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Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535339


Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo principal validar el Voice Handicap Index (VHI) y su versión abreviada (VHI-10) adaptados al español rioplatense de Argentina, con objetivos específicos centrados en evaluar su fiabilidad y validez. Metodología: La adaptación cultural incluyó técnicas de traducción directa, síntesis y retrotraducción, evaluación de la equivalencia semántica y aplicación a un grupo piloto. Para la validación se evaluó la fiabilidad de ambos índices adaptados mediante la consistencia interna (coeficiente alfa de Cronbach) y la estabilidad test-retest (prueba de Bland-Altman, CCI y r de Spearman). Además, se examinó la validez de criterio y de constructo. 213 sujetos participaron en la validación del índice adaptado de 30 ítems (123 disfónicos; 90 de control); 113, en la del índice abreviado (63 disfónicos; 50 de control). Resultados: Se constituyó el Índice de Desventaja Vocal (IDV) como la versión adaptada del VHI al español rioplatense de Argentina. Ambos índices demostraron excelente consistencia interna (IDV-30 α = 0,96; IDV-10 α = 0,92) y estabilidad y concordancia (IDV-30 CCI = 0,95; IDV-10 CCI = 0,96). Se halló alta correlación entre los puntajes de ambos índices y la autoevaluación de la severidad de la disfonía de los participantes (r = 0,85). Ambos índices demostraron capacidad de diferenciar entre individuos con disfonía y sujetos sanos (p< 0,001). El análisis factorial reveló tres factores para el IDV-30 y un factor para el IDV-10. Conclusiones: El IDV-30 e IDV-10 presentan grados adecuados de fiabilidad y validez. Ambos pueden ser incluidos en protocolos de valoración de la función vocal por profesionales de Argentina.

Aim: This study aimed to validate the Voice Handicap Index (VHI) and its abbreviated version (VHI-10) adapted into Rioplatense Spanish from Argentina, with specific goals centered on assessing their reliability and validity. Methods: Cultural adaptation involved direct translation, synthesis and back-translation techniques, followed by an assessment of semantic equivalence and application to a pilot group. For the validation process, the reliability of both adapted indices was assessed through measures of internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha coefficient) and test-retest stability (Bland-Altman test, ICC and Spearman's correlation coefficient). Additionally, we conducted analyses to asses criterion and construct validity. 213 subjects participated in the validation of the adapted 30-items index, (123 with dysphonia; 90 from control group); 113, in the abbreviated version (63 with dysphonia; 50 from control group). Results: The "Índice de Desventaja Vocal" (IDV) was established as the adapted version of the VHI into Rioplatense Spanish from Argentina. Both indeces exhibited excellent internal consistency (IDV-30 α = 0,96; IDV-10 α = 0,92) and satisfactory stability and agreement (IDV-30 CCI = 0,95; IDV-10 CCI = 0,96). Regarding validity, a strong correlation was observed between the scores of both indeces and the participant's self-assessment of dysphonia degree (r = 0,85). Both indices effectively differentiated between individuals with dysphonia and healthy subjects (p< 0,001). Factor analysis revealed three factors for the IDV-30 and one factor for the IDV-10. Conclusion: The IDV-30 and IDV-10 demonstrate satisfactory levels of reliability and validity. Both indices can be incorporated into the assessment protocols for evaluating the vocal function by professionals in Argentina.

Licere (Online) ; 27(01): 119-141, março.2024. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554314


A presença das bicicletas em Fortaleza, uma capital brasileira que tem ampliado a oferta de rotas cicláveis, ciclovias e ciclofaixas, é notada em diversas regiões da cidade e pode ser percebida como elemento fundamental na paisagem e tem forte influência nas alterações do tecido urbano de Fortaleza, desde a intensa manifestação cidadã em sua defesa como meio de transporte ou através da arte urbana. O estudo baseia-se em pesquisa exploratória, bibliográfica e documental, com observação participante e realização de grupo focal; traz reflexões sobre a bicicleta como bem simbólico, como elemento comunicativo, indutor do direito à cidade e instrumento de desenvolvimento urbano sustentável. Dialogando com Armando Silva (2014), Jane Jacobs (2011), Michel Maffesoli (2014), Fernanda Sánchez (2010), Jean-Mar Besse (2014), arguimos a importância do artefato bicicleta como elemento dinâmico na composição da paisagem cultural de Fortaleza.

The presence of bicycles in Fortaleza, a Brazilian capital that has expanded the offer of cycling routes, cycle paths and cycle lanes, is noted in several regions of the city and can be perceived as a fundamental element in the landscape and has a strong influence on changes to the urban fabric of Fortaleza, from the intense citizen demonstration in defense of it as a means of transport or through urban art. The study is based on exploratory, bibliographic and documentary research, with participant observation and focus groups; brings reflections on the bicycle as a symbolic asset, as a communicative element, an inducer of the right to the city and an instrument of sustainable urban development. Dialoguing with Armando Silva (2014), Jane Jacobs (2011), Michel Maffesoli (2014), Fernanda Sánchez (2010), Jean-Mar Besse (2014), we argue the importance of the bicycle artifact as a dynamic element in the composition of the cultural landscape of Fortaleza.

Licere (Online) ; 27(01): 244-269, março.2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555048


Buscamos reconhecer como conhecimentos feministas contribuem para (re)interpretações teórico-metodológicas, a partir da produção de pesquisas/intervenções relacionadas à gênero no contexto da cultura física. Alicerçados numa abordagem qualitativa, selecionamos textos feministas dos Estudos Culturais Físicos. Como resultado, argumentamos que os textos exploram formas de teorizar gênero e as múltiplas operações do poder social a partir da radicalidade do corpo como local central dessas relações; apontam para a autorreflexidade exercida pelas pesquisadoras ao narrarem suas experiências em pesquisas; e, acenam para o imperativo político como base para a mudança social progressiva, engajando-se com questões que transcendem a categoria "gênero".

We seek to recognize how feminist knowledge contributes to theoreticalmethodological (re)interpretations, based on the production of research/interventions related to gender in the context of physical culture. Based on a qualitative approach, we selected feminist texts from Physical Cultural Studies. As a result, we argue that the texts explore ways of theorizing gender and the multiple operations of social power based on the radicality of the body as the central location of these relationships; point to the self-reflexivity exercised by the researchers when narrating their research experiences; and, they point to the political imperative as a basis for progressive social change, engaging with issues that transcend the "gender" category.

Online braz. j. nurs. (Online) ; 23: e20246685, 02 jan 2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1527201


OBJETIVO: Compreender a adaptação das mulheres ao processo de amamentação e o apoio familiar e dos serviços de saúde. MÉTODO: Estudo qualitativo fundamentado no referencial metodológico da Etnoenfermagem, conforme a Teoria de Enfermagem Transcultural de Leininger. Foi utilizado um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada. RESULTADOS: Evidenciaram-se três categorias temáticas: "Enfrentando algo inesperado, mutável e desafiador"; "Convivendo com dúvidas, incertezas e desorientação" e "Identificando fontes de apoio para a manutenção da amamentação". CONCLUSÃO: O processo de adaptação do aleitamento materno é permeado por dúvidas, incertezas e desafios. As mulheres apoiam-se em suas experiências prévias e na cultura familiar e sofrem influência direta destas. O papel da atenção básica é essencial nesse contexto.

OBJECTIVE: To understand women's adaptation to the breastfeeding process and the support provided by family and health services. METHOD: A qualitative study based on the methodological framework of Ethnonursing, following Leininger's Transcultural Nursing Theory. A semi-structured interview guide was used. RESULTS: Three thematic categories were identified: "Facing something unexpected, changing, and challenging"; "Dealing with doubts, uncertainties, and disorientation"; and "Identifying sources of support for breastfeeding maintenance". CONCLUSION: The breastfeeding adjustment process has doubts, uncertainties, and challenges. Women rely on and are directly influenced by their past experiences and family culture. The role of primary health care is crucial in this context.

Humanos , Mulheres , Serviços Técnicos Hospitalares , Aleitamento Materno/etnologia , Adaptação Psicológica , Apoio Familiar , Teoria de Enfermagem , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 22(1): 1-13, 20240130.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554961


Introducción: consecuencia de la pandemia a causa del coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), desde el 2020 ha aumen-tado la generación de los residuos con riesgo biológico o infeccioso, usados en los protocolos de biosegu-ridad por parte de la ciudadanía en general y el talento humano en salud. Ello generó un alto riesgo para salud y un aumento en el índice de contaminación ambiental y degradación de los recursos naturales, que hasta el momento ha superado las expectativas para su mitigación. Desarrollo: para contrarrestar el impacto del aumento en el índice de contaminación ambiental, se reflexiona sobre la necesidad de buscar acciones medioambientales para mitigar el daño y ampliar el concepto sobre el medio ambiente y la importancia de la interacción y codependencia del ser humano con la naturaleza. Se plantea la idea de retomar elementos conceptuales del conocimiento de las culturas indígenas sobre la visión holística del ambiente, partiendo de una cosmovisión indígena del buen vivir, donde el ambiente y el ser humano se encuentran en constante equilibrio y armonía. Conclusión: se pretende encontrar, desde la cosmovisión indígena, posibles abordajes conceptuales que mitiguen el impacto de la contaminación ambiental a causa del coronavirus, así como la formulación de acciones estratégicas para la adecuada gestión de estos residuos

Introduction: Since 2020, due to the the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic, there has been an increase in generation of waste with biological or infectious risk used in biosafety protocols by the community and human resources in health, which, in turn, generates a high rate of pollution and environmental degradation of natural resources that has so far exceeded expectations for mitigation.Development: To reduce the impact of this problematic situation, a reflection was made to strengthen the current public policies and implement environmental actions that seek to mitigate the damage, but, above all, to change the concept of the environment and increase awareness about the importance of interac-tion and codependency of human beings with nature. The idea of retaking conceptual elements of the knowledge of indigenous cultures regarding the holistic vision of the environment is proposed, starting from a Quechua worldview of good living, where the environment and the human being are in constant balance and harmony. Conclusions:This study is intended to determine, from the indigenous worldview, the possible conceptual approaches that mitigate the environmental impact, as well as to formulate strategic actions for the adequate management of the resultant waste.

Introdução: como consequência da pandemia causada pelo Coronavírus (SARS-CoV-2), desde 2020 houve um aumento na geração de resíduos com risco biológico ou infeccioso utilizados em protocolos de bios-segurança pelo público em geral e talentos humanos em saúde; o que gerou um alto risco à saúde e um aumento no índice de contaminação ambiental e degradação dos recursos naturais que até agora tem superado as expectativas para sua mitigação. Desenvolvimento: para neutralizar o impacto do aumento do índice de contaminação ambiental, é feita uma reflexão sobre a necessidade de buscar ações ambien-tais para mitigar os danos, e ampliar o conceito de meio ambiente e a importância da interação e code-pendência do ser humano com a natureza. Propõe-se a ideia de retomar elementos conceituais do conhe-cimento das culturas indígenas sobre a visão holística do meio ambiente, partindo de uma cosmovisão indígena do bem viver, onde o meio ambiente e o ser humano estão em constante equilíbrio e harmonia. Conclusão: pretende-se encontrar a partir da visão de mundo indígena, possíveis abordagens conceituais que mitiguem o impacto da contaminação ambiental devido ao coronavírus, bem como a formulação de ações estratégicas para o gerenciamento adequado desses resíduos

Humanos , COVID-19
Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 470-474, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012923


The great anti-epidemic spirit is the brightest spiritual symbol of the anti-epidemic struggle and the inheritance and development of the spirit of patriotism, collectivism and socialism. Under the context of normalized epidemic prevention and control, it is necessary to give full play to the leading role of the great anti-epidemic spirit and explore the new mode of innovation and entrepreneurship education of "ideological and creative integration" in Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) universities. Summarized the educational value of anti-epidemic spirit, boost TCM universities to realize cultural education and promote TCM cultural inheritance and innovation; analyzed the difficulties existing in the process of "ideological and creative integration" in TCM universities, and provide accurate direction for optimizing the path of "ideological and creative integration" in TCM universities. To explore the multiple paths of "ideological and creative integration" in TCM universities requires multi-party cooperation, joint management, accelerating the optimization of "ideological and creative integration", and establishing a hierarchical "ideological and creative integration" system, so as to provide new ideas for us to implement the educational goal of "establishing moral integrity in cultivation" under the background of normalized epidemic prevention and control.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 401-406, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012912


This paper collected and sorted out the cross-cultural medical practice in the top 20 US hospitals in 2019-2020 through web surveys, and summarized the concepts, featured projects and models of cross-cultural medical services in American hospitals. Generally, hospitals in the US advocate the service concept of "patient-centered", provide full-process services before, during and after the treatment, involving appointments, accommodation, transportation, language translation, medical process management, etc., and attach great importance to the role of culture factors in medical treatment and cross-cultural medical education and training for employees. On this basis, it is proposed that Chinese medical institutions should focus on the following aspects in the development of foreign-related medical services: conform to international medical service concepts and standards, improve the cross-cultural medical competence of medical staff and other groups, explore cross-cultural medical service models with localized characteristics, and build the international image of the hospital with the construction of international environment.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 222-229, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012880


Due to the difference of cultural background, the psychological, social and spiritual needs of dying people are very different, so there are great differences in the care and nursing concept of dying people in different countries and nationalities. In order to construct the modern hospice care, we should actively learn from the western experience, but more important is to dig the local ideological resources from the traditional culture, build a set of caring care theory and practice rooted in China and originated from the concept of a good end of Chinese traditional culture, with the characteristics of the times and the cultural confidence of the Chinese nation, serving the Chinese people, and with Chinese characteristics.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 211-216, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012878


With the acceleration of globalization, the number of foreigners in China is rising year by year, and their demand for medical treatment is also increasing. It is imperative to strengthen the supply of international professional medical services in China and improve the cross-cultural competence of medical staff. As the origin of cross-cultural medical competence research, the United States has accumulated rich theoretical and practical experience. By defining the concept and connotation of cross-cultural competence in the medical context and explaining its constituent elements, based on the experience of the United States and combined with the actual situation of China, this paper put forward that the cultivation path of cross-cultural competence of medical staff should be explored from the aspects of enhancing cross-cultural awareness of medical staff, strengthening cross-cultural medical competence training, and utilizing a variety of measures and tools.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 206-210, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012877


In order to build a global community of health for all, it is necessary to deeply understand the influencing factors of cross-cultural communication between medical professionals and patients. Factors such as different health beliefs, cultural values and communication mediators influence cross-cultural communication between medical professionals and patients, and then affect the medical satisfaction and treatment compliance. Medical education should adopt the learning concept of constructivism, advocate maintaining a humble cultural attitude, incorporate more patient perspectives and adopt cross-cultural teaching mode to improve the cross-cultural communication competence of medical students and medical staff, so as to establish a relationship based on communication and understanding.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 149-152, 2024.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012866


The spirit of red doctor’s is an important ideological and spiritual wealth formed by the Communist Party of China in the process of revolutionary practice. It is an important part of the spirit of the Communist Party of China. It is composed of firm ideals and beliefs, noble value orientation, superb professional skills and simple work style. In view of the current medical humanities education problems such as insufficient attention, target alienation, and technology worship, how to explore the point of convergence between the spiritual education of the red doctor’s and the cultivation of the professional spirit of medical students from the perspective of the Healthy China strategy, give full play to the value of the era of the red doctor’s spirit and cultivate medical students’ professional spirit, which has important practical value for resolving doctor-patient contradictions and improving professional and technical level. Medical colleges and universities should promote the integration strategy of red doctor’s spirit and medical students’ professional spirit education at the levels of teachers, education and teaching, cultural inheritance and educational environment, improve the effect of professional spirit education with diversified teaching, let excellent teams cultivate the professional spirit of medical students, and make the red doctor’s spirit become the conscious value pursuit of medical students.

Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 90(1): 101353, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534096


Abstract Objective Translate and cross-culturally adapt into Brazilian Portuguese the Glasgow Children's Benefit Inventory instrument used for the quality-of-life assessment after pediatric ENT interventions. Method This is a methodological study of translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the GCBI instrument following seven stages: 1) Translation of two versions by two independent translators, 2) Elaboration of a consensual synthetized version, 3) Assessment of the synthetized version by experts, 4) Assessment by the target audience, 5) Back-translation, 6) Pilot study and 7) Use of the instrument. The final version of the instrument was answered by a sample of 28 people responsible for children aged from 2 to 7 years, submitted to tonsillectomy between January 2019 and December 2021, in a public hospital in Porto Alegre. The collection considered patients with a minimum of 6-months and a maximum of 3-years of postoperative follow-up. Result The instrument final version was compared to the original version showing semantic equivalence, absence of consistent translation difficulties and appropriate cross-cultural adaptation, and well understood by the target audience. The application of the questionnaire in the sample showed a Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0.944 corresponding to a high degree of reliability of the instrument. Conclusion The translation and cross-cultural adaptation showed semantic appropriateness and its use when assessing ENT postoperative results in a pediatric population showed high reliability of the instrument. Level of evidence 4.

Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 46: e20220486, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536919


Abstract Objective Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious and extremely prevalent mental disorder. Early diagnosis is vital for treatment. However, there are no specific screening instruments validated for Brazilian Portuguese. This study aimed to adapt the McLean Screening Instrument for Borderline Personality Disorder (MSI-BPD) to the Brazilian context. The MSI-BPD is a self-report instrument based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5), that enables fast and reliable assessment of BPD, with measures of sensitivity (SN) and specificity (SP) similar to the diagnostic interview for the DSM-5 (Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-V Axis II Disorders [SCID-II]), taken as the gold standard. Methods Two independent translations, a synthesis version, back-translation, and analysis by experts were employed to create the final version of the instrument in Brazilian Portuguese. The translated instrument was administered to 1,702 adults aged 18-59 years to verify evidence of validity relating to content, internal structure, relationship with other variables, and reliability. Results The exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses show that the one-factor structure is adequate. The scale showed satisfactory internal consistency (Kuder-Richardson coefficient [KR-20] of Cronbach's alpha = 0.691) and good test-retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC] = 0.802). Logistic regression analysis using the Personality Inventory for the DSM-5-Brief Form (PID-5-BF) (DSM-5) as reference established an ideal cut-off point of eight symptoms, with adequate SN (0.79) and SP (0.75), similar to the original instrument. The area under the curve (AUC) was 0.830 (95% confidence interval: 0.802-0.858), with a positive predictive value of 89.2%. Conclusion The Brazilian version of the MSI-BPD has adequate psychometric properties for use as a BPD screening tool by clinicians.

Motrivivência (Florianópolis) ; 36(67): 1-24, 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532972


Por meio de algumas noções conceituais produzidas no campo dos Estudos Culturais e entrevistas narrativas com participantes de um projeto social de ensino do Taekwondo, vinculado ao Programa Escola da Família, analisamos como projetos desse tipo influenciam na vida de jovens em situação de vulnerabilidade social. Consideramos que tais projetos produzem identidades e impactam as subjetividades dos jovens atendidos, quando estes não se adéquam aos discursos hegemônicos de classe social, gênero, saúde e educação; contribuem para que crianças e jovens permaneçam à margem da sociedade em que se encontram e, por consequência, favorecem a promoção de políticas que os mantém tutelados pelo Estado.

Through some conceptual notions produced in the field of Cultural Studies and narrative interviews with participants from the social project the teaching of Taekwondo linked to the Escola da Família Program, we analyzed how projects of this type influence the lives of young people in situations of social vulnerability. We consider that projects like this impact the subjectivities of the young people who is inside the project, when they are not adapted to the hegemonic discourses of social classes, gender, health and education; they help children and young people to remain on the margins of the society in which they find themselves and, consequently, favoring the promotion of policies that keep them under the tutelage of the State.

Através de algunas nociones conceptuales producidas en el campo de los Estudios Culturales y entrevistas narrativas con los participantes del un proyecto social de la enseñanza del Taekwondo, vinculado al Programa Escola da Família, analizamos cómo proyectos de este tipo influyen en la vida de los jóvenes en situaciones de vulnerabilidad social. Consideramos que proyectos como este impactan las subjetividades de los jóvenes atendidos, cuando no se adaptan a los discursos hegemónicos de clase social, género, salud y educación; ayudan a los niños, niñas y jóvenes a permanecer al margen de la sociedad en la que se encuentran y, en consecuencia, favorecen la promoción de políticas que los mantengan bajo la tutela del Estado.

São Paulo med. j ; 142(3): e2023121, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530517


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The High Activity Arthroplasty Score (HAAS) is a self-administered questionnaire, developed in British English, that reliably and validly measures the levels of sports activities in patients following hip and knee arthroplasty surgery. OBJECTIVE: To cross-culturally adapt the HAAS to Brazilian Portuguese language. DESIGN AND SETTING: A cross-sectional study was conducted at a public university hospital in Brazil. METHODS: The Brazilian version of the HAAS was created through a six-step process: translation, synthesis, committee review, pretesting, back-translation, and submission to developers. The translation step was conducted by two independent bilingual translators, both native speakers of Brazilian Portuguese. The back-translation was performed by an independent translator, a native speaker of British English. To ensure the questionnaire's comprehensibility, 46 volunteers (51% men; average age 34-63) participated in the pre-testing step. RESULTS: The cross-cultural adaptation process necessitated modifications to certain terms and expressions to achieve cultural equivalence with the original HAAS. CONCLUSION: The HAAS has been translated from English into Brazilian Portuguese and culturally adapted for Brazil. The validation process for HAAS-Brazil is currently underway.

Psicol. esc. educ ; 28: e246212, 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529259


A Teoria da Atividade desenvolvida pelo pensador russo Alexis Leontiev oferece subsídios para compreender a constituição humana a partir das relações sociais e apropriação do conhecimento. Nesse caminho, o desenvolvimento das ações do professor no ensino deve se constituir em atividade. Assim, objetivamos investigar docentes em exercício na Educação Básica para reunir elementos sobre a constituição da atividade docente na sociedade do trabalho. Para isso, três professoras do Ensino Básico público contribuíram com a pesquisa: foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas e acompanhadas as rotinas de trabalho nas escolas envolvidas. Nos resultados, depreendemos que há possibilidades das ações de ensino se constituírem em atividade, mesmo diante das condições alienantes e fragmentadas que o professorado vivencia nesse cenário. Ainda, como considerações, reiteramos a defesa por políticas públicas que garantam condições concretas para a atuação docente para que possa cumprir seu papel junto à transformação e emancipação dos sujeitos pela Educação.

La Teoría de la Actividad desarrollada por el pensador ruso Alexis Leontiev ofrece ayuda para comprender la constitución humana a partir de las relaciones sociales y apropiación del conocimiento. En ese camino, el desarrollo de las acciones del profesor en la enseñanza debe se constituir en actividad. Así, objetivamos investigar docentes en ejercicio en la Enseñanza Básica para reunir elementos sobre la constitución de la actividad docente en la sociedad del trabajo. Para eso, tres profesoras de la Enseñanza Básica pública contribuyeron a la investigación: se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas y acompañadas las rutinas de labor en las escuelas abarcadas. En los resultados, deprendemos que hay posibilidades das acciones de enseñanza se constituyeren en actividad, incluso delante de las condiciones alienantes y fragmentadas que el profesorado vivencia en ese escenario. Aún, como consideraciones, hacemos hincapié en la defensa por políticas públicas que garanticen condiciones concretas a la actuación docente para que pueda cumplir su papel junto a la transformación y emancipación de los sujetos por la Educación.

The Activity Theory developed by russian thinker Alexis Leontiev offers subsidies to understand human constitution from social relations and knowledge appropriation. In this way, the development of the teacher's actions in teaching should be the activity. Thus, we aim to investigate teachers' performance in the Basic Education to gather elements about the constitution of teaching activity in the labor society. For this, three teachers from public Basic Education contributed to the research: semi -structured interviews were conducted and the work routines were accompanied in the involved schools. In the results, we find that there are possibilities for teaching actions to be activity, even in the face of the alienating and fragmented conditions that the teacher's experiences in this scenario. Also, as considerations, we reiterate the defense for public policies that guarantee concrete conditions for teaching action so that it can fulfill its role with the transformation and emancipation of the subjects by education.

Psicologia , Trabalho , Docentes
Investig. desar ; 31(2)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534750


Se plantea como antecedente y ámbito de referencia para este artículo de reflexión desarrollar un haz de observación predominantemente bibliográfico, acerca de la tangencia entre los campos de las relaciones internacionales y los estudios de comunicación. Para develar en esta intersección diálogos teóricos sobre la diplomacia cultural y aplicarlos como óptica en el desempeño de la Escuela de Verano ALAIC. Exponer e interpretar a esta última como una institución académica internacional de investigación. Este abordaje parte de un recorte bibliográfico teórico sobre los principales diálogos sobre el concepto de diplomacia cultural, para luego plantear como estudio de caso, el desarrollo y desempeño como curso documental de la escuela de Verano ALAIC, sus propósitos, objetivos y prácticas. Desde este prisma de observación se pretende buscar asociaciones entre los temas, y así verificar si es adecuado interpretar la iniciativa como un movimiento catalizador de espacios y encuentros de alteridad para la diplomacia cultural.

A predominantly bibliographic observation context, on the tangency between the fields of international relations and communication studies, is proposed as background and scope of reference for this article to be developed,. To reveal, in this intersection, theoretical dialogues on cultural diplomacy, and to apply them as an optic, in the performance of the ALAIC's Summer School. Thus, to expose and to interpret this association as an international academic research institution. This approach starts from a theoretical bibliographic clipping on the main dialogues on the concept of cultural diplomacy, ergo, to propose its development and performance of the ALAIC summer school of an academic course, its purposes, objectives, and practices, as a case study. From this perspective of observation, it is intended to look for associations between themes, and thereby, to verify if it is appropriate to interpret the initiative as a catalyst movement of spaces and encounters of otherness, for cultural diplomacy.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535331


Introducción: CAPE-V es ampliamente utilizado para evaluación perceptual vocal y ha sido adaptado y validado en múltiples idiomas. A través de un análisis exhaustivo, este estudio buscó avanzar en establecer un estándar en el método utilizado para su adaptación y validación. Objetivo: Revisar los artículos publicados entre 2002 y 2022 que han adaptado y validado CAPE-V a distintos idiomas, para evaluar exhaustivamente la adaptación, metodología y estadísticas utilizadas. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática utilizando Scopus, Google Scholar y PubMed para identificar artículos que adaptaran y/o validaran CAPE-V entre 2002 y 2022. Se analizó el título y resumen para preseleccionar la muestra. Para evaluar el riesgo de sesgo de los estudios incluidos se analizó de forma crítica el texto completo. Resultados: La búsqueda inicial identificó 568 artículos. Al eliminar duplicados se revisaron 559 y 23 fueron preseleccionados. 12 se incluyeron finalmente y fueron analizados, considerando adaptación, metodología y análisis estadístico. Los resultados revelan que la adaptación y validación de CAPE-V a diversos idiomas es fundamental para garantizar mediciones precisas y confiables en diferentes poblaciones. Análisis y discusión: Existe heterogeneidad en la forma de realizar la adaptación y validación de CAPE-V. No obstante, todos los estudios tuvieron éxito en producir resultados válidos, subrayando la importancia de estos procesos para la práctica clínica. Conclusiones: Las adaptaciones y validaciones de CAPE-V se realizaron heterogéneamente por ausencia de un protocolo estándar. Es necesario generar orientaciones para realizar estos procesos por el aporte de esta escala a la clínica, asegurando calidad y confiabilidad de los resultados.

Introduction: CAPE-V is widely used for vocal perceptual evaluation and has been adapted and validated in multiple languages. Through an exhaustive analysis, this study sought to advance in establishing a standard in the method used in its adaptation and validation. Objective: To review articles published between 2002 and 2022 that have adapted and validated CAPE-V in different languages, to thoroughly evaluate the adaptation, methodology, and statistics used. Methods: A systematic review was conducted using Scopus, Google Scholar and PubMed to identify articles that adapted and/or validated CAPE-V between 2002 and 2022. The title and summary were analyzed to pre-select the sample. To evaluate the risk of bias of the included studies, the full text was critically analyzed. Results: The initial search identified 568 items. When duplicates were removed, 559 were reviewed and 23 were pre-selected. 12 were finally included and analyzed considering adaptation, methodology, and statistical analysis. The results show that the adaptation and validation of CAPE-V to different languages is essential to ensure accurate and reliable measurements in different populations. Analysis and discussion: There is heterogeneity in how CAPE-V is adapted and validated. However, all studies were successful in producing valid results, underlining the importance of these processes for clinical practice. Conclusions: Adaptations and validations of CAPE-V were performed heterogeneously due to the absence of a standard protocol. It is necessary to generate guidelines to perform these processes by providing this scale to the clinic, ensuring quality and reliability of results.

Salud ment ; 46(6): 317-324, Nov.-Dec. 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530384


Abstract Introduction During the coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2) pandemic, restrictive measures were implemented to reduce contagion. However, severely decreasing social interaction also negatively impacted the economy, particularly that of indigenous groups. Objective This article seeks to understand the emotional distress identified by a group of indigenous women residents, as well as their self-care practices, during the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico City. Method A digital qualitative study was undertaken since the fieldwork was conducted in person and online, using various Internet platforms, which served as a field scenario, data collection tool and a means of continuous connection with subjects. Results Anecdotal records were obtained from the subjects, who identified categorizations in the collective organization of the indigenous group, which became a support network for mobilizing official material resources. Information was also obtained on the way the women engaged in the self-care of their emotional distress in a range of ways with a sense of immediacy, through physical, spiritual, herbal, and psychological resources. They observed how women managed to cope with their situation and continue caring for and supporting their families to enable them to get by, distinguishing between those who were providers and those who were dependent on another provider. Discussion and conclusion The pandemic, together with social restrictions, created stressful situations, causing various emotional problems among the indigenous collective. Nevertheless, their capacity for self-management and self-care enabled them to cope with these conditions in the midst of structural contexts of violence, poverty, and social exclusion.

Resumen Introducción Durante la pandemia del nuevo coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2) se instauraron diferentes medidas restrictivas con la finalidad de disminuir los contagios. Sin embargo, al reducir severamente las interacciones sociales también se produjo un impacto negativo en la economía, especialmente en los grupos indígenas. Objetivo Este artículo busca conocer los malestares emocionales identificados por un colectivo de mujeres indígenas residentes, así como sus prácticas de auto-atención, durante la pandemia por COVID-19 en la CDMX. Método Se desarrolló una investigación cualitativa digital ya que el trabajo de campo fue presencial y en línea, así como en diferentes plataformas de la red de internet, las cuales fungieron como escenario de campo, herramienta de recopilación de datos y un dispositivo de conexión constante con los informantes Resultados Se obtuvieron registros anecdóticos de las participantes, que identificaron: categorizaciones en la organización colectiva del grupo indígena, convirtiéndose en red de apoyo que movilizó recursos materiales oficiales; cómo las mujeres practicaron la auto-atención de sus malestares emocionales de manera variada y con un sentido de inmediatez, mediante recursos físicos, espirituales, herbolarios, psicológicos y el saber aguantarse para sobrellevar su situación, y continuar cuidando y apoyando a sus familias a salir adelante, diferenciando entre mujeres proveedoras y las dependientes de otro proveedor. Discusión y conclusión La pandemia junto con las restricciones sociales, generaron situaciones estresantes, desencadenando diversas problemáticas emocionales en el colectivo indígena, pero su capacidad de autogestión y autocuidado les permitió sobrellevar tales condiciones en medio de contextos estructurales de violencia, pobreza y exclusión social.

Enfermeria (Montev.) ; 12(2)jul.-dez. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1448207


Objetivo: Describir conductas sexuales de riesgo relacionadas con las infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) en una comunidad shuar de Taisha, Ecuador. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo-transversal, con base en la teoría transcultural de Leininger. Participaron 215 adultos de ambos sexos, mayores de 18 años. Se utilizó un cuestionario validado por expertos, con método Delphi. El análisis relacional usó la prueba de X2. Resultados: De la muestra, 153 mujeres y 62 hombres, el 99.1 % se identificó como heterosexual; 79.1 % indicó que su actividad sexual se inició en la preadolescencia, siendo lo más frecuente de tipo genital; 16.3 % reveló haber presentado alguna vez una ITS; 29.3 % ha tenido relaciones sexuales bajo efecto del alcohol o sustancias afrodisíacas, de los que 6 % indicó utilizar preservativo. El 60 % respondió que no lo usa porque no sabe cómo y por sentir menos placer; 36.7 % refirió tener relaciones sexuales fortuitas y, en ellas, 73 % sin usar preservativo. No hubo asociación significativa entre las conductas sexuales y la edad de las personas. Conclusión: El escaso uso de preservativo, relaciones sexuales fortuitas sin protección, inicio temprano y actividad sexual bajo efecto alcohol o sustancias afrodisíacas resultaron ser prácticas de riesgo para contraer una infección de transmisión sexual en esta comunidad indígena. Se necesita tender puentes, desde el sistema de salud hasta las comunidades, para implementar programas de prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento en estadios tempranos para detección, educación, apoyo y control. El modelo de enfermería transcultural y el trabajo interdisciplinario permiten conocer los principios, valores y cosmovisión de los integrantes de la comunidad.

Objetivo: Descrever os comportamentos sexuais de risco relacionados às doenças sexualmente transmissíveis (DST) em uma comunidade shuar em Taisha, Equador. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo-transversal, com base na teoria transcultural de Leininger. Participaram 215 adultos de ambos os sexos, com mais de 18 anos de idade. Foi utilizado um questionário validado por especialistas por meio do método Delphi. A análise relacional usou o teste X2. Resultados: Da amostra, 153 mulheres e 62 homens, 99,1 % se identificaram como heterossexuais; 79,1% indicaram que sua atividade sexual começou na pré-adolescência, mais frequentemente do tipo genital; 16,3 % revelaram já ter tido uma DST; 29,3 % tiveram relações sexuais sob o efeito de álcool, dos quais 6 % indicaram usar preservativo. Sessenta por cento disseram que não usam preservativos porque não sabem como usar e porque sentem menos prazer; 36,7 % relataram ter feito sexo casual, sendo 73 % deles sem usar preservativo. Não houve associação significativa entre o comportamento sexual e a idade. Conclusão: Constatou-se que o baixo uso de preservativos, o sexo casual desprotegido, o início precoce e a atividade sexual sob efeito do álcool ou substâncias afrodisíacas resultaram ser práticas de risco para contrair uma doença sexualmente transmissível nessa comunidade indígena. É necessário construir pontes entre o sistema de saúde e as comunidades para implementar programas de prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento em estágios iniciais para detecção, educação, apoio e controle. O modelo de enfermagem transcultural e o trabalho interdisciplinar nos permitem conhecer os princípios, os valores e a visão de mundo dos membros da comunidade.

Objective: To describe risky sexual behaviours related to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in a Shuar community of Taisha, Ecuador. Methodology: Descriptive-cross-sectional study, based on Leininger's cross-cultural theory. A total of 215 adults of both sexes over 18 years of age participated. A questionnaire validated by experts was used, with Delphi method. The relational analysis used the X2 test. Results: Of the sample, 153 women and 62 men, 99.1 % identified themselves as heterosexual; 79.1 % indicated that their sexual activity began in preadolescence, most frequently of the genital type; 16.3 % reported having ever had an STI; 29.3 % had had sexual relations while intoxicated, of which 6 % reported using a condom. The 60 % percent responded that they do not use condoms because they do not know how and because they feel less pleasure; 36.7 % reported having casual sex, 73 % of them without using a condom. There was no significant association between sexual behaviors and age. Conclusion: The scarce use of condoms, incidental unprotected sex, early onset and sexual activity under the influence of alcohol or aphrodisiac substances were found to be risk practices for contracting a sexually transmitted infection in this indigenous community. There is a need to build bridges from the health system to the communities to implement prevention, diagnosis and treatment programs in early stages for detection, education, support and control. The transcultural nursing model and the interdisciplinary work allow knowing the principles, values and cosmovision of the community members.