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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986866


OBJECTIVE@#The prevalence of depressive symptoms has become a significant public health issue in China. Research on the relationship between personality traits and changes in depressive symptoms, as well as further exploration of urban-rural differences, not only benefits for the understanding of the prevalence trend of depression in China, but also provides a useful reference for the government to develop personalized mental health prevention strategies.@*METHODS@#Based on the data from the China Family Panel Studies in 2018 and 2020, a univariate analysis was conducted on 16 198 Chinese residents aged 18 years and above. Five dimensions of personality traits were conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism and openness. In the study, 16 198 residents were divided into "keep good group", "better group", "worse group" and "keep bad group" according to the changes in depressive symptoms in 2018 and 2020. After controlling for factors, such as gender and education, multinomial Logistic regression analysis was used to examine whether personality traits were associated with changes in depressive symptoms. In addition, we evaluated whether urban-rural and personality traits interacted to influence depressive symptoms.@*RESULTS@#The five dimensions of personality traits were significantly correlated with changes in depressive symptoms. Conscientiousness, extroversion, and agreeableness were negatively associated with depressive symptoms, while neuroticism and openness were positively related. Urban and rural differences moderated the relationship between personality traits and depressive symptoms. Compared with urban residents, rural residents showed stronger correlations between neuroticism (OR=1.14; 95%CI: 1.00-1.30) and the group of depression-recovery, as well as conscientiousness (OR=0.79;95%CI: 0.68-0.93) and the group of persistent-depression.@*CONCLUSION@#The study finds that personality traits have a significant correlation with changes in depressive symptoms, with certain traits showing a negative or positive relationship. Specifically, higher levels of conscientiousness, extraversion, and agreeableness are associated with lower levels of depressive symptoms, while higher levels of neuroticism and openness are associated with higher levels of depressive symptoms. In addition, the study finds that rural residents have a stronger association between their personality traits and persistent or improved depressive symptoms, which highlights the need for tailoring mental health intervention and prevention programs that should take into account personality traits and urban-rural differences in China. By developing targeted strategies that are sensitive to personality differences and geographic disparities, policymakers and mental health professionals can help prevent and reduce the incidence of depressive symptoms, ultimately improving the overall well-being of Chinese adults. Meanwhile, additional studies in independent populations are needed to corroborate the findings of this study.

Adulto , Humanos , Personalidade , Depressão/etiologia , China/epidemiologia , Inventário de Personalidade , Inquéritos e Questionários
Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 40: e0257, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1529862


Resumo O objetivo principal é analisar a associação entre o casamento e a coabitação e o rendimento do trabalho masculino no Brasil. O artigo discute o fenômeno do "prêmio salarial masculino do casamento" - geralmente, homens casados apresentam rendimentos mais elevados do que os solteiros no mercado de trabalho. Tendo em vista que no Brasil a união informal é uma modalidade conjugal bastante comum, o prêmio para a coabitação também é investigado nessa situação. A associação entre o estado conjugal e o trabalho remunerado dos homens brasileiros é analisada por meio de regressões lineares, quantílicas e decomposições de Oaxaca-Blinder para os diferenciais de rendimentos entre os homens solteiros, casados e coabitantes. O Censo Demográfico de 2010 é a fonte de dados utilizada. Os resultados confirmam a existência de prêmios do casamento e da coabitação para os homens brasileiros. Os prêmios observados tendem a ser menores para a coabitação do que para o casamento. As decomposições dos diferenciais de rendimentos mostram que os prêmios devem-se à estrutura salarial e não a efeitos de composição.

Abstract The article aims to explore the correlation between marriage, cohabitation, and male labor income. It delves into the concept of the "male marriage wage premium" - a phenomenon where married men earn higher wages compared to single men in the labor market. Since consensual unions are prevalent in Brazil, the study also examines the cohabitation premium. The research employs linear regressions, quantile regression, and Blinder-Oaxaca decompositions of earnings differentials between single, married, and cohabiting men to analyze the association between marital status and paid work among Brazilian men. The data utilized were from the 2010 Demographic Census. The results of the study validate the existence of marriage and cohabitation premia for Brazilian men. However, the observed premium tend to be lower for cohabitation than for marriage. The decompositions reveal that these differentials are due to wage structure and not composition effects.

Resumen El objetivo principal es analizar la asociación entre el matrimonio y la cohabitación y las diferencias salariales masculinas en Brasil. El artículo analiza el fenómeno del premio salarial del matrimonio masculino: en general, los hombres casados tienen ingresos más altos que los hombres solteros en el mercado laboral, aunque ya que en Brasil la cohabitación es una modalidad marital muy común, también se investiga el premio de la cohabitación. La asociación entre el estado civil y el trabajo remunerado entre los hombres brasileños se analiza utilizando regresiones lineales, regresión cuantil y descomposiciones Oaxaca-Blinder para los diferenciales salariales entre hombres solteros, casados y en cohabitación. La fuente de datos fue el censo demográfico de 2010. Los resultados confirman la existencia de premios para el matrimonio y la cohabitación, que tienden a ser menores para la cohabitación que para el matrimonio. La descomposición de los diferenciales de ingresos mostró que los premios se deben a la estructura salarial y no a efectos de composición.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Salários e Benefícios , Pessoa Solteira , Distinções e Prêmios , Trabalho , Casamento , Censos , Brasil , Local de Trabalho , Distribuição por Idade , Estado Conjugal , Mercado de Trabalho , Papel de Gênero , Condições de Trabalho
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222779


Background: In the face of impressive performance in development indicators but poor ranking in the human development indicators, the subjective well-being in India has not been increasing commensurately with the rise in income. The lack of direct long-run relationship between income and happiness in India is a paradox that needs a deeper understanding of the influence of socioeconomic and demographic factors on subjective well-being over space and time. Methodology: The data from five waves of the World Values Survey of India for 24 years over the period 1990-2014 are used. The socioeconomic and demographic determinants of subjective well-being are analysed using chi-square test. The distribution of subjective well-being indicators - happiness, life satisfaction and financial satisfaction - at the group level are examined. Results: The average levels of life satisfaction and happiness have not increased commensurately with income and economic growth over time in India. The happiness level remains constant and life satisfaction and financial satisfaction declined with sharp variations across background characteristics of people and over space and time. Happiness distribution is left-skewed and life satisfaction is related, but not uniformly, with income. Significant differences in well-being exist with respect to education, income, social class, religion, age, marital status and health, but not much with employment and gender. Conclusion: The subjective well-being levels of people of India are influenced by their socioeconomic status with varying degree among different socioeconomic and demographic groups.

Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 38: e0139, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1280030


Neste artigo, são estimados os diferenciais educacionais de mortalidade de adultos residentes em São Paulo. É realizada uma análise comparativa de estimativas a partir de dados do Censo 2010 e do Sistema de Informação de Mortalidade (SIM) - Datasus e de três formas distintas de mensuração da escolaridade: registrada no SIM; declarada no Censo para o responsável pelo domicílio; e imputada estatisticamente no Censo para indivíduos que morreram. Para as imputações da escolaridade, utilizou-se o método de Dempester (1977), que propõe o uso do algoritmo esperança-maximização (algoritmo E-M) para lidar com dados faltantes. Foram considerados três níveis de escolaridade (baixo, médio e alto) e estimadas as taxas de mortalidade com base em modelos Poisson. Os resultados indicam que a obtenção de escolaridade pode reduzir em até 77% as taxas de mortalidade entre 25 e 59 anos de idade. Além disso, em um país em que a população tem baixa escolaridade, obter ensino médio representa um ganho significativo do ponto de vista da sobrevivência adulta (cerca de 50%). Encontraram-se padrões de mortalidade por escolaridade semelhantes para as estimativas obtidas com dados registrados no SIM e aqueles imputados no Censo 2010. Além disso, a análise sugere que estimativas assumindo a escolaridade do responsável pelo domicílio resultam em diferenciais de mortalidade atípicos, provavelmente distorcidos pela transição de educação no Brasil. Espera-se que o modelo de imputação proposto aqui possa ser utilizado em futuras análises dos dados de mortalidade a partir do Censo 2010.

En este artículo estimamos los diferenciales educativos de la mortalidad de adultos en San Pablo. Ofrecemos un análisis comparativo de estimaciones con base en datos del censo de 2010 y el Sistema de Información de Mortalidad (SIM) - Datasus, y tres formas diferentes de medir la escolaridad: registrada en el SIM, declarada en el censo por el jefe de hogar e imputado estadísticamente en el censo para las personas fallecidas. Para las imputaciones de escolaridad se utilizó el método de Dempester (1977), que propone el uso del algoritmo de maximización de esperanza (algoritmo E-M) para tratar los datos faltantes. Consideramos tres niveles de educación (bajo, medio y alto) y estimamos las tasas de mortalidad con base en los modelos de Poisson. Los resultados indican que la escolarización puede reducir las tasas de mortalidad entre los 25 y 59 años hasta en un 77 %. Además, en un país donde la población tiene bajo nivel de educación, completar la educación secundaria representa una ganancia significativa desde el punto de vista de la supervivencia de los adultos (alrededor del 50%). Encontramos patrones similares de mortalidad por educación para las estimaciones obtenidas con datos registrados en el SIM y datos imputados en el Censo de 2010. Además, nuestro análisis sugiere que las estimaciones asumiendo la educación del jefe de hogar dan como resultado diferenciales de mortalidad atípicos, probablemente distorsionados por la transición de educación en Brasil. Esperamos que el modelo de imputación propuesto aquí se pueda utilizar en futuros análisis de mortalidad del Censo de 2010.

In this article, we estimate adult mortality by education level in São Paulo. We compare estimates based on deaths from the 2010 Census and the 2013 Mortality Information System (Sistema de Informação de Mortalidade - SIM) - DATASUS, and three different ways of measuring education level: recorded in the SIM, reported in the census for the household heads and imputed statistically in the census for individuals who died. For the statistical imputation, we use the Dempester (1977) method, which proposes using the expectation-maximization algorithm (EM algorithm) to deal with missing data. We consider three education levels (low, medium, and high) and estimate mortality rates based on Poisson models. The results indicate that between ages 25 and 59, more years of schooling are associated with mortality rates up to 77% lower. Secondary (medium) education level provides most of the mortality gains at adult ages (about 50%). The mortality differentials calculated with death records from the SIM and census deaths with education imputed statistically are similar. However, estimates based on the assumption that the deceased's education is equal to the household head's in the census resulted in atypical mortality patterns. We hope that the imputation model we propose in the current study can be used in future mortality analyses by SES using census deaths.

Humanos , Mortalidade , Censos , Escolaridade , Sobrevivência , Padrões de Referência , Algoritmos , Brasil , Sistemas de Informação , Ensino Fundamental e Médio
Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 36: e0098, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1098839


A essência da transição da fecundidade consiste na mudança de um padrão de intensiva reprodução, quando muitas crianças nascem, mas muitas morrem, para uma reversão desse cenário, passando os nascimentos a serem planejados. Grande parte da literatura sobre a transição da fecundidade no Brasil indica que esse processo teria começado na segunda metade da década de 1960, caracterizando a transição brasileira como tardia e rápida. Apesar desse aparente consenso, o objetivo do presente estudo é indicar quando e onde começou a transição da fecundidade no Brasil, reestimando a transição da fecundidade regional do país. Aplica-se a técnica proposta por Frias e Oliveira, nos anos 1990, aos dados dos Censos Demográficos de 1940, 1950 e 1970 a 2010. Os resultados indicam que a transição da fecundidade já vinha em curso, em parte considerável do Brasil, desde o início da década de 1930, mais especificamente no Rio de Janeiro, em São Paulo e no extremo sul do país. Como consequência desse cenário heterogêneo, foram identificadas duas fases da transição da fecundidade. Na primeira, a transição foi lenta, similar ao modelo europeu, sendo precursores as regiões do Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e o extremo sul. A segunda fase foi muito rápida, em consonância com a transição da fecundidade dos países retardatários no processo.

The essence of fertility transition is the shift from intensive reproduction, when many children are born but few survive, to a new pattern where births are fewer and planned. Some articles discussing fertility transition in Brazil indicate that this process began in the second half of the 1960s, characterizing the Brazilian transition as late and fast. Despite this consensus, the objective of this paper was to identify "when" and "where" fertility transition started in Brazil, reassessing regional fertility transition. We used the method proposed by Frias and Oliveira (1991) applied to Brazilian census data (1940, 1950 and 1970 to 2010) Results indicate that fertility transition had been underway since, at least the 1930s in some of Brazil's most important regions like Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and the far South. Because of this complex scenario, we argue that Brazil experienced two phases of fertility transition. The first one would have been long and slow, like the European fertility transition, pioneered by Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and the far South, whereas the second one was short and fast, in line with the fertility transition observed in countries where the process began later.

La esencia de la transición de la fecundidad es el cambio de un patrón de reproducción intensiva -cuando nacen muchos niños y pocos sobreviven- a otro en el cual la mayor parte de los nacimientos son planificados. Gran parte de la literatura sobre la transición de la fecundidad en Brasil indica que este proceso comenzó en la segunda mitad de la década del sesenta, lo que la caracateriza como tardía y rápida. A pesar de este aparente consenso, el objetivo de este trabajo es determinar cuándo y dónde comenzó esta transición, identificando este proceso desde el punto de vista regional. Se aplica el método de Frias y Oliveira, originalmente propuesto en 1991, a los datos de fecundidad reciente de los censos demográficos de Brasil de 1940, 1950 y 1970 a 2010. Los resultados indican que la transición de la fecundidad ya estaba en curso, en parte de Brasil, desde principios de la década del treinta en Río de Janeiro, en San Pablo y en el extremo sur del país. Como consecuencia de este escenario heterogéneo, habría dos fases de la transición: la primera, larga y lenta, similar al modelo europeo, cuyos precursores fueron Río de Janeiro, San Pablo y el extremo Sur; la segunda, corta y rápida, como la transición de los países rezagados en el proceso.

Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Coeficiente de Natalidade/tendências , Taxa de Fecundidade , Brasil , Estudos de Coortes , Distribuição por Idade , Censos , Comportamento Reprodutivo , Nascido Vivo , Natimorto
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-195758


Death, disease and disaster can inflict anyone, anywhere and at any time. While occurrence of such an event could be absolved of any selective strike, the outcome reflects otherwise. Historical deprivations experienced by certain populations have caused more bereavement and sorrow to them than those who have experienced lesser or no deprivation. Therefore, the process which shapes the factors to yield such a result is important and needs to be understood for any policy suggestions and programmatic inputs. Loss of pregnancy and newborn inflicts sorrow and bereavement across space, time and social labyrinth. The degree of bereavement is likely to reduce with time, but space and social context govern the response to it. Therefore, factors contributing to the differentials vary in their demographic, social and economic characteristics. The loss of pregnancy and newborn remains inadequately addressed. Family and community play a significant role in coping. While the developed countries have institutional structure to address coping with the loss, the South Asian countries rely heavily on the family and the community for such support. The present review examines these trajectories across social groups.

Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 35(2): e0067, 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-990751


A partir da documentação das Matrículas de Enfermos e Relatórios dos Provedores da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Campinas, traçamos o perfil dos atendidos e analisamos os diferenciais de mortalidade entre escravos e livres, brasileiros e estrangeiros nos primeiros anos de funcionamento desse hospital filantrópico. Os enfermos eram predominantemente homens em idade ativa, fortemente relacionados com a mão de obra disponível para comportar a expansão agrícola e dos serviços urbanos. Por meio de uma técnica de análise do diferencial de mortalidade baseada na decomposição de Oaxaca-Blinder, concluímos que, apesar de as características de escravos favorecerem um diferencial de mortalidade reduzido e de haver incentivos econômicos em seu tratamento, a mortalidade escrava foi superior possivelmente devido às condições de vida impostas pelo cativeiro. Entre a população livre, brasileiros apresentaram mortalidade superior à de estrangeiros. As hipóteses levantadas foram a procura tardia de auxílio por parte dos nacionais, diferenças na estrutura etária e a forte característica de sub-representação feminina na população estrangeira.

With documentation involving patients' records and reports fromthe administration of Santa Casa de Misericórdia of Campinas (1876-1885), we examined demographic characteristics of patients and analyzed differences in mortality ratesamongslaves, free people, Brazilians, and foreign population atthe philanthropic hospital. Data show patients are predominantly men of working age, mainly involved inlabor available related to agricultural expansion and urban services. Through an analysis of mortality differentials based on the Oaxaca-Blinder Decomposition, we concluded that although the characteristics of slavery and economic incentives in their treatment favored a reduced differential of mortality, slave mortality was higher due to the living conditions imposed by slavery. Among the free population, Brazilians had higher mortality rates than foreigners. Hypotheses raised include abelated demand for help from nationals, differences in age structure, and astrong female underrepresentation among the free population.

A partir de documentos de las Matrículas de Enfermos e Informes de los Proveedores del Hospital Santa Casa de Misericordia de Campinas, trazamos el perfil de los pacientes y analizamos la mortalidad diferencial entre esclavos y libres, brasileños y extranjeros em ese hospital filantrópico. Los enfermos fueron predominantemente hombres em edad activa, fuertemente relacionados con la mano de obra disponible para la expansión agrícola y de los servicios urbanos. Por medio de una técnica de análisis del diferencial de mortalidad basada en la descomposición de Oaxaca-Blinder, concluimos que a pesar de que las características de los esclavos favorecieron un de mortalidade reducido y que hubo incentivos económicos em su tratamiento, la mortalidad esclava fue superior, posiblemente por las condiciones de vida impuestas por el cautiverio. Entre la población libre, los brasileños presentaron una mortalidad superior a la de población extranjera. Las hipótesis planteadas son: la demanda tardía de ayuda por parte de los nacionales, diferencias en la estrutura etária y la fuerte característica de subrepresentación feminina en la población extranjera.

Humanos , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Hospitais Filantrópicos , Mortalidade Hospitalar , Censos , Pessoas Escravizadas , Brasil , Saúde Pública/história , Hospitais de Isolamento
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-617778


Objective To evaluate the clinical value of ultrasonography in diagnosis of benignPHand malignant thyroid nodules by binary Logistic regression model.Methods A retrospective analysis of 240 cases of thyroid nodules confirmed by pathology after operation excision was conducted.173 nodules were benign as control group,67 nodules were malignant as observation group.The ultrasonic features of thyroid nodules were collected.The factor had statistics significance by x2 test between the two groups were analyzed by binary Logistic regression.A logistic regression model was created.The ROC curve was drawn and the area under the curve was calculated.Results There were statistically significant differences among boundary,aspect ratio,shape,internal echo,calcification,acoustic halo,cervical lymphadenectasis between the control group and observation group(x2=45.392,7.590,30.039,24.168,37.406,6.893,16.078,all P<0.01).And after Logistic regression analysis,six variables that entered the regression equation were boundary(P=0.000,OR=8.437),aspect ratio(P=0.000,OR=12.816),microcalcification of the nodules(P=0.000,OR=8.893),shape(P=0.000,OR=8.791),internal echoes(P=0.001,OR=8.313)and cervical lymphadenectasis(P=0.001,OR=6.891).The accuracy of the model was 90.7%(223/246)in predicting malignant nodules in thyroid.The area under the ROC curve was(0.904±0.031).Conclusion The binary Logistic regression can be used to differentiate malignant and benign thyroid nodules,and make a more accurate judgment for the nodules in thyroid.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2015 Apr; 63(4): 348-350
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-158638


A 13-year-old male presented with decreased vision and squint from childhood. He had bilateral large colobomata at the macula in each eye, the one on the right being larger than the left. The disc was dragged temporally with straightening of the temporal retinal vessels. This is a case report of bilateral large macular coloboma and serves to report its association with a temporally dragged disc and straightened temporal retinal vessels. A dragged disc if present with a colobomatous defect at the macula may strengthen the case for diagnosis of macular coloboma and help exclude other differentials.

Rev. cuba. hig. epidemiol ; 52(2): 239-262, Mayo.-ago. 2014.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-744000


Los determinantes sociales de la salud son las condiciones sociales en las cuales las personas que conforman una población determinada nacen, viven y trabajan. El presente artículo tiene el objetivo de documentar las evidencias actuales sobre las propuestas de intervención local para el estudio y manejo de los determinantes sociales de la salud de la población cubana. Desde una perspectiva estructural las variables de servicios de salud muestran diferencias entre territorios, asociadas básicamente a la existencia de un sistema de salud único con cobertura y acceso universal para toda la población. Se observan mayores diferenciales en el comportamiento de los llamados;determinantes no médicos, como densidad poblacional, producción y circulación económica, mostrando estas diferencias un patrón geográfico. También se observan diferenciales en el comportamiento de la mortalidad materna y la hipertensión arterial entre territorios y en el tiempo. La productividad económica y las condiciones de vida están poco relacionadas con otros indicadores de resultados. Ante lo anteriormente expuesto se presenta una propuesta metodológica para el estudio y manejo de los determinantes sociales de la salud. Se requieren espacios de estudio de los determinantes sociales a nivel local, mediante técnicas multivariadas cuyos resultados aporten insumos para el diseño de intervenciones integrales basadas en los enfoques de planificación estratégica, acción intersectorial y participación social. Se impone insertar en la práctica del sistema de salud cubano un enfoque dirigido a trabajar más con los determinantes sociales de la salud, para lo cual se propone un modelo para el estudio e intervención local(AU)

Social determinants of health are the social conditions where members of a particular population are born, live and work. This article was aimed at documenting the current evidence on the proposed local intervention for the study and management of social determinants of health of the Cuban population. From a structural perspective, the health service variables show differences among the regions, mainly associated to the existence of a single health system with universal coverage and access for the entire population. Greatest differences are observed in the behavior of non-medical determinants such as population density, economic production and circulation, these differences showing a geographical pattern. Differentials are also observed in the behavior of maternal mortality and hypertension among regions and in the course of time. Economic productivity and living conditions are poorly related to other result indicators. Given the above-mentioned, a methodological proposal for the study and management of social determinants of health was presented. Some study spaces of local social determinants are required at local level through multivariate techniques whose results provide inputs for the design of integrated interventions, based on strategic planning approaches, intersectoral action and social involvement. Therefore, an approach to work more with the social determinants of health is required to be integrated into the Cuban health system. A model for local study and intervention were suggested in this paper in order to attain this goal(AU)

Humanos , Disparidades nos Níveis de Saúde , Determinantes Sociais da Saúde/ética , Política de Saúde , Ensaio Clínico , Cuba
Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-167507


Background: The present cross sectional study was undertaken to assess the food habits and nutritional status among elderly people in rural Bangladesh and to compare the same between male and female. A simple random sampling and geographical re-conciliation method was used to select the study population. All the patients in a pre-publicized medical camp were approached and a total of 186 male and 237 female participated in the study. Data were collected through face to face interview with a semi-structured questionnaire and anthropometric measures were collected using instruments. Associations between dietary intake and World Health Organization (WHO) referred Body Mass Index (BMI) range was done using cross tabulation. Results: The mean age of male was 67.69 years and that of female was 65.46 years. The female subjects were higher than males in number in this study. The rate of male literacy was found to be 39.8% where literacy among the female was 13.9%. Among all, 79.6% males were found to be living with their spouse where the rate of living with spouse among the female amounted 53.2%. About half of elderly people were found to be living under poor and 32% in low middle class socio-economic condition. Study revealed that 80.6% male and 78.9% female got no opportunity to take protein-rich food more than three days per week. Again 95.7% male and 97.5% female had no opportunity take more than two servings of protein rich food per week. The similar case occurred in case of taking fatty food, vegetable and fruits per week. Similarly 100 % male and 99.6% female reported that they were taking more than two servings of fatty food per week. No significant association was found between BMI and food intake. The significance was tested by Pearson chi-square. In this test the p –value for protein rich food was 0.234 (p?0.05), while fatty food (0.712), vegetable (0.502) and fruits (0.274) which was more than referred significance p-value ?0.05. Hence, the study confirmed that malnutrition remains a common problem among older people living in rural Bangladesh though there is no significant association was found between food intake and nutrition. Conclusion: Management of malnutrition in case of elderly population requires a multidisciplinary approach that treats pathology and uses both social and dietary forms of intervention.

Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 15(4): 761-770, Dez. 2012. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-668248


INTRODUÇÃO: Cuiabá apresenta inúmeros casos de dengue tanto nos períodos endêmicos quanto nas epidemias cíclicas. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar os diferenciais intra-urbanos da incidência em 2007 e 2008 relacionando-os com as condições socioeconômicas e socioambientais. MÉTODO: estudo de abordagem ecológica usando dados secundários. A caracterização das condições de vida foi feita com dados do Censo Demográfico (IBGE, 2000) e os dados epidemiológicos foram obtidos no Sistema Nacional de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN). O índice socioeconômico mediu escolaridade, renda dos responsáveis pelos domicílios permanentes e aglomeração domiciliar; o índice socioambiental usou informações relativas ao saneamento básico e à proporção de domicílios precários. Os índices foram elaborados a partir da classificação das variáveis em quintis e atribuição de pontos para cada quintil. A pontuação por bairro foi resultante da soma dos pontos para cada variável. Os bairros foram classificados em estratos de risco a partir da combinação de resultados dos dois índices. RESULTADOS: A incidência foi menor nos estratos de risco médio e baixo, e alta no estrato de risco muito alto; entretanto, foi maior do que a esperada no estrato de risco mínimo, indicando dissociação entre condições de vida e ocorrência da doença. CONCLUSÃO: Maiores incidências da dengue em Cuiabá nos anos de 2007 e 2008 foram observadas em locais com precárias condições de saneamento ambiental e habitados por populações com menor nível de renda e escolaridade, embora não exista correlação linear entre condições de vida e incidência.

INTRODUCTION: Cuiaba presents a huge number of cases of dengue in the endemic periods as well as in the cyclical epidemics. The aim of the study was to analyze the intra-urban differentials of the incidence in 2007 and 2008 relating them with socio-economical and environmental life conditions. METHOD: study of ecological approach using secondary data. The characterization of the life conditions was gotten from the Demographic Census (IBGE, 2000) and the epidemiologic data from the Surveillance National System (SINAN). The socio-economical index was based on school level and income of the head of family and overcrowding; the socioambiental index used information about sanitation and proportion of precarious domiciles. The variables were classified in quintis and points were attributed for each one. The score for neighborhood was resultant of the addition of the points for each variable. The neighborhoods had been classified in stratus of risk from the combination of results of the two indexes. RESULTS: The incidence was lesser in stratus of average and low risk and very high in the stratum of the highest risk but was bigger then expected in the stratum classified at minimum risk indicating dissociation between life conditions and occurrence of the illness. CONCLUSION: Higher incidences of the dengue fever in Cuiaba in 2007 and 2008 have been observed in places with precarious conditions of sanitation and inhabited by populations with lesser level of income and education level but there is no linear correlation between life conditions and incidence.

Adolescente , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto Jovem , Dengue/epidemiologia , Saúde da População Urbana , Brasil/epidemiologia , Incidência , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Fatores de Tempo
Rev. cuba. hig. epidemiol ; 49(2): 202-217, Mayo-ago. 2011.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-615301


INTRODUCCIÓN: No existen muchas publicaciones científicas que aborden los diferenciales de salud entre las provincias de Cuba, ni que documenten los principales factores que impactaron en los resultados de salud de la población durante el período 1989 - 2000. En el año 2002 Fidel Castro destacó la existencia de una serie de errores de conducción y organización durante ese periodo, que a su criterio debilitaron el sistema de salud cubano y propiciaron la aparición de "determinadas desigualdades". OBJETIVO: Describir los principales diferenciales de salud existentes entre los distintos territorios de Cuba (factores determinantes de la salud de los cubanos) durante el período estudiado (2002-2008). MÉTODOS: Se utilizó como unidad geográfica a la provincia. Las catorce provincias cubanas fueron estratificadas sobre la base de tres ejes fundamentales: demográfico, económico y condiciones de vida, con vista a identificar posibles diferenciales de salud (inequidades en salud y en servicios de salud) mediante el empleo de la técnica del coeficiente de Gini y del índice de concentración. RESULTADOS: Se muestran los principales factores o variables con diferenciales de salud presentes en el país por provincias durante el período estudiado, se identificaron los factores o variables que mayores diferenciales exhibieron por cada uno de los ejes demográfico (densidad poblacional), económico (producción mercantil) y condiciones de vida (cobertura sanitaria). Se definen las diferencias existentes entre cada una de las provincias y por regiones y las características muy particulares de la capital cubana como provincia. CONCLUSIONES: Se confirma la hipótesis de que a pesar de la férrea voluntad política del estado de evitar inequidades en salud, aún se observan diferenciales no importantes en el comportamiento de las variables estudiadas por cada uno de los ejes de análisis entre provincias. No obstante, existen diferencias entre el comportamiento de esos diferenciales de acuerdo con los ejes de análisis, aspectos que deben ser y fueron considerados durante el proceso de diseño de políticas sanitarias, de reorganización de los servicios de salud, de formación de capital humano y de abordaje intersectorial de los determinantes no médicos de la salud durante los años más duros del período especial, lo que viene a confirmar el modelo teórico desarrollado previamente por los autores.

INTRODUCTION: There is a lack of scientific publications approaching the health differentials among the Cuban provinces and of to document the leading factors with impact on the health results in the population during the period 1989-2000. In 2002 Fidel Castro Rus emphasized on the existence of errors in the management and organization during above mentioned period, that according to his criterion to weaken the Cuban health system and led to appearance of "determined inequalities". OBJECTIVE: To describe the leading health differentials present among the different Cuban territories (determinant health factors for Cubans) during the study period (2002-2008). METHODS: The province was used as geographical unit. The fourteen Cuban provinces were stratified on the base of the three fundamental bases: demographic, economic and life conditions to identify the potential health differentials (inequalities in health and in its services) using the Gini's coefficient technique and the concentration's index. RESULTS: The leading factors or variables with health differentials present in our country by provinces during the study period are showed, identifying the factors or variables with greater differentials by each of the demographic bases (population density), economic (commercial production) and life conditions (health coverage). The differences present among each of the provinces and regions are defined as well as the very particular characteristics of the Cuban capital as province. CONCLUSIONS: The hypothesis that despite the strong political and state will to avoid health inequalities, still there are no-significant differences in the behavior of study variables by each of the bases of analysis among provinces. Nevertheless, there differences among the behavior of such differentials according to analysis's bases, features that be and were considered during the process of health politics design, of reorganization of health services, of human resource training and the intersectorial approach of non-health physicians determinants during the more hard year of special period, confirming the theoretical model previously developed by the authors.

Rev. argent. dermatol ; 92(2)abr.-jun. 2011. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-634431


Se efectúa una revisión del penfigoide ampollar anti-P200 desde el punto de vista clínico, histopatológico, inmunológico como su tratamiento y múltiples diagnósticos diferenciales.

A review of the anti-P200 pemphigoid from the clinical, histopathological, immunological are updated, as well assess to its treatment and various differentials diagnosis.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 15(1): 239-245, jan. 2010. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-538947


O perfil epidemiológico das populações tem sofrido modificações ao longo da história e nos diferentes espaços populacionais. Ao longo dos anos, a epidemiologia vem estudando as modificações no perfil epidemiológico das populações, determinando, a partir dos indicadores de saúde, a situação de saúde das mesmas, utilizando-se principalmente dos dados de mortalidade existentes nos sistemas de informação de todo país. Com o objetivo de conhecer a situação de mortalidade segundo sexo, idade, grupos de causas e causas específicas de morte no município de Camaragibe no período de 1999 a 2003, utilizou-se um estudo do tipo descritivo. Foram construídos indicadores de mortalidade, utilizando-se as variáveis disponíveis no Sistema de Mortalidade (SIM). Realizou-se uma descrição da situação de mortalidade ressaltando-se os diferenciais intra-urbanos utilizando-se as RPA como unidade de análise. O comportamento da mortalidade apresentou variações em função da RPA de residência; porém, para alguns dos indicadores, esses diferenciais não foram muito claros. Os resultados do estudo sugeriram que os diferenciais de mortalidade estavam polarizados nas regiões do município, necessitando de maior aprofundamento dessa análise, utilizando uma unidade mais desagregada.

The epidemiological profile of the populations has changed throughout history and populace spaces. Throughout the years, epidemiologists have studied the changes in the epidemiological profiles of the populations, employing, according to the given health figures, the health of the populations, using specially the mortality data of the information systems in the entire country. Aiming to identify the mortality situation as per sex, age, cause groups and specific death causes in the municipality of Camaragibe, from 1999 to 2003, a descriptive study has been used taking into account the variables presented at SIM (Sistema de Mortalidade). Moreover, using the RPA's as analysis units, a description of the mortality situation was performed taking into consideration the intra-urban differentials. The mortality behavior presented variations in relation to RPA of residence, albeit, for some indicators, these differentials were not so clear. The findings suggest that the mortality differentials were polarized in the municipality regions, and a further analysis using a more spaced out unit may be needed.

Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Mortalidade/tendências , Brasil/epidemiologia , Fatores de Tempo , Saúde da População Urbana
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 1363-1367, 2010.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-295971


Objective To compare the magnitude of inequities in health-related behaviors among males in Guangdong province, and to investigate the extent of the disparities. Methods Data sets available from the Guangdong Chronic Diseases and Risk Factors Survey 2007 are used.Concentration index (C) and concentration curve are employed to measure the differential of males'health-related behaviors across urban and rural areas in Guangdong. Odds ratios of 6 health-related behaviors among different areas are derived from 4 logistic models, after adjusting for age, married state, educational status, occupation and income. Results Results from Cs reveal that the inequality gradients disadvantageous to men in rural areas are: smoking(C=-0.075, P=0.000), alcohol intake (C=-0.023, P=0.002), blood pressure (C=0.106, P=0.000), blood sugar(C=0.114, P=0.000)and weight (C= 0.107, P= 0.000 ), while lack of physical activity (C= 0.044, P= 0.000) concentrates in the more affluent areas. The magnitudes of these inequalities appear to be higher on health-seeking behaviors than on health-risk behaviors. After adjusting for age and marital status, there is still strong evidence showing the rural-urban differences in the health related behaviors among males in Guangdong province. When educational status, occupation and income are added to the logistic model as control factors, the results have led to a loss of statistical significance on such rural-urban inequalities, indicating that socioeconomic factors play an important role on these health-related behaviors which leads to the inequalities among males in Guangdong province. Conclusion To reduce the gaps in health-related behaviors seen in the rural and urban areas, effective policies should be developed to change the social determinants of rural-urban differences in health and to strengthen the implementation of health-related programs on those vulnerable groups.

Rev. gerenc. políticas salud ; 8(17): 106-122, dic. 2009.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-586274


Se presenta una perspectiva de género para el análisis de la situación en salud, así como la articulación de las categorías género y salud para entender las diferencias de la salud de la mujer con respecto a la del varón, y también las especificidades que poseen las identidades de género no normativas, tales como las de personas transgeneristas. La información epidemiológica enmascara una gran parte de los problemas de mayor prevalencia e incidencia en cada sexo. Se recomienda prestar atención específica a aquellos procesos que subyacen a los problemas de salud de hombres y mujeres, y que trascienden el individualismo biomédico, así como estudiar las fuerzas sociales e históricas que por razones de género resultan en desventaja para el disfrute de la salud, y pasar del ámbito individual al colectivo.

This article gives a gender perspective of the analysis of the health situation, as well as the articulation between the categories of gender and health, in order to understand the differencesbetween women’s and men’s health and also the specificities that not normative gender identity has, such as the transgender people have. The epidemiological information masks a high proportion of problems with a greater prevalence and incidence on one of the sexes. The recommendationsare, to lend special attention to the disparate processes underlying the unhealthy lives of women and men, to transcend biomedical individualism, as well as to study the socialand historical forces which generate gender-related health disadvantages, and to pass from the individual to the collective level.

Apresenta-se una perspectiva de gênero para a analise da situação em saúde, bem como a articulação das categorias gênero e saúde para entender as diferenças da saúde da mulher comrespeito à do homem, e também as especificidades que possuem as identidades de gênero não normativas, tais como as de pessoas transgeneristas. A informação epidemiológica mascara uma grande parte dos problemas de maior prevalência e incidência em cada sexo. Recomenda-se prestar atendimento específico aos processos que subjazem aos problemas de saúde de homens emulheres, e que transcendam o individualismo biomédico, assim como estudar as forças sociais e históricas que por razões de gênero de sejam desvantagens para o desfrute da saúde e passar do âmbito individual ao coletivo.

Identidade de Gênero , Saúde da Mulher , HIV , Saúde do Homem