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Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-198630


Background: NSAIDs are the common group of drugs used in self-medication, and this is true for especiallyParacetamol (acetaminophen).Although considered safe at therapeutic doses, in overdose, paracetamol causescentrilobular hepatic necrosis which can be fatal. As no data is available on the hepatoprotective effect ofCostus pictus D Don, we have made an attempt to investigate the protective effect of Costus pictus D Don leafextract on paracetamol induced liver damage in rats. The aim of the study is to compare the hepatoprotectiveeffect of methanolic leaf extract of Costus pictus D Don and silymarin on liver damage induced by paracetamolin Wistar rats.Materials and Methods: 30 Healthy male adult Wistar rats (16 weeks old) weighing > 250g were used for thestudy. The animals were maintained in a standard cage under controlled temperature (25+2 °C) and light (12:12light-dark cycle) in MGMC & RI central animal house. The animals were fed with standard rat pellet and hygienicwater ad libitum. 30 adult Wistar rats were randomized into 5 groups with 6 rats each as (Normal control -0.5%carboxymethylcellulose (7 days), Toxic control- 0.5% (7 days)+paracetamol 2g/kg(5th day), Test group I-200 mg/kg methanolic leaf extract+paracetamol 2g/kg(5th day) , Test group II-100 mg/kg methanolic leafextract+paracetamol 2g/kg(5th day) & Standard group - silymarin 25mg/kg (7 days) + Paracetamol 2 g/kg (5th day)The animals were sacrificed on 8th day using sodium pentobarbitone 150mg/kg i.p. serum was sent for biochemicalanalysis for liver function test. Liver was harvested and a portion was taken for histological examination.Results: In our study methanolic leaf extract of Costus pictus D Don showed beneficial effect on paracetamolinduced liver toxicity which was evident by the significant improvement in liver function test consisting of AST,ALT and ALP in a dose dependent manner which is in consistent with the histological findings.Conclusions: The study has proved the methanolic leaf extract of Costus pictus D Don posses a significanthepatoprotective activity which was comparable to the standard drug silymarin