a poner énfasis en el valor de la experiencia para afrontar y controlar las diferentes situaciones.

The responses allowed elucidate the various situations in which people try to control their emotions as well as the strategies used to achieve this end. From a content analysis of the responses, emerged two classification systems: The first one refers to the reasons that cause a person to control cognitively their emotions and contains the following dimensions: valence of emotion, intensity of emotion, type of relationship, situation or context and degree of symmetry. The second classification system mentioned refers to the control mechanisms that respondents used. This classification consists on four dimensions: distraction, avoidance, reflection and emotional suppression. The results indicate similarities and differences between groups. The most important differences were found among the group of people of 20-30 years and those aged 80-90. It has been found that over the years, people begin to emphasize the value of the experience to address and control different situations.

Humanos , Controle Comportamental , Emoções
Interdisciplinaria ; 28(2): 245-260, dic. 2011. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-639638


Para evaluar la evocación de palabras asociadas bajo una consigna de prueba de fluidez verbal (PFV) se tienen en cuenta la cantidad de palabras producidas, las asociaciones categoriales y fonológicas entre ellas y el tiempo en que son evocadas. A continuación se presenta un estudio que se realizó aplicando PFV semánticas y fonológicas en una población infantil (8 - 12 años) de la ciudad de Granada (España), que tuvo por objetivos: (1) revisar las tradicionales medidas en PFV, (2) actualizar los índices temporales de medición y (3) presentar combinaciones de éstas con el fin de establecer con mayor precisión la participación del control ejecutivo en PFV. Se encontraron resultados significativos entre los que se destaca que la combinación entre la medida temporal de evocación de palabras conjuntas y la cualitativa de palabras en relación cluster podría aislar con mayor fiabilidad el compromiso de funciones ejecutivas como el control inhibitorio y la flexibilidad cognitiva. Esto se determinó empleando medidas de regresión, ingresando como variables independientes funciones ejecutivas y como variables dependientes cada una de las medidas de Fluidez Verbal. Para la mencionada combinación de palabras conjuntas - palabras en relación cluster (PFV fonológica letra P) se halló un R² de .41 (p = .000) ingresando como variables predictoras el Trail Making B y la parte Color - Palabra de la versión Trenerry del paradigma Stroop (Lezak, 1995). Se describen también otras posibilidades de medición temporales - cualitativas y su posible utilidad clínica y de investigación.

Verbal fluency tests (VFTs) are considered semantic cognitive tasks. They demand the retrieval of words under different semantic, phonologic, and grammatical conditions. The measures most commonly used to assess word recall in VFTs are: (1) the number of words produced, (2) categorical and phonological association between words, (3) switching between clusters, and (4) the time at which the words are evoked. These measures involve quantitative (1), qualitative (2 and 3), and temporal (4) analyses. In this study, semantic and phonological VFTs were administered to a child population (8-12 years) in Granada (Spain), in order to: (1) review traditional VFT measures, (2) update temporal indices, and (3) introduce combinations, in an effort to more precisely establish the role of executive control. Topics widely-discussed in the literature include two crucial cognitive processes that underlie VFT performance: semantic processing and executive control, which have been associated with activity in temporal and frontal brain regions, respectively. One of the major challenges in the study of these processes is to distinguish between their separate contributions to VFT execution using obtained data. Measures of switching and clustering have traditionally been used to this end, however they do not take into account the time at which the words are evoked. These measures have also been criticized because their final scores are interrelated and exposed to biases difficult to control. Considering temporal measures important, we evaluated the role of five executive control variables (attentional control, cognitive flexibility, inhibitory control, switching, and sustained control) and their relationship with combined quantitative, qualitative and temporal measures. Time variables were included by placing each word evoked on a sixtysecond timeline of verbal production. This way we were able to simultaneously calculate the clustering and switching of words, and their temporal positions. All of these results were associated with executive measures using predictive association statistical techniques. Significant results were found among those measures that emphasized the combination of temporary and qualitative cluster measures. We were also able to reliably isolate the participation of executive functions such as inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility in the combination of spurts and clusters words. This was determined with Multiple Regression Analysis scores, entering the executive functions as independent variables and each of the verbal fluency measures as dependent variables. For example, an R² of .41 (.000) was obtained for the abovementioned combination of spurted -clustered words in the phonological VFT letter P, entering Trail Making B and Trenerry's Color-Word version of the Stroop task (Lezak, 1995) as predictor variables. When compared, these values clearly exceed those obtained with traditional quantitative and qualitative measures. We discussed these results in relation to the possibility of developing a more precise executive control index for VFTs, specifically for the rapid transition from one word to another related word. As far as we know, only switching (shifting between clusters of words) has been considered an executive control index in VFTs. Here we propose the combination measures described. Possible cognitive mechanisms related to these findings are discussed. Future research must contemplate: (1) a greater sample size, because only 61 participants were studied here, (2) using other technical measures to determine clustering and switching, (3) improving the executive function measures, (4) including other VFTs, such as letter exclusion or action fluency, and (5) extending the procedure to an adult population.

Univ. psychol ; 9(3): 761-772, sept. 2010. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-575033


Se midió el control inhibitorio cognitivo en una muestra de 10 participantes con trastorno de déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH) y 20 sin TDAH, controlados estadísticamente por edad, sexo, notas del colegio y coeficiente intelectual. La medición se hizo mediante una prueba de resolución de problemas aritméticos con cuatro problemas para cada nivel, con contenido verbal y numérico irrelevante. Los niños con TDAH tuvieron muchas menos respuestas correctas y un más alto nivel de trastorno de control inhibitorio cognitivo...

A sample of 30 subjects, 10 with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and 20 non-ADHD children, statistically controlled by age, gender, academic grades and normal full scale intelligence quotient, was selected. To measure cognitive inhibitory control, a math problem solving ability test containing four problems for each level with verbal and numerical irrelevant content was administered. ADHD children exhibited significantly inferior performance in choosing correct answers (p = 0.011) with a large effect size (d = 1.00) and a significantly superior number of irrelevant answers (p = 0.004) with a very large effect size. In conclusion ADHD children showed a cognitive inhibitory control disorder, measured by math problem solving ability...

Criança , Transtorno do Deficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade