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Acta colomb. psicol ; 26(1): 188-199, Jan.-June 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419877


Resumen El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar el papel que los factores de personalidad pertenecientes a los Cinco Grandes y la Tríada Oscura -maquiavelismo, narcisismo y psicopatía- tienen en la conducción agresiva. La muestra se compuso de 318 estudiantes universitarios con permiso de conducir, quienes contestaron a una batería de pruebas que evaluaba los factores de personalidad de los Cinco Grandes (TIPI), la Tríada Oscura (DD) y la conducción agresiva (DAS y DAX). Los análisis de regresión jerárquica controlando las variables de edad y sexo, respaldan la utilidad predictiva de los factores de personalidad de los Cinco Grandes y la Tríada Oscura. Los resultados mostraron cómo la afabilidad, la estabilidad emocional y la apertura a la experiencia predicen de manera significativa diversos aspectos de la conducción agresiva. El maquiavelismo y el narcisismo son predictores significativos de diversas formas de expresión de la ira en la conducción, una vez controlados los efectos de los Cinco Grandes.

Abstract The aim of this paper was to analyze the role that personality traits belonging to the Big Five and the Dark Triad (Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy) have on aggressive driving. 318 undergraduate students with a driver's license completed a battery of tests assessing Big Five personality traits (TIPI), Dark Triad (DD) and aggressive driving (DAS and DAX). Hierarchical regressions analyses controlling for respondents' age and gender variables supported the predictive utility of the Big Five personality traits and the Dark Triad. Results showed that agreeableness, emotional stability and openness to experience predict various aspects of aggressive driving. Machiavellianism and narcissism are significant predictors of various forms of anger expression in driving after controlling for the effects of the Big Five personality traits.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 May; 71(5): 2323-2324
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225076


Background: With ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM), radial scans are taken by using a typical ciliary process, to show the details of the iridocorneal angle, the anterior surface of the ciliary body, and its relation to the posterior iris. Appositional closure represents potentially reversible contact between the peripheral iris and trabecular meshwork. The appositional closure can further be classified according to the configuration of iridotrabecular contact (ITC). UBM can be performed in dark and light conditions, which has been shown to be useful for detecting changes in iridocorneal angle configuration associated with dark and light. Purpose: To image ITC configuration in appositional angle closure and also image iridocorneal angle in dark and bright light room illumination. Synopsis: UBM demonstrates two types of ITC configuration in appositional closure which are, B?type and S?type. It can also demonstrate the presence of sinus of Mapstone in S?type of ITC. Highlights: UBM allows imaging of dynamic changes in the iris and shows that the degree of appositional angle closure is a dynamic process that can change rapidly depending on the lighting conditions.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223120


Background: Dermoscopy is useful in the diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma (BCC). However, most descriptions of the dermoscopic features of BCCs are in Caucasians (skin types I-III) and there is a paucity of data in dark-skinned Indian patients. Aims: The aim of this study was to describe the various dermoscopic features of BCC in dark-skinned patients from South India and correlate these with the histopathologic subtypes. Methods: A retrospective observational study of biopsy-proven cases of BCC was conducted at a tertiary care center in South India using nonpolarized contact dermoscopy. Results: Sixty BCCs in 35 patients predominantly of skin phototypes IV or V were studied. These included 32 nodular, 27 superficial and 1 infiltrative type of BCC. The most common dermoscopic features noted were maple leaf-like areas (61.7%), blue-white veils (53.4%), ulceration (48.4%) and short fine telangiectases (46.7%). Ulceration, blue-white veils and arborizing vessels were significantly associated with nodular BCCs, while maple leaf-like areas, red-white structureless areas, multiple small erosions and spoke wheel areas were noted with superficial BCCs. Limitations: The limitations of this study include its retrospective nature, the use of only nonpolarized light for examination, the lack of other histopathological variants of BCC as well as the lack of a comparison group. Conclusion: We report a dermoscopic study of BCC in dark-skinned patients from Puducherry, South India. The blue-white veil was observed in half of the patients and was significantly associated with nodular BCCs. The addition of the blue-white veil to the diagnostic criteria for pigmented BCC could improve the diagnostic accuracy of dermoscopy in Indian patients.

Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 66(2): 40-48, mar.-abr. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449219


Resumen El sistema circadiano está sincronizado al ciclo luz-oscuridad que es generado por la rotación de la tierra, asegurando que la vigilia sea durante el día y que el sueño ocurra durante la noche. Sin embargo, el ritmo de sueño-vigilia puede estar desincronizado del ciclo luz-oscuridad o desincronizado de manera endógena, dando como resultado: insomnio, fatiga y bajo rendimiento en las actividades cotidianas. Mientras que los trastornos del sueño están clasificados por la Asociación Americana de Trastornos del Sueño como: disomnias intrínsecas, disomnias extrínsecas, parasomnias o trastornos del sueño médicos/psiquiátricos. Los trastornos circadianos del sueño se han categorizado por separado, en parte para reconocer que en la mayoría de los casos la etiología de los trastornos circadianos es una mezcla de factores internos y ambientales, o por un desajuste temporal entre ambos. Los síntomas generalmente son insomnio o hipersomnia, síntomas comunes en pacientes con trastornos circadianos del sueño, aunque hay otras causas a las que pueden atribuirse y que deben excluirse antes de realizar el diagnóstico de un trastorno circadiano del sueño. En el paciente sin otra patología del sueño, un registro diario de actividades, comidas, ejercicio, siestas y la hora de acostarse es una herramienta esencial para evaluar los trastornos circadianos del sueño. Estos registros deben mantenerse durante 2 semanas o más, ya que una perturbación debida a cambios de trabajo o viajes a través de zonas horarias puede tener efectos sobre el sueño y el estado de alerta durante el día, semanas después del evento.

Abstract The circadian system is synchronized to the light-dark cycle generated by the rotation of the earth, ensuring that wakefulness is during the day and sleep occurs at night. However, the sleep-wake rhythm may be out of sync with the light-dark cycle or endogenously out of sync, resulting in insomnia, fatigue, and poor performance in activities of daily living. Sleep disorders are classified by the American Sleep Disorders Association, as intrinsic dyssomnias, extrinsic dyssomnias, parasomnias, or medical/psychiatric sleep disorders. Circadian sleep disorders have been categorized separately to recognize that in most cases the etiology of circadian disturbances is a mix of internal and environmental factors or a temporary mismatch between the two. Symptoms are usually insomnia or hypersomnia, common symptoms in patients with circadian sleep disorders although other causes can be attributed and must be excluded before a diagnosis of a circadian sleep disorder is made. In the patient without other sleep pathology, a daily record of activities, meals, exercise, naps, and bedtime is an essential tool in assessing circadian sleep disorders. These records should be kept for 2 weeks or more, as a disturbance due to job changes or travel across time zones can have effects on sleep and daytime alertness weeks after the event.

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217950


Background: Pain is a common stimulus that induces anxiety in both Animals and human beings. Aim and Objective: We have undertaken this study to evaluate the induction of anxiety in Wistar rats using hot plate method. Materials and Methods: 24 Wistar rats of either gender were used. Elevated plus maze (EPM) and light and dark arena (LDA) were used to evaluate the anxiety and hot plate analgesiometer was used to induce anxiety. After baseline reading from EPM and LDA, the Wistar rats were exposed to the hot plate and then evaluated for the induction of the anxiety behavior. Results: After exposing to the hot plate, the ratio of time spent in the open arms to the time spent on the closed arms was decreased from 0.027 to 0.010 and also the ratio of time spent on the light chamber to the time spent on the dark chamber was decreased from 0.093 to 0.012. Hot plate method has shown statistical significant induction of anxiety as evaluated by EPM and also LDA. Conclusion: Hot plate method is a good intervention to induce anxiety in Wistar rats. Instead of injecting drugs that causes anxiety to explore the anxiolytic effects of the drugs the hot plate analgesiometer method is a good alternative.

Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 36(1)mar. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1522003


Introducción: El envejecimiento periorbitario se considera un proceso complejo y multifactorial que se relaciona con procesos intrínsecos y extrínsecos tales como los cambios degenerativos en la piel, la aparición de líneas finas, la pérdida de volumen, el descenso de tejidos, la piel flácida y el exceso de depósito de grasa. Objetivo: Evaluar los resultados de la corrección de las ojeras y del surco nasoyugal con Nanofat. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio longitudinal prospectivo en el Servicio de Cirugía Plástica y Caumatología del Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico "Hermanos Ameijeiras" desde agosto de 2019 a mayo de 2021. La muestra la constituyeron 37 pacientes. Los datos se resumieron en frecuencias absolutas y relativas. Resultados: La edad promedio fue 47,2 ± 10,7 años. El 89,2 por ciento de los pacientes eran mujeres. La media del tejido emulsionado infiltrado por cada lado fue de 1,40 ± 0,4 ml, con un volumen mínimo de 1 ml y un máximo de 2 ml. En el 83,8 por ciento de los casos se constató una disminución del surco nasoyugal y en el 16,2 por ciento se evidenció una gran mejoría. En el 100 por ciento de los pacientes hubo avance de la hiperpigmentación y mejoría de la calidad de la piel. Dentro de las complicaciones solo un paciente (2,7 por ciento) presentó nódulos por calcificación en la zona receptora. El resto de los pacientes en estudio no presentó eventos adversos. El grado de satisfacción postratamiento con Nanofat fue de 100 por ciento. Conclusiones: Los resultados de la corrección de las ojeras y del surco nasoyugal con Nanofat son muy buenos(AU)

Introduction: Periorbital aging is considered a complex and multifactorial process that is related to intrinsic and extrinsic processes such as degenerative changes in the skin, appearance of fine lines, volume loss, tissue descent, sagging skin, and excess fat deposition. Objetive: To evaluate the results of correction of dark circles under the eyes and the nasojugal sulcus with Nanofat. Methods: A prospective longitudinal study was performed in the Plastic Surgery and Caumatology Service of the Clinical Surgical Hospital "Hermanos Ameijeiras" from August 2019 to May 2021. The sample consisted of 37 patients. The data were summarized in absolute and relative frequencies. Results: The mean age was 47.2±10.7 years. The 89.2 percent of the patients were women. The mean emulsified tissue infiltrated per side was 1.40±0.4 ml, with a minimum volume of 1 ml and a maximum of 2 ml. In 83.8 percent of the cases there was a decrease in the nasojugal sulcus and in 16.2 percent there was a great improvement. In 100 percent of the patients there was improvement of hyperpigmentation and great improvement of skin quality. Among the complications only one patient (2.7 percent) presented nodules due to calcification in the recipient area. The rest of the patients in the study did not present adverse events. The degree of post-treatment satisfaction with Nanofat was 100 percent. Conclusions: The results of correction of dark circles and nasojugal sulcus with Nanofat are very good(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Envelhecimento , Estudos Prospectivos
Junguiana ; 41(3)2º sem. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524435


O artigo propõe uma correlação simbólica entre o texto do Bhagavad Gita e o processo de individuação proposto por Jung. Interpreta a guerra entre os guenos dos Pândavas e dos Káuravas como um processo simbólico, em função do qual, Arjuna (personagem líder dos Pândavas) poderá incorporar, em sua psique, os conteúdos, simbolicamente representados e depositados no grupo dos Káuravas, sejam as características sombrias, defensivas, bem como as criativas ou iluminadas.

This paper proposes a symbolic correlation between the Bhagavad Gita text and the individuation process proposed by Jung. It interprets the war between the Pandavas' guenos and the Káuravas as a symbolic process, as a result of which Arjuna (leader of the Pândavas) will be able to embody, in his psyche, the contents, symbolically represented and deposited in the group of the Káuravas, whether the characters dark, defensive, as well as creative or light ones.

El artículo propone una correlación simbólica entre el texto del Bhagavad Gita y el proceso de individuación propuesto por Jung. Interpreta la guerra entre los guenos de los Pándavas y de los Káuravas como un proceso simbólico, en función del cual, Arjuna (personaje líder de los Pándavas) podrá incorporar en su psique los contenidos, simbólicamente representados y depositados en el grupo de los Káuravas, sean las características oscuras, defensivas, así como las creativas o iluminadas.

Religião e Psicologia , Teoria Junguiana
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992102


Anxiety is a major mood disorder, and the high morbidity, co-morbidity and disability of anxiety disorders seriously affect people's quality of life, so the importance and urgency of research on anxiety cannot be overstated. Animal models are the main carriers for studying the mechanism of disease occurrence and development, drug efficacy evaluation and drug development.Unconditioned anxiety model is a common anxiety model.Elevated plus maze test, open field test and light-dark box test are widely accepted paradigms for the detection of unconditioned anxiety.This kind of behavioral paradigm based on environmental exposure takes advantage of the conflict between curiosity and fear of the unfamiliar environment to simulate and detect the anxiety of animals.However, the validity of these behavioral paradigms for evaluating anxiety in animals is questionable.In this paper, we discuss the concept of anxiety, the definition of anxiety behavior in the behavioral test of unconditioned anxiety, and the factors to be considered in the test of unconditioned anxiety behavior.On this basis, new solutions were proposed to the contradictions and blind spots in order to improve the test paradigm of anxiety behavior and provide a more reliable animal model for the evaluation of anxiety.This paper presents a new approach to address the contradictions and blind spots of this paradigm.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992142


Objective:To explore the chain mediating effects of hostile cognition and anger between dark triad and college students' cyberbullying.Methods:From May to July 2022, a total of 1 316 college students from four universities completed a cross-section questionnaire survey including the dirty dozen (DD), the cyberbullying subscale of the revised cyber bullying inventory (RCBI), the hostility cognition and anger subquestionnaires of the aggression questionnaire (AQ). SPSS 26.0 and SPSS PROCESS macro program were used for descriptive analysis, Pearson correlation analysis and mediating effect test.Results:The prevalence of cyberbullying among college students in the past six months was 20.29%(267/1 316). Dark triad (34.80±12.11), hostile cognition (21.65±7.25), anger (17.58±5.44) and cyberbullying (15.19±3.98) were all significantly positively correlated with each other ( r=0.16-0.59, all P<0.01). The results of mediating effect test showed the indirect effect of dark triad on college students' cyberbullying through two pathways, one was the separate mediating effect of anger, and the effect value was 0.029 (95% CI=0.017-0.044), the other was the chain mediating effect of hostile cognition and anger, and the effect value was 0.037(95% CI=0.023-0.055). Conclusion:Dark triad can not only directly affect college students' cyberbullying, but also indirectly affect cyberbullying through the mediating role of anger and the chain mediating role of hostile cognition and anger.

Chinese Journal of Radiology ; (12): 48-53, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992940


Objective:To explore the feasibility of cardiac T 2 weighted dark blood sequence (T 2W-DB) based on artificial intelligence assisted compression-sensing(ACS) in clinical cardiac MR examination, compared with the conventional cardiac fast spin-echo T 2W-DB sequence. Methods:A total of 38 patients referred for cardiac MR examination in Tongji Hospital were enrolled prospectively from August to December 2021. The conventional T 2W-DB scan and the single-shot ACS T 2W-DB scan were acquired at continuous short-axial slices covering the whole left ventricle in all patients, and the acquisition time of each scan was recorded. The image quality of the two sequences was evaluated by the objective quantitative parameters and the subjective scoring methods, respectively. The signal to noise ratio (SNR), the contrast to noise ratio of the interventricular septum to blood pool (CNR), and the sharpness of the images were calculated. The subjective scoring was to evaluate the overall image quality, the effect of blood pool suppression, the visibility of right ventricular free wall, left ventricular free wall, and interventricular septum with a 5-point Likert scale. The intraclass correlation coefficient and Kendall W were calculated to evaluate the interobserver agreement of the objective quantitative parameters and subjective scoring. The paired t-test or Wilcoxon test was used to compare the difference in acquisition time, objective quantitative parameters and subjective scoring between the conventional T 2W-DB and the single-shot ACS T 2W-DB. Results:The inter-observer agreement between the single-shot ACS T 2W-DB and conventional T 2W-DB was good in all the objective quantitative parameters and subjective scoring of image quality ( P<0.05 for all). Compared with conventional T 2W-DB, acquisition time of single-shot ACS T 2W-DB was remarkably shortened [(85.8±14.7) s vs. (16.9±3.0) s, t=35.42, P<0.001]. Compared with SNR (66.4±29.0) and CNR(61.8±28.6) of conventional T 2W-DB, single-shot ACS T 2W-DB had significantly higher SNR(110.8±36.8, t=-8.13, P?0.001) and CNR(88.2±31.1, t=-5.89, P?0.001). Compared with conventional T 2W-DB, single-shot ACS T 2W-DB had better blood pool inhibition effect (4.6±0.6 vs. 4.7±0.5, Z=-2.64, P=0.008). There was no significant difference in overall image quality, visibility of right ventricular free wall, left ventricular free wall, and interventricular septum between the two sequences( P>0.05 for all). Conclusions:In cardiac MR examination, compared with the conventional T 2W-DB sequence, the single-shot ACS T 2W-DB sequence can significantly shorten the acquisition time and obtain better image quality.

Protein & Cell ; (12): 603-617, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010766


Light adaptation enables the vertebrate visual system to operate over a wide range of ambient illumination. Regulation of phototransduction in photoreceptors is considered a major mechanism underlying light adaptation. However, various types of neurons and glial cells exist in the retina, and whether and how all retinal cells interact to adapt to light/dark conditions at the cellular and molecular levels requires systematic investigation. Therefore, we utilized single-cell RNA sequencing to dissect retinal cell-type-specific transcriptomes during light/dark adaptation in mice. The results demonstrated that, in addition to photoreceptors, other retinal cell types also showed dynamic molecular changes and specifically enriched signaling pathways under light/dark adaptation. Importantly, Müller glial cells (MGs) were identified as hub cells for intercellular interactions, displaying complex cell‒cell communication with other retinal cells. Furthermore, light increased the transcription of the deiodinase Dio2 in MGs, which converted thyroxine (T4) to active triiodothyronine (T3). Subsequently, light increased T3 levels and regulated mitochondrial respiration in retinal cells in response to light conditions. As cones specifically express the thyroid hormone receptor Thrb, they responded to the increase in T3 by adjusting light responsiveness. Loss of the expression of Dio2 specifically in MGs decreased the light responsive ability of cones. These results suggest that retinal cells display global transcriptional changes under light/dark adaptation and that MGs coordinate intercellular communication during light/dark adaptation via thyroid hormone signaling.

Animais , Camundongos , Adaptação à Escuridão , Luz , Retina , Células Fotorreceptoras Retinianas Cones/metabolismo , Adaptação Ocular , Neuroglia/fisiologia , Comunicação Celular , Hormônios Tireóideos
Chinese Journal of Medical Physics ; (6): 1105-1113, 2023.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026162


In grating-based phase contrast imaging,the phase stepping technique is commonly utilized for data acquisition and signal retrieval from acquired intensity data.However,the algorithm efficiency with respect to the dark-field retrieval has yet to be sufficiently evaluated.Herein the algorithm efficiency of dark-field retrieval based on Cramér-Rao lower bound is evaluated.The theoretical analysis and numerical results demonstrates that fully efficient algorithm is currently available only for 3-step phase stepping technique,and other techniques with more phase steps are all sub-optimal.Quantitatively,the dependence of the algorithm efficiency on the phase step number and the visibility is investigated.It is shown that the phase stepping technique can nearly approach its theoretical optimal efficiency in the case of a low visibility.With a phase step greater than 5,the algorithm efficiency is only 77.4%in the case of a high visibility.The study can provide some reference for signal-to-noise ratio improvement and potential dose optimization in X-ray and neutron grating-based dark-field imaging.

Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 54: 76-85, ene.-dic. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409662


Resumen Introducción: La Organización Mundial de la Salud indica que es necesario eliminar los valores, las actitudes y los estereotipos basados en el género que afectan la salud y el bienestar de las niñas y mujeres en el mundo. Desde la psicología de la personalidad, algunos trabajos científicos han demostrado que rasgos como la triada oscura de la personalidad (maquiavelismo, psicopatía y narcisismo) y la desconexión moral aumentan la susceptibilidad al sesgo de género, la amenaza y la agresión interpersonal. Como contribución al diseño de un perfil personológico propenso a aceptar y justificar las actitudes sexistas, el objetivo principal de este trabajo fue estudiar el rol mediador de la desconexión moral entre la triada oscura de la personalidad y el sexismo ambivalente en adolescentes. Método: La muestra estuvo compuesta por 803 adolescentes (M = 15.33, DT = 0.99; 50.3% chicos) tras utilizar un muestreo por conveniencia para realizar un análisis de la varianza y la comparación de varios modelos mediacionales a partir de la técnica de bootstrapping. Resultados: Los rasgos de la triada oscura de la personalidad se relacionan directa y significativamente con el sexismo hostil y benevolente de los/as adolescentes, y la desconexión moral tiene un efecto mediador importante en esta relación. Conclusiones: Finalmente, se discute cómo trabajar la desconexión moral para la transformación de estas creencias y actitudes de género que perpetúan la discriminación hacia las adolescentes en programas de prevención.

Abstract Introduction: The World Health Organization indicates that gender-based values, attitudes and stereotypes that affect the health and well-being of girls and women around the world need to be eliminated. From personality psychology, scientific studies have shown that traits such as the dark personality triad (Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and narcissism) and moral disengagement increase susceptibility to gender bias, threat, and interpersonal aggression. As a contribution to the design of a personological profile prone to accept and justify sexist attitudes, the main aim of this paper was to study the mediating role of moral disengagement between the dark personality triad and ambivalent sexism in a sample of adolescents. Methods: The sample consisted of 803 adolescents (M = 15.33, SD = 0.99; 50.3% boys) using convenience sampling to assess ambivalent sexism, dark personality triad and moral disengagement. An analysis of variance and comparison of various mediational models was carried out using the bootstrapping technique. Results: The dark personality triad traits are directly and significantly related to adolescents' hostile and benevolent sexism, and that moral disengagement has a relevant mediating effect on this relationship. Conclusions: Finally, the implications of these findings for the transformation of these gendered beliefs and attitudes that perpetuate discrimination against girls and women are discussed in relation with prevention programs.

Rev. CES psicol ; 15(2): 23-43, mayo-ago. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387204


Resumen El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo estudiar si los problemas emocionales (depresión y ansiedad) y la Personalidad Oscura eran predictores del sexting y el grooming, y si este comportamiento varía según el género y la edad. Se constituyó una muestra de 728 adolescentes entre 11 y 18 años (38% hombres) de tres escuelas secundarias privadas ubicadas en Buenos Aires y Paraná, Argentina. Completaron un Cuestionario de sexting, el Cuestionario de Solicitación e Interacción Sexual a menores online por parte de adultos para evaluar el comportamiento de grooming, la Escala de síntomas psicosomáticos de Rosenberg, el Inventario de depresión de Kovacs para niños y el Dirty Dozen para los rasgos de Personalidad Oscura. Los resultados mostraron que 12% de los adolescentes admitió haber padecido una conducta de grooming. Las formas más frecuentes fueron el envío de mensajes escritos de carácter sexual (11%) y fotos (10%) y luego, en orden de frecuencia, el envío de videos (4%), pero no se detectaron diferencias por género. Los predictores significativos de sexting y el tamaño de su varianza explicada variaban según el género (R² = 47% para mujeres y R² = 12% para hombres, respectivamente). En el caso de las mujeres, mayor edad y puntajes de psicopatía fueron predictores significativos, y en el de los hombres, menor ansiedad fue el predictor significativo. Un modelo estructural explicó una varianza del 6% para el sexting y 21% para el grooming, indicando que no hubo invarianza, según el género. Las regresiones lineales para predecir el grooming a partir del sexting también sugirieron que el género moderaba esta relación.

Abstract The present study aimed to study if emotional problems (depression and anxiety) and Dark Personality were predictors of sexting and grooming, and if this behavior differs by gender and age. A sample of 728 adolescents between 11 and 18 years of age (38% male) from three private high schools located in Buenos Aires and Paraná, Argentina, was drawn. They completed a Sexting questionnaire, the Questionnaire for Online Sexual Solicitation and Interaction of Minors with Adults for grooming behavior, Rosenberg Scale of Psychosomatic Symptoms, the Kovacs Depression Inventory for Children and the Dirty Dozen for dark personality traits. Results showed that 12% of adolescents admitted having carried out a sexting behavior. Sending written messages of a sexual nature (11%) and photos (10%) were the most prevalent ways, followed by videos (4%), but no differences were detected according to gender. Significant predictors of sexting and the size of its explained variance ranged by gender (R² = 47% for females and R² = 12% for men, respectively). In the case of females, older age and psychopathy were the significant predictors. In the case of males, less anxiety was the significant predictors. A structural model explained a variance of 6% for sexting and 21% for grooming, indicating that there was no inavariance, according to gender. Linear regressions to predict grooming from sexting also suggested this relationship was moderated by gender.

Aval. psicol ; 21(1): 74-83, jan.-mar. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1447450


O estudo objetivou adaptar a Assessment of Sadistic Personality (ASP) para o Brasil, averiguando as qualidades psicometricas do instrumento. Foram realizados dois estudos com participantes de diferentes estados brasileiros. No estudo 1 (n = 242) foi realizada a adaptação da ASP e executada uma análise fatorial exploratória, que sugeriu uma estrutura unifatorial. No Estudo 2, (n = 225) a análise fatorial confirmatória apontou indicadores adequados e confiabilidade satisfatória, além de reunidas evidências de validade convergente da ASP com a tríade sombria e o cyberstalking. Em suma, a ASP apresentou evidências de validade e precisão, podendo ser uma ferramenta útil para pesquisadores que buscam conhecer os correlatos da personalidade sádica. (AU)

The study aimed to adapt the Assessment of Sadistic Personality (ASP) scale for Brazil, investigating the psychometric qualities of the instrument. Two studies with participants from different Brazilian states were conducted. In study 1 (n = 242), the ASP was adapted and exploratory factor analysis was performed, which suggested a unifactorial structure. In Study 2 (n = 225), confirmatory factor analysis indicated adequate indicators and satisfactory reliability, in addition to gathering evidence of convergent validity for the ASP with the Dark Triad and cyberstalking. The ASP presented evidence of validity and reliability, constituting a useful tool for researchers who seek to identify the correlates of the sadistic personality. (AU)

El estudio objetivó adaptar el Assessment of Sadistic Personality (ASP) para la población brasileña, averiguando las cualidades psicométricas del instrumento. Se han realizado dos estudios con participantes de diferentes estados brasileños. En el estudio 1 (n = 242) el ASP fue adaptado y se ejecutó un análisis factorial exploratorio, que indicó una estructura unifactorial. Con relación al estudio 2 (n = 225) el análisis factorial confirmatorio apuntó indicadores adecuados y confiabilidad satisfactoria, además de reunir evidencias de validez convergente del ASP con la tríada oscura y el cyberstalking. En resumen, el ASP presentó evidencias de validez y precisión, y puede ser una herramienta útil para los investigadores que buscan conocer los correlatos de la personalidad sádica. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Sadismo/psicologia , Transtorno da Personalidade Antissocial/psicologia , Tradução , Inquéritos e Questionários
Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin ; (12): 1597-1600, 2022.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1014239


Aim To explore the factors on behavior patterns of light/dark box(LDB)as an animal model of state anxiety in Kunming mice.Methods The behavior of adult,male,Kunming mice in LDB was recorded for five minutes,respectively.The following parameters were evaluated:percentage of time in the light area(Ltime%),percentage of squares crossing in the light area(Lcross%),percentage of rears in the light area(Lrear%),total number of squares crossing in the whole apparatus(Cross),total number of rears in the whole apparatus(Rear),total(Cross plus Rear),transitions between two areas(Transition),and number of fecal bolis in light box and dark box(Fbs).Subsequently,the factors,such as day-night rhythm,illumination area(L3/5 or L2/5 for ratio between Light box and Dark box:3:2 or 2:3,respectively),illumination color(in Dark box)and illumination intensity(in Light box),were investigated to screen the best experimental conditions.Results t-test showed that compared with night cycle,there was no significant difference in all LDB parameters during day cycle(P>0.05),while compared with 3/5 and 2/5,LDB parameters during day cycle such as Lcross%(t=5.363,P0.05),but a statistical influence of illumination area on Ltime%(F(1,20)=18.361,P0.05).Conclusions LDB as an animal model of state anxiety in Kunming mice can evaluate anxiety-,locomotion-exploration and emotionality- related behaviors,which cannot be affected by day-night rhythm,but illumination area(Ltime%,Lcross%,Lrear%),illumination color(Rear)and illumination intensity(Cross,Total).So it is recommended to adopt the uniform and fixed conditions,such as illumination area,color and intensity(less than 100 W).

Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222737


Background: The topic of dark personality traits and the emotional construct of schadenfreude have attained the spotlight over the last decade and gained popularity in terms of understanding their characteristics, behaviours and mindset. Sexual fantasies have also garnered relating interest, and a bridge between these constructs hypothetically began to take form. Methodology: In line with prior research and ideations, this study aimed to establish a meaningful and strong correlation between the constructs of the Dark Tetrad personality traits, schadenfreude and the types of sexual fantasies, while also finding significant predictors of sexual fantasies. It also attempts to add to the lack of literature on gender differentiations between such dark traits and fantasies and put an evolutionary outlook in the same. Results: The data was obtained from 124 young adults (Females = 64, Males = 60) using standardised measures of The Short Dark Triad Scale, The Short Sadistic Impulse Scale, The Wilson Sex Fantasy Questionnaire, and 3 scenarios to assess Schadenfreude. Conclusion: The study provides a major insight into how dark personality traits, emotions and fantasies manifest in subclinical populations with accounted gender differentiation, and puts forth a case of the vastness and depth of the dark tetrad and schadenfreude, accounting for their influential roles in manifesting specific sexual fantasies.

Interdisciplinaria ; 38(2): 7-23, jun. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279204


Resumen El presente estudio se propuso investigar perfiles de usuarios de redes sociales que presentan conductas disruptivas online. Para tal fin se diseñó un índice que permite evaluar el nivel en el que se presentan dichas conductas y se analizó la relación entre la intensidad de la conducta disruptiva online con variables sociodemográficas, motivos de usos de redes, variables de personalidad (normales, patológicas y rasgos vinculados a tríada oscura), bienestar y malestar psicológico. Participaron 858 adultos (421 hombres y 437 mujeres) que tenían en promedio 39.16 años (DE = 14.14). Para la recolección de datos se administraron: Dark Triad Scale, Big Five Inventory, Inventario para Trastornos de la Personalidad para el DSM-5, Mental Health Continuum . Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale, y se diseñaron dos escalas: Índice de Conductas Disruptivas Online y Motivos de Utilización de Redes Sociales. En cuanto a las variables sociodemográficas, se halló que los más jóvenes de sexo masculino y que no trabajaban eran quienes presentaban un mayor nivel de comportamientos disruptivos online. En cuanto a los motivos de uso de redes, se observó que preferían usarlas con fines meramente exhibicionistas, de ocio o para iniciar nuevas relaciones. Por otro lado, en relación con rasgos de personalidad, aquellos que diferenciaban los perfiles en cuanto a la intensidad de las conductas disruptivas fueron: bajos niveles de responsabilidad y altos niveles de desinhibición, narcisismo y maquiavelismo. Por último, se demostró que presentar este tipo de conductas se asocia con mayor nivel de estrés y menor de bienestar social.

Abstract The present study focused on the analysis of online disruptive behavior that usually occurs among social network users. Individuals who perpetrate such behavior are commonly known as trolls or haters (Cheng, Danescu-Niculescu-Mitzil, & Leskovec, 2015). In general, they post comments, photos or provocative videos that do not pursue any purpose other than annoying or obtaining pleasure or fun (Brandel, 2007; Phillips, 2011). Recent studies have shown that certain personality traits are associated with the presence of such disruptive behavior. In this research, we studied normal personality traits, psychopathological traits, and dark personality traits in relation to disruptive behavior. The normal personality traits were considered from the classic Five Factor Model (FFM) - Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism (Costa, & McCrae, 1985); the psychopathological traits, from the latest version of the DSM - Negative Effect, Detachment, Antagonism, Disinhibition and Psychoticism (DSM-5, American Psychiatric Association, 2013); and the dark personality traits from the so-called Dark Triad model - Narcissism, Machiavellianism and Psychopathy (Palthus, & Williams, 2002). This latter model has a growing interest in the international literature, related to dysfunctional Internet use, particularly to social networks. Therefore, the present study aimed to analyze profiles of social network users who present online disruptive behavior. For this purpose, an index was designed to assess the level of occurrence of such behaviors. First, the relationship between the intensity of online disruptive behavior and sociodemographic variables (i. e., sex, age, studies, occupation and nationality) and motives for social network use (i. e., Relationship maintenance; Passing time and Exhibitionism; Relationship Initiation and Search for companionship) were assessed. Then, the relationships among personality variables (i. e., normal, psychopathological and traits related to the dark triad); well-being (i. e., emotional, social and personal) and psychological distress (i. e., anxiety, stress and depression) were analyzed. The sample consisted of 858 adults (421 men, 49.1 % and 437 women, 50.9 %) with a mean age of 39.16 years (SD = 14.14). The majority (67.9 %; n = 583) lived in Buenos Aires, Argentina). For data collection, the following questionnaires were used: Dark Triad Scale (DTS), Big Five Inventory (BFI), Personality Disorder Inventory (PID-5-BF), the Mental Health Continuum (MHC-SF), and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21). Additionally, two scales were designed: Online Disruptive Behavior Index, and Motives for Social Networks Use. The SPPS 24.0 statistical package was used for data analysis. Overall, the results are consistent with those reported in the international literature. Regarding sociodemographic variables, it was found that male, younger and unemployed individuals are those who presented higher level of online disruptive behavior. Considering motives for social network use, it was observed that individuals who tend to behave in a dysfunctional manner, preferred to use social networks purely for exhibitionism, pastime or relationships initiation. Regarding personality traits, those who differentiated profiles in terms of intensity of disruptive behaviors were: low levels of responsibility and high levels of disinhibition, narcissism and Machiavellianism. Thus, it might be concluded that the overall personality profile tends to be dysfunctional in terms of its characteristics. Finally, it was shown that presenting this type of behavior is associated with higher levels of stress and lower levels of social wellbeing. Therefore, it might be interpreted that although individuals who behave disruptively tend to obtain gratification from injury and deceit to others, this behavior does not result in positive results for them, but rather results in feelings of discomfort from a personal and social point of view.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-931888


Objective:To investigate the relationship between childhood psychological abuse and dark triad with suicide ideation, and to provide references for suicide prevention in college students.Methods:A total of 2 995 college students from 6 universities including Guangxi, Sichuan, Henan, Guizhou and Chongqing were enrolled, and were investigated with the child psychological maltreatment scale (CPMS), dirty dozen(DD), and suicide ideation questionnaire.SPSS 26.0 software was used for correlation analysis and macro program-PROCESS was used to analyze the mediating effect.Results:The prevalence of childhood psychological maltreatment among college students was 29.32%, which in male students and students with left-behind experience (33.38%, 34.60%) were higher than that in female students and students without left-behind experience (25.65%, 25.98%)(χ 2=21.53, 25.47, both P<0.01) respectively.There was positive correlation between childhood psychological maltreatment, dark triad and suicidal ideation( r=0.32-0.41, all P<0.001). Dark triad had a partial mediating effect between childhood psychological maltreatment and suicidal ideation(effect size=0.08, 95% CI=0.06-0.10). An analysis of multiple mediating effects on the three dimensions of dark triad found that Machiavellianism and psychopathy had significant mediating effects between childhood psychological maltreatment and suicidal ideation(effect size=0.05, 95% CI=0.02-0.07; effect size=0.07, 95% CI=0.04-0.10), while narcissism had no significant mediating effect(effect size=-0.01, 95% CI=-0.01-0.01). Conclusion:Childhood psychological maltreatment can not only directly affect the suicide ideation of college students, but also further affect the suicide ideation through dark triad.

Acta Medica Philippina ; : 64-72, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-959946


@#<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Background.</strong> Anxiety and depression are becoming increasingly prevalent today and are often aggravated by day-to-day stresses. Because current management strategies are usually accompanied by unpleasant side effects, there is a need to look into alternative treatment regimens - such as prebiotics - that may provide equally effective anxiolytic and antidepressant effects.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Objective.</strong> Therefore, the study aims to determine the effect of a combined fructooligosaccharide (FOS) and galactooligosaccharide (GOS) supplemented diet on anxiety and depression levels in mice subjected to Unpredictable Chronic Mild Stress (UCMS).</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Methods.</strong> Forty male BALB/C mice were subjected to UCMS under a pretest-posttest control group design where the treatment group received prebiotic supplementation throughout the study. Repeated measures ANOVA was run to evaluate between, within, and time interactions of the measured anxiety parameters using the light-dark box test, and depression parameter using the fur coat state assessment.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Results.</strong> Results show that (1) the FOS + GOS treatment did not give the treatment group an advantage over the control group during UCMS, (2) both groups grew more anxious and depressed over time, and (3) the treatment group grew more anxious with time in relation to control in terms of the total time spent in the light side.</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Conclusion.</strong> These imply that the UCMS protocol was successful in inducing stress in mice, but the FOS + GOS regimen failed to provide anxiolytic and antidepressant effects on male BALB/C mice exposed to UCMS.</p>

Prebióticos , Ansiedade , Depressão