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Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 86(5): 351-356, feb. 2018. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-984442


Resumen ANTECEDENTES El útero de Couvelaire, o apoplejía uteroplacentaria, es una infiltración hemática del miometrio uterino debida a la formación de un hematoma retroplacentario masivo. El útero de Couvelaire es una de las complicaciones más severas del desprendimiento prematuro de placenta; aparece en 0.4 a 1% de los embarazos. CASO CLÍNICO Paciente de 26 años de edad, primigesta, con 37 semanas de gestación y seis días establecidos por la fecha de la última menstruación, procedente de La Esperanza, Intibucá, Honduras. La paciente llegó al hospital con amaurosis, cifras tensionales elevadas, preeclampsia atípica y óbito extrahospitalario, con grado de maceración I. La paciente tuvo convulsiones, sin mayores datos. Al examen físico tuvo: presión arterial de 130-100 mmHg, Glasgow 10-15, frecuencia cardiaca fetal 0 lpm, altura de fondo uterino de 34 cm, dilatación del cuello uterino de 10 cm, altura de presentación +1 y presentación cefálica. Exámenes de laboratorio: proteinuria cualitativa +++, leucocitosis con predominio neutrofílico y creatinina aumentada. Los tiempos de coagulación se reportaron anormales. La paciente se recibió inestable en el servicio de Urgencias, por útero hipotónico. En la laparotomía exploradora se encontró al útero aumentado de tamaño, flácido, con infiltración de 90%, con predominio del lado izquierdo, diagnóstico compatible con útero de Couvelaire. CONCLUSIÓN Los hallazgos de útero de Couvelaire son excepcionales y deben tenerse en cuenta porque pueden resultar en mortalidad materna o fetal.

Abstract BACKGROUND Couvelaire uterus or uteroplacental apoplexy is a blood infiltration of the uterine myometrium due to the formation of a massive retroplacental hematoma. Couvelaire uterus is one of the most severe complications in placental detachment occurring in 0.4 to 1% of pregnancies. CLINIC CASE 26-year-old female patient, primigravida, with 37 weeks and six days given by her last menstruation day, from La Esperanza, Intibucá, Honduras. The patient presented amaurosis, high tension figures and extrahospitalary fetal death with maceration grade 1. Her mother refers the patient had seizures but she doesn't know the data. In the physical examination the patient had a blood pressure of 130/100 mmhg, glasglow 11/15, fetal heart rate of 0 bpm, uterine fundus height of 34 cm, cervix dilation of 10 cm, presentation height +1, and cephalic presentation. Laboratory tests included qualitative proteinuria +++, leukocytosis with neutrophilic predominance and increased creatinine levels. Coagulation times were reported abnormal. The patient was unstable so she was received in cubicle of severes by a hypotonic uterus. An exploratory laparotomy was performed by which the results were an enlarged flaccid uterus with 90% of infiltration with predominance in the left side, a diagnosis compatible with Couvelaire Uterus. CONCLUSION The findings of Couvelaire Uterus are infrequent, so we must take into account this pathology because it can lead to maternal and fetal mortality.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-164532


“Couvelaire uterus” or “Utero-placental apoplexy” is a rare complication of severe forms of placental abruption. It occurs when vascular damage within the placenta causes hemorrhage that progresses to and infiltrates the wall of the uterus. We presented here rare case of 23 years old female with Couvelaire uterus.