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Rev. cient. (Maracaibo) ; 20(3): 274-283, jun. 2010. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-631071


Los cerdos en engorde alimentados con dietas sorgo-pasta de soya con baja proteína (DBP) presentan resultados productivos inconsistentes; en ocasiones, las variables productivas se mantienen, y en otras se deterioran. Además, siendo el sorgo el ingrediente en mayor cantidad, es probable que la dieta contenga mayor concentración de micotoxinas que en dietas estándar o en dietas formuladas con maíz. Por ello, se realizaron dos experimentos con cerdos en crecimiento y finalización, adicionando un secuestrante de micotoxinas (SECM) a dietas estándar y DBP para determinar su efecto en la respuesta productiva, características de la canal y urea en plasma. En el experimento de crecimiento se utilizaron 40 cerdos (machos castrados; 22,18 ± 0,82 kg) en un diseño de bloques completos al azar con arreglo factorial (2×4): dos niveles de proteína cruda (PC: 16; y 11,5%) y cuatro del SECM (0; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5 kg t-1), con cinco repeticiones por tratamiento. La reducción de PC disminuyó (P£0,05) la ganancia diaria de peso (GDP) y de carne magra (GCM), e incrementó (P£0,05) la conversión alimenticia (CA). En el experimento de finalización también se utilizaron 40 cerdos (machos castrados; 49,48 ± 1,10 kg). El diseño experimental fue similar al del experimento de crecimiento (14 y 9,5% PC; 0; 0,5; 1,0 y 1,5 kg t-1 SECM) y cinco repeticiones por tratamiento. La reducción de PC disminuyó (P£0,05) GDP, consumo de alimento (CAL) y GCM. En ambos experimentos, el SECM no mejoró las variables de respuesta en cerdos alimentados con DBP. Se concluye que la adición de SECM en DBP no mejora las variables productivas, pero mantiene las características de la canal, aunque reduce la GCM.

The growth performance of fattening pigs fed sorghum-soybean meal, low-protein diets (LPD) has been inconsistent; some times the productive variables do not change, but other times they are deteriorated. In addition, because the sorghum grain represents the main ingredient, it is likely that the diet has higher amounts of mycotoxins than standard diets or diets formulated with corn grain. So, two experiments were conducted with growing-finishing pigs to determine the effect of a mycotoxin sequestrant (MSEQ) added to standard or LPD on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and plasma urea nitrogen concentration. In the growing experiment, 40 growing (22.18 ± 0.82 kg) barrows were used in a randomized complete block design in a factorial (2×4) arrangement: two levels of crude protein (CP: 16 and 11.5%) and four levels of micotixins sequestrant (glucomannans; 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 kg t-1), with five replicates per treatment. Lowering CP reduced (P£0.05) average daily gain (ADG) and fat free lean gain (FFLG), and increased (P£0,05) feed:gain ratio. In the finishing experiment, 40 finishing (49.48 ± 1.10 kg) barrows were used in a randomized complete block design in a factorial (2×4) arrangement: two levels of CP (14 and 9.5%) and four levels of micotoxins sequestrant (glucomannans; 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 kg t-1), with five replicates per treatment. Diminishing CP reduced (P£0.05) ADG, average daily feed intake, and FFLG. The addition of glucomannans to low-protein diets did not affect growth performance in both experiments. It was concluded that adding glucomannans as mycotoxins sequestrant does not improve productive variables in pigs fed low-protein diets, but it produces similar carcass characteristics as in pigs fed standard diet, except the lower FFLG.

Vet. Méx ; 40(1): 27-38, ene.-mar. 2009. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632900


The dietary crude protein (CP) can be reduced by four percentage units when corn-soybean meal (SBM) and crystalline amino acids (AA) are used to formulate diets for growing pigs. With sorghum the results have not been conclusive. Therefore, two experiments were conducted to determine the lowest CP value in sorghum-SBM, AA supplemented diets, using plasma urea nitrogen (PUN), growth performance, and carcass characteristics as the response criteria. In Experiment 1, the percentage of CP in the treatments was as follows: T1) 16.0, control diet; T2) 14.5; T3) 13.0; and T4) 11.5. Eight gilts were used in a cross-over design with four periods of 7 days each. Blood samples were collected the last day of the period to determine PUN. Several regression models were used to obtain the best prediction of PUN. The lowest PUN indicated that CP can be reduced from 16 to 11.5%. The best regression model was the nonlineal exponential, which can predict that the minimum plasma urea concentration is obtained with 10.48% of CP. In Experiment 2, the percentage of CP and metabolizable energy Mcal kg-1) were as follows: T1) 16, 3.265, control; T2) 16, 3.165; T3) 14.5, 3.265; T4) 14.5, 3.165; T5) 11.5, 3.265; and T6) 11.5, 3.165. Thirty barrows were assigned in a completely randomized design with a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement, six treatments and five replicates of one barrow (individually penned) for each treatment. The lowest CP reduced the average daily gain, feed gain ratio, and PUN. The lowest ME reduced the feed gain ratio. These results indicate that reducing CP diminishes PUN, although some productive variables are affected.

La proteína cruda (PC) puede reducirse cuatro unidades porcentuales cuando se utiliza maíz-pasta de soya y aminoácidos (AA) para cerdos en crecimiento. Con sorgo no se han obtenido resultados concluyentes. Por ello se realizaron dos experimentos para determinar el porcentaje mínimo de PC en dietas sorgo-pasta de soya adicionadas con AA, con base en la concentración de urea en plasma de cerdos en crecimiento, y su respuesta productiva. En el Experimento 1, el porcentaje de PC en los tratamientos fue: T1) testigo, 16.0; T2) 14.5; T3) 13.0; y T4) 11.5. Se utilizaron ocho cerdas en un diseño cruzado (cross-over), con cuatro periodos de siete días. El último día de cada periodo se obtuvo sangre para determinar la concentración de urea. Se utilizaron varios modelos de regresión para obtener el que mejor predijera la concentración de urea. El menor nivel de urea indicó que la proteína puede reducirse de 16% hasta 11.5%. El mejor modelo de regresión fue el no lineal exponencial, con el que se puede predecir que la mínima concentración de urea se obtiene con 10.48% de PC. En el Experimento 2, los porcentajes de PC y las Mcal EM kg-1 fueron: T1) testigo, 16, 3.265; T2) 16, 3.165; T3) 14.5, 3.265; T4) 14.5, 3.165; T5) 11.5, 3.265; y T6) 11.5, 3.165, que se proporcionaron a 30 cerdos machos castrados (cinco repeticiones por tratamiento), alojados individualmente, en un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial 3 × 2, con seis tratamientos y cinco repeticiones por tratamiento. La menor PC redujo la GDP, la conversión alimenticia y la urea en plasma. La menor EM redujo la conversión alimenticia. Lo anterior indica que disminuir la proteína reduce la urea en plasma, aunque se afectan algunas variables productivas.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 51(1): 49-56, Jan.-Feb. 2008. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-482053


A trial was carried out to determine the lysine requirement for starting barrows fed on ideal protein concept-based diets. Thirty-two pigs from a commercial crossbred genetic group (CCGG, BW=15.9 ± 1.4 kg) and 32 pigs from a dam line one (DLGG, BW= 14.8 ± 1.0 kg) were used. Pigs were allotted to 4 treatments with diets containing increasing levels of total lysine (0.80, 1.00, 1.20 and 1.40 percent). Methionine+cystine, threonine and tryptophan were adjusted according to ideal protein profile. Data from performance, plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) and carcass composition were analyzed. CCGG showed higher daily feed intake, daily weight gain, PUN and protein:fat ratio in carcass, while DLGG showed higher fat carcass content and nitrogen retention. Fat content and protein:fat ratio in carcass for CCCGG and PUN and crude protein carcass content for DLGG showed quadratic response to increasing total lysine levels. Derivations of the quadratic equations indicated the total lysine requirement for CCGG starting barrows is 1.15 percent and for DLGG starting barrows is 1.09 percent.

Foi realizado um trabalho com o objetivo de determinar a exigência em lisina para suínos castrados em fase inicial, alimentados com dietas formuladas de acordo com o conceito de proteína ideal. Trinta e dois suínos provenientes de cruzamento comercial (CC, PV = 15,9 kg) e 32 suínos provenientes de linhagem materna (LM, PV= 14,8 kg) foram alimentados com quatro dietas contendo níveis crescentes de lisina total (0,80; 1,00; 1,20 e 1,40 por cento). Metionina + cistina, triptofano e treonina foram adicionados às dietas para manter constante o padrão de proteína ideal. Foram analisados dados de desempenho, nitrogênio da uréia plasmática (NUP) e carcaça. Suínos do grupo CC apresentaram maior consumo diário de ração, ganho diário de peso, NUP e relação proteína: gordura na carcaça, enquanto que os animais do grupo LM apresentaram maiores teores de gordura na carcaça e retenção de nitrogênio. Teor de gordura e relação proteína:gordura na carcaça para o grupo CC e NUP e teor de proteína bruta na carcaça para o grupo LM apresentaram resposta quadrática aos níveis de lisina. Derivações das equações indicaram a exigência de lisina total de suínos machos castrados do grupo cruzamento industrial de 1,15 por cento e do grupo linhagem materna de 1,09 por cento.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-549581


Protein synthesis and nitrogen equilibrium have been investigated in the early postoperative period in 21 patients with carcinoma of esophagus and cardia after resection. They received 17-L-crystalline amino acid (AAM) and glucose infusion through parenteral route and were compared with a series' of 11 patients taking similar volume and calorie with protein hydrolysate (PRH) and glucose.In AAM series, the plasma protein could be maintained in preoperatiye level but not in PRH series. In AAM series a nitrogen equilibrium was reached while in PRH series was a negative equilibrium. The cellular immunity and serum amino acid spectrum were improved or replaced in both series, but they were better in AAM series. The improvement in nitrogen balance was probably mainly due to an increase in protein synthesis.