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Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551099


The 'Criolla' potato (Solanum tuberosum) phureja group cultivated in the inter-Andean valleys of the high tropics, is commonly fertilized only with mineral nutrients in conventional production, without the use of soil test and use of organic fertilizers. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of organic chicken manure as a source of nutrients to increase yield and quality in 'Criolla' potatoes compared to conventional fertilization. Treatments evaluated were organic chicken manure, mineral nutrition based on soil tests, organic manure mixed with mineral nutrition, and conventional nutrition based on farmers' typical nutrition plans. In plant response conventional and mineral treatments mixed with organic matter were the best in leaf area and dry weight of shoot and tuber. Treatment with mineral nutrition mixed with organic manure (2 and 6 t) obtained the largest length of the main stems. The best yield response was obtained with conventional nutrition, while the major size was obtained with mineral and mineral combined with organic treatments. According to the results, the best response was obtained with the application of mineral nutrition in the combination of 6 t ha-1 organic manure.

La papa criolla (Solanum tuberosum) grupo phureja es cultivada en los valles interandinos del trópico alto, comúnmente fertilizada con nutrientes minerales en la producción convencional, sin hacer uso de análisis de suelos y nutrición con fertilizantes orgánicos. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el potencial de la materia orgánica de gallinaza, como fuente de nutrientes, para incrementar el rendimiento y la calidad en la papa criolla, comparándola con la nutrición convencional. Los tratamientos evaluados fueron gallinaza, nutrición mineral, basado en análisis de suelos; nutrición mineral, combinada con materia orgánica y un tratamiento soportado en la fertilización convencional, con base en los planes nutricionales, típicos de los agricultores. En las respuestas de la planta, los tratamientos convencionales y minerales mezclados con nutrición mineral obtuvieron los valores más altos en área foliar y peso seco de la parte aérea y el tubérculo. En longitud de tallo, la mejor respuesta se obtuvo con los tratamientos minerales mezclados con materia orgánica (2 y 6 toneladas). La mejor respuesta en rendimiento fue obtenida en la nutrición mineral convencional, mientras que las papas con mayor calibre, se lograron con los tratamientos mineral y mineral mezclado con orgánico. De acuerdo con los resultados, la mejor respuesta en cultivo se puede obtener con la nutrición mineral, en combinación con 6 toneladas de materia orgánica.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551106


Diversos estudios demuestran que la inclusión de polinizadores, como las abejas Apis mellifera, generan efectos positivos sobre la productividad de cultivos de durazno (Prunus persica). Esto lleva a probar metodologías que estimulen a las abejas para visitar, con mayor frecuencia, el cultivo de interés, sugiriendo el uso de la técnica de osmoguiado, como herramienta para potencializar el efecto de la polinización. Este estudio valoró un protocolo de osmoguiado, para estimular híbridos africanizados de Apis mellifera, a recolectar polen de flores de durazno, utilizando, como indicador indirecto, el análisis palinológico en muestras de polen. Los tratamientos utilizados fueron con osmoguiado y sin osmoguiado. Cada tratamiento contó con tres colmenas y el periodo de evaluación fue de cinco semanas, coincidiendo con el mayor periodo de floración del durazno. Los resultados evidenciaron que este protocolo no logró estimular a las abejas a visitar la flor de durazno para la búsqueda de polen. La disponibilidad permanente de otras plantas productoras de polen, reportadas previamente como importantes en el aporte de este recurso, pudo influir en la selección de fuentes por parte de las abejas. El polen obtenido provino, principalmente, de plantas de las familias Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Malvaceae y Passifloraceae.

Several studies show that the inclusion of pollinators such as honeybee Apis mellifera generates positive effects in the productivity of peach (Prunus persica) crops. It led to test methodologies that stimulate bees to improve the visit of crops of interest, suggesting the use of the osmoguiding technique, as a tool to potentiate the effect of pollination. This study evaluated an osmoguided protocol to stimulate Africanized hybrids of Apis mellifera to collect pollen from peach flowers, using palynological analysis of pollen samples as an indirect indicator. The treatments used were with osmoguided and without osmoguided. Each treatment had three hives, and the evaluation period was five weeks, coinciding with the peak flowering period of the peach. The results showed that this protocol did not stimulate the bees to visit the peach blossom to search pollen. The permanent availability of other pollen-producing plants, previously reported as significant in the contribution of this resource, could influence bee source selection. The pollen obtained came mainly from plants of the families Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Malvaceae, and Passifloraceae.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218558


India as developing country is hugely depending upon agriculture due to labour intensive technique adopted in agriculture sector. Gujarat is greater contributor because of its demographical advantage and crop pattern. Despite of industrial growth in Gujarat state, it can be said that Gujarat still did not lost its potential and growth in playing its part in agricultural development. Agriculture finance on other side has its crucial role to play in growth of agriculture Finance. The present paper indicates the potential and performance of agriculture in Gujarat state and also attempt has been made to address agriculture finance performance in Gujarat. Gujarat has not preserved and developed its natural resources when it comes to farming. Farmers also suffer due to lack of irrigation facilities. The methods of cultivation in most areas of India are still ancient. Farmers are not able to adopt modernization due to lack of fund and exposure towards it. It is the government which concentrate more on agriculture finance by providing micro credit, crop loan and crop insurance, which aim to uplift stand of living of the farmers.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 61: e18180249, 2018. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-974119


ABSTRACT An experiment was conducted to search the efficacy of radish (Raphanus sativus) and arugula (Eruca sativa) for the control of Meloidogyne arenaria in the commercial tomato growing greenhouse. R. sativus and E. sativa were used as winter cycle crops and lettuce as a susceptible crop and 4 months after sowing, host level of the treatment plants was evaluated. All parts of R. sativus and E. sativa were incorporated except lettuce was covered with transparent polyethylene film for 4 weeks. R. sativus and E. sativa had not any root galls, and these plants caused reducing number of juveniles in the soil, in contrast to control and lettuce plots before growing tomato. Gall index and egg masses were significantly decreased on tomatoes in plots of applied biofumigation with E. sativa and R. sativus. It was concluded that growing R. sativus and E. sativa as a winter cycle plants before susceptible plants would be helpful to reduce the damage of root-knot nematode M. arenaria and increased crop yields.

Tylenchoidea , Brassicaceae , Raphanus , Fumigação , Nematoides
Ciênc. rural ; 46(11): 1959-1962, Nov. 2016. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-796070


ABSTRACT: Recommendations for fertilizing irrigated rice in southern Brazil have been constantly evolving over years. In this process, the influence of factors such as the development cycle of varieties and sowing period increased. Thus, computational tools that take these and others important aspects into account can potentiate the fertilization response of rice. This study describes the computer program "ADUBARROZ". The software provides recommendations of fertilizer rates and liming requirements of irrigated rice, based on information entered by the user. The system takes various factors that regulate the crop response to fertilization into account. A final report is established with the graphical representation of input management over time.

RESUMO: As recomendações de adubação para a cultura do arroz irrigado no Rio Grande do Sul vêm passando por constante evolução ao longo dos anos. Com isso, fatores como o ciclo de desenvolvimento das variedades e a época de semeadura podem ter influência sobre o potencial de resposta à adubação. Nesse sentido, ferramentas computacionais que consideram esses e outros aspectos importantes podem potencializar a resposta do arroz à adubação. Objetivou-se com este trabalho descrever o programa computacional "Adubarroz". Esse software fornece a recomendação de adubação e calagem para o arroz, a partir das informações fornecidas pelo usuário. O sistema considera diversos fatores que regulam a resposta à adubação, gerando um relatório final com expressão gráfica do manejo dos insumos no tempo.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 31(2): 433-444, mar./abr. 2015.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-963929


Objetivou-se pelo presente estudo avaliar a produção agroeconômica da mandioquinha-salsa 'Amarela de Carandaí', cultivada em dois espaçamentos entre plantas no canteiro (20 e 25 cm) e cinco massas médias de mudas (12,26 g; 7,76 g; 5,58 g; 3,98 g e 2,73 g). Os dez tratamentos resultaram do arranjo no esquema fatorial 2 x 5, no delineamento experimental blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Aos 249 dias após o plantio, foi efetuada a colheita das plantas, quando as plantas apresentavam mais de 70% de senescência foliar. As maiores produtividades de massa fresca de folhas, coroas e rebentos foram observados com o espaçamento de 25 cm entre plantas. Os incrementos de produções foram de 25,27% (folhas), 12,68% (coroas) e 18,05% (rebentos), em relação a 20 cm entre plantas. A massa das mudas de 7,76g foi a que promoveu as maiores produtividades de massa fresca e de raízes comerciais, com aumentos de 2,32 t ha-1 (44,70%) e de 5,33 t ha-1 (36,26%), respectivamente, em relação a 2,73 e 5,58 g, que foram os tratamentos com as menores produtividades. As mudas de 12,26 e 7,76g foram as que induziram as maiores massas frescas de coroas e rebentos, com médias de aumentos de 1,46 t ha-1 e de 2,18 t ha-1, respectivamente, em relação aos tratamentos com as menores produtividades. Para se obterem maiores produtividades de raízes comerciais o cultivo da mandioquinha-salsa deve ser feito com espaçamento de 25 cm entre plantas dentro da fileira e propagadas com mudas com massa média de 7,76 g. O menor custo de produção correspondeu ao cultivo da mandioquinha-salsa com espaçamento de 25 cm entre plantas e massa média de mudas de 2,73 g, porém as maiores rendas bruta e líquida foram obtidas no cultivo com 25 cm entre plantas e massa média de mudas de 7,76 g.

The aim of this experiment was to study the agroeconomic yield of Peruvian carrot 'Amarela de Carandaí' growned under two spacing plants (7,87 and 9,84 inches) and five seedlings average masses (M1 = 12.26 g; M2 = 7.76 g, M3 = 5.58 g; M4 M5 = 3.98 g = 2.73 g). The ten treatments resulted in a factorial arrangement of 2 x 5, in a randomized block design with four replications. Plants qhere harvested at 249 days after planting, when presented more than 70% of leaf senescence. Highest yields from fresh mass of leaves, crowns and shoots were obtained when planting spacing was 9.84 inches. The increases in yields were 25.27% (leaves), 12.68% (crowns) and 18.05% (shoots) when compared to those with 7.87 inches between plants. Seedling mass 7.76g induced the highest yield of fresh and commercial roots, with increases of 2.32 ton ha-1 (44.70%) and 5.33 ton ha-1 (36.26%), respectively, when compared to 2,73 and 5,58 g, treatments with lower yields. Seedlings 12,26 e 7,76 g led the largest masses of fresh shoots and crowns, with average increases of 1.46 ton ha-1 and 2.18 ton ha-1, respectively, compared to treatments with lower yields. To obtain highest commercial cultivation of roots peruvian carrot should be done with a spacing of 25 cm between plants within a row and propagated seed-rhizomes with average weight of 7.76 g. The smaller cost of production corresponded to the cultivation of peruvian carrot with spacing of 25 cm between plants and seedlings average mass of 2.73 g , but the highest gross and net incomes were obtained in culture with 25 cm between plants and average mass seed-rhizomes of 7.76 g.

Produção Agrícola , Produtos Agrícolas , Apiaceae , Plântula , Eficiência , Indústria Agropecuária , Plantas
Ciênc. rural ; 39(1): 58-64, Jan.-Feb. 2009. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-502635


A compactação do solo reduz sua qualidade estrutural em áreas manejadas sob sistema plantio direto e limita o rendimento de grãos das culturas, principalmente em solos argilosos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o impacto de três estados de compactação nos atributos físicos e no rendimento de grãos de três culturas, em dois Latossolos sob plantio direto e em área escarificada. Foi determinada a densidade (Ds), a resistência do solo à penetração (Rp) e o rendimento de grãos das culturas do trigo, da soja e do milho, em Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico-LVd, com 55 por cento de argila, e Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico típico-LVdf, com 61 por cento de argila, localizados na região do planalto médio do Rio Grande do Sul. O experimento foi conduzido de 1999 a 2001. Por meio de um gride de Rp, determinado antes da implantação das culturas, foram estabelecidos três estados de compactação do solo, sendo o maior estado de compactação na região de "cabeceira" de lavoura (EC1), um estado intermediário de compactação na região compreendida entre a parte central da lavoura e a região de "cabeceira" (EC2), um estado menos compactado na parte central da lavoura (EC3) e, para caracterizar uma área isenta de compactação, foi escarificada uma parcela ao lado da lavoura. A maior Ds (1,62 e 1,54Mg m-3) e Rp (3,4 e 3,8 MPa), respectivamente no LVd e LVdf, foram observadas na camada de 0,07-0,12m. Na camada de 0-0,05m, a mobilização reduziu a Ds em 26 por cento no LVd e 15 por cento no LVdf em relação à camada de 0,07-0,12m. O maior nível de compactação do solo (EC1) em relação ao menor nível (EC3) existente nos dois Latossolos reduziu o rendimento de grãos na cultura do trigo (18 por cento e 34 por cento, respectivamente, no LVd e LVdf) e milho (24 por cento no LVdf), mas não o rendimento da soja. A escarificação do solo aumentou o rendimento de grãos da cultura do milho e trigo em relação aos três estados de compactação do solo.

Soil compaction affects structural quality in areas under no-tillage systems and reduce crop yield, particularly in clayey soils. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of three compaction states on crop yield and soil physical attributes in two Oxisols under no-tillage and chiseling. The soil bulk density (Ds), soil resistance to penetration (Rp) and crop yield of the wheat, soybean and corn were determined. One Oxisol (LVd) has 550g kg-1 of clay and other (LVdf) 610g kg-1 clay, located in Rio Grande do Sul plateau. The experiment was run from 1999 to 2001 in a commercial crop field mapped with respect to soil resistance to penetration. Three states of compaction were separated and mapped: a) EC1- higher compaction state located at the head of crop site; b) EC2- medium state of compaction and; c) EC3 lower state of compaction toward central part of the site. To serve as no compacted area a plot was chiselled. The highest values of Ds (1.62 e 1.54Mg m-3) and Rp (3.4 e 3.8MPa), respectively for LVd and LVdf, cultivated under no-tillage system, were found in the layer of 0.07-0.12m. The systematic mobilization by chiseling mechanisms of the planters reduced Ds in 26 percent on LVd e 15 percent on LVdf, compaction in the layer of 0.00-0.05m in relation the depth of 0.07-0.12m. The highest soil compaction state (EC1) in relation the lower state of compaction (EC3) in the two Oxisols decreased crop yield of wheat in 18 percent and 34 percent, respectively for LVd e LVdf and corn in 24 percent on LVdf, but not of soybean. The soil chiseling increased corn and wheat grain yield in relation to the three states of soil compaction.