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Acta colomb. psicol ; 25(2): 25-40, July-Dec. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1393767


Resumen Investigaciones previas sugieren que las conductas antisociales y delictivas son más prevalentes en individuos que presentan una baja inteligencia emocional, así como en aquellos que perciben una baja probabilidad de sanción y una nula legitimidad de las autoridades. El objetivo de esta investigación rue analizar los efectos de la inteligencia emocional, la disuasión (específicamente la percepción de probabilidad de recibir sanción) y la legitimidad de las autoridades en la conducta antisocial en reclusos en comparación con un grupo control. El grupo de reclusos estuvo compuesto por 105 sujetos provenientes de un Centro de Reinserción Social de una ciudad del noroeste de México, con una media de edad de 32.03 años (DE = 8.986); y el grupo control, por 105 adultos sin antecedentes penales, con una media de edad de 32.08 años (DE= 10.094). Ambas muestras seleccionadas por conveniencia. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas en las escalas de inteligencia emocional (t = -4.14, p < .001), legitimidad (t = -3.09, p < .01) y probabilidad de castigo (t = -4.66, p < .001): específicamente, la d de Cohen indicó que la muestra control presentó mayor inteligencia emocional (d=-0.81), mayor percepción de legitimidad (d=-0.60) y mayor percepción de probabilidad de sanción (d=-0.90) en contraste con la muestra de reclusos. Dentro del modelo de ecuaciones estructurales, las variables de inteligencia emocional y percepción de probabilidad de castigo influyeron en el comportamiento antisocial, lo cual indica que posiblemente las competencias emocionales podrían repercutir sobre el temor de recibir alguna sanción ante la comisión de determinadas conductas antisociales.

Abstract Previous research suggests that antisocial and criminal behaviors are more prevalent in individuals with low emotional intelligence, as well as in those who perceive a low probability of punishment and no legitimacy of authorities. The aim of this research was to analyze the effects of emotional intelligence, deterrence (specifically, the perception of the probability of receiving a sanction), and the legitimacy of authorities on antisocial behavior in inmates compared to a control group. The group of inmates was composed of 105 adults from a Social Reinsertion Center in a city in northwestern Mexico, with a mean age of 32.03 years (SD = 8.986); and the control group was composed of 105 adults with no criminal record, with a mean age of 32.08 years (SD = 10.094). Both samples were selected by convenience. Significant differences were detected in the scales of emotional intelligence (t = -4.14, p <.001), legitimacy (t = -3.09, p <.01), and probability of punishment (t = -4.66, p <.001). The control group presented higher emotional intelligence (d = -0.81), higher perception of legitimacy (d = -0.60), and higher perception of probability of punishment (d = -0.90) in contrast to the inmate sample. A Structural Equations Model (SEM) showed that emotional intelligence and perceived probability of punishment influenced antisocial behavior, which indicates that emotional competences may have an impact on the fear of being sanctioned when committing certain antisocial behaviors.

Rev. crim ; 62(1): 45-58, ene.-abr. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138839


Resumen En el objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la relación de la disposición de delincuencia juvenil, desde sus dimensiones de aceptación del crimen, consumo de drogas y amistades delictivas y medidas judiciales anteriores con las creencias irracionales de justificiación de la violencia, autoconcepto desde la violencia y evitación de problemas en jóvenes en conflicto de ley en comparación con jóvenes en riesgo delictivo. La muestra aleatorizada estuvo conformada por 597 jóvenes de 12 a 22 años de edad de los cuales 237 eran hombres jóvenes en conflicto con la ley y 194 hombres jóvenes en riesgo delictivo. Se utilizó un diseño no experimental, correlacional, por medio del SPSS se elaboraron modelos de regresión lineal múltiple y prueba T para la comparación de los grupos. Los principales hallazgos muestran que existen diferencias entre los grupos comparados, siendo los jóvenes en conflicto con la ley quienes conservan mayores puntajes de disposición a la delincuencia (M=32.48; t=11.08; p=.000) y creencias irracionales (36.17; t=5.68;p=.000). Por otro lado, existe una relación entre la disposición a la delincuencia y la justificación de la violencia, el autoconcepto desde la violencia y la evitación de problemas (R 2= .471, gl=3; F=72.8; p=.000) de los jóvenes en conflicto de ley. En los jóvenes en riesgo delictivo esta relación de variables se mantiene y solamente la evitación de problemas no refleja relación con la disposición a delinquir (R 2= .337, gl=3; F=45.07;p=000).

Abstract The objective of the current study was to determine the relation of the disposition of juvenile delinquency, from its dimensions of acceptance of crime, drug use and criminal friendships and previous judicial measures with the irrational beliefs of justification of violence, self-concept from violence and problem avoidance in young people in conflict with the law compared to young people at criminal risk. The randomized sample consisted of 597 young people aged 12 to 22, of whom 237 were young men in conflict with the law and 194 young men at criminal risk. A non-experimental, correlational design was used, through the SPSS, multiple linear regression and T-test models were developed for the comparison of the groups. The main findings show that there are differences between the groups compared, with young people in conflict with the law who maintain higher scores of disposition to crime (M=32.48; t=11.08; p=.000) and irrational beliefs (36.17; t=5.68; p=.000). On the other hand, there is a relationship between the disposition to crime and the justification of violence, self-concept from violence and avoidance of problems (R2= .471, gl=3; F=72.8; p=.000) of young people in conflict with law. In young people at criminal risk this relation of variables is maintained and only the avoidance of problems does not reflect a relation to the willingness to committing crimes (R2= .337, gl=3; F=45.07; p=000).

Resumo O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar a relação da disposição de delinquência juvenil, desde as suas dimensões de aceitação do crime, consumo de drogas eamizades delitivas e medidas judiciais anteriores com as crenças irracionais de justificação da violência, autoconceito desde a violência e prevenção de problemas em jovens em conflito de lei em comparação com jovens em risco delitivo. A amostra aleatorizada esteve conformada por 597 jovens de 12 a 22 anos de idade dos quais 237 eram homens jovens em conflito com a lei e 194 homens jovens em risco delitivo. Foi utilizado um design não experimental, correlacional, por meio do SPSS foram elaborados modelos de regressão linear múltipla e teste T para a comparação dos grupos. Os principais achados amostram que existem diferenças entre os grupos comparados, sendo os jovens em conflito com a lei quem conservam maiores pontuações de disposição à delinquência (M=32.48; t=11.08; p=.000) e crenças irracionais (36.17; t=5.68;p=.000). Por outro lado, existe uma relação entre a disposição à delinquência e a justificação da violência, o autoconceito desde a violência e a prevenção de problemas (R2= .471, gl=3; F=72.8; p=.000) dos jovens em conflito de lei. Nos jovens em risco delitivo esta relação de variáveis se mantém e somente a prevenção de problemas não reflete relação com a disposição à delinquir (R2= .337, gl=3; F=45.07;p=000).

Humanos , Delinquência Juvenil , Violência , Adolescente , Crime
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-825553


@#Introduction: Sexual assault continues to be a significant issue globally. It has a profound effect on the physical and emotional wellbeing of the victims. Methods: This is a retrospective study based on data collected from the ‘‘OneStop Crisis Centre’’ at Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun for the duration of 4 years from January 2011 to December 2014 aiming to highlight the pattern and prevalence of sexual assault in the city of Ipoh, Malaysia. Results: Ninety-six cases were reported with the age of the victims ranging from 4 to 63 years old. All the victims were female except for one. Forty-six of the victims were in the young adults category (19-30 years old) and six were above 30 years old. The mean (SD) age of the victims was 19.8 (7.9) years. Sixty-seven cases involved rape (69.8%) and 12 cases involved gang rape. Twelve cases were allegedly committed by relatives of the victim, 57 cases involved persons known to the victim and 27 cases (28.1%) were allegedly perpetrated by strangers. Most cases were reportedly committed at the victim’s’ own house (n=32). Conclusion: This study highlights the salient fact that most perpetrators were known by the victim. Rape was the commonest type of sexual assault and most victims were between the age of 19-30. The comprehensive recommendations for prevention of sexual violence put forward by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention should be implemented by all relevant parties.

Chinese Mental Health Journal ; (12): 214-219, 2019.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-744733


Objective:To explore the difference of emotion recognition ability between impulsive violent criminals and the controls.Methods:Fifty-nine impulsive violent criminals were selected from 90 violent criminals in a prison.The control group consisted of 35 service workers and security guards recruited from a university.The 2 group (impulsive violent criminals group, control group) ×4 emotion (happiness, anger, sadness, fear) hybrid design was used in this study.The emotion recognition score, errors number and changed response number for each of the four emotions, including happiness, anger, sadness and fear, were obtained through an emotional expression multimorph task to investigate the difference of emotion recognition ability between the two groups.Results:Four participants with error rate more than 30% were excluded.The effective data involved 58 impulsive violent criminals and 32 control subjects.The impulsive violent criminals had significant higher recognition scores of happiness [ (18.6±3.4) vs. (16.4±4.0), P<0.01] and anger [ (16.2±2.4) vs. (14.1±3.2), P<0.01] than the control group.In impulsive violent criminals, the recognition scores of facial expressions ranked from high to low were that of happiness, anger, fear and sadness (Ps<0.05).In the control group, the recognition scores of facial expressions ranked from high to low were that of happiness, anger, fear/sadness (Ps<0.05), but there was no significant difference between recognition scores of fear and sadness (P>0.05).Conclusion:It suggests that the impulsive violent criminals might have a higher sensitivity to happy and angry facial expressions.

Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764478


PURPOSE: This study was to examine occupational therapy (OT) students' attitudes toward rehabilitating inmates and validate an instrument used to measure their attitudes. METHODS: OT students (n=128) from one university in Alabama, United States, completed an online survey exploring their attitudes toward rehabilitating inmates, which was assessed using the Rehabilitation Orientation Scale (ROS), a 7-point scale. Dimensional structure, internal consistency reliability, construct validity, and relations to other variables of the ROS was evaluated using factor analyses, Cronbach's alpha, known-groups method, and univariable correlations, respectively. RESULTS: Unidimensionality of the ROS was confirmed with an alpha coefficient of 0.90. The mean ROS score of the respondents was 5.1; a score toward 7 indicated a more supportive attitude. About 60% of the respondents reported supportive attitudes (i.e., an ROS score ≥5). Respondents' ROS scores were significantly higher than those of the public and criminal justice professionals. Female students reported a more supportive attitude than males. Multiple regression analysis indicated that respondents' consideration of working in prison settings after graduation and their perception that OT has a role in prison settings were significantly associated with support for rehabilitating inmates, after controlling for gender and an acquaintance with someone who has been incarcerated. CONCLUSION: Results indicated that the ROS demonstrated adequate psychometric properties as it applied to this population. The majority of respondents reported supportive attitudes toward rehabilitating inmates. Consideration of working in prison settings after graduation and the perception that OT has a role in prison settings were 2 independent factors associated with respondents' attitudes toward rehabilitating inmates.

Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Alabama , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Direito Penal , Criminosos , Ocupações em Saúde , Métodos , Terapia Ocupacional , Prisões , Psicometria , Reabilitação , Inquéritos e Questionários , Estados Unidos
Salud colect ; 15: e1965, 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1043344


RESUMEN Este artículo analiza algunas asociaciones médico-jurídicas entre locura y criminalidad en el departamento de Antioquia (Colombia), en las primeras tres décadas del siglo XX. El análisis se orientó por dos ejes imbricados: el de los discursos y el de las prácticas. Se examinaron las ideas de cuatro médicos, planteadas entre 1917 y 1925, para identificar los debates teóricos desde los cuales se delimitaban y definían las enfermedades mentales en casos judiciales. La puesta en escena del saber de los peritos y su lugar como expertos se analizaron en un caso judicial, que inició en 1921, y en cuyo desarrollo afloraron las confrontaciones teóricas entre los médicos que debatieron sobre la posible locura del acusado.

ABSTRACT This article analyzes medical-legal associations between madness and criminality in department of Antioquia (Colombia) during the three first decades of 20th century. The analysis was oriented by two overlapping axes: discourses and practices. The ideas of four doctors, generated between 1917 and 1925, were examined in order to identify the theoretical debates that delimited and defined mental illnesses in legal cases. The use of qualified knowledge and their place as experts were analyzed in a judicial case, initiated in 1921, in which theoretical confrontations surfaced among the doctors that debated the possible insanity of the defendant.

Humanos , História do Século XX , Crime/história , Criminosos/história , Medicalização/história , Medicina Legal/história , Transtornos Mentais/história , Colômbia , Crime/legislação & jurisprudência , Crime/psicologia , Criminosos/legislação & jurisprudência , Criminosos/psicologia , Simulação de Doença/diagnóstico , Transtornos Mentais/diagnóstico , Transtornos Mentais/psicologia , Transtornos Mentais/terapia
Rev. salud bosque ; 9(1): 62-83, 2019. Graf, Ilus, Tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1103081


Introducción. Independiente de que la actividad criminal pueda o no estar relacionada con enfermedades mentales, la salud mental siempre conforma un componente importante en el manejo de los individuos privados de la libertad en los centros carcelarios. Objetivos. Aportar un primer diagnóstico sobre el abordaje y el conocimiento sobre la salud mental que a la fecha se presenta en las cárceles colombianas. Materiales y métodos. Para alcanzar ese propósito se acudió, entre otros, a la revisión de archivos del Instituto Nacional Penitenciario y Carcelario y de la Unidad de Servicios Penitenciarios y Carcelarios y a la literatura existente sobre el particular. Asimismo, se llevaron a cabo entrevistas semiestructuradas y se aplicó la Escala de Evaluación de la Psicopatía de Hare PCL-R y el Cuestionario de evaluación IPDE a personas condenadas en distintos centros carcelarios y a trabajadores cuya labor se relaciona con la actividad carcelaria. Resultados. Se evidenció una ausencia de diagnóstico en materia de salud mental y de cuidados estándar; una atención en salud mental deficitaria cen-trada en su mayoría en los sujetos inimputables legalmente y reconocidos como tales; una mínima labor preventiva e interventiva frente al consumo de sustancias psicoactivas; una notoria carencia de recursos para la atención de ese propósito; un insuficiente personal para atender esta problemática ­con amplia ausencia de especialistas­, y la presencia de practicantes de pregrados de las universidades. Conclusiones. La atención de la salud mental de las personas privadas de la libertad requiere la aplicación de instrumentos especializados y estandarizados que apoyen la realización de constantes filtros con claridad conceptual de salud y enfermedad mental, personal idóneo, fortalecimiento de los programas de apoyo psicosocial vigentes en el sistema carcelario y adaptación de las rutas de atención a salud al sistema penitenciario

Introduction: Regardless of whether criminal activity may or may not be related to mental illness, mental health is a determinant factor in the management of individuals in detention centers. Objectives. To formulate the status of a diagnosis regarding the initial evaluation and current knowledge of mental health issues in the Colombian correctional institutions. Materials and methods. We reviewed the INPEC and USPEC archives as well as the current literature in Spanish and English on this subject and conducted semi-structured interviews and administered the Hare PCL-R and the IPDE instruments to detainees in prisons. We also conducted semi structured interviews and focal groups with the prisons' staff. Results. We identified a lack of mental health diagnosis, in-adequate standards of care, mental health care that focused primarily on individuals incompetent to stand trial, a deficient effort in the prevention and intervention with detainees with substance use disorders, a notorious lack of resources and insufficient staff to address this problem, as well as a clear absence of specialists and inappropriate presence of undergraduate students from different university programs. Conclusions. The mental health care of people deprived of liberty requires the use of specialized and standardized instruments that will support clear conceptual differences of mental health and mental illness, suitable, trained personnel, strengthening of current psychosocial support programs and a more efficient health care system within the correctional system.

Introdução. Independente da atividade criminal que pode ou não estar relacionado com a doença mental, saúde mental sempre forma um componente importante na gestão de pessoas privadas de liberdade nas prisões. Objetivos. Fornecer um primeiro diagnóstico sobre a abordagem e o conhecimento sobre saúde mental que até hoje é apresentado nas prisões colombianas. Materiais e métodos. Para atingir este objetivo teve a participação, entre outros, revendo os arquivos do Instituto Nacional Penitenciário e Correctional Services Unit e Cadeia e da literatura existente sobre o assunto. Também foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas e psicopatia escala de avaliação Hare PCL-R e Assessment Questionnaire IPDE pessoas condenadas em diferentes prisões aplicada e trabalhadores, cujo trabalho está relacionado com a atividade de prisão. Resultados. Houve ausência de diagnóstico em termos de saúde mental e atendimento padrão; Deficit de atenção em saúde mental, focado principalmente em sujeitos legalmente imputáveis reconhecidos como tal; trabalho mínimo preventivo e de intervenção contra o consumo de substâncias psicoativas; notória falta de recursos para a atenção daquele propósito; um pessoal insuficiente para resolver este problema - com uma ampla ausência de especialistas - e a presença de estagiários de graduação das universidades. Conclusões. Cuidados de saúde mental das pessoas privadas de liberdade que exige a aplicação de ferramentas especializadas e padronizada para apoiar a realização de filtros constantes com a saúde clareza conceitual e doença mental, pessoal qualificado, o reforço dos programas de apoio psicossocial nas existente sistema prisional e adaptação das vias de saúde ao sistema penitenciário.

Humanos , Masculino , Saúde Mental , Prisões , Política Pública , Colômbia
Rev. crim ; 60(1): 111-131, ene.-abr. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-960291


Resumen El objetivo es acudir a la teoría económica y a la de redes para comprender las dinámicas de un Grupo Armado Organizado colombiano, a través de la percepción de expertos. Se realizaron 16 entrevistas, en dos rondas, a distintos funcionarios, académicos, fiscales y otros. La metodología incluyó un análisis de contenido de las entrevistas para identificar los incentivos y desincentivos de los individuos y las relaciones entre las categorías. La información dio origen a un diagrama descriptivo, yendo desde el individuo (joven reclutado) hasta la red. En la discusión se encontró que, a partir de la percepción de expertos, los individuos reclutados pueden ser entendidos como entes racionales que maximizan sus beneficios y minimizan sus riesgos, y que la unión entre ellos da origen a una red, que puede ser entendida desde la teoría de redes por la manera en la que se terceriza el delito. Como conclusión, se proponen algunas aproximaciones al problema y se hace un llamado a futuras investigaciones.

Abstract The objective is to go to the economic theory and the networks to understand the dynamics of a Colombian Armed Organized Group, through the perception of experts. Sixteen interviews were conducted, in two rounds, to different officials, academics, prosecutors and others. The methodology included an analysis of the content of the interviews to identify the incentives and disincentives of the individuals and the relationships between the categories. The information gave rise to a descriptive diagram, going from the individual (young recruited) to the network. In the discussion it was found that, from the perception of experts, the recruited individuals can be understood as rational entities that maximize their benefits and minimize their risks, and that the union between them gives rise to a network, which can be understood from the theory of networks by the way in which the crime is outsourced. In conclusion, some approaches to the problem are proposed and a call is made for future research.

Resumo O objetivo é recorrer à teoria econômica e às redes para perceber as dinâmicas de um Grupo Armado Organizado colombiano, através da percepção dos especialistas. 16 entrevistas, em duas rodadas, aos diferentes empregados civis, acadêmicos, fiscais e a outros foram feitas. A metodologia incluiu uma análise do conteúdo das entrevistas para identificar os incentives e os desincentivos dos indivíduos e as relações entre as categorias. A informação deu a origem a um diagrama descritivo, passando do indivíduo (jovem recrutado) à rede. Na discussão achou-se que, a partir da percepção dos especialistas, os indivíduos recrutados podem ser percebidos como seres racionais que maximizam seus benefícios e diminuem seus riscos, e que a união entre eles dá a origem a uma rede, que pudesse ser percebida da teoria das redes pela maneira da terceirização do crime. Como a conclusão, propõem-se algumas abordagens ao problema e uma chamada às investigações futuras é feita.

Enquete Socioeconômica , Crime , Criminosos , Tráfico de Drogas
Texto & contexto enferm ; 25(4): e0440015, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-962860


ABSTRACT The forensic psychiatric hospitals have objective to safeguard and treat mental patients, with a fusion between hospital and prison. Use techniques and disciplinary procedures normalizing criminally insane. The research studies the disciplinary measures used by nursing professionals working at Instituto Psiquiátrico Forense, Porto Alegre, Brazil. The theoretical framework lies in the field of cultural studies, post-structuralist strand, inspired by Michael Foucault notions. Ethnographic reswearch instruments were used: interviews recorded in audio, observation, analysis of documents and images. The results were organized in units: Madhouse or house of prisoners?; The organization of spaces and The control of time. In this institution, nursing carries the prison system heritage, manifested in daily routines. The way of caring, naturalized over time, produces professionals who repeat teachings of jailers, "transforming" patients in what is a normative proposal of the institution: organize it and readjust it according to rules of social life.

RESUMEN Los hospitales psiquiátricos judiciales tienen el objetivo de custodiar y tratar pacientes mentales, siendo una fusión entre el hospital y la cárcel. Ellos utilizan técnicas y procedimientos para normalizar criminales dementes. Esta investigación estudió las medidas utilizadas por los profesionales de enfermería que trabajan en el Instituto Psiquiátrico Forense, Porto Alegre, Brazil. El marco teórico se encuentra situado en el campo de los estudios culturales, inspirado por las ideas de Michael Foucault. Se utilizaron instrumentos de investigación etnográfica: entrevistas en audio, observación, análisis de documentos e imágenes. Los resultados fueron organizados en unidades: ¿Casas de locos o casa de presos?; La organización de los espacios y El control de tiempo. En esta institución, Enfermería carga las herencias del sistema penitenciario que se manifiestan en las rutinas diarias. La forma de cuidar, naturalizada con el tiempo, produce profesionales que repiten enseñanzas de carceleros, "convirtiendo" a los pacientes en aquello que es propuesto por la normativa de la institución: organizarlo y re-ajustarlo de acuerdo con normas sociales.

RESUMO Os manicômios judiciários possuem objetivo de custodiar e tratar doentes mentais, sendo uma fusão entre hospital e presídio. Utilizam técnicas e procedimentos disciplinares normalizando loucos criminosos. A pesquisa estuda os dispositivos disciplinares utilizados por profissionais da enfermagem que atuam no Instituto Psiquiátrico Forense, de Porto Alegre, Brasil. O referencial teórico situa-se no campo dos estudos culturais, vertente pós-estruturalista, inspirado em noções de Michael Foucault. Foram utilizados instrumentos de investigação etnográfica: entrevistas gravadas em áudio, observação, análise de documentos e imagens fotográficas. Os resultados foram organizados em unidades: Casa de loucos ou casa de presos?; A organização dos espaços e O controle do tempo. Nesta instituição, a enfermagem carrega heranças do sistema carcerário, manifestadas em rotinas diárias. O modo de cuidar, naturalizado ao longo do tempo, produz profissionais que repetem ensinamentos de carcereiros, "transformando" os pacientes naquilo que é a proposta normalizadora da instituição: organizá-lo e reajustá-lo segundo regras de convívio social.

Humanos , Prisões , Pessoas Mentalmente Doentes , Enfermagem Forense , Criminosos
Rev. crim ; 57(1): 103-119, ene.-abr. 2015. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-771748


El objetivo general es establecer las causas que inciden para que una persona ingrese a la delincuencia organizada en Santiago de Cali. Debido a la naturaleza del problema, se acude a una metodología cualitativa, que facilitó la recolección de información a través de la técnica de entrevista y el cruce de información estadística, como material de apoyo para sustentar el análisis. Con la estadística consolidada entre el 2008 y el 2013, por el Centro de Investigaciones Criminológicas de la Policía Nacional, se describe el fenómeno y los rasgos característicos de quienes lo integran en la ciudad. Para construir la perspectiva cualitativa, el instrumento técnico se aplicó a cuatro personas que fueron condenadas y recluidas en la cárcel de Cali. Los resultados muestran que la delincuencia organizada es un sector con capacidad para generar violencia e inseguridad dentro y fuera del municipio, está conformada en su mayoría por hombres jóvenes-adultos, sin profesión u oficio formal, y las estructuras afectan el patrimonio económico, la vida, integridad y libertad de las personas. Los relatos de los entrevistados evidenciaron que la escasez de recursos, la disfuncionalidad familiar, la influencia delincuencial, la cultura de ilegalidad y la economía del crimen los desviaron de procesos de vida sanos, de modo que se involucraron en conductas socialmente reprochables, que se reforzaron en el medio ilegal. Se concluye que las deficiencias estructurales y la proyección de las personas en la actividad criminal explican su vinculación con esta problemática.

The general objective is to determine the causes that influence and make some individuals join organized crime in Santiago de Cali. Due to the nature of this problem, a qualitative methodology that has made information gathering easier through the interviewing technique and the crossing of statistic data was used as support material to sustain the analysis. With the help of statistics covering the period between 2008 and 2013, as consolidated by the National Police Center for Criminological Investigations, this phenomenon and the typical features of those cases pertaining to this classification in the city of Cali are described. In order to construct the qualitative outlook, the technical instrument was applied to four individuals having been convicted and incarcerated in the Cali prison. The results obtained show that organized crime is a sector possessing great ability to create violence and insecurity both inside and outside the municipality of Cali; it is composed mostly of youngsters and adults with no profession, job or formal occupation, and their structures affect not only economic property and assets of both public and private nature but also people's life, integrity and freedom. The accounts of the interviewees reveal that lack or scarcity of economic resources, family dysfunction, the influence of criminals and delinquents, the culture of illegality and organized crime economy have deviated them from healthy life conducts and processes, therefore led them to get involved in socially reprehensible behaviors and acts that happened to be reinforced and strengthened in this illegal environment. It has been concluded that both structural deficiencies and individuals' projection in the criminal activity explain their involvement in this problem area.

O objetivo geral é estabelecer as causas que afetam para que uma pessoa entre ao crime em Santiago de Cali. Devido à natureza do problema, utiliza-se a metodologia qualitativa, que facilitou a recolha da informaçãoatravés da técnica da entrevista e do cruzamento da informaçãoestatística, como o material de suporte para sustentar a análise. Com as estatísticas consolidadas entre 2008 e 2013, pelo Centro de Pesquisas Criminológicas da Polícia Nacional, descreve-se o fenômeno e os elementos característicos daqueles que o integram na cidade. A fim de construir a perspectiva qualitativa, o instrumento técnico foi aplicado a quatro pessoas que foram condenadas e encarceradas na prisão de Cali. Os resultados amostram que o crime organizado é um setor com capacidade para gerar violência e insegurança dentro e fora da municipalidade, é conformada em sua maioria por homens jovens-adultos, sem uma profissãoou oficio formal, e as estruturas afetam o patrimônioeconômico, a vida, a integridade e a liberdade das pessoas. As histórias dos entrevistados demonstraram que a escassez dos recursos, a disfuncionalidade familiar, a influência criminal, a cultura da ilegalidade e a economia do crime os desviaram de processos saudáveis de vida, de modo que envolverem-se nas condutas socialmente repreensíveis, que foram reforçadasem meios ilegais. Conclui-se que as deficiênciasestruturais e a projeção das pessoas na atividade criminal explicam seu envolvimento com este problema.

Estudo Comparativo , Chile , Crime , Delinquência Juvenil
Rev. crim ; 55(2): 9-28, ago. 2013.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-708165


Aquí se pretende aproximar a la sociedad a la prisión para que comparta procesos educativos desde espacios de normalidad y, desde ahí, desarrollar principios para una acción “reeducadora”, de acuerdo con la legislación actual del Estado español. El objetivo será dar forma a las principales líneas teóricas de la Unidad Terapéutica y Educativa –UTE-, sobre las cuales reconocer y valorar sus acciones terapéuticas y educativas, fundamentadas sobre la noción de conducta –hechos, acciones observables–, basándola en su continuidad y consistencia para poder presentar y explicar la propuesta de cambio establecida en los procesos para su comprensión: corresponsabilidad y cogestión, a la vez que su mecanismo para la adaptación: confrontamiento. El análisis de las características organizacionales dará paso a presentar los principales instrumentos de intervención de la UTE: la escuela y el grupo, identificando los distintos tipos de cambio posibles en la intervención desarrollada y derivada del tipo de paso por diferentes contextos penitenciarios. Finalmente, se reflexiona sobre las necesidades que se deben desarrollar para dar paso al modelo alternativo de prisión en el sistema jurídico del Estado español.

The purpose here is get society closer to prison in order for it to share educational processes from normality spaces and, from there, develop principles for a “reeducative” action according to the present legislation of the Spanish state. The objective consists of giving shape to the main theoretical lines of the “UTE” on which its therapeutical and educational actions can be recognized and valued as grounded on the notion of conduct –observable facts, actions– on the base of their continuity and consistency, in order to be able to submit and explain the change proposal established in the processes used for their comprehension: co-responsibility and co-management, as well as their mechanism for adaptation. The analysis of the organizational features will pave the way for the presentation of the main UTE’s intervention instruments: the school and the group, by identifying the different types of changes feasible in an intervention developed and deriving from the kind of stages seen through the different penitentiary contexts. Finally, a reflection is made with respect to the needs that should be developed in order to give way to an alternative prison model in the Spanish state’s legal system.

Aqui pretende-se aproximar a sociedade à prisão de modo que compartilhe processos educativos dos espaços de normalidade e, de lá, desenvolver princípios para uma ação de “reeducadora”, segundo a legislação atual do Estado espanhol. O objetivo será materializar as linhas teóricas principais do UTE, sobre as quais seja possível reconhecer e avaliar suas ações terapêuticas e educativas, baseadas na noção de conduta –fatos, ações observáveis–, baseando-a nas sua continuidade e consistência para poder apresentar e explicar a proposta da mudança estabelecida nos processos para sua compreensão: co-responsabilidade e co-gerenciamento, assim como seu mecanismo para a adaptação: confrontação. A análise das características dos organizativas abrirá o espaço para apresentar os instrumentos principais de intervenção da UTE: a escola e o grupo, identificando os diferentes tipos de mudança possíveis na intervenção desenvolvida e derivada do tipo de passo pelos diferentes contextos do penitenciários. Finalmente, reflete-se sobre as necessidades que devem-se desenvolver para abrir os espaços para o modelo alternativo da prisão no sistema legal do Estado espanhol.

Prisões/educação , Prisões/estatística & dados numéricos , Prisões/métodos , Prisões/normas
Rev. crim ; 52(2): 77-97, jul.-dic. 2010.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-707507


El objetivo de la presente investigación es describir características criminológicas de un grupo de siete personas condenadas por delitos contra la administración pública. Se tuvieron en cuenta variables sociodemográficas, el modus operandi (variable criminológica) y la personalidad (variable psicológica). En esta investigación, de tipo exploratorio, con análisis descriptivo y muestreo intencional, participaron siete hombres internados en dos cárceles de Bogotá y Villavicencio, entre el 2009 y el 2010, con edad promedio de 44 años. Se utilizaron como instrumentos el cuestionario de personalidad 16 PF forma B, la entrevista semiestructurada de modus operandi, el cuestionario de variables sociodemográficas y el cuestionario de deseabilidad social de Domínguez, Salas-Menotti y Reyes (2008). Los resultados revelan que existen rasgos de personalidad comunes en al menos cinco participantes: tendencia a pensamiento concreto, inestabilidad emocional, dominancia, locus de control externo, suspicacia, nivel alto de normatividad pero asociado a dolor psicológico, estabilidad laboral y buena remuneración, estudios superiores en ciencias económicas y derecho. Son personas sin investigaciones previas, actúan solas o recurren a un mínimo de personas, sin realizar mayores conductas para encubrir los actos delictivos; cometen los delitos en un período corto de tiempo. El tiempo de condena promedio fue de 84 meses.

This research is aimed at describing criminological characteristics among a group of seven individuals sentenced for offenses against public administration. Socio-demographic variables were taken into account, as well as modus operandi (criminological variable) and personality (psychological variable). In this research of exploratory nature, with a descriptive analysis and intentional sampling, six male inmates (average age 44) of two prisons in Bogota and Villavicencio took part between 2009 and 2010. As instruments, the personality questionnaire 16 PF, form B, the semistructured interview on modus operandi, the socio-demographic variables and the social desirability questionnaire by Dominguez, Salas-Menotti and Reyes (2008) were used. The results reveal that there are personality traits commonly shared by at least five participants, such as tendency to specific, concrete thought, emotional instability, dominance, external control locus, suspiciousness, a high normativity level though associated to physical pain, work stability and good remuneration, higher education studies in economic sciences and law. These are people with no prior investigation backgrounds; they act alone or with the help of a minimum number of people, without further behaviors to cover their criminal acts. Their offenses are perpetrated in a short period of time. Average prison sentence: 84 months.

Humanos , Administração Pública/efeitos adversos , Criminologia/estatística & dados numéricos , Criminologia/tendências
Psicol. teor. pesqui ; 26(4): 707-715, out.-dez. 2010. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-576905


O objetivo deste artigo foi descrever crenças esssencialistas em um experimento no paradigma do transplante de cérebro. Participantes brasileiros (101) e espanhóis (138) foram submetidos a um experimento mental de desenho 2 (país) x 2 (direção do transplante). A análise loglinear não evidenciou um claro efeito principal do país, embora tenha identificado uma interação entre o país e o transplante de cérebro. Posteriormente, as justificativas apresentadas pelos participantes foram analisadas e o que evidenciou que as pressões situacionais foram arroladas para explicar a estabilidade da conduta, enquanto as demais fontes explicativas foram adotadas predominantemente para explicar mudanças no comportamento decorrentes do transplante do cérebro. Implicações são discutidas.

The purpose of this article is to report the results of an experimental study about essentialistic beliefs conducted according to the brain transplant paradigm. A sample of Brazilians (101) and Spaniards (138) were submitted to a mental experiment in a 2 (Country) x 2 (direction of the brain's transplant) design. A log-linear analysis showed no clear main effects of the country, but an interaction between country and brain transfer. The justifications given by the participants were analyzed showing that contextual pressures were adopted to justify the stability of behavior while other type of explanations were mainly used to justify behavioral changes after the presumed brain transplant. The implications of these findings are discussed.

Humanos , Psicologia Social , Personalidade
Rev. chil. neuropsicol. (En línea) ; 4(2): 160-169, dic. 2009. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-561809


INTRODUCCION: Son diversos los factores que intervienen en el desarrollo de la psicopatía. Se ha observado una predisposición genética que al interactuar con la vivencia de eventos traumáticos en edades tempranas, potencia el desarrollo de este trastorno conductual, fuente de actos agresivos y violentos en contra de la sociedad. OBJETIVO: Conocer la incidencia de eventos traumáticos (p.ej. eventos estresantes, abuso físico, abuso emocional y abuso sexual) y su influencia en el nivel de psicopatía de adultos convictos masculinos. PARTICIPANTES Y MATERIAL: Se realizó una revisión del historial criminal y una entrevista semiestructurada para clasificar a los internos de acuerdo a su nivel de psicopatía. Se les aplicó el Inventario de Eventos Traumáticos para conocer la frecuencia y diversidad de eventos sufridos antes de los 18 años. RESULTADOS: Los internos con alta psicopatía presentaron una alta incidencia de eventos traumáticos, específicamente de eventos estresantes, de abuso emocional y de abuso sexual y un total de eventos significativamente mayor que el grupo con psicopatía baja. Los eventos traumáticos y el abuso emocional fueron variables que contribuyeron significativamente al nivel de psicopatía de los internos. CONCLUSIONES: Los eventos traumáticos vividos durante la infancia y la adolescencia favorecen la manifestación de conductas violentas a través de la afectación de los mecanismos neurobiológicos que subyacen a la psicopatía, en donde se puede observar una asociación entre la frecuencia de eventos vividos y el grado de psicopatía presentes en la vida adulta.

INTRODUCTION: The factors that interact to drive the development of psychopathy are diverse. A genetic predisposition has been observed that, when coupled with the experience of traumatic events at a young age, potentiates the development of this behavioral and affective disorder that leads to aggressive and violent acts against society. OBJECTIVES: To understand the incidence of traumatic events (e.g., stressful events, physical abuse, emotional abuse, and sexual abuse) and their influence in the psychopathy of adult male convicts. PARTICIPANTS AND MATERIALS: Background criminal career reviews and semi-structured interviews were conducted to classify the inmates according to their psychopathy level utilizing the Revised Hare Psychopathic Scale. In addition, the Early Trauma Inventory was applied to assess the frequency and diversity of events experienced before the participants were 18 years of age. RESULTS: Inmates with high psychopathy also presented with a high incidence of traumatic events, as well as stressful events, emotional and sexual abuse in a higher frequency than the group with low psychopathy. The incidence of traumatic events and emotional abuse were found to predict the degree of psychopathy among the inmates. CONCLUSIONS: Traumatic events experienced during infancy and adolescence seem to favor the manifestation of violent conduct by interacting with neurobiological factors that underlie psychopathy, such that an association may be observed between the frequency of childhood traumatic events and the level of psychopathy present in adult life.

Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Maus-Tratos Infantis/psicologia , Transtorno da Personalidade Antissocial/epidemiologia , Transtorno da Personalidade Antissocial/psicologia , Fatores Etários , Abuso Sexual na Infância/psicologia , Escolaridade , Incidência , Entrevistas como Assunto , México/epidemiologia , Prisioneiros/psicologia , Interpretação Estatística de Dados , Transtorno da Personalidade Antissocial/etiologia , Violência/psicologia
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM | ID: wpr-221304


The authors reviewed the medical records and additional data of 460 mentally ill criminals who had referred to National Forensic Psychiatric Hospital, from January 1990 to December 1990 (60 cases) and from January 2000 and December 2000 (394 cases). The demographic factors, characteristics of crime, psychiatric diagnoses and psychiatric opinions and legal opinions , and legal opinions were analyzed and the results are as follows. 1) The frequency of crimes by female, high education level and single status increased. 2) As to the psychiatric diagnosis, schizophrenia decreased whereas substance- use disorder, mood disorder and personality disorder were increased and kleptomania and anxiety disorder were added. 3) As to the types and feature of crime, homicide and violence increased, whereas arson decreased and larcency, violation of harzadous substance and violation of narcotic drug were added. 4) As to victims of crime, the frequency of crimes committed to strangers increased whereas that of the family members and their lelatives were decreased. 5) As to motivation of crime, the frequency of impulsivity increased but psychotic symptoms such as delusion and hallucination significantly decreased. 6) More that half of psychiatric tests were referred from the court, but the agreement rate between the judge 's opinions and psychiatric opinions was decreased. In Conclusion, the changes of charateristics of mentally ill criminal were attributed to sociocultural changes for mentally ill criminals and implimeted in Social Protection Law. As the judges do not completely agree to the psychiatric opinions, the close cooperation between the judges and the psychiatrist as legal adviser should be necessory for mentally ill criminals.

Feminino , Humanos , Transtornos de Ansiedade , Crime , Criminosos , Delusões , Demografia , Diagnóstico , Educação , Piromania , Alucinações , Homicídio , Hospitais Psiquiátricos , Transtornos Disruptivos, de Controle do Impulso e da Conduta , Comportamento Impulsivo , Jurisprudência , Prontuários Médicos , Transtornos Mentais , Pessoas Mentalmente Doentes , Transtornos do Humor , Motivação , Transtornos da Personalidade , Psiquiatria , Política Pública , Esquizofrenia , Violência
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-547679


Objective: To examine the effect of group mental intervention on implicit and explicit aggression of violent juvenile criminals. Methods: A survey investigation and IAT test on implicit aggression were employed to evaluate the aggression of violent juvenile criminals. And the effect of ten times of group intervention on aggression of juvenile criminals was analyzed. Results: After group mental intervention, the implicit aggression was not reduced significantly, but the intervention effect on explicit aggression was significant. Physical aggression and verbal aggression of explicit aggression reduced significantly, but there was no significant difference in rage and hostility. Conclusion: Group mental intervention is an effective method for reducing explicit aggression of violent juvenile criminals.