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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023217


Air Force Medical University has constructed an integrated clinical diagnosis curriculum system for undergraduate students based on military medical service and established the teaching methods of diagnostic evidence orientation, diagnostic method guidance, and diagnosed case practice. In the context of the new epidemic situation, we have also formed the blended teaching model of "triad training" and "four methods", optimized the teaching process of theory and practice, incorporated the contents of military medicine, determined the teaching objectives of this curriculum system at the three levels of knowledge, ability, and quality, completed the construction of the core curriculum, and applied it to the teaching practice. This curriculum system has achieved significant improvements in the degree of satisfaction among teachers and students and the excellent rate of military medical skill examination, which better meets the practical needs of medical service personnel training in air force.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991245


Since 2016, Binzhou Medical University began to carry out the blended learning reform in the organ-systems based curriculum (OSBC) of the experimental class of clinical medicine. Based on the traditional face-to-face teaching method, the blended learning mode of the integrated course of endocrine system under OSBC has been carried out by using the small private online course (SPOC) of MOOC platform of China universities. Many teaching methods have been adopted and formed, including case-based learning (CBL), problem-based learning (PBL), professional bilingual teaching, scientific research teaching and virtual simulation experiment teaching. The evaluation system for the combination of formative and summary assessment has been also adopted in the whole process to assess the students' academic achievement, and the teaching effect as well. The blended learning mode of the integrated course of the endocrine system under OSBC is still in the exploratory stage. There are some limitations, such as too high requirements for teachers' quality, long preparation time for teaching, and great difficulty in supervising online learning. However, the practice of teaching reform that has been carried out shows that it is effective, feasible, and worth popularizing.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991246


Periodontology is one of the important disciplines in oral clinical medicine, which covers a wide range of subjects and intersects with many basic disciplines. Under the environment of the implementation of modular teaching in Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, the assessment method with separate propositions for the teaching and research section is still adopted. There is a mismatch between the assessment mode and the curriculum setting; the basic subject propositions are difficult to be combined with clinical cases; the knowledge point assessment is single, and the students' ability to integrate the knowledge points cannot be assessed. The development and construction of the comprehensive examination database for periodontology was based on curriculum integration, gathering the teaching backbones of various disciplines, focusing on periodontology, radiating all related disciplines, unifying the proposition outline, proposition type, proposition principle, combining with relevant knowledge points of various disciplines based on clinical cases, and tried to apply to clinical students majoring in stomatology. The use of the examination database promotes students' ability to flexibly apply theoretical knowledge to clinical case analysis, further promotes the reform of modular teaching, lays a solid foundation for future clinical work, and meanwhile provides an important basis for directions of the teaching and research section.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-955584


Taking the curriculum integration of skin diseases as an example, this paper summarizes the skin diseases with high incidence in the army such as acne, tinea pedis, warts, folliculitis, corns and calluses, sunburns, etc. The results have been applied to the integration of the skin disease curriculum in Air Force Medical University. During the course integration process, we integrated the courses of dermatology, plastic surgery and burn surgery together, and simplified the teaching content according to the "organ-system" orientation and features of military medical university. In the teaching process, the PBL teaching method was used to guide the students to discuss with the problems. At the end of the course, the students were assessed by tests, and the satisfaction evaluation were carried out. The results showed that the application of high incidence of skin diseases in the army in curriculum integration can help improve the teaching effect and the satisfaction of students, which will provide a certain reference for the curriculum integration reform of military medical universities.

Motrivivência (Florianópolis) ; 31(59): [1-16], Set. 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1050408


O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar o processo de construção da Base Nacional Comum Curricular, bem como a forma como ela está estruturada, dando centralidade às interfaces com a Educação Física na área de Linguagens. Metodologicamente, adotamos um delineamento qualitativo de tipo descritivo/exploratório, recorrendo à pesquisa documental como técnica para a nossa coleta e análise de dados. Constata-se que a sua suposta construção democrática é controversa e que o manuscrito ressente de uma maior integração curricular, expressa tanto na desarticulação entre as etapas da escolarização, quanto no trabalho de interdisciplinaridade entre os componentes curriculares. Constata-se, ainda, que a Educação Física carece de um maior aprofundamento capaz de justificá-la na área em que está inserida

The objective of this study is to analyze the construction process of the National Base Curriculum Common, as well as the way it is structured, giving centrality to the interfaces with Physical Education in the area of Languages. Methodologically, we adopted a descriptive/exploratory qualitative design, using to documentary research as a technique for our data collection and analysis. It is verified that its alleged democratic construction is controversial and that the manuscript suffers from a greater curricular integration, expressed both in the disarticulation between the stages of schooling, and in the work of interdisciplinarity among the curricular components. It is also observed that Physical Education needs to be further deepened to justify it in the area in which it is inserted.

El presente estudio tiene como objetivo analizar el proceso de construcción de la Base Nacional Común Curricular, así como la forma como está estructurada, dando centralidad a las interfaces con la Educación Física en la área de Lenguajes. Metodológicamente, adoptamos un delineamiento cualitativo de tipo descriptivo/exploratorio, recurriendo a la investigación documental como técnica para nuestra recolección y análisis de datos. Se constata que su supuesta construcción democrática es controvertida y que el manuscrito resiente de una mayor integración curricular, expresada tanto en la desarticulación entre las etapas de la escolarización, como en el trabajo de interdisciplinariedad entre los componentes curriculares. Se constata, además, que la Educación Física carece de una mayor profundización capaz de justificarla en el área en que está inserta.

Acta Anatomica Sinica ; (6): 844-846, 2019.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-844593


Objective: Under the impetus of curriculum integration mode, the combination of gross anatomy and clinic is the inevitable trend of the development of gross anatomy teaching. How to the combination of gross anatomy and clinic in teaching has been the ultimate goal of our exploration. Methods: Through the cooperation with the Department of Spinal Surgery of Union Hospital Affiliated to Huazhong University of Science and Technology, we held the "Elite Training Course about Complete Combination of Spinal Endoscopy and Under-endoscopy Power Equipments". Teachers of anatomy, clinicians and equipment engineers discussed the starting point of teaching, the teaching objective, teaching method and make specific teaching plans. Some clinicians and students were invited to participate in the training, conduct questionnaires to the participating clinicians, and conduct follow-up survey to the participating students to explore the feasibility of this teaching mode. Results: The teaching mode of combining anatomy with spinal surgery was feasible. The students had high enthusiasm and good learning effect and gave us good evaluation. Conclusion: The teaching mode of gross anatomy combined with clinical practice can increase students subjective initiative and enable students to master anatomy knowledge systematically in a limited time.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-824017


Because clinical oncology course for undergraduates is related to many clinical specialties , traditional teaching of this course is likely to lead to repetition and contradiction of knowledge. Clinical medical college carried out integrated curriculum in clinical oncology for three years during the implementation of teaching reform to overcome the above-mentioned disadvantages. Teaching and research sections related to clinical oncology were horizontally integrated under the guidance of teaching affairs office; On the premise of meeting the requirements of teaching outlines, the clinical oncology in internal medicine, surgery and gynecology was systematically improved in accordance with cognitive laws. Following the previous year, PBL teaching program in clinical oncology still focused on the integration of theoretical course and probation course. After integration, the sub-specialty teacher team was gradually shaped, the teaching quality was significantly improved and the clinical thinking of medical students was enhanced.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-800819


Because clinical oncology course for undergraduates is related to many clinical specialties, traditional teaching of this course is likely to lead to repetition and contradiction of knowledge. Clinical medical college carried out integrated curriculum in clinical oncology for three years during the implementation of teaching reform to overcome the above-mentioned disadvantages. Teaching and research sections related to clinical oncology were horizontally integrated under the guidance of teaching affairs office; On the premise of meeting the requirements of teaching outlines, the clinical oncology in internal medicine, surgery and gynecology was systematically improved in accordance with cognitive laws. Following the previous year, PBL teaching program in clinical oncology still focused on the integration of theoretical course and probation course. After integration, the sub-specialty teacher team was gradually shaped, the teaching quality was significantly improved and the clinical thinking of medical students was enhanced.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-700489


Skill competition is part of experimental teaching and is also an important way to explore the reform of experiment teaching.These skills competition of medical microbiology and immunology hold three-stages,including thesis writing,competition of experimental skills and experimental report.It plays an important role in knowledge integration of medical microbiology and:mmunology,promotion of students' enthusiasm and initiative,cultivation of students' clinical thinking ability,scientific research consciousness and autonomous learning ability.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-506120


Systems-based integrated course is the core and hot spot in current advanced medical education reform.An integrated organ-system oriented curriculum system of endocrinology and metabolism was applied in eight year clinical medicine and five year excellent doctor education.The teaching contents of endocrinology and metabolism from traditional Basic Medicine,Internal Medicine and Surgery were integrated and optimized to compile the integrated syllabus and teaching cases.Curriculum integration oriented PBL teaching and comprehensive morphology experimental teaching were implemented into the integrated endocrinology and metabolism system curriculum.This endocrinology and metabolism course integration based on organ-system based learning is conducive to establishing the organic connection between Basic Medicine and Clinical Medicine,and cultivating high-quality medical talents.

Basic & Clinical Medicine ; (12): 427-430, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-510452


Here we reported a research project based on Black-board to integrate medical curriculum .The key points of this research is application of clinical cases as teaching data and facilitate learning of knowledge following the principle of learning by doing and , input the concept of precision medicine and informatics in learning process with an individually designed framework of learning .The learning outcome is evaluated with big data tech-nology and thus creates a student-centered pathway of medical education .

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-505138


TongJi University School of Medicine has performed teaching reforms in the early stage of medical students through curriculum integration of life science,the introduction of PBL,and designing of comprehensive experiments to achieve comprehensive professional competence of medical students.The results showed that the training system is beneficial to the cultivation of students' clinical thinking and early medical professional competence.It has been recognized by both students and faculty.Preliminary practice has proved to be successful.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-493421


To improve the quality of teaching, teaching reform and exploration on integration of Ttradition Chinese Orthopedics curriculum has been carried out by orthopedics teaching and research section in our school. Putting Traditional Chinese Orthopedics as the framework of curriculum knowledge, the im-portant and difficult points of Human Anatomy and Clinical Medical Science were combined, which builds the overall teaching mode of normal-disease-cases and get some results. The evaluation of teaching effect shows thatthe integration of Traditional Chinese Orthopedicscourse will enable students to lay a solid the-oretical foundation and improve their ability.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-476445


Objective To explore the teaching effect ofOrgan-system-based curriculum in-tegrated model on clinical graduation field work. Method 150 clinical medical undergraduates of Grade 2009 from Shenyang Medical College selected, were randomly divided into the experimental group (75 persons) and the control group (75 persons). The experimental group adopted the means of the Organ-system-based curriculum integrated model, namely practicing according to human organ-system and the control group accepted the traditional pattern of discipline centered practice during the clinical graduation internship. The two groups of students carried out questionnaire survey and comprehend examinations when the practice ended, and then statistics analysis (the chi square test, t test) was done by the SPSS 19.0 software between the two groups in order to explore the teaching effect. Result The students' satisfaction degree from six aspects of the questionnaire survey showed in the experimental group was significantly higher than that in the control group (the degree of recognition of practicing pattern: χ2=11.437, P=0.003; the architectonic integrality: χ2=9.881, P=0.007; the im-provement of the autonomic learning ability χ2=9.643, P=0.008; the teaching method and means: χ2=11.006, P=0.004; motivating learning interest: χ2=13.550, P=0.001; increasing the ability of clinical thinking: χ2=13.309, P=0.001), and the average test scores of students from three parts of examination results showed by comprehend examinations (speculative knowledge examination: t=2.768, P=0.006;technical skill examination: t=2.212, P=0.029; clinical capability examination: t=5.015, P=0.000) in the experimental group was obviously higher than that in the control group and the difference was sig-nificant. Conclusion Organ-system-based curriculum integrated model on clinical graduation in-ternship is generally approved by the students, which has significantly improved the students' clinical thinking ability, and the quality of graduation internship teaching.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-458275


It is the trend to integrate the curriculum contents and strengthen the ability training in reform of edu-cation model at present .After the abilities to develop and maintain medical informatics-related information sys-tems, to process medical information and to provide medical information service were analyzed, certain suggestions were put forward for the practical teaching reform of medical informatics according to the requirements of ability training and the characteristics of subject knowledge structure .

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-445093


Objective To apply teaching integration of theory and practice in curriculum integration of medical and surgical nursing,in order to improve staff-students' satisfaction and promote teaching quality of curriculum integration.Methods The teaching method was designed as the combination of autonomous learning,entering the clinical scene and centralized instructions,and was applied into teaching integration of theory and practice in curriculum integration of medical and surgical nursing in grade 2009 undergraduates.Teachers and students were investigated by the satisfaction questionnaire.Results The students got high average score which was (90.20±2.72) points in the examination of teaching integration of theory and practice.The total satisfaction degree showed significant difference between the normal teaching mode and the new one.Conclusions As an explored innovative teaching mode,teaching integration of theory and practice can well arouse staff-students' learning enthusiasm,promote teaching quality.It is the requirement of curriculum integration and be worthy of being developed.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-669547


The original teaching of clinical pharmacy for stomatology course did not let students aware of the importance of drugs in the treatment of oral diseases. The original teaching framework was rearranged:decentralizing knowledge of oral diseased related clinical pharmacy into several mod-ules;setting general knowledge into the oral basic medical module;adding the practice of visiting the pharmacy and manufacturing laboratory. Teaching process was closely combined with clinics and was integrated with disease-centered oral medicine curriculum integration system. Students responded that the teaching effect was better. The rearranged teaching method can enhance students' attention on drug treatment for oral diseases,improve their ability of clinical medication and promote the teaching quality.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-669982


Objective A preliminary study was conducted on the measuring tool for teachers' attitude in the medical schools towards curriculum integration of medical program.Methods Literature review and expert interview were conducted to design a questionnaire which comprised 56 items to investigate teachers' attitude towards medical curriculum integration.The method of factor analysis and Pearson correlation coefficient were used to evaluate structure validity,the content validity index I-CVI and S-CVI were used to evaluate the content validity and Cronbach's alpha coefficient and split-half reliability were used to evaluate the reliability of the questionnaire.Results Three principal components were extracted by factor analysis,which explained 59.219% of the total variance.After rotation,the factors 1-3 were respectively defined as value recognition,participation initiative and emotional tendency.Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the three factors and all the items is 0.922,0.903,0.728 and 0.862 respectively.Conclusion The reliability and validity of the measurement tool is acceptable,and can be used as a reference for similar domestic survey

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-432672


Three different arrangements of neurology curriculum were compared including the traditional neurology teaching in Wuhan University School of Medicine,neurology teaching modules in clinical pathophysiology and therapeutics (CPPT) in University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine and the clinical pathophysiology and therapeutics (CPPT) as well as the current reform of neurology teaching in Wuhan University School of Medicine.This article discussed the issues related to the neurology curriculum integration in medical school.Results showed that curriculum integration in ‘ teaching reform class' was praised by teachers and students.Integrating basic medical courses into clinical courses of neurology is of great importances in improving the quality of medical education in China and cultivating high-quality medical personnel to meet the requirements of the times.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-598500


Medical psychology and psychiatry is the obligatory courses for five-year and seven-year medical students. With the rapid changes of society and continuous improvement of medical services , it is necessary to adjust and integrate the teaching content of these two courses. Teaching order of some chapters in the teaching syllabus was not helpful for students to understand the teaching content. Some teaching content was repetitive. Part of the self-study content urgently needs to teach with the development of the society and changes in disease spectrum. After the adjustment , the teaching content of the curricu-lum with strong pertinence was clear and coherent. It improved the teaching efficiency and knowledge of students;therefore, the curriculum is widely praised by the students.