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Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981454


In this paper, 50 batches of representative traditional Chinese medicine tablets were selected and the disintegration time was examined with the method in Chinese Pharmacopoeia. The disintegration time and disintegration phenomenon were recorded, and the dissolution behaviors of water-soluble and ultraviolet-absorbent components during the disintegration process of tablets were characterized by self-control method. The results revealed that coating type and raw material type influenced the disintegration time of tablets. It was found that only 4% of traditional Chinese medicine tablets had obvious fragmentation during the disintegration process, while 96% of traditional Chinese medicine tablets showed gradual dissolution or dispersion. Furthermore, according to the disintegration speed, disintegration phenomenon, and whether the cumulative dissolution of measured components was > 90% at complete disintegration, a disintegration behavior classification system(DBCS) was created for the regular-release traditional Chinese medicine tablets. As a result, the disintegration behaviors of 50 batches of traditional Chinese medicine tablets were classified into four categories, i.e. ⅠA_2, ⅠB_1, ⅡB_1, and ⅡB_2. traditional Chinese medicine tablets(Class I) with disintegration time ≤ 30 min were defined to be rapid in disintegration, which can be the objective of optimization or improvement of Chinese herbal extract(semi extract) tablets. Different drug release models were used to fit the dissolution curve of traditional Chinese medicine tablets with gradual dissolution or dispersion phenomenon(i.e. Type B tablets). The results showed that the dissolution curves of water-soluble components in the disintegration process conformed to the zero order kinetics and the Ritger-Peppas model. It could be inferred that the disintegration mechanisms of type B tablets were a combination of dissolution controlled and swelling controlled mechanisms. This study contributes to understanding the disintegration behavior of traditional Chinese medicine tablets, and provides a reference for the design and improvement of disintegration performance of traditional Chinese medicine tablets.

Comércio , Medicina Tradicional Chinesa , Comprimidos , Água , Composição de Medicamentos
Artigo em Francês | AIM | ID: biblio-1561414


La présente étude, fondée sur l'approche qualitative et analytique, a pour objectif principal d'analyser les facteurs explicatifs de l'inaccessibilité aux soins dans le service des urgences du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire(CHU)de Cocodyqui est l'une des structures sanitaires de référence au plan national. De façon spécifique, il s'agit d'une part, de mettre en reliefles ressources matérielles et humaines que disposentlesurgencesduCHU de Cocody, la qualité de l'accueil et la communication entrepersonnel soignant et clients, l'incidence de la tarification des actes médicaux qui fait que l'hôpitalest devenu désormais une entrepriseà la recherchedu profit, et d'autre part, laplace accordéeaux aidants familiauxdans le système de soins, ainsi que le niveau de confiance entre acteurs médicaux et clients. En rapportavecl'approche qualitative, nous avons usé de la recherchedocumentaire, de l'observation directe et d'entretiens semi-directifs pour le recueil des données.Les résultats, après analyse de contenu des données, révèlent que plusieurs facteurs expliquent l'inaccessibilité aux soins dans les urgences du CHU de Cocody à savoir: l'insuffisance des capacités d'accueil et du personnel soignant vue comme une difficulté consubstantielle, la maximisation du profit à travers la tarification et le recouvrement des prestations qui transforme l'hôpital en une entreprise commerciale, le déni de sociabilité autour de la maladie dicté par un système de fonctionnement qui accorde peu de place aux aidants familiaux, le délitement de la confiance entre personnel soignant et clients

The present study, based on the qualitative and analytical approach, has as main objective to analyze the explanatory factors of the inaccessibility to care in the emergency department of the University Hospital Center (UHC) of Cocody which is one of the structures reference health facilities at the national level. Specifically, it is a question, on the one hand, of highlighting the material and human resources available to the emergencies of the UHC of Cocody, the quality of the reception and the communication between nursing staff and clients, the incidence of the pricing of medical acts which means that the hospital has now become a profit-seeking business, and on the other hand, the place given to family caregivers in the healthcare system, as well as the level of trust between medical actors and clients .In connection with the qualitative approach, we used documentary research, direct observation and semi-structured interviews to collect data.Theresults, after content analysis of the data, reveal that several factors explain the inaccessibility to care in the emergencies of the UH Cof Cocody, namely: the insufficiency of the reception capacities and the nursing staff seen as a consubstantial difficulty, the maximization profit through the pricing and collection of services which transforms the hospital into a commercial enterprise, the denial of sociability around the disease dictated by an operating system which leaves little room for family carers, the disintegration of trust between caregivers and clients.

Enfermagem , Custos e Análise de Custo , Enfermagem de Cuidados Críticos , Atenção à Saúde , Centros Médicos Acadêmicos
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e20584, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403761


Abstract Personalized medicine is gaining importance in pharmacotherapeutics as it allows tailoring the drug treatment to achieve the best patient response. Orodispersible film (ODF) is easy to formulate in hospitals, produces dose flexibility to suit an individual needs, particularly for patients suffer from swallowing issues or prohibited to take fluids. Sertraline Hydrochloride (SRT) was solubilized in several cosolvents, then different SRT ODFs based on five hydrophilic polymers namely; polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), hydroxylethyl cellulose (HEC), hydroxypropyl methylcellulose E5 LV (HPMC E5 LV), sodium alginate (NaAlg) and gelatin at two concentrations (2% and 4%) were developed and characterized. The outcomes were exposed to response surface analysis to obtain the desirability results to obtain the optimized formulation. Blended ODFs were developed from 4% PVA and 2% HEC in different blends and then potassium chloride (KCl) as a pore-forming agent was added to the best formulation to investigate its dissolution enhancement effect. F14 containing 4% PVA: 2% HEC 2:1 with 5% KCl showed best physicochemical properties of suitable pH (5.6), disintegration time (6 sec), good folding endurance which released 91 % SRT after 15 min. SRT ODF is an encouraging delivery system in the course of personalized medicine for the management of depression.

Solventes , Sertralina/análise , Medicina de Precisão , Excipientes , Otimização de Processos
Entramado ; 17(1): 98-121, ene.-jun. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249777


RESUMEN El objetivo principal fue describir a la luz de dos historias de vida familiares, la influencia que ha ejercido el conflicto armado colombiano en los procesos de desintegración y recomposición de la unidad familiar; buscando comprender los retos, dificultades y alternativas que atañen a las familias víctimas que han experimentado esta tensión. Se utilizó un paradigma hermenêutico, un enfoque cualitativo, un método de estudio de caso por medio de historias de vida. Para la recuperación y recopilación de los datos se empleó una entrevista semiestructurada en donde, por medio de ejes conversacionales, se dialogó sobre el pasado, el presente y el futuro de la familia. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó la hermenéutica y el análisis conversacional, lo que facilitó una codificación axial y abierta. Participaron dos familias víctimas del conflicto armado, una del Chocó y otra de Santander: Los principales hallazgos indican que el conflicto generó en sus integrantes sentimientos de tristeza, temor desconfianza y pérdida de identidad como grupo, provocando el debilitamiento de las relaciones familiares, un cambio de roles y como consecuencia, el distanciamiento entre los integrantes; asimismo, las mujeres se empoderaron en su función como cabeza de familia, dando soporte emocional y económico, mostrando su resiliencia, emprendimiento y generosidad, lo que permitió la posterior recomposición de la familia.

ABSTRACT The main objective of this research was to describe, in the light of two family life stories, the influence that the Colombian armed conflict has had on the processes of disintegration and recomposition of the family unit, with the intention of understanding the challenges, alternatives and difficulties presented to victim families who have experienced this stress. An hermeneutical paradigm, a qualitative approach, and a case study method through life stories lead the methodology For the recovery and gathering of data, a semi-structured interview was used, in which, through conversational axes, the past, present and future of the family were discussed. Hermeneutics and conversational analysis were used to analyze the data, which allowed for an axial and open coding. Two families who were victims of the armed conflict participated, one from Chocó and the other from Santander The main findings of this study indicated that the conflict generated in its members feelings °f sadness, fear mistrust and loss of identity as a group, causing the weakening of family relationships, a change in roles and, as a consequence, distance between the members. Likewise, women were empowered in their role as heads of the family giving emotional and economic support, showing their resilience, entrepreneurship and generosity, which allowed the recomposition of the family to take place.

RESUMO O objetivo foi descrever à luz de duas histórias de vida familiar a influência que o conflito armado colombiano teve nos processos de desintegração e recomposição do núcleo familiar com o intuito de compreender os desafios, alternativas e dificuldades apresentado às famílias das vítimas que passaram por esse estresse. Para tanto, foi utilizado um paradigma hermenêutico, uma abordagem qualitativa, um método de estudo de caso por meio de histórias de vida. Para a recuperação e compilação dos dados, foi utilizada uma entrevista semiestruturada, na qual, por meio de eixos conversacionais, foram discutidos o passado, o presente e o futuro da família. A hermenêutica e a análise conversacional foram utilizadas para a análise dos dados, o que facilitou uma codificação axial e aberta. Participaram duas famílias vítimas do conflito armado, uma de Chocó e outra de Santander Os principais achados deste estudo indicam que o conflito gerou em seus membros sentimentos de tristeza, medo, desconfiança e perda da identidade como grupo, ocasionando o enfraquecimento das relações familiares, mudança de papéis e, por consequência, distanciamento entre os membros. Da mesma forma, as mulheres foram empoderadas no papel de chefes de família, dando suporte emocional e econômico, mostrando sua resiliência, empreendedorismo e generosidade, o que permitiu a recomposição da família.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-906120


Objective:This paper constructs a generalized regression neural network (GRNN) model to predict the disintegration time of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) tablets. Method:Taking Astragali Radix as a model drug, the mixed Astragali Radix powders with different powder properties were prepared by mixing Astragali Radix extract powders with microcrystalline cellulose and lactose, which were made to Astragali Radix tablets by direct compression method. The powder properties of mixed Astragali Radix powders and the disintegration time of Astragali Radix tablets were determined, respectively. The correlation between the original data was eliminated by principal component analysis (PCA). The principal component factors were used as the input layer of the GRNN model, and the disintegration time was used as the output layer for network training. Finally, the verification group data was used to predict the disintegration time, and the network prediction accuracy was calculated by comparing with the actual value. Result:Three principal component factors were obtained through PCA by analyzing the original nine variables that were correlated with each other (Hausner ratio, true density, tap density, compression degree, angle of repose, bulk density, porosity, water content and total dissolved solids), which reduced the complexity of the network. The prediction value of the disintegration time based on this prediction method was in good agreement with the actual value, the error of disintegration time was 0.01-1.34 min and the average relative error was 3.16%. Conclusion:Based on the GRNN mathematical model, the physical properties of Astragali Radix extract powders can be used to accurately predict the disintegration time of Astragali Radix tablets, which provides a reference for studying the disintegration time of TCM tablets.

Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 2366-2378, 2021.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-887803


Food-borne pathogens pose great risks to human health and public safety, and the formation of biofilm exacerbates their pathogenicity and antimicrobial resistance. Enzymes can target special substances in the biofilm to disintegrate the biofilm of food-borne pathogens, which has great potential for applications. This review summarized the progress of using enzymes to disintegrate the biofilms of food-borne pathogens, highlighting quorum-quenching enzymes, C-di-GMP metabolic enzymes, as well as extracellular matrix hydrolases. Finally, challenges and perspectives on developing enzymes into effective products for disintegrating the biofilms of food-borne pathogens were discussed.

Humanos , Biofilmes , Percepção de Quorum
Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 33: e222510, 2021.
Artigo em Português | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1250540


Resumo Este estudo objetivou compreender a importância de narrar e transmitir experiência a partir da memória do velho e do lugar de pária que lhe é destinado no modo de produção do capitalismo. Parte de estudos realizados pela psicóloga social Ecléa Bosi e por Benjamin. São discutidos dois elementos presentes nas experiências relatadas pela autora e que estão presentes no conceito de história já elaborado por Benjamin: a importância da rememoração e da redenção messiânica. A relevância de narrar as experiências diz respeito ao que se apresenta predominantemente nas memórias colhidas: a transmissão das possibilidades não realizadas. Analisa-se como a forma de trabalho flexível do capitalismo violenta a possibilidade de construção da memória de si na sua vinculação com a memória do outro ao impor aos sujeitos o desenraizamento e seu efeito desagregador da memória. Por fim, discute-se a urgente necessidade de transformação das condições que geram opressão dos velhos trabalhadores.

Resumen Este estudio tuvo como objetivo comprender la importancia de narrar y transmitir experiencia a partir de la memoria del viejo y del lugar de paria que le es destinado en el modo de producción del capitalismo. Parte de los estudios realizados por la psicóloga social Ecléa Bosi y Walter Benjamin. Se discuten dos elementos presentes en las experiencias relatadas por la autora y que están presentes en el concepto de historia ya elaborado por Benjamin: la importancia de la evocación y de la redención mesiánica. La relevancia de narrar las experiencias se refiere a lo que se presenta predominantemente en las memorias cosechadas: la transmisión de las posibilidades no realizadas. Se analiza cómo la forma de trabajo flexible del capitalismo violenta la posibilidad de construcción de la memoria de sí en su vinculación con la memoria del otro al imponer a los sujetos el desarraigo y su efecto disgregador de la memoria. Por último, se discute la urgente necesidad de transformación de las condiciones que generan opresión de los viejos trabajadores.

Abstract This study aimed to understand the importance of narrating and transmitting experience from the memory of the elder and the place of pariah destined to them in capitalism's mode of production. It has as reference studies carried out by the social psychologist Ecléa Bosi and by Walter Benjamin. Two elements present in the experiences reported by Bosi - which are present in the concept of history already elaborated by Benjamin -, are discussed: the importance of the remembrance and the messianic redemption. The relevance of narrating experiences relates to what is predominantly presented in the collected memories: the transmission of unrealized possibilities. It is analyzed how capitalism's flexible working form violates the possibility of constructing the memory of oneself in its connection with the memory of the other by imposing on people the uprooting and its disintegrating effect of memory. Finally, it discusses the urgent need to transform the conditions that generate oppression of the old workers.

Humanos , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Idoso , Capitalismo , Opressão Social , Acontecimentos que Mudam a Vida , Memória , Marginalização Social , Narrativa Pessoal
Tempo psicanál ; 52(2): 277-301, jul.-dez. 2020.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1252264


Partindo da noção de indignação e revolta, com base nas análises freudo-lacanianas de Hamlet, de Shakespeare, este ensaio discute a relação entre desinserção social e ato infracional de adolescentes em conflito com a lei. Para isso, remonta ao conceito de adolescência e de desorientação simbólica para analisar como esses sujeitos, à diferença do personagem shakespeariano, são impelidos a agir mediante a revolta, mesmo que seu ato possa levá-los ao pior. Por meio do caso José, conclui mostrando alguma saída possível para adolescentes criminais que não se reduza nem à paralisia neurótica nem ao ato não dialetizável.

Based on the notion of indignation and revolt, based on the analyzes of Freud and Lacan de Hamlet, by Shakespeare, this essay discusses the relationship between social disinsertion and the infraction of adolescents in conflict with the law. The Essay goes back to the concept of adolescence and symbolic disorientation to analyze how these subjects are impelled to act through revolt, even if their act may lead them to the worst. Through the José case, the essay shows some possible way out for criminal adolescents that is not reduced to neither neurotic paralysis nor non-dialectable act.

A partir de la noción de indignación y rebelión, basada en los análisis freudolacanianos de Shakespeare, este ensayo discute la relación entre la desinserción social y la infracción de adolescentes en conflicto con la ley. El artículo vuelve al concepto de adolescencia y desorientación simbólica para analizar cómo estos sujetos, a diferencia del personaje de Shakespeare, se ven impulsados a actuar por medio de la revuelta, aunque su acto pueda llevarlos a lo peor. A través del caso de José, concluye mostrando una posible salida para los adolescentes criminales que no se reduce ni a una parálisis neurótica ni a un acto intransigente.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-846357


Objective: To optimize the prescription and preparation process of "Hugan I" Orally Disintegrating Tablets, and investigate its efficacy against acute liver injury in mice. Methods: Single factor method was used for disintegrants, lubricants, and fillers screening. Taking the appearance, hardness, friability and disintegration time of the tablets as the comprehensive evaluation index, the dosage of disintegrant, micro-silica gel and magnesium stearate was selected as the investigation factor. The Box-Behnken response surface method was used to optimize the orally disintegrating tablets. Acetaminophen (APAP, 500 mg/kg) was used to replicate acute liver injury model by one-time high-dose intragastric administration to investigate the effects of orally disintegrating tablets on the activities of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) in serum, the content of glutathione (GSH) and malondialdehyde (MDA) and morphological changes in liver tissue. Results: The optimal prescription was as following: dry paste powder 22.00%, microcrystalline cellulose 18.00%, sorbitol 20.00%, mannitol 16.00%, Aspartame 0.50%, citric acid 0.50%, disintegration agent L-HPC 20.00%, micro-powder silica gel 2.50% and magnesium stearate 0.50%. The hardness of the orally disintegrating tablets was 4-7 kg, the mean disintegration time was about 50 s, and the mean friability was around 0.85%. Compared with the model group, there were significant differences (P < 0.01) in Biphenyl diester control group, "Hugan I" Decoction group and "Hugan I" Orally Disintegrating Tablets group, and the levels of ALT and AST in the serum of the mice were significantly decreased, The content of MDA in the liver tissue was decreased, which improved the damage of APAP to liver tissue. Conclusion: The formulation of the "Hugan I" Orally Disintegrating Tablet is feasible and easy to operate, which achieves the same effect with "Hugan I" Decoction that effectively prevent liver damage caused by acetaminophen with no significant differences.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-846640


Objective: To provide scientific evidence for the identification of Prinsepiae Nux by observing the characteristics and microscopic characteristics, which may be of relevance to the compilation of 2020 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia. Methods: The pharmacognosy of fruit core from 12 batches of P. uniflora and nine batches of P. uniflora var. serrata were studied by character identification, micro-morphological identification, conventional microscopic identification and polarized light microscopic identification. Results: From the shape, size, color, surface characteristics, texture, cross-section, qi, taste and other aspects, the characteristics of pupae and dentate wood were observed and studied. For the hard texture and after the softening treatment, it is still not suitable to prepare cross-sections to observe the complete plant tissue structure and determine the medicinal material of the tissue site. Using free-hand slicing technology of positioning and taking materials can accurately obtain the microscopic characteristics of plant tissue in specific parts; A medicinal material that integrates a large group of bundles and is difficult to show the complete morphological characteristics of a single cell after pulverization. Using dissociated tissue filming technology, it is possible to obtain clear, complete, and non-overlapping single cell full-spectrum and characteristic information. Conclusion: Micro-morphological characteristics (endocarp,cotyledon and seed coat)were obtained for the first time. the results of microscopic identification and micro-morphological identification fill in the blank of color image information. Stone cells of endocarp can be used as specific markers for microscopic identifying Prinsepiae Nux.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008332


In this paper, a real time release testing(RTRT) model for predicting the disintegration time of Tianshu tablets was established on the basis of the concept of quality by design(QbD), in order to improve the quality controllability of the production process. First, 49 batches of raw materials and intermediates were collected. Afterwards, the physical quality attributes of all materials were comprehensively characterized. The partial least square(PLS) regression model was established with the 72 physical quality attributes of raw materials and intermediates as input and the disintegration time(DT) of uncoated tablets as output. Then, the variable screening was carried out based on the variable importance in the projection(VIP) indexes. Moisture content of raw materials(%HR), tapped density of wet masses(D_c), hygroscopicity of dry granules(%H), moisture content of milling granules(%HR) and Carr's index of mixed granules(IC) were determined as the potential critical material attributes(pCMAs). According to the effects of interactions of pCMAs on the performance of the prediction model, it was finally determined that the wet masses' D_c and the dry granules'%H were critical material attributes(CMAs). A RTRT model of the disintegration time prediction was established as DT=34.09+2×D_c+3.59×%H-5.29×%H×D_c,with R~2 equaling to 0.901 7 and the adjusted R~2 equaling to 0.893 3. The average relative prediction error of validation set for the RTRT model was 3.69%. The control limits of the CMAs were determined as 0.55 g·cm~(-3)<D_c<0.63 g·cm~(-3) and 4.77<%H<7.59 according to the design space. The RTRT model of the disintegration time reflects the understanding of the process system, and lays a foundation for the implementation of intelligent control strategy of the key process of Tianshu Tablets.

Composição de Medicamentos , Liberação Controlada de Fármacos , Medicamentos de Ervas Chinesas/química , Análise dos Mínimos Quadrados , Solubilidade , Comprimidos
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci ; 2019 Sep; 11(9): 57-64
Artigo | IMSEAR | ID: sea-205950


Objective: The aim of the present study was to prepare the ondansetron hydrochloride Mouth Dissolving Tablets (MDTs) followed by its comparison with ethical and non-ethical (generic) marketed tablets. Methods: Prior to the formulation, drug excipient compatibility study was carried out by FTIR spectroscopy. The λmax was determined by UV spectroscopy. The ondansetron hydrochloride MDTs were prepared by direct compression method using Sodium Starch Glycolate (SSG) as super disintegrant and camphor as a sublimating agent. Then the prepared MDTs were subjected to evaluation of post compression parameters such as thickness and diameter, weight variation, wetting time, hardness, friability, disintegration and dissolution. The results obtained were compared with that of ethical and non-ethical marketed ondansetron hydrochloride 4 mg tablets. Results: The λmax was found at 310 nm. FTIR study revealed that excipients used in the prepared formulations are compatible with the drug. The thickness and diameter was in the range of 2.646 to 3.27 mm and 6.0 to 8.12 mm, respectively. Friability was in the range of 0.43 to 0.88 % and had a slightly higher friability (1.27%) for sublimated tablets. Wetting time and disintegration time were in the range of 15 to 40 sec and 23 to 50 sec, respectively. The 100 % drug release was found within 180 sec for all the codes. These results were then compared with non-ethical film coated ondansetron marketed tablets. Conclusion: Ondansetron hydrochloride MDT 4 mg tablets prepared in the laboratory were under specified IP limits. The experimental findings demonstrated that any of these ethical and non-ethical tablets of ondansetron hydrochloride can be selected, advised by the physician or pharmacist, as per the patient’s need and economical status.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-801732


Objective:To prepare Lycii Fructus polysaccharide buccal tablets and investigate its immunomodulatory effect. Method:Taking the appearance, taste, hardness and disintegration time of the tablets as comprehensive evaluation index, based on single factor tests, central composite design-response surface methodology was adopted to optimize the prescription of Lycii Fructus polysaccharide buccal tablets with mass ratio of dextrin to mannitol, mass ratio of cyclamate to malic acid and dosage of sodium carboxymethyl starch (CMS-Na) as factors. Kunming mice were randomly divided into 5 groups, namely the Lycii Fructus polysaccharide buccal tablets low (100 mg·kg-1·d-1), medium (200 mg·kg-1·d-1) and high (300 mg·kg-1·d-1) dose groups, the normal group (0.9% normal saline, 300 mg·kg-1·d-1) and the positive medicine group (Cinengsu group, 300 mg·kg-1·d-1). The immunomodulatory effect of the buccal tablets were investigated by calculating immune organ index, monocyte-macrophage phagocytic index, serum hemolysin antibody level, and the voix pedis thickness difference of delayed hypersensitivity (DTH) of mice. Result:Optimal prescription for the buccal tablets was 80% of Lycii Fructus extract, 11.5% of dextrin-mannitol (1.2:1), 1% of cyclamate-malic acid (1:1), 0.5% of cream essence, 6.5% of CMS-Na, 0.5% of magnesium stearate, and appropriate amount of 80% ethanol. Under the optimal condition, the hardness of the buccal tablets was 11.83 kg, its disintegration time was 13.21 min, both of which were in line with the relevant provisions of the 2015 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia, and the buccal tablets had good appearance and taste. Compared with the normal group, medium and high dose groups of Lycii Fructus polysaccharide buccal tablets significantly increased thymus index, spleen index and phagocytic index of mice (PPPPPConclusion:The formulation process of the buccal tablets optimized by central composite design-response surface methodology is stable and feasible, and Lycii Fructus polysaccharide buccal tablets can improve the immune regulation function of normal mice, and this study can provide experimental basis for the development, utilization and clinical application of Lycii Fructus and Lycii Fructus polysaccharides.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 46-49, 2018.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-704516


OBJECTIVE:To prepare Dexzopiclone orally disintegrating tablets (DODT),and to optimize its formulation.METHODS:Direct powder compression method was used to prepare DODT.Using repose angle of material,disintegration time and taste evaluation as indexes,single factor test was used to screen the types or amount of bulking agent,disintegrating agent,glidant and flavoring agent;using disintegration time as index,orthogonal experiment was applied to optimize the proportion of bulking agent,the amount of disintegrating agent,glidant and flavoring agent.Then the hardness and main component contents of DODT prepared by optimal formulation were determined.RESULTS:The optimal formulation was as follows as the ratio of mannitol-MCC 1 ∶ 4,the amount of disintegrating agent PVPP was 15%,the amount of glidant magnesium stearate was 1.0%,the amount of flavoring agent stevia was 3.0%.Three batches of prepared DODT were smooth in surface and good in taste;their disintegration time were(26.7 ± 1.2),(26.7 ± 0.6),(27.6 ± 0.9)s,hardness were (3.59 ± 0.19),(3.49 ± 0.18),(3.27 ± 0.16) kg,and contents were (99.47 ± 0.15) %,(99.53 ± 0.05)%,(99.46 ± 0.20) %,respectively (all RSDs≤0.87%,n=3).CONCLUSIONS:Prepared DODT are all in line with the quality requirements of orally disintegrating tablets.

China Pharmacist ; (12): 38-42, 2018.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-705446


Objective:To prepare aripiprazole oral disintegrating tablets , investigate the formula and evaluate the quality .Meth-ods:The formula of aripiprazole oral disintegrating tablets was investigated by a factorial experiment design .The aripiprazole particle size distribution ( X1 , D90/μm) , the ratio of mannitol to microcrystalline cellulose ( X2 ,%) and the amount of disintegration ( X3 ,%) were selected as the independent variables , and the tablet hardness ( Y1 , N) , the disintegration time ( Y2 , s) and the dissolution in 30 min ( Y3 ,%) were used as the dependent variables to ultimately determine the optimal formula .The dissolution profile of aripiprazole oral disintegrating tablets and the reference preparation in four dissolution media were compared by f2 similarity factor, and the stability of aripiprazole oral disintegrating tablets was investigated by accelerated stability testing .Results: The results of factorial experiment design of variance analysis showed that the filler ratio had significant effect on the tablet hardness (P<0.05), the amount of disinte-grant and the filler ratio had significant effect on the disintegration time (P<0.05), and the aripiprazole particle size had significant effect on the drug dissolution ( P<0.05 ) .The optimal formula of aripiprazole oral disintegrating tablets was as follows: the particle size D90 of aripiprazole was 20-40μm, the amount ratio of mannitol to microcrystalline cellulose was 2.5:1, and the amount of disinte-gration was 5.0%.Aripiprazole oral disintegrating tablets prepared with the optimal formula had higher hardness , shorter disintegration time and faster drug dissolution , and the dissolution profiles were similar with those of the reference preparation .The relevant sub-stances showed no significant increase during the accelerated stability testing , and the quality was satisfactory .Conclusion:The formu-la of aripiprazole oral disintegrating tablets is reasonable , the preparation process is feasible and the quality is controllable .

China Pharmacist ; (12): 2160-2164, 2017.
Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM | ID: wpr-664015


Objective:To optimize the formula of adefovir dipivoxil tablets and investigate the dissolution in vitro. Methods:The formula was optimized by the D-optimal mixture design, the effects of the amount of filler ( X1 ,%) , the amount of disintegrant agent ( X2 ,%) and the amount of binder ( X3 ,%) were selected as the independent variables, and the friability ( Y1 ,%) , disintegration time ( Y2 , min) and dissolution of adefovir dipivoxil ( Y3 ,%) were the dependent variables. The similarity of the self-prepared prepa-ration and the reference preparation was obtained by using f2 similarity factor. The stability of adefovir dipivoxil tablets was evaluated preliminarily by high temperature, high humidity and strong light testing. Results:The optimal formula of adefovir dipivoxil tablets was as follows:the amount of lactose monohydrate was 67. 0%, the weight of croscarmellose sodium was 8. 0% and the amount of pregelati-nized starch was 12. 0%. The prepared tablets had lower friability, shorter disintegration time and higher drug dissolution rate. The dissolution similarity factors of the self-prepared tablets and the reference preparation in four dissolution media were all greater than 50. The results of influencing factor tests showed that the product should be moisture preservation. Conclusion:The formula of adefovir dip-ivoxil tablets optimized by the D-optimal mixture design is similar to that of the reference preparation, and the preparation process is feasible, which can meet the requirements of large production.

Psicol. teor. pesqui ; 33: e3332, 2017. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-842311


RESUMO A Teoria da Desintegração Positiva (TDP), proposta por Dabrowski, constitui importante ferramenta para a compreensão do desenvolvimento emocional de superdotados. Trata-se de uma teoria do desenvolvimento da personalidade que enfatiza o papel desempenhado pelas emoções no potencial de desenvolvimento humano. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar conceitos centrais da TDP e suas contribuições para a área da superdotação. É enfatizado o conceito de sobre-excitabilidade, que, além de ser considerado um indicador de superdotação, representa um construto chave para o desenvolvimento de medidas e para promoção de intervenções que tenham como foco as características de personalidade e emocionais dos superdotados.

ABSTRACT Dabrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration (TPD) is taken as an important tool to understand the emotional development of gifted children. It is a theory of personality development which emphasizes the role of emotions in the human developmental potential. The purpose of this study is to present the central concepts of TPD and their contributions to the field of giftedness. It is emphasized the concept of overexcitabilites, which, besides being regarded as an indicator of giftedness, represents a key construct to the development of measures and to the promotion of interventions which focus is the personality and emotional characteristics of gifted children.

Ciênc. rural ; 46(11): 2064-2069, Nov. 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-796076


ABSTRACT: The purpose of the study was to prepare orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs) of mosapride citrate for dogs with fast disintegration and low cost. The ODTs were developed by varying the components and the ratio of excipients. A direct compression method was used. The properties of the ODTs, including hardness, friability, active ingredient content, and in vitro disintegration time, were investigated, and an economic analysis of the formulations was performed. For all formulations, friability was less than 1%, and the hardness varied from 37.69±4.08 to 48.73±5.62 N, which indicated that the tablets had sufficient mechanical integrity to withstand packaging and carrying. Results showed that Formulation (F) 2, containing 5% sodium carboxymethyl starch; F3, containing 5% low-substituted hydroxypropylcellulose; and F5 had not only shorter disintegration times but also lower costs, which were suitable for mosapride citrate ODTs. Although F1, contained 5% croscarmellose sodium, and F4, contained 5% crospovidone, with shorter disintegration times, the costs of F1 and F4 were 25.8% and 22.6% higher than that of F5, respectively. Results also revealed that the disintegration time of F5 was not significantly different from those of F1, F2, F3, and F4 (p>0.05), all of which contained superdisintegrants. Without superdisintegrants, F5, which contained a mixture of microcrystalline cellulose, mannitol, and lactose, was also able to achieve a short disintegration time and to meet the requirements of ODTs for dogs.

RESUMO: O objetivo do estudo foi o de preparar os comprimidos por via oral de desintegração (ODTs) de citrato de mosaprida para cães com desintegração rápida e de baixo custo. Os ODTs foram desenvolvidos através da variação dos componentes e proporção de excipientes. Um método de compressão direta foi utilizado. As propriedades dos ODTs, incluindo dureza, friabilidade, o teor de ingrediente ativo e no tempo de desintegração in vitro foram investigados e, adicionalmente, uma análise econômica das formulações foi realizada. Para todas as formulações, friabilidade foi inferior a 1%, a dureza e variou de 37,69 ± 4,08-48,73 ± 5,62 N, o que indica que os comprimidos tinham integridade mecânica suficiente para suportar a embalagem e transporte. Os resultados mostraram que a formulação (F) 2, contendo 5% de amido de carboximetilo de sódio, F3, contendo 5% de hidroxipropil celulose de baixa substituição, e F5 não só tiveram menores tempos de desintegração mas também preços mais baixos, que foram adequados para ODTs de citrato de mosapride. Embora F1, continha 5% de croscarmelose de sódio, e F4, continha 5% de crospovidona, com tempos de desintegração mais curtos, os custos de F1 e F4 eram 25,8% e 22,6% mais elevado do que a F5, respectivamente.. Os resultados também revelam que o tempo de desintegração de F5 não foi significativamente diferente do de F1, F2, F3, e F4 (P> 0.05), todas as quais contêm superdesintegrantes. Sem superdesintegrantes, F5, que contêm uma mistura de celulose microcristalina, manitol e lactose também foi capaz de conseguir um curto tempo de desintegração e satisfaz os requisitos de ODTs para cães.

Artigo em Inglês | IMSEAR | ID: sea-176885


Drug counterfeiting and production of substandard drug is a global problem. Substandard or counterfeit drugs are threat for the effective treatment of diseases and highly worsen the quality of life of patients. This study was aimed to assess the pharmaceutical quality of ranitidine hydrochloride tablets manufactured in Bangladesh. Tablets were collected from different parts of Bangladesh and quality parameters were evaluated according to the United States Pharmacopoeia and the British Pharmacopoeial methods. The potency of tablets was measured spectrophotometrically. Weight variation and disintegration time were performed according to pharmaceutical monographs. Among 43 brands tested, 8 failed to comply with the USP specification (active ingredient: 90±10%) due to containing of less amount of ranitidine of which 6 brands were spurious and 2 were substandard in nature. Two brands did not comply with the specification for weight variation of tablets whereas all brands passed disintegration time test. The findings clearly demonstrate the production of substandard ranitidine tablets in Bangladesh. The drug control authority of Bangladesh should take effective steps to prevent the production of substandard drugs to secure public health.

Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 14(1): 273-286, ene.-jun. 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-794052


Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo caracterizar la percepción que un grupo de mujeres internas en el Centro de Reclusión Femenino, próximas a ser liberadas, tenía acerca de la dinámica relacional de su familia de origen y la familia de elección. Entrevistamos a diez mujeres en forma individual. Encontramos que provienen de familias en las que existe una figura de autoridad dominante que suele ser la madre, y una figura paterna que es periférica o nula; es frecuente la violencia familiar y el abuso. La reclusión carcelaria acentúa la crisis familiar debido a que se trata de familias con escasos recursos económicos. La reclusión es un fenómeno que trasciende el ámbito familiar y carcelario, para plantearse como un asunto de interés para las políticas sociales de apoyo a la población carcelaria.

This research aims to characterize the perceptions among a group of female residents at a Female Detention Center that were close to being released regarding the dynamics of the relationships among their birth families and the families that later constructed. Ten women were individually interviewed. It was found that they come from families where the dominant authority figure is usually the mother while the father figure is peripheral or absent. There are often incidents of domestic violence and abuse within these families. The time in jail heightens the family crisis due to fact that these are families with low incomes. Imprisonment is a phenomenon that transcends the family and prison environments and should be considered an area of interest for social policies that support the imprisoned population.

Esta pesquisa objetivou caracterizar a percepção que um grupo de mulheres presas no Centro Feminino de Reclusão, e próximas de serem liberadas, tinha sobre a dinâmica de relação de sua família de origem e a família escolhida. Foram entrevistadas dez mulheres individualmente. Os resultados mostraram que elas vêm de famílias nas quais há uma figura de autoridade dominante, que normalmente é a mãe, e uma figura paterna, que é periférica ou nula; é frequente a violência familiar e o abuso. O encarceramento acentua a crise familiar já que se tratam de famílias com escassos recursos econômicos. A prisão é um fenômeno que transcende o âmbito familiar e carcerário e deve ser considerada como um assunto de interesse para as políticas sociais de apoio à população prisional.

Feminino , Violência Doméstica , Família , Marginalização Social , Problemas Sociais , Mulheres , Relações Familiares