Background: Cervical cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers in women worldwide. Cervical cancer is 95% caused by the consistent infection by high-risk human papillomavirus (Hr HPV). The incidence of this cancer is higher in developing countries. Method: This study is a cohort study consisting of an analysis of data from patient detail and consent form 120 HPV-suspected samples collected from north Tamil Nadu namely Chennai, Pochampalli, Vellore, Kanchipuram, Dharmapuri, and Ambur. The incidence of HPV is seen to be slightly raised in these regions. This study deals with exploring factors like age, cervix conditions, comorbidities, and symptoms for testing in correlation with HPV positivity. All the values interpreted are in significance p<0.05. All statistics was calculated using SPSS version 22. Results: This is a first-of-its-kind study in this population. This study aims to highlight the correlating factors of HPV infection and standardize a pattern to screen women. This timely screening will greatly reduce the impact of HPV-dependent cervical cancer. Factors like diabetes, inflamed cervix, erosion and age were seen to be positively correlated with HPV positive status and consequently with cervical cancer. Conclusions: These factors may be applied to other population groups and predictive parameters for HPV dependent cervical cancers may be established.
La deficiencia del factor VII es una enfermedad hemorrágica rara, causada por la disminución o ausencia de este factor de la coagulación; menos de 200 casos se han reportado desde que se describió por primera vez en 1951. Es un trastorno autonómico recesivo que puede afectar a varios miembros de una familia. Su prevalencia es de 1:500.000 (0,5% de todos los trastornos hereditarios de la coagulación) y su distribución es igual entre los sexos. El defecto está localizado en el cromosoma 13q34. Sólo los individuos homocigotos o heterocigotos compuestos, es decir, que son portadores de dos mutaciones diferentes, presentan manifestaciones hemorrágicas. Los heterocigotos son asintomáticos. El déficit puede ser cualitativo o cuantitativo. La forma de presentación clínica es variable y la seriedad de las hemorragias no guarda relación directa con los niveles de factor VII o su actividad. El cuadro clínico puede ser muy grave y se puede presentar hemorragia intracerebral temprana, hemartrosis o manifestaciones moderadas, dadas por sangrado mucocutáneo o hemorragia tras una intervención quirúrgica; algunos casos pueden cursar asintomáticos, a pesar de valores muy bajos de factor VII. El diagnóstico se hace mediante pruebas de coagulación, al encontrar un tiempo de protrombina prolongado con un tiempo parcial de tromboplastina normal y con la posterior cuantificación de factor VII disminuido (valores normales de 70 a 130%).
Factor VII deficiency is a rare hemorrhagic disease caused by the decrease or absence of this coagulation factor; no more than 200 cases have been reported since it was first discovered in 1951. It is an autosomal recessive disorder, which may affect several members of a family. Its prevalence is 1:500,000 (0.5% of all hereditary disorders of coagulation) and its distribution is the same in both genders. The defect is located on chromosome 13q34. Only homozygous or compound heterozygous individuals have different hemorrhagic manifestations. The heterozygotes are asymptomatic. The deficit may be qualitative or quantitative. The clinical manifestations are variable and the severity of bleeding is not directly related to factor VII titers or its activity. The clinical picture may be very severe, patients could present with an early intracerebral hemorrhage, hemarthrosis or moderate findings, given by mucocutaneous bleeding or bleeding after surgery, moreover in some cases it may be asymptomatic despite very low values of factor VII. The diagnosis is made by coagulation tests to find a prolonged prothrombin time with a normal PTT and the subsequent quantification of factor VII decreased (VN 70-130%).
Doenças Hematológicas , Doenças Ósseas , NefropatiasRESUMO
Durante o estudo dos metazoários parasitos de Paroaria dominicana Linnaeus, 1758 (Passeriformes), quatro infrapopulações de Platynosomum illiciens (Brown, 1901) (Trematoda) foram coletadas nos ductos hepáticos, com intensidades parasitárias de 10, 11, 18 e 36 espécimes respectivamente. Diferenças entre os valores morfométricos médios e o número total de ovos das infrapopulações foram estatisticamente testadas. O peso do fígado não se correlacionou ao peso das aves, ao comprimento do corpo das aves e à abundância parasitária. Foram detectadas correlações positivas entre o tamanho das infrapopulações e o número de ovos produzidos e entre o tamanho do corpo dos parasitos e o tamanho dos ovos. Correlações negativas foram observadas entre a intensidade parasitária e o peso do fígado; entre o tamanho das infrapopulações e o tamanho dos indivíduos dessas infrapopulações; entre o número e o tamanho dos ovos e entre o tamanho do corpo dos parasitos e o número de ovos. Os resultados indicaram que as infrapopulações maiores se estabeleceram em aves com fígados menores e que quanto maiores as infrapopulações foram observados menor tamanho corporal e menor tamanho dos ovos, os que se apresentaram em maior quantidade.
During the study of the metazoan parasites of Paroaria dominicana Linnaeus, 1758 (Passeriformes), four infrapopulations of Platynosomum illiciens (Brown, 1901) (Trematoda), parasitic in the liver ducts were collected, with intensity of infection 10, 11, 18 and 36 specimens respectively. Differences between the means of morphometrical values and the total number of eggs were statistically tested. The liver weigh were not significantly correlated with avian total weigh and length, and with the total parasitic abundance. Positive correlations were observed between the size of infrapopulations and the total number of eggs, and between parasite body size and the eggs. size. Negative correlations were observed between parasitic intensity and liver weigh; between the size of infrapopulations and the parasite body size; between total number and the size of eggs and between parasite body size and total number of eggs. These results suggests that host with smaller liver had greater infrapopulations. These greater infrapopulations showed smaller parasite body size and higher size and number of eggs.